** Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation */
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <UxTheme.h>
#include <MPC_HTML.h>
// CURSOR: <text>
// MARGIN: <text>
// FONT: <name> <size> <weight>
// COLOR: <color>
// BACKGROUND: <color>
// BORDER: <color>
// GRADIENT: <color1> <color2> <H or V> <RTZ or not>
// HYPERLINK: <color1> <color2>
struct Environment;
struct Font { LPCSTR m_szName; LPCSTR m_szSize; LPCSTR m_szStyle; LPCSTR m_szWeight;
void Generate( /*[in]*/ Environment& env ) const;
HRESULT LoadFromXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ); void Release ( );
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT GenerateXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) const; #endif
struct Color { LPCSTR m_szDef1; LPCSTR m_szDef2; int m_iRatio;
void Generate( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szStyle ) const;
HRESULT LoadFromXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ); void Release ( );
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT GenerateXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) const; #endif
struct Gradient { Color m_start; Color m_end; bool m_fHorizontal; bool m_fReturnToZero;
void Generate( /*[in]*/ Environment& env ) const;
HRESULT LoadFromXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ); void Release ( );
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT GenerateXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) const; #endif
struct Hyperlink { Color m_colorNormal; Color m_colorHover; Color m_colorActive; bool m_fUnderlineAlways;
enum PseudoClass { PC_NORMAL, PC_HOVER , PC_ACTIVE, };
void Generate( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ PseudoClass cls ) const;
HRESULT LoadFromXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ); void Release ( );
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT GenerateXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) const; #endif
struct ElementName { LPCSTR m_szName; LPCSTR m_szComment; };
struct ElementFONT { const ElementName* m_name; const Font* m_font; };
struct ElementCOLOR { const ElementName* m_name; const Color* m_color; };
struct ElementBACKGROUND { const ElementName* m_name; const Color* m_color; };
struct ElementBORDER { const ElementName* m_name; const Color* m_color; };
struct ElementGRADIENT { const ElementName* m_name; const Gradient* m_gradient; };
struct ElementHYPERLINK { const ElementName* m_name; const Hyperlink* m_hyperlink; };
struct StyleSheet { LPCWSTR m_szName;
const ElementFONT* m_fonts ; int m_iFonts; const ElementCOLOR* m_colors ; int m_iColors; const ElementBACKGROUND* m_backgrounds; int m_iBackgrounds; const ElementBORDER* m_borders ; int m_iBorders; const ElementGRADIENT* m_gradients ; int m_iGradients; const ElementHYPERLINK* m_hyperlinks ; int m_iHyperlinks; };
struct Environment { MPC::string& m_strOutput; NONCLIENTMETRICSA m_ncm; int m_iPixel;
MPC::XmlUtil m_xmlOEM; bool m_fOEM; bool m_fCustomizing;
Environment( /*[in]*/ MPC::string& strOutput );
bool IsCustomizationPresent( /*[in]*/ const ElementName* name );
void OpenClass ( /*[in]*/ const ElementName* name, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szPrefix = NULL, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szSuffix = NULL ); void CloseClass( );
void GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementFONT& ptr ); void GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementCOLOR& ptr ); void GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementBACKGROUND& ptr ); void GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementBORDER& ptr ); void GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementGRADIENT& ptr ); void GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementHYPERLINK& ptr );
void AddAttribute( /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szName, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szValue );
HRESULT GetValue( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ CComVariant& v ); HRESULT GetValue( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ LPCSTR& v ); HRESULT GetValue( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ int& v ); HRESULT GetValue( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ bool& v );
HRESULT GenerateStyleSheet( /*[in]*/ const StyleSheet& def );
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT CreateNode( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ const ElementName* elem, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szType, /*[in/out]*/ CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode>& xdn );
HRESULT CreateValue( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szValue ); HRESULT CreateValue( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ bool fValue ); HRESULT CreateValue( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ int iValue ); HRESULT CreateValue( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ CComVariant& vValue );
HRESULT GenerateStyleSheetXML( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ const StyleSheet& def );
HRESULT DumpStyle(); HRESULT DumpStyleXML(); #endif
ElementName NAME_sys_bottompane_bgcolor = { ".sys-bottompane-bgcolor" , "primary fill color" }; ElementName NAME_sys_bottompane_color_border = { ".sys-bottompane-color-border" , "outline color" }; ElementName NAME_sys_bottompane_header_bgcolor = { ".sys-bottompane-header-bgcolor", "left to right gradient colors in the header" }; ElementName NAME_sys_bottompane_header_color = { ".sys-bottompane-header-color" , "text color in bottom nav pane" }; ElementName NAME_sys_color_body = { ".sys-color-body" , "color of normal text (usually black)" }; ElementName NAME_sys_color_body_alert = { ".sys-color-body-alert" , "used when the body text color needs to indicate an alert (usually red)" }; ElementName NAME_sys_color_body_helpee = { ".sys-color-body-helpee" , "color of normal text (usually dark grey)" }; ElementName NAME_sys_color_body_helper = { ".sys-color-body-helper" , "color of normal text (usually dark blue)" }; ElementName NAME_sys_color_body_ok = { ".sys-color-body-ok" , "used when the body text color needs to indicate status ok (usually green)" }; ElementName NAME_sys_color_body_sec = { ".sys-color-body-sec" , "used for text that is gray or demoted, such as secondary descriptive text" }; ElementName NAME_sys_font_body = { ".sys-font-body" , "used throughout the hsc, primary font that all information uses" }; ElementName NAME_sys_font_body_bold = { ".sys-font-body-bold" , "bold variant of the body text font" }; ElementName NAME_sys_font_heading1 = { ".sys-font-heading1" , "used for the HSC logo in the header, largest font in HSC" }; ElementName NAME_sys_font_heading2 = { ".sys-font-heading2" , "used on splash pages and the homepage" }; ElementName NAME_sys_font_heading3 = { ".sys-font-heading3" , "used