// HMDataElementStatus.cpp: implementation of the CHMDataElementStatus class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "snapin.h"
#include "HMDataElementStatus.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction
CHMDataElementStatus::CHMDataElementStatus() { m_iNumberWarnings = 0; // Number of Rules currently in critical state
m_iNumberCriticals = 0;// Number of Rules currently in warning state
m_iState = HMS_UNKNOWN; // The state we are in - rollup from all Microsoft_HMDataGroups.
ZeroMemory(&m_st,sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); }
CHMDataElementStatus::~CHMDataElementStatus() { for( int i = 0; i < m_RuleStatus.GetSize(); i++ ) { if( GfxCheckObjPtr(m_RuleStatus[i],CHMRuleStatus) ) { delete m_RuleStatus[i]; } } m_RuleStatus.RemoveAll();
for( i = 0; i < m_RolledUpRuleStatus.GetSize(); i++ ) { if( GfxCheckObjPtr(m_RolledUpRuleStatus[i],CHMEvent) ) { delete m_RolledUpRuleStatus[i]; } } m_RolledUpRuleStatus.RemoveAll();
Destroy(); }
// Create
HRESULT CHMDataElementStatus::Create(const CString& sMachineName) { HRESULT hr = CHMEvent::Create(sMachineName); if( !CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { return hr; }
// create the enumerator for Microsoft_HMDataElementStatus object instances
BSTR bsClass = SysAllocString(_T("Microsoft_HMDataCollectorStatus")); hr = CreateEnumerator(bsClass); SysFreeString(bsClass);
if( !CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { return hr; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CHMDataElementStatus::Create(IWbemClassObject* pObject) { HRESULT hr = CHMEvent::Create(pObject); if( !CHECKHRESULT(hr) ) { return hr; }
return hr; }
// Enumeration Operations
HRESULT CHMDataElementStatus::EnumerateObjects(ULONG& uReturned) { // call GetNextObject to proceed to the next object instance
HRESULT hr = GetNextObject(uReturned); if( FAILED(hr) || uReturned != 1 ) { // no more instances
return hr; }
ASSERT(m_pIWbemClassObject); if( m_pIWbemClassObject == NULL ) { ASSERT(0); return S_FALSE; }
// process the properties of this object
hr = GetAllProperties();
return hr; }
// Property Retrieval Operations
HRESULT CHMDataElementStatus::GetAllProperties() { ASSERT(m_pIWbemClassObject); if( m_pIWbemClassObject == NULL ) { ASSERT(FALSE); return S_FALSE; }
// Name
hr = GetLocaleStringProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_NAME,m_sName);
hr = GetProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_GUID,m_sGuid); m_sGuid.TrimLeft(_T("{")); m_sGuid.TrimRight(_T("}"));
// NumberNormals
hr = GetProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_NUMBERNORMALS,m_iNumberNormals);
// NumberWarnings
hr = GetProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_NUMBERWARNINGS,m_iNumberWarnings);
// NumberCriticals
hr = GetProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_NUMBERCRITICALS,m_iNumberCriticals);
// State
hr = GetProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_STATE,m_iState);
switch( m_iState ) { case 0: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_CRITICAL); } break;
case 1: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_WARNING); } break;
case 2: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_NODATA); } break;
case 3: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UNKNOWN); } break;
case 4: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_OUTAGE); } break;
case 5: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_DISABLED); } break;
case 6: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_INFORMATION); } break;
case 7: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_RESET); } break;
case 8: { m_sState.LoadString(IDS_STRING_NORMAL); } break; }
// StatusGUID
hr = GetProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_STATUSGUID,m_sStatusGuid); m_sStatusGuid.TrimLeft(_T("{")); m_sStatusGuid.TrimRight(_T("}"));
// DTime
CTime time; hr = GetProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_LOCALTIME,time); time.GetAsSystemTime(m_st);
CString sTime; CString sDate;
int iLen = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0L,&m_st,NULL,NULL,0); iLen = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0L,&m_st,NULL,sTime.GetBuffer(iLen+(sizeof(TCHAR)*1)),iLen); sTime.ReleaseBuffer();
iLen = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0L,&m_st,NULL,NULL,0); iLen = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0L,&m_st,NULL,sDate.GetBuffer(iLen+(sizeof(TCHAR)*1)),iLen); sDate.ReleaseBuffer();
m_sDateTime = sDate + _T(" ") + sTime;
// Message
hr = GetLocaleStringProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_MESSAGE,m_sMessage);
if( ! m_sMessage.IsEmpty() ) { CHMRuleStatusInstance* pRSI = new CHMRuleStatusInstance; pRSI->SetParent(this); pRSI->m_sDataElementName = m_sName; pRSI->m_sSystemName = m_sSystemName; pRSI->m_sMessage = m_sMessage; pRSI->m_iState = m_iState; pRSI->m_sState = m_sState; pRSI->m_sStatusGuid = m_sStatusGuid; pRSI->m_sDateTime = m_sDateTime; pRSI->m_sDTime = m_sDTime; pRSI->m_st = m_st;
// propogate the status back up to the HMSystemStatus instance
// this gives us a roll up of status at each node in the tree
CHMEvent* pParent = GetParent(); CHMRuleStatusInstance* pStatus = NULL; while(pParent) { pStatus = new CHMRuleStatusInstance(*pRSI); pStatus->SetParent(this); pParent->m_RolledUpRuleStatus.Add(pStatus); pParent = pParent->GetParent(); }
// Rules
hr = GetProperty(IDS_STRING_MOF_RULES,m_Rules);
long lLower = 0L; long lUpper = -1L;
if( hr != S_FALSE ) { m_Rules.GetLBound(1L,&lLower); m_Rules.GetUBound(1L,&lUpper); }
for( long i = lLower; i <= lUpper; i++ ) { IWbemClassObject* pIWBCO = NULL; m_Rules.GetElement(&i,&pIWBCO); if( pIWBCO ) { CHMRuleStatus* pRS = new CHMRuleStatus; pRS->SetParent(this); pRS->m_sDataElementName = m_sName; pRS->m_sSystemName = m_sSystemName; pRS->Create(pIWBCO); pRS->GetAllProperties(); m_RuleStatus.Add(pRS); } }
return hr; }
void CHMDataElementStatus::RemoveStatusEvent(CHMEvent* pEvent) { for( int i = 0; i < m_RolledUpRuleStatus.GetSize(); i++ ) { if( pEvent == m_RolledUpRuleStatus[i] ) { m_RolledUpRuleStatus.RemoveAt(i); break; } }
for( i = 0; i < m_RuleStatus.GetSize(); i++ ) { m_RuleStatus[i]->RemoveStatusEvent(pEvent); } }