/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1992 **/ /**********************************************************************/
bltlhour.hxx The logon hours custom control
FILE HISTORY: beng 12-May-1992 Created
#ifndef _BLTLHOUR_HXX_
#define _BLTLHOUR_HXX_
#include "lhourset.hxx"
#include "string.hxx"
QueryHours() - Query and set the state of the control, SetHours() using the LOGON_HOURS_SETTING auxclass.
DoPermitButton() - Hook for the dialog. DoBanButton() - Another hook for the dialog
HISTORY: beng 12-May-1992 Created beng 18-May-1992 Enabled mouse and keyboard handling
DLL_CLASS LOGON_HOURS_CONTROL: public CONTROL_WINDOW, public CUSTOM_CONTROL { private: static const TCHAR * _pszClassName;
HCURSOR _hcurCross; // Used within the grid.
UINT _dyRow; // Size metrics, calc'd in CalcSizes,
UINT _dxFirstColumn; // used all over the place
UINT _dxColumn; INT _dxLabelFudge;
RESOURCE_STR * _apnlsDayOfWeek[7]; // For button titles
UINT _iButtonDown; // Index (1-based) of which button is depressed.
// 0 = None; 1-7 = Day; 8-31 = Hour; 32 = Corner.
// (Only one can be down at a time, so this works.)
UINT _iWithFocus; // Index, similar to above, but followed by every call,
// of which element within the control has the focus.
// 0 denotes none; 1-32 = buttons; 33-200 = cells,
// moving left to right, top to bottom in the control.
UINT _iFocusSave; // Saves the above while control doesn't have focus
BOOL _fSpaceIsDown; // In the middle of a spacebar sequence
BOOL _fFocusVisible; // Focus rectangle displayed (i.e. needs erase
// in some situations)
BYTE _abSetting[24*7]; // The currently set logon hours. Representation
// is an efficiency compromise between an array of
// 168 full BOOLs and a packed bitfield.
BOOL _fCellsSelected; // Set if some cells are selected
UINT _iCellSelUpper; // Index of selected cell
UINT _iCellSelLower; // If not same as previous, other corner of rect
BOOL _fMouseTrap; // In mid-click-sequence.
BOOL DrawBackground( PAINT_DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc ) const; BOOL DrawGridWires( PAINT_DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc ) const;
BOOL DrawAllButtons( PAINT_DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc ) const; VOID DrawOneCornerButton( PAINT_DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, const XYRECT &r, BOOL fDown, HBRUSH hbrFace, HPEN hpenShadow, HPEN hpenHlight ) const; VOID DrawOneFlatButton( PAINT_DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, const XYRECT &r, BOOL fDown, HBRUSH hbrFace, HPEN hpenShadow, HPEN hpenHlight ) const;
BOOL DrawGridSetting( PAINT_DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc ) const; BOOL DrawOneDayBar( PAINT_DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, INT iRow, INT iColHead, INT iColTail, HBRUSH hbrBar ) const;
VOID DrawFocusOnCell( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, INT iCell ) const; VOID DrawFocusOnDayButton( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, INT iDay ) const; VOID DrawFocusOnHourButton( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, INT iHour ) const; VOID DrawFocusOnCornerButton( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc ) const; VOID DrawFocusSomewhere( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, INT iFocus ) const;
VOID DrawCurrentSelection( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc ) const; VOID DrawSelectionOnCell( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, INT iCell ) const; VOID DrawSelectionOnCells( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc, INT iFrom, INT iTo ) const;
VOID EraseSelection( const DISPLAY_CONTEXT &dc );
VOID SetSelection( INT iCell ); VOID SetSelection( INT iFrom, INT iTo );
VOID MoveFocusTo( INT iNewFocus ); VOID MoveFocusUp(); VOID MoveFocusDown(); VOID MoveFocusLeft(); VOID MoveFocusRight();
VOID CalcGridRect( XYRECT * pr ) const; APIERR CalcSizes( XYDIMENSION dxy );
VOID CalcRectForCell( XYRECT * pr, INT iCell ) const; VOID CalcRectForHour( XYRECT * pr, INT iHour ) const; VOID CalcRectForDay( XYRECT * pr, INT iDay ) const; VOID CalcRectForCorner( XYRECT * pr ) const; INT CalcButtonFromPoint( XYPOINT xy ) const;
APIERR LoadLabels( MSGID idDay0 ); VOID UnloadLabels();
VOID DoButtonDownVisuals(); VOID DoButtonUpVisuals( BOOL fTrigger = TRUE ); VOID DoButtonClick( INT iButton ); VOID SetSelectedCells( BOOL fPermit );
VOID InvalidateButton( INT iButtonOrCell );
VOID Beep() const; BOOL IsButtonACell( INT iButton ) const;
protected: virtual BOOL OnPaintReq(); virtual BOOL OnFocus( const FOCUS_EVENT & ); virtual BOOL OnDefocus( const FOCUS_EVENT & ); virtual BOOL OnKeyDown( const VKEY_EVENT & ); virtual BOOL OnKeyUp( const VKEY_EVENT & ); virtual BOOL OnLMouseButtonDown( const MOUSE_EVENT & ); virtual BOOL OnLMouseButtonUp( const MOUSE_EVENT & ); virtual BOOL OnMouseMove( const MOUSE_EVENT & ); virtual BOOL OnQMouseCursor( const QMOUSEACT_EVENT & ); virtual ULONG OnQDlgCode(); virtual ULONG OnQHitTest( const XYPOINT & xy ); virtual ULONG OnQMouseActivate( const QMOUSEACT_EVENT & );
APIERR QueryHours( LOGON_HOURS_SETTING * plhours ) const; APIERR SetHours( const LOGON_HOURS_SETTING * plhours );
// External hooks with which a dialog coordinates this control
// with its Permit and Ban buttons.
VOID DoPermitButton(); VOID DoBanButton();
// subclasses and others can use this to determine the X-position
// in pixels for a particular row separator, 1 <= iRow <= 25
// 1 for left midnight, 13 for noon, 25 for right midnight
UINT QueryXForRow( INT nRow ); };
#endif // _BLTLHOUR_HXX_ - end of file