Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
diskcleanup.cpp -- disk cleanup COM object for SR
Description: delete datastores from stale builds
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include "diskcleanup.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <utils.h>
#include <srdefs.h>
extern HMODULE ghModule;
// Function: CSREmptyVolumeCache2::LoadBootIni
// Synopsis: parse the boot.ini file
// Arguments:
// History: 20-Jul-2000 HenryLee Created
DWORD CSREmptyVolumeCache2::LoadBootIni() { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR *pwszThisGuid = NULL; CHAR *pszContent = NULL; CHAR *pszLine = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CHAR szArcName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szOptions[MAX_PATH];
pwszThisGuid = GetMachineGuid (); // always exclude the current datastore
if (pwszThisGuid != NULL && pwszThisGuid[0] != L'\0') { lstrcpyW (_wszGuid[_ulGuids], s_cszRestoreDir); lstrcatW (_wszGuid[_ulGuids], pwszThisGuid ); _ulGuids++; }
// Read the contents of the boot.ini file into a string.
hFile = CreateFileW (L"c:\\boot.ini", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { dwErr = GetLastError(); return dwErr; }
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; DWORD dwBytesToRead = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
if (dwBytesToRead == 0xFFFFFFFF || 0 == dwBytesToRead) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto Err; }
pszContent = new CHAR [dwBytesToRead];
if (pszContent == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Err; }
if (FALSE==ReadFile(hFile, pszContent, dwBytesToRead, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto Err; }
if (dwBytesToRead != dwBytesRead) { dwErr = ERROR_READ_FAULT; goto Err; }
CloseHandle (hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
pszLine = pszContent; for (UINT i = 0; i < dwBytesRead; i++) { if (pszContent[i] == '=') // field indicator
pszContent[i] = '\0'; // process only the 1st field
if (pszContent[i] == '\n') // end-of-line indicator
{ pszContent[i] = '\0';
if (strncmp (pszLine, "multi", 5) == 0) { HANDLE hGuidFile; WCHAR wcsPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wcsGuid [RESTOREGUID_STRLEN]; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa; UNICODE_STRING us; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb;
wsprintfW (wcsPath, L"\\ArcName\\%hs\\System32\\Restore\\" L"MachineGuid.txt", pszLine);
RtlInitUnicodeString (&us, wcsPath);
InitializeObjectAttributes ( &oa, &us, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(nts)) { dwErr = RtlNtStatusToDosError (nts); } else { dwBytesToRead = RESTOREGUID_STRLEN * sizeof(WCHAR); DWORD dwRead = 0;
if (FALSE == ReadFile (hGuidFile, (BYTE *) wcsGuid, dwBytesToRead, &dwRead, NULL)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); }
if (_ulGuids < ARRAYSIZE && ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { lstrcpyW (_wszGuid[_ulGuids], s_cszRestoreDir); lstrcatW (_wszGuid[_ulGuids], (wcsGuid[0]==0xFEFF) ? &wcsGuid[1] : wcsGuid ); _ulGuids++; } NtClose (hGuidFile); } } pszLine = &pszContent [i+1]; // skip to next line
} }
Err: if (pszContent != NULL) delete [] pszContent;
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hFile);
return dwErr; }
// Function: CSREmptyVolumeCache2::EnumDataStores
// Synopsis: enumerate the data store on a volume
// Arguments:
// History: 20-Jul-2000 HenryLee Created
DWORD CSREmptyVolumeCache2::EnumDataStores (DWORDLONG *pdwlSpaceUsed, IEmptyVolumeCacheCallBack *picb, BOOL fPurge, WCHAR *pwszVolume) { HANDLE hFind = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; WCHAR wcsPath [MAX_PATH];
*pdwlSpaceUsed = 0;
if (pwszVolume == NULL || pwszVolume[0] == L'\0') // no volume defined
return dwErr;
wsprintfW (wcsPath, L"%s%s\\%s*", pwszVolume, s_cszSysVolInfo, s_cszRestoreDir);
hFind = FindFirstFileW (wcsPath, &wfd);
if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // no files
return dwErr;
do { if (TRUE == _fStop) { FindClose (hFind); return ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; }
if (!lstrcmp(wfd.cFileName, L".") || !lstrcmp(wfd.cFileName, L"..")) continue;
for (UINT i=0; i < _ulGuids; i++) { if (lstrcmpi (_wszGuid[i], wfd.cFileName) == 0) { break; // data store match
} }
if (i >= _ulGuids) // no data store match
{ if (picb != NULL) { WCHAR wcsDataStore[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpyW (wcsPath, pwszVolume); lstrcatW (wcsPath, s_cszSysVolInfo); lstrcatW (wcsPath, L"\\"); lstrcatW (wcsPath, wfd.cFileName);
if (!fPurge) // calculate space usage
{ dwErr = GetFileSize_Recurse (wcsPath, (INT64*) pdwlSpaceUsed, &_fStop); } else // delete the data store