on subsite and centers content pages and search label in header" }; ElementName NAME_sys_font_heading4 = { ".sys-font-heading4" , "used on splash pages as smaller message text" }; ElementName NAME_sys_header_bgcolor = { ".sys-header-bgcolor" , "used to flat fill the header area with a solid color" }; ElementName NAME_sys_header_color = { ".sys-header-color" , "used for any text that is not a link and is meant to be demoted" }; ElementName NAME_sys_header_color_logo = { ".sys-header-color-logo" , "used for the 'Help and Support Center' logo in the header" }; ElementName NAME_sys_header_gradient_H = { ".sys-header-gradient-H" , "used to separate tool bar from content area" }; ElementName NAME_sys_header_gradient_V = { ".sys-header-gradient-V" , "used to separate left pane from right pane" }; ElementName NAME_sys_background_strong = { ".sys-background-strong" , "strong background, doesn't get wiped out by High-Contrast" }; ElementName NAME_sys_homepage_bgcolor = { ".sys-homepage-bgcolor" , "color fill on the homepage background" }; ElementName NAME_sys_homepage_color = { ".sys-homepage-color" , "used for any non-hyperlink text on the homepage" }; ElementName NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor1 = { ".sys-inlineform-bgcolor1" , "alert or modal dialogs in the rhp" }; ElementName NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor2 = { ".sys-inlineform-bgcolor2" , "forms or neutral tone dialogs in the rhp" }; ElementName NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor3 = { ".sys-inlineform-bgcolor3" , "table header for status in the rhp" }; ElementName NAME_sys_lhp_bgcolor = { ".sys-lhp-bgcolor" , "top to bottom gradient colors in the left hand pane background" }; ElementName NAME_sys_lhp_bgcolor_scope = { ".sys-lhp-bgcolor-scope" , "color used in the search scope area, just above the navigation panes" }; ElementName NAME_sys_lhp_color = { ".sys-lhp-color" , "any text that is in the lhp, not included in the task panes" }; ElementName NAME_sys_link_header = { ".sys-link-header" , "the 'set search options' link in the header" }; ElementName NAME_sys_link_homepage = { ".sys-link-homepage" , "hyperlinks on the homepage, where the background is not white (Luna=blue)" }; ElementName NAME_sys_link_normal = { ".sys-link-normal" , "links in RHP, normal blue hyperlinks used throughout hsc" }; ElementName NAME_sys_link_splash = { ".sys-link-splash" , "links in splash pages" }; ElementName NAME_sys_RA_gradient_H = { ".sys-RA-gradient-H" , NULL }; ElementName NAME_sys_RA_gradient_V = { ".sys-RA-gradient-V" , NULL }; ElementName NAME_sys_rhp_bgcolor = { ".sys-rhp-bgcolor" , "color used to fill the background of the content pages in the RHP (normally white)" }; ElementName NAME_sys_rhp_color_title = { ".sys-rhp-color-title" , "color used for titles in the content pages in the RHP" }; ElementName NAME_sys_rhp_splash_bgcolor = { ".sys-rhp-splash-bgcolor" , "color of background of the splash pages in the RHP" }; ElementName NAME_sys_rhp_splash_color = { ".sys-rhp-splash-color" , "color of smaller message text on subsite and center splash pages" }; ElementName NAME_sys_rhp_splash_color_title = { ".sys-rhp-splash-color-title" , "color of text on subsite and center splash pages" }; ElementName NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor1 = { ".sys-table-cell-bgcolor1" , "alternating color 1 for table rows" }; ElementName NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor2 = { ".sys-table-cell-bgcolor2" , "alternating color 2 for table rows" }; ElementName NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor3 = { ".sys-table-cell-bgcolor3" , "color for vertical cells in tables and Remote Assistance" }; ElementName NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor4 = { ".sys-table-cell-bgcolor4" , "color for empty helper screen in Remote Assistance" }; ElementName NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor5 = { ".sys-table-cell-bgcolor5" , "color for content panes in Remote Assistance (will be removed if no gradient)" }; ElementName NAME_sys_table_color_border = { ".sys-table-color-border" , "color for all table cell outlines" }; ElementName NAME_sys_table_header_bgcolor1 = { ".sys-table-header-bgcolor1" , "primary header color for tables of data" }; ElementName NAME_sys_table_header_bgcolor2 = { ".sys-table-header-bgcolor2" , "secondary header color for tables of data, column header color" }; ElementName NAME_sys_toppane_bgcolor = { ".sys-toppane-bgcolor" , "primary fill color" }; ElementName NAME_sys_toppane_color_border = { ".sys-toppane-color-border" , "outline color" }; ElementName NAME_sys_toppane_header_bgcolor = { ".sys-toppane-header-bgcolor" , "left to right gradient colors in the header" }; ElementName NAME_sys_toppane_header_color = { ".sys-toppane-header-color" , "text color in top nav pane" }; ElementName NAME_sys_toppane_selection = { ".sys-toppane-selection" , "color for selected nodes in the pane" };
namespace THEME_Luna { static const Font FONT_sys_font_body = { "messagebox" , NULL , NULL, NULL }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_body_bold = { "messagebox" , NULL , NULL, "bold" }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_heading1 = { "Franklin Gothic Medium", "18pt", NULL, "normal" }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_heading2 = { "Franklin Gothic Medium", "18pt", NULL, "normal" }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_heading3 = { "Franklin Gothic Medium", "14pt", NULL, "normal" }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_heading4 = { "Verdana" , "10pt", NULL, "normal" };
static const Color COLOR_sys_bottompane_bgcolor = { "#EDF2FC", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_bottompane_color_border = { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_bottompane_header_color = { "#215DC6", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body = { "#000000", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_alert = { "#FF0000", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_helpee = { "#848E94", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_helper = { "#0309C0", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_ok = { "#009900", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_sec = { "#808080", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_header_bgcolor = { "#003399", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_header_color = { "#D6DFF5", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_header_color_logo = { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_homepage_bgcolor = { "#6375D6", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_homepage_color = { "#D6DFF5", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor1 = { "#FFF7E7", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor2 = { "#D6DFF5", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor3 = { "#1051BD", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_lhp_bgcolor_scope = { "#8CAAE6", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_lhp_color = { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_bgcolor = { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_color_title = { "#5A7EDC", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_bgcolor = { "#6487DC", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_color = { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_color_title = { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor1 = { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor2 = { "#D6DFF5", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor3 = { "#C6D3F7", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor4 = { "#EFF3FF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_color_border = { "#6681D9", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_header_bgcolor1 = { "#6681D9", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_header_bgcolor2 = { "#6681D9", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_toppane_bgcolor = { "#EDF2FC", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_toppane_color_border = { "#5582D2", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_toppane_header_color = { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_toppane_selection = { "#C7D8FA", NULL, 0 };
static const Hyperlink HYPER_sys_link_header = { { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }, { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }, { NULL , NULL, 0 }, false }; static const Hyperlink HYPER_sys_link_homepage = { { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }, { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }, { "black", NULL, 0 }, false }; static const Hyperlink HYPER_sys_link_normal = { { "#3333FF", NULL, 0 }, { "#6666FF", NULL, 0 }, { NULL , NULL, 0 }, false }; static const Hyperlink HYPER_sys_link_splash = { { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }, { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }, { "black", NULL, 0 }, true };
/*fHorizontal fReturnToZero*/ static const Gradient GRAD_sys_bottompane_header_bgcolor = { { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }, { "#C5D2F0", NULL, 0 }, true , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_header_gradient_H = { { "#2E52AF", NULL, 0 }, { "#D8EAF3", NULL, 0 }, true , true }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_header_gradient_V = { { "#8CAAE6", NULL, 0 }, { "#C8DEFF", NULL, 0 }, false , true }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_lhp_bgcolor = { { "#8CAAE6", NULL, 0 }, { "#6487DC", NULL, 0 }, false , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_RA_gradient_H = { { "#A4B9EA", NULL, 0 }, { "#7396DF", NULL, 0 }, true , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_RA_gradient_V = { { "#7396DF", NULL, 0 }, { "#A4B9EA", NULL, 0 }, false , true }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_table_cell_bgcolor5 = { { "#C5D2F0", NULL, 0 }, { "#FFFFFF", NULL, 0 }, true , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_toppane_header_bgcolor = { { "#0148B2", NULL, 0 }, { "#285BC5", NULL, 0 }, true , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_background_strong = { { "#8CAAE6", NULL, 0 }, { "#8CAAE6", NULL, 0 }, true , false };
static const ElementFONT rgFONT[] = { { &NAME_sys_font_body , & FONT_sys_font_body }, { &NAME_sys_font_body_bold, & FONT_sys_font_body_bold }, { &NAME_sys_font_heading1 , & FONT_sys_font_heading1 }, { &NAME_sys_font_heading2 , & FONT_sys_font_heading2 }, { &NAME_sys_font_heading3 , & FONT_sys_font_heading3 }, { &NAME_sys_font_heading4 , & FONT_sys_font_heading4 }, };
static const ElementCOLOR rgCOLOR[] = { { &NAME_sys_bottompane_header_color, &COLOR_sys_bottompane_header_color }, { &NAME_sys_color_body , &COLOR_sys_color_body }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_alert , &COLOR_sys_color_body_alert }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_helpee , &COLOR_sys_color_body_helpee }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_helper , &COLOR_sys_color_body_helper }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_ok , &COLOR_sys_color_body_ok }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_sec , &COLOR_sys_color_body_sec }, { &NAME_sys_header_color , &COLOR_sys_header_color }, { &NAME_sys_header_color_logo , &COLOR_sys_header_color_logo }, { &NAME_sys_homepage_color , &COLOR_sys_homepage_color }, { &NAME_sys_lhp_color , &COLOR_sys_lhp_color }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_color_title , &COLOR_sys_rhp_color_title }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_splash_color , &COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_color }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_splash_color_title , &COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_color_title }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_header_color , &COLOR_sys_toppane_header_color }, };
static const ElementBACKGROUND rgBACKGROUND[] = { { &NAME_sys_bottompane_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_bottompane_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_header_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_header_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_homepage_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_homepage_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor1 , &COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor1 }, { &NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor2 , &COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor2 }, { &NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor3 , &COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor3 }, { &NAME_sys_lhp_bgcolor_scope , &COLOR_sys_lhp_bgcolor_scope }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_rhp_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_splash_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor1 , &COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor1 }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor2 , &COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor2 }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor3 , &COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor3 }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor4 , &COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor4 }, { &NAME_sys_table_header_bgcolor1, &COLOR_sys_table_header_bgcolor1 }, { &NAME_sys_table_header_bgcolor2, &COLOR_sys_table_header_bgcolor2 }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_toppane_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_selection , &COLOR_sys_toppane_selection }, };
