Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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371 lines
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  1. #pragma autorecover
  2. #pragma namespace("\\root\\cimv2\\MicrosoftHealthMonitor")
  3. //
  4. //*****************************************************************************
  5. //
  6. class MessageBoxEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  7. {
  8. [key] string Name;
  9. string Title;
  10. string Text;
  11. };
  12. class EmailEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  13. {
  14. [key] string Name;
  15. string Subject;
  16. string Message;
  17. [not_null] string ToLine = "noop";
  18. string CcLine;
  19. string BccLine;
  20. boolean IsHTML = FALSE;
  21. sint32 Importance = 1;
  22. };
  23. class LogFileEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  24. {
  25. [key] string Name;
  26. [Description("Fully qualified path name for the log file."
  27. "If file does not exist, it will be created."
  28. "If directory does not exist, file will not be created.")]
  29. string Filename;
  30. string Text;
  31. [Description("Maximum size to which file is allowed to grow. It will "
  32. "be archived when it exceeds this size. Archived files "
  33. "have an extension of .001 through .999. A value of zero "
  34. "will be interpreted to mean 'do not archive.' ")]
  35. uint64 MaximumFileSize = 0;
  36. [Description("If FALSE or NULL, file will not be Unicode.")]
  37. boolean IsUnicode;
  38. };
  39. class PerformanceEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  40. {
  41. [key] string Name;
  42. string Filename;
  43. string Text;
  44. sint32 CountToLog;
  45. };
  46. class CommandLineEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  47. {
  48. [key] string Name;
  49. [not_null] string ExecutablePath = "noop";
  50. string CommandLineTemplate;
  51. boolean UseDefaultErrorMode = FALSE;
  52. boolean CreateNewConsole = FALSE;
  53. boolean CreateNewProcessGroup = FALSE;
  54. boolean CreateSeparateWowVdm = FALSE;
  55. boolean CreateSharedWowVdm = FALSE;
  56. sint32 Priority = 32;
  57. string WorkingDirectory;
  58. string DesktopName;
  59. string WindowTitle;
  60. uint32 XCoordinate;
  61. uint32 YCoordinate;
  62. uint32 XSize;
  63. uint32 YSize;
  64. uint32 XNumCharacters;
  65. uint32 YNumCharacters;
  66. uint32 FillAttribute;
  67. uint32 ShowWindowCommand;
  68. boolean ForceOnFeedback = FALSE;
  69. boolean ForceOffFeedback = FALSE;
  70. boolean RunInteractively = FALSE;
  71. [description("Number of seconds that child process is allowed to run"
  72. "if zero, process will not be terminated")]
  73. uint32 KillTimeout = 120;
  74. };
  75. [description("Logs events into NT event log")]
  76. class NTEventLogEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  77. {
  78. [key] string Name;
  79. string UNCServerName;
  80. string SourceName;
  81. [not_null] uint32 EventID = 0;
  82. uint32 EventType = 1;
  83. uint32 Category;
  84. uint32 NumberOfInsertionStrings = 0;
  85. string InsertionStringTemplates[] = {""};
  86. };
  87. class ActiveScriptEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  88. {
  89. [key] string Name;
  90. string ScriptingEngine;
  91. string ScriptText;
  92. string ScriptFilename;
  93. [description("Number of seconds that script is allowed to run"
  94. "if zero, script will not be terminated")]
  95. uint32 KillTimeout = 120;
  96. };
  97. class ConsoleEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  98. {
  99. [key] string Name;
  100. string Text;
  101. };
  102. [description("Relays alpha-numeric message to a pager "
  103. "This consumer expects the Pager Service Provider "
  104. "to adhere to the national standard 'Telocator "
  105. "Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP)'")]
  106. class PagerEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  107. {
  108. [key] string Name;
  109. [description("Number to dial. See modem documentation for allowable characters"
  110. "Note that this number is usually different than the number dialed"
  111. "manually.")]
