Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is where we handle both our file based config and registry based config.
most config is stored in the registry, with the file base config being reserved for config that must not be reverted during a restore. Author:
Paul McDaniel (paulmcd) 27-Apr-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
// Private constants.
// Private types.
// Private prototypes.
NTSTATUS SrWriteLongParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, IN LONG DefaultValue );
LONG SrReadLongParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, IN LONG DefaultValue );
NTSTATUS SrReadGenericParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, OUT PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION * Value );
// linker commands
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrWriteLongParameter )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrReadLongParameter )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrReadGenericParameter )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrReadRegistry )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrReadConfigFile )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrWriteConfigFile )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrReadBlobInfo )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrReadBlobInfoWorker )
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
Routine Description:
Writes a single (LONG/ULONG) value from the registry.
ParametersHandle - Supplies an open registry handle.
ValueName - Supplies the name of the value to write.
Value - Supplies the value.
Return Value:
LONG - The value read from the registry or the default if the registry data was unavailable or incorrect.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SrWriteLongParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, IN LONG DefaultValue ) { UNICODE_STRING valueKeyName; NTSTATUS status;
// Sanity check.
// Build the value name, read it from the registry.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &valueKeyName, ValueName );
status = ZwSetValueKey( ParametersHandle, &valueKeyName, 0, REG_DWORD, &DefaultValue, sizeof( LONG ) );
return status;
} // SrReadLongParameter
Routine Description:
Reads a single (LONG/ULONG) value from the registry.
ParametersHandle - Supplies an open registry handle.
ValueName - Supplies the name of the value to read.
DefaultValue - Supplies the default value.
Return Value:
LONG - The value read from the registry or the default if the registry data was unavailable or incorrect.
--***************************************************************************/ LONG SrReadLongParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, IN LONG DefaultValue ) { PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION information; UNICODE_STRING valueKeyName; ULONG informationLength; LONG returnValue; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR buffer[sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) + sizeof(LONG)];
// Sanity check.
// Build the value name, read it from the registry.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &valueKeyName, ValueName );
status = ZwQueryValueKey( ParametersHandle, &valueKeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, (PVOID)information, sizeof(buffer), &informationLength );
// If the read succeeded, the type is DWORD and the length is
// sane, use it. Otherwise, use the default.
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS && information->Type == REG_DWORD && information->DataLength == sizeof(returnValue)) { RtlCopyMemory( &returnValue, information->Data, sizeof(returnValue) ); } else { returnValue = DefaultValue; }
return returnValue;
} // SrReadLongParameter
Routine Description:
Reads a single free-form value from the registry.
ParametersHandle - Supplies an open registry handle.
ValueName - Supplies the name of the value to read.
Value - Receives the value read from the registry.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SrReadGenericParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, OUT PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION * Value ) { KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION partialInfo; UNICODE_STRING valueKeyName; ULONG informationLength; NTSTATUS status; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION newValue; ULONG dataLength;
// Sanity check.
// Build the value name, then perform an initial read. The read
// should fail with buffer overflow, but that's OK. We just want
// to get the length of the data.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &valueKeyName, ValueName );
status = ZwQueryValueKey( ParametersHandle, &valueKeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, (PVOID)&partialInfo, sizeof(partialInfo), &informationLength );
if (NT_ERROR(status)) { return status; }
// Determine the data length. Ensure that strings and multi-sz get
// properly terminated.
dataLength = partialInfo.DataLength - 1;
if (partialInfo.Type == REG_SZ || partialInfo.Type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { dataLength += 1; }
if (partialInfo.Type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { dataLength += 2; }
// Allocate the buffer.
// update the actually allocated length for later use
RtlZeroMemory( newValue, dataLength );
// Perform the actual read.
status = ZwQueryValueKey( ParametersHandle, &valueKeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, (PVOID)(newValue), dataLength, &informationLength );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { *Value = newValue; } else { SR_FREE_POOL( newValue, SR_REGISTRY_TAG ); }
} // SrReadGenericParameter
Routine Description:
Reads all of the config from the registry and stores it into global.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - completion code.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SrReadRegistry( IN PUNICODE_STRING pRegistry, IN BOOLEAN InDriverEntry ) { NTSTATUS Status; PWCHAR Buffer; USHORT BufferSize; UNICODE_STRING KeyName = {0,0,NULL}; UNICODE_STRING SetupKeyName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; HANDLE RegHandle = NULL; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION pValue = NULL; ULONG ServiceStartType;
// setup the defaults
global->DebugControl = SR_DEBUG_DEFAULTS; global->ProcNameOffset = PROCESS_NAME_OFFSET; global->Disabled = TRUE; global->DontBackup = FALSE;
if (InDriverEntry) { #ifndef SYNC_LOG_WRITE
global->LogBufferSize = SR_DEFAULT_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE; global->LogFlushFrequency = SR_DEFAULT_LOG_FLUSH_FREQUENCY; global->LogFlushDueTime.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)-1 * (global->LogFlushFrequency * NANO_FULL_SECOND); #endif
global->LogAllocationUnit = SR_DEFAULT_LOG_ALLOCATION_UNIT; }
// We are going to use this buffer for all the key names we need to construct.
