/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains mapping functions which transform Unicode strings (used by the NT Net APIs) into MBCS strings (used by the command-line interface program).
Prototypes. See MBCS.C.
Ben Goetter (beng) 26-Aug-1991
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
26-Aug-1991 beng Created
The SAVEARGS structure holds the client-supplied field values which the mapping layer has replaced, so that it may restore them before returning the buffer to the client. (The client may wish to reuse the buffer, and so may expect the previous contents to remain invariant across calls. In particular, clients may replace single parameters, such as passwords deemed incorrect, and try to call again with the remaining structure left alone.)
An instance of SAVEARGS is accessed but twice in its lifetime: once when it is built and once when it is freed.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
typedef struct _MXSAVEARG // mxsav
{ UINT offThis; // offset of this arg within buffer, in bytes
LPSTR pszOriginal; // original value of arg
typedef struct _MXSAVELIST // mxsavlst
{ INT cmxsav; // number of elements in vector
MXSAVEARG * pmxsav; // pointer to first element in vector
// Function prototypes
DLL_BASED UINT MxAllocUnicode( LPSTR pszAscii, LPWSTR * ppwszUnicode );
DLL_BASED VOID MxFreeUnicode( LPWSTR pwszUnicodeAllocated );
DLL_BASED UINT MxAllocUnicodeVector( LPSTR * ppszAscii, LPWSTR * ppwszUnicode, UINT c );
DLL_BASED VOID MxFreeUnicodeVector( LPWSTR * ppwsz, UINT cpwsz );
DLL_BASED UINT MxAllocUnicodeBuffer( LPBYTE pbAscii, LPWCH * ppwchUnicode, UINT cbAscii );
#define MxFreeUnicodeBuffer(buf) (MxFreeUnicode((LPWSTR)(buf)))
#define MxUnicodeBufferSize(size) (sizeof(WCHAR)/sizeof(CHAR)*(size))
DLL_BASED UINT MxAsciifyInplace( LPWSTR pwszUnicode );
DLL_BASED UINT MxAllocSaveargs( UINT cmxsav, MXSAVELIST ** ppmxsavlst );
DLL_BASED VOID MxFreeSaveargs( MXSAVELIST * ppmxsavlst );
DLL_BASED UINT MxJoinSaveargs( MXSAVELIST * pmxsavlstMain, MXSAVELIST * pmxsavlstAux, UINT dbAuxFixup, MXSAVELIST ** ppmxsavlstOut );
DLL_BASED UINT MxMapParameters( UINT cParam, LPWSTR* ppwszUnicode, ... );
DLL_BASED UINT MxMapClientBuffer( BYTE * pbInput, MXSAVELIST ** ppmxsavlst, UINT cRecords, CHAR * pszDesc );
DLL_BASED UINT MxMapClientBufferAux( BYTE * pbInput, CHAR * pszDesc, BYTE * pbInputAux, UINT cRecordsAux, CHAR * pszDescAux, MXSAVELIST ** ppmxsavlst );
DLL_BASED VOID MxRestoreClientBuffer(BYTE * pbBuffer, MXSAVELIST * pmxsavlst );
DLL_BASED UINT MxMapSetinfoBuffer( BYTE * * ppbInput, MXSAVELIST ** ppmxsavlst, CHAR * pszDesc, CHAR * pszRealDesc, UINT nField );
DLL_BASED UINT MxRestoreSetinfoBuffer( BYTE * * ppbBuffer, MXSAVELIST * pmxsavlst, CHAR * pszDesc, UINT nField );
DLL_BASED UINT MxAsciifyRpcBuffer( BYTE * pbInput, DWORD cRecords, CHAR * pszDesc );
DLL_BASED UINT MxAsciifyRpcBufferAux( BYTE * pbInput, CHAR * pszDesc, BYTE * pbInputAux, DWORD cRecordsAux, CHAR * pszDescAux );
DLL_BASED UINT MxAsciifyRpcEnumBufferAux( BYTE * pbInput, DWORD cRecords, CHAR * pszDesc, CHAR * pszDescAux );
DLL_BASED UINT MxCalcNewInfoFromOldParm( UINT nLevelOld, UINT nParmnumOld );
// These macros are used by all the functions which use the canonicalization
// routines. They are used to optionally translate Ascii to Unicode, without
// asking for more memory if no conversion is necessary.
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MxAllocTString(pszAscii, pptszTString) \
MxAllocUnicode((pszAscii), (pptszTString)) #define MxFreeTString(ptszTString) \
#define MxAllocTString(pszAscii, pptszTString) \
((*(pptszTString) = (pszAscii)), 0) #define MxFreeTString(ptszTString)
DLL_BASED UINT MxMapStringsToTStrings( UINT cStrings, ... );
DLL_BASED UINT MxFreeTStrings( UINT cStrings, ... );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"