Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // stdrules.Mof
  3. // Copyright (c)1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
  4. //
  5. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\MicrosoftHealthMonitor")
  6. //**************************************************************************
  7. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMSystemConfiguration
  8. //**************************************************************************
  9. instance of Microsoft_HMSystemConfiguration
  10. {
  11. GUID = "@";
  12. StartupDelayTime = 0;
  13. };
  14. //**************************************************************************
  15. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  16. //**************************************************************************
  17. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG1
  18. {
  19. Description = "OpIssueDesc";
  20. Enabled = TRUE;
  21. GUID = "{35A62183-6210-4890-89B8-CC4635201D6F}";
  22. Name = "OpIssueName";
  23. };
  24. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  25. {
  26. ParentPath = "Microsoft_HMSystemConfiguration=@";
  27. ChildPath = $DG1;
  28. };
  29. //**********************
  30. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  31. //**************************************************************************
  32. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG1_DG1
  33. {
  34. Description = "SecurityDesc";
  35. Enabled = TRUE;
  36. GUID = "{1ACD5A43-45D9-4DA8-B10D-E42370E931B2}";
  37. Name = "SecurityName";
  38. };
  39. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  40. {
  41. ParentPath = $DG1;
  42. ChildPath = $DG1_DG1;
  43. };
  44. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataCollectorConfiguration
  45. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG1_DC1
  46. {
  47. ActiveDays = 127;
  48. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  49. Description = "ServAccDesc";
  50. GUID = "{ECB7DA14-7112-4E33-A5B4-3F92A2C9C38F}";
  51. Name = "ServAccName";
  52. ObjectPath = "Server";
  53. Properties = {"ErrorsAccessPermissions", "ErrorsGrantedAccess", "ErrorsLogon", "SessionsErroredOut"};
  54. RequireReset = FALSE;
  55. StatisticsWindowSize = 10;
  56. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  57. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  58. };
  59. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  60. {
  61. ParentPath = $DG1_DG1;
  62. ChildPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1;
  63. };
  64. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG1_DC1_T1
  65. {
  66. CompareValue = "5";
  67. Description = "SessErrOut";
  68. GUID = "{34C234CA-7DC3-4A12-A5EF-C8DE2CDEE0DA}";
  69. ID = 7295;
  70. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  71. Name = "SessErrOutName";
  72. PropertyName = "SessionsErroredOut";
  73. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  74. State = 8;
  75. TestCondition = 1;
  76. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  77. UseFlag = 0;
  78. };
  79. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  80. {
  81. ParentPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1;
  82. ChildPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1_T1;
  83. };
  84. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG1_DC1_T2
  85. {
  86. CompareValue = "10";
  87. Description = "ChngLogOnErrDesc" ;
  88. GUID = "{67E696DF-CDDB-4139-A0EA-CDE1A404B813}";
  89. ID = 7293;
  90. Message = "LogonMsg";
  91. Name = "ChngLogOnErrName" ;
  92. PropertyName = "ErrorsLogon";
  93. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  94. State = 8;
  95. TestCondition = 1;
  96. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  97. UseFlag = 2;
  98. };
  99. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  100. {
  101. ParentPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1;
  102. ChildPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1_T2;
  103. };
  104. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG1_DC1_T3
  105. {
  106. CompareValue = "10";
  107. Description = "ErrAccPerDesc";
  108. GUID = "{BC19E644-02FA-4EFD-9DDD-3A1FBB200AEA}";
  109. ID = 7291;
  110. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  111. Name = "ErrAccPerName";
  112. PropertyName = "ErrorsAccessPermissions";
  113. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  114. State = 8;
  115. TestCondition = 1;
  116. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  117. UseFlag = 2;
  118. };
  119. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  120. {
  121. ParentPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1;
  122. ChildPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1_T3;
  123. };
  124. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG1_DC1_T4
  125. {
  126. CompareValue = "10";
  127. Description = "ErrGrntAccDesc";
  128. GUID = "{C04B8916-6DD0-4DC2-A097-11B1196FD47B}";
  129. ID = 9292;
  130. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  131. Name = "ErrGrntAccName";
  132. PropertyName = "ErrorsGrantedAccess";
  133. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  134. State = 8;
  135. TestCondition = 1;
  136. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  137. UseFlag = 2;
  138. };
  139. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  140. {
  141. ParentPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1;
  142. ChildPath = $DG1_DG1_DC1_T4;
  143. };
  144. //**************************************************************************
  145. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  146. //**************************************************************************
  147. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2
  148. {
  149. Description = "MemIssueDesc";
  150. Enabled = TRUE;
  151. GUID = "{35A386D8-EF9B-4FC9-BA8B-48F777A512E2}";
  152. Name = "MemIssueName";
  153. };
  154. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  155. {
  156. ParentPath = $DG1;
  157. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2;
  158. };
  159. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataCollectorConfiguration
  160. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC1
  161. {
  162. Description = "PagDesc";
  163. GUID = "{168C7CDB-AE6A-436E-9CB0-5F9028D9B92C}";
  164. Name = "PagName";
  165. ObjectPath = "PagingFile";
  166. Properties = {"PercentUsage", "PercentUsagePeak"};
  167. RequireReset = FALSE;
  168. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  169. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  170. };
  171. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  172. {
  173. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2;
  174. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC1;
  175. };
  176. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC1_T1
  177. {
  178. CompareValue = "90";
  179. Description = "PerPageFileDesc";
  180. GUID = "{7628BE9E-3DE8-48A6-ADB1-99D0F36D6172}";
  181. ID = 7251;
  182. Message = "DefaultMsg10Min";
  183. Name = "PerPageFileName";
  184. PropertyName = "PercentUsage";
  185. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  186. State = 8;
  187. TestCondition = 1;
  188. ThresholdDuration = 10;
  189. UseFlag = 0;
  190. };
  191. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  192. {
  193. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC1;
  194. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC1_T1;
  195. };
  196. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC1_T2
  197. {
  198. CompareValue = "90";
  199. Description = "PerUsPkDesc";
  200. GUID = "{BDB05676-ECFA-4FEF-8983-8F9C8991935F}";
  201. ID = 7252;
  202. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  203. Name = "PerUsPkName";
  204. PropertyName = "PercentUsagePeak";
  205. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  206. State = 8;
  207. TestCondition = 1;
  208. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  209. UseFlag = 0;
  210. };
  211. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  212. {
  213. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC1;
  214. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC1_T2;
  215. };
  216. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataCollectorConfiguration
  217. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2
  218. {
  219. Description = "MemDesc";
  220. GUID = "{812148F8-8E88-42B5-8BDC-7DACC4DEE620}";
  221. Name = "MemName";
  222. ObjectPath = "Memory";
  223. Properties = {"AvailableBytes", "CacheBytes", "CacheFaultsPerSec", "CommittedBytes", "PageFaultsPerSec", "PageReadsPerSec", "PagesInputPerSec", "PagesPerSec", "PageWritesPerSec", "PercentCommittedBytesInUse", "PoolNonpagedBytes", "PoolPagedBytes"};
  224. RequireReset = FALSE;
  225. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  226. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  227. };
  228. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  229. {
  230. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2;
  231. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  232. };
  233. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2_T1
  234. {
  235. CompareValue = "80";
  236. Description = "PagesPerSecDesc";
  237. GUID = "{0C09CFCF-E257-4061-972E-F10ACD270FD0}";
  238. ID = 7245;
  239. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  240. Name = "PagesPerSecName";
  241. PropertyName = "PagesPerSec";
  242. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  243. State = 8;
  244. TestCondition = 1;
  245. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  246. UseFlag = 0;
  247. };
  248. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  249. {
  250. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  251. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2_T1;
  252. };
  253. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2_T2
  254. {
  255. CompareValue = "4194304";
  256. Description = "PoolNonPageDesc";
  257. GUID = "{1419CAE8-219E-4641-B76A-F4015C5559F0}";
  258. ID = 7243;
  259. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  260. Name = "PoolNonPageName";
  261. PropertyName = "PoolNonpagedBytes";
  262. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  263. State = 8;
  264. TestCondition = 1;
  265. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  266. UseFlag = 2;
  267. };
  268. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  269. {
  270. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  271. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2_T2;
  272. };
  273. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2_T3
  274. {
  275. CompareValue = "5";
  276. Description = "PagesReadPerSecDesc";
  277. GUID = "{2B9923A5-C90C-4DAB-9F39-7F538ED94617}";
  278. ID = 7245;
  279. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  280. Name = "PagesReadPerSecName";
  281. PropertyName = "PageReadsPerSec";
  282. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  283. State = 8;
  284. TestCondition = 1;
  285. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  286. UseFlag = 0;
  287. };
  288. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  289. {
  290. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  291. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2_T3;
  292. };
  293. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2_T4
  294. {
  295. CompareValue = "100";
  296. Description = "CacheFaultsPerSec";
  297. GUID = "{3095471E-FBE6-4C7B-8640-D90B1F7F75B6}";
  298. ID = 7242;
  299. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  300. Name = "CacheFaultsPerSecName";
  301. PropertyName = "CacheFaultsPerSec";
  302. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  303. State = 8;
  304. TestCondition = 1;
  305. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  306. UseFlag = 0;
  307. };
  308. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  309. {
  310. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  311. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2_T4;
  312. };
  313. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2_T5
  314. {
  315. CompareValue = "70";
  316. Description = "PerComBytUseDesc";
  317. GUID = "{8F08A19F-D80E-44AA-A686-7879CACF80BD}";
  318. ID = 7246;
  319. Message = "DefaultMsg10Min";
  320. Name = "PerComBytUseName";
  321. PropertyName = "PercentCommittedBytesInUse";
  322. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  323. State = 8;
  324. TestCondition = 1;
  325. ThresholdDuration = 10;
  326. UseFlag = 0;
  327. };
  328. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  329. {
  330. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  331. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2_T5;
  332. };
  333. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2_T6
  334. {
  335. CompareValue = "5";
  336. Description = "PgInPerSecDesc";
  337. GUID = "{CB98B3B3-D441-48CC-A661-070E61AC2C2F}";
  338. ID = 7246;
  339. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  340. Name = "PgInPerSecName";
  341. PropertyName = "PagesInputPerSec";
  342. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  343. State = 8;
  344. TestCondition = 1;
  345. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  346. UseFlag = 0;
  347. };
  348. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  349. {
  350. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  351. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2_T6;
  352. };
  353. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2_T7
  354. {
  355. CompareValue = "100";
  356. Description = "PgFaultPSDesc";
  357. GUID = "{D4ACD877-F14C-4CA8-8568-73574EDF9D04}";
  358. ID = 7244;
  359. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  360. Name = "PgFaultPSName";
  361. PropertyName = "PageFaultsPerSec";
  362. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  363. State = 8;
  364. TestCondition = 1;
  365. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  366. UseFlag = 0;
  367. };
  368. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  369. {
  370. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  371. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2_T7;
  372. };
  373. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC2_T8
  374. {
  375. CompareValue = "5242880";
  376. Description = "AvailBytesDesc";
  377. GUID = "{E69C2757-76A7-415B-8D6E-FB7DFB60EF48}";
  378. ID = 7241;
  379. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  380. Name = "AvailBytesName";
  381. PropertyName = "AvailableBytes";
  382. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  383. State = 8;
  384. TestCondition = 0;
  385. ThresholdDuration = 20;
  386. UseFlag = 0;
  387. };
  388. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  389. {
  390. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2;
  391. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC2_T8;
  392. };
  393. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataCollectorConfiguration
  394. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC3
  395. {
  396. Description = "ServMemDesc";
  397. GUID = "{B1241897-CC27-4220-85A0-5CCEE03FC803}";
  398. Name = "ServMemName";
  399. ObjectPath = "Server";
  400. Properties = {"PoolNonpagedFailures", "PoolPagedFailures"};
  401. RequireReset = FALSE;
  402. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  403. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  404. };
  405. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  406. {
  407. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2;
  408. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC3;
  409. };
  410. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC3_T1
  411. {
  412. CompareValue = "5";
  413. Description = "PoolPagedFailDesc";
  414. GUID = "{192D3FEE-B4D0-4AA7-B197-7DD8F77E18B3}";
  415. ID = 7262;
  416. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  417. Name = "PoolPagedFailName";
  418. PropertyName = "PoolPagedFailures";
  419. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  420. State = 8;
  421. TestCondition = 1;
  422. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  423. UseFlag = 0;
  424. };
  425. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  426. {
  427. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC3;
  428. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC3_T1;
  429. };
  430. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG2_DC3_T2
  431. {
  432. CompareValue = "5";
  433. Description = "PoolNonPageFailDesc";
  434. GUID = "{8D303C32-52B8-40C1-A6E3-8FAD7A4654CF}";
  435. ID = 7261;
  436. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  437. Name = "PoolNonPageFailName";
  438. PropertyName = "PoolNonpagedFailures";
  439. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  440. State = 8;
  441. TestCondition = 1;
  442. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  443. UseFlag = 0;
  444. };
  445. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  446. {
  447. ParentPath = $DG1_DG2_DC3;
  448. ChildPath = $DG1_DG2_DC3_T2;
  449. };
  450. //**************************************************************************
  451. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  452. //**************************************************************************
  453. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG1_DG3
  454. {
  455. Description = "FileSysDesc";
  456. Enabled = TRUE;
  457. GUID = "{75B08B61-CEA7-4765-B8C9-F31DA61BD555}";
  458. Name = "FileSysName";
  459. };
  460. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  461. {
  462. ParentPath = $DG1;
  463. ChildPath = $DG1_DG3;
  464. };
  465. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG3_DC1
  466. {
  467. Description = "FileSysDesc";
  468. GUID = "{ED51A935-4639-42D7-9DAF-F35FB90C967B}";
  469. Name = "FileSysName";
  470. ObjectPath = "Cache";
  471. Properties = {"CopyReadHitsPercent", "CopyReadsPerSec", "DataFlushesPerSec", "LazyWriteFlushesPerSec", "LazyWritePagesPerSec", "ReadAheadsPerSec"};
  472. RequireReset = FALSE;
  473. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  474. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  475. };
  476. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  477. {
  478. ParentPath = $DG1_DG3;
  479. ChildPath = $DG1_DG3_DC1;
  480. };
  481. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG3_DC1_T1
  482. {
  483. CompareValue = "60";
  484. Description = "CpyReadHtsDesc";
  485. GUID = "{5A40B80F-BD29-42B0-BBC4-CA9A4481D268}";
  486. ID = 7231;
  487. Message = "DefaultMsg10Min";
  488. Name = "CpyReadHtsName";
  489. PropertyName = "CopyReadHitsPercent";
  490. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  491. State = 8;
  492. TestCondition = 0;
  493. ThresholdDuration = 10;
  494. UseFlag = 0;
  495. };
  496. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  497. {
  498. ParentPath = $DG1_DG3_DC1;
  499. ChildPath = $DG1_DG3_DC1_T1;
  500. };
  501. //**************************************************************************
  502. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  503. //**************************************************************************
  504. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4
  505. {
  506. Description = "ProcIssDesc";
  507. GUID = "{849E65A1-ADC2-4975-B422-73559BE753E7}";
  508. Name = "ProcIssName";
  509. };
  510. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  511. {
  512. ParentPath = $DG1;
  513. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4;
  514. };
  515. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC1
  516. {
  517. ActiveDays = 127;
  518. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  519. Description = "ProcDesc";
  520. GUID = "{2DC9F49C-4D56-475E-AFFA-D0CBF12D900F}";
  521. Name = "ProcName";
  522. ObjectPath = "Processor";
  523. Properties = {"InterruptsPerSec", "PercentInterruptTime", "PercentPrivilegedTime", "PercentProcessorTime", "PercentUserTime"};
  524. RequireReset = FALSE;