// make sure that it is large enough to hold the larger of these two names.
if (sizeof(REGISTRY_PARAMETERS) > sizeof( REGISTRY_SRSERVICE )) { BufferSize = (USHORT) sizeof(REGISTRY_PARAMETERS); } else { BufferSize = (USHORT) sizeof( REGISTRY_SRSERVICE ); } BufferSize += pRegistry->Length; Buffer = SR_ALLOCATE_ARRAY( PagedPool, WCHAR, BufferSize/sizeof( WCHAR ), SR_REGISTRY_TAG ); if (Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto end; } //
// Open the SR Service registry key
KeyName.Buffer = Buffer; KeyName.MaximumLength = BufferSize; { //
// First we need to strip off the filter's service name from the
// registry location.
PWCHAR ServiceName = NULL; ULONG ServiceNameLength = 0; Status = SrFindCharReverse( pRegistry->Buffer, pRegistry->Length, L'\\', &ServiceName, &ServiceNameLength );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { goto end; }
ASSERT( ServiceName != NULL ); ASSERT( ServiceNameLength > 0 );
KeyName.Length = pRegistry->Length - ((USHORT)ServiceNameLength); RtlCopyMemory( KeyName.Buffer, pRegistry->Buffer, KeyName.Length );
NULLPTR( ServiceName );
// Append SRService's name to the registry path.
Status = RtlAppendUnicodeToString( &KeyName, REGISTRY_SRSERVICE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { goto end; } }
// We've built up the SR Service's name, so go open that registry location.
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE|OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL );
Status = ZwOpenKey( &RegHandle, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) goto end;
ServiceStartType = (ULONG)SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_SRSERVICE_START, SERVICE_DISABLED );
ZwClose( RegHandle ); NULLPTR( RegHandle );
// Now open the filter's registry parameters key.
KeyName.Length = 0;
RtlCopyUnicodeString( &KeyName, pRegistry ); Status = RtlAppendUnicodeToString( &KeyName, REGISTRY_PARAMETERS ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { goto end; }
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, // ObjectAttributes
&KeyName, // ObjectName
NULL, // RootDirectory
NULL ); // SecurityDescriptor
Status = ZwOpenKey( &RegHandle, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &ObjectAttributes ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { goto end; }
// If the usermode service is disabled, we want to set first run
// and keep the filter disabled.
if (ServiceStartType == SERVICE_DISABLED) { Status = SrWriteLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_STARTDISABLED, 1 ); CHECK_STATUS( Status );
// No matter what, accept the defaults and exit.
goto end; }
// The Usermode service is not disabled, so go ahead and read our
// parameters to figure out the filter starting configuration.
// We will only read these globals from the registry if
// CONFIG_LOGGING_VIA_REGISTRY is defined. This was added more for
// initial tuning of these parameters to find a good place for the
// default values to be set. We don't want to test all possible values
// that could be set for the parameters, so we are disabling this
// feature in the released version of sr.sys.
if (InDriverEntry) { #ifndef SYNC_LOG_WRITE
global->LogBufferSize = (ULONG)SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, global->LogBufferSize );
global->LogFlushFrequency = (ULONG)SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_LOG_FLUSH_FREQUENCY, global->LogFlushFrequency );
global->LogAllocationUnit = (ULONG)SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_LOG_ALLOCATION_UNIT, global->LogAllocationUnit ); } #endif
global->LogFlushDueTime.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)-1 * (global->LogFlushFrequency * NANO_FULL_SECOND); #endif
// Read the debug flags.
global->DebugControl = (ULONG)SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_DEBUG_CONTROL, global->DebugControl );
// Read the processname offset from the registry
SrTrace(INIT, ("\tProcessNameOffset(Def) = %X\n", global->ProcNameOffset)); global->ProcNameOffset = (ULONG)SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_PROCNAME_OFFSET, global->ProcNameOffset );
// read to see if we should startup disabled.
