// stdcooki.h : Declaration of base cookie class and related classes
// forward declarations
class CCookie;
class CRefcountedObject { public: inline CRefcountedObject() : m_nRefcount( 1 ) {}; virtual ~CRefcountedObject() {};
inline void AddRef() {m_nRefcount++;} inline void Release() { if (0 >= --m_nRefcount) delete this; } private: int m_nRefcount; };
class CHasMachineName { public: virtual void SetMachineName( LPCTSTR lpcszMachineName ) = 0; virtual LPCTSTR QueryNonNULLMachineName() = 0; virtual LPCTSTR QueryTargetServer() = 0;
// returns <0, 0 or >0
HRESULT CompareMachineNames( CHasMachineName& refHasMachineName, int* pnResult ); };
// CBaseCookieBlock holds a block of cookies and the data
// to which the cookies point. It starts off with a
// reference count of 1. When a data object is created
// which references one of these cookies, AddRef() the cookie block; when such
// a data object is released, Release() the cookie block. Similarly,
// when the parent cookie is finished with the cookie block, it should
// Release() the cookie block. The cookie block will delete itself
// when the reference count reaches 0. Do not attempt to explicitly
// delete the cookie block.
class CBaseCookieBlock : public CRefcountedObject { public: virtual CCookie* QueryBaseCookie(int i) = 0; virtual int QueryNumCookies() = 0; };
template<class COOKIE_TYPE> class CCookieBlock : public CBaseCookieBlock { private: COOKIE_TYPE* m_aCookies; int m_cCookies;
public: CCookieBlock(COOKIE_TYPE* aCookies, // use vector ctor, we use vector dtor
int cCookies ); virtual ~CCookieBlock();
virtual CCookie* QueryBaseCookie(int i); virtual int QueryNumCookies(); };
CCookieBlock<COOKIE_TYPE>::CCookieBlock<COOKIE_TYPE> \ (COOKIE_TYPE* aCookies, int cCookies) \ : m_aCookies( aCookies ) \ , m_cCookies( cCookies ) \ { \ ASSERT(NULL != aCookies && 0 < cCookies); \ } \ CCookieBlock<COOKIE_TYPE>::~CCookieBlock<COOKIE_TYPE>() \ { \ delete[] m_aCookies; \ } \ CCookie* CCookieBlock<COOKIE_TYPE>::QueryBaseCookie(int i) \ { \ return (CCookie*)&(m_aCookies[i]); \ } \ int CCookieBlock<COOKIE_TYPE>::QueryNumCookies() \ { \ return m_cCookies; \ }
// I am trying to allow child classes to derive from CCookie using
// multiple inheritance, but this is tricky
class CCookie { public: CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, CBaseCookieBlock*> m_listScopeCookieBlocks; CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, CBaseCookieBlock*> m_listResultCookieBlocks; HSCOPEITEM m_hScopeItem;
private: LONG m_nResultCookiesRefcount;
public: inline CCookie() : m_nResultCookiesRefcount( 0 ), m_hScopeItem (0) { }
inline void ReleaseScopeChildren() { while ( !m_listScopeCookieBlocks.IsEmpty() ) { (m_listScopeCookieBlocks.RemoveHead())->Release(); } }
// returns new refcount
inline ULONG AddRefResultChildren() { return ++m_nResultCookiesRefcount; }
inline void ReleaseResultChildren() { ASSERT( 0 < m_nResultCookiesRefcount ); if ( 0 >= --m_nResultCookiesRefcount ) { while ( !m_listResultCookieBlocks.IsEmpty() ) { (m_listResultCookieBlocks.RemoveHead())->Release(); } } }
virtual ~CCookie();
// On entry, if not COMPARESIMILARCOOKIE_FULL, *pnResult is the column on which to sort,
// otherwise, try to do a full cookie comparison.
// On exit, *pnResult should be <0, 0 or >0.
// Note that this is a sorting function and should not be used to establish
// object identity where better identity functions are available.
virtual HRESULT CompareSimilarCookies( CCookie* pOtherCookie, int* pnResult ) = 0; };
virtual LPCTSTR QueryNonNULLMachineName(); \ virtual LPCTSTR QueryTargetServer(); \ virtual void SetMachineName( LPCTSTR lpcszMachineName );
#define DEFINE_FORWARDS_MACHINE_NAME(thisclass,targ) \
LPCTSTR thisclass::QueryNonNULLMachineName() \ { \ ASSERT( (targ) != NULL ); \ return ((CHasMachineName*)(targ))->QueryNonNULLMachineName(); \ } \ LPCTSTR thisclass::QueryTargetServer() \ { \ ASSERT( (targ) != NULL ); \ return ((CHasMachineName*)(targ))->QueryTargetServer(); \ } \ void thisclass::SetMachineName( LPCTSTR lpcszMachineName ) \ { \ ASSERT( (targ) != NULL ); \ ((CHasMachineName*)(targ))->SetMachineName( lpcszMachineName ); \ }
public: \ CString m_strMachineName; \ virtual void SetMachineName( LPCTSTR lpcszMachineName ) \ { \ m_strMachineName = lpcszMachineName; \ } \ virtual LPCTSTR QueryNonNULLMachineName() \ { \ return (LPCTSTR)m_strMachineName; \ } \ virtual LPCTSTR QueryTargetServer() \ { \ return (m_strMachineName.IsEmpty()) \ ? NULL : (LPCTSTR)(m_strMachineName); \ }
class CStoresMachineName : public CHasMachineName { public: CStoresMachineName( LPCTSTR lpcszMachineName ) : m_strMachineName( lpcszMachineName ) {}
#endif // ~__STDCOOKI_H_INCLUDED__