Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation Upload to the EMI database server
Walter Smith (wsmith) Rajesh Soy (nsoy) - reorganized code and cleaned it up, added comments 06/06/2000 */
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
#include "stdafx.h"
#define NOTRACE
#include "uploadmanager.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include <dbgtrace.h>
#include "UploadmanagerDID.h"
#include "resource.h"
// Externs
extern CComModule _Module;
// PC Health registry stuff
const TCHAR szREGKEY_MACHINEINFO[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\MachineInfo"); const TCHAR szREGVALUE_GUID_NONESC[] = _T("CommentPID");
// LAMEBTN.DLL registry stuff
const TCHAR szREGKEY_ERROR_MESSAGES[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\Clients\\Error Messages"); const TCHAR szREGKEY_DIALOG_COMMENTS[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\Clients\\Dialog Comments"); const TCHAR szREGVALUE_UPLOAD_SERVER[] = _T("Upload URL"); const TCHAR szREGVALUE_UPLOAD_PROVIDER[] = _T("Upload provider");
// Routines Defined here:
void GetRegValue(HKEY hkRoot, LPCTSTR szKeyName, LPCTSTR szValueName, LPTSTR szValue, DWORD* pcbValue); LPCTSTR GetUploadRegKey(ENUM_UPLOAD_TYPES type); void GetMachineSignature(GUIDSTR szGUID); inline HRESULT ChangeSecurity(IUnknown * pUnknown); int QueueXMLDocumentUpload(ENUM_UPLOAD_TYPES type, SimpleXMLDocument& doc);
// GetRegValue: Get value of required registry entry (throw if not found).
// IN *pcbValue is the size in bytes of szValue
// OUT *pchValue is the size of the retrieved data
void GetRegValue( HKEY hkRoot, LPCTSTR szKeyName, LPCTSTR szValueName, LPTSTR szValue, DWORD* pcbValue ) { CRegKey rk; ThrowIfW32Fail( rk.Open(hkRoot, szKeyName, KEY_READ) ); ThrowIfW32Fail( rk.QueryValue(szValue, szValueName, pcbValue) ); rk.Close(); }
// GetUploadRegKey: Returns the correct registy key location
// WTF?!
_ASSERT(false); throw E_FAIL; return NULL; // the compiler
// GetMachineSignature: Obtains the Machine signature. This however, is currently
// not being used at the backend
void GetMachineSignature( GUIDSTR szGUID // [out] - Machine GUID
) { TraceFunctEnter("GetMachineSignature"); CRegKey rk; DWORD dwSize = 0;
// Try to read the Machine GUID from registry
if (rk.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szREGKEY_MACHINEINFO, KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(GUIDSTR); if (rk.QueryValue(szGUID, szREGVALUE_GUID_NONESC, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rk.Close(); return; } }
// If PCHealth's GUID is gone for some reason, We generate a GUID
DebugTrace(0, "Generating a new GUID"); lstrcpy(szGUID, _T("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")); GUID guid; HRESULT hr; LPOLESTR lpolestr_guid;
hr = CoCreateGuid(&guid); if (FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "CoCreateGuid failed. Error: %ld", hr); goto done; }
hr = StringFromIID(guid, &lpolestr_guid); if (FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "StringFromIID failed. Error: %ld", hr); goto done; }
lstrcpy(szGUID, lpolestr_guid); CoTaskMemFree(lpolestr_guid);
// We update the generated GUID in the registry
DebugTrace(0, "Creating %s", szREGKEY_MACHINEINFO); if (rk.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szREGKEY_MACHINEINFO ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(rk.SetValue(szGUID, szREGVALUE_GUID_NONESC) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { FatalTrace(0, "Failed to set MachineID in registry. Error: %ld", GetLastError()); } }
rk.Close(); DebugTrace(0, "szGUID: %ls", szGUID); TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// It's necessary to modify the security settings on a new MPCUpload interface.