  112. string PhoneNumber;
  113. [description("ID of the pager owner, this may be the manual-dial phone number.")]
  114. string ID;
  115. [description("Alphanumeric message to send. Note that this message must be "
  116. "composed entirely of 7-bit ASCII characters. The use of "
  117. "printable characters is highly recommended.")]
  118. string Message;
  119. [description("Port that is connected to modem, e.g. COM1")]
  120. string Port;
  121. [description("Maximum baud rate supported by the pager service provider, "
  122. " if NULL, the PagerEventConsumer will use modem defaults")]
  123. uint32 BaudRate;
  124. [description("Additional setup string required by modem or pager service provider "
  125. "the PagerEventConsumer will set the modem settings to those required "
  126. "by the Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP) standard. If further "
  127. "adjustments are required by your modem or by your pager service provider "
  128. "you may enter those here. Note that these settings override the settings "
  129. "suggested by the standard and so should be used carefully. This string "
  130. "should be left NULL in most cases. "
  131. "The standard settings are Even Parity, Seven Data Bits, and One Stop Bit.")]
  132. string ModemSetupString;
  133. [description("Number of seconds to wait for pager service provider to answer.")]
  134. uint32 AnswerTimeout=30;
  135. };
  136. instance of __Win32Provider as $P1
  137. {
  138. Name = "MessageBoxEventConsumer";
  139. Clsid = "{266c72d2-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  140. };
  141. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  142. {
  143. Provider = $P1;
  144. ConsumerClassNames = {"MessageBoxEventConsumer"};
  145. };
  146. instance of __Win32Provider as $P2
  147. {
  148. Name = "EmailEventConsumer";
  149. Clsid = "{266c72d3-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  150. };
  151. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  152. {
  153. Provider = $P2;
  154. ConsumerClassNames = {"EmailEventConsumer"};
  155. };
  156. instance of __Win32Provider as $P3
  157. {
  158. Name = "LogFileEventConsumer";
  159. Clsid = "{266c72d4-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  160. };
  161. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  162. {
  163. Provider = $P3;
  164. ConsumerClassNames = {"LogFileEventConsumer"};
  165. };
  166. instance of __Win32Provider as $P4
  167. {
  168. Name = "CommandLineEventConsumer";
  169. Clsid = "{266c72e5-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  170. };
  171. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  172. {
  173. Provider = $P4;
  174. ConsumerClassNames = {"CommandLineEventConsumer"};
  175. };
  176. instance of __Win32Provider as $P5
  177. {
  178. Name = "NTEventLogEventConsumer";
  179. Clsid = "{266c72e6-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  180. };
  181. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  182. {
  183. Provider = $P5;
  184. ConsumerClassNames = {"NTEventLogEventConsumer"};
  185. };
  186. instance of __Win32Provider as $P6
  187. {
  188. Name = "ActiveScriptEventConsumer";
  189. Clsid = "{266c72e7-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  190. };
  191. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  192. {
  193. Provider = $P6;
  194. ConsumerClassNames = {"ActiveScriptEventConsumer"};
  195. };
  196. instance of __Win32Provider as $P7
  197. {
  198. Name = "ConsoleEventConsumer";
  199. Clsid = "{266c72f2-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  200. };
  201. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  202. {
  203. Provider = $P7;
  204. ConsumerClassNames = {"ConsoleEventConsumer"};
  205. };
  206. instance of __Win32Provider as $P8
  207. {
  208. Name = "PerformanceEventConsumer";
  209. Clsid = "{266c72f8-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  210. };
  211. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  212. {
  213. Provider = $P8;
  214. ConsumerClassNames = {"PerformanceEventConsumer"};
  215. };
  216. instance of __Win32Provider as $P9
  217. {
  218. Name = "PagerEventConsumer";
  219. Clsid = "{C7A3A54A-0250-11d3-9CD1-00105A1F4801}";
  220. };
  221. instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  222. {
  223. Provider = $P9;
