Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WMI Public Query Parser
Supported features: LF1 Basic select LF2 __CLASS LF3 Upper/Lower LF4 Prop-to-prop tests LF6 ORDER BY LF8 ISA, ISNOTA LF9 __THIS LF12 GROUP BY ... HAVING LF17 Qualified Names LF18 Associations/References LF25 DatePart LF26 LIKE LF27 CIM Temporal Constructs LF31 __Qualifier LF36 Reference property tests
raymcc 21-Jun-96 Created. raymcc 11-Apr-00 Updated for WMIUTILS.DLL
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <corepol.h>
#include <genlex.h>
#include <qllex.h>
#include <ql.h>
#include <wbemcomn.h>
#include <wbemutil.h>
#include <genutils.h>
#define trace(x) //printf x
WBEM_WSTR WbemStringAlloc(unsigned long lNumChars) { return (WBEM_WSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(lNumChars+1); }
void WbemStringFree(WBEM_WSTR String) { CoTaskMemFree(String); }
unsigned long WbemStringLen(const WCHAR* String) { return wcslen(String); }
WBEM_WSTR WbemStringCopy(const WCHAR* String) { if(String == NULL) return NULL; WBEM_WSTR NewString = (WBEM_WSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(2*(wcslen(String)+1)); if(NewString == NULL) return NULL; wcscpy(NewString, String); return NewString; }
// Converts a wchar to a double, but does it using the english locale rather
// than whatever local the process is running in. This allows us to support
// all english queries even on German machines.
DOUBLE WCHARToDOUBLE(WCHAR * pConv, bool & bSuccess) { bSuccess = false; if(pConv == NULL) return 0.0;
VARIANT varTo, varFrom; VariantInit(&varTo); varFrom.vt = VT_BSTR; varFrom.bstrVal = SysAllocString(pConv); if(varFrom.bstrVal == NULL) return 0.0; SCODE sc = VariantChangeTypeEx(&varTo, &varFrom, 0x409, 0, VT_R8); VariantClear(&varFrom); if(sc == S_OK) bSuccess = true; return varTo.dblVal; }
CPropertyName::CPropertyName(const CPropertyName& Other) { Init(); *this = Other; }
void CPropertyName::Init() { m_lNumElements = 0; m_lAllocated = 0; m_aElements = NULL; }
void CPropertyName::operator=(const CPropertyName& Other) { *this = (const WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME&)Other; }
void CPropertyName::operator=(const WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME& Other) { Empty(); // delete [] m_aElements;
m_lNumElements = Other.m_lNumElements; m_lAllocated = m_lNumElements; if(m_lNumElements > 0) m_aElements = new WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT[m_lNumElements];
for(long l = 0; l < m_lNumElements; l++) { m_aElements[l].m_nType = Other.m_aElements[l].m_nType; if(m_aElements[l].m_nType == WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY) { m_aElements[l].Element.m_wszPropertyName = WbemStringCopy(Other.m_aElements[l].Element.m_wszPropertyName); } else { m_aElements[l].Element.m_lArrayIndex = Other.m_aElements[l].Element.m_lArrayIndex; } } }
BOOL CPropertyName::operator==(const WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME& Other) { if(m_lNumElements != Other.m_lNumElements) return FALSE;
for(long l = 0; l < m_lNumElements; l++) { if(m_aElements[l].m_nType != Other.m_aElements[l].m_nType) return FALSE; if(m_aElements[l].m_nType == WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY) { if(wbem_wcsicmp(m_aElements[l].Element.m_wszPropertyName, Other.m_aElements[l].Element.m_wszPropertyName)) { return FALSE; } } else { if(m_aElements[l].Element.m_lArrayIndex != Other.m_aElements[l].Element.m_lArrayIndex) { return FALSE; } } }
return TRUE; }
void CPropertyName::Empty() { for(long l = 0; l < m_lNumElements; l++) { if(m_aElements[l].m_nType == WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY) { WbemStringFree(m_aElements[l].Element.m_wszPropertyName); } } delete [] m_aElements; m_aElements = NULL; m_lNumElements = 0; m_lAllocated = 0; }
LPCWSTR CPropertyName::GetStringAt(long lIndex) const { if(m_aElements[lIndex].m_nType == WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY) { return m_aElements[lIndex].Element.m_wszPropertyName; } else return NULL; }
void CPropertyName::AddElement(LPCWSTR wszElement) { EnsureAllocated(m_lNumElements+1); m_aElements[m_lNumElements].m_nType = WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY; m_aElements[m_lNumElements].Element.m_wszPropertyName = WbemStringCopy(wszElement); m_lNumElements++; }
void CPropertyName::EnsureAllocated(long lElements) { if(m_lAllocated < lElements) { m_lAllocated = lElements+5;
WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT* pTemp = new WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT[m_lAllocated]; memcpy(pTemp, m_aElements, sizeof(WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT) * m_lNumElements); delete [] m_aElements; m_aElements = pTemp; } }
DELETE_ME LPWSTR CPropertyName::GetText() { WString wsText; for(int i = 0; i < m_lNumElements; i++) { if(m_aElements[i].m_nType != WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY) return NULL; if(i > 0) wsText += L"."; wsText += m_aElements[i].Element.m_wszPropertyName; } return wsText.UnbindPtr(); }
DWORD CAbstractQl1Parser::TranslateIntrinsic(LPCWSTR pFuncName) { if (wbem_wcsicmp(pFuncName, L"UPPER") == 0) return QL1_FUNCTION_UPPER; if (wbem_wcsicmp(pFuncName, L"LOWER") == 0) return QL1_FUNCTION_LOWER; return QL1_FUNCTION_NONE; }
void CAbstractQl1Parser::InitToken(WBEM_QL1_TOKEN* pToken) { pToken->m_lTokenType = QL1_NONE; pToken->m_PropertyName.m_lNumElements = 0; pToken->m_PropertyName.m_aElements = NULL;
pToken->m_PropertyName2.m_lNumElements = 0; pToken->m_PropertyName2.m_aElements = NULL;
VariantInit(&pToken->m_vConstValue); }
CAbstractQl1Parser::CAbstractQl1Parser(CGenLexSource *pSrc) { m_pLexer = new CGenLexer(Ql_1_LexTable, pSrc); m_nLine = 0; m_pTokenText = 0; m_nCurrentToken = 0;
// Semantic transfer variables.