global->Disabled = (BOOLEAN)SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_STARTDISABLED, global->Disabled );
// read to see if we should make any copies
global->DontBackup = (BOOLEAN)SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_DONTBACKUP, global->DontBackup );
// read the machine guid
Status = SrReadGenericParameter( RegHandle, REGISTRY_MACHINE_GUID, &pValue );
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ASSERT(pValue != NULL);
RtlZeroMemory( &global->MachineGuid[0], sizeof(global->MachineGuid) ); if ( pValue->Type == REG_SZ && pValue->DataLength < sizeof(global->MachineGuid) ) { RtlCopyMemory( &global->MachineGuid[0], &pValue->Data[0], pValue->DataLength ); }
// close the old handle
ZwClose(RegHandle); NULLPTR( RegHandle );
// check if we are in the middle of gui mode setup
(VOID)RtlInitUnicodeString(&SetupKeyName, UPGRADE_CHECK_SETUP_KEY_NAME);
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, // ObjectAttributes
&SetupKeyName, // ObjectName
NULL, // RootDirectory
NULL ); // SecurityDescriptor
Status = ZwOpenKey( &RegHandle, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes ); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS && !global->Disabled) {
global->Disabled = (BOOLEAN) SrReadLongParameter( RegHandle, UPGRADE_CHECK_SETUP_VALUE_NAME, global->Disabled );
#if DBG
if (global->Disabled) { SrTrace(INIT, ("sr!SrReadRegistry: disabled due to setup\n")); } #endif
SrTrace(INIT, ("SR!SrReadRegistry(%wZ)\n", pRegistry)); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tDisabled = %d\n", global->Disabled)); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tDontBackup = %d\n", global->DontBackup)); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tDebugControl = %X\n", global->DebugControl)); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tProcessNameOffset = %X\n", global->ProcNameOffset)); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tMachineGuid = %ws\n", &global->MachineGuid[0]));
ASSERT(pValue == NULL);
if (RegHandle != NULL) { ZwClose(RegHandle); RegHandle = NULL; }
if (KeyName.Buffer != NULL) { SR_FREE_POOL(KeyName.Buffer, SR_REGISTRY_TAG); KeyName.Buffer = NULL; }
// no big deal if this fails... we default everything.
CHECK_STATUS(Status); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // SrReadRegistry
Routine Description:
Reads the file based config into global->FileConfig.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - completion code.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SrReadConfigFile( ) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE FileHandle = NULL; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; PUNICODE_STRING pFileName = NULL; ULONG CharCount; PSR_DEVICE_EXTENSION pSystemVolumeExtension = NULL;
// allocate space for a filename
Status = SrAllocateFileNameBuffer(SR_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, &pFileName); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) goto end;
// get the location of the system volume
Status = SrGetSystemVolume( pFileName, &pSystemVolumeExtension, SR_FILENAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ); //
// This should only happen if there was some problem with SR attaching
// in the mount path. This check was added to make SR more robust to
// busted filters above us. If other filters cause us to get mounted,
// we won't have an extension to return here. While those filters are
// broken, we don't want to AV.
if (pSystemVolumeExtension == NULL) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto end; } if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) goto end;
// now put the config file location in the string
CharCount = swprintf( &pFileName->Buffer[pFileName->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)], RESTORE_CONFIG_LOCATION, global->MachineGuid );
pFileName->Length += (USHORT)CharCount * sizeof(WCHAR);
// attempt to open the file
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, pFileName, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL );
Status = SrIoCreateFile( &FileHandle, FILE_GENERIC_READ, // DesiredAccess
&ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0, // EaLength
0, pSystemVolumeExtension->pTargetDevice );
// not there? that's ok (firstrun)
RtlZeroMemory(&global->FileConfig, sizeof(global->FileConfig)); global->FileConfig.Signature = SR_PERSISTENT_CONFIG_TAG;
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto end; }
// any other errors?
