#define NOTRACE 1
#include "windows.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "faultrep.h"
#include "pchrexec.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
// ***************************************************************************
LPWSTR MarshallString(LPCWSTR wszSrc, PBYTE pBase, ULONG cbMaxBuf, PBYTE *ppToWrite, DWORD *pcbWritten) { DWORD cb; PBYTE pwszNormalized;
cb = (wcslen(wszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if ((*pcbWritten + cb) > cbMaxBuf) return NULL;
RtlMoveMemory(*ppToWrite, wszSrc, cb);
// the normalized ptr is the current count
pwszNormalized = (PBYTE)(*ppToWrite - pBase);
// cb is always a mutliple of sizeof(WHCAR) so the pointer addition below
// always produces a result that is 2byte aligned (assuming the input was
// 2byte aligned of course)
*ppToWrite += cb; *pcbWritten += cb;
return (LPWSTR)pwszNormalized; }
// **************************************************************************
EFaultRepRetVal PrepareUserManifest(LPWSTR wszExe, DWORD dwSession, DWORD dwProc, DWORD dwThread) { SPCHExecServDWRequest *pesdwreq = NULL; SPCHExecServDWReply *pesrep = NULL; EFaultRepRetVal frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD cbReq, cbRead; WCHAR wszName[MAX_PATH]; BYTE Buf[HANGREP_EXECSVC_BUF_SIZE], *pBuf; BYTE BufRep[HANGREP_EXECSVC_BUF_SIZE];
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszExe == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
ZeroMemory(&Buf, sizeof(Buf)); pesdwreq = (SPCHExecServDWRequest *)Buf; cbReq = ((sizeof(SPCHExecServDWRequest) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR) - 1) / sizeof(WCHAR); pBuf = Buf + cbReq;
pesdwreq->cbESR = sizeof(SPCHExecServDWRequest); pesdwreq->pidReqProcess = dwProc; pesdwreq->thidFault = dwThread; pesdwreq->ulSessionId = dwSession; pesdwreq->pvFaultAddr = (UINT64)UnhandledExceptionFilter; #ifdef _WIN64
pesdwreq->fIs64bit = TRUE; #else
pesdwreq->fIs64bit = FALSE; #endif
// marshal in the strings
pesdwreq->wszExe = (UINT64)MarshallString(wszExe, Buf, sizeof(Buf), &pBuf, &cbReq); if (pesdwreq->wszExe == 0) goto done;
pesdwreq->cbTotal = cbReq;
// check and see if the system is shutting down. If so, CreateProcess is
// gonna pop up some annoying UI that we can't get rid of, so we don't
// want to call it if we know it's gonna happen.
if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SHUTTINGDOWN)) goto done;
// Send the buffer out to the server- wait at most 2m for this to
// succeed. If it times out, bail.
wcscpy(wszName, HANGREP_EXECSVC_DWPIPE); TESTBOOL(hr, CallNamedPipeW(wszName, Buf, cbReq, &BufRep, sizeof(BufRep), &cbRead, 120000)); if (FAILED(hr)) { // determine the error code that indicates whether we've timed out so
// we can set the return code appropriately.
goto done; }
pesrep = (SPCHExecServDWReply *)BufRep;
// did the call succeed?
VALIDATEEXPR(hr, (pesrep->fRet == FALSE), Err2HR(pesrep->dwErr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { fprintf(stdout, "Named pipe call failed: 0x%08x\n", pesrep->dwErr); SetLastError(pesrep->dwErr); goto done; } else { fprintf(stdout, "Named pipe call success\n"); }
// gotta wait for DW to be done before we nuke the manifest file, but if
// it hasn't parsed it in 5 minutes, something's wrong with it.
if (WaitForSingleObject(pesrep->pi.hProcess, 300000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { frrvRet = frrvErrTimeout; }
// we're only going to delete the files if DW has finished with them. Yes
// this means we can leave stray files in the temp dir, but this is better
// than having DW randomly fail while sending...
else { if (pesrep->wszDump != 0) { if (pesrep->wszDump < cbRead && pesrep->wszDump >= sizeof(SPCHExecServDWReply)) pesrep->wszDump += (UINT64)pesrep; else pesrep->wszDump = 0; }
if (pesrep->wszDump != 0) fprintf(stdout, "Dump file: %ls\n", pesrep->wszDump);
if (pesrep->wszManifest != 0) { if (pesrep->wszManifest < cbRead && pesrep->wszManifest >= sizeof(SPCHExecServDWReply)) pesrep->wszManifest += (UINT64)pesrep; else pesrep->wszManifest = 0; }
if (pesrep->wszManifest != 0) fprintf(stdout, "Manifest file: %ls\n", pesrep->wszDump); }
CloseHandle(pesrep->pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pesrep->pi.hThread);
frrvRet = frrvOkManifest; SetLastError(0);
done: return frrvRet; }
// **************************************************************************
void __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR **argv) { DWORD dwPID; DWORD dwThID; DWORD dwSession; WCHAR *wszExe;
if (argc < 4 || argc > 5) { fprintf(stdout, "Usage:\nmdpipe <exe name> <PID> <Thread ID> [<Session ID>]\n"); return; } wszExe = argv[1]; dwPID = _wtol(argv[2]); dwThID = _wtol(argv[3]); if (argc == 5) dwSession = _wtol(argv[4]); else ProcessIdToSessionId(GetCurrentProcessId(), &dwSession);
PrepareUserManifest(wszExe, dwSession, dwPID, dwThID); }