Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // HMDefaults.Mof
  3. // Copyright (c)1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
  4. //
  5. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\MicrosoftHealthMonitor")
  6. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  11. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  12. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC1
  13. {
  14. GUID = "{03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  15. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  16. Name = "PerfMonName";
  17. Description = "PerfMonDesc";
  18. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  19. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  20. ObjectPath = "";
  21. Properties = {};
  22. RequireReset = FALSE;
  23. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  24. Enabled = FALSE;
  25. Hidden = TRUE;
  26. };
  27. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  28. // COM+ MONITOR
  29. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  30. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC2
  31. {
  32. GUID = "{E2F3E715-AEE4-454e-AB05-D062DBBFAA0F}";
  33. Name = "ComPlusName";
  34. Description = "ComPlusDesc";
  35. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  36. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  37. ObjectPath = "MicrosoftComPlus_AppStats.AppName=\"\",MaxIdleTime=180";
  38. Properties = {"AbortedTransactionsPerSecond", "AdminShutdowns", "AppName", "CommittedTransactionsPerSecond", "FailureShutdowns", "HandleCount", "ObjectActivationsPerSecond", "ObjectCreationsPerSecond", "ObjectPoolTimeouts", "ThreadCount", "TimeoutShutdowns", "TotalAbortedTransactions", "TotalCommittedTransactions", "TotalShutdowns", "VirtualSize", "WorkingSetSize"};
  39. RequireReset = FALSE;
  40. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  41. TypeGUID = "E2F3E715-AEE4-454e-AB05-D062DBBFAA0F";
  42. Hidden = TRUE;
  43. Enabled = FALSE;
  44. };
  45. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC2T1
  46. {
  47. GUID = "{C5F4BF3C-4115-4af6-BE88-289A0A310B93}";
  48. Name = "ShutDownName";
  49. Description = "ShutDownDesc";
  50. ID = 1;
  51. PropertyName = "FailureShutdowns";
  52. TestCondition = 1; // >
  53. CompareValue = "0";
  54. State = 9;
  55. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  56. UseFlag = 0;
  57. Message = "ShutDownMsg";
  58. ResetMessage = "ShutDownResetMsg";
  59. Hidden = TRUE;
  60. };
  61. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  62. {
  63. ParentPath = $DC2;
  64. ChildPath = $DC2T1;
  65. };
  66. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC2T2
  67. {
  68. GUID = "{D9F360C9-6D23-4c9e-B0A2-1E200824B1DE}";
  69. Name = "AbortTPSName";
  70. Description = "AbortTPSDesc";
  71. ID = 1;
  72. PropertyName = "AbortedTransactionsPerSecond";
  73. TestCondition = 1; // >
  74. CompareValue = "0";
  75. State = 8;
  76. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  77. UseFlag = 0;
  78. Message = "AbortTPSMsg";
  79. ResetMessage = "AbortTPSResetMsg";
  80. Hidden = TRUE;
  81. };
  82. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  83. {
  84. ParentPath = $DC2;
  85. ChildPath = $DC2T2;
  86. };
  87. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  89. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  90. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC3
  91. {
  92. GUID = "{C90CD4CD-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  93. Name = "HTTPMonName";
  94. Description = "HTTPMonDesc";
  95. ObjectPath = "HTTPProvider.Method=\"GET\",Url=\"http://\",TimeoutMSecs=30000,AuthType=0,FollowRedirects=1,ExtraHeaders=\"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0; HealthMon 2.1)%0D%0A\"";
  96. Properties = {"StatusCode", "StatusText", "ResponseTime", "ErrorDescription", "ContentLength", "TextResponse", "RawHeaders", "ContentType", "Cookie", "LastModified"};
  97. RequireReset = FALSE;
  98. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  99. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CD-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  100. Hidden = TRUE;
  101. Enabled = FALSE;
  102. };
  103. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC3T1
  104. {
  105. GUID = "{9AB87A44-478A-4f3a-A61E-BC0A1A80B7B3}";
  106. Name = "DefHTTPMonName";
  107. Description = "DefHTTPMonDesc";
  108. ID = 1;
  109. PropertyName = "StatusCode";
  110. TestCondition = 4; // >=
  111. CompareValue = "400";
  112. State = 9;
  113. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  114. UseFlag = 0;