  525. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  526. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  527. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  528. };
  529. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  530. {
  531. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4;
  532. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1;
  533. };
  534. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC1_T1
  535. {
  536. CompareValue = "7000";
  537. Description = "IntPSDesc";
  538. GUID = "{049D4726-C86E-471C-BA7B-B6EBBB7E80AE}";
  539. ID = 7284;
  540. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  541. Name = "IntPSName";
  542. PropertyName = "InterruptsPerSec";
  543. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  544. State = 8;
  545. TestCondition = 1;
  546. ThresholdDuration = 1;
  547. UseFlag = 0;
  548. };
  549. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  550. {
  551. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1;
  552. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1_T1;
  553. };
  554. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC1_T2
  555. {
  556. CompareValue = "5";
  557. Description = "PerIntTDesc";
  558. GUID = "{0C307EA9-AD18-41C1-AA78-4B88929BC560}";
  559. ID = 7288;
  560. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  561. Name = "PerIntTName";
  562. PropertyName = "PercentInterruptTime";
  563. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  564. State = 8;
  565. TestCondition = 1;
  566. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  567. UseFlag = 0;
  568. };
  569. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  570. {
  571. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1;
  572. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1_T2;
  573. };
  574. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC1_T3
  575. {
  576. CompareValue = "80";
  577. Description = "PerPrivTDesc";
  578. GUID = "{3629EA7C-4A68-4497-A213-E635297AB8A6}";
  579. ID = 7286;
  580. Message = "DefaultMsg10Min";
  581. Name = "PerPrivTName";
  582. PropertyName = "PercentPrivilegedTime";
  583. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  584. State = 8;
  585. TestCondition = 1;
  586. ThresholdDuration = 10;
  587. UseFlag = 0;
  588. };
  589. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  590. {
  591. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1;
  592. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1_T3;
  593. };
  594. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC1_T4
  595. {
  596. CompareValue = "75";
  597. Description = "PerProcT75Desc";
  598. GUID = "{50C9F8B8-5681-4AD6-8170-91CF9599AE63}";
  599. ID = 7281;
  600. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  601. Name = "PerProcT75Name";
  602. PropertyName = "PercentProcessorTime";
  603. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  604. State = 8;
  605. TestCondition = 1;
  606. ThresholdDuration = 60;
  607. UseFlag = 1;
  608. };
  609. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  610. {
  611. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1;
  612. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1_T4;
  613. };
  614. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC1_T5
  615. {
  616. CompareValue = "80";
  617. Description = "PerUserT80Desc";
  618. GUID = "{A2B5D9D9-0B8E-4057-9F29-D7FF30F8E5D9}";
  619. ID = 7285;
  620. Message = "DefaultMsg10Min";
  621. Name = "PerUserT80Name";
  622. PropertyName = "PercentUserTime";
  623. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  624. State = 8;
  625. TestCondition = 1;
  626. ThresholdDuration = 10;
  627. UseFlag = 0;
  628. };
  629. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  630. {
  631. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1;
  632. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1_T5;
  633. };
  634. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC1_T6
  635. {
  636. CompareValue = "80";
  637. Description = "PerProcT80Desc";
  638. GUID = "{A3062DC4-7DF6-4605-A5F7-3EC0C8494565}";
  639. ID = 7282;
  640. Message = "DefaultMsg10Min";
  641. Name = "PerProcT80Name";
  642. PropertyName = "PercentProcessorTime";
  643. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  644. State = 8;
  645. TestCondition = 1;
  646. ThresholdDuration = 10;
  647. UseFlag = 0;
  648. };
  649. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  650. {
  651. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1;
  652. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC1_T6;
  653. };
  654. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC2
  655. {
  656. ActiveDays = 127;
  657. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  658. Description = "SysInDesc";
  659. GUID = "{53285E74-A56A-42AF-A138-069850906767}";
  660. Name = "SysInName";
  661. ObjectPath = "System";
  662. Properties = {"PercentRegistryQuotaInUse", "ProcessorQueueLength", "SystemUpTime"};
  663. RequireReset = FALSE;
  664. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  665. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  666. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  667. };
  668. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  669. {
  670. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4;
  671. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC2;
  672. };
  673. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG4_DC2_T1
  674. {
  675. CompareValue = "2";
  676. Description = "ProcQLen2Desc";
  677. Enabled = FALSE;
  678. GUID = "{61D16026-FE84-4B19-B0D1-801234261E18}";
  679. ID = 7302;
  680. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  681. Name = "ProcQLen2Name";
  682. PropertyName = "ProcessorQueueLength";
  683. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  684. State = 8;
  685. TestCondition = 1;
  686. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  687. UseFlag = 0;
  688. };
  689. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  690. {
  691. ParentPath = $DG1_DG4_DC2;
  692. ChildPath = $DG1_DG4_DC2_T1;
  693. };
  694. //**************************************************************************
  695. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  696. //**************************************************************************
  697. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG1_DG5
  698. {
  699. Description = "SysIssDesc";
  700. Enabled = TRUE;
  701. GUID = "{E797CC0E-0117-4D01-83F3-B2BFF0883A21}";
  702. Name = "SysIssName";
  703. };
  704. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  705. {
  706. ParentPath = $DG1;
  707. ChildPath = $DG1_DG5;
  708. };
  709. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG5_DC1
  710. {
  711. ActiveDays = 127;
  712. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  713. Description = "SysDesc";
  714. GUID = "{27F62CB7-41B4-43D4-B440-979EC151C182}";
  715. Name = "SysName";
  716. ObjectPath = "System";
  717. Properties = {"PercentRegistryQuotaInUse", "ProcessorQueueLength", "SystemUpTime"};
  718. RequireReset = FALSE;
  719. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  720. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  721. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  722. };
  723. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  724. {
  725. ParentPath = $DG1_DG5;
  726. ChildPath = $DG1_DG5_DC1;
  727. };
  728. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG5_DC1_T1
  729. {
  730. CompareValue = "90";
  731. Description = "PerRegQUseDesc";
  732. Enabled = FALSE;
  733. GUID = "{E6697684-A40F-4D01-9993-3F29E618C088}";
  734. ID = 7301;
  735. Message = "DefaultMsg10Min";
  736. Name = "PerRegQUseName";
  737. PropertyName = "PercentRegistryQuotaInUse";
  738. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  739. State = 8;
  740. TestCondition = 1;
  741. ThresholdDuration = 10;
  742. UseFlag = 0;
  743. };
  744. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  745. {
  746. ParentPath = $DG1_DG5_DC1;
  747. ChildPath = $DG1_DG5_DC1_T1;
  748. };
  749. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG5_DC1_T2
  750. {
  751. CompareValue = "1";
  752. Description = "SysUpTDesc";
  753. GUID = "{EAC5B1DD-47E8-45B8-86BE-E6B183391A5E}";
  754. ID = 7350;
  755. Message = "SysOnlineMsg";
  756. Name = "SysUpTName";
  757. PropertyName = "SystemUpTime";
  758. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  759. State = 3;
  760. TestCondition = 1;
  761. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  762. UseFlag = 2;
  763. Enabled = FALSE;
  764. };
  765. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  766. {
  767. ParentPath = $DG1_DG5_DC1;
  768. ChildPath = $DG1_DG5_DC1_T2;
  769. };
  770. //**************************************************************************
  771. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  772. //**************************************************************************
  773. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG1_DG6
  774. {
  775. Description = "NetIssDesc";
  776. Enabled = TRUE;
  777. GUID = "{EB29F5FE-389F-445E-8702-947BA1C3A512}";
  778. Name = "NetIssName";
  779. };
  780. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  781. {
  782. ParentPath = $DG1;
  783. ChildPath = $DG1_DG6;
  784. };
  785. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG6_DC1
  786. {
  787. Description = "NetDesc";
  788. GUID = "{9C1C0A46-1337-400C-9CD4-AB5D4971B39F}";
  789. Name = "NetName";
  790. ObjectPath = "NetworkInterface";
  791. Properties = {"BytesReceivedPerSec", "BytesSentPerSec", "BytesTotalPerSec"};
  792. RequireReset = FALSE;
  793. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  794. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  795. };
  796. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  797. {
  798. ParentPath = $DG1_DG6;
  799. ChildPath = $DG1_DG6_DC1;
  800. };
  801. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG6_DC1_T1
  802. {
  803. CompareValue = "500000";
  804. Description = "BytesTPSDesc";
  805. GUID = "{BC129EEE-DFB8-479D-B726-47D5945B7E59}";
  806. ID = 7271;
  807. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  808. Name = "BytesTPSName";
  809. PropertyName = "BytesTotalPerSec";
  810. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  811. State = 8;
  812. TestCondition = 1;
  813. ThresholdDuration = 3;
  814. UseFlag = 0;
  815. };
  816. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  817. {
  818. ParentPath = $DG1_DG6_DC1;
  819. ChildPath = $DG1_DG6_DC1_T1;
  820. };
  821. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG6_DC2
  822. {
  823. ActiveDays = 127;
  824. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  825. Description = "RedirDesc";
  826. GUID = "{2996573B-3CD8-4A34-B3BC-1862597DA284}";
  827. Name = "RedirName";
  828. ObjectPath = "Redirector";
  829. Properties = {"NetworkErrorsPerSec", "ServerReconnects"};
  830. RequireReset = FALSE;
  831. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  832. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  833. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  834. };
  835. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  836. {
  837. ParentPath = $DG1_DG6;
  838. ChildPath = $DG1_DG6_DC2;
  839. };
  840. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG6_DC2_T1
  841. {
  842. CompareValue = "1";
  843. Description = "SrvrReconnectsDesc";
  844. GUID = "{7760BC2D-99E8-4A70-A5FC-4AA9C30819F1}";
  845. ID = 7272;
  846. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  847. Name = "SrvrReconnectsName";
  848. PropertyName = "ServerReconnects";
  849. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  850. State = 8;
  851. TestCondition = 1;
  852. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  853. UseFlag = 2;
  854. };
  855. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  856. {
  857. ParentPath = $DG1_DG6_DC2;
  858. ChildPath = $DG1_DG6_DC2_T1;
  859. };
  860. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG6_DC2_T2
  861. {
  862. CompareValue = "1";
  863. Description = "NetworkErrPSDesc";
  864. GUID = "{80301D1A-ED2D-4CF3-A5A7-58813DC61FBE}";
  865. ID = 7274;
  866. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  867. Name = "NetworkErrPSName";
  868. PropertyName = "NetworkErrorsPerSec";
  869. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  870. State = 7;
  871. TestCondition = 1;
  872. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  873. UseFlag = 0;
  874. };
  875. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  876. {
  877. ParentPath = $DG1_DG6_DC2;
  878. ChildPath = $DG1_DG6_DC2_T2;
  879. };
  880. //**************************************************************************
  881. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  882. //**************************************************************************
  883. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7
  884. {
  885. Description = "DiskDesc";
  886. Enabled = TRUE;
  887. GUID = "{F97E0776-45CF-4AB5-B714-62A412F3F719}";
  888. Name = "DiskName";
  889. };
  890. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  891. {
  892. ParentPath = $DG1;
  893. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7;
  894. };
  895. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC1
  896. {
  897. Description = "PhyDiskDesc";
  898. GUID = "{67D153DE-1C38-4F98-9441-F783C700C97E}";
  899. Name = "PhyDiskName";
  900. ObjectPath = "PhysicalDisk";
  901. Properties = {"AvgDiskBytesPerTransfer", "CurrentDiskQueueLength", "DiskReadBytesPerSec", "PercentDiskTime"};
  902. RequireReset = FALSE;
  903. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  904. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  905. };
  906. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  907. {
  908. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7;
  909. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC1;
  910. };
  911. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC1_T1
  912. {
  913. CompareValue = "2";
  914. Description = "CdiskQLenDesc";
  915. GUID = "{3118D316-574F-42FA-A6D5-1494FEC25D2F}";
  916. ID = 7221;
  917. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  918. Name = "CdiskQLenName";
  919. PropertyName = "CurrentDiskQueueLength";
  920. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  921. State = 8;
  922. TestCondition = 1;
  923. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  924. UseFlag = 0;
  925. };
  926. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  927. {
  928. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7_DC1;
  929. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC1_T1;
  930. };
  931. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC1_T2
  932. {
  933. CompareValue = "85";
  934. Description = "PerDiskTimDesc";
  935. GUID = "{5ED6FCEC-3EE2-42B6-A3E3-F1DEE69C88CA}";
  936. ID = 7222;
  937. Message = "DefaultMsg30Min";
  938. Name = "PerDiskTimName";
  939. PropertyName = "PercentDiskTime";
  940. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  941. State = 8;
  942. TestCondition = 1;
  943. ThresholdDuration = 30;
  944. UseFlag = 0;
  945. };
  946. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  947. {
  948. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7_DC1;
  949. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC1_T2;
  950. };
  951. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC2
  952. {
  953. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  954. Context = NULL;
  955. Description = "DiskPerfDesc";
  956. Enabled = TRUE;
  957. GUID = "{82E82C29-5C28-41B6-BC09-AD58DE65A706}";
  958. Name = "DiskPerfName";
  959. ObjectPath = "Win32_SystemDriver.Name=\"Diskperf\"";
  960. Properties = {"Started"};
  961. RequireReset = FALSE;
  962. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  963. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  964. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  965. };
  966. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  967. {
  968. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7;
  969. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC2;
  970. };
  971. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC2_T1
  972. {
  973. CompareValue = "1";
  974. Description = "DiskPerfrunDesc";
  975. Enabled = TRUE;
  976. GUID = "{04B7A4C3-C688-4181-9165-A5AC57B48ABB}";
  977. ID = 7200;
  978. Message = "DiskPerMsg";
  979. Name = "DiskPerfrunName";
  980. PropertyName = "Started";
  981. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  982. State = 8;
  983. TestCondition = 0;
  984. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  985. UseFlag = 0;
  986. };
  987. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  988. {
  989. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7_DC2;
  990. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC2_T1;
  991. };
  992. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC3
  993. {
  994. ActiveDays = 127;
  995. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  996. Description = "LogDiskDesc";
  997. GUID = "{83A21B91-AC8D-43D3-8DE8-8E48061855F0}";
  998. Name = "LogDiskName";
  999. ObjectPath = "LogicalDisk";
  1000. Properties = {"AvgDiskBytesPerRead", "AvgDiskBytesPerTransfer", "CurrentDiskQueueLength", "DiskReadBytesPerSec", "DiskReadsPerSec", "DiskWritesPerSec", "FreeMegabytes", "PercentDiskReadTime", "PercentDiskTime", "PercentFreeSpace"};
  1001. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1002. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1003. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  1004. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1005. };
  1006. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1007. {
  1008. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7;
  1009. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3;
  1010. };
  1011. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC3_T1
  1012. {
  1013. CompareValue = "90";
  1014. Description = "PerDiskTDesc";
  1015. GUID = "{D646160E-829B-4088-A60B-88145D3699AE}";
  1016. ID = 7213;
  1017. Message = "DefaultMsg30Min";
  1018. Name = "PerDiskTName";
  1019. PropertyName = "PercentDiskTime";
  1020. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1021. State = 8;
  1022. TestCondition = 1;
  1023. ThresholdDuration = 30;
  1024. UseFlag = 0;
  1025. };
  1026. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1027. {
  1028. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3;
  1029. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3_T1;
  1030. };
  1031. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC3_T2
  1032. {
  1033. CompareValue = "2";
  1034. Description = "CDiskQLenDesc";
  1035. GUID = "{E39EE978-2707-4676-A950-21B3BCD72B67}";
  1036. ID = 7211;
  1037. Message = "DefaultMsg5Min";
  1038. Name = "CDiskQLenName";
  1039. PropertyName = "CurrentDiskQueueLength";
  1040. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1041. State = 8;
  1042. TestCondition = 1;
  1043. ThresholdDuration = 5;
  1044. UseFlag = 0;
  1045. };
  1046. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1047. {
  1048. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3;
  1049. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3_T2;
  1050. };
  1051. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC3_T3
  1052. {
  1053. CompareValue = "100";
  1054. Description = "FreeMegaBytesDesc" ;
  1055. GUID = "{E6918998-B17D-4562-86CE-34358E804AC9}";
  1056. ID = 7212;
  1057. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  1058. Name = "FreeMegaBytesName" ;
  1059. PropertyName = "FreeMegabytes";
  1060. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1061. State = 9;
  1062. TestCondition = 0;
  1063. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1064. UseFlag = 0;
  1065. };
  1066. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1067. {
  1068. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3;
  1069. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3_T3;
  1070. };
