Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

548 lines
22 KiB

  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
  2. <!--
  3. // This file is used for the part of the viewer where
  4. // we show the EEL data
  5. -->
  6. <HTML>
  7. <HEAD><TITLE>Enterprise Event Log Viewer</TITLE>
  8. <META content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type>
  9. <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="MSHTML 5.00.2920.0" ><!-- Syle Sheets ------------------------------------------------------->
  10. <LINK href="css/default.css" id=EEL_mainStyleSheet rel=stylesheet type=text/css>
  11. <script src="wmi_init.js" ></script>
  12. <script src="tv_init.js" ></script>
  13. <script defer src="wmi.js" ></script>
  14. <script defer src="tablview.js" ></script>
  15. <script src="localize.js" ></script>
  16. <script for=scrollBar event=onchange()>
  17. handleScroll();
  18. </script>
  21. BORDER="thick";
  22. BORDERSTYLE="normal";
  23. CAPTION="yes";
  24. ICON="eelView.ico";
  27. SHOWINTASKBAR="yes";
  29. SYSMENU="yes";
  30. VERSION="1.0";
  31. WINDOWSTATE="normal";
  32. CONTEXTMENU="no";
  33. >
  34. </HEAD>
  35. <BODY class=bodyClass id=mainBody onmousemove="mouseMove()" onmouseup="mouseUp()" style="OVERFLOW-X: auto">
  36. <!--
  37. // mainDiv is the DIV where the XML/XSL data will be displayed. This will
  38. // be filled in dynamically at run time.
  39. -->
  40. <DIV id=mainDiv
  41. style="OVERFLOW: hidden">
  42. <DIV id=customizeDiv onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" style="OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 100%;display:none">
  43. <!-- "customDiv" stands for the top row of the customization page.
  44. -->
  45. <DIV id="customDiv">
  46. <TABLE class="titleDiv">
  47. <TR>
  48. <TD>Customize View</TD>
  49. <TD align="right">
  50. <BUTTON accesskey="v" class="backToViewerButton" ID="viewerButton" title="Back to Viewer" onclick="backToViewer()"><u>V</u>iewer</BUTTON>
  51. <BUTTON accesskey="h" class="titleButton" ID="helpButton1" title="Show Help" onclick="bringUpHelp()"><u>H</u>elp</BUTTON>
  52. </TD>
  53. </TR>
  54. </TABLE>
  55. </DIV>
  56. <!-- Now starts the body of the tableview customization area. It has a div for column
  57. ordering and one for sorting.
  58. -->
  59. <DIV id="tableViewBodyDiv">
  60. <!-- Start of the body for the column ordering area
  61. -->
  62. <DIV id="ChooseColumnDiv" >
  63. <DIV class="tableHeaderDiv"> Choose Column Order </DIV>
  64. <TABLE class="sortDivClass">
  65. <TR>
  66. <TD> Available fields: </TD>
  67. <TD style="visibility:hidden;font-size:4pt">notdis</TD>
  68. <TD/>
  69. <TD style="visibility:hidden;font-size:4pt">is</TD>
  70. <TD> Selected fields:</TD>
  71. <TD/>
  72. </TR>
  73. <TR >
  74. <TD>
  75. <DIV id="AvailableFieldsForChooseColumnOrderDiv" >
  76. <select name="AvailableFieldsForChooseColumnOrder" class="availableSortFieldClass" tabindex="1" size="9" multiple="true" ondblclick="addChooseColumnOrderField()">
  77. </select>
  78. </DIV>
  79. </TD>
  80. <TD/>
  81. <TD>
  82. <TABLE>
  83. <TR>
  84. <TD>
  85. <BUTTON id="addChooseButton" class="smallButton" title="Add selected field to list of columns displayed" tabindex="2" onclick="addChooseColumnOrderField()"/>Add <SPAN style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12">>></SPAN>
  86. </TD>
  87. </TR>
  88. <TR>
  89. <TD>
  90. <BUTTON id="removeChooseButton" class="smallButton" title="Remove selected field from list of columns displayed" tabindex="3" onclick="removeChooseColumnOrderField()"/><SPAN style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12">&lt;&lt;</SPAN> Remove