// ============================
m_nRelOp = 0; VariantInit(&m_vTypedConst); m_dwPropFunction = 0; m_dwConstFunction = 0; m_PropertyName.m_lNumElements = 0; m_PropertyName.m_aElements = NULL; m_PropertyName2.m_lNumElements = 0; m_PropertyName2.m_aElements = NULL; m_bPropComp = FALSE; }
CAbstractQl1Parser::~CAbstractQl1Parser() { VariantClear(&m_vTypedConst); DeletePropertyName(); delete m_pLexer; }
int CAbstractQl1Parser::Parse(CQl1ParseSink* pSink, int nFlags) { m_pSink = pSink; int nRes = parse(nFlags); m_pSink = NULL; return nRes; }
// Next()
// Advances to the next token and recognizes keywords, etc.
BOOL CAbstractQl1Parser::Next(int nFlags) { m_nCurrentToken = m_pLexer->NextToken(); if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_ERROR) return FALSE;
m_nLine = m_pLexer->GetLineNum(); m_pTokenText = m_pLexer->GetTokenText(); if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_EOF) m_pTokenText = L"<end of file>";
// Keyword check.
// ==============
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_IDENT && nFlags != NO_KEYWORDS) { if (wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"select") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_SELECT; else if (wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"from") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_FROM; else if (wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"where") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_WHERE; /*
else if (wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"like") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_LIKE; */ else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"or") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_OR; else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"and") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_AND; else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"not") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_NOT; else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"IS") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_IS; else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"NULL") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_NULL; else if (wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"WITHIN") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_WITHIN; else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"ISA") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_ISA; else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"GROUP") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_GROUP; else if (wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"BY") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_BY; else if (wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"HAVING") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_HAVING; else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"TRUE") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_TRUE; else if (nFlags != EXCLUDE_EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS && wbem_wcsicmp(m_pTokenText, L"FALSE") == 0) m_nCurrentToken = QL_1_TOK_FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
LPCWSTR CAbstractQl1Parser::GetSinglePropertyName() { if(m_PropertyName.m_lNumElements < 1) return NULL;
if(m_PropertyName.m_aElements[0].m_nType != WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY) return NULL;
return m_PropertyName.m_aElements[0].Element.m_wszPropertyName; }
void CAbstractQl1Parser::DeletePropertyName() { for(long l = 0; l < m_PropertyName.m_lNumElements; l++) { if(m_PropertyName.m_aElements[l].m_nType == WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY) { WbemStringFree(m_PropertyName.m_aElements[l]. Element.m_wszPropertyName); } } delete [] m_PropertyName.m_aElements; m_PropertyName.m_lNumElements = 0; m_PropertyName.m_aElements = NULL; }
int CAbstractQl1Parser::FlipOperator(int nOp) { switch(nOp) { case QL1_OPERATOR_EQUALS: return QL1_OPERATOR_EQUALS;
default: return nOp; } }
void CAbstractQl1Parser::AddAppropriateToken(const WBEM_QL1_TOKEN& Token) { if(m_bInAggregation) m_pSink->AddHavingToken(Token); else m_pSink->AddToken(Token); }
// <parse> ::= SELECT <prop_list> FROM <classname> WHERE <expr>;
// ok
int CAbstractQl1Parser::parse(int nFlags) { int nRes;
m_bInAggregation = FALSE; if(nFlags != JUST_WHERE) { m_pLexer->Reset();
// ======
if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR; if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_SELECT) return SYNTAX_ERROR; if (!Next(EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD)) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
// <prop_list>
// ===========
if (nRes = prop_list()) return nRes;
// ====
if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_FROM) return SYNTAX_ERROR; if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
// <classname>
// ===========
if (nRes = class_name()) return nRes;
// <tolerance>
// ===========
if(nRes = tolerance()) return nRes; }
if(nFlags != NO_WHERE) { // WHERE clause.
// =============
if(nRes = opt_where()) return nRes;
// GROUP BY clause
// ===============
if(nRes = opt_aggregation()) return nRes; }
return SUCCESS; }
// <opt_where> ::= WHERE <expr>;
// <opt_where> ::= <>;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::opt_where() { int nRes;
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_EOF || m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_GROUP) { trace(("No WHERE clause\n")); return SUCCESS; }
if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_WHERE) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
// <expr>
// ======
if (nRes = expr()) return nRes;
// Verify that the current token is QL_1_TOK_EOF.
// ===============================================
if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_EOF && m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_GROUP) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
return SUCCESS; }
// <prop_list> ::= <property_name> <prop_list_2>;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::prop_list() { int nRes;
if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_ASTERISK && m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_IDENT) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
if (nRes = property_name()) return nRes;
return prop_list_2(); }
// <prop_list_2> ::= COMMA <prop_list>;
// <prop_list_2> ::= <>;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::prop_list_2() { if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_COMMA) { if (!Next(EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD)) return LEXICAL_ERROR; return prop_list(); }
return SUCCESS; }
int CAbstractQl1Parser::parse_property_name(CPropertyName& Prop) { Prop.Empty();
int nCount = 0; while(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_IDENT) { Prop.AddElement(m_pTokenText); nCount++;
if(!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
if(m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_DOT) break;
if(!Next(EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD)) return LEXICAL_ERROR; } if (nCount) return SUCCESS; else return SYNTAX_ERROR; }
// <property_name> ::= PROPERTY_NAME_STRING;
// <property_name> ::= ASTERISK;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::property_name() { if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_ASTERISK) { trace(("Asterisk\n"));
if(m_bInAggregation) m_pSink->AddAllAggregationProperties(); else m_pSink->AddAllProperties();
if(!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
return SUCCESS; }
// Else a list of property names
// =============================
CPropertyName Prop; int nRes = parse_property_name(Prop); if(nRes != SUCCESS) return nRes;
if(m_bInAggregation) m_pSink->AddAggregationProperty(Prop); else m_pSink->AddProperty(Prop);
return SUCCESS; }
// <classname> ::= CLASS_NAME_STRING;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::class_name() { if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_IDENT) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
trace(("Class name is %S\n", m_pTokenText)); m_pSink->SetClassName(m_pTokenText);
if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
return SUCCESS; }
// <tolerance> ::= <>;
// <tolerance> ::= WITHIN duration;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::tolerance() { LPWSTR wszGarbage; WBEM_QL1_TOLERANCE Tolerance; if(m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_WITHIN) { Tolerance.m_bExact = TRUE; m_pSink->SetTolerance(Tolerance); return SUCCESS; }
if(!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_REAL) { Tolerance.m_bExact = FALSE; bool bSuccess; Tolerance.m_fTolerance = WCHARToDOUBLE(m_pTokenText, bSuccess); if(Tolerance.m_fTolerance <= 0 || bSuccess == false) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } m_pSink->SetTolerance(Tolerance); Next(); return SUCCESS; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_INT) { Tolerance.m_bExact = FALSE; Tolerance.m_fTolerance = wcstol(m_pTokenText, &wszGarbage, 10); if(Tolerance.m_fTolerance < 0) { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } m_pSink->SetTolerance(Tolerance); Next(); return SUCCESS; } else { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } }
// <expr> ::= <term> <expr2>;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::expr() { int nRes;
if (nRes = term()) return nRes;
if (nRes = expr2()) return nRes;
return SUCCESS; }
// <expr2> ::= OR <term> <expr2>;
// <expr2> ::= <>;
// Entry: Assumes token OR already current.
// Exit: Advances a token
int CAbstractQl1Parser::expr2() { int nRes;
while (1) { if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_OR) { trace(("Token OR\n")); m_pSink->InOrder(QL1_OR);
if (nRes = term()) return nRes;
WBEM_QL1_TOKEN NewTok; InitToken(&NewTok); NewTok.m_lTokenType = QL1_OR; AddAppropriateToken(NewTok); } else break; }
return SUCCESS; }
// <term> ::= <simple_expr> <term2>;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::term() { int nRes; if (nRes = simple_expr()) return nRes;
if (nRes = term2()) return nRes;
return SUCCESS; }
// <term2> ::= AND <simple_expr> <term2>;
// <term2> ::= <>;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::term2() { int nRes;
while (1) { if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_AND) { trace(("Token AND\n")); m_pSink->InOrder(QL1_AND);
if (nRes = simple_expr()) return nRes;
// Add the AND token.
// ==================
WBEM_QL1_TOKEN NewTok; InitToken(&NewTok); NewTok.m_lTokenType = QL1_AND; AddAppropriateToken(NewTok); } else break; }
return SUCCESS; }
// <simple_expr> ::= NOT <expr>;
// <simple_expr> ::= OPEN_PAREN <expr> CLOSE_PAREN;
// <simple_expr> ::= IDENTIFIER <leading_ident_expr> <finalize>;
// <simple_expr> ::= VARIANT <rel_operator> <trailing_prop_expr> <finalize>;
// ok
int CAbstractQl1Parser::simple_expr() { int nRes;
// NOT <expr>
// ==========
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_NOT) { trace(("Operator NOT\n")); if (!Next(EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD)) return LEXICAL_ERROR; if (nRes = simple_expr()) return nRes;
WBEM_QL1_TOKEN NewTok; InitToken(&NewTok); NewTok.m_lTokenType = QL1_NOT; AddAppropriateToken(NewTok);
return SUCCESS; }
// =============================
else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_OPEN_PAREN) { trace(("Open Paren: Entering subexpression\n")); if (!Next(EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD)) return LEXICAL_ERROR; if (expr()) return SYNTAX_ERROR; if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_CLOSE_PAREN) return SYNTAX_ERROR; trace(("Close paren: Exiting subexpression\n")); if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
return SUCCESS; }
// IDENTIFIER <leading_ident_expr> <finalize>
// ==========================================
else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_IDENT) { trace((" Identifier <%S>\n", m_pTokenText));
if(nRes = parse_property_name(m_PropertyName)) return nRes;
if (nRes = leading_ident_expr()) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
return finalize(); }
// <typed_constant> <rel_operator> <trailing_prop_expr> <finalize>
// ======================================================
else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_INT || m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_REAL || m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_TRUE || m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_FALSE || m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_NULL || m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_QSTRING ) { if (nRes = typed_constant()) return nRes;
if (nRes = rel_operator()) return nRes;
// dont allow const followed by isa!
if(m_nRelOp == QL1_OPERATOR_ISA) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
// Since we always view the token as IDENT <rel> constant, we need
// to invert this operator, e.g. replace > with <
// ================================================================
m_nRelOp = FlipOperator(m_nRelOp);
if (nRes = trailing_prop_expr()) return nRes;
return finalize(); }
return SYNTAX_ERROR; }
// <trailing_prop_expr> ::= IDENTIFIER
// ok
int CAbstractQl1Parser::trailing_prop_expr() { if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_IDENT) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
int nRes = parse_property_name(m_PropertyName); return nRes; }
// <leading_ident_expr> ::= <comp_operator> <trailing_const_expr>;
// <leading_ident_expr> ::= <equiv_operator> <trailing_or_null>;
// <leading_ident_expr> ::= <is_operator> NULL;
// ok
int CAbstractQl1Parser::leading_ident_expr() { int nRes; if (SUCCESS == comp_operator()) { return trailing_const_expr(); } else if(SUCCESS == equiv_operator()) return trailing_or_null(); nRes = is_operator(); if(nRes != SUCCESS) return nRes; if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_NULL) return LEXICAL_ERROR; if (Next()) { V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_NULL; return SUCCESS; } else return LEXICAL_ERROR; }
// <trailing_or_null> ::= NULL;
// <trailing_or_null> ::= <trailing_const_expr>;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::trailing_or_null() { if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_NULL) { if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR; else { V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_NULL; return SUCCESS; } } return trailing_const_expr(); }
// <trailing_const_expr> ::= IDENTIFIER OPEN_PAREN
// <typed_constant> CLOSE_PAREN;
// <trailing_const_expr> ::= <typed_constant>;
// <trailing_const_expr> ::= <trailing_ident_expr>
// ok
int CAbstractQl1Parser::trailing_const_expr() { int nRes; nRes = typed_constant(); if (nRes != SUCCESS) nRes = trailing_ident_expr(); return nRes; }
// <trailing_ident_expr> ::= <property_name>
// ok
int CAbstractQl1Parser::trailing_ident_expr() { int nRes = parse_property_name(m_PropertyName2) ; if (nRes == SUCCESS) m_bPropComp = TRUE; return nRes; }
// <finalize> ::= <>;
// This composes the QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN for a simple relational expression,
// complete with any associated intrinsic functions. All of the other
// parse functions help isolate the terms of the expression, but only
// this function builds the token.
// To build the token, the following member variables are used:
// m_pPropName
// m_vTypedConst
// m_dwPropFunction
// m_dwConstFunction
// m_nRelOp;
// After the token is built, these are cleared/deallocated as appropriate.
// No tokens are consumed and the input is not advanced.
int CAbstractQl1Parser::finalize() { // At this point, we have all the info needed for a token.
// =======================================================
WBEM_QL1_TOKEN NewTok; InitToken(&NewTok);
NewTok.m_lTokenType = QL1_OP_EXPRESSION; VariantInit(&NewTok.m_vConstValue);
memcpy((void*)&NewTok.m_PropertyName, (void*)&m_PropertyName, sizeof m_PropertyName);
if (m_bPropComp) { NewTok.m_bPropComp = true; memcpy((void*)&NewTok.m_PropertyName2, (void*)&m_PropertyName2, sizeof m_PropertyName2); } else { NewTok.m_bPropComp = false; VariantCopy(&NewTok.m_vConstValue, &m_vTypedConst); }
NewTok.m_lOperator = m_nRelOp; NewTok.m_lPropertyFunction = m_dwPropFunction; NewTok.m_lConstFunction = m_dwConstFunction; NewTok.m_bQuoted = m_bQuoted;
// m_PropertyName.m_lNumElements = 0;
// m_PropertyName.m_aElements = NULL;
m_PropertyName.Empty(); m_PropertyName2.Empty();
// Cleanup.
// ========
VariantClear(&m_vTypedConst); VariantClear(&NewTok.m_vConstValue); m_nRelOp = 0; m_dwPropFunction = 0; m_dwConstFunction = 0; m_bPropComp = FALSE;
return SUCCESS; }
// <typed_constant> ::= VARIANT;
// Ouput: m_vTypedConst is set to the value of the constant. The only
// supported types are VT_I4, VT_R8 and VT_BSTR.
int CAbstractQl1Parser::typed_constant() { trace((" Typed constant <%S> ", m_pTokenText)); VariantClear(&m_vTypedConst); m_bQuoted = FALSE;
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_INT) { trace((" Integer\n"));
// Read it in as a 64-bit one
// ==========================
__int64 i64; unsigned __int64 ui64; BOOL b32bits = FALSE; if(ReadI64(m_pTokenText, i64)) { // Check if it is within range of I4
// =================================
if(i64 >= - (__int64)0x80000000 && i64 <= 0x7FFFFFFF) { V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_I4; V_I4(&m_vTypedConst) = (long)i64; b32bits = TRUE; } } else if(!ReadUI64(m_pTokenText, ui64)) { // Not a valid number
// ==================
if(!b32bits) { // Valid 64-bit number but not 32-bit
// ==================================
V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&m_vTypedConst) = SysAllocString(m_pTokenText); m_bQuoted = FALSE; } } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_QSTRING) { trace((" String\n")); V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&m_vTypedConst) = SysAllocString(m_pTokenText); m_bQuoted = TRUE; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_REAL) { trace((" Real\n")); V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_R8; bool bSuccess; V_R8(&m_vTypedConst) = WCHARToDOUBLE(m_pTokenText, bSuccess); if(bSuccess == false) return LEXICAL_ERROR; } else if(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_TRUE) { V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_BOOL; V_BOOL(&m_vTypedConst) = VARIANT_TRUE; } else if(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_FALSE) { V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_BOOL; V_BOOL(&m_vTypedConst) = VARIANT_FALSE; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_NULL) V_VT(&m_vTypedConst) = VT_NULL;
// Else, not a typed constant.
else return SYNTAX_ERROR;
if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
return SUCCESS; }
// <rel_operator> ::= <equiv_operator>;
// <rel_operator> ::= <comp_operator>;
int CAbstractQl1Parser::rel_operator() { if(SUCCESS == equiv_operator()) return SUCCESS; else if (SUCCESS == comp_operator()) return SUCCESS; else return LEXICAL_ERROR; }
// <equiv_operator> ::= EQUIV_OPERATOR; // =, !=
// Output: m_nRelOp is set to the correct operator for a QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN.
int CAbstractQl1Parser::equiv_operator() { m_nRelOp = 0;
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_EQ) { trace((" REL OP =\n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_NE) { trace((" REL OP <> (!=) \n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_NOT_EQUAL; } else return SYNTAX_ERROR;
return SUCCESS; }
// <is_operator> ::= IS_OPERATOR; // is, isnot
// Output: m_nRelOp is set to the correct operator for a QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN.
int CAbstractQl1Parser::is_operator() { m_nRelOp = 0; if (m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_IS) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_NOT) { m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_NOT_EQUAL; if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
trace((" REL OP IS NOT \n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_NOT_EQUAL; return SUCCESS; } else { trace((" REL OP IS \n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL; return SUCCESS; }
return SUCCESS; }
// <comp_operator> ::= COMP_OPERATOR; // <=, >=, <, >, like
// Output: m_nRelOp is set to the correct operator for a QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN.
int CAbstractQl1Parser::comp_operator() { m_nRelOp = 0;
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_LE) { trace((" REL OP <=\n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUALorLESSTHAN; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_LT) { trace((" REL OP <\n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_LESSTHAN; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_GE) { trace((" REL OP >=\n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUALorGREATERTHAN; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_GT) { trace((" REL OP >\n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_GREATERTHAN; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_LIKE) { trace((" REL OP 'like' \n")); m_nRelOp = QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_LIKE; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_ISA) { trace((" REL OP 'isa' \n")); m_nRelOp = QL1_OPERATOR_ISA; } else return SYNTAX_ERROR;
return SUCCESS; }
int CAbstractQl1Parser::opt_aggregation() { if(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_EOF) return SUCCESS;
if(m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_GROUP) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
int nRes = aggregation_params(); if(nRes) return nRes;
if(nRes = opt_having()) return nRes;
// Make sure we've reached the end
// ===============================
if(m_nCurrentToken != QL_1_TOK_EOF) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
return SUCCESS; }
int CAbstractQl1Parser::aggregation_params() { int nRes; WBEM_QL1_TOLERANCE Exact; Exact.m_bExact = TRUE;
if(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_BY) { if (!Next(EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD)) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
if(nRes = aggregate_by()) return nRes;
if(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_WITHIN) { if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
if(nRes = aggregate_within()) return nRes; } else { m_pSink->SetAggregationTolerance(Exact); } } else if(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_WITHIN) { if (!Next()) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
if(nRes = aggregate_within()) return nRes;
if(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_BY) { if (!Next(EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD)) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
if(nRes = aggregate_by()) return nRes; } } else { return SYNTAX_ERROR; }
return SUCCESS; }
int CAbstractQl1Parser::aggregate_within() { WBEM_QL1_TOLERANCE Tolerance; Tolerance.m_bExact = FALSE; LPWSTR wszGarbage;
if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_REAL) { bool bSuccess; Tolerance.m_fTolerance = WCHARToDOUBLE(m_pTokenText, bSuccess); if(!bSuccess) return SYNTAX_ERROR; m_pSink->SetAggregationTolerance(Tolerance); Next(); return SUCCESS; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_INT) { Tolerance.m_fTolerance = (double)wcstol(m_pTokenText, &wszGarbage, 10); m_pSink->SetAggregationTolerance(Tolerance); Next(); return SUCCESS; } else { return SYNTAX_ERROR; } }
int CAbstractQl1Parser::aggregate_by() { m_bInAggregation = TRUE; int nRes = prop_list(); m_bInAggregation = FALSE; return nRes; }
int CAbstractQl1Parser::opt_having() { if(m_nCurrentToken == QL_1_TOK_HAVING) { if(!Next(EXCLUDE_GROUP_KEYWORD)) return LEXICAL_ERROR;
m_bInAggregation = TRUE; int nRes = expr(); m_bInAggregation = FALSE; return nRes; } else return SUCCESS; }
// class QL1_Parser
// A derivative of CAbstractQlParser for backward compatibility
QL1_Parser::QL1_Parser(CGenLexSource *pSrc) : m_pExpression(NULL), CAbstractQl1Parser(pSrc), m_bPartiallyParsed(FALSE) { m_pExpression = new QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION; }
QL1_Parser::~QL1_Parser() { delete m_pExpression; }
int QL1_Parser::GetQueryClass( LPWSTR pDestBuf, int nBufLen ) { // Get the underlying parser to parse the first part of the query
// ==============================================================
if(!m_bPartiallyParsed) { int nRes = CAbstractQl1Parser::Parse(m_pExpression, NO_WHERE); if(nRes != SUCCESS) return nRes; }
if (!m_pExpression->bsClassName) return SYNTAX_ERROR;
m_bPartiallyParsed = TRUE; if(wcslen(m_pExpression->bsClassName) >= (unsigned int)nBufLen) return BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
wcscpy(pDestBuf, m_pExpression->bsClassName); return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
int QL1_Parser::Parse(QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION **pOutput) { // Get the underying parser to completely parse the query. If
// GetQueryClass was called in the past, no sense in duplcating
// the work
// ============================================================
int nRes = CAbstractQl1Parser::Parse(m_pExpression, m_bPartiallyParsed?JUST_WHERE:FULL_PARSE); *pOutput = m_pExpression; m_pExpression = new QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION; m_bPartiallyParsed = FALSE;
return nRes; }
DELETE_ME LPWSTR QL1_Parser::ReplaceClassName(QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION* pExpr, LPCWSTR wszClassName) { QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION NewExpr(*pExpr);
if (NewExpr.bsClassName) SysFreeString(NewExpr.bsClassName); NewExpr.bsClassName = SysAllocString(wszClassName);
LPWSTR wszNewQuery = NewExpr.GetText(); return wszNewQuery; }
// Expression and token structure methods.
QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION() { nNumTokens = 0; bsClassName = 0; nNumberOfProperties = 0; bStar = FALSE; pRequestedPropertyNames = 0; nCurSize = 1; nCurPropSize = 1; pArrayOfTokens = new QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[nCurSize]; pRequestedPropertyNames = new CPropertyName[nCurPropSize];
bAggregated = FALSE; bAggregateAll = FALSE; nNumAggregatedProperties = 0; nCurAggPropSize = 1; pAggregatedPropertyNames = new CPropertyName[nCurAggPropSize];
nNumHavingTokens = 0; nCurHavingSize = 1; pArrayOfHavingTokens = new QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[nCurHavingSize];
lRefCount = 0; }
QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION( const QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION& Other) { nNumTokens = Other.nNumTokens; bsClassName = SysAllocString(Other.bsClassName); nNumberOfProperties = Other.nNumberOfProperties; bStar = Other.bStar; pRequestedPropertyNames = 0; nCurSize = Other.nCurSize; nCurPropSize = Other.nCurPropSize;
pArrayOfTokens = new QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[nCurSize]; int i; for(i = 0; i < nNumTokens; i++) pArrayOfTokens[i] = Other.pArrayOfTokens[i];
pRequestedPropertyNames = new CPropertyName[nCurPropSize]; for(i = 0; i < nNumberOfProperties; i++) pRequestedPropertyNames[i] = Other.pRequestedPropertyNames[i];
bAggregated = Other.bAggregated; bAggregateAll = Other.bAggregateAll; nNumAggregatedProperties = Other.nNumAggregatedProperties; nCurAggPropSize = Other.nCurAggPropSize;
pAggregatedPropertyNames = new CPropertyName[nCurAggPropSize]; for(i = 0; i < nNumAggregatedProperties; i++) pAggregatedPropertyNames[i] = Other.pAggregatedPropertyNames[i];
nNumHavingTokens = Other.nNumHavingTokens; nCurHavingSize = Other.nCurHavingSize;
pArrayOfHavingTokens = new QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[nCurHavingSize]; for(i = 0; i < nNumHavingTokens; i++) pArrayOfHavingTokens[i] = Other.pArrayOfHavingTokens[i];
lRefCount = 0; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement(&lRefCount); }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::Release() { if(InterlockedDecrement(&lRefCount) == 0) delete this; }
QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::~QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION() { delete [] pArrayOfTokens; if (bsClassName) SysFreeString(bsClassName); delete [] pAggregatedPropertyNames; delete [] pArrayOfHavingTokens; delete [] pRequestedPropertyNames; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::SetClassName(LPCWSTR wszClassName) { bsClassName = SysAllocString(wszClassName); }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::SetTolerance( const WBEM_QL1_TOLERANCE& _Tolerance) { Tolerance = _Tolerance; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::SetAggregationTolerance( const WBEM_QL1_TOLERANCE& _Tolerance) { AggregationTolerance = _Tolerance; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::AddToken( const WBEM_QL1_TOKEN& Tok) { if (nCurSize == nNumTokens) { nCurSize += 1; nCurSize *= 2; QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN *pTemp = new QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[nCurSize]; for (int i = 0; i < nNumTokens; i++) pTemp[i] = pArrayOfTokens[i]; delete [] pArrayOfTokens; pArrayOfTokens = pTemp; }
pArrayOfTokens[nNumTokens++] = Tok; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::AddToken( const QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN& Tok) { if (nCurSize == nNumTokens) { nCurSize += 1; nCurSize *= 2; QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN *pTemp = new QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[nCurSize]; for (int i = 0; i < nNumTokens; i++) pTemp[i] = pArrayOfTokens[i]; delete [] pArrayOfTokens; pArrayOfTokens = pTemp; }
pArrayOfTokens[nNumTokens++] = Tok; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::AddHavingToken( const WBEM_QL1_TOKEN& Tok) { if (nCurHavingSize == nNumHavingTokens) { nCurHavingSize += 1; nCurHavingSize *= 2; QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN *pTemp = new QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[nCurHavingSize]; for (int i = 0; i < nNumHavingTokens; i++) pTemp[i] = pArrayOfHavingTokens[i]; delete [] pArrayOfHavingTokens; pArrayOfHavingTokens = pTemp; }
pArrayOfHavingTokens[nNumHavingTokens++] = Tok; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::AddProperty(const CPropertyName& Prop) { if (nCurPropSize == nNumberOfProperties) { nCurPropSize += 1; nCurPropSize *= 2; CPropertyName *pTemp = new CPropertyName[nCurPropSize]; for(int i = 0; i < nNumberOfProperties; i++) pTemp[i] = pRequestedPropertyNames[i]; delete [] pRequestedPropertyNames; pRequestedPropertyNames = pTemp; }
pRequestedPropertyNames[nNumberOfProperties++] = Prop; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::AddAllProperties() { bStar = TRUE; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::SetAggregated() { bAggregated = TRUE; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::AddAggregationProperty( const CPropertyName& Property) { if(pAggregatedPropertyNames == NULL) { // '*' requested
return; } if (nCurAggPropSize == nNumAggregatedProperties) { nCurAggPropSize += 1; nCurAggPropSize *= 2; CPropertyName *pTemp = new CPropertyName[nCurAggPropSize]; for(int i = 0; i < nNumAggregatedProperties; i++) pTemp[i] = pAggregatedPropertyNames[i]; delete [] pAggregatedPropertyNames; pAggregatedPropertyNames = pTemp; }
pAggregatedPropertyNames[nNumAggregatedProperties++] = Property; }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::AddAllAggregationProperties() { bAggregateAll = TRUE; }
wsText += L"select "; for(int i = 0; i < nNumberOfProperties; i++) { if(i != 0) wsText += L", "; wsText += (LPWSTR)pRequestedPropertyNames[i].GetStringAt(0); } if(bStar) { if(nNumberOfProperties > 0) wsText += L", "; wsText += L"*"; }
wsText += L" from "; if (bsClassName) wsText += bsClassName;
if(nNumTokens > 0) { wsText += L" where ";
CWStringArray awsStack; for(int i = 0; i < nNumTokens; i++) { QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN& Token = pArrayOfTokens[i]; LPWSTR wszTokenText = Token.GetText(); if(Token.nTokenType == QL1_OP_EXPRESSION) { awsStack.Add(wszTokenText); delete [] wszTokenText; } else if(Token.nTokenType == QL1_NOT) { LPWSTR wszLast = awsStack[awsStack.Size()-1]; WString wsNew; wsNew += wszTokenText; delete [] wszTokenText; wsNew += L" ("; wsNew += wszLast; wsNew += L")"; awsStack.RemoveAt(awsStack.Size()-1); //pop
awsStack.Add(wsNew); } else { if(awsStack.Size() < 2) return NULL;
LPWSTR wszLast = awsStack[awsStack.Size()-1]; LPWSTR wszPrev = awsStack[awsStack.Size()-2];
WString wsNew; wsNew += L"("; wsNew += wszPrev; wsNew += L" "; wsNew += wszTokenText; delete [] wszTokenText; wsNew += L" "; wsNew += wszLast; wsNew += L")";
awsStack.RemoveAt(awsStack.Size()-1); //pop
awsStack.RemoveAt(awsStack.Size()-1); //pop
awsStack.Add(wsNew); } }
if(awsStack.Size() != 1) return NULL; wsText += awsStack[0]; }
return wsText.UnbindPtr(); }
void QL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION::Dump(const char *pszTextFile) { FILE *f = fopen(pszTextFile, "wt"); if (!f) return;
fprintf(f, "----RPN Expression----\n"); fprintf(f, "Class name = %S\n", bsClassName); fprintf(f, "Properties selected: ");
if (!nNumberOfProperties) { fprintf(f, "* = all properties selected\n"); } else for (int i = 0; i < nNumberOfProperties; i++) { fprintf(f, "%S ", pRequestedPropertyNames[i].GetStringAt(0)); } fprintf(f, "\n------------------\n"); fprintf(f, "Tokens:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < nNumTokens; i++) pArrayOfTokens[i].Dump(f);
fprintf(f, "---end of expression---\n"); fclose(f); }
QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN() { nTokenType = 0; nOperator = 0; VariantInit(&vConstValue); dwPropertyFunction = 0; dwConstFunction = 0; bQuoted = TRUE; m_bPropComp = FALSE; }
QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN(const QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN &Src) { nTokenType = 0; nOperator = 0; VariantInit(&vConstValue); dwPropertyFunction = 0; dwConstFunction = 0; bQuoted = TRUE; m_bPropComp = FALSE;
*this = Src; }
QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN& QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::operator =(const QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN &Src) { nTokenType = Src.nTokenType; PropertyName = Src.PropertyName; if (Src.m_bPropComp) PropertyName2 = Src.PropertyName2; nOperator = Src.nOperator; VariantCopy(&vConstValue, (VARIANT*)&Src.vConstValue); dwPropertyFunction = Src.dwPropertyFunction; dwConstFunction = Src.dwConstFunction; bQuoted = Src.bQuoted; m_bPropComp = Src.m_bPropComp; return *this;
QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN& QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::operator =(const WBEM_QL1_TOKEN &Src) { nTokenType = Src.m_lTokenType; PropertyName = Src.m_PropertyName; if (Src.m_bPropComp) PropertyName2 = Src.m_PropertyName2; nOperator = Src.m_lOperator; VariantCopy(&vConstValue, (VARIANT*)&Src.m_vConstValue); dwPropertyFunction = Src.m_lPropertyFunction; dwConstFunction = Src.m_lConstFunction; bQuoted = Src.m_bQuoted; m_bPropComp = Src.m_bPropComp; return *this; }
QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::~QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN() { nTokenType = 0; nOperator = 0; VariantClear(&vConstValue); }
DELETE_ME LPWSTR QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::GetText() { WString wsText; LPWSTR wszPropName; switch (nTokenType) { case OP_EXPRESSION: wszPropName = PropertyName.GetText(); wsText += wszPropName; delete [] wszPropName; wsText += L" ";
WCHAR* wszOp; switch (nOperator) { case OP_EQUAL: wszOp = L"="; break; case OP_NOT_EQUAL: wszOp = L"<>"; break; case OP_EQUALorGREATERTHAN: wszOp = L">="; break; case OP_EQUALorLESSTHAN: wszOp = L"<="; break; case OP_LESSTHAN: wszOp = L"<"; break; case OP_GREATERTHAN: wszOp = L">"; break; case OP_LIKE: wszOp = L"LIKE"; break; case QL1_OPERATOR_ISA: wszOp = L"ISA"; break; default: wszOp = NULL; } if(wszOp) wsText += wszOp; wsText += L" ";
if (m_bPropComp) { // property comparison (e.g., prop1 > prop2)
wszPropName = PropertyName2.GetText(); wsText += wszPropName; delete [] wszPropName; } else { // expression with constant (e.g., prop1 > 5)
WCHAR wszConst[100]; switch (V_VT(&vConstValue)) { case VT_NULL: wsText += L"NULL"; break; case VT_I4: swprintf(wszConst, L"%d", V_I4(&vConstValue)); wsText += wszConst; break; case VT_I2: swprintf(wszConst, L"%d", (int)V_I2(&vConstValue)); wsText += wszConst; break; case VT_UI1: swprintf(wszConst, L"%d", (int)V_UI1(&vConstValue)); wsText += wszConst; break; case VT_BSTR: { if(bQuoted) wsText += L"\""; //If we need to parse the string we do it the hard way
WCHAR* pwc = V_BSTR(&vConstValue); BOOL bLongMethod = FALSE; for (int tmp = 0; pwc[tmp]; tmp++) if ((pwc[tmp] == L'\\') || (pwc[tmp] == L'"')) bLongMethod = TRUE; if (bLongMethod) { for(pwc; *pwc; pwc++) { if(*pwc == L'\\' || *pwc == L'"') wsText += L'\\'; wsText += *pwc; } } else { //otherwise we do it the fast way...
wsText += pwc; } if(bQuoted) wsText += L"\""; } break; case VT_R4: swprintf(wszConst, L"%G", V_R4(&vConstValue)); wsText += wszConst; break; case VT_R8: swprintf(wszConst, L"%lG", V_R8(&vConstValue)); wsText += wszConst; break; case VT_BOOL: wsText += (V_BOOL(&vConstValue)?L"TRUE":L"FALSE"); break; } }
break; case TOKEN_AND: wsText = "AND"; break; case TOKEN_OR: wsText = "OR"; break; case TOKEN_NOT: wsText = "NOT"; break; }
return wsText.UnbindPtr(); }
void QL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::Dump(FILE *f) { switch (nTokenType) { case OP_EXPRESSION: fprintf(f, "OP_EXPRESSION "); break; case TOKEN_AND: fprintf(f, "TOKEN_AND "); break; case TOKEN_OR: fprintf(f, "TOKEN_OR "); break; case TOKEN_NOT: fprintf(f, "TOKEN_NOT "); break; default: fprintf(f, "Error: no token type specified\n"); }
if (nTokenType == OP_EXPRESSION) { char *pOp = "<no op>"; switch (nOperator) { case OP_EQUAL: pOp = "OP_EQUAL"; break; case OP_NOT_EQUAL: pOp = "OP_NOT_EQUAL"; break; case OP_EQUALorGREATERTHAN: pOp = "OP_EQUALorGREATERTHAN"; break; case OP_EQUALorLESSTHAN: pOp = "OP_EQUALorLESSTHAN"; break; case OP_LESSTHAN: pOp = "OP_LESSTHAN"; break; case OP_GREATERTHAN: pOp = "OP_GREATERTHAN"; break; case OP_LIKE: pOp = "OP_LIKE"; break; }
LPWSTR wszPropName = PropertyName.GetText(); fprintf(f, " Property = %S\n", wszPropName); delete [] wszPropName; fprintf(f, " Operator = %s\n", pOp); fprintf(f, " Value = ");
if (m_bPropComp) { wszPropName = PropertyName2.GetText(); fprintf(f, " <Property:%S>\n", wszPropName); delete [] wszPropName; } else { switch (V_VT(&vConstValue)) { case VT_I4: fprintf(f, "VT_I4 = %d\n", V_I4(&vConstValue)); break; case VT_I2: fprintf(f, "VT_I2 = %d\n", (int)V_I2(&vConstValue)); break; case VT_UI1: fprintf(f, "VT_UI1 = %d\n", (int)V_UI1(&vConstValue)); break; case VT_BSTR: fprintf(f, "VT_BSTR = %S\n", V_BSTR(&vConstValue)); break; case VT_R4: fprintf(f, "VT_R4 = %f\n", V_R4(&vConstValue)); break; case VT_R8: fprintf(f, "VT_R8 = %f\n", V_R8(&vConstValue)); break; case VT_BOOL: fprintf(f, "%S\n", V_BOOL(&vConstValue)?L"TRUE":L"FALSE"); break; case VT_NULL: fprintf(f, "%S\n", L"NULL"); break; default: fprintf(f, "<unknown>\n"); }
switch (dwPropertyFunction) { case IFUNC_NONE: break; case IFUNC_LOWER: fprintf(f, "Intrinsic function LOWER() applied to property\n"); break; case IFUNC_UPPER: fprintf(f, "Intrinsic function UPPER() applied to property\n"); break; } switch (dwConstFunction) { case IFUNC_NONE: break; case IFUNC_LOWER: fprintf(f, "Intrinsic function LOWER() applied to const value\n"); break; case IFUNC_UPPER: fprintf(f, "Intrinsic function UPPER() applied to const value\n"); break; } } }
fprintf(f, " <end of token>\n"); }
// BOOL ReadUI64
// Reads an unsigned 64-bit value from a string
// LPCWSTR wsz String to read from
// unsigned __int64& i64 Destination for the value
POLARITY BOOL ReadUI64(LPCWSTR wsz, UNALIGNED unsigned __int64& rui64) { unsigned __int64 ui64 = 0; const WCHAR* pwc = wsz;
while(ui64 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF / 8 && *pwc >= L'0' && *pwc <= L'9') { unsigned __int64 ui64old = ui64; ui64 = ui64 * 10 + (*pwc - L'0'); if(ui64 < ui64old) return FALSE;
pwc++; }
if(*pwc) { return FALSE; }
rui64 = ui64; return TRUE; }
// BOOL ReadI64
// Reads a signed 64-bit value from a string
// LPCWSTR wsz String to read from
// __int64& i64 Destination for the value
POLARITY BOOL ReadI64(LPCWSTR wsz, UNALIGNED __int64& ri64) { __int64 i64 = 0; const WCHAR* pwc = wsz;
int nSign = 1; if(*pwc == L'-') { nSign = -1; pwc++; }
while(i64 >= 0 && i64 < 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF / 8 && *pwc >= L'0' && *pwc <= L'9') { i64 = i64 * 10 + (*pwc - L'0'); pwc++; }
if(*pwc) return FALSE;
if(i64 < 0) { // Special case --- largest negative number
// ========================================
if(nSign == -1 && i64 == (__int64)0x8000000000000000) { ri64 = i64; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
ri64 = i64 * nSign; return TRUE; }
HRESULT QL1_Parser::Parse( SWbemRpnEncodedQuery **pOutput ) { *pOutput = 0; return E_NOTIMPL; }