static const ElementBORDER rgBORDER[] = { { &NAME_sys_bottompane_color_border, &COLOR_sys_bottompane_color_border }, { &NAME_sys_table_color_border , &COLOR_sys_table_color_border }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_color_border , &COLOR_sys_toppane_color_border }, };
static const ElementGRADIENT rgGRADIENT[] = { { &NAME_sys_bottompane_header_bgcolor, &GRAD_sys_bottompane_header_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_header_gradient_H , &GRAD_sys_header_gradient_H }, { &NAME_sys_header_gradient_V , &GRAD_sys_header_gradient_V }, { &NAME_sys_background_strong , &GRAD_sys_background_strong }, { &NAME_sys_lhp_bgcolor , &GRAD_sys_lhp_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_RA_gradient_H , &GRAD_sys_RA_gradient_H }, { &NAME_sys_RA_gradient_V , &GRAD_sys_RA_gradient_V }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor5 , &GRAD_sys_table_cell_bgcolor5 }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_header_bgcolor , &GRAD_sys_toppane_header_bgcolor }, };
static const ElementHYPERLINK rgHYPERLINK[] = { { &NAME_sys_link_header , &HYPER_sys_link_header }, { &NAME_sys_link_homepage, &HYPER_sys_link_homepage }, { &NAME_sys_link_normal , &HYPER_sys_link_normal }, { &NAME_sys_link_splash , &HYPER_sys_link_splash }, };
static const StyleSheet g_def = { L"Luna",
namespace THEME_Classic { static const Font FONT_sys_font_body = { "messagebox" , NULL , NULL, NULL }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_body_bold = { "messagebox" , NULL , NULL, "bold" }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_heading1 = { "Franklin Gothic Medium", "18pt", NULL, "normal" }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_heading2 = { "Franklin Gothic Medium", "18pt", NULL, "normal" }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_heading3 = { "Franklin Gothic Medium", "14pt", NULL, "normal" }; static const Font FONT_sys_font_heading4 = { "Verdana" , "10pt", NULL, "normal" };
static const Color COLOR_sys_bottompane_bgcolor = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_bottompane_color_border = { "buttonface" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_bottompane_header_color = { "windowtext" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body = { "windowtext" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_alert = { "#FF0000" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_helpee = { "windowtext" , "hotlight" , +25 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_helper = { "windowtext" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_ok = { "#009900" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_color_body_sec = { "#808080" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_header_bgcolor = { "activecaption" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_header_color = { "activecaption" , "window" , +50 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_header_color_logo = { "captiontext" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_homepage_bgcolor = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_homepage_color = { "windowtext" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor1 = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor2 = { "buttonface" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor3 = { "buttonface" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_lhp_bgcolor_scope = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_lhp_color = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_bgcolor = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_color_title = { "activecaption" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_bgcolor = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_color = { "windowtext" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_color_title = { "windowtext" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor1 = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor2 = { "infobackground", NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor3 = { "buttonface" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor4 = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_color_border = { "buttonface" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_header_bgcolor1 = { "activecaption" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_table_header_bgcolor2 = { "buttonface" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_toppane_bgcolor = { "window" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_toppane_color_border = { "activecaption" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_toppane_header_color = { "captiontext" , NULL , 0 }; static const Color COLOR_sys_toppane_selection = { "buttonface" , NULL , 0 };
static const Hyperlink HYPER_sys_link_header = { { "captiontext", NULL, 0 }, { "captiontext", NULL, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0 }, false }; static const Hyperlink HYPER_sys_link_homepage = { { "hotlight" , NULL, 0 }, { "hotlight" , NULL, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0 }, false }; static const Hyperlink HYPER_sys_link_normal = { { "hotlight" , NULL, 0 }, { "hotlight" , NULL, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0 }, false }; static const Hyperlink HYPER_sys_link_splash = { { "hotlight" , NULL, 0 }, { "hotlight" , NULL, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0 }, false };
/*fHorizontal fReturnToZero*/ static const Gradient GRAD_sys_bottompane_header_bgcolor = { { "buttonface" , NULL, 0 }, { "buttonface" , NULL, 0 }, true , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_header_gradient_H = { { "activecaption", NULL, 0 }, { "window" , NULL, 0 }, true , true }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_header_gradient_V = { { "window" , NULL, 0 }, { "buttonface" , NULL, 0 }, false , true }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_lhp_bgcolor = { { "window" , NULL, 0 }, { "window" , NULL, 0 }, false , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_RA_gradient_H = { { "window" , NULL, 0 }, { "window" , NULL, 0 }, true , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_RA_gradient_V = { { "window" , NULL, 0 }, { "window" , NULL, 0 }, false , true }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_table_cell_bgcolor5 = { { "window" , NULL, 0 }, { "window" , NULL, 0 }, true , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_toppane_header_bgcolor = { { "activecaption", NULL, 0 }, { "activecaption", NULL, 0 }, true , false }; static const Gradient GRAD_sys_background_strong = { { "window" , NULL, 0 }, { "window" , NULL, 0 }, true , false };
static const ElementFONT rgFONT[] = { { &NAME_sys_font_body , & FONT_sys_font_body }, { &NAME_sys_font_body_bold, & FONT_sys_font_body_bold }, { &NAME_sys_font_heading1 , & FONT_sys_font_heading1 }, { &NAME_sys_font_heading2 , & FONT_sys_font_heading2 }, { &NAME_sys_font_heading3 , & FONT_sys_font_heading3 }, { &NAME_sys_font_heading4 , & FONT_sys_font_heading4 }, };
