VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "XPQuery" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit
Dim m_oDocQTpl As DOMDocument Dim m_oDocStw As DOMDocument Dim m_oHsc_query_template_Node As IXMLDOMNode, _ m_o_Query_Term_Node As IXMLDOMNode, _ m_oHsc_qtn_as As IXMLDOMNode Dim m_o_epilogue As IXMLDOMNode Dim m_odictStopSigns As Scripting.Dictionary
Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set m_oDocQTpl = New DOMDocument End Sub
Function Init( _ ByRef strQTpl As String, _ ByRef oDomtaxo As DOMDocument _ ) As Boolean Init = False oDomtaxo.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XSLPattern" Dim oDomNode As IXMLDOMNode LoadStopSigns oDomtaxo Set oDomNode = oDomtaxo.selectSingleNode("METADATA/STOPWORD_ENTRIES") Set m_oDocStw = New DOMDocument m_oDocStw.loadXML oDomNode.xml Init = True Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Sub LoadStopSigns(ByRef oDomtaxo As DOMDocument)
Dim oDomNode As IXMLDOMNode, oNodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList Set m_odictStopSigns = New Scripting.Dictionary Dim l As Long Set oNodeList = oDomtaxo.selectNodes("/METADATA/STOPSIGN_ENTRIES/*") For Each oDomNode In oNodeList If (oDomNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("CONTEXT").Text = "ENDOFWORD") Then l = STOPSIGN_AT_END_OF_WORD Else l = STOPSIGN_ANYWHERE End If m_odictStopSigns.Add oDomNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("STOPSIGN").Text, l Next
End Sub
Function GetXPathQuery( _ strQTpl As String, _ ByVal strQuery As String, _ Optional ByRef out_dictStopSigns As Scripting.Dictionary, _ Optional ByRef out_dictStopWords As Scripting.Dictionary, _ Optional ByRef out_strCanonicalQuery, _ Optional ByRef out_strXpathAutoStringifyQuery As String, _ Optional ByRef out_strAutoStringifyQuery As String _ ) As String GetXPathQuery = "" m_oDocQTpl.loadXML strQTpl If (m_oDocQTpl.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, "GetXPathQuery", "Could not load Query Template" End If Set m_oHsc_query_template_Node = m_oDocQTpl.selectSingleNode("/hsc-query-template/template") Set m_o_epilogue = m_oHsc_query_template_Node.selectSingleNode("epilogue") Set m_o_Query_Term_Node = m_oHsc_query_template_Node.selectSingleNode("query-term") m_oHsc_query_template_Node.removeChild m_o_Query_Term_Node Dim oQTNode As IXMLDOMNode, _ oDomText As IXMLDOMText strQuery = LCase$(Trim$(strQuery)) Dim cQuote As String ' If (InStr(strQuery, "'") > 0) Then ' cQuote = "'" ' Else ' cQuote = """" ' End If cQuote = """" ' First let's see whether this is an unterminated Query String If (IsUnTerminatedQuotedQuery(strQuery, cQuote)) Then strQuery = strQuery + cQuote End If GetRidOfStopSignsAndMultipleWhiteSpaces strQuery, out_dictStopSigns If (IsStringifiableQuery(strQuery)) Then Set m_oHsc_qtn_as = m_oHsc_query_template_Node.cloneNode(deep:=True) Set oQTNode = m_o_Query_Term_Node.cloneNode(deep:=True) Set oDomText = m_oDocQTpl.createTextNode("""" + strQuery + """") oQTNode.selectSingleNode("in-argument").appendChild oDomText m_oHsc_qtn_as.insertBefore oQTNode, m_oHsc_qtn_as.selectSingleNode("epilogue") out_strXpathAutoStringifyQuery = m_oHsc_qtn_as.Text Set m_oHsc_qtn_as = Nothing out_strAutoStringifyQuery = oDomText.Text Else out_strXpathAutoStringifyQuery = "" out_strAutoStringifyQuery = "" End If If (Not out_dictStopWords Is Nothing) Then out_dictStopWords.RemoveAll out_strCanonicalQuery = "" Dim iQTcount As Integer: iQTcount = 0 'Counts the Tokens Dim oTokens As Tokenizer: Set oTokens = New Tokenizer oTokens.Init strQuery Dim strToken As String, bIsString As Boolean Do While (Not oTokens.eof) DoEvents strToken = oTokens.NextWordOrString(bIsString) If (IsStopWord(strToken)) Then If (Not out_dictStopWords.Exists(strToken)) Then out_dictStopWords.Add strToken, strToken End If Else iQTcount = iQTcount + 1 If (bIsString) Then out_strCanonicalQuery = out_strCanonicalQuery + """" + strToken + """" + " " Else out_strCanonicalQuery = out_strCanonicalQuery + strToken + " " End If Set oQTNode = m_o_Query_Term_Node.cloneNode(True) Set oDomText = m_oDocQTpl.createTextNode("""" + strToken + """") oQTNode.selectSingleNode("in-argument").appendChild oDomText If (iQTcount > 1) Then Set oDomText = m_oDocQTpl.createTextNode("and") m_oHsc_query_template_Node.insertBefore oDomText, m_o_epilogue End If m_oHsc_query_template_Node.insertBefore oQTNode, m_o_epilogue End If ' GetXPathQuery = GetXPathQuery + " " + Replace(txtQTpl, "%qa%", oTokens.NextWord) Loop
If (iQTcount > 0) Then GetXPathQuery = m_oHsc_query_template_Node.Text Else GetXPathQuery = "" End If End Function
Private Function IsUnTerminatedQuotedQuery(strQuery As String, cQuote As String) As Boolean
IsUnTerminatedQuotedQuery = ((Left$(strQuery, 1) = cQuote) And (Right$(strQuery, 1) <> cQuote))
End Function
Private Function IsStringifiableQuery(ByVal strQuery As String, Optional cQuote As String = """") As Boolean IsStringifiableQuery = False If (Left$(strQuery, 1) = cQuote) Then GoTo Common_Exit Dim oTokens As Tokenizer: Set oTokens = New Tokenizer oTokens.Init strQuery Dim strToken As String Dim lNumTerms As Long: lNumTerms = 0 Do While (Not oTokens.eof) DoEvents strToken = oTokens.NextWord lNumTerms = lNumTerms + 1 If (bIsOpNot(strToken) Or _ bIsOpOr(strToken) Or _ bIsOpAnd(strToken) Or _ "(" = Left$(strToken, 1) Or ")" = Left$(strToken, 1)) Then GoTo Common_Exit End If Loop If (lNumTerms = 1) Then GoTo Common_Exit IsStringifiableQuery = True Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Private Function bIsOpNot(strToken As String) As Boolean bIsOpNot = False If (strToken = "not") Then bIsOpNot = True: GoTo Common_Exit If (strToken = "!") Then bIsOpNot = True: GoTo Common_Exit
Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Private Function bIsOpOr(strToken As String) As Boolean bIsOpOr = False If (strToken = "or") Then bIsOpOr = True: GoTo Common_Exit If (strToken = "||") Then bIsOpOr = True: GoTo Common_Exit
Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Private Function bIsOpAnd(strToken As String) As Boolean bIsOpAnd = False If (strToken = "and") Then bIsOpAnd = True: GoTo Common_Exit If (strToken = "+") Then bIsOpAnd = True: GoTo Common_Exit If (strToken = "&") Then bIsOpAnd = True: GoTo Common_Exit
Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Private Function IsStopWord(strWord As String) As Boolean
IsStopWord = False If (m_oDocStw Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit Dim cQuote As String If (InStr(strWord, "'") > 0) Then cQuote = """" Else cQuote = "'" End If IsStopWord = (Not m_oDocStw.selectSingleNode("//STOPWORD[@STOPWORD = " + cQuote + LCase$(strWord) + cQuote + "]") Is Nothing)
Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Sub GetRidOfStopSignsAndMultipleWhiteSpaces( _ ByRef strQuery As String, _ ByRef out_dictStopSigns As Scripting.Dictionary _ ) ' As String If (Not out_dictStopSigns Is Nothing) Then out_dictStopSigns.RemoveAll Else Set out_dictStopSigns = New Scripting.Dictionary End If Dim i As Long, cSS As String For i = Len(strQuery) To 1 Step -1 If (bIsStopSign(strQuery, i)) Then cSS = Mid$(strQuery, i, 1) strQuery = Left$(strQuery, i - 1) + " " + Mid$(strQuery, i + 1) If (Not out_dictStopSigns.Exists(cSS)) Then out_dictStopSigns.Add cSS, cSS End If End If Next i ' GetRidOfStopSignsAndMultipleWhiteSpaces = strQuery End Sub
Function bIsStopSign(strWList As String, i As Long) As Boolean
' Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = "": If (g_bOnErrorHandling) Then On Error GoTo Error_Handler
bIsStopSign = False
If (i > Len(strWList)) Then GoTo Common_Exit
Dim strStopSign As String: strStopSign = Mid$(strWList, i, 1) If (m_odictStopSigns.Exists(strStopSign)) Then Select Case m_odictStopSigns.Item(strStopSign) Case STOPSIGN_AT_END_OF_WORD ' We check whether the stop sign follows a space or any other character. If (i = 1) Then bIsStopSign = False Else Dim strPreviousSign As String: strPreviousSign = Mid$(strWList, i - 1, 1)
Select Case strPreviousSign Case " ", vbTab bIsStopSign = False Case Else If (i = Len(strWList)) Then ' If it is the last character in string, then it is a stop sign. bIsStopSign = True Else ' In order to definitely establish that his stopword is at the ' end of a word, we need to look at the next character Dim strNextSign As String: strNextSign = Mid$(strWList, i + 1, 1) Select Case strNextSign Case " ", vbTab, """" bIsStopSign = True Case Else bIsStopSign = False End Select ' strNextSign End If
End Select ' strPreviousSign End If ' ( i = 1 )
Case Else ' This is a non-context sensitive Stopsign, so simple existence in the ' Stop Sign Dictionary means that it is indeed a stop sign bIsStopSign = True End Select Else ' It does not exist on the StopSign Map, so let's get out of here. bIsStopSign = False
End If ' (m_odictStopSigns.Exists(strStopSign))
Common_Exit: Exit Function
Error_Handler: ' g_XErr.SetInfo "bIsStopSign", strErrMsg ' Err.Raise Err.Number
End Function
'Function StopSign2WhiteSpace( _ ' ByRef strQuery, _ ' ByVal i As Long _ ' ) As Boolean ' ' ' Const STOP_SIGN_AS_END_OF_WORD As Long = 3 ' Const STOP_SIGN_ANYWHERE As Long = 0 ' ' Dim cSS As String: cSS = Mid$(strQuery, i, 1) ' Dim bIsStopsign As Boolean: bIsStopsign = False ' If (m_StopSignMap.Exists(cSS)) Then ' ' Select Case m_StopSignMap.Item(cSS) ' Case STOPSIGN_AT_END_OF_WORD ' ' If (i = 1) Then ' If we are at the beginning of a word, by definition we are NOT at the end of a word, ' bIsStopsign = False ' Else ' Dim strPreviousSign As String: strPreviousSign = Mid$(strWord, i - 1, 1) ' ' Select Case strPreviousSign ' Case " ", vbTab ' bIsStopsign = False ' Case Else ' If (i = Len(strWord)) Then ' If it is the last character in string, then it is a stop sign. ' bIsStopsign = True ' Else ' In order to definitely establish that his stopword is at the ' end of a word, we need to look at the next character ' Dim strNextSign As String: strNextSign = Mid$(strWord, i + 1, 1) ' Select Case strNextSign ' Case " ", vbTab ' bIsStopsign = True ' Case Else ' bIsStopsign = False ' End Select ' strNextSign ' End If ' ' End Select ' strPreviousSign ' End If ' ( i = 1 ) ' ' Case Else ' This is a non-context sensitive Stopsign, so simple existence in the ' Stop Sign Dictionary means that it is indeed a stop sign ' bIsStopsign = True ' End Select ' ' Else ' It does not exist on the StopSign Map, so let's get out of here. ' bIsStopsign = False ' ' End If ' (m_odictStopSigns.Exists(strStopSign)) ' 'Common_Exit: ' If (bIsStopsign) Then ' strQuery = Left$(strQuery, i - 1) + " " + Mid$(strQuery, i + 1) ' End If ' ' Exit Function ' 'Error_Handler: ' 'End Function
' This function HAS to be called by bContainsStopSigns, as it is impossible for it to detect ' Runs of alternate context dependente and context independent Stopsigns.
'inline static void GetRidOfStopSignsAndMultipleWhiteSpaces( WCHAR *& szStr ) '{ ' WCHAR *psz = szStr ; ' for ( ; *psz ; ++ psz ) ; ' for (; psz >= szStr; -- psz ) ' { ' StopSign2WhiteSpace( szStr, psz ) ; ' } ' ' int iWspCount = 0; ' WCHAR *psz2 = psz ; ' for ( ; *psz ; ++ psz ) ' { ' if ( iswspace( *psz ) ) ' { ' ++ iWspCount ; ' if ( iWspCount > 1 ) ' { ' continue ; ' } ' } ' Else ' { ' iWspCount = 0 ; ' } ' *psz2 = *psz ; ' ++ psz2 ; ' } ' *psz2 = 0 ; '}
' This function HAS to be called by bContainsStopSigns, as it is impossible for it to detect ' Runs of alternate context dependente and context independent Stopsigns.