  115. Message = "DefHTTPMsg";
  116. ResetMessage = "DefHTTPResMsg";
  117. Hidden = TRUE;
  118. };
  119. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  120. {
  121. ParentPath = $DC3;
  122. ChildPath = $DC3T1;
  123. };
  124. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC3T2
  125. {
  126. GUID = "{308C10D4-DDFE-4127-8214-9D827517E770}";
  127. Name = "DefHTTPResName";
  128. Description = "DefHTTPResDesc";
  129. ID = 1;
  130. PropertyName = "ResponseTime";
  131. TestCondition = 1; // >
  132. CompareValue = "30000";
  133. State = 9;
  134. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  135. UseFlag = 0;
  136. Message = "DefHTTPResMsg";
  137. ResetMessage = "DefHTTPResMsg";
  138. Hidden = TRUE;
  139. };
  140. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  141. {
  142. ParentPath = $DC3;
  143. ChildPath = $DC3T2;
  144. };
  145. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  146. // WMI Instance
  147. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  148. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC4
  149. {
  150. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  151. Description = "WMIInstDesc";
  152. GUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  153. Name = "WMIInstName";
  154. ObjectPath = "";
  155. Properties = {};
  156. RequireReset = FALSE;
  157. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  158. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  159. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  160. Enabled = FALSE;
  161. Hidden = TRUE;
  162. };
  163. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  164. // Ping (ICMP) Monitor
  165. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  166. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledMethodDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC5
  167. {
  168. Arguments = {
  169. instance of Microsoft_HMContext
  170. {
  171. Name = "IPAddress";
  172. Type = 8;
  173. Value = "";
  174. },
  175. instance of Microsoft_HMContext
  176. {
  177. Name = "TimeOut";
  178. Type = 19;
  179. Value = "10";
  180. },
  181. instance of Microsoft_HMContext
  182. {
  183. Name = "Tries";
  184. Type = 19;
  185. Value = "4";
  186. }};
  187. GUID = "{D442E727-971E-11d3-BE93-0000F87A3912}";
  188. MethodName = "Ping";
  189. Name = "PingMonName";
  190. ObjectPath = "PingPoller";
  191. Properties = {"Status"};
  192. RequireReset = FALSE;
  193. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  194. TypeGUID = "D442E727-971E-11d3-BE93-0000F87A3912";
  195. Enabled = FALSE;
  196. Hidden = TRUE;
  197. };
  198. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC5T1
  199. {
  200. GUID = "{0C844BCD-111D-42f5-AC5C-A5EBBEE357AA}";
  201. Name = "DefICMPName";
  202. Description = "DefICMPDesc";
  203. ID = 1;
  204. PropertyName = "Status";
  205. TestCondition = 3; // !=
  206. CompareValue = "0";
  207. State = 9;
  208. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  209. UseFlag = 0;
  210. Message = "DefICMPMsg";
  211. ResetMessage = "DefICMPResMsg";
  212. Hidden = TRUE;
  213. };
  214. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  215. {
  216. ParentPath = $DC5;
  217. ChildPath = $DC5T1;
  218. };
  219. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  220. // Service/Process Monitor
  221. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  222. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC8
  223. {
  224. GUID = "{C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  225. Name = "ServiceMonitor";
  226. Properties = {"Started", "State", "Status"};
  227. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"\"";
  228. RequireReset = FALSE;
  229. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  230. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  231. Enabled = FALSE;
  232. Hidden = TRUE;
  233. };
  234. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC8T1
  235. {
  236. GUID = "{48C4F538-60CD-4C03-A41C-A90DE6BEA5A7}";
  237. Name = "ServiceMonitorStartedName";
  238. Description = "ServiceMonitorStartedDesc";
  239. ID = 1;
  240. State = 9;
  241. PropertyName = "Started";
  242. TestCondition = 3; // !=
  243. CompareValue = "1";
  244. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  245. UseFlag = 0;
  246. Message = "ServiceMonitorStartedMsg";
  247. ResetMessage = "ServiceMonitorStartedResetMsg";
  248. Hidden = TRUE;
  249. };
  250. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  251. {
  252. ParentPath = $DC8;