  1071. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG1_DG7_DC3_T4
  1072. {
  1073. CompareValue = "10";
  1074. Description = "PerFreeSpDesc";
  1075. GUID = "{F38EC87B-B7E7-464F-A8E6-2ED827B1DB4E}";
  1076. ID = 7214;
  1077. Message = "DefaultMsg10Min";
  1078. Name = "PerFreeSpName";
  1079. PropertyName = "PercentFreeSpace";
  1080. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1081. State = 9;
  1082. TestCondition = 0;
  1083. ThresholdDuration = 10;
  1084. UseFlag = 0;
  1085. };
  1086. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1087. {
  1088. ParentPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3;
  1089. ChildPath = $DG1_DG7_DC3_T4;
  1090. };
  1091. //**************************************************************************
  1092. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  1093. //**************************************************************************
  1094. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG2
  1095. {
  1096. Description = "ExMonitorDesc";
  1097. Enabled = FALSE;
  1098. GUID = "{4E7B34C2-904F-45BC-AD9B-277813F77B88}";
  1099. Name = "ExMonitorName";
  1100. };
  1101. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1102. {
  1103. ParentPath = "Microsoft_HMSystemConfiguration=@";
  1104. ChildPath = $DG2;
  1105. };
  1106. //**************************************************************************
  1107. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  1108. //**************************************************************************
  1109. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1
  1110. {
  1111. Description = "ExAddDesc";
  1112. Enabled = FALSE;
  1113. GUID = "{B8B961BE-E6C1-40A0-8488-E4448DF68C8A}";
  1114. Name = "ExAddName";
  1115. };
  1116. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1117. {
  1118. ParentPath = $DG2;
  1119. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1;
  1120. };
  1121. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC1
  1122. {
  1123. Description = "W2EventDesc";
  1124. GUID = "{9B95EECD-F3FE-44F5-B096-74164C340629}";
  1125. Name = "W2EventName";
  1126. Properties = {"EventIdentifier", "SourceName", "Type", "CategoryString", "User", "LogFile", "HMNumInstancesCollected"};
  1127. Query = "select * from __instancecreationevent where targetinstance isa \"Win32_NtLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.Logfile=\"Application\" AND TargetInstance.Type=1";
  1128. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1129. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  1130. TypeGUID = "A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1131. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  1132. };
  1133. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1134. {
  1135. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1;
  1136. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC1;
  1137. };
  1138. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC1_T1
  1139. {
  1140. CompareValue = "1";
  1141. Description = "NumInstColl1Desc";
  1142. GUID = "{C91810C1-D444-452C-9906-D42687DC5F4F}";
  1143. Name = "NumInstColl1Name";
  1144. PropertyName = "HMNumInstancesCollected";
  1145. State = 3;
  1146. TestCondition = 1;
  1147. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1148. UseFlag = 0;
  1149. };
  1150. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1151. {
  1152. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1_DC1;
  1153. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC1_T1;
  1154. };
  1155. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC2
  1156. {
  1157. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1158. Description = "ExWMIIDesc";
  1159. Enabled = TRUE;
  1160. GUID = "{0AF63A0E-4F08-442B-9DB5-C9DAF29D1E22}";
  1161. Name = "ExWMIIName";
  1162. ObjectPath = "Win32_LogicalDisk";
  1163. Properties = {"DriveType", "FreeSpace", "Size", "VolumeName"};
  1164. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1165. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1166. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  1167. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1168. };
  1169. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1170. {
  1171. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1;
  1172. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC2;
  1173. };
  1174. //???No THresholds under this DC
  1175. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC3
  1176. {
  1177. Description = "LdiskDesc";
  1178. GUID = "{F7E1BABF-0B38-480D-9DB7-3B89CBD4D599}";
  1179. Name = "LdiskName";
  1180. ObjectPath = "LogicalDisk";
  1181. Properties = {"FreeMegabytes"};
  1182. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1183. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  1184. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1185. };
  1186. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1187. {
  1188. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1;
  1189. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC3;
  1190. };
  1191. //???No THresholds under this DC
  1192. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledMethodDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC4
  1193. {
  1194. ActiveDays = 127;
  1195. Arguments = {
  1196. instance of Microsoft_HMContext
  1197. {
  1198. Name = "IPAddress";
  1199. Type = 8;
  1200. Value = "LOCALHOST";
  1201. },
  1202. instance of Microsoft_HMContext
  1203. {
  1204. Name = "TimeOut";
  1205. Type = 19;
  1206. Value = "10";
  1207. },
  1208. instance of Microsoft_HMContext
  1209. {
  1210. Name = "Tries";
  1211. Type = 19;
  1212. Value = "4";
  1213. }};
  1214. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1215. Description = "PingDesc";
  1216. GUID = "{724B55E3-30FA-4272-BFD9-F8FE654FA337}";
  1217. MethodName = "Ping";
  1218. Name = "PingName";
  1219. ObjectPath = "PingPoller";
  1220. Properties = {"Status"};
  1221. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1222. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1223. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  1224. TypeGUID = "D442E727-971E-11d3-BE93-0000F87A3912";
  1225. };
  1226. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1227. {
  1228. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1;
  1229. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC4;
  1230. };
  1231. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC4_T1
  1232. {
  1233. CompareValue = "0";
  1234. Description = "StatDesc";
  1235. GUID = "{16EC11DC-0BCF-4FFE-9382-046CE8111F70}";
  1236. Name = "StatName";
  1237. PropertyName = "Status";
  1238. State = 8;
  1239. TestCondition = 1;
  1240. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1241. UseFlag = 0;
  1242. };
  1243. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1244. {
  1245. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1_DC4;
  1246. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC4_T1;
  1247. };
  1248. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC7
  1249. {
  1250. Description = "ExWMIQDesc";
  1251. GUID = "{82506868-B5CC-4459-9F85-549258878547}";
  1252. Name = "ExWMIQName";
  1253. Properties = {"Enabled"};
  1254. Query = "SELECT * FROM Microsoft_HMActionConfiguration";
  1255. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1256. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2\\MicrosoftHealthMonitor";
  1257. TypeGUID = "EF1D6A51-2759-11d3-9390-00A0CC406605";
  1258. };
  1259. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1260. {
  1261. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1;
  1262. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC7;
  1263. };
  1264. //???No Threshold under DC
  1265. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC8
  1266. {
  1267. Description = "ExServMonDesc";
  1268. GUID = "{F57EBF09-B7FB-489E-9A43-99896997590C}";
  1269. Name = "ExServMonName";
  1270. Properties = {"Started"};
  1271. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Alerter\"";
  1272. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1273. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  1274. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1275. };
  1276. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1277. {
  1278. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1;
  1279. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC8;
  1280. };
  1281. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG1_DC8_T1
  1282. {
  1283. CompareValue = "0";
  1284. Description = "ServRunDesc";
  1285. GUID = "{334D7D05-E029-4311-A0C7-9F2AAD807055}";
  1286. ID = 0;
  1287. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  1288. Name = "ServRunName";
  1289. PropertyName = "Started";
  1290. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  1291. State = 8;
  1292. TestCondition = 2;
  1293. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1294. UseFlag = 0;
  1295. };
  1296. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1297. {
  1298. ParentPath = $DG2_DG1_DC8;
  1299. ChildPath = $DG2_DG1_DC8_T1;
  1300. };
  1301. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DC1
  1302. {
  1303. ActiveDays = 127;
  1304. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  1305. Context = NULL;
  1306. Description = "ExEventQueryDesc";
  1307. Enabled = FALSE;
  1308. GUID = "{E92828FB-9896-483C-9380-E27CF5991892}";
  1309. Name = "ExEventQueryname";
  1310. Properties = {"EventCode"};
  1311. Query = "select * from __InstanceCreationEvent where TargetInstance isa \"Win32_NTLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.LogFile=\"Application\" AND (TargetInstance.EventCode=4097 OR TargetInstance.EventCode=4111)";
  1312. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1313. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1314. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  1315. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CB-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  1316. };
  1317. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1318. {
  1319. ParentPath = $DG2;
  1320. ChildPath = $DG2_DC1;
  1321. };
  1322. //???No Thresholds under
  1323. //**************************************************************************
  1324. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  1325. //**************************************************************************
  1326. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2
  1327. {
  1328. Description = "ExWebSiteDesc";
  1329. Enabled = FALSE;
  1330. GUID = "{212DE85C-806F-47C2-851F-94E9130EC5B0}";
  1331. Name = "ExWebSiteName";
  1332. };
  1333. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1334. {
  1335. ParentPath = $DG2;
  1336. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2;
  1337. };
  1338. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1
  1339. {
  1340. ActiveDays = 127;
  1341. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 30;
  1342. Description = "ASPCDesc";
  1343. GUID = "{2F008987-AAF0-4F53-B842-59F8ECE1BFE1}";
  1344. Name = "ASPCName";
  1345. ObjectPath = "ActiveServerPages=@";
  1346. Properties = {"ErrorsSec", "RequestsExecuting", "RequestsQueued", "RequestWaitTime", "RequestsNotAuthorized", "RequestsNotFound", "RequestsRejected", "RequestsTimedOut"};
  1347. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1348. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1349. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  1350. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1351. };
  1352. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1353. {
  1354. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2;
  1355. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1356. };
  1357. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1_T1
  1358. {
  1359. CompareValue = "5";
  1360. Description = "ReqNotAuthDesc";
  1361. GUID = "{2A831B52-8864-438B-AB40-53EA5273E9D9}";
  1362. ID = 0;
  1363. Message = "NotReqAMsg";
  1364. Name = "ReqNotAuthName";
  1365. PropertyName = "RequestsNotAuthorized";
  1366. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  1367. State = 8;
  1368. TestCondition = 1;
  1369. ThresholdDuration = 2;
  1370. UseFlag = 0;
  1371. };
  1372. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1373. {
  1374. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1375. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1_T1;
  1376. };
  1377. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1_T2
  1378. {
  1379. CompareValue = "5";
  1380. Description = "ReqTimeOutDesc" ;
  1381. GUID = "{2A9C18F5-DFD8-481C-AFC4-283EDF98F826}";
  1382. ID = 0;
  1383. Message = "ReqTimeMsg";
  1384. Name = "ReqTimeOutName";
  1385. PropertyName = "RequestsTimedOut";
  1386. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  1387. State = 8;
  1388. TestCondition = 1;
  1389. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1390. UseFlag = 0;
  1391. };
  1392. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1393. {
  1394. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1395. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1_T2;
  1396. };
  1397. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1_T3
  1398. {
  1399. CompareValue = "5";
  1400. Description = "ASPErrSecDesc";
  1401. GUID = "{35DCA4CA-4CB6-4733-A722-6E53650A3D65}";
  1402. ID = 0;
  1403. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  1404. Name = "ASPErrSecName";
  1405. PropertyName = "ErrorsSec";
  1406. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1407. State = 8;
  1408. TestCondition = 1;
  1409. ThresholdDuration = 4;
  1410. UseFlag = 0;
  1411. };
  1412. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1413. {
  1414. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1415. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1_T3;
  1416. };
  1417. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1_T4
  1418. {
  1419. CompareValue = "40";
  1420. Description = "ReqQueDesc";
  1421. GUID = "{670F4CA1-0C39-41E1-8DD3-D0D675450BAE}";
  1422. ID = 0;
  1423. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  1424. Name = "ReqQueName";
  1425. PropertyName = "RequestsQueued";
  1426. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1427. State = 8;
  1428. TestCondition = 1;
  1429. ThresholdDuration = 4;
  1430. UseFlag = 0;
  1431. };
  1432. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1433. {
  1434. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1435. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1_T4;
  1436. };
  1437. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1_T5
  1438. {
  1439. CompareValue = "5";
  1440. Description = "ReqNotFound";
  1441. GUID = "{893D65D3-AA2E-4286-90CC-D66913C5E37F}";
  1442. ID = 0;
  1443. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  1444. Name = "ReqNotFound";
  1445. PropertyName = "RequestsNotFound";
  1446. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1447. State = 8;
  1448. TestCondition = 1;
  1449. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1450. UseFlag = 0;
  1451. };
  1452. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1453. {
  1454. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1455. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1_T5;
  1456. };
  1457. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1_T6
  1458. {
  1459. CompareValue = "1";
  1460. Description = "ReqWaitTimeDesc";
  1461. GUID = "{95BFDB9F-5A03-4129-B5A6-04A1EA9963CD}";
  1462. ID = 0;
  1463. Message = "DefaultMsg";
  1464. Name = "ReqWaitTimeName";
  1465. PropertyName = "RequestWaitTime";
  1466. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1467. State = 8;
  1468. TestCondition = 1;
  1469. ThresholdDuration = 4;
  1470. UseFlag = 0;
  1471. };
  1472. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1473. {
  1474. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1475. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1_T6;
  1476. };
  1477. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1_T7
  1478. {
  1479. CompareValue = "1";
  1480. Description = "ReqExDesc";
  1481. GUID = "{B54088B2-B9EC-4E86-AA39-5B994AB04A15}";
  1482. ID = 0;
  1483. Message = "ExecMsg";
  1484. Name = "ReqExName";
  1485. PropertyName = "RequestsExecuting";
  1486. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  1487. State = 8;
  1488. TestCondition = 1;
  1489. ThresholdDuration = 4;
  1490. UseFlag = 0;
  1491. };
  1492. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1493. {
  1494. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1495. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1_T7;
  1496. };
  1497. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC1_T8
  1498. {
  1499. CompareValue = "5";
  1500. Description = "ReqReject";
  1501. GUID = "{E9561BEE-B85C-4621-8F37-3797B0B7E13E}";
  1502. ID = 0;
  1503. Message = "RejReqMsg";
  1504. Name = "ReqReject";
  1505. PropertyName = "RequestsRejected";
  1506. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  1507. State = 8;
  1508. TestCondition = 1;
  1509. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1510. UseFlag = 0;
  1511. };
  1512. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1513. {
  1514. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1;
  1515. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC1_T8;
  1516. };
  1517. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC2
  1518. {
  1519. ActiveDays = 127;
  1520. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  1521. Description = "ASPDesc";
  1522. GUID = "{3C02767C-EB1B-431B-846F-D9EF5D20466B}";
  1523. Name = "ASPName";
  1524. Properties = {"EventIdentifier", "SourceName", "Type", "CategoryString", "User", "LogFile"};
  1525. Query = "select * from __instanceCreationevent where targetinstance isa \"Win32_NtLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.Logfile=\"Application\" AND TargetInstance.Type=1 AND TargetInstance.SourceName=\"Active Server Pages\"";
  1526. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1527. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1528. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  1529. TypeGUID = "A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1530. };
  1531. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1532. {
  1533. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2;
  1534. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC2;
  1535. };
  1536. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC2_T1
  1537. {
  1538. CompareValue = "1";
  1539. Description = "ASPEvtLogDesc";
  1540. GUID = "{ADDC60BC-492F-448A-BB22-191836CBFC66}";
  1541. ID = 0;
  1542. Message = "ASPEventMsg";
  1543. Name = "ASPEvtLogName";
  1544. PropertyName = "EventIdentifier";
  1545. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  1546. State = 8;
  1547. TestCondition = 1;
  1548. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1549. UseFlag = 0;
  1550. };
  1551. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1552. {
  1553. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC2;
  1554. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC2_T1;
  1555. };
  1556. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC3
  1557. {
  1558. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  1559. Description = "WSEDesc";
  1560. GUID = "{57B036F6-6DBE-45E4-904E-C444344CF167}";
  1561. Name = "WSEName";
  1562. Properties = {"EventIdentifier", "SourceName", "Type", "CategoryString", "User", "LogFile"};
  1563. Query = "select * from __instancecreationevent where targetinstance isa \"Win32_NtLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.Logfile=\"Application\" AND TargetInstance.Type=1 AND TargetInstance.SourceName=\"W3Svc\"";
  1564. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1565. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1566. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  1567. TypeGUID = "A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1568. };
  1569. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1570. {
