Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: ProtocolWrap.cpp
Abstract: This file contains the implementation of the CPCHWrapProtocolInfo class, that is used to fix problems in the MS-ITS protocol.
Revision History: Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 05/07/2000 created
#include "stdafx.h"
static const WCHAR l_szWINDIR [] = L"%WINDIR%"; static const WCHAR l_szHELP_LOCATION[] = L"%HELP_LOCATION%";
CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::CPCHWrapProtocolInfo() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY("CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::CPCHWrapProtocolInfo");
// CComPtr<IClassFactory> m_realClass;
// CComPtr<IInternetProtocolInfo> m_realInfo;
CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::~CPCHWrapProtocolInfo() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY("CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::~CPCHWrapProtocolInfo"); }
HRESULT CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::Init( REFGUID realClass ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::Init" );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ::CoGetClassObject( realClass, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, IID_IClassFactory, (void **)&m_realClass ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_realClass->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IInternetProtocolInfo, (void **)&m_realInfo ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
void CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::ExpandAndConcat( /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& bstrStorageName , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szVariable , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szAppend ) { MPC::wstring strExpanded( szVariable ); MPC::SubstituteEnvVariables( strExpanded );
if(szAppend) { if(szAppend[0] != '\\' && szAppend[0] != '/' ) { strExpanded += L"\\"; }
strExpanded += szAppend; }
bstrStorageName = strExpanded.c_str(); }
void CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::NormalizeUrl( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwzUrl , /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strUrlModified , /*[in] */ bool fReverse ) { CComBSTR bstrStorageName; CComBSTR bstrFilePath; bool fModified = false;
if(MPC::MSITS::IsCHM( pwzUrl, &bstrStorageName, &bstrFilePath ) && bstrStorageName.Length() > 0) { if(!_wcsnicmp( bstrStorageName, l_szHELP_LOCATION, MAXSTRLEN( l_szHELP_LOCATION ) )) { CComBSTR bstrTmp;
while(1) { LPCWSTR szRest = &bstrStorageName[ MAXSTRLEN( l_szHELP_LOCATION ) ]; WCHAR rgDir[MAX_PATH];
// First, try the current help directory.
ExpandAndConcat( bstrTmp, CHCPProtocolEnvironment::s_GLOBAL->HelpLocation(), szRest ); if(MPC::FileSystemObject::IsFile( bstrTmp )) break;
// Then, try the MUI version of the help directory.
_snwprintf( rgDir, MAXSTRLEN(rgDir), L"%s\\MUI\\%04lx", HC_HELPSVC_HELPFILES_DEFAULT, CHCPProtocolEnvironment::s_GLOBAL->Instance().m_ths.GetLanguage() ); ExpandAndConcat( bstrTmp, rgDir, szRest ); if(MPC::FileSystemObject::IsFile( bstrTmp )) break;
// Finally, try the system help directory.