static const ElementCOLOR rgCOLOR[] = { { &NAME_sys_bottompane_header_color, &COLOR_sys_bottompane_header_color }, { &NAME_sys_color_body , &COLOR_sys_color_body }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_alert , &COLOR_sys_color_body_alert }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_helpee , &COLOR_sys_color_body_helpee }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_helper , &COLOR_sys_color_body_helper }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_ok , &COLOR_sys_color_body_ok }, { &NAME_sys_color_body_sec , &COLOR_sys_color_body_sec }, { &NAME_sys_header_color , &COLOR_sys_header_color }, { &NAME_sys_header_color_logo , &COLOR_sys_header_color_logo }, { &NAME_sys_homepage_color , &COLOR_sys_homepage_color }, { &NAME_sys_lhp_color , &COLOR_sys_lhp_color }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_color_title , &COLOR_sys_rhp_color_title }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_splash_color , &COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_color }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_splash_color_title , &COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_color_title }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_header_color , &COLOR_sys_toppane_header_color }, };
static const ElementBACKGROUND rgBACKGROUND[] = { { &NAME_sys_bottompane_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_bottompane_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_header_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_header_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_homepage_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_homepage_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor1 , &COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor1 }, { &NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor2 , &COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor2 }, { &NAME_sys_inlineform_bgcolor3 , &COLOR_sys_inlineform_bgcolor3 }, { &NAME_sys_lhp_bgcolor_scope , &COLOR_sys_lhp_bgcolor_scope }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_rhp_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_rhp_splash_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_rhp_splash_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor1 , &COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor1 }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor2 , &COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor2 }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor3 , &COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor3 }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor4 , &COLOR_sys_table_cell_bgcolor4 }, { &NAME_sys_table_header_bgcolor1, &COLOR_sys_table_header_bgcolor1 }, { &NAME_sys_table_header_bgcolor2, &COLOR_sys_table_header_bgcolor2 }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_bgcolor , &COLOR_sys_toppane_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_selection , &COLOR_sys_toppane_selection }, };
static const ElementBORDER rgBORDER[] = { { &NAME_sys_bottompane_color_border, &COLOR_sys_bottompane_color_border }, { &NAME_sys_table_color_border , &COLOR_sys_table_color_border }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_color_border , &COLOR_sys_toppane_color_border }, };
static const ElementGRADIENT rgGRADIENT[] = { { &NAME_sys_bottompane_header_bgcolor, &GRAD_sys_bottompane_header_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_header_gradient_H , &GRAD_sys_header_gradient_H }, { &NAME_sys_header_gradient_V , &GRAD_sys_header_gradient_V }, { &NAME_sys_background_strong , &GRAD_sys_background_strong }, { &NAME_sys_lhp_bgcolor , &GRAD_sys_lhp_bgcolor }, { &NAME_sys_RA_gradient_H , &GRAD_sys_RA_gradient_H }, { &NAME_sys_RA_gradient_V , &GRAD_sys_RA_gradient_V }, { &NAME_sys_table_cell_bgcolor5 , &GRAD_sys_table_cell_bgcolor5 }, { &NAME_sys_toppane_header_bgcolor , &GRAD_sys_toppane_header_bgcolor }, };
static const ElementHYPERLINK rgHYPERLINK[] = { { &NAME_sys_link_header , &HYPER_sys_link_header }, { &NAME_sys_link_homepage, &HYPER_sys_link_homepage }, { &NAME_sys_link_normal , &HYPER_sys_link_normal }, { &NAME_sys_link_splash , &HYPER_sys_link_splash }, };
static const StyleSheet g_def = { L"Classic",
static const StyleSheet* g_def[] = { &THEME_Luna ::g_def, &THEME_Classic::g_def, };
void Font::Generate( /*[in]*/ Environment& env ) const { CHAR rgName [64]; CHAR rgSize [64]; CHAR rgStyle[64];
strncpy( rgName , SAFEASTR(m_szName ), MAXSTRLEN(rgName ) ); strncpy( rgSize , SAFEASTR(m_szSize ), MAXSTRLEN(rgSize ) ); strncpy( rgStyle, SAFEASTR(m_szStyle), MAXSTRLEN(rgStyle) );
if(!strcmp( rgName, "messagebox" )) { strncpy( rgName , env.m_ncm.lfMessageFont.lfFaceName, MAXSTRLEN(rgName) ); sprintf( rgSize , "%dpt", -env.m_ncm.lfMessageFont.lfHeight * 72 / env.m_iPixel ); }
env.AddAttribute( "font-family", rgName ); env.AddAttribute( "font-size ", rgSize ); env.AddAttribute( "font-style ", rgStyle ); env.AddAttribute( "font-weight", m_szWeight ); }
HRESULT Font::LoadFromXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Font::LoadFromXML" );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.GetValue( xdn, L"FAMILY", m_szName )); (void) env.GetValue( xdn, L"SIZE" , m_szSize ); (void) env.GetValue( xdn, L"STYLE" , m_szStyle ); (void) env.GetValue( xdn, L"WEIGHT", m_szWeight );
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
void Font::Release() { free( (void*)m_szName ); free( (void*)m_szSize ); free( (void*)m_szStyle ); free( (void*)m_szWeight ); }
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT Font::GenerateXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) const { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Font::GenerateXML" );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"FAMILY", m_szName )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"SIZE" , m_szSize )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"STYLE" , m_szStyle )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"WEIGHT", m_szWeight ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); } #endif
inline int ScaleColor( int iColor1, int iColor2, int iRatio ) { iColor1 += ((iColor2 - iColor1) * iRatio) / 100;
if(iColor1 < 0) iColor1 = 0; if(iColor1 > 255) iColor1 = 255;
return iColor1; }
void Color::Generate( /*[in]*/ Environment& env , /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szStyle ) const { char rgBuf[128]; COLORREF color1; COLORREF color2; bool fSystem1; bool fSystem2;
if(!MPC::HTML::ConvertColor( CComVariant( m_szDef1 ), color1, fSystem1 )) { env.AddAttribute( szStyle, m_szDef1 ); return; }