  1571. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2;
  1572. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC3;
  1573. };
  1574. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC3_T1
  1575. {
  1576. CompareValue = "1";
  1577. Description = "WebSerErrDesc";
  1578. GUID = "{26D174DF-0DD3-42FA-A618-C41F6BD98CA1}";
  1579. ID = 0;
  1580. Message = "WebNTMsg";
  1581. Name = "WebSerErrName";
  1582. PropertyName = "EventIdentifier";
  1583. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  1584. State = 8;
  1585. TestCondition = 1;
  1586. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1587. UseFlag = 0;
  1588. };
  1589. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1590. {
  1591. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC3;
  1592. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC3_T1;
  1593. };
  1594. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC4
  1595. {
  1596. ActiveDays = 127;
  1597. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1598. Description = "MSWebDesc";
  1599. GUID = "{8C1D6F1E-F149-41A8-A6AB-F9DEBFA0FD84}";
  1600. Name = "MSWebName";
  1601. ObjectPath = "HTTPProvider.Method=\"GET\",Url=\"\",TimeoutMSecs=30,FollowRedirects=1";
  1602. Properties = {"StatusCode", "StatusText", "ContentLength", "TextResponse", "RawHeaders", "ContentType", "Cookie", "LastModified", "ResponseTime"};
  1603. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1604. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1605. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  1606. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CD-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1607. };
  1608. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1609. {
  1610. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2;
  1611. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC4;
  1612. };
  1613. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC4_T1
  1614. {
  1615. CompareValue = "30000";
  1616. Description = "RespTDesc";
  1617. GUID = "{2E14B190-0637-4A42-8E6A-A54BCC71AD08}";
  1618. ID = 0;
  1619. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  1620. Name = "RespTName";
  1621. PropertyName = "ResponseTime";
  1622. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1623. State = 8;
  1624. TestCondition = 1;
  1625. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1626. UseFlag = 0;
  1627. };
  1628. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1629. {
  1630. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC4;
  1631. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC4_T1;
  1632. };
  1633. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC4_T2
  1634. {
  1635. CompareValue = "400";
  1636. Description = "StatCodeDesc";
  1637. GUID = "{D58BA3B2-44C1-42F4-96B1-7DF20CA2D3DC}";
  1638. ID = 0;
  1639. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  1640. Name = "StatCodeName";
  1641. PropertyName = "StatusCode";
  1642. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1643. State = 0;
  1644. TestCondition = 4;
  1645. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1646. UseFlag = 0;
  1647. };
  1648. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1649. {
  1650. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC4;
  1651. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC4_T2;
  1652. };
  1653. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC5
  1654. {
  1655. ActiveDays = 127;
  1656. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 30;
  1657. Description = "WebSrvDesc";
  1658. GUID = "{CEFB94DB-998C-4C30-925D-268370D3DC84}";
  1659. Name = "WebSrvName";
  1660. ObjectPath = "WebService.InstanceName=\"_Total\"";
  1661. Properties = {"CurrentAnonymousUsers", "TotalNotFoundErrors"};
  1662. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1663. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1664. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  1665. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1666. };
  1667. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1668. {
  1669. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2;
  1670. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC5;
  1671. };
  1672. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC5_T1
  1673. {
  1674. CompareValue = "1";
  1675. Description = "CurAnonUserDesc" ;
  1676. GUID = "{6312BD7E-886E-49E0-92F9-7DA91D7B031B}";
  1677. ID = 0;
  1678. Message = "AnonUsersMsg";
  1679. Name = "CurAnonUserName";
  1680. PropertyName = "CurrentAnonymousUsers";
  1681. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  1682. State = 8;
  1683. TestCondition = 1;
  1684. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1685. UseFlag = 0;
  1686. };
  1687. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1688. {
  1689. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC5;
  1690. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC5_T1;
  1691. };
  1692. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG2_DG2_DC5_T2
  1693. {
  1694. CompareValue = "10";
  1695. Description = "TotNotFndErrDesc" ;
  1696. GUID = "{7A6FFC44-C0E2-42BA-9F8E-A252CF56B60F}";
  1697. ID = 0;
  1698. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  1699. Name = "TotNotFndErrName" ;
  1700. PropertyName = "TotalNotFoundErrors";
  1701. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  1702. State = 8;
  1703. TestCondition = 1;
  1704. ThresholdDuration = 4;
  1705. UseFlag = 2;
  1706. };
  1707. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1708. {
  1709. ParentPath = $DG2_DG2_DC5;
  1710. ChildPath = $DG2_DG2_DC5_T2;
  1711. };
  1712. //**************************************************************************
  1713. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  1714. //**************************************************************************
  1715. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3
  1716. {
  1717. Description = "ServDesc";
  1718. Enabled = TRUE;
  1719. GUID = "{BDC30899-F3F3-4062-B440-09812B938930}";
  1720. Name = "ServName";
  1721. };
  1722. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1723. {
  1724. ParentPath = "Microsoft_HMSystemConfiguration=@";
  1725. ChildPath = $DG3;
  1726. };
  1727. //**************************************************************************
  1728. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  1729. //**************************************************************************
  1730. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1
  1731. {
  1732. Description = "SMSDesc";
  1733. Enabled = FALSE;
  1734. GUID = "{E213550F-ED7B-400C-A3ED-3FC2906E0311}";
  1735. Name = "SMSName";
  1736. };
  1737. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1738. {
  1739. ParentPath = $DG3;
  1740. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1;
  1741. };
  1742. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC1
  1743. {
  1744. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1745. Context = NULL;
  1746. Description = "SMSSQLDesc";
  1747. Enabled = FALSE;
  1748. GUID = "{1B900A18-A066-4A78-ADCC-CB2FD343378D}";
  1749. Name = "SMSSQLName";
  1750. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"SMS_SQL_Monitor\"";
  1751. Properties = {"Started"};
  1752. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1753. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1754. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  1755. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  1756. };
  1757. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1758. {
  1759. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1;
  1760. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC1;
  1761. };
  1762. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC1_T1
  1763. {
  1764. CompareValue = "1";
  1765. Description = "SMSSQLMonDesc";
  1766. Enabled = FALSE;
  1767. GUID = "{A6BF9624-6E35-4788-B447-17CCC6DB5A82}";
  1768. ID = 7525;
  1769. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  1770. Name = "SMSSQLMonName";
  1771. PropertyName = "Started";
  1772. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  1773. State = 9;
  1774. TestCondition = 0;
  1775. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1776. UseFlag = 0;
  1777. };
  1778. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1779. {
  1780. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1_DC1;
  1781. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC1_T1;
  1782. };
  1783. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC2
  1784. {
  1785. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1786. Context = NULL;
  1787. Description = "SMSSiteDesc";
  1788. Enabled = FALSE;
  1789. GUID = "{4A623B81-BF80-45B9-8884-FD24A3C82488}";
  1790. Name = "SMSSiteName";
  1791. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"SMS_Site_Component_Manager\"";
  1792. Properties = {"Started"};
  1793. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1794. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1795. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  1796. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  1797. };
  1798. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1799. {
  1800. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1;
  1801. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC2;
  1802. };
  1803. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC2_T1
  1804. {
  1805. CompareValue = "1";
  1806. Description = "SMSsiteComDesc";
  1807. Enabled = FALSE;
  1808. GUID = "{7325CA0C-D5E1-4F97-98AF-76E78A68C0F8}";
  1809. ID = 7522;
  1810. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  1811. Name = "SMSsiteComName";
  1812. PropertyName = "Started";
  1813. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  1814. State = 9;
  1815. TestCondition = 0;
  1816. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1817. UseFlag = 0;
  1818. };
  1819. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1820. {
  1821. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1_DC2;
  1822. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC2_T1;
  1823. };
  1824. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC3
  1825. {
  1826. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1827. Context = NULL;
  1828. Description = "SMSExecDesc";
  1829. Enabled = FALSE;
  1830. GUID = "{57C12FB8-E86E-4D79-B66E-8DB30951B789}";
  1831. Name = "SMSExecName";
  1832. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"SMS_Executive\"";
  1833. Properties = {"Started"};
  1834. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1835. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1836. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  1837. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1838. };
  1839. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1840. {
  1841. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1;
  1842. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC3;
  1843. };
  1844. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC3_T1
  1845. {
  1846. CompareValue = "1";
  1847. Description = "SMSExecServDesc";
  1848. Enabled = FALSE;
  1849. GUID = "{ABB27682-97DD-468B-8A5B-E1B32568E58A}";
  1850. ID = 7520;
  1851. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  1852. Name = "SMSExecServName";
  1853. PropertyName = "Started";
  1854. ResetMessage = "SErviceStartMsg";
  1855. State = 9;
  1856. TestCondition = 0;
  1857. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1858. UseFlag = 0;
  1859. };
  1860. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1861. {
  1862. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1_DC3;
  1863. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC3_T1;
  1864. };
  1865. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC4
  1866. {
  1867. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1868. Context = NULL;
  1869. Description = "SMSStatDesc";
  1870. Enabled = FALSE;
  1871. GUID = "{B6A121AD-C148-4E40-8636-2B0FCBF24B5A}";
  1872. Name = "SMSStatName";
  1873. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"SMS_Status_Manager\"";
  1874. Properties = {"Started"};
  1875. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1876. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1877. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  1878. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1879. };
  1880. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1881. {
  1882. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1;
  1883. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC4;
  1884. };
  1885. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC4_T1
  1886. {
  1887. CompareValue = "1";
  1888. Description = "SMSStatServDesc";
  1889. Enabled = FALSE;
  1890. GUID = "{32DD1479-1637-47F4-A4A1-05E5BAB07F02}";
  1891. ID = 7523;
  1892. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  1893. Name = "SMSStatServName";
  1894. PropertyName = "Started";
  1895. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  1896. State = 9;
  1897. TestCondition = 0;
  1898. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1899. UseFlag = 0;
  1900. };
  1901. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1902. {
  1903. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1_DC4;
  1904. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC4_T1;
  1905. };
  1906. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC5
  1907. {
  1908. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1909. Context = NULL;
  1910. Description = "InboxDesc";
  1911. Enabled = FALSE;
  1912. GUID = "{F3C72A04-7172-47F6-A567-89881196B3A3}";
  1913. Name = "InboxName";
  1914. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"SMS_Inbox_Manager\"";
  1915. Properties = {"Started"};
  1916. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1917. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1918. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  1919. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  1920. };
  1921. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1922. {
  1923. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1;
  1924. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC5;
  1925. };
  1926. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG1_DC5_T1
  1927. {
  1928. CompareValue = "1";
  1929. Description = "SMSInboxManDesc";
  1930. Enabled = FALSE;
  1931. GUID = "{AB74FFD1-560A-4788-AFDE-0C2C992E154E}";
  1932. ID = 7521;
  1933. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  1934. Name = "SMSInboxManName";
  1935. PropertyName = "Started";
  1936. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  1937. State = 9;
  1938. TestCondition = 0;
  1939. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1940. UseFlag = 0;
  1941. };
  1942. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1943. {
  1944. ParentPath = $DG3_DG1_DC5;
  1945. ChildPath = $DG3_DG1_DC5_T1;
  1946. };
  1947. //**************************************************************************
  1948. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  1949. //**************************************************************************
  1950. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG2
  1951. {
  1952. Description = "SNADesc";
  1953. Enabled = FALSE;
  1954. GUID = "{541F9B9B-CA66-4F97-9320-1CFAAE3164CA}";
  1955. Name = "SNAName";
  1956. };
  1957. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1958. {
  1959. ParentPath = $DG3;
  1960. ChildPath = $DG3_DG2;
  1961. };
  1962. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG2_DC1
  1963. {
  1964. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  1965. Context = NULL;
  1966. Description = "SNAServDesc";
  1967. Enabled = FALSE;
  1968. GUID = "{68D4598E-3129-40B6-B262-359AD656C07B}";
  1969. Name = "SNAServName";
  1970. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"SNABase\"";
  1971. Properties = {"Started"};
  1972. RequireReset = FALSE;
  1973. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  1974. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  1975. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  1976. };
  1977. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1978. {
  1979. ParentPath = $DG3_DG2;
  1980. ChildPath = $DG3_DG2_DC1;
  1981. };
  1982. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG2_DC1_T1
  1983. {
  1984. CompareValue = "1";
  1985. Description = "SNAStopDesc";
  1986. Enabled = FALSE;
  1987. GUID = "{E76E39D0-C968-4F11-AAA8-0800F4908D62}";
  1988. ID = 7540;
  1989. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  1990. Name = "SNAStopName";
  1991. PropertyName = "Started";
  1992. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  1993. State = 9;
  1994. TestCondition = 0;
  1995. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  1996. UseFlag = 0;
  1997. };
  1998. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  1999. {
  2000. ParentPath = $DG3_DG2_DC1;
  2001. ChildPath = $DG3_DG2_DC1_T1;
  2002. };
  2003. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG2_DC2
  2004. {
  2005. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  2006. Context = NULL;
  2007. Description = "SNADesc";
  2008. Enabled = FALSE;
  2009. GUID = "{DE35C659-4C23-4D0D-B9A5-D1F68E292131}";
  2010. Name = "SNAName";
  2011. ObjectPath = "SNA_Connection";
  2012. Properties = {"Status"};
  2013. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2014. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2015. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\SNA";
  2016. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  2017. };
  2018. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2019. {
  2020. ParentPath = $DG3_DG2;
  2021. ChildPath = $DG3_DG2_DC2;
  2022. };
  2023. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG2_DC2_T1
  2024. {
  2025. CompareValue = "-1";
  2026. Description = "SNAHostDesc" ;
  2027. Enabled = FALSE;
  2028. GUID = "{6E7BAFA0-F1C9-484D-9DA6-67DC463A89C5}";
  2029. ID = 7530;
  2030. Message = "SNALostMsg";
  2031. Name = "SNAHostName" ;
  2032. PropertyName = "Status";
  2033. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  2034. State = 9;
  2035. TestCondition = 0;
  2036. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2037. UseFlag = 0;
  2038. };
  2039. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2040. {
  2041. ParentPath = $DG3_DG2_DC2;
  2042. ChildPath = $DG3_DG2_DC2_T1;
  2043. };
  2044. //**************************************************************************
  2045. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  2046. //**************************************************************************
  2047. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG3
  2048. {
  2049. Description = "ProxyDesc";
  2050. Enabled = FALSE;
  2051. GUID = "{78595F7F-27E0-449E-BC92-B241A8D1A784}";
  2052. Name = "ProxyName";
  2053. };
  2054. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2055. {
  2056. ParentPath = $DG3;
  2057. ChildPath = $DG3_DG3;
  2058. };
  2059. //???Nothing under
  2060. //**************************************************************************
  2061. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  2062. //**************************************************************************
  2063. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4
  2064. {
  2065. Description = "WinNTDesc";
  2066. Enabled = TRUE;
  2067. GUID = "{80B4133F-1377-4A8A-AA4D-5B81E99F23BB}";
  2068. Name = "WinNTName";
  2069. };
  2070. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2071. {
  2072. ParentPath = $DG3;
  2073. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4;
  2074. };
  2075. //**************************************************************************
  2076. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  2077. //**************************************************************************
  2078. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1
  2079. {
  2080. Description = "SecServDesc";
  2081. Enabled = FALSE;
  2082. GUID = "{CA890366-65BE-4116-8E39-F51D90A64174}";
