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// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// winsta.h wrapper functions
// 25 April 2001 sburns
// Wrappers of functions in the internal winsta.h header. These wrapped
// functions are remoteable over RPC to machines with terminal server
// installed. If it is not installed, they fail w/ RPC server unavailable.
namespace WinStation { HRESULT OpenServer(const String& serverName, HANDLE& result);
// If the machine is in safe mode, this will fail with
// serverHandle - in, valid handle opened with WinStation::OpenServer
// sessionList - out, receives an array of logon session IDs. Caller must
// deallocate this memory with WinStation::FreeMemory.
// sessionCount - out, receives the number of logon session IDs in the
// sessionList result.
HRESULT Enumerate( HANDLE serverHandle, LOGONID*& sessionList, DWORD& sessionCount);
HRESULT QueryInformation( HANDLE serverHandle, ULONG logonId, WINSTATIONINFORMATION& result);
void FreeMemory(void* mem); }