if(m_szDef2 && MPC::HTML::ConvertColor( CComVariant( m_szDef2 ), color2, fSystem2 )) { sprintf( rgBuf, "#%02x%02x%02x" , ScaleColor( GetRValue(color1), GetRValue(color2), m_iRatio ) , ScaleColor( GetGValue(color1), GetGValue(color2), m_iRatio ) , ScaleColor( GetBValue(color1), GetBValue(color2), m_iRatio ) ); } else { sprintf( rgBuf, "#%02x%02x%02x" , GetRValue(color1) , GetGValue(color1) , GetBValue(color1) ); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(strcmp( rgBuf, m_szDef1 )) { char rgBuf2[256];
if(m_szDef1 && m_szDef2) { sprintf( rgBuf2, " /* %s -> %s at %d%% */", m_szDef1, m_szDef2, m_iRatio ); } else { sprintf( rgBuf2, " /* %s */", m_szDef1 ); }
strcat( rgBuf, rgBuf2 ); } #endif
env.AddAttribute( szStyle, rgBuf ); }
HRESULT Color::LoadFromXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Color::LoadFromXML" );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.GetValue( xdn, L"VALUE" , m_szDef1 )); (void) env.GetValue( xdn, L"VALUE_100", m_szDef2 ); (void) env.GetValue( xdn, L"PERCENT" , m_iRatio );
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
void Color::Release() { free( (void*)m_szDef1 ); free( (void*)m_szDef2 ); }
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT Color::GenerateXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) const { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Color::GenerateXML" );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"VALUE" , m_szDef1 )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"VALUE_100", m_szDef2 )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"PERCENT" , m_iRatio ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); } #endif
void Gradient::Generate( /*[in]*/ Environment& env ) const { env .AddAttribute( "behavior " , "url(#default#pch_gradient)" ); m_start.Generate ( env, "start-color " ); m_end .Generate ( env, "end-color " ); env .AddAttribute( "gradient-type " , m_fHorizontal ? "1" : "0" ); env .AddAttribute( "return-to-zero" , m_fReturnToZero ? "1" : "0" ); }
HRESULT Gradient::LoadFromXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Gradient::LoadFromXML" );
HRESULT hr; MPC::XmlUtil xml( xdn );
{ CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdn2;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.GetNode( L"COLOR_START", &xdn2 ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_start.LoadFromXML( env, xdn2 )); }
{ CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdn2;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.GetNode( L"COLOR_END", &xdn2 ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_end.LoadFromXML( env, xdn2 )); }
(void)env.GetValue( xdn, L"HORIZONTAL" , m_fHorizontal ); (void)env.GetValue( xdn, L"RETURNTOZERO", m_fReturnToZero );
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
void Gradient::Release() { m_start.Release(); m_end .Release(); }
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT Gradient::GenerateXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) const { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Gradient::GenerateXML" );
HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.CreateNode( L"COLOR_START", &xdnSub, xdn )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_start.GenerateXML( env, xml, xdnSub )); xdnSub.Release(); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.CreateNode( L"COLOR_END" , &xdnSub, xdn )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_end .GenerateXML( env, xml, xdnSub )); xdnSub.Release();
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"HORIZONTAL" , m_fHorizontal )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"RETURNTOZERO", m_fReturnToZero ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); } #endif
void Hyperlink::Generate( /*[in]*/ Environment& env , /*[in]*/ PseudoClass cls ) const { const Color* color; bool fFlag;
switch(cls) { case PC_NORMAL: color = &m_colorNormal; fFlag = m_fUnderlineAlways; break; case PC_HOVER : color = &m_colorHover ; fFlag = true ; break; case PC_ACTIVE: color = &m_colorActive; fFlag = m_fUnderlineAlways; break; }
if(!color->m_szDef1) color = &m_colorNormal;
color->Generate ( env, "color " ); env.AddAttribute( "text-decoration", fFlag ? "underline" : "none" ); }
HRESULT Hyperlink::LoadFromXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Hyperlink::LoadFromXML" );
HRESULT hr; MPC::XmlUtil xml( xdn );
{ CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdn2;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.GetNode( L"NORMAL", &xdn2 ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_colorNormal.LoadFromXML( env, xdn2 )); }
{ CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdn2;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.GetNode( L"HOVER", &xdn2 ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_colorHover.LoadFromXML( env, xdn2 )); }
{ CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdn2;
if(SUCCEEDED(xml.GetNode( L"ACTIVE", &xdn2 ))) { (void)m_colorActive.LoadFromXML( env, xdn2 ); } }
(void)env.GetValue( xdn, L"UNDERLINEALWAYS", m_fUnderlineAlways );
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
void Hyperlink::Release() { m_colorNormal.Release(); m_colorHover .Release(); m_colorActive.Release(); }
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT Hyperlink::GenerateXML( /*[in]*/ Environment& env, /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn ) const { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Hyperlink::GenerateXML" );
HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.CreateNode( L"NORMAL", &xdnSub, xdn )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_colorNormal.GenerateXML( env, xml, xdnSub )); xdnSub.Release(); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.CreateNode( L"HOVER" , &xdnSub, xdn )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_colorHover .GenerateXML( env, xml, xdnSub )); xdnSub.Release(); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.CreateNode( L"ACTIVE", &xdnSub, xdn )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_colorActive.GenerateXML( env, xml, xdnSub )); xdnSub.Release();
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, env.CreateValue( xml, xdn, L"UNDERLINEALWAYS", m_fUnderlineAlways ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); } #endif
Environment::Environment( /*[in]*/ MPC::string& strOutput ) : m_strOutput( strOutput ) { // MPC::string& m_strOutput;
// int m_iPixel;
// MPC::XmlUtil m_xmlOEM;
m_fOEM = false; // bool m_fOEM;
m_fCustomizing = false; // bool m_fCustomizing;
HRESULT Environment::Init() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::Init" );
m_ncm.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICSA);
__MPC_EXIT_IF_CALL_RETURNS_FALSE(hr, ::SystemParametersInfoA( SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &m_ncm, 0 ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_CALL_RETURNS_NULL(hr, hdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC( NULL ));
m_iPixel = ::GetDeviceCaps( hdc, LOGPIXELSY ); if(!m_iPixel) m_iPixel = 60; // Pick a default.