  2083. Name = "SecServName";
  2084. };
  2085. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2086. {
  2087. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4;
  2088. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2089. };
  2090. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC1
  2091. {
  2092. ActiveDays = 127;
  2093. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2094. Description = "RemoveDesc";
  2095. GUID = "{04D958F4-CB95-4062-89B5-5606B45EB751}";
  2096. Name = "RemoveName";
  2097. Properties = {"Started"};
  2098. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"NtmsSvc\"";
  2099. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2100. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2101. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2102. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2103. };
  2104. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2105. {
  2106. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2107. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC1;
  2108. };
  2109. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC1_T1
  2110. {
  2111. Description = "RemStorRunDesc";
  2112. GUID = "{2BC9783F-F2D5-4F4A-9435-3714E6A97C87}";
  2113. ID = 8320;
  2114. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2115. Name = "RemStorRunName";
  2116. PropertyName = "Started";
  2117. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2118. State = 8;
  2119. TestCondition = 2;
  2120. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2121. UseFlag = 0;
  2122. };
  2123. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2124. {
  2125. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC1;
  2126. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC1_T1;
  2127. };
  2128. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC2
  2129. {
  2130. ActiveDays = 127;
  2131. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2132. Description = "SecLogDesc";
  2133. GUID = "{336F24D0-72B8-4CE6-B939-2A908C3180F2}";
  2134. Name = "SecLogName";
  2135. Properties = {"Started"};
  2136. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"seclogon\"";
  2137. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2138. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2139. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2140. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2141. };
  2142. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2143. {
  2144. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2145. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC2;
  2146. };
  2147. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC1_T2
  2148. {
  2149. Description = "SecLogOnSrvDesc";
  2150. GUID = "{6982FDCF-E7D9-4870-85BC-771F9CE38564}";
  2151. ID = 8330;
  2152. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2153. Name = "SecLogOnSrvName";
  2154. PropertyName = "Started";
  2155. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2156. State = 8;
  2157. TestCondition = 2;
  2158. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2159. UseFlag = 0;
  2160. };
  2161. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2162. {
  2163. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC2;
  2164. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC1_T2;
  2165. };
  2166. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC3
  2167. {
  2168. ActiveDays = 127;
  2169. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2170. Description = "ProtSDesc";
  2171. GUID = "{3DA93809-43E7-40B5-B85C-8818D6716F0E}";
  2172. Name = "ProtSName";
  2173. Properties = {"Started"};
  2174. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"ProtectedStorage\"";
  2175. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2176. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2177. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2178. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2179. };
  2180. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2181. {
  2182. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2183. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC3;
  2184. };
  2185. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC3_T1
  2186. {
  2187. Description = "ProtStRunDesc";
  2188. GUID = "{F6EF2B78-5232-4153-8C70-A17A9FFBCDBF}";
  2189. ID = 8290;
  2190. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2191. Name = "ProtStRunName";
  2192. PropertyName = "Started";
  2193. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2194. State = 8;
  2195. TestCondition = 2;
  2196. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2197. UseFlag = 0;
  2198. };
  2199. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2200. {
  2201. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC3;
  2202. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC3_T1;
  2203. };
  2204. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC4
  2205. {
  2206. ActiveDays = 127;
  2207. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2208. Description = "DLTCDesc";
  2209. GUID = "{3FD79B9B-08A4-4BC9-B304-1A6EBBF43C58}";
  2210. Name = "DLTCName";
  2211. Properties = {"Started"};
  2212. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"TrkWks\"";
  2213. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2214. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2215. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2216. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2217. };
  2218. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2219. {
  2220. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2221. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC4;
  2222. };
  2223. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC4_T1
  2224. {
  2225. Description = "DistLnkTrckDesc";
  2226. GUID = "{82974106-17E9-4CC6-8AC2-F0F642C72F74}";
  2227. ID = 8210;
  2228. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2229. Name = "DistLnkTrckName";
  2230. PropertyName = "Started";
  2231. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2232. State = 8;
  2233. TestCondition = 2;
  2234. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2235. UseFlag = 0;
  2236. };
  2237. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2238. {
  2239. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC4;
  2240. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC4_T1;
  2241. };
  2242. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC5
  2243. {
  2244. ActiveDays = 127;
  2245. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 180;
  2246. Description = "EvLogDesc";
  2247. GUID = "{4B50F859-AEF1-4739-AE61-864C17CF73BC}";
  2248. Name = "EvLogName";
  2249. Properties = {"Started"};
  2250. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Eventlog\"";
  2251. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2252. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2253. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2254. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2255. };
  2256. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2257. {
  2258. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2259. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC5;
  2260. };
  2261. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC5_T1
  2262. {
  2263. Description = "EvtLogRunDesc";
  2264. GUID = "{5087EC2F-FA73-435A-811E-644DA099AFF5}";
  2265. ID = 8240;
  2266. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2267. Name = "EvtLogRunName";
  2268. PropertyName = "Started";
  2269. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2270. State = 8;
  2271. TestCondition = 2;
  2272. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2273. UseFlag = 0;
  2274. };
  2275. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2276. {
  2277. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC5;
  2278. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC5_T1;
  2279. };
  2280. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC6
  2281. {
  2282. ActiveDays = 127;
  2283. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2284. Description = "RPCDesc";
  2285. GUID = "{519CCD16-1D76-4C42-83B3-83B4E059A302}";
  2286. Name = "RPCName";
  2287. Properties = {"Started"};
  2288. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"RpcSs\"";
  2289. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2290. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2291. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2292. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2293. };
  2294. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2295. {
  2296. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2297. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC6;
  2298. };
  2299. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC6_T1
  2300. {
  2301. Description = "RPCserDesc";
  2302. GUID = "{BE5F993D-A21E-4ED8-96B2-D42BDE784CE0}";
  2303. ID = 8300;
  2304. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2305. Name = "RPCserName";
  2306. PropertyName = "Started";
  2307. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2308. State = 8;
  2309. TestCondition = 2;
  2310. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2311. UseFlag = 0;
  2312. };
  2313. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2314. {
  2315. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC6;
  2316. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC6_T1;
  2317. };
  2318. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC7
  2319. {
  2320. ActiveDays = 127;
  2321. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2322. Description = "SysEvDesc";
  2323. GUID = "{8913B9B1-FE8C-48FB-B2FC-7C852B0CA092}";
  2324. Name = "SysEvName";
  2325. Properties = {"Started"};
  2326. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"SENS\"";
  2327. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2328. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2329. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2330. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2331. };
  2332. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2333. {
  2334. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2335. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC7;
  2336. };
  2337. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC7_T1
  2338. {
  2339. Description = "SENrunDesc";
  2340. GUID = "{4BFC2CC9-D5D6-4131-AB54-E57F35BCBF44}";
  2341. ID = 8340;
  2342. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2343. Name = "SENrunName";
  2344. PropertyName = "Started";
  2345. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2346. State = 8;
  2347. TestCondition = 2;
  2348. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2349. UseFlag = 0;
  2350. };
  2351. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2352. {
  2353. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC7;
  2354. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC7_T1;
  2355. };
  2356. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC8
  2357. {
  2358. ActiveDays = 127;
  2359. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 120;
  2360. Description = "TCPDesc";
  2361. GUID = "{8CE6F1B9-3C24-4BEA-9EF3-AA26C0E6CE5A}";
  2362. Name = "TCPName";
  2363. Properties = {"Started"};
  2364. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"LmHosts\"";
  2365. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2366. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2367. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2368. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2369. };
  2370. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2371. {
  2372. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2373. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC8;
  2374. };
  2375. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC8_T1
  2376. {
  2377. Description = "TCPIPNetbiosDesc";
  2378. GUID = "{365BF5C7-2721-416C-A205-9B279D8265C0}";
  2379. ID = 8350;
  2380. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2381. Name = "TCPIPNetbiosName";
  2382. PropertyName = "Started";
  2383. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2384. State = 8;
  2385. TestCondition = 2;
  2386. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2387. UseFlag = 0;
  2388. };
  2389. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2390. {
  2391. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC8;
  2392. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC8_T1;
  2393. };
  2394. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC9
  2395. {
  2396. ActiveDays = 127;
  2397. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 600;
  2398. Description = "TermServDesc";
  2399. GUID = "{91BEC41F-FDF8-4E99-843A-240CCA15A81D}";
  2400. Name = "TermServName";
  2401. Properties = {"Started"};
  2402. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"TermService\"";
  2403. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2404. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2405. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2406. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2407. };
  2408. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2409. {
  2410. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2411. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC9;
  2412. };
  2413. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC9_T1
  2414. {
  2415. Description = "TermServRunDesc";
  2416. GUID = "{F1576470-E983-45F2-90A1-1EBFD38DF0DE}";
  2417. ID = 8360;
  2418. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2419. Name = "TermServRunName";
  2420. PropertyName = "Started";
  2421. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2422. State = 8;
  2423. TestCondition = 2;
  2424. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2425. UseFlag = 0;
  2426. };
  2427. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2428. {
  2429. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC9;
  2430. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC9_T1;
  2431. };
  2432. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC10
  2433. {
  2434. ActiveDays = 127;
  2435. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 600;
  2436. Description = "IPSecDesc";
  2437. GUID = "{9B9CFA79-25A9-483B-9BBB-0A455C740AC3}";
  2438. Name = "IPSecName";
  2439. Properties = {"Started"};
  2440. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"PolicyAgent\"";
  2441. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2442. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2443. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2444. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2445. };
  2446. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2447. {
  2448. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2449. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC10;
  2450. };
  2451. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC10_T1
  2452. {
  2453. Description = "IPSecPolAgentDesc";
  2454. GUID = "{14C27E46-0164-4D57-9FC3-79E93D32185F}";
  2455. ID = 8260;
  2456. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2457. Name = "IPSecPolAgentName";
  2458. PropertyName = "Started";
  2459. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2460. State = 8;
  2461. TestCondition = 2;
  2462. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2463. UseFlag = 0;
  2464. };
  2465. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2466. {
  2467. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC10;
  2468. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC10_T1;
  2469. };
  2470. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC11
  2471. {
  2472. ActiveDays = 127;
  2473. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1800;
  2474. Description = "WTimeDesc";
  2475. GUID = "{9D4B511B-C241-4B6E-9608-DCADC588E2D4}";
  2476. Name = "WTimeName";
  2477. Properties = {"Started"};
  2478. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"W32Time\"";
  2479. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2480. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2481. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2482. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2483. };
  2484. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2485. {
  2486. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2487. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC11;
  2488. };
  2489. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC11_T1
  2490. {
  2491. Description = "WinTimeSrvDesc";
  2492. GUID = "{399CE8B7-4F6D-4E28-B552-AA5F68551F49}";
  2493. ID = 8370;
  2494. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2495. Name = "WinTimeSrvName";
  2496. PropertyName = "Started";
  2497. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2498. State = 8;
  2499. TestCondition = 2;
  2500. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2501. UseFlag = 0;
  2502. };
  2503. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2504. {
  2505. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC11;
  2506. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC11_T1;
  2507. };
  2508. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC12
  2509. {
  2510. ActiveDays = 127;
  2511. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2512. Description = "IndServDesc";
  2513. GUID = "{B626A61A-6391-43CB-A02A-C5DA36EA33F5}";
  2514. Name = "IndServName";
  2515. Properties = {"Started"};
  2516. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"cisvc\"";
  2517. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2518. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2519. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2520. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2521. };
  2522. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2523. {
  2524. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2525. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC12;
  2526. };
  2527. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC12_T1
  2528. {
  2529. Description = "IndexSrvDesc";
  2530. GUID = "{8AE75BDA-65B5-4481-8C57-933A6C2230CA}";
  2531. ID = 8250;
  2532. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2533. Name = "IndexSrvName";
  2534. PropertyName = "Started";
  2535. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2536. State = 8;
  2537. TestCondition = 2;
  2538. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2539. UseFlag = 0;
  2540. };
  2541. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2542. {
  2543. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC12;
  2544. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC12_T1;
  2545. };
  2546. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC13
  2547. {
  2548. ActiveDays = 127;
  2549. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 600;
  2550. Description = "TSLDesc";
  2551. GUID = "{D8C28C12-F207-4794-9B36-24D498DA7FBD}";
  2552. Name = "TSLName";
  2553. Properties = {"Started"};
  2554. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"TermServLicensing\"";
  2555. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2556. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2557. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2558. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2559. };
  2560. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2561. {
  2562. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2563. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC13;
  2564. };
  2565. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC13_T1
  2566. {
  2567. Description = "TermLicStartDesc";
  2568. GUID = "{ECEF4F9B-DC30-4A61-9BC6-C0948C50D588}";
  2569. ID = 8360;
  2570. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2571. Name = "TermLicStartName";
  2572. PropertyName = "Started";
  2573. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2574. State = 8;
  2575. TestCondition = 2;
  2576. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2577. UseFlag = 0;
  2578. };
  2579. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2580. {