  224. ConsumerClassNames = {"PagerEventConsumer"};
  225. };
  226. //
  227. //*****************************************************************************
  228. //
  229. [locale(1033)]
  230. class SMTPEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  231. {
  232. [key] string Name;
  233. [Template] string Subject;
  234. [Template] string Message;
  235. [Template] string ToLine;
  236. [not_null] string SMTPServer = "noop";
  237. [Template] string CcLine;
  238. [Template] string BccLine;
  239. };
  240. Instance of __Win32Provider as $P10
  241. {
  242. Name = "SMTPEventConsumer";
  243. Clsid = "{C7A3A54B-0250-11d3-9CD1-00105A1F4801}";
  244. };
  245. Instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  246. {
  247. Provider = $P10;
  248. ConsumerClassNames = {"SMTPEventConsumer"};
  249. };
  250. //
  251. //*****************************************************************************
  252. //
  253. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\Default")
  254. [locale(1033)]
  255. class ActiveScriptEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  256. {
  257. [key] string Name;
  258. [not_null] string ScriptingEngine = "noop";
  259. [Template] string ScriptText;
  260. string ScriptFilename;
  261. uint32 KillTimeout = 120;
  262. };
  263. Instance of __Win32Provider as $P
  264. {
  265. Name = "ActiveScriptEventConsumer";
  266. Clsid = "{266c72e7-62e8-11d1-ad89-00c04fd8fdff}";
  267. PerUserInitialization = TRUE;
  268. };
  269. Instance of __EventConsumerProviderRegistration
  270. {
  271. Provider = $P;
  272. ConsumerClassNames = {"ActiveScriptEventConsumer"};
  273. };
  274. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root")
  275. Instance of __Namespace
  276. {
  277. Name = "CIMV2";
  278. };
  279. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2")
  280. [locale(1033),Singleton]
  281. class ScriptingStandardConsumerSetting : CIM_Setting
  282. {
  283. [Read,Override("SettingID")] string SettingID = "ScriptingStandardConsumerSetting";
  284. [Read,Override("Caption")] string Caption = "Scripting Standard Consumer Setting";
  285. [Read,Override("Description")] string Description = "Registration data common to all instances of the Scripting Standard Consumer";
  286. [Read] uint32 MaximumScripts = 300;
  287. [Read,units("Minutes")] uint32 Timeout = 0;
  288. };
  289. Instance of ScriptingStandardConsumerSetting
  290. {
  291. MaximumScripts = 300;
  292. Timeout = 0;
  293. };
  294. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\Default")
  295. instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";};
  296. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\Default\\ms_409")
  297. [AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  298. class ActiveScriptEventConsumer : __EventConsumer
  299. {
  300. [description("Name of the scripting engine, ex: VBScript") : Amended] string ScriptingEngine;
  301. [description("Text of the script, expressed in a languageknown to the scripting engine.") : Amended] string ScriptText;
  302. [description("Filename of a script file to be run, note that thisis intended as an alternative to specifying the textof the script in ScriptText. Results are undefinedif both properties are assigned values.") : Amended] string ScriptFilename;
  303. [description("Number of seconds that the script is allowed to run,if zero script will not be terminated. Appliesonly to scripts specified in the ScriptText property.") : Amended] uint32 KillTimeout;
  304. };
  305. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2")
  306. instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";};
  307. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2\\ms_409")
  308. [Description("Provides registration datacommon to all instances of the Scripting Standard Consumer") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  309. class ScriptingStandardConsumerSetting : CIM_Setting
  310. {
  311. [Description("Maximum number of scripts run before the consumerwill start a new instance. The consumer should be shut downperiodically to clear out memory leaks from the scripts.") : Amended] uint32 MaximumScripts;
  312. [Description("Maximum number of minutes before the consumerwill start a new instance. If zero, consumer lifetime iscontrolled by the MaximumScripts property. Valid Range: 0-71,000.") : Amended] uint32 Timeout;
  313. };