else if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) goto end;
// read the structure
Status = ZwReadFile( FileHandle, NULL, // Event
NULL, // ApcRoutine OPTIONAL,
NULL, // ApcContext OPTIONAL,
&IoStatusBlock, &global->FileConfig, sizeof(global->FileConfig), NULL, // ByteOffset
NULL ); // Key
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) goto end;
if (IoStatusBlock.Information != sizeof(global->FileConfig)) { Status = STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; goto end; }
if (global->FileConfig.Signature != SR_PERSISTENT_CONFIG_TAG) { Status = STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; goto end; }
// close the file
ZwClose(FileHandle); FileHandle = NULL;
// now update our file number counters, use the stored next file number
global->LastFileNameNumber = global->FileConfig.FileNameNumber;
// update the saved file config by the increment to handle power
// failures. when the machine recoveres from a power failure, we will
// use +1000 for the next temp file numbers to avoid any accidental
// overlap
global->FileConfig.FileNameNumber += SR_FILE_NUMBER_INCREMENT;
// now update our Seq number counters
global->LastSeqNumber = global->FileConfig.FileSeqNumber;
// update the saved file config by the increment to handle power
// failures. when the machine recoveres from a power failure, we will
// use +1000 for the next temp file numbers to avoid any accidental
// overlap
global->FileConfig.FileSeqNumber += SR_SEQ_NUMBER_INCREMENT;
// temporarily write out this update
Status = SrWriteConfigFile(); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) goto end;
SrTrace(INIT, ("SR!SrReadConfigFile()\n")); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tLastFileNameNumber = %d\n", global->LastFileNameNumber )); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tFileConfig.FileNameNumber = %d\n", global->FileConfig.FileNameNumber )); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tFileConfig.FileSeqNumber = %I64d\n", global->FileConfig.FileSeqNumber )); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tFileConfig.CurrentRestoreNumber = %d\n", global->FileConfig.CurrentRestoreNumber ));
if (FileHandle != NULL) { ZwClose(FileHandle); FileHandle = NULL; }
if (pFileName != NULL) { SrFreeFileNameBuffer(pFileName); pFileName = NULL; }
} // SrReadConfigFile
Routine Description:
Writes the contents of global->FileConfig to the file based config. Arguments:
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - completion code.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SrWriteConfigFile( ) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE FileHandle = NULL; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; PUNICODE_STRING pFileName = NULL; ULONG CharCount; PUCHAR pBuffer = NULL; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject; PSR_DEVICE_EXTENSION pSystemVolumeExtension = NULL; FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION EndOfFileInformation;
try {
// make sure we have a semi-good global structure
if (global->FileConfig.Signature != SR_PERSISTENT_CONFIG_TAG) { Status = STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; leave; }
// allocate space for a filename
Status = SrAllocateFileNameBuffer(SR_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, &pFileName); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) leave;
// get the location of the system volume
Status = SrGetSystemVolume( pFileName, &pSystemVolumeExtension, SR_FILENAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) leave;
// and now append on the _restore location and the filename
CharCount = swprintf( &pFileName->Buffer[pFileName->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)], RESTORE_CONFIG_LOCATION, global->MachineGuid );
pFileName->Length += (USHORT)CharCount * sizeof(WCHAR);
// attempt to open the file
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, pFileName, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL );
if (pSystemVolumeExtension) {
// Most of the time when this routine is called, we are attached
// to the system volume already, so just send all IO to the filters
// below us by using SrIoCreateFile to get the file handle.
ASSERT( IS_VALID_SR_DEVICE_EXTENSION( pSystemVolumeExtension ) ); Status = SrIoCreateFile( &FileHandle, FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, // DesiredAccess
&ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0, // EaLength
0, pSystemVolumeExtension->pTargetDevice ); } else {
// When this is called from SrUnload, we have already detached
// our device from the filter stack, so just use the regular
// ZwCreateFile to open the config file.
Status = ZwCreateFile( &FileHandle, FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, // DesiredAccess
&ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0 ); // EaLength
// it's possible for the path to have been deleted by the service
// if we reported a volume error while processing. during shutdown
// we will not be able to write our config file, that's ok to ignore,
// we are shutting down.
if (Status == STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; leave; } else if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { leave; } //
// get the file object
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( FileHandle, 0, *IoFileObjectType, KernelMode, (PVOID *) &pFileObject, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) leave;
// now the device so that we have the sector size
pDeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pFileObject); ASSERT(IS_VALID_DEVICE_OBJECT(pDeviceObject));
// allocate a PAGE to use as a temp buffer for sector alignment.
// copy just our bytes
RtlCopyMemory(pBuffer, &global->FileConfig, sizeof(global->FileConfig));
// uncached reads and writes need to be sector aligned, plus the data
// being asked for needs to be sector padded. since PAGE_SIZE is a power
// of 2, and sector sizes are powers of 2, then will always be aligned
// (ExAllocatePool page aligns all allocations over a page).
// we need to also make sure it is also sector padded.