  2581. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC13;
  2582. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC13_T1;
  2583. };
  2584. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC14
  2585. {
  2586. ActiveDays = 127;
  2587. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2588. Description = "RemRegDesc";
  2589. GUID = "{E234F00C-0FE5-4253-A4EF-B5D4D21D515E}";
  2590. Name = "RemRegName";
  2591. Properties = {"Started"};
  2592. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"RemoteRegistry\"";
  2593. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2594. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2595. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2596. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2597. };
  2598. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2599. {
  2600. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1;
  2601. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC14;
  2602. };
  2603. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC14_T1
  2604. {
  2605. Description = "RemoteRegDesc";
  2606. GUID = "{B084748F-1ECC-4E6C-A67A-AAC2E2BE4CEC}";
  2607. ID = 8310;
  2608. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2609. Name = "RemoteRegName";
  2610. PropertyName = "Started";
  2611. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2612. State = 8;
  2613. TestCondition = 2;
  2614. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2615. UseFlag = 0;
  2616. };
  2617. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2618. {
  2619. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC14;
  2620. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG1_DC14_T1;
  2621. };
  2622. //**************************************************************************
  2623. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  2624. //**************************************************************************
  2625. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2
  2626. {
  2627. Description = "MainServDesc";
  2628. GUID = "{79009F14-BE92-4EC1-A482-D459235E3AAC}";
  2629. Name = "MainServName";
  2630. };
  2631. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2632. {
  2633. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4;
  2634. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2635. };
  2636. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC1
  2637. {
  2638. ActiveDays = 127;
  2639. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 720;
  2640. Description = "DHCPDesc";
  2641. Enabled = TRUE;
  2642. GUID = "{0D540B8D-7690-42BA-B28C-C424DCCDF37A}";
  2643. Name = "DHCPName";
  2644. Properties = {"Started"};
  2645. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Dhcp\"";
  2646. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2647. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2648. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2649. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2650. };
  2651. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2652. {
  2653. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2654. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC1;
  2655. };
  2656. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC1_T1
  2657. {
  2658. Description = "DHCPRunDesc";
  2659. GUID = "{242B2788-CA9F-4419-9D91-774AB7E7A296}";
  2660. ID = 8010;
  2661. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2662. Name = "DHCPRunName";
  2663. PropertyName = "Started";
  2664. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2665. State = 8;
  2666. TestCondition = 2;
  2667. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2668. UseFlag = 0;
  2669. };
  2670. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2671. {
  2672. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC1;
  2673. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC1_T1;
  2674. };
  2675. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC2
  2676. {
  2677. ActiveDays = 127;
  2678. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 240;
  2679. Description = "ServerDesc";
  2680. Enabled = TRUE;
  2681. GUID = "{1B70B64C-B489-4CDD-8DE9-A3185148CD74}";
  2682. Name = "ServerName";
  2683. Properties = {"Started"};
  2684. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Server\"";
  2685. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2686. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2687. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2688. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2689. };
  2690. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2691. {
  2692. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2693. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC2;
  2694. };
  2695. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC2_T1
  2696. {
  2697. Description = "ServRunDesc";
  2698. GUID = "{85E4504E-DE7B-4E0B-80A8-283A51CCD587}";
  2699. ID = 8060;
  2700. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2701. Name = "ServRunName";
  2702. PropertyName = "Started";
  2703. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2704. State = 8;
  2705. TestCondition = 2;
  2706. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2707. UseFlag = 0;
  2708. };
  2709. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2710. {
  2711. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC2;
  2712. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC2_T1;
  2713. };
  2714. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC3
  2715. {
  2716. ActiveDays = 127;
  2717. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 900;
  2718. Description = "TaskDesc";
  2719. Enabled = TRUE;
  2720. GUID = "{251B34BD-8806-451C-BB0F-A656430B50C4}";
  2721. Name = "TaskName";
  2722. Properties = {"Started"};
  2723. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Schedule\"";
  2724. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2725. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2726. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2727. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2728. };
  2729. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2730. {
  2731. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2732. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC3;
  2733. };
  2734. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC3_T1
  2735. {
  2736. CompareValue = "";
  2737. Description = "SchedRunDesc";
  2738. GUID = "{424A2263-C815-408E-A0DF-B4DE3F87623E}";
  2739. ID = 8070;
  2740. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2741. Name = "SchedRunName";
  2742. PropertyName = "Started";
  2743. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2744. State = 8;
  2745. TestCondition = 2;
  2746. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2747. UseFlag = 0;
  2748. };
  2749. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2750. {
  2751. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC3;
  2752. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC3_T1;
  2753. };
  2754. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC4
  2755. {
  2756. ActiveDays = 127;
  2757. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 600;
  2758. Description = "NetLogDesc";
  2759. GUID = "{71699745-325C-46C4-92A1-C5665A498ACF}";
  2760. Name = "NetLogName";
  2761. Properties = {"Started"};
  2762. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Netlogon\"";
  2763. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2764. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2765. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2766. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2767. };
  2768. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2769. {
  2770. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2771. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC4;
  2772. };
  2773. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC4_T1
  2774. {
  2775. Description = "NetLogonRunDesc";
  2776. GUID = "{9C79C64E-74ED-4276-8E44-AB6DA9CF19CA}";
  2777. ID = 8030;
  2778. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2779. Name = "NetLogonRunName";
  2780. PropertyName = "Started";
  2781. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2782. State = 8;
  2783. TestCondition = 2;
  2784. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2785. UseFlag = 0;
  2786. };
  2787. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2788. {
  2789. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC4;
  2790. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC4_T1;
  2791. };
  2792. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC5
  2793. {
  2794. ActiveDays = 127;
  2795. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  2796. Description = "BrowsDesc";
  2797. GUID = "{7BE06687-5133-4EFB-8794-F23F6A381BE3}";
  2798. Name = "BrowsName";
  2799. Properties = {"Started"};
  2800. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Browser\"";
  2801. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2802. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2803. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2804. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2805. };
  2806. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2807. {
  2808. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2809. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC5;
  2810. };
  2811. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC5_T1
  2812. {
  2813. Description = "BrwsrRunDesc";
  2814. GUID = "{E8B138F2-15E6-4CB2-B285-8284CEEBEC67}";
  2815. ID = 8200;
  2816. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2817. Name = "BrwsrRunName";
  2818. PropertyName = "Started";
  2819. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2820. State = 8;
  2821. TestCondition = 2;
  2822. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2823. UseFlag = 0;
  2824. };
  2825. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2826. {
  2827. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC5;
  2828. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC5_T1;
  2829. };
  2830. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC6
  2831. {
  2832. ActiveDays = 127;
  2833. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 130;
  2834. Description = "LogDMDesc";
  2835. GUID = "{A2E33FCD-3850-4860-8A75-F2CA58CB81BB}";
  2836. Name = "LogDMName";
  2837. Properties = {"Started"};
  2838. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"dmserver\"";
  2839. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2840. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2841. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2842. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2843. };
  2844. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2845. {
  2846. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2847. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC6;
  2848. };
  2849. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC6_T1
  2850. {
  2851. Description = "LogDiskManDesc";
  2852. GUID = "{FFFBCE20-1081-416F-ABE9-4A5BB9262F7D}";
  2853. ID = 8270;
  2854. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2855. Name = "LogDiskManName";
  2856. PropertyName = "Started";
  2857. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2858. State = 8;
  2859. TestCondition = 2;
  2860. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2861. UseFlag = 0;
  2862. };
  2863. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2864. {
  2865. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC6;
  2866. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC6_T1;
  2867. };
  2868. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC7
  2869. {
  2870. ActiveDays = 127;
  2871. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  2872. Description = "PPDesc";
  2873. GUID = "{A85558D2-0EA6-4378-9901-6E3E3255240A}";
  2874. Name = "PPName";
  2875. Properties = {"Started"};
  2876. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"PlugPlay\"";
  2877. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2878. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2879. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2880. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2881. };
  2882. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2883. {
  2884. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2885. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC7;
  2886. };
  2887. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC7_T1
  2888. {
  2889. Description = "PNPrunDesc";
  2890. GUID = "{038D0B71-CE3D-44D5-9BAE-3141EE8EB60D}";
  2891. ID = 8280;
  2892. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2893. Name = "PNPrunName";
  2894. PropertyName = "Started";
  2895. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2896. State = 8;
  2897. TestCondition = 2;
  2898. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2899. UseFlag = 0;
  2900. };
  2901. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2902. {
  2903. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC7;
  2904. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC7_T1;
  2905. };
  2906. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC8
  2907. {
  2908. ActiveDays = 127;
  2909. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 480;
  2910. Description = "WLogDesc";
  2911. Enabled = TRUE;
  2912. GUID = "{C89C4644-EA87-4F24-BF2A-D479EAB59D41}";
  2913. Name = "WLogName";
  2914. Properties = {"Started"};
  2915. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"WINLOGON\"";
  2916. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2917. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2918. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2919. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2920. };
  2921. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2922. {
  2923. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2924. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC8;
  2925. };
  2926. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC8_T1
  2927. {
  2928. Description = "WinLogonServDesc";
  2929. GUID = "{0CCA1472-3A4C-49B3-9147-474703E19815}";
  2930. ID = 8080;
  2931. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2932. Name = "WinLogonServName";
  2933. PropertyName = "Started";
  2934. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2935. State = 8;
  2936. TestCondition = 2;
  2937. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2938. UseFlag = 0;
  2939. };
  2940. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2941. {
  2942. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC8;
  2943. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC8_T1;
  2944. };
  2945. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC9
  2946. {
  2947. ActiveDays = 127;
  2948. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 140;
  2949. Description = "DNSDesc";
  2950. GUID = "{DE811A2A-ACBE-4F9F-9F30-C191C7265DCB}";
  2951. Name = "DNSName";
  2952. Properties = {"Started"};
  2953. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Dnscache\"";
  2954. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2955. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2956. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2957. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2958. };
  2959. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2960. {
  2961. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  2962. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC9;
  2963. };
  2964. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC9_T1
  2965. {
  2966. Description = "DNSClientDesc";
  2967. GUID = "{35F08682-5316-46A6-B34A-24252C32839C}";
  2968. ID = 8230;
  2969. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  2970. Name = "DNSClientName";
  2971. PropertyName = "Started";
  2972. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  2973. State = 8;
  2974. TestCondition = 2;
  2975. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  2976. UseFlag = 0;
  2977. };
  2978. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2979. {
  2980. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC9;
  2981. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC9_T1;
  2982. };
  2983. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC10
  2984. {
  2985. ActiveDays = 127;
  2986. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 120;
  2987. Description = "AlertDesc";
  2988. GUID = "{E2BC862E-C37F-4819-B605-FC23E3DE3C2C}";
  2989. Name = "AlertName";
  2990. Properties = {"Started"};
  2991. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Alerter\"";
  2992. RequireReset = FALSE;
  2993. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  2994. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  2995. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  2996. };
  2997. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  2998. {
  2999. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  3000. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC10;
  3001. };
  3002. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC10_T1
  3003. {
  3004. CompareValue = "0";
  3005. Description = "AlerterDesc";
  3006. GUID = "{7740A096-EB82-4689-B990-F367D821EC3D}";
  3007. ID = 8000;
  3008. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3009. Name = "AlerterName";
  3010. PropertyName = "Started";
  3011. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3012. State = 8;
  3013. TestCondition = 2;
  3014. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3015. UseFlag = 0;
  3016. };
  3017. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3018. {
  3019. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC10;
  3020. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC10_T1;
  3021. };
  3022. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC11
  3023. {
  3024. ActiveDays = 127;
  3025. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 120;
  3026. Description = "MessDesc";
  3027. GUID = "{EADD501E-587D-4A82-B600-FFC5E00834E3}";
  3028. Name = "MessName";
  3029. Properties = {"Started"};
  3030. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Messenger\"";
  3031. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3032. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3033. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  3034. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3035. };
  3036. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3037. {
  3038. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  3039. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC11;
  3040. };
  3041. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC11_T1
  3042. {
  3043. Description = "MsgnrServDesc";
  3044. GUID = "{7F6029A3-20B0-47E3-BD9A-077399E62636}";
  3045. ID = 8290;
  3046. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3047. Name = "MsgnrServName";
  3048. PropertyName = "Started";
  3049. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3050. State = 8;
  3051. TestCondition = 2;
  3052. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3053. UseFlag = 0;
  3054. };
  3055. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3056. {
  3057. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC11;
  3058. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC11_T1;
  3059. };
  3060. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC12
  3061. {
  3062. ActiveDays = 127;
  3063. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 360;
  3064. Description = "SAMDesc";
  3065. Enabled = TRUE;
  3066. GUID = "{ED56B6CD-6806-45F5-BEE6-1D8C96A1CAC4}";
  3067. Name = "SAMName";
  3068. Properties = {"Started"};
  3069. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"SamSs\"";
  3070. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3071. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3072. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  3073. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3074. };
  3075. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3076. {
