// Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Module Name:
Implements the UMI object path parser engine
a-davj 11-feb-00 Created.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <genlex.h>
#include "umipathlex.h"
#include "PathParse.h"
#include "UMIParse.h"
#include "commain.h"
//#include "resource.h"
#include "wbemcli.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include "helpers.h"
// CUmiPathParser
void CUmiPathParser::Zero() { m_nCurrentToken = 0; m_pLexer = 0; m_pInitialIdent = 0; m_pOutput = 0; m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; }
CUmiPathParser::CUmiPathParser(DWORD eFlags) : m_eFlags(eFlags) { Zero(); }
void CUmiPathParser::Empty() { delete m_pLexer; delete m_pInitialIdent; delete m_pTmpKeyRef; // m_pOutput is intentionally left alone,
// since all code paths delete this already on error, or
// else the user acquired the pointer.
CUmiPathParser::~CUmiPathParser() { Empty(); }
int CUmiPathParser::Parse( LPCWSTR pRawPath, CDefPathParser & Output ) { bool bRelative = true; if(m_eFlags != 0) return CUmiPathParser::InvalidParameter;
if (pRawPath == 0 || wcslen(pRawPath) == 0) return CUmiPathParser::InvalidParameter;
// Check for leading ws.
// =====================
if (iswspace(pRawPath[0])) return InvalidParameter; // These are required for multiple calls to Parse().
// ==================================================
Empty(); Zero();
m_pOutput = &Output;
// Parse the server name (if there is one) manually
// ================================================
if(wcslen(pRawPath) > 6 && towupper(pRawPath[0]) == L'U' && towupper(pRawPath[1]) == L'M' && towupper(pRawPath[2]) == L'I' && pRawPath[3] == L':' && pRawPath[4] == L'/' && pRawPath[5] == L'/') { const WCHAR* pwcStart = pRawPath + 6; bRelative = false;
// Find the next backslash --- it's the end of the server name
// Since the next slash can be either, search for both and take
// the first one. If the first character is a '[', then then
// end is indicated by a ']'
// ============================================================
WCHAR* pwcEnd = NULL; if(*pwcStart == L'[') { // look for the ']'
WCHAR * pCloseBrace = wcschr(pwcStart, L']'); if(pCloseBrace == NULL) return SyntaxError; pwcEnd = pCloseBrace+1; } else { pwcEnd = wcschr(pwcStart, L'/');; } if (pwcEnd == NULL) { // If we have already exhausted the object path string,
// a lone server name was all there was.
// ====================================================
return SyntaxError; }
if(pwcEnd == pwcStart) { // No name at all. This is OK in umi
// ==================================
m_pOutput->SetServer(L""); // also sets relative
pRawPath = pwcEnd; } else { WCHAR * wTemp = new WCHAR[pwcEnd-pwcStart+1]; if(wTemp == NULL) return NoMemory; wcsncpy(wTemp, pwcStart, pwcEnd-pwcStart); wTemp[pwcEnd-pwcStart] = 0; m_pOutput->SetServer(wTemp); delete wTemp; pRawPath = pwcEnd; } }
// Point the lexer at the source.
// ==============================
CTextLexSource src((LPWSTR)pRawPath); m_pLexer = new CGenLexer(UMIPath_LexTable, &src); if(m_pLexer == NULL) return NoMemory;
// Go.
// ===
int nRes = begin_parse(bRelative); if (nRes) { return nRes; }
if (m_nCurrentToken != UMIPATH_TOK_EOF) { return SyntaxError; }
// todo, check the following conditions
/* if (m_pOutput->GetNumComponents() > 0 && !m_pOutput->HasServer())
{ if (m_eFlags != WBEMPATH_CREATE_ACCEPT_RELATIVE && m_eFlags != WBEMPATH_CREATE_ACCEPT_ALL) { return SyntaxError; } else { // Local namespace --- set server to "."
// =====================================
m_pOutput->SetServer(L".", true); } } */
// m_pOutput->SortKeys(); //?? todo, is this applicable?
// Add in key refs.
// ================
return NoError; }
BOOL CUmiPathParser::NextToken() { m_nCurrentToken = m_pLexer->NextToken(); if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_ERROR) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
//<umi_path> ::= UMICONST FSLASH FSLASH <locator> FSLASH <ns_root_selector> FSLASH
// <component_list>;
int CUmiPathParser::begin_parse(bool bRelative) {
// note that the locator is parsed manually in the calling routine.
if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
// get the root namespace
if(!bRelative) {
if(m_nCurrentToken != UMIPATH_TOK_FORWARDSLASH) return SyntaxError;
if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
int iRet = ns_root_selector(); if(iRet) return iRet;
// get the next forward slash. Note that ns_root_selector will have advanced the token
if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_EOF) // take care of minimal case
return 0; if (m_nCurrentToken != UMIPATH_TOK_FORWARDSLASH) return SyntaxError; if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; }
return component_list();
// <locator> ::= IDENT ; // Machine name
// <locator> ::= SERVERNAME ; // [Machine name]
// <locator> ::= DOT ; // current machine name
// <locator> ::= <>; // Machine name
int CUmiPathParser::locator() {
if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
// if forward slash, then no server was specified.
if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_FORWARDSLASH) { return 0; }
if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_DOT) m_pOutput->SetServer(L"."); else if(m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_IDENT || m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_SERVERNAME) m_pOutput->SetServer(m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); else return SyntaxError;
if(NextToken()) return 0; else return SyntaxError; }
// <ns_root_selector> ::= IDENT;
int CUmiPathParser::ns_root_selector() { // This just expects the initial namespace.
if (m_nCurrentToken != UMIPATH_TOK_IDENT) return SyntaxError;
HRESULT hr = m_pOutput->SetNamespaceAt(0, m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); if(FAILED(hr)) return NoMemory;
if(NextToken()) return 0; else return SyntaxError; }
// <component_list> ::= <component><component_list_rest>;
int CUmiPathParser::component_list() {
int iRet = component(); if(iRet) return iRet; return component_list_rest(); }
// <component_list_rest> ::= FSLASH <component><component_list_rest>;
// <component_list_rest> ::= <>;
int CUmiPathParser::component_list_rest() { if