VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "HssSimSearch" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False ' ==================================================================================== ' Note: Most Functions in this Class have been copied and adapted from the ' Windows ME Code Base - Specifically file GenKWQueryResults.cpp ' ' However, the searcher behaves as whistler in that it does not do Synonyms expansion ' ' Current Limitations (differences with Whistler): ' ONLY NLS Queries are processed No Boolean Queries. ' ' ====================================================================================
Option Explicit
Public Event QueryComplete(ByRef bCancel)
Private m_oDoc As DOMDocument ' 30 ' The main DOM Document Private m_oList As IXMLDOMNodeList ' Holds the Keyword Query Results Private m_oASQList As IXMLDOMNodeList ' Holds the results from Auto-stringifiable ' query. Private m_oMergedResultsList As IXMLDOMNodeList ' The list that merges AutoStringy and KW Query ' results. Private m_oMergedResultsDict As Scripting.Dictionary ' a working dictionary Private m_oXPq As XPQuery ' XPATH Query Builder Private m_odStw As Scripting.Dictionary ' Output Stopwords Dictionary ' returned from XPQuery object Private m_odSs As Scripting.Dictionary ' Output Stopsigns Dictionary ' returned from XPQuery object Private m_strQtpl As String ' String XML Representation of Query Template Private m_strCanonQ As String ' Canonical Query. Private m_dblQueryTime As Double ' The time it took the Query to execute Private m_strInputBatch As String ' Input Batch Pathname Private m_strTestedHht As String ' Input Batch Pathname Private m_bQueryIsAutoStringifiable As Boolean ' Flag on when AutoStringy Query. Private m_strAutoStringifyQuery As String ' This holds the resulting Auto-Stringifed Query.
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_odStw = New Scripting.Dictionary Set m_odSs = New Scripting.Dictionary Set m_oDoc = New DOMDocument ' 30 Set m_oMergedResultsDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
End Sub
Function Init( _ ) As Boolean Init = False Init = True Common_Exit:
End Function
Public Property Get XpathQueryTpl() As String
End Property
Public Property Let XpathQueryTpl(ByVal strPath As String)
End Property
Public Property Get XpathQueryTplXml() As String
XpathQueryTplXml = m_strQtpl End Property
Public Property Let XpathQueryTplXml(ByVal strXml As String) m_strQtpl = strXml End Property
Public Property Get TestBatch() As String TestBatch = m_strInputBatch End Property
Public Property Let TestBatch(ByVal strPath As String) m_strInputBatch = strPath End Property
Public Property Get TestedHht() As String TestedHht = m_strTestedHht End Property
Public Property Let TestedHht(ByVal strPath As String) m_strTestedHht = strPath OpenHht m_strTestedHht End Property
Public Property Get MergedResults() As IXMLDOMNodeList Set MergedResults = m_oMergedResultsList End Property
Public Property Get KwQResults() As IXMLDOMNodeList Set KwQResults = m_oList End Property
Public Property Get AutoStringyQuery() As String AutoStringyQuery = m_strAutoStringifyQuery End Property
Public Property Get AutoStringResults() As IXMLDOMNodeList Set AutoStringResults = m_oASQList End Property
Public Property Get QueryIsAutoStringifiable() As Boolean QueryIsAutoStringifiable = m_bQueryIsAutoStringifiable End Property
Public Property Get StopSigns() As Scripting.Dictionary Set StopSigns = m_odSs End Property
Public Property Get StopWords() As Scripting.Dictionary Set StopWords = m_odStw End Property
Public Property Get CanonicalQuery() As String CanonicalQuery = m_strCanonQ End Property
Public Property Get QueryTiming() As String QueryTiming = m_dblQueryTime End Property
Private Sub OpenHht(ByVal strHht As String) m_oDoc.async = False m_oDoc.Load "file:///" & strHht If (m_oDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then MsgBox "Error loading XML: " & vbCrLf & _ m_oDoc.parseError.reason & vbCrLf & _ "In: " & m_oDoc.parseError.srcText GoTo Common_Exit
End If Set m_oXPq = New XPQuery m_oXPq.Init m_strQtpl, m_oDoc Common_Exit: End Sub
Sub ProcessQuery(ByVal strQuery As String)
Static bInProcess As Boolean If (bInProcess) Then GoTo Common_Exit bInProcess = True Dim strXPathQuery As String Dim bKwqError As Boolean, bAsqError As Boolean Dim contextNode As IXMLDOMNode Dim dblStart As Double, dblEnd As Double Dim strASQ As String dblStart = Timer ' Build the XPATH Query strXPathQuery = m_oXPq.GetXPathQuery(m_strQtpl, strQuery, _ out_dictStopWords:=m_odStw, _ out_dictStopSigns:=m_odSs, _ out_strCanonicalQuery:=m_strCanonQ, _ out_strXpathAutoStringifyQuery:=strASQ, _ out_strAutoStringifyQuery:=m_strAutoStringifyQuery _ ) ' Execute the Query using XPATH ' Set the correct querying syntax to XPATH m_oDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath" m_bQueryIsAutoStringifiable = (Len(strASQ) > 0) ' == In the Following sections I disable errors because the ' == Selectnodes statement generates exceptions on problems If (m_bQueryIsAutoStringifiable) Then On Error Resume Next Set m_oASQList = m_oDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strASQ) bAsqError = (Err.Number <> 0) If bAsqError Then Stop Err.Clear On Error GoTo 0 Else Set m_oASQList = Nothing End If If (Len(strXPathQuery) > 0) Then On Error Resume Next Set m_oList = m_oDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPathQuery) bKwqError = (Err.Number <> 0) If bKwqError Then Stop Err.Clear On Error GoTo 0 Else Set m_oList = Nothing End If ' === Now we merge the Results list ============= Dim oMergedResults As IXMLDOMDocumentFragment Set oMergedResults = m_oDoc.createDocumentFragment Set m_oMergedResultsList = Nothing m_oMergedResultsDict.RemoveAll Dim oTaxoE As IXMLDOMNode, strURI As String If (Not m_oASQList Is Nothing) Then For Each oTaxoE In m_oASQList strURI = oTaxoE.Attributes.getNamedItem("URI").Text If (Not m_oMergedResultsDict.Exists(strURI)) Then oMergedResults.appendChild oTaxoE.cloneNode(deep:=True) m_oMergedResultsDict.Add strURI, True End If Next End If If (Not m_oList Is Nothing) Then For Each oTaxoE In m_oList strURI = oTaxoE.Attributes.getNamedItem("URI").Text If (Not m_oMergedResultsDict.Exists(strURI)) Then oMergedResults.appendChild oTaxoE.cloneNode(deep:=True) m_oMergedResultsDict.Add strURI, True End If Next End If Set m_oMergedResultsList = oMergedResults.childNodes ' ======== End Merge Results Section ============= dblEnd = Timer m_dblQueryTime = dblEnd - dblStart ' BUGBUG: QueryComplete should set a system wide Flage that stops everything. RaiseEvent QueryComplete(False) bInProcess = False Common_Exit: Exit Sub End Sub
Sub ProcessBatch()
OpenHht m_strTestedHht Dim oDomQT As DOMDocument: Set oDomQT = New DOMDocument oDomQT.async = False oDomQT.preserveWhiteSpace = False oDomQT.Load m_strInputBatch RecordRunData oDomQT Dim oTestList As IXMLDOMNodeList Set oTestList = oDomQT.selectNodes("hsc-search-test/test-per-se/hsc-search-target") Dim oQList As IXMLDOMNodeList, oQ As IXMLDOMNode, oURI As IXMLDOMNode, oTaxoE As IXMLDOMNode Dim strURI As String Dim oTest As IXMLDOMNode Dim lX As Long: lX = 0 Dim lExpectedPos As Long, oExpPos As IXMLDOMNode Dim bFound As Boolean, bTestPassed As Boolean Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement For Each oTest In oTestList strURI = oTest.selectSingleNode("expect-uri").childNodes(0).Text Set oQList = oTest.selectNodes("questions-list/question") For Each oQ In oQList ' Me.txtInput = oQ.childNodes(0).Text ProcessQuery oQ.childNodes(0).Text bFound = False: bTestPassed = False For Each oTaxoE In m_oMergedResultsList lX = lX + 1 If (oTaxoE.Attributes.getNamedItem("URI").nodeValue = strURI) Then bFound = True Exit For End If Next Set oExpPos = oQ.selectSingleNode("expected-uri-position") If (bFound) Then ' URI was found
lExpectedPos = oExpPos.childNodes(0).Text If (lX > lExpectedPos) Then bTestPassed = False Debug.Print "Did not Match Position Requirements" Else bTestPassed = True Debug.Print "Did match position Requirements" End If Else ' URI was not found bTestPassed = False Debug.Print "URI Was not Found" End If ' now we write this information back to the Quetion. Set oElem = oQ.ownerDocument.createElement("passed-test") oElem.Text = IIf(bTestPassed, "yes", "no") oQ.insertBefore oElem, oExpPos Set oElem = oQ.ownerDocument.createElement("detected-uri-position") If (bTestPassed) Then oElem.Text = lX Else oElem.Text = "n/a" End If oQ.appendChild oElem Next Next
' now we copy everything to the new DOM Tree CreateOutputTree oDomQT
oDomQT.save FilenameNoExt(m_strInputBatch) + "_results." + FileExtension(m_strInputBatch)
End Sub
Sub RecordRunData(ByRef oDomQT As DOMDocument) Dim oTestInfo As IXMLDOMNode Set oTestInfo = oDomQT.selectSingleNode("hsc-search-test/test-info") Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement Set oElem = oDomQT.createElement("test-stress-file") oElem.Text = m_strInputBatch oTestInfo.appendChild oElem Set oElem = oDomQT.createElement("tested-hht-file") oElem.Text = m_strTestedHht ' Me.txtHht oTestInfo.appendChild oElem Set oElem = oDomQT.createElement("run-date") oElem.Text = Date & " - " & Time oTestInfo.appendChild oElem
End Sub
Sub CreateOutputTree(ByRef oDomQT As DOMDocument) Dim oNewRoot As IXMLDOMElement Dim oOldRoot As IXMLDOMNode, oSubNode As IXMLDOMNode Set oNewRoot = oDomQT.createElement("hsc-search-test-results") Set oOldRoot = oDomQT.selectSingleNode("hsc-search-test") For Each oSubNode In oOldRoot.childNodes oOldRoot.removeChild oSubNode oNewRoot.appendChild oSubNode Next oDomQT.removeChild oOldRoot oDomQT.appendChild oNewRoot End Sub