//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HMDefaults.Mof // Copyright (c)1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\MicrosoftHealthMonitor")
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STATIC HIDDEN INSTANCES TO USE AS DEFAULT VALUES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PERFORMANCE MONITOR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC1 { GUID = "{03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}"; TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912"; Name = "PerfMonName"; Description = "PerfMonDesc"; CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60; StatisticsWindowSize = 6; ObjectPath = ""; Properties = {}; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor"; Enabled = FALSE; Hidden = TRUE; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COM+ MONITOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC2 { GUID = "{E2F3E715-AEE4-454e-AB05-D062DBBFAA0F}"; Name = "ComPlusName"; Description = "ComPlusDesc"; CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60; StatisticsWindowSize = 6; ObjectPath = "MicrosoftComPlus_AppStats.AppName=\"\",MaxIdleTime=180"; Properties = {"AbortedTransactionsPerSecond", "AdminShutdowns", "AppName", "CommittedTransactionsPerSecond", "FailureShutdowns", "HandleCount", "ObjectActivationsPerSecond", "ObjectCreationsPerSecond", "ObjectPoolTimeouts", "ThreadCount", "TimeoutShutdowns", "TotalAbortedTransactions", "TotalCommittedTransactions", "TotalShutdowns", "VirtualSize", "WorkingSetSize"}; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor"; TypeGUID = "E2F3E715-AEE4-454e-AB05-D062DBBFAA0F"; Hidden = TRUE; Enabled = FALSE; };
instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC2T1 { GUID = "{C5F4BF3C-4115-4af6-BE88-289A0A310B93}"; Name = "ShutDownName"; Description = "ShutDownDesc"; ID = 1; PropertyName = "FailureShutdowns"; TestCondition = 1; // > CompareValue = "0"; State = 9; ThresholdDuration = 0; UseFlag = 0; Message = "ShutDownMsg"; ResetMessage = "ShutDownResetMsg"; Hidden = TRUE; }; instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation { ParentPath = $DC2; ChildPath = $DC2T1; }; instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC2T2 { GUID = "{D9F360C9-6D23-4c9e-B0A2-1E200824B1DE}"; Name = "AbortTPSName"; Description = "AbortTPSDesc"; ID = 1; PropertyName = "AbortedTransactionsPerSecond"; TestCondition = 1; // > CompareValue = "0"; State = 8; ThresholdDuration = 0; UseFlag = 0; Message = "AbortTPSMsg"; ResetMessage = "AbortTPSResetMsg"; Hidden = TRUE; }; instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation { ParentPath = $DC2; ChildPath = $DC2T2; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HTTP MONITOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC3 { GUID = "{C90CD4CD-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}"; Name = "HTTPMonName"; Description = "HTTPMonDesc"; ObjectPath = "HTTPProvider.Method=\"GET\",Url=\"http://\",TimeoutMSecs=30000,AuthType=0,FollowRedirects=1,ExtraHeaders=\"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0; HealthMon 2.1)%0D%0A\""; Properties = {"StatusCode", "StatusText", "ResponseTime", "ErrorDescription", "ContentLength", "TextResponse", "RawHeaders", "ContentType", "Cookie", "LastModified"}; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor"; TypeGUID = "C90CD4CD-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912"; Hidden = TRUE; Enabled = FALSE; }; instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC3T1 { GUID = "{9AB87A44-478A-4f3a-A61E-BC0A1A80B7B3}"; Name = "DefHTTPMonName"; Description = "DefHTTPMonDesc"; ID = 1; PropertyName = "StatusCode"; TestCondition = 4; // >= CompareValue = "400"; State = 9; ThresholdDuration = 0; UseFlag = 0; Message = "DefHTTPMsg"; ResetMessage = "DefHTTPResMsg"; Hidden = TRUE; }; instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation { ParentPath = $DC3; ChildPath = $DC3T1; };
instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC3T2 { GUID = "{308C10D4-DDFE-4127-8214-9D827517E770}"; Name = "DefHTTPResName"; Description = "DefHTTPResDesc"; ID = 1; PropertyName = "ResponseTime"; TestCondition = 1; // > CompareValue = "30000"; State = 9; ThresholdDuration = 0; UseFlag = 0; Message = "DefHTTPResMsg"; ResetMessage = "DefHTTPResMsg"; Hidden = TRUE; }; instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation { ParentPath = $DC3; ChildPath = $DC3T2; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WMI Instance //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC4 { CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60; Description = "WMIInstDesc"; GUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}"; Name = "WMIInstName"; ObjectPath = ""; Properties = {}; RequireReset = FALSE; StatisticsWindowSize = 6; TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2"; TypeGUID = "C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912"; Enabled = FALSE; Hidden = TRUE; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ping (ICMP) Monitor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// instance of Microsoft_HMPolledMethodDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC5 { Arguments = { instance of Microsoft_HMContext { Name = "IPAddress"; Type = 8; Value = ""; }, instance of Microsoft_HMContext { Name = "TimeOut"; Type = 19; Value = "10"; }, instance of Microsoft_HMContext { Name = "Tries"; Type = 19; Value = "4"; }}; GUID = "{D442E727-971E-11d3-BE93-0000F87A3912}"; MethodName = "Ping"; Name = "PingMonName"; ObjectPath = "PingPoller"; Properties = {"Status"}; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor"; TypeGUID = "D442E727-971E-11d3-BE93-0000F87A3912"; Enabled = FALSE; Hidden = TRUE; }; instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC5T1 { GUID = "{0C844BCD-111D-42f5-AC5C-A5EBBEE357AA}"; Name = "DefICMPName"; Description = "DefICMPDesc"; ID = 1; PropertyName = "Status"; TestCondition = 3; // != CompareValue = "0"; State = 9; ThresholdDuration = 0; UseFlag = 0; Message = "DefICMPMsg"; ResetMessage = "DefICMPResMsg"; Hidden = TRUE; }; instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation { ParentPath = $DC5; ChildPath = $DC5T1; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Service/Process Monitor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC8 { GUID = "{C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}"; Name = "ServiceMonitor"; Properties = {"Started", "State", "Status"}; Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"\""; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2"; TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912"; Enabled = FALSE; Hidden = TRUE; };
instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC8T1 { GUID = "{48C4F538-60CD-4C03-A41C-A90DE6BEA5A7}"; Name = "ServiceMonitorStartedName"; Description = "ServiceMonitorStartedDesc"; ID = 1; State = 9; PropertyName = "Started"; TestCondition = 3; // != CompareValue = "1"; ThresholdDuration = 0; UseFlag = 0; Message = "ServiceMonitorStartedMsg"; ResetMessage = "ServiceMonitorStartedResetMsg"; Hidden = TRUE; };
instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation { ParentPath = $DC8; ChildPath = $DC8T1; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File Information //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC9 { GUID = "{C90CD4C7-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}"; Name = "DefFileName"; Properties = {"LastModified"}; Query = "select * from Win32_Directory where Name=\"\""; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2"; TypeGUID = "C90CD4C7-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912"; Enabled = FALSE; Hidden = TRUE; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WMI Data Query //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC10 { GUID = "{EF1D6A51-2759-11d3-9390-00A0CC406605}"; Name = "DefWMIDQName"; Properties = {}; Query = ""; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2"; TypeGUID = "EF1D6A51-2759-11d3-9390-00A0CC406605"; Enabled = FALSE; Hidden = TRUE; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Windows NT Event Monitor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note:the query below won�t work on non-english machines due to a problem // with how the Type field is localized (as a property value) by WMI. // For Beta, it�s acceptable to leave this as-is, for RTM see #63004. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC11 { Description = "DefNTEvDesc"; GUID = "{A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}"; Name = "DefNTEvName"; Properties = {"EventIdentifier", "SourceName", "Type", "CategoryString", "User", "LogFile", "HMNumInstancesCollected"}; Query = "select * from __instancecreationevent where targetinstance isa \"Win32_NtLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.Logfile=\"\" AND (TargetInstance.Type=\"error\" OR TargetInstance.Type=\"warning\" OR TargetInstance.Type=\"audit failure\")"; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2"; TypeGUID = "A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912"; Enabled = FALSE; Hidden = TRUE; CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1; };
instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC11T1 { GUID = "{CF089291-D011-47D7-94D6-64A55267FF29}"; Name = "NumInstColl0Name"; Description = "NumInstColl0Desc"; ID = 1; State = 9; PropertyName = "HMNumInstancesCollected"; TestCondition = 1; // > CompareValue = "0"; ThresholdDuration = 0; UseFlag = 0; Message = "NumInstColl0Msg"; ResetMessage = "NumInstColl0ResetMsg"; Hidden = TRUE; };
instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation { ParentPath = $DC11; ChildPath = $DC11T1; };
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WMI Event Query //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC12 { GUID = "{C90CD4CB-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}"; Name = "DefWMIEQName"; Description = "DefWMIEQDesc"; Properties = {"HMNumInstancesCollected"}; Query = ""; RequireReset = FALSE; TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2"; TypeGUID = "C90CD4CB-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912"; Enabled = FALSE; Hidden = TRUE; CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1; };
instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC12T1 { GUID = "{2077B2B0-62FC-40a1-8B6D-ABD54C1BBE46}"; Name = "NumInstColl0Name"; Description = "NumInstColl0Desc"; ID = 1; State = 9; PropertyName = "HMNumInstancesCollected"; TestCondition = 1; CompareValue = "0"; ThresholdDuration = 0; UseFlag = 0; Message = "NumInstColl0Msg"; ResetMessage = "NumInstColl0ResetMsg"; Hidden = TRUE; };
instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation { ParentPath = $DC12; ChildPath = $DC12T1; };