m_strOutput.reserve( 16384 );
m_strOutput.assign( "/*\n" "** Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation\n" "*/\n\n" "BODY\n" "{\n" "\tcursor : default;\n" "\tmargin : 0px;\n" "}\n\n" );
hr = S_OK;
if(hdc) ::DeleteDC( hdc );
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
void Environment::OpenClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementName* name, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szPrefix, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szSuffix ) { #ifdef DEBUG
if(name->m_szComment) { m_strOutput.append( "/* " ); m_strOutput.append( name->m_szComment ); m_strOutput.append( " */\n" ); } #endif
if(szPrefix) m_strOutput.append( szPrefix ); m_strOutput.append( name->m_szName ); if(szSuffix) m_strOutput.append( szSuffix ); m_strOutput.append( "\n{\n" ); }
void Environment::AddAttribute( /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szName, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szValue ) { if(STRINGISPRESENT(szValue)) { m_strOutput.append( " " ); m_strOutput.append( szName ); m_strOutput.append( " : " ); m_strOutput.append( szValue ); m_strOutput.append( ";\n" ); } }
void Environment::CloseClass() { m_strOutput.append( "}\n\n" ); }
void Environment::GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementFONT& ptr ) { if(IsCustomizationPresent( ptr.m_name )) return;
OpenClass( ptr.m_name );
ptr.m_font->Generate( *this );
CloseClass(); }
void Environment::GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementCOLOR& ptr ) { if(IsCustomizationPresent( ptr.m_name )) return;
OpenClass( ptr.m_name );
ptr.m_color->Generate( *this, "color" );
CloseClass(); }
void Environment::GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementBACKGROUND& ptr ) { if(IsCustomizationPresent( ptr.m_name )) return;
OpenClass( ptr.m_name );
ptr.m_color->Generate( *this, "background-color" );
CloseClass(); }
void Environment::GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementBORDER& ptr ) { if(IsCustomizationPresent( ptr.m_name )) return;
OpenClass( ptr.m_name );
ptr.m_color->Generate( *this, "border-color" );
CloseClass(); }
void Environment::GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementGRADIENT& ptr ) { if(IsCustomizationPresent( ptr.m_name )) return;
OpenClass( ptr.m_name );
ptr.m_gradient->Generate( *this );
CloseClass(); }
void Environment::GenerateClass( /*[in]*/ const ElementHYPERLINK& ptr ) { if(IsCustomizationPresent( ptr.m_name )) return;
OpenClass( ptr.m_name, "A" );
ptr.m_hyperlink->Generate( *this, Hyperlink::PC_NORMAL );
OpenClass( ptr.m_name, "A", ":hover" );
ptr.m_hyperlink->Generate( *this, Hyperlink::PC_HOVER );
OpenClass( ptr.m_name, "A", ":active" );
ptr.m_hyperlink->Generate( *this, Hyperlink::PC_ACTIVE );
CloseClass(); }
#define MACRO_CHECK_CUSTOMIZATION( text, objectCls, elementCls ) \
if(!MPC::StrICmp( bstrValue, text )) \ { \ objectCls obj; ::ZeroMemory( &obj, sizeof(obj) ); \ \ if(SUCCEEDED(obj.LoadFromXML( *this, node ))) \ { \ elementCls elem = { name, &obj }; \ \ GenerateClass( elem ); \ fProcessed = true; \ } \ \ obj.Release(); \ }
bool Environment::IsCustomizationPresent( /*[in]*/ const ElementName* name ) { bool fProcessed = false;
if(m_fOEM && m_fCustomizing == false) { CComBSTR bstrName( name->m_szName ); CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> lst; bool fLoaded; bool fFound;
m_fCustomizing = true;
if(SUCCEEDED(m_xmlOEM.GetNodes( L"CLASS", &lst )) && lst) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> node;
for(;SUCCEEDED(lst->nextNode( &node )) && node != NULL; node = NULL) { CComBSTR bstrValue;
if(SUCCEEDED(m_xmlOEM.GetAttribute( NULL, L"NAME", bstrValue, fFound, node )) && fFound) { if(!MPC::StrICmp( bstrName, bstrValue )) { if(SUCCEEDED(m_xmlOEM.GetAttribute( NULL, L"TYPE", bstrValue, fFound, node )) && fFound) { MACRO_CHECK_CUSTOMIZATION( L"BGCOLOR" , Color , ElementBACKGROUND ); MACRO_CHECK_CUSTOMIZATION( L"BORDER" , Color , ElementBORDER ); MACRO_CHECK_CUSTOMIZATION( L"COLOR" , Color , ElementCOLOR ); MACRO_CHECK_CUSTOMIZATION( L"FONT" , Font , ElementFONT ); MACRO_CHECK_CUSTOMIZATION( L"GRADIENT" , Gradient , ElementGRADIENT ); MACRO_CHECK_CUSTOMIZATION( L"HYPERLINK", Hyperlink, ElementHYPERLINK ); }
break; } } } }
m_fCustomizing = false; }
return fProcessed; }
HRESULT Environment::GetValue( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ CComVariant& v ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::GetValue" );
HRESULT hr; MPC::XmlUtil xml( xdn ); bool fFound;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.GetValue( szName, v, fFound )); if(!fFound) { __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, E_FAIL); }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT Environment::GetValue( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ LPCSTR& v ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::GetValue" );
HRESULT hr; CComVariant v2; LPCSTR val;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, GetValue( xdn, szName, v2 )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, v2.ChangeType( VT_BSTR ));
if(v2.bstrVal) { val = W2A( v2.bstrVal ); } else { val = ""; }
__MPC_EXIT_IF_ALLOC_FAILS(hr, v, _strdup( val ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT Environment::GetValue( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ int& v ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::GetValue" );
HRESULT hr; CComVariant v2;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, GetValue( xdn, szName, v2 )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, v2.ChangeType( VT_I4 ));
v = v2.lVal;
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT Environment::GetValue( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode *xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ bool& v ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::GetValue" );
HRESULT hr; CComVariant v2;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, GetValue( xdn, szName, v2 )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, v2.ChangeType( VT_BOOL ));
v = (v2.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE);
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT Environment::GenerateStyleSheet( /*[in]*/ const StyleSheet& def ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "GenerateStyleSheet" );
HRESULT hr; int i;
{ bool fLoaded; bool fFound;
if(SUCCEEDED(m_xmlOEM.Load( L"hcp://system/css/shared.xml", L"STYLESHEET", fLoaded, &fFound )) && fLoaded && fFound) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMNodeList> lst;
if(SUCCEEDED(m_xmlOEM.GetNodes( L"THEME", &lst )) && lst) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> node;
for(;SUCCEEDED(lst->nextNode( &node )) && node != NULL; node = NULL) { CComBSTR bstrName;
if(SUCCEEDED(m_xmlOEM.GetAttribute( NULL, L"NAME", bstrName, fFound, node )) && fFound) { if(!MPC::StrICmp( bstrName, def.m_szName )) { m_xmlOEM = node; m_fOEM = true; break; } } } } } }
for(i=0; i<def.m_iFonts ; i++) GenerateClass( def.m_fonts [i] ); for(i=0; i<def.m_iColors ; i++) GenerateClass( def.m_colors [i] ); for(i=0; i<def.m_iBackgrounds; i++) GenerateClass( def.m_backgrounds[i] ); for(i=0; i<def.m_iBorders ; i++) GenerateClass( def.m_borders [i] ); for(i=0; i<def.m_iGradients ; i++) GenerateClass( def.m_gradients [i] ); for(i=0; i<def.m_iHyperlinks ; i++) GenerateClass( def.m_hyperlinks [i] );