  91. </TD>
  92. </TR>
  93. </TABLE>
  94. </TD>
  95. <TD/>
  96. <TD>
  97. <DIV id="selectedFieldsForChooseColumnOrderDiv" >
  98. <select name="selectedFieldsForChooseColumnOrder" class="availableSortFieldClass" size="9" tabindex="4" multiple="true" ondblclick="removeChooseColumnOrderField()">
  99. </select>
  100. </DIV>
  101. </TD>
  102. <TD>
  103. <TABLE>
  104. <TR>
  105. <TD>
  106. <BUTTON id="doChooseColumnButton" name="doChooseColumnButton" class="smallButton" title="Choose the columns " tabindex="7" onclick="doChooseColumnOrdering()">Apply</BUTTON>
  107. </TD>
  108. </TR>
  109. <TR>
  110. <TD>
  111. <BUTTON id="resetChooseColumnButton" name="resetChooseColumnButton" class="smallButton" title="Change to default column selection and ordering" tabindex="8" onclick="resetChooseColumns()">Default</BUTTON>
  112. </TD>
  113. </TR>
  114. <TR>
  115. <TD>
  116. <BUTTON id="cancelChooseColumnButton" name="cancelChooseColumnButton" class="smallButton" title="Cancel to previous column selection and ordering" tabindex="9" onclick="cancelChooseColumnOrderingSelection()">Reload</BUTTON>
  117. </TD>
  118. </TR>
  119. <TR><TD><BR/></TD></TR>
  120. </TABLE>
  121. </TD>
  122. <TD></TD>
  123. </TR>
  124. <TR>
  125. <TD/>
  126. <TD/>
  127. <TD/>
  128. <TD/>
  129. <TD>
  130. <BUTTON id="moveChooseColumnFieldUpButton" name="moveChooseColumnFieldUpButton" class="sortButton" title="Move the selected attribute one level up in choose column order" value = "Move Up" tabindex="5" onclick="moveChooseColumnOrderFieldUp()"/>Move Up
  131. <BUTTON id="moveChooseColumnFieldDownButton" name="moveChooseColumnFieldDownButton" class="sortButton" title="Move the selected attribute one level up in choose column order" value = "Move Down " tabindex="6" onclick="moveChooseColumnOrderFieldDown()"/>Move Down
  132. </TD>
  133. </TR>
  134. </TABLE>
  135. </DIV>
  136. <BR/>
  137. <!-- start of the body for the sorting customization area.
  138. -->
  139. <DIV id="SortingDiv" >
  140. <DIV class="tableHeaderDiv"> Sort Fields </DIV>
  141. <TABLE class="sortDivClass">
  142. <TR>
  143. <TD> Available fields: </TD>
  144. <TD style="visibility:hidden;font-size:4pt">notdis</TD>
  145. <TD/>
  146. <TD style="visibility:hidden;font-size:4pt">is</TD>
  147. <TD> Sorted fields: </TD>
  148. <TD/>
  149. </TR>
  150. <TR>
  151. <TD>
  152. <DIV id="AvailableFieldsForSortDiv" >
  153. <select name="AvailableFieldsForSort" accesskey="f" tabindex="10" style="width=180px;font:icon" size="9" multiple="true" ondblclick="addSortField()" >
  154. </select>
  155. </DIV>
  156. </TD>
  157. <TD/>
  158. <TD>
  159. <TABLE>
  160. <TR>
  161. <TD>
  162. <BUTTON class="smallButton" id="addSortField" name="addSortField" title="Add selected field to pending sort order" tabindex="11" onclick="addSortField()"/>Add <SPAN style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12">>></SPAN>
  163. </TD>
  164. </TR>
  165. <TR>
  166. <TD>
  167. <BUTTON class="smallButton" id="removeSortField" name="removeSortField" title="Remove selected field from pending sort order" tabindex="12" onclick="removeSortField()"/><SPAN style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12">&lt;&lt;</SPAN> Remove
  168. </TD>
  169. </TR>
  170. </TABLE>
  171. </TD>
  172. <TD/>
  173. <TD>
  174. <DIV id="selectedFieldsForSortDiv" >