  3077. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  3078. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC12;
  3079. };
  3080. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC12_T1
  3081. {
  3082. Description = "SAMrunDesc";
  3083. GUID = "{42A9CE30-BF4B-4935-BCED-E3635BEEC80D}";
  3084. ID = 8050;
  3085. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3086. Name = "SAMrunName";
  3087. PropertyName = "Started";
  3088. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3089. State = 8;
  3090. TestCondition = 2;
  3091. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3092. UseFlag = 0;
  3093. };
  3094. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3095. {
  3096. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC12;
  3097. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC12_T1;
  3098. };
  3099. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC13
  3100. {
  3101. ActiveDays = 127;
  3102. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 300;
  3103. Description = "PspoolDesc";
  3104. Enabled = TRUE;
  3105. GUID = "{FEB78173-725F-4597-8CCA-1E04AC43D244}";
  3106. Name = "PspoolName";
  3107. Properties = {"Started"};
  3108. Query = "select * from Win32_Service where Name=\"Spooler\"";
  3109. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3110. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3111. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  3112. TypeGUID = "C90CD4CF-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3113. };
  3114. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3115. {
  3116. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2;
  3117. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC13;
  3118. };
  3119. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC13_T1
  3120. {
  3121. Description = "PrntSplRunDesc";
  3122. GUID = "{32BA885D-AFC5-4CBD-9B8B-446A57A394AF}";
  3123. ID = 8040;
  3124. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3125. Name = "PrntSplRunName";
  3126. PropertyName = "Started";
  3127. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3128. State = 8;
  3129. TestCondition = 2;
  3130. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3131. UseFlag = 0;
  3132. };
  3133. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3134. {
  3135. ParentPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC13;
  3136. ChildPath = $DG3_DG4_DG2_DC13_T1;
  3137. };
  3138. //**************************************************************************
  3139. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  3140. //**************************************************************************
  3141. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5
  3142. {
  3143. Description = "SQLServDesc";
  3144. Enabled = FALSE;
  3145. GUID = "{B3114BF9-51EE-414F-A2AC-2826D6FACA53}";
  3146. Name = "SQLServName";
  3147. };
  3148. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3149. {
  3150. ParentPath = $DG3;
  3151. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5;
  3152. };
  3153. //**************************************************************************
  3154. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  3155. //**************************************************************************
  3156. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1
  3157. {
  3158. Description = "SQLPerfDesc";
  3159. Enabled = FALSE;
  3160. GUID = "{87D4720D-7EAE-4F34-A568-A8C5F106849F}";
  3161. Name = "SQLPerfName";
  3162. };
  3163. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3164. {
  3165. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5;
  3166. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1;
  3167. };
  3168. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1
  3169. {
  3170. Description = "SQLStatDesc";
  3171. GUID = "{3FA642BE-AAFF-4F6B-AA55-248433B91A7E}";
  3172. Name = "SQLStatName";
  3173. ObjectPath = "PERF_SQLServer_SQL_Statistics=@";
  3174. Properties = {"SQL_Compilations_sec_perf", "SQL_Re_Compilations_sec_perf", "Unsafe_Auto_Params_sec_perf", "Failed_Auto_Params_sec_perf"};
  3175. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3176. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  3177. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3178. };
  3179. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3180. {
  3181. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1;
  3182. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1;
  3183. };
  3184. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1_T1
  3185. {
  3186. CompareValue = "10";
  3187. Description = "SQLCompDesc";
  3188. GUID = "{36393756-A821-4E5A-8A3D-4D6B61BEFBD2}";
  3189. Name = "SQLCompName";
  3190. PropertyName = "SQL_Compilations_sec_perf";
  3191. State = 8;
  3192. TestCondition = 1;
  3193. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3194. UseFlag = 0;
  3195. };
  3196. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3197. {
  3198. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1;
  3199. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1_T1;
  3200. };
  3201. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1_T2
  3202. {
  3203. CompareValue = "100";
  3204. Description = "FailAutoDesc";
  3205. GUID = "{4568D181-DCF8-469D-9C73-ECA83179BD4C}";
  3206. Name = "FailAutoName";
  3207. PropertyName = "Failed_Auto_Params_sec_perf";
  3208. State = 8;
  3209. TestCondition = 1;
  3210. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3211. UseFlag = 0;
  3212. };
  3213. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3214. {
  3215. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1;
  3216. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1_T2;
  3217. };
  3218. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1_T3
  3219. {
  3220. CompareValue = "5";
  3221. Description = "SQLReCompDesc";
  3222. GUID = "{EF51D885-84AE-48A2-A594-4F87DE394790}";
  3223. Name = "SQLReCompName";
  3224. PropertyName = "SQL_Re_Compilations_sec_perf";
  3225. State = 8;
  3226. TestCondition = 1;
  3227. ThresholdDuration = 2;
  3228. UseFlag = 0;
  3229. };
  3230. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3231. {
  3232. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1;
  3233. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC1_T3;
  3234. };
  3235. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC2
  3236. {
  3237. Description = "MMDesc";
  3238. GUID = "{565F35F2-5BF3-4956-893D-E17D4DDFEB7A}";
  3239. Name = "MMName";
  3240. ObjectPath = "PERF_SQLServer_Memory_Manager=@";
  3241. Properties = {"Lock_Memory__KB__perf", "Total_Server_Memory__KB__perf"};
  3242. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3243. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  3244. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3245. };
  3246. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3247. {
  3248. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1;
  3249. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC2;
  3250. };
  3251. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC2_T1
  3252. {
  3253. CompareValue = "50000";
  3254. Description = "TotSerMemDesc";
  3255. GUID = "{4D7632C4-9338-4FB5-A485-895EC9ED93BD}";
  3256. Name = "TotSerMemName";
  3257. PropertyName = "Total_Server_Memory__KB__perf";
  3258. State = 8;
  3259. TestCondition = 1;
  3260. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3261. UseFlag = 0;
  3262. };
  3263. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3264. {
  3265. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC2;
  3266. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC2_T1;
  3267. };
  3268. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC2_T2
  3269. {
  3270. CompareValue = "10000";
  3271. Description = "LockMemDesc";
  3272. GUID = "{F38A6471-A3CB-4250-96CC-CAFE0B5058D5}";
  3273. Name = "LockMemName";
  3274. PropertyName = "Lock_Memory__KB__perf";
  3275. State = 8;
  3276. TestCondition = 1;
  3277. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3278. UseFlag = 0;
  3279. };
  3280. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3281. {
  3282. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC2;
  3283. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC2_T2;
  3284. };
  3285. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC3
  3286. {
  3287. Description = "AccDesc";
  3288. GUID = "{5CEDED27-E46F-441D-A144-6A279DD1A52E}";
  3289. Name = "AccName";
  3290. ObjectPath = "PERF_SQLServer_Access_Methods=@";
  3291. Properties = {"Table_Lock_Escalations_sec_perf"};
  3292. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3293. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  3294. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3295. };
  3296. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3297. {
  3298. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1;
  3299. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC3;
  3300. };
  3301. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC3_T1
  3302. {
  3303. CompareValue = "10";
  3304. Description = "TableLockDesc";
  3305. GUID = "{2D554702-CFE6-4414-8524-2DA24F748DFB}";
  3306. Name = "TableLockName";
  3307. PropertyName = "Table_Lock_Escalations_sec_perf";
  3308. State = 8;
  3309. TestCondition = 1;
  3310. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3311. UseFlag = 0;
  3312. };
  3313. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3314. {
  3315. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC3;
  3316. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC3_T1;
  3317. };
  3318. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4
  3319. {
  3320. Description = "BuffDesc";
  3321. GUID = "{A30B9E50-6168-4631-B56F-A5CCE07CD2FB}";
  3322. Name = "BuffName";
  3323. ObjectPath = "PERF_SQLServer_Buffer_Manager=@";
  3324. Properties = {"Buffer_cache_hit_ratio_perf", "Free_pages_perf", "Page_reads_sec_perf", "Page_writes_sec_perf"};
  3325. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3326. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  3327. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3328. };
  3329. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3330. {
  3331. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1;
  3332. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4;
  3333. };
  3334. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4_T1
  3335. {
  3336. CompareValue = "10";
  3337. Description = "FreeBuffPageDesc";
  3338. GUID = "{2CBC0E9D-9F42-420F-ACDB-FA68523C794A}";
  3339. Name = "FreeBuffPageName";
  3340. PropertyName = "Free_pages_perf";
  3341. State = 8;
  3342. TestCondition = 0;
  3343. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3344. UseFlag = 0;
  3345. };
  3346. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3347. {
  3348. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4;
  3349. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4_T1;
  3350. };
  3351. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4_T2
  3352. {
  3353. CompareValue = "1000";
  3354. Description = "PageReadPSDesc";
  3355. GUID = "{33B13035-5C2B-4085-BF9C-1363B2362510}";
  3356. Name = "PageReadPSName";
  3357. PropertyName = "Page_reads_sec_perf";
  3358. State = 8;
  3359. TestCondition = 1;
  3360. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3361. UseFlag = 0;
  3362. };
  3363. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3364. {
  3365. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4;
  3366. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4_T2;
  3367. };
  3368. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4_T3
  3369. {
  3370. CompareValue = "90";
  3371. Description = "BuffCacheHitDesc";
  3372. GUID = "{37E3B845-44FD-474F-9926-B59D01C52EC4}";
  3373. Name = "BuffCacheHitName";
  3374. PropertyName = "Buffer_cache_hit_ratio_perf";
  3375. State = 8;
  3376. TestCondition = 0;
  3377. ThresholdDuration = 2;
  3378. UseFlag = 0;
  3379. };
  3380. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3381. {
  3382. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4;
  3383. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4_T3;
  3384. };
  3385. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4_T4
  3386. {
  3387. CompareValue = "1000";
  3388. Description = "PageWritePSDesc";
  3389. GUID = "{BAD8164F-9F27-49E6-9F3B-94A051BD68FA}";
  3390. Name = "PageWritePSName";
  3391. PropertyName = "Page_writes_sec_perf";
  3392. State = 8;
  3393. TestCondition = 1;
  3394. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3395. UseFlag = 0;
  3396. };
  3397. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3398. {
  3399. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4;
  3400. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC4_T4;
  3401. };
  3402. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC5
  3403. {
  3404. Description = "LockDesc";
  3405. GUID = "{DD696498-5C03-4476-811B-4E3A10D98704}";
  3406. Name = "LockName";
  3407. ObjectPath = "PERF_SQLServer_Locks.InstanceName=\"Database\"";
  3408. Properties = {"Lock_Timeouts_sec_perf", "Number_of_Deadlocks_sec_perf"};
  3409. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3410. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  3411. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3412. };
  3413. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3414. {
  3415. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1;
  3416. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC5;
  3417. };
  3418. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC5_T1
  3419. {
  3420. CompareValue = "10";
  3421. Description = "LockTimeOutPSDesc";
  3422. GUID = "{55C38849-89C6-4638-B722-D69B01B2DE23}";
  3423. Name = "LockTimeOutPSName";
  3424. PropertyName = "Lock_Timeouts_sec_perf";
  3425. State = 8;
  3426. TestCondition = 1;
  3427. ThresholdDuration = 2;
  3428. UseFlag = 0;
  3429. };
  3430. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3431. {
  3432. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC5;
  3433. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC5_T1;
  3434. };
  3435. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC5_T2
  3436. {
  3437. CompareValue = "10";
  3438. Description = "NumDeadLockPSDesc";
  3439. GUID = "{ED7C6E68-7725-44E5-AE43-641FB633B325}";
  3440. Name = "NumDeadLockPSName";
  3441. PropertyName = "Number_of_Deadlocks_sec_perf";
  3442. State = 8;
  3443. TestCondition = 1;
  3444. ThresholdDuration = 2;
  3445. UseFlag = 0;
  3446. };
  3447. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3448. {
  3449. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC5;
  3450. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC5_T2;
  3451. };
  3452. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC6
  3453. {
  3454. Description = "GenDesc";
  3455. GUID = "{DDBEDD5E-BDBD-476A-9273-3704E11744C7}";
  3456. Name = "GenName";
  3457. ObjectPath = "PERF_SQLServer_General_Statistics=@";
  3458. Properties = {"User_Connections_perf"};
  3459. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3460. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  3461. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3462. };
  3463. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3464. {
  3465. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1;
  3466. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC6;
  3467. };
  3468. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC6_T1
  3469. {
  3470. CompareValue = "1000";
  3471. Description = "UserConnDesc";
  3472. GUID = "{40C1BEC9-81F1-4145-A83E-9EC129D0B481}";
  3473. ID = 0;
  3474. Message = "ShortDefaultMsg";
  3475. Name = "UserConnName";
  3476. PropertyName = "User_Connections_perf";
  3477. ResetMessage = "DefaultResetMsg";
  3478. State = 8;
  3479. TestCondition = 1;
  3480. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3481. UseFlag = 0;
  3482. };
  3483. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3484. {
  3485. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC6;
  3486. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC6_T1;
  3487. };
  3488. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC7
  3489. {
  3490. Description = "DBDesc";
  3491. GUID = "{DEA660ED-3CCE-4CB5-ABB5-46F341FA855C}";
  3492. Name = "DBName";
  3493. ObjectPath = "PERF_SQLServer_Databases.InstanceName=\"ACSLog\"";
  3494. Properties = {"Data_File_s__Size__KB__perf", "Percent_Log_Used_perf"};
  3495. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3496. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor";
  3497. TypeGUID = "03B9B361-2299-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3498. };
  3499. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3500. {
  3501. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1;
  3502. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC7;
  3503. };
  3504. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC7_T1
  3505. {
  3506. CompareValue = "90";
  3507. Description = "PerLogUseDesc";
  3508. GUID = "{2BF8AF2B-3CBB-49E0-936C-DD06CFFDA15F}";
  3509. Name = "PerLogUseName";
  3510. PropertyName = "Percent_Log_Used_perf";
  3511. State = 8;
  3512. TestCondition = 1;
  3513. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3514. UseFlag = 0;
  3515. };
  3516. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3517. {
  3518. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC7;
  3519. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC7_T1;
  3520. };
  3521. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC7_T2
  3522. {
  3523. CompareValue = "20000";
  3524. Description = "DataFileDesc";
  3525. GUID = "{EC2F1E10-61D6-4EF1-AC15-A7246954CE64}";
  3526. Name = "DataFileName";
  3527. PropertyName = "Data_File_s__Size__KB__perf";
  3528. State = 8;
  3529. TestCondition = 1;
  3530. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3531. UseFlag = 0;
  3532. };
  3533. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3534. {
  3535. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC7;
  3536. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG1_DC7_T2;
  3537. };
  3538. //**************************************************************************
  3539. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  3540. //**************************************************************************
  3541. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2
  3542. {
  3543. Description = "SQLMonDesc";
  3544. Enabled = FALSE;
  3545. GUID = "{B6D3F84C-4768-450F-A627-A4ADACA01EDF}";
  3546. Name = "SQLMonName";
  3547. };
  3548. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3549. {
  3550. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5;
  3551. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2;
  3552. };
  3553. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC1
  3554. {
  3555. ActiveDays = 127;
  3556. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  3557. Description = "NTLogDesc";
  3558. Enabled = FALSE;
  3559. GUID = "{080419A6-5B39-41D1-93FF-4543CA6AA8D3}";
  3560. Name = "NTLogName";
  3561. Properties = {"EventIdentifier", "SourceName", "Type", "CategoryString", "User", "LogFile", "HMNumInstancesCollected"};
  3562. Query = "select * from __instanceCreationevent where targetinstance isa \"Win32_NtLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.Logfile=\"Application\" AND TargetInstance.Type=1 AND TargetInstance.SourceName=\"MSSQLAGENT\"";
  3563. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3564. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3565. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  3566. TypeGUID = "A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3567. };
  3568. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3569. {
  3570. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2;
  3571. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC1;
  3572. };
  3573. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC1_T1
  3574. {
  3575. CompareValue = "5";
  3576. Description = "AgentErrDesc";
  3577. Enabled = FALSE;