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT Environment::CreateNode( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ const ElementName* elem, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szType, /*[in/out]*/ CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode>& xdn ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::CreateNode" );
HRESULT hr; bool fFound;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.CreateNode( L"CLASS", &xdn ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.PutAttribute( NULL, L"NAME", elem->m_szName, fFound, xdn )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.PutAttribute( NULL, L"TYPE", szType , fFound, xdn ));
if(STRINGISPRESENT(elem->m_szComment)) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> doc; CComPtr<IXMLDOMComment> xdc; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdn2;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.GetDocument( &doc ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, doc->createComment( CComBSTR( elem->m_szComment ), &xdc ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xdn->appendChild( xdc, &xdn2 )); }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT Environment::CreateValue( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ LPCSTR szValue ) { // if(!STRINGISPRESENT(szValue)) return S_OK;
return CreateValue( xml, xdn, szName, CComVariant( szValue ) ); }
HRESULT Environment::CreateValue( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ bool fValue ) { return CreateValue( xml, xdn, szName, CComVariant( fValue ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE" ) ); }
HRESULT Environment::CreateValue( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ int iValue ) { // if(iValue == 0) return S_OK;
return CreateValue( xml, xdn, szName, CComVariant( iValue ) ); }
HRESULT Environment::CreateValue( /*[in]*/ MPC::XmlUtil& xml, /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ CComVariant& vValue ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::CreateValue" );
HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub; bool fFound;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.CreateNode( szName, &xdnSub, xdn ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.PutValue( NULL, vValue, fFound, xdnSub ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT Environment::GenerateStyleSheetXML( /*[in]*/ IXMLDOMNode* xdn, /*[in]*/ const StyleSheet& def ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "GenerateStyleSheetXML" );
HRESULT hr; MPC::XmlUtil xml( xdn ); int i;
for(i=0; i<def.m_iFonts; i++) { const ElementFONT& ptr = def.m_fonts[i]; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub; __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, CreateNode( xml, ptr.m_name, L"FONT", xdnSub ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ptr.m_font->GenerateXML( *this, xml, xdnSub )); }
for(i=0; i<def.m_iColors; i++) { const ElementCOLOR& ptr = def.m_colors[i]; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub; __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, CreateNode( xml, ptr.m_name, L"COLOR", xdnSub ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ptr.m_color->GenerateXML( *this, xml, xdnSub )); }
for(i=0; i<def.m_iBackgrounds; i++) { const ElementBACKGROUND& ptr = def.m_backgrounds[i]; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub; __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, CreateNode( xml, ptr.m_name, L"BGCOLOR", xdnSub ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ptr.m_color->GenerateXML( *this, xml, xdnSub )); }
for(i=0; i<def.m_iBorders; i++) { const ElementBORDER& ptr = def.m_borders[i]; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub; __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, CreateNode( xml, ptr.m_name, L"BORDER", xdnSub ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ptr.m_color->GenerateXML( *this, xml, xdnSub )); }
for(i=0; i<def.m_iGradients; i++) { const ElementGRADIENT& ptr = def.m_gradients[i]; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub; __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, CreateNode( xml, ptr.m_name, L"GRADIENT", xdnSub ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ptr.m_gradient->GenerateXML( *this, xml, xdnSub )); }
for(i=0; i<def.m_iHyperlinks; i++) { const ElementHYPERLINK& ptr = def.m_hyperlinks[i]; CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdnSub; __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, CreateNode( xml, ptr.m_name, L"HYPERLINK", xdnSub ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, ptr.m_hyperlink->GenerateXML( *this, xml, xdnSub )); }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT Environment::DumpStyle() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::DumpStyle" );
HRESULT hr; MPC::wstring strFile( L"%TEMP%\\HSS_style.css" ); MPC::SubstituteEnvVariables( strFile ); HANDLE hfFile = NULL; DWORD dwWritten;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_CALL_RETURNS_FALSE(hr, ::WriteFile( hfFile, m_strOutput.c_str(), m_strOutput.size(), &dwWritten, NULL ));
hr = S_OK;
if(hfFile) ::CloseHandle( hfFile );
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT Environment::DumpStyleXML() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "Environment::DumpStyleXML" );
HRESULT hr; MPC::wstring strFile( L"%TEMP%\\HSS_style.xml" ); MPC::SubstituteEnvVariables( strFile ); MPC::XmlUtil xml;
for(int i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE(g_def); i++) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> xdn; bool fFound;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.CreateNode( L"THEME", &xdn ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.PutAttribute( NULL, L"NAME", g_def[i]->m_szName, fFound, xdn ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, GenerateStyleSheetXML( xdn, *(g_def[i]) )); }
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, xml.Save( strFile.c_str() ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CHCPProtocolEnvironment::ProcessCSS() { HRESULT hr; const StyleSheet* style = &THEME_Classic::g_def; WCHAR rgName[MAX_PATH]; rgName[0] = 0;
if(m_strCSS.size()) return S_OK;
if(IsThemeActive()) { WCHAR rgThemeFileName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR rgColor [MAX_PATH]; WCHAR rgSize [MAX_PATH];
if(SUCCEEDED(GetCurrentThemeName( rgThemeFileName, MAXSTRLEN(rgThemeFileName) , rgColor , MAXSTRLEN(rgColor ) , rgSize , MAXSTRLEN(rgSize ) ))) { if(SUCCEEDED(GetThemeDocumentationProperty( rgThemeFileName, SZ_THDOCPROP_CANONICALNAME, rgName, MAXSTRLEN( rgName ) ))) { ; } else { rgName[0] = 0; } } }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(g_Debug_FORCESTYLE[0]) { wcsncpy( rgName, g_Debug_FORCESTYLE, MAXSTRLEN( rgName ) ); } #endif
for(int i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE(g_def); i++) { if(!_wcsicmp( rgName, g_def[i]->m_szName )) { style = g_def[i]; break; } }
{ Environment env( m_strCSS );
hr = env.GenerateStyleSheet( *style );
#ifdef DEBUG
env.DumpStyle (); env.DumpStyleXML(); #endif
return hr; }