{ dwErr = Delnode_Recurse (wcsPath, TRUE, &_fStop); } } else { *pdwlSpaceUsed = 1; // indicate something to clean up
} } } while (FindNextFileW (hFind, &wfd));
FindClose (hFind);
if (picb != NULL) // update the progress bar
{ if (!fPurge) picb->ScanProgress (*pdwlSpaceUsed, EVCCBF_LASTNOTIFICATION , NULL); else picb->PurgeProgress (*pdwlSpaceUsed,0,EVCCBF_LASTNOTIFICATION,NULL); }
return dwErr; }
// Function: CSREmptyVolumeCache2::ForAllMountPoints
// Synopsis: call EnumerateDataStores for each mount point
// Arguments:
// History: 20-Jul-2000 HenryLee Created
HRESULT CSREmptyVolumeCache2::ForAllMountPoints (DWORDLONG *pdwlSpaceUsed, IEmptyVolumeCacheCallBack *picb, BOOL fPurge) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwErr = EnumDataStores (pdwlSpaceUsed, picb, fPurge, _wszVolume);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { WCHAR wszMount [MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstVolumeMountPoint (_wszVolume,wszMount,MAX_PATH);
if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { dwErr = EnumDataStores (pdwlSpaceUsed, picb, fPurge, wszMount);
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } while (FindNextVolumeMountPoint (hFind, wszMount, MAX_PATH));
FindVolumeMountPointClose (hFind); } }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); }
// Function: CSRClassFactory::CreateInstance
// Synopsis: create the disk cleanup plugin object
// Arguments:
// History: 20-Jul-2000 HenryLee Created
HRESULT CSRClassFactory::CreateInstance (IUnknown *pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (pUnkOuter != NULL) return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION;
CSREmptyVolumeCache2 *pevc = new CSREmptyVolumeCache2(); if (pevc == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = pevc->QueryInterface (riid, ppvObject);
pevc->Release(); // release constructor's reference
return hr; }
// Function: CSREmptyVolumeCache2::InitializeEx
// Synopsis: initialize the disk cleanup plugin object
// Arguments:
// History: 20-Jul-2000 HenryLee Created
HRESULT CSREmptyVolumeCache2::InitializeEx ( HKEY hkRegKey, const WCHAR *pcwszVolume, const WCHAR *pcwszKeyName, WCHAR **ppwszDisplayName, WCHAR **ppwszDescription, WCHAR **ppwszBtnText, DWORD *pdwFlags) { DWORDLONG dwlSpaceUsed = 0; WCHAR *pwszDisplay = NULL; WCHAR *pwszDescription = NULL; HRESULT hr=S_OK;
pwszDisplay = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc (MAX_PATH / 2 * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszDisplay) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Err; }
pwszDescription = (WCHAR *) CoTaskMemAlloc (MAX_PATH * 2 * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszDescription) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Err; } if (0 == LoadStringW (ghModule, IDS_DISKCLEANUP_DISPLAY, pwszDisplay, MAX_PATH / 2)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto Err; }
if (0 == LoadStringW (ghModule, IDS_DISKCLEANUP_DESCRIPTION, pwszDescription, MAX_PATH * 2)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto Err; } lstrcpyW (_wszVolume, pcwszVolume);
LoadBootIni(); // best effort, okay to fail
ForAllMountPoints (&dwlSpaceUsed, NULL, FALSE);
if (dwlSpaceUsed == 0) hr = S_FALSE;
Err: if (FAILED(hr)) { if (pwszDisplay) CoTaskMemFree (pwszDisplay); if (pwszDescription) CoTaskMemFree (pwszDescription);
if (ppwszDisplayName) *ppwszDisplayName = NULL; if (ppwszDescription) *ppwszDescription = NULL; } else { if (ppwszDisplayName) *ppwszDisplayName = pwszDisplay; if (ppwszDescription) *ppwszDescription = pwszDescription; }
if (ppwszBtnText) // no advanced button text
*ppwszBtnText = NULL;
return hr; }
// Function: CSREmptyVolumeCache2::GetSpaceUsed
// Synopsis: returns how much space can be freed on a volume
// Arguments:
// History: 20-Jul-2000 HenryLee Created
HRESULT CSREmptyVolumeCache2::GetSpaceUsed ( DWORDLONG *pdwlSpaceUsed, IEmptyVolumeCacheCallBack *picb)
{ return ForAllMountPoints (pdwlSpaceUsed, picb, FALSE); }
// Function: CSREmptyVolumeCache2::Purge
// Synopsis: frees the disk space on a volume
// Arguments:
// History: 20-Jul-2000 HenryLee Created
HRESULT CSREmptyVolumeCache2::Purge ( DWORDLONG dwlSpaceToFree, IEmptyVolumeCacheCallBack *picb) { return ForAllMountPoints (&dwlSpaceToFree, picb, TRUE); }
// Function: CSREmptyVolumeCache2::Deactivate
// Synopsis: signal the disk cleanup plugin to stop processing
// Arguments:
// History: 20-Jul-2000 HenryLee Created
HRESULT CSREmptyVolumeCache2::Deactivate (DWORD *pdwFlags) { HRESULT hr=S_OK;
if (pdwFlags) *pdwFlags = 0; // no flags to be returned
_fStop = TRUE;
return hr; }