// Persist.cpp : Implementation of persistence
// 01-Jan-1996 ??? Creation
// 03-Jun-1997 t-danm Added a version number to storage and
// Command Line override.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "compdata.h"
#include "safetemp.h"
#include "stdutils.h" // IsLocalComputername
#include "macros.h"
#include <comstrm.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
LPCTSTR PchGetMachineNameOverride(); // Defined in chooser.cpp
// The _dwMagicword is the internal version number.
// Increment this number if you makea file format change.
#define _dwMagicword 10001
// IComponentData persistence (remember persistent flags and target computername
STDMETHODIMP CMyComputerComponentData::Load(IStream __RPC_FAR *pIStream) { MFC_TRY; HRESULT hr;
ASSERT( NULL != pIStream ); XSafeInterfacePtr<IStream> pIStreamSafePtr( pIStream );
// Read the magic word from the stream
DWORD dwMagicword; hr = pIStream->Read( OUT &dwMagicword, sizeof(dwMagicword), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; } if (dwMagicword != _dwMagicword) { // We have a version mismatch
TRACE0("INFO: CMyComputerComponentData::Load() - Wrong Magicword. You need to re-save your .msc file.\n"); return E_FAIL; }
// read flags from stream
DWORD dwFlags; hr = pIStream->Read( OUT &dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; } SetPersistentFlags(dwFlags);
// read server name from stream
DWORD dwLen = 0; hr = pIStream->Read( &dwLen, 4, NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; } ASSERT( dwLen <= MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR) ); LPCWSTR lpwcszMachineName = (LPCWSTR)alloca( dwLen ); // allocated from stack, we don't need to free
if (NULL == lpwcszMachineName) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr = pIStream->Read( (PVOID)lpwcszMachineName, dwLen, NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; }
m_strMachineNamePersist = lpwcszMachineName; LPCTSTR pszMachineNameT = PchGetMachineNameOverride(); if (m_fAllowOverrideMachineName && pszMachineNameT != NULL) { // Allow machine name override
} else { pszMachineNameT = lpwcszMachineName; }
// JonN 1/27/99: If the persisted name is the local computername,
// leave the persisted name alone but make the effective name (Local).
if ( IsLocalComputername(pszMachineNameT) ) pszMachineNameT = L"";
QueryRootCookie().SetMachineName(pszMachineNameT); #endif
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CMyComputerComponentData::Save(IStream __RPC_FAR *pIStream, BOOL /*fSameAsLoad*/) { MFC_TRY; HRESULT hr;
ASSERT( NULL != pIStream ); XSafeInterfacePtr<IStream> pIStreamSafePtr( pIStream );
// Store the magic word to the stream
DWORD dwMagicword = _dwMagicword; hr = pIStream->Write( IN &dwMagicword, sizeof(dwMagicword), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; }
DWORD dwFlags = GetPersistentFlags(); hr = pIStream->Write( IN &dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; }
LPCWSTR lpwcszMachineName = m_strMachineNamePersist; DWORD dwLen = (DWORD) (::wcslen(lpwcszMachineName)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR); ASSERT( 4 == sizeof(DWORD) ); hr = pIStream->Write( &dwLen, sizeof (DWORD), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; } hr = pIStream->Write( lpwcszMachineName, dwLen, NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; } #endif
return S_OK;
// IComponent persistence
STDMETHODIMP CMyComputerComponent::Load(IStream __RPC_FAR *pIStream) { MFC_TRY; HRESULT hr;
ASSERT( NULL != pIStream ); XSafeInterfacePtr<IStream> pIStreamSafePtr( pIStream );
// Read the magic word from the stream
DWORD dwMagicword; hr = pIStream->Read( OUT &dwMagicword, sizeof(dwMagicword), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; } if (dwMagicword != _dwMagicword) { // We have a version mismatch
TRACE0("INFO: CMyComputerComponentData::Load() - Wrong Magicword. You need to re-save your .msc file.\n"); return E_FAIL; }
// read flags from stream
DWORD dwFlags; hr = pIStream->Read( OUT &dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; } SetPersistentFlags(dwFlags); #endif
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CMyComputerComponent::Save(IStream __RPC_FAR *pIStream, BOOL /*fSameAsLoad*/) { MFC_TRY; HRESULT hr;
ASSERT( NULL != pIStream ); XSafeInterfacePtr<IStream> pIStreamSafePtr( pIStream );
// Store the magic word to the stream
DWORD dwMagicword = _dwMagicword; hr = pIStream->Write( IN &dwMagicword, sizeof(dwMagicword), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; }
DWORD dwFlags = GetPersistentFlags(); hr = pIStream->Write( IN &dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags), NULL ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return hr; } #endif
return S_OK;