ExpandAndConcat( bstrTmp, HC_HELPSVC_HELPFILES_DEFAULT, szRest ); break; }
if(MPC::FileSystemObject::IsFile( bstrTmp )) { bstrStorageName = bstrTmp;
fModified = true; } }
if(!_wcsnicmp( bstrStorageName, l_szWINDIR, MAXSTRLEN( l_szWINDIR ) )) { ExpandAndConcat( bstrStorageName, l_szWINDIR, &bstrStorageName[ MAXSTRLEN( l_szWINDIR ) ] ); fModified = true; } if(::PathIsRelativeW( bstrStorageName )) { ExpandAndConcat( bstrStorageName, CHCPProtocolEnvironment::s_GLOBAL->HelpLocation(), bstrStorageName );
fModified = true; }
if(fReverse) { MPC::wstring strHelpLocation = CHCPProtocolEnvironment::s_GLOBAL->HelpLocation(); MPC::SubstituteEnvVariables( strHelpLocation ); int iSize = strHelpLocation.size();
if(!_wcsnicmp( bstrStorageName, strHelpLocation.c_str(), iSize )) { strHelpLocation = l_szHELP_LOCATION; strHelpLocation += &bstrStorageName[iSize];
bstrStorageName = strHelpLocation.c_str(); fModified = true; } } }
if(fModified) { strUrlModified = L"MS-ITS:"; strUrlModified += bstrStorageName;
if(bstrFilePath.Length() > 0) { strUrlModified += L"::/"; strUrlModified += bstrFilePath; } } else { strUrlModified = pwzUrl; } }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::CombineUrl( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwzBaseUrl , /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwzRelativeUrl, /*[in] */ DWORD dwCombineFlags, /*[out]*/ LPWSTR pwzResult , /*[in] */ DWORD cchResult , /*[out]*/ DWORD *pcchResult , /*[in] */ DWORD dwReserved ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY("CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::CombineUrl");
if(MPC::MSITS::IsCHM( pwzRelativeUrl )) { MPC::wstring strUrlModified;
NormalizeUrl( pwzRelativeUrl, strUrlModified, /*fReverse*/false );
if(strUrlModified.size() > cchResult-1) { hr = S_FALSE; } else { wcscpy( pwzResult, strUrlModified.c_str() );
hr = S_OK; }
*pcchResult = strUrlModified.size()+1; } else { hr = m_realInfo->CombineUrl( pwzBaseUrl , pwzRelativeUrl, dwCombineFlags, pwzResult , cchResult , pcchResult , dwReserved ); }
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::CompareUrl( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR pwzUrl1 , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR pwzUrl2 , /*[in]*/ DWORD dwCompareFlags ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY("CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::CompareUrl");
hr = m_realInfo->CompareUrl( pwzUrl1 , pwzUrl2 , dwCompareFlags );
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::ParseUrl( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwzUrl , /*[in] */ PARSEACTION parseAction , /*[in] */ DWORD dwParseFlags, /*[out]*/ LPWSTR pwzResult , /*[in] */ DWORD cchResult , /*[out]*/ DWORD *pcchResult , /*[in] */ DWORD dwReserved ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY("CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::ParseUrl");
HRESULT hr; MPC::wstring strUrlModified;
if(parseAction == PARSE_CANONICALIZE || parseAction == PARSE_SECURITY_URL ) { NormalizeUrl( pwzUrl, strUrlModified, /*fReverse*/false );
pwzUrl = strUrlModified.c_str(); }
hr = m_realInfo->ParseUrl( pwzUrl , parseAction , dwParseFlags, pwzResult , cchResult , pcchResult , dwReserved );
// The MS-ITS: handler returns E_OUTOFMEMORY instead of S_FALSE on a "buffer too small" situation...
if(parseAction == PARSE_SECURITY_URL && hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) hr = S_FALSE; __HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::QueryInfo( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwzUrl , /*[in] */ QUERYOPTION QueryOption , /*[in] */ DWORD dwQueryFlags, /*[out]*/ LPVOID pBuffer , /*[in] */ DWORD cbBuffer , /*[out]*/ DWORD *pcbBuf , /*[in] */ DWORD dwReserved ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY("CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::QueryInfo");
hr = m_realInfo->QueryInfo( pwzUrl , QueryOption , dwQueryFlags, pBuffer , cbBuffer , pcbBuf , dwReserved );
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::CreateInstance( /*[in] */ LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter , /*[in] */ REFIID riid , /*[out]*/ void* *ppvObj ) { HRESULT hr = E_POINTER;
if(ppvObj) { *ppvObj = NULL;
if(InlineIsEqualGUID( IID_IInternetProtocolInfo, riid )) { hr = QueryInterface( riid, ppvObj ); } else if(InlineIsEqualGUID( IID_IUnknown , riid ) || InlineIsEqualGUID( IID_IInternetProtocol , riid ) || InlineIsEqualGUID( IID_IInternetProtocolRoot, riid ) ) { hr = m_realClass->CreateInstance( pUnkOuter, riid, ppvObj ); } }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CPCHWrapProtocolInfo::LockServer( /*[in]*/ BOOL fLock ) { return m_realClass->LockServer( fLock ); }