ASSERT(pDeviceObject->SectorSize >= sizeof(global->FileConfig)); ASSERT(pDeviceObject->SectorSize <= PAGE_SIZE); //
// write the sector
Status = ZwWriteFile( FileHandle, NULL, // Event
NULL, // ApcRoutine OPTIONAL,
NULL, // ApcContext OPTIONAL,
&IoStatusBlock, pBuffer, pDeviceObject->SectorSize, NULL, // ByteOffset
NULL ); // Key
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) leave;
// truncate the file
EndOfFileInformation.EndOfFile.QuadPart = sizeof(global->FileConfig);
Status = ZwSetInformationFile( FileHandle, &IoStatusBlock, &EndOfFileInformation, sizeof(EndOfFileInformation), FileEndOfFileInformation ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) leave;
SrTrace(INIT, ("SR!SrWriteConfigFile()\n")); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tLastFileNameNumber = %d\n", global->LastFileNameNumber )); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tFileConfig.FileNameNumber = %d\n", global->FileConfig.FileNameNumber )); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tFileConfig.FileSeqNumber = %I64d\n", global->FileConfig.FileSeqNumber )); SrTrace(INIT, ("\tFileConfig.CurrentRestoreNumber = %d\n", global->FileConfig.CurrentRestoreNumber ));
} finally {
// check for unhandled exceptions
Status = FinallyUnwind(SrWriteConfigFile, Status); if (pFileObject != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(pFileObject); pFileObject = NULL; }
if (FileHandle != NULL) { ZwClose(FileHandle); FileHandle = NULL; }
if (pFileName != NULL) { SrFreeFileNameBuffer(pFileName); pFileName = NULL; }
if (pBuffer != NULL) { SR_FREE_POOL(pBuffer, SR_PERSISTENT_CONFIG_TAG); pBuffer = NULL; } }
} // SrWriteConfigFile
Routine Description:
Queue the necessary work off to a worker thread to reads in the blob info for file list exclusions.
Note: If an error is returned, a volume error has already been generated. Arguments:
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - completion code.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SrReadBlobInfo( ) { NTSTATUS Status;
if (_globals.HitErrorLoadingBlob) { Status = SR_STATUS_VOLUME_DISABLED; } else {
Status = SrPostSyncOperation( SrReadBlobInfoWorker, NULL ); }
return Status; } // SrReadBlobInfo
Routine Description:
Does the work to read in the blob info for file list exclusions.
This work is done in a worker thread to avoid stack overflow when loading this information.
If there is some problem loading the blob, a volume error is generated on the system volume so that the service knows to shut down all the other volumes. Arguments:
pOpenContext -- All the necessary information to perform the work of loading the blob info structure.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - the status of this operation.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS SrReadBlobInfoWorker( IN PVOID pOpenContext ) { NTSTATUS Status; PUNICODE_STRING pFileName = NULL; ULONG CharCount; PSR_DEVICE_EXTENSION pSystemVolumeExtension = NULL;
// allocate space for a filename
Status = SrAllocateFileNameBuffer(SR_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, &pFileName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto end;
// get the location of the system volume
Status = SrGetSystemVolume( pFileName, &pSystemVolumeExtension, SR_FILENAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ); //
// This should only happen if there was some problem with SR attaching
// in the mount path. This check was added to make SR more robust to
// busted filters above us. If other filters cause us to get mounted,
// we won't have an extension to return here. While those filters are
// broken, we don't want to AV.
if (pSystemVolumeExtension == NULL) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto end; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto end;
ASSERT( IS_VALID_SR_DEVICE_EXTENSION( pSystemVolumeExtension ) ); //
// load the file list config data
CharCount = swprintf( &pFileName->Buffer[pFileName->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)], RESTORE_FILELIST_LOCATION, global->MachineGuid );
pFileName->Length += (USHORT)CharCount * sizeof(WCHAR);
Status = SrLoadLookupBlob( pFileName, pSystemVolumeExtension->pTargetDevice, &global->BlobInfo ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { NTSTATUS TempStatus; //
// We can't load the lookup blob, so set the global flag that we hit
// an error trying to load the blob so we don't keep trying then
// generate a volume error on the system volume so that all the volumes
// will get frozen.
_globals.HitErrorLoadingBlob = TRUE;
SrTrace( VERBOSE_ERRORS, ( "sr!SrReadBlobInfoWorker: error loading blob%X!\n", Status )); TempStatus = SrNotifyVolumeError( pSystemVolumeExtension, pFileName, Status, SrEventVolumeError );
CHECK_STATUS( TempStatus ); }
if (pFileName != NULL) { SrFreeFileNameBuffer(pFileName); pFileName = NULL; }
RETURN(Status); }