PrintJob.CPP -- WMI provider class implementation
Generated by Microsoft WMI Code Generation Engine TO DO: - See individual function headers - When linking, make sure you link to framedyd.lib & msvcrtd.lib (debug) or framedyn.lib & msvcrt.lib (retail).
Description: ******************************************************************/
#include "pchealth.h"
#include "PrintJob.h"
// tracing stuff
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
// initialization
// Property names
// PCH
const static WCHAR *c_wszName = L"Name"; const static WCHAR *c_wszPagesPrinted = L"PagesPrinted"; const static WCHAR *c_wszSize = L"Size"; const static WCHAR *c_wszStatus = L"Status"; const static WCHAR *c_wszTimeSubmitted = L"TimeSubmitted"; const static WCHAR *c_wszUser = L"User"; const static WCHAR *c_wszDocument = L"Document";
// WMI
const static WCHAR *c_wszNotify = L"Notify"; const static WCHAR *c_wszJobStatus = L"JobStatus";
// construction / destruction
// ***************************************************************************
CPrintJob::CPrintJob(LPCWSTR lpwszName, LPCWSTR lpwszNameSpace) : Provider(lpwszName, lpwszNameSpace) { }
// ***************************************************************************
CPrintJob::~CPrintJob() { }
// internal methods
// ****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintJob::GetInstanceData(IWbemClassObjectPtr pObj, CInstance *pInstance) {
// ** Name
CopyProperty(pObj, c_wszName, pInstance, c_wszName);
// ** Pages Printed
CopyProperty(pObj, c_wszPagesPrinted, pInstance, c_wszPagesPrinted); // ** Size
CopyProperty(pObj, c_wszSize, pInstance, c_wszSize); // ** JobStatus
CopyProperty(pObj, c_wszJobStatus, pInstance, c_wszStatus); // ** TimeSubmitted
CopyProperty(pObj, c_wszTimeSubmitted, pInstance, c_wszTimeSubmitted);
// ** User
CopyProperty(pObj, c_wszNotify, pInstance, c_wszUser);
// ** Document
CopyProperty(pObj, c_wszDocument, pInstance, c_wszDocument);
return NOERROR; }
// exposed methods
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintJob::EnumerateInstances(MethodContext *pMethodContext, long lFlags) { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_PrintJob::EnumerateInstances");
IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumInst = NULL; IWbemClassObjectPtr pObj = NULL; CComBSTR bstrQuery; HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; ULONG ulRetVal; TCHAR wszUser[1024]; DWORD cchUser = sizeof(wszUser) / sizeof(TCHAR);
GetUserName(wszUser, &cchUser);
// Execute the query
bstrQuery = L"select Name, document, Notify, Size, JobStatus, TimeSubmitted, PagesPrinted from Win32_printJob"; hr = ExecWQLQuery(&pEnumInst, bstrQuery); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// enumerate the instances from Win32_PrintJob
while(pEnumInst->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pObj, &ulRetVal) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { // Create a new instance based on the passed-in MethodContext
CInstancePtr pInstance(CreateNewInstance(pMethodContext), FALSE);
// since the old code didn't care if this failed, neither do I.
hr = GetInstanceData(pObj, pInstance); // commit instance
hr = pInstance->Commit(); if (FAILED(hr)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error committing instance");
// Ok, so WMI does not follow it's own docs on how GetObject
// works. According to them, we should release this object here. But
// if I try, winmgmt GPFs.
// pObj->Release();
pObj = NULL; }
done: if (pEnumInst != NULL) pEnumInst->Release();
TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintJob::ExecMethod(const CInstance& Instance, const BSTR bstrMethodName, CInstance *pInParams, CInstance *pOutParams, long lFlags) { return (WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE); }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintJob::GetObject(CInstance* pInstance, long lFlags) { TraceFunctEnter("CPrintJob::GetObject");
IWbemClassObjectPtr pObj = NULL; CComBSTR bstrPath; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; VARIANT var; TCHAR szDefault[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *pchToken, *szDefName = NULL; DWORD i;
if (pInstance == NULL) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto done; }
// get the name of the printer
if (pInstance->GetVariant(c_wszName, var) == FALSE) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Unable to fetch printer name"); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; }
if (V_VT(&var) != VT_BSTR) { hr = VariantChangeType(&var, &var, 0, VT_BSTR); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "VariantChangeType failed: 0x%08x", hr); goto done; } } // get the default printer & path
if(GetProfileString(_T("Windows"), _T("Device"), "\0", szDefault, MAX_PATH) > 1) { // The Above GetProfileString returns "printerName", "PrinterDriver"
// and "PrinterPath" seperated by commas. Ignore "PrinterDriver"
// and use the other two to set the properties.
pchToken = _tcstok(szDefault, _T(",")); if(pchToken != NULL) { // ** default name
szDefName = pchToken; } } // build the path to the object
bstrPath = L"\\\\.\\root\\cimv2:Win32_PrintJob.Name=\""; bstrPath.Append(V_BSTR(&var)); bstrPath.Append("\"");
// fetch it
hr = GetCIMObj(bstrPath, &pObj, lFlags); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// populate the CInstance object
hr = GetInstanceData(pObj, pInstance); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; // All the properties are set. Commit the instance
hr = pInstance->Commit(); if(FAILED(hr)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Could not commit instance: 0x%08x", hr);
done: VariantClear(&var);
// Ok, so WMI does not follow it's own docs on how GetObject
// works. According to them, we should release this object here. But
// if I try, winmgmt GPFs.
// if (pObj != NULL)
// pObj->Release();
TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintJob::ExecQuery(MethodContext *pMethodContext, CFrameworkQuery& Query, long lFlags) { return WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintJob::PutInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags) { return WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintJob::DeleteInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags) { return WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE; }