  253. ChildPath = $DC8T1;
  254. };
  255. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  256. // File Information
  257. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  258. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC9
  259. {
  260. GUID = "{C90CD4C7-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  261. Name = "DefFileName";
  262. Properties = {"LastModified"};
  263. Query = "select * from Win32_Directory where Name=\"\"";
  264. RequireReset = FALSE;
  265. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  266. TypeGUID = "C90CD4C7-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  267. Enabled = FALSE;
  268. Hidden = TRUE;
  269. };
  270. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  271. // WMI Data Query
  272. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  273. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC10
  274. {
  275. GUID = "{EF1D6A51-2759-11d3-9390-00A0CC406605}";
  276. Name = "DefWMIDQName";
  277. Properties = {};
  278. Query = "";
  279. RequireReset = FALSE;
  280. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  281. TypeGUID = "EF1D6A51-2759-11d3-9390-00A0CC406605";
  282. Enabled = FALSE;
  283. Hidden = TRUE;
  284. };
  285. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  286. // Windows NT Event Monitor
  287. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  288. // Note:the query below won�t work on non-english machines due to a problem
  289. // with how the Type field is localized (as a property value) by WMI.
  290. // For Beta, it�s acceptable to leave this as-is, for RTM see #63004.
  291. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC11
  292. {
  293. Description = "DefNTEvDesc";
  294. GUID = "{A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  295. Name = "DefNTEvName";
  296. Properties = {"EventIdentifier", "SourceName", "Type", "CategoryString", "User", "LogFile", "HMNumInstancesCollected"};
  297. Query = "select * from __instancecreationevent where targetinstance isa \"Win32_NtLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.Logfile=\"\" AND (TargetInstance.Type=\"error\" OR TargetInstance.Type=\"warning\" OR TargetInstance.Type=\"audit failure\")";
  298. RequireReset = FALSE;
  299. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  300. TypeGUID = "A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  301. Enabled = FALSE;
  302. Hidden = TRUE;
  303. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  304. };
  305. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC11T1
  306. {
  307. GUID = "{CF089291-D011-47D7-94D6-64A55267FF29}";
  308. Name = "NumInstColl0Name";
  309. Description = "NumInstColl0Desc";
  310. ID = 1;
  311. State = 9;
  312. PropertyName = "HMNumInstancesCollected";
  313. TestCondition = 1; // >
  314. CompareValue = "0";
  315. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  316. UseFlag = 0;
  317. Message = "NumInstColl0Msg";
  318. ResetMessage = "NumInstColl0ResetMsg";
  319. Hidden = TRUE;
  320. };
  321. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  322. {
  323. ParentPath = $DC11;
  324. ChildPath = $DC11T1;
  325. };
  326. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  327. // WMI Event Query
  328. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  329. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DC12
  330. {
  331. GUID = "{C90CD4CB-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  332. Name = "DefWMIEQName";
  333. Description = "DefWMIEQDesc";
  334. Properties = {"HMNumInstancesCollected"};
  335. Query = "";
  336. RequireReset = FALSE;
  337. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  338. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CB-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  339. Enabled = FALSE;
  340. Hidden = TRUE;
  341. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  342. };
  343. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DC12T1
  344. {
  345. GUID = "{2077B2B0-62FC-40a1-8B6D-ABD54C1BBE46}";
  346. Name = "NumInstColl0Name";
  347. Description = "NumInstColl0Desc";
  348. ID = 1;
  349. State = 9;
  350. PropertyName = "HMNumInstancesCollected";
  351. TestCondition = 1;
  352. CompareValue = "0";
  353. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  354. UseFlag = 0;
  355. Message = "NumInstColl0Msg";
  356. ResetMessage = "NumInstColl0ResetMsg";
  357. Hidden = TRUE;
  358. };
  359. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  360. {
  361. ParentPath = $DC12;
  362. ChildPath = $DC12T1;
  363. };