  175. <select name="selectedFieldsForSort" style="width:180px;font:icon" size="9" multiple="true" tabindex="13" onchange="disableUpDownSort()" ondblclick="removeSortField()">
  176. </select>
  177. </DIV>
  178. </TD>
  179. <TD>
  180. <TABLE class="sortDivClass">
  181. <TR>
  182. <TD>
  183. <input type="radio" name="SortOrderType" id="sortAscending" value="SortOrderType" title="Do the sorting on ascending order" checked="true" tabindex="14" onclick="ascendingSelected()">Ascending </input><BR/>
  184. <input type="radio" name="SortOrderType" id="sortDescending" value="SortOrderType" title="Do the sorting on descending order" tabindex="15" onclick="descendingSelected()">Descending</input>
  185. </TD>
  186. </TR>
  187. <TR>
  188. <TD>
  189. <BUTTON id="doSortButton" name="doSortButton" class="smallButton" title="Sort the date by the selected attributes" tabindex="18" onclick="doSorting()"/>Apply
  190. </TD>
  191. </TR>
  192. <TR>
  193. <TD>
  194. <BUTTON id="resetSortButton" name="resetSortButton" class="smallButton" title="Change to default column sorting" tabindex="19" onclick="resetSortFields()"/>Default
  195. </TD>
  196. </TR>
  197. <TR>
  198. <TD>
  199. <BUTTON id="cancelSortButton" name="cancelSortButton" class="smallButton" title="Cancel to previous column sorting" tabindex="20" onclick="cancelSortingSelection()"/>Reload
  200. </TD>
  201. </TR>
  202. </TABLE>
  203. </TD>
  204. <TD></TD>
  205. </TR>
  206. <TR>
  207. <TD/>
  208. <TD/>
  209. <TD/>
  210. <TD/>
  211. <TD>
  212. <BUTTON id="moveSortFieldUpButton" name="moveSortFieldUpButton" class="sortButton" title="Move the selected attribute one level up in sort order" value = "Move Up" tabindex="16" onclick="moveSortingFieldUp()"/>Move Up
  213. <BUTTON id="moveDownSortFieldButton" name="moveDownSortFieldButton" class="sortButton" title="Move the selected attribute one level up in sort order" value = "Move Down " tabindex="17" onclick="moveSortingFieldDown()"/>Move Down
  214. </TD>
  215. </TR>
  216. </TABLE>
  217. </DIV>
  218. </DIV>
  219. <!-- start of the body for the start up customization area
  220. -->
  221. <DIV id="StartupDiv" style="font-icon">
  222. <BR><BR>
  223. </DIV>
  224. <!-- here ends the customization area.
  225. -->
  226. </DIV>
  227. <!-- Now starts the task area which has the viewer title, the connection and search.
  228. -->
  229. <DIV id=taskDiv style="margin:0;border:0;padding:0;DISPLAY: none; HEIGHT: auto">
  230. <!-- The table below encapsulates the header row of the EEL Viewer
  231. -->
  232. <TABLE class="titleDiv" onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  233. <TR>
  234. <TD>Enterprise Event Log Viewer</TD>
  235. <TD align="right"><BUTTON class="customizeButton" ID="custButton" accessKey="u" name="customizeButton" title="Customize the viewer display" onclick="customize()">C<u>u</u>stomize View</BUTTON>
  236. <BUTTON class="titleButton" ID="helpButton" accessKey="h" name="helpButton" title="Show Help" onclick="bringUpHelp()"><u>H</u>elp</BUTTON>
  237. </TD>
  238. </TR>
  239. </TABLE>
  240. <!-- Here starts the title of the connection pane
  241. -->
  242. <DIV id="CONNECTIONTHEAD" onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" class="tableHeaderDiv">
  243. <IMG ondragstart="ignoreEvent()" id=ConnectionImage onclick=showHideConnection() src="images\downgif.gif" style="CURSOR: hand" title ="Hide the Connection Window" ></IMG> Connection
  244. <SPAN id="NoConnectionSetup" style="FONT: icon; LEFT: 169px; POSITION: relative">
  245. No Connection Setup
  246. </SPAN>
  247. </DIV>
  248. <!-- Now we have the connection pane body.
