/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/
uibuffer.hxx BUFFER class declaration
FILE HISTORY: rustanl 03-Aug-1990 Created beng 30-Apr-1991 Uses lmui.hxx
#ifndef _UIBUFFER_HXX_
#define _UIBUFFER_HXX_
#include "base.hxx"
SYNOPSIS: A resizable object which lives in the application heap.
Upon construction, the buffer takes a requested size in bytes; it allocates storage sufficient to hold that size. The client can later change this size with Resize, Trim, and FillOut. QuerySize returns the current size of the buffer; QueryPtr returns a pointer to its storage.
Note that a buffer may have size 0, in which case it keeps no allocated storage. Hence the largest available buffer on OS/2 is 2^16-1 bytes.
INTERFACE: BUFFER() - Constructor, naming initial size in bytes
QuerySize() - return size in bytes QueryPtr() - return pointer to data buffer
Resize() - resize the object to the given number of bytes. Returns 0 if the resize was successful; otherwise returns the OS errorcode.
Trim() - force block to occupy no more storage than the client has requested. FillOut() - give client access to any additional storage occupied by the block.
HISTORY: RustanL 3 Aug 90 Created DavidHov 5 Mar 91 Merged with BUFFER.HXX to supplant same beng 19-Jun-1991 Inherit from BASE; UINT sizes beng 15-Jul-1991 Resize returns APIERR instead of BOOL beng 19-Mar-1992 Remove OS/2 support
DLL_CLASS BUFFER: public BASE { private: HANDLE _hMem; // Local/GlobalAlloc results
BYTE * _pb; // pointer to storage
UINT _cb; // size of storage, as requested by client
inline VOID VerifyState() const;
UINT QueryActualSize(); APIERR GetNewStorage( UINT cbRequested ); APIERR ReallocStorage( UINT cbNewlyRequested );
public: BUFFER( UINT cbRequested = 0 ); ~BUFFER();
BYTE * QueryPtr() const; UINT QuerySize() const;
APIERR Resize( UINT cbNewReqestedSize );
// The following two methods deal with the difference between the
// actual memory size and the requested size. These methods are
// intended to be used when optimization is key.
// Trim reallocates the buffer so that the actual space allocated is
// minimally more than the size requested, whereas FillOut changes
// (without actually reallocating) the requested size to the actual size.
VOID Trim(); VOID FillOut(); };
#endif // _UIBUFFER_HXX_