  3578. GUID = "{48F3C331-7A27-43C0-B5C4-9D910BF94964}";
  3579. ID = 0;
  3580. Message = "DefaultMessage";
  3581. Name = "AgentErrName";
  3582. PropertyName = "HMNumInstancesCollected";
  3583. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  3584. State = 8;
  3585. TestCondition = 1;
  3586. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3587. UseFlag = 2;
  3588. };
  3589. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3590. {
  3591. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC1;
  3592. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC1_T1;
  3593. };
  3594. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC2
  3595. {
  3596. ActiveDays = 127;
  3597. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  3598. Description = "NTSqlLogDesc";
  3599. Enabled = FALSE;
  3600. GUID = "{773FCAD3-46FF-4F49-ADBF-7BBF33C76E8C}";
  3601. Name = "NTSqlLogName";
  3602. Properties = {"EventIdentifier", "SourceName", "Type", "CategoryString", "User", "LogFile", "HMNumInstancesCollected"};
  3603. Query = "select * from __instanceCreationevent where targetinstance isa \"Win32_NtLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.Logfile=\"Application\" AND TargetInstance.Type=2 AND TargetInstance.SourceName=\"MSSQLSERVER\"";
  3604. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3605. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3606. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  3607. TypeGUID = "A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3608. };
  3609. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3610. {
  3611. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2;
  3612. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC2;
  3613. };
  3614. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC2_T1
  3615. {
  3616. CompareValue = "5";
  3617. Description = "TooManyWarnDesc";
  3618. Enabled = FALSE;
  3619. GUID = "{87624DCA-B19C-4553-A853-66B4A6F27491}";
  3620. Name = "TooManyWarnName";
  3621. PropertyName = "HMNumInstancesCollected";
  3622. State = 8;
  3623. TestCondition = 1;
  3624. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3625. UseFlag = 2;
  3626. };
  3627. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3628. {
  3629. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC2;
  3630. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC2_T1;
  3631. };
  3632. instance of Microsoft_HMEventQueryDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC3
  3633. {
  3634. ActiveDays = 127;
  3635. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 1;
  3636. Description = "NTSqlErrDesc";
  3637. Enabled = FALSE;
  3638. GUID = "{ADF7828A-243A-4041-93D2-AEEB1C17A17E}";
  3639. Name = "NTSqlErrName";
  3640. Properties = {"EventIdentifier", "SourceName", "Type", "CategoryString", "User", "LogFile", "HMNumInstancesCollected"};
  3641. Query = "select * from __instanceCreationevent where targetinstance isa \"Win32_NtLogEvent\" AND TargetInstance.Logfile=\"Application\" AND TargetInstance.Type=1 AND TargetInstance.SourceName=\"MSSQLSERVER\"";
  3642. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3643. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3644. TargetNamespace = "root\\cimv2";
  3645. TypeGUID = "A89E51F1-229F-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912";
  3646. };
  3647. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3648. {
  3649. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2;
  3650. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC3;
  3651. };
  3652. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC3_T1
  3653. {
  3654. CompareValue = "5";
  3655. Description = "TooManyErrDesc";
  3656. Enabled = FALSE;
  3657. GUID = "{72C20D51-5426-41D1-85D9-A6C1C3EC89B1}";
  3658. ID = 0;
  3659. Message = "DefaultMessage";
  3660. Name = "TooManyErrName";
  3661. PropertyName = "HMNumInstancesCollected";
  3662. ResetMessage = "NoResetMsg";
  3663. State = 8;
  3664. TestCondition = 1;
  3665. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3666. UseFlag = 2;
  3667. };
  3668. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3669. {
  3670. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC3;
  3671. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC3_T1;
  3672. };
  3673. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC4
  3674. {
  3675. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 65;
  3676. Context = NULL;
  3677. Description = "SQLServDesc";
  3678. Enabled = FALSE;
  3679. GUID = "{467DE620-A1E5-42F9-AD10-4416A9EFCDAD}";
  3680. Name = "SQLServName";
  3681. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"MSSQLServer\"";
  3682. Properties = {"Started"};
  3683. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3684. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3685. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  3686. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  3687. };
  3688. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3689. {
  3690. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2;
  3691. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC4;
  3692. };
  3693. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC4_T1
  3694. {
  3695. CompareValue = "1";
  3696. Description = "SQLSrvServDesc";
  3697. Enabled = FALSE;
  3698. GUID = "{78B47AAE-D9F2-4885-BE40-BD3B73FCF43C}";
  3699. ID = 7550;
  3700. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3701. Name = "SQLSrvServName";
  3702. PropertyName = "Started";
  3703. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3704. State = 9;
  3705. TestCondition = 0;
  3706. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3707. UseFlag = 0;
  3708. };
  3709. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3710. {
  3711. ParentPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC4;
  3712. ChildPath = $DG3_DG5_DG2_DC4_T1;
  3713. };
  3714. //**************************************************************************
  3715. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  3716. //**************************************************************************
  3717. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6
  3718. {
  3719. Description = "ExchangeServDesc";
  3720. Enabled = FALSE;
  3721. GUID = "{B7D70A8A-7DA3-460C-A285-1E78950D0857}";
  3722. Name = "ExchangeServName";
  3723. };
  3724. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3725. {
  3726. ParentPath = $DG3;
  3727. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6;
  3728. };
  3729. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6_DC1
  3730. {
  3731. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  3732. Context = NULL;
  3733. Description = "ExServDesc";
  3734. Enabled = FALSE;
  3735. GUID = "{06DCC6A5-8B86-4B33-83B0-1855A135A07A}";
  3736. Name = "ExServName";
  3737. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"MSEXCHANGEDS\"";
  3738. Properties = {"Started"};
  3739. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3740. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3741. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  3742. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  3743. };
  3744. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3745. {
  3746. ParentPath = $DG3_DG6;
  3747. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6_DC1;
  3748. };
  3749. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6_DC1_T1
  3750. {
  3751. CompareValue = "1";
  3752. Description = "ExchangeDSDesc";
  3753. Enabled = FALSE;
  3754. GUID = "{9E55ECB4-3F2A-49F6-AAE8-569916E3237B}";
  3755. ID = 7501;
  3756. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3757. Name = "ExchangeDSName";
  3758. PropertyName = "Started";
  3759. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3760. State = 9;
  3761. TestCondition = 0;
  3762. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3763. UseFlag = 0;
  3764. };
  3765. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3766. {
  3767. ParentPath = $DG3_DG6_DC1;
  3768. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6_DC1_T1;
  3769. };
  3770. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6_DC2
  3771. {
  3772. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  3773. Context = NULL;
  3774. Description = "ExServ2Desc";
  3775. Enabled = FALSE;
  3776. GUID = "{24AC4444-36FC-4FAE-8197-EDC57557506C}";
  3777. Name = "ExServ2Name";
  3778. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"MSEXCHANGEMTA\"";
  3779. Properties = {"Started"};
  3780. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3781. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3782. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  3783. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  3784. };
  3785. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3786. {
  3787. ParentPath = $DG3_DG6;
  3788. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6_DC2;
  3789. };
  3790. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6_DC2_T1
  3791. {
  3792. CompareValue = "1";
  3793. Description = "ExchangeMtaDesc";
  3794. Enabled = FALSE;
  3795. GUID = "{3D3B9E12-46F4-4E2F-874C-4BDC7374A355}";
  3796. ID = 7503;
  3797. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3798. Name = "ExchangeMtaName";
  3799. PropertyName = "Started";
  3800. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3801. State = 9;
  3802. TestCondition = 0;
  3803. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3804. UseFlag = 0;
  3805. };
  3806. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3807. {
  3808. ParentPath = $DG3_DG6_DC2;
  3809. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6_DC2_T1;
  3810. };
  3811. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6_DC3
  3812. {
  3813. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  3814. Context = NULL;
  3815. Description = "ExServ3Desc";
  3816. Enabled = FALSE;
  3817. GUID = "{68185CBF-7EA0-40A0-8911-EC791FB1EDD3}";
  3818. Name = "ExServ3Name";
  3819. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"MSEXCHANGESA\"";
  3820. Properties = {"Started"};
  3821. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3822. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3823. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  3824. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  3825. };
  3826. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3827. {
  3828. ParentPath = $DG3_DG6;
  3829. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6_DC3;
  3830. };
  3831. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6_DC3_T1
  3832. {
  3833. CompareValue = "1";
  3834. Description = "ExchangeEsaDesc";
  3835. Enabled = FALSE;
  3836. GUID = "{6B0C2E1C-FE99-482A-984B-CAF32DDA7F06}";
  3837. ID = 7504;
  3838. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3839. Name = "ExchangeEsaName";
  3840. PropertyName = "Started";
  3841. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3842. State = 9;
  3843. TestCondition = 0;
  3844. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3845. UseFlag = 0;
  3846. };
  3847. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3848. {
  3849. ParentPath = $DG3_DG6_DC3;
  3850. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6_DC3_T1;
  3851. };
  3852. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6_DC4
  3853. {
  3854. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 60;
  3855. Context = NULL;
  3856. Description = "ExServ4Desc";
  3857. Enabled = FALSE;
  3858. GUID = "{E929DF52-7446-40F8-8213-5C4C2DD2E441}";
  3859. Name = "ExServ4Name";
  3860. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"MSEXCHANGEIS\"";
  3861. Properties = {"Started"};
  3862. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3863. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3864. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  3865. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  3866. };
  3867. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3868. {
  3869. ParentPath = $DG3_DG6;
  3870. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6_DC4;
  3871. };
  3872. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG6_DC4_T1
  3873. {
  3874. CompareValue = "1";
  3875. Description = "ExchangeISDesc";
  3876. Enabled = FALSE;
  3877. GUID = "{708796EE-7DAE-43E5-BA0C-D3E4D83946AD}";
  3878. ID = 7502;
  3879. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3880. Name = "ExchangeISName";
  3881. PropertyName = "Started";
  3882. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3883. State = 9;
  3884. TestCondition = 0;
  3885. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3886. UseFlag = 0;
  3887. };
  3888. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3889. {
  3890. ParentPath = $DG3_DG6_DC4;
  3891. ChildPath = $DG3_DG6_DC4_T1;
  3892. };
  3893. //**************************************************************************
  3894. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration
  3895. //**************************************************************************
  3896. instance of Microsoft_HMDataGroupConfiguration AS $DG3_DG7
  3897. {
  3898. Description = "IISDesc";
  3899. Enabled = FALSE;
  3900. GUID = "{F296DA74-3740-48F5-B28F-F98AA7207BF2}";
  3901. Name = "IISName";
  3902. };
  3903. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3904. {
  3905. ParentPath = $DG3;
  3906. ChildPath = $DG3_DG7;
  3907. };
  3908. instance of Microsoft_HMPolledGetObjectDataCollectorConfiguration AS $DG3_DG7_DC1
  3909. {
  3910. CollectionIntervalMultiple = 15;
  3911. Context = NULL;
  3912. Description = "ISDesc";
  3913. Enabled = FALSE;
  3914. GUID = "{E101A1F8-55C4-4C82-9080-EA30DA002E0B}";
  3915. Name = "ISName";
  3916. ObjectPath = "Win32_Service.Name=\"W3SVC\"";
  3917. Properties = {"Started"};
  3918. RequireReset = FALSE;
  3919. StatisticsWindowSize = 6;
  3920. TargetNamespace = "ROOT\\CIMV2";
  3921. TypeGUID = "{C90CD4CA-2297-11d3-BE00-0000F87A3912}";
  3922. };
  3923. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3924. {
  3925. ParentPath = $DG3_DG7;
  3926. ChildPath = $DG3_DG7_DC1;
  3927. };
  3928. instance of Microsoft_HMThresholdConfiguration AS $DG3_DG7_DC1_T1
  3929. {
  3930. CompareValue = "1";
  3931. Description = "IISservDesc";
  3932. Enabled = FALSE;
  3933. GUID = "{848675B7-2D43-4C66-9734-4C19BE2CC8C4}";
  3934. ID = 7510;
  3935. Message = "ServiceStopMsg";
  3936. Name = "IISservName";
  3937. PropertyName = "Started";
  3938. ResetMessage = "ServiceStartMsg";
  3939. State = 9;
  3940. TestCondition = 0;
  3941. ThresholdDuration = 0;
  3942. UseFlag = 0;
  3943. };
  3944. instance of Microsoft_HMConfigurationAssociation
  3945. {
  3946. ParentPath = $DG3_DG7_DC1;
  3947. ChildPath = $DG3_DG7_DC1_T1;
  3948. };
  3949. //**************************************************************************
  3950. //* Instances of: Microsoft_HMActionConfiguration
  3951. //**************************************************************************
  3952. instance of Microsoft_HMActionConfiguration
  3953. {
  3954. GUID = "{B89AC8DF-5342-45B1-AE5F-5C6BD28CA4EC}";
  3955. Name = "EmailName";
  3956. Description = "EmailDesc";
  3957. EventConsumer = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:SmtpEventConsumer.Name=\"{B89AC8DF-5342-45B1-AE5F-5C6BD28CA4EC}\"";
  3958. TypeGUID = "062E2AE0-6DFD-11d3-BE5A-0000F87A3912";
  3959. };
  3960. instance of SMTPEventConsumer
  3961. {
  3962. Name = "{B89AC8DF-5342-45B1-AE5F-5C6BD28CA4EC}";
  3963. BccLine = "";
  3964. CcLine = "";
  3965. Message = "The Server :%TargetInstance.EmbeddedStatus.SystemName% is having a problem.";
  3966. SMTPServer = "<YOUR SERVER HERE>";
  3967. Subject = "<YOUR SUBJECT HERE>";
  3968. ToLine = "<User Here>";
  3969. };
  3970. instance of __EventFilter
  3971. {
  3972. Name = "{B89AC8DF-5342-45B1-AE5F-5C6BD28CA4EC}";
  3973. Query = "select * from __InstanceCreationEvent where TargetInstance isa \"Microsoft_HMActionStatus\" AND TargetInstance.GUID=\"{B89AC8DF-5342-45B1-AE5F-5C6BD28CA4EC}\" AND (TargetInstance.State=0 OR TargetInstance.State=2 OR TargetInstance.State=3 OR TargetInstance.State=4 OR TargetInstance.State=5 OR TargetInstance.State=6 OR TargetInstance.State=7 OR TargetInstance.State=8 OR TargetInstance.State=9)";
  3974. QueryLanguage = "WQL";
  3975. };
  3976. instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
  3977. {
  3978. Consumer = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:SmtpEventConsumer.Name=\"{B89AC8DF-5342-45B1-AE5F-5C6BD28CA4EC}\"";
  3979. Filter = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:__EventFilter.Name=\"{B89AC8DF-5342-45B1-AE5F-5C6BD28CA4EC}\"";
  3980. };
  3981. instance of Microsoft_HMActionConfiguration
  3982. {
  3983. GUID = "{970C63D4-8966-4697-B4DB-2AED12190F07}";
  3984. Name = "EventName";
  3985. Description = "EventDesc";
  3986. EventConsumer = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:NTEventLogEventConsumer.Name=\"{970C63D4-8966-4697-B4DB-2AED12190F07}\"";
  3987. TypeGUID = "062E2AE2-6DFD-11d3-BE5A-0000F87A3912";
  3988. };
  3989. instance of NTEventLogEventConsumer
  3990. {
  3991. Name = "{970C63D4-8966-4697-B4DB-2AED12190F07}";
  3992. EventID = 2000;
  3993. EventType = 0;
  3994. InsertionStringTemplates = {"Health Monitor detected a problem with %TargetInstance.EmbeddedStatus.PropertyName%"};
  3995. NumberOfInsertionStrings = 1;
  3996. };
  3997. instance of __EventFilter
  3998. {
  3999. Name = "{970C63D4-8966-4697-B4DB-2AED12190F07}";
  4000. Query = "select * from __InstanceCreationEvent where TargetInstance isa \"Microsoft_HMActionStatus\" AND TargetInstance.GUID=\"{970C63D4-8966-4697-B4DB-2AED12190F07}\" AND (TargetInstance.State=0 OR TargetInstance.State=2 OR TargetInstance.State=3 OR TargetInstance.State=4 OR TargetInstance.State=5 OR TargetInstance.State=6 OR TargetInstance.State=7 OR TargetInstance.State=8 OR TargetInstance.State=9)";
  4001. QueryLanguage = "WQL";
  4002. };
  4003. instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
  4004. {
  4005. Consumer = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:NTEventLogEventConsumer.Name=\"{970C63D4-8966-4697-B4DB-2AED12190F07}\"";
  4006. Filter = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:__EventFilter.Name=\"{970C63D4-8966-4697-B4DB-2AED12190F07}\"";
  4007. };
  4008. instance of Microsoft_HMActionConfiguration
  4009. {
  4010. GUID = "{3B4A354C-4C8A-49BF-AF6A-0056122968B5}";
  4011. Name = "LogName";
  4012. Description = "LogDesc";
  4013. EventConsumer = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:LogFileEventConsumer.Name=\"{3B4A354C-4C8A-49BF-AF6A-0056122968B5}\"";
  4014. TypeGUID = "062E2AE1-6DFD-11d3-BE5A-0000F87A3912";
  4015. };
  4016. instance of LogFileEventConsumer
  4017. {
  4018. Name = "{3B4A354C-4C8A-49BF-AF6A-0056122968B5}";
  4019. Filename = "c:\\healthmon.log";
  4020. IsUnicode = FALSE;
  4021. MaximumFileSize = "10240";
  4022. Text = "Instance: %TargetInstance.EmbeddedStatus.InstanceName% Current Value: %TargetInstance.EmbeddedStatus.CurrentValue% Min Value: %TargetInstance.EmbeddedStatus.MinValue% Min Value: %TargetInstance.EmbeddedStatus.MaxValue% Avg Value: %TargetInstance.EmbeddedStatus.AvgValue% ";
  4023. };
  4024. instance of __EventFilter
  4025. {
  4026. Name = "{3B4A354C-4C8A-49BF-AF6A-0056122968B5}";
  4027. Query = "select * from __InstanceCreationEvent where TargetInstance isa \"Microsoft_HMActionStatus\" AND TargetInstance.GUID=\"{3B4A354C-4C8A-49BF-AF6A-0056122968B5}\" AND (TargetInstance.State=0 OR TargetInstance.State=2 OR TargetInstance.State=3 OR TargetInstance.State=4 OR TargetInstance.State=5 OR TargetInstance.State=6 OR TargetInstance.State=7 OR TargetInstance.State=8 OR TargetInstance.State=9)";
  4028. QueryLanguage = "WQL";
  4029. };
  4030. instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
  4031. {
  4032. Consumer = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:LogFileEventConsumer.Name=\"{3B4A354C-4C8A-49BF-AF6A-0056122968B5}\"";
  4033. Filter = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthmonitor:__EventFilter.Name=\"{3B4A354C-4C8A-49BF-AF6A-0056122968B5}\"";
  4034. };