  249. -->
  251. <TABLE name="CONNECTIONTABLE" style="FONT: icon; PADDING-RIGHT: 35px">
  252. <TR id="CONNECTIONT1R1" class="connectHeader2Div" style="FONT: icon">
  253. <TD style="FONT: icon; PADDING-RIGHT: 20px">
  254. <TABLE style="FONT: icon">
  255. <TR>
  256. <TD nowrap>
  257. <SPAN onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >Computer &nbsp;&nbsp;</SPAN>
  258. <SPAN>
  259. <INPUT name="MachineName" value ="localhost" id="MachineName" title="Enter the name of the machine for which you want to see the log" size="25" style="FONT: icon">
  260. </SPAN>
  261. </TD>
  262. </TR>
  263. <TR onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  264. <TD nowrap>
  265. <input type="radio" style="CURSOR: hand; FONT: icon" id="EELradio" name="eventLogType" value="EEL Log" checked="true" onclick="selectEEL()">
  266. </input>
  267. <label for="EELradio" style="CURSOR: hand; FONT: icon" id="EEL" value="EEL Log" onclick="selectEEL()">
  268. Enterprise Event Log
  269. </label>
  270. <input type="radio" style="CURSOR: hand; FONT: icon" id="NTradio"name ="eventLogType" value="NT Log" onclick="selectNT()">
  271. </input>
  272. <label for ="NTradio" style="CURSOR: hand; FONT: icon" id="NT" value="NT Log" onclick="selectNT()">
  273. NT Event Log
  274. </label>
  275. </TD>
  276. </TR>
  277. </TABLE>
  278. </TD>
  279. <TD onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  280. <BUTTON class="smallButton" accessKey="n" title="Connect to the machine" ID="connectButton" Name="connectButton" border="0" onclick=" makeConnection('All')">Co<u>n</u>nect</BUTTON>
  281. </TD>
  282. </TR>
  283. </TABLE>
  284. </DIV>
  285. <!-- Here starts the title of the search pane
  286. -->
  287. <DIV id="SEARCHHEAD" onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  288. <TABLE class="tableHeaderDiv"><TR ><TD nowrap=true>
  289. <IMG ondragstart="ignoreEvent()" id=SearchImage onclick=showHideSearch() src="images/arrowrgt.gif" style ="CURSOR: hand" title="Hide the Search Window" >
  290. </IMG> Search &nbsp;&nbsp;
  291. </TD>
  292. <TD id="recordStatus" style="FONT: icon " >
  293. </TD>
  294. <TD id="searchStatus" style="FONT: icon" >
  295. </TD>
  296. </TD>
  297. <TD align="right">
  298. &nbsp;&nbsp;
  299. <BUTTON class="refreshButton" disabled=true accessKey="p" title="Rerun the current search" ID="refreshButton" Name="refreshButton" border="0" onclick=" refreshSearch()">U<u>p</u>date</BUTTON>
  300. </TD></TR></TABLE>
  301. </DIV>
  302. <!-- Now starts the search body
  303. -->
  304. <!-- start RUCHI
  305. -->
  306. <DIV id="SEARCHDIV" style="DISPLAY: none">
  307. <TABLE id="SEARCHTABLE1" cellspacing="0">
  308. <TR id="SEARCHT1R1" dataRow="0" nowrap="false">
  309. <TABLE id="SEARCHTABLE2" cellspacing="0px">
  310. <TR id="SEARCHT2R1" class="searchHeaderDiv">
  311. <TD>
  312. <TABLE>
  313. <TR onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  314. <TD style="font:icon" >
  315. <SPAN id="eventTypeName">Event Type:</SPAN>
  316. <DIV id="EventTypeSelectionDiv">
  317. <select class="EventTypeSelectionType" name="EventTypeSelection">
  318. </select>
  319. </DIV>
  320. </TD>
  321. </TR>
  322. </TABLE>
  323. </TD>
  324. <!-- <TD style="visibility:hidden;font-size:5pt;">nottod</TD> -->
  325. <TD>
  326. <TABLE id="TSEARCHSNGLCOND" style="font:icon" cellspacing="0">
  327. <TR>
  328. <TD>
  329. <TABLE onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  330. <TR>
  331. <TD style="font:icon" align="left" >
  332. Field:
  333. <DIV id="EELFieldInput" style="border-style:flat;border-width:0;border-color:black">
  334. <select class="fieldTypeEnum" id="FieldInput" title="select field name" onchange="displayOperatorType()">
  335. </select>
  336. </DIV>
  337. </TD>
  338. </TR>
  339. </TABLE>
  340. </TD>
  341. <TD>
  342. <TABLE onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  343. <TR>
  344. <TD style="font:icon" >Operator:
  345. <DIV id="OperatorTypeDiv">
  346. <select class="operatorTypeEnum" name="OperatorType">
  347. <OPTION/>
  348. </select>
  349. </DIV>
  350. </TD>
  351. </TR>
  352. </TABLE>
  353. </TD>
  354. <TD>
  355. <TABLE>
  356. <TR>
  357. <TD style="font:icon" >
  358. Value:
  359. <DIV id="ValueInputDiv">
  360. <INPUT class="ValueInputClass" type="text" name="valueInput" size="10"/>
  361. </DIV>
  362. </TD>
  363. </TR>
  364. </TABLE>
  365. </TD>
  366. </TR>
  367. </TABLE>
  368. </TD>
  369. <TD style="visibility:hidden">
  370. not
  371. </TD>
  372. <TD>
  373. <TABLE onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  374. <TR>
  375. <BR/>
  376. <TD>
  377. <BUTTON class="verySmallButton" Type="BUTTON" ID="addOrButton" NAME="addOrButton" border="0" title="Add to Search" onclick="addOrToSearchCriteria()">Or</BUTTON>
  378. </TD>
  379. <TD>
  380. <BUTTON class="verySmallButton" Type="BUTTON" ID="addAndButton" NAME="addAndButton" border="0" title="Add to Search" onclick="addAndToSearchCriteria()">And</BUTTON>
  381. </TD>
  382. </TR>
  383. </TABLE>
  384. </TD>
  385. </TR>
  386. <TR id="SEARCHT1R1R5" class="searchHeaderDiv"> <TD>
  387. <TABLE style="font:icon">
  388. <TR onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" ><TD>Previous searches:</TD></TR>
  389. <TR onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" ><TD> <select class="savedSearchTypeEnum" onchange="loadQuery()" title="Select any one of the named queries" name="savedSearches"></select> </TD></TR>
  390. <TR><TD>
  391. <TABLE style="font:icon">
  392. <TR><TD nowrap="true"><SPAN onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >Save as: </SPAN></TD>
  393. <TD><SPAN >
  394. <INPUT id="saveAs" style="font:icon" title="Enter a name for the current search query" size="17" >
  395. </INPUT>
  396. </SPAN></TD>
  397. </TR>
  398. </TABLE>
  399. </TD></TR>
  400. <TR onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" ><TD>
  401. <TABLE>
  402. <TR><TD width="35"></TD><TD align="left"><BUTTON class="smallButton" accessKey="s" onclick="saveQuery();" title="Save the query" name="saveButton" id="saveButton"><u>S</u>ave</BUTTON></TD></TR>
  403. </TABLE>
  404. </TD></TR>
  405. </TABLE></TD>
  406. <TD align="left">
  407. Current search conditions:<BR/>
  408. <DIV class="searchCriteriaTableDiv" onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  409. <TABLE class="searchCriteriaTable" id="SearchTable" cellspacing="0">
  410. <COL WIDTH="95px"/><COL WIDTH="60px"/><COL WIDTH="80px"/>
  411. <TR id = "tr1" onclick="searchRowSelected()">
  412. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  413. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  414. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  415. </TR>
  416. <TR onclick="searchRowSelected()">
  417. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  418. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  419. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  420. </TR>
  421. <TR onclick="searchRowSelected()">
  422. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  423. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  424. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  425. </TR>
  426. <TR onclick="searchRowSelected() ">
  427. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  428. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  429. <TD class="searchTableDataAlignLeft"><BR/></TD>
  430. </TR>
  431. </TABLE>
  432. </DIV>
  433. </TD>
  434. <TD></TD>
  435. <TD align="left" onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" >
  436. <BUTTON class="smallButton" ID="executeButton" NAME="executeButton" accessKey="r" border="0" title="Execute Search Query" onclick=" executeQuery('false')"><u>R</u>un</BUTTON>
  437. <BR/><BR/>
  438. <BUTTON class="smallButton" NAME="removeButton" ID="removeButton" border="0" title="Remove selected condition from search criteria" onclick=" removeSearchCondition()">Delete Row</BUTTON>
  439. <BR/><BR/>
  440. <BUTTON class="smallButton" NAME="clearButton" ID="clearButton" border="0" title="Clear current search query to enter a new query" onclick="clearQuery()">Clear Rows</BUTTON>
  441. </TD>
  442. </TR>
  443. </TABLE>
  444. </TR>
  445. </TABLE>
  446. </DIV>
  447. <!-- end RUCHI
  448. -->
  449. <!-- Here ends the search pane body
  450. -->
  451. </DIV>
  452. <!-- Start of the main table div. Filled in via XSL
  453. -->
  454. <DIV id=tableDiv onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" style="OVERFLOW-X:auto; OVERFLOW-Y: hidden; WIDTH: 98%"></DIV>
  455. <!-- Start of the drill down DIV.
  456. -->
  457. <DIV id=drillDownDiv onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()"
  458. style="HEIGHT: 0px; OVERFLOW-X: auto; OVERFLOW-Y: scroll; WIDTH: 100%"></DIV></DIV>
  459. <!-- For the scroll bar
  460. -->
  461. <DIV id=scrollBar onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()"
  462. style="BEHAVIOR: url (; OVERFLOW: visible; POSITION: absolute; VISIBILITY: hidden; WIDTH: 18px" >
  463. </DIV>
  464. <DIV></DIV>
  465. <DIV id="lineDivDrillDown" onselect="ignoreEvent()" onselectstart="ignoreEvent()" style="display:none" class="lineDivDrillDown">
  466. <TABLE style="height:1;border:1"><TR style="display:none"><TD></TD></TR></TABLE>
  467. </DIV>
  468. </BODY>
  469. <!--
  470. // XML Data Island "eelData" will represent the XML data to be displayed
  471. // as a table format.
  472. -->
  473. <XML id="eelNode"></XML>
  474. <XML id="eelData"></XML>
  475. <XML id="eelDataItem"></XML>
  476. <XML id="eelDataCache"></XML>
  477. <!--
  478. // XML Data Island "tableViewSeq" will represent the XSL file that is for a
  479. // a sequential view of the table data.
  480. -->
  481. <XML id="tableViewSeq" SRC="tablView.xsl"></XML>
  482. <XML id="conv" SRC="NTEvConv.xsl"></XML>
  483. <XML id="searchData" SRC="searchData.xml"></XML>
  484. <XML id="EELcolOrder" SRC="EELcols.xml"></XML>
  485. <XML id="NTcolOrder" SRC="NTcols.xml"></XML>
  486. <XML id="eelDrillDownView" SRC="eelDrlDn.xsl"></XML>
  487. <XML id="ntDrillDownView" SRC="ntDrlDwn.xsl"></XML>
  488. <XML ID="drillDownTemp"></XML>
  489. <XML ID="eelEntrySchema"></XML>
  490. <XML ID="ntSchema"></XML>
  491. <XML id="savedQueries"></XML>
  492. </HTML>
  493. <!-- ******************************************************** -->
  494. <!-- -->
  495. <!-- Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation -->
  496. <!-- -->
  497. <!-- eelview.hta -->
  498. <!-- -->
  499. <!-- Build Type : 32 Bit Free -->
  500. <!-- Build Number : 0707 -->
  501. <!-- Build Date : 07/07/2000 -->
  502. <!-- ******************************************************* -->