inline HRESULT ChangeSecurity(IUnknown * pUnknown) { TraceFunctEnter("ChangeSecurity"); IClientSecurity * pCliSec = NULL;
// Query the IClientSecurity interface
HRESULT hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IClientSecurity, (void **) &pCliSec); if (FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "pUnknown->QueryInterface failed. hr: %ld", hr); goto done; }
DebugTrace(0, "Calling pCliSec->SetBlanket"); //
// Set the correct Security blanket
done: TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
// QueueXMLDocumentUpload: This routine schedules the XML blob passed to it for upload to Upload Manager
int QueueXMLDocumentUpload( ENUM_UPLOAD_TYPES type, // [in] - upload type
SimpleXMLDocument& doc // [in] - XML blob to be uploaded
) { TCHAR szTemp[1024]; DWORD dwTemp; UL_STATUS status; long errCode; LPCTSTR szRegKey;
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-154248-2000/08/08-jasonr
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-152439-2000/08/08-jasonr
// We used to pop up the "Thank You" message box in the new thread.
// Now we pop it up in the dialog box thread instead to fix these bugs.
// The new thread now returns 0 to indicate success, 1 to indicate
// failure. We only pop up the dialog box on success.
int iRet = 1; //
// Make a temporary filename for the XML blob
TCHAR szTempFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH];
try { ThrowIfZero( GetTempPath(ARRAYSIZE(szTempPath), szTempPath) ); ThrowIfZero( GetTempFileName(szTempPath, _T("EMI"), 0, szTempFileName) ); } catch(...) { FatalTrace(0, "Unable to get a tempFile name"); //
// Use a default value
_tcscpy(szTempFileName, _T("C:\\upload.xml")); }
DebugTrace(0, "szTempFileName: %ls", szTempFileName); try { //
// Generate the XML to the temp file
DebugTrace(0, "Saving: %ls", szTempFileName); doc.SaveFile(szTempFileName);
// Tell the PC Health upload library to upload it
CComPtr<IMPCUpload> pUploadMgr; CComPtr<IMPCUploadJob> pJob; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Create an instance of MPCUpload
DebugTrace(0, "Creating instance of MPCUpload"); //MessageBox(GetFocus(), L"Creating instance of MPCUpload", L"Debug", 0);
hr = pUploadMgr.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MPCUpload)); if(FAILED(hr)) { _Module.RegisterTypeLib();
hr = pUploadMgr.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MPCUpload));
if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "pUploadMgr.CoCreateInstance failed. hr=0x%x", hr); ThrowIfFail(hr); } }
// Set the appropriate security blanket
DebugTrace(0, "Changing Security of pUploadMgr"); hr = ChangeSecurity( pUploadMgr ); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "ChangeSecurity Failed. hr=0x%x", hr); ThrowIfFail(hr); }
// Create an upload job
DebugTrace(0, "Creating Job"); //MessageBox(GetFocus(), L"Creating Job", L"Debug", 0);
hr = pUploadMgr->CreateJob(&pJob); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "pUploadMgr->CreateJob failed hr=0x%x", hr); TCHAR szErr[1024]; _stprintf(szErr, L"pUploadMgr->CreateJob failed hr=0x%x", hr); // MessageBox(GetFocus(), szErr, L"Debug", 0);
ThrowIfFail(hr); }
_ASSERT(pJob != NULL);
// Set the appropriate security blanket
DebugTrace(0, "Changing Security of pJob");
hr = ChangeSecurity( pJob ); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "ChangeSecurity Failed. hr=0x%x", hr); ThrowIfFail(hr); }
// Obtain the Machine GUID
//GUIDSTR szSig;
//DebugTrace(0, "Machine signature: %ls", CComBSTR(szSig));
// nsoy - we are going to use the uploadm GUID henceforth.
// Set the machine signature in the job
DebugTrace(0, "Setting Machine signature"); hr = pJob->put_Sig( NULL ); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "pJob->put_Server failed. hr=%ld", hr); ThrowIfFail( hr ); }
// Obtain the registry key for upload server information
szRegKey = GetUploadRegKey(type);
// Read the registry key to obtain the upload server information
dwTemp = ARRAYSIZE(szTemp); GetRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegKey, szREGVALUE_UPLOAD_SERVER, szTemp, &dwTemp);
// Set the upload server name in the upload job
DebugTrace(0, "Setting Server: %ls", CComBSTR(szTemp)); hr = pJob->put_Server(CComBSTR(szTemp)); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "pJob->put_Server failed. hr=%ld", hr); ThrowIfFail( hr ); }
// Obtain the upload server provider name from registry
dwTemp = ARRAYSIZE(szTemp); GetRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegKey, szREGVALUE_UPLOAD_PROVIDER, szTemp, &dwTemp);
// Set the upload server provider ID
DebugTrace(0, "Setting ProviderID: %ls", CComBSTR(szTemp)); hr = pJob->put_ProviderID(CComBSTR(szTemp)); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "pJob->put_Server failed. hr=%ld", hr); ThrowIfFail( hr ); }
// REVIEW: probably should be UL_HISTORY_NONE when we think it works
DebugTrace(0, "Setting History to UL_HISTORY_LOG"); hr = pJob->put_History(UL_HISTORY_LOG); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "put_History failed. hr=%ld", hr); ThrowIfFail( hr ); }
// Set the Compression flag
DebugTrace(0, "Setting Compressed flag to TRUE"); hr = pJob->put_Compressed(VARIANT_TRUE); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "put_Compressed failed. hr=%ld", hr); ThrowIfFail( hr ); }
// Set PersitToDisk flag
DebugTrace(0, "Setting PersistToDisk flag to TRUE"); hr = pJob->put_PersistToDisk(VARIANT_TRUE); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "put_PersistToDisk failed. hr=%ld", hr); ThrowIfFail( hr ); }
// Obtain Status & Error code before putting the job to queue
pJob->get_Status(&status); pJob->get_ErrorCode(&errCode); DebugTrace(0, "upload status: %d (error %ld)\n", status, errCode);
// Let the upload job read the data persisted in to the temp file
DebugTrace(0, "Calling GetDataFromFile: %ls", CComBSTR(szTempFileName)); hr = pJob->GetDataFromFile(CComBSTR(szTempFileName)); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "GetDataFromFile failed. hr=%ld", hr); ThrowIfFail( hr ); }
// Delete the temp file
if (FALSE == DeleteFile(szTempFileName)) { FatalTrace(0, "DeleteFile failed on %ls. Error: %ld", szTempFileName, GetLastError()); throw; }
DebugTrace(0, "Calling ActivateAsyn"); hr = pJob->ActivateAsync(); if(FAILED(hr)) { FatalTrace(0, "ActivateAsync failed. hr=%ld", hr); ThrowIfFail( hr ); } pJob->get_Status(&status); pJob->get_ErrorCode(&errCode); DebugTrace(0, "upload status: %d (error %ld)\n", status, errCode);
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-154248-2000/08/08-jasonr
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-152439-2000/08/08-jasonr
// We used to pop up the "Thank You" message box in the new thread.
// Now we pop it up in the dialog box thread instead to fix these bugs.
// The new thread now returns 0 to indicate success, 1 to indicate
// failure. We only pop up the dialog box on success.
iRet = 0;
#if 0
// Display Thank you dialog
TCHAR szThankYouMessage[1024]; TCHAR szThankYouMessageTitle[1024];
LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_COMMENT_THANKYOU, szThankYouMessage, ARRAYSIZE(szThankYouMessage));
LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_COMMENT_THANKYOUTITLE, szThankYouMessageTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szThankYouMessageTitle)); MessageBox( NULL, szThankYouMessage, szThankYouMessageTitle, MB_OK); #endif
} catch (HRESULT hr) { FatalTrace(0, "Error Code: %lx", hr); } catch (...) { DebugTrace(0, "Upload CRASHED !!!"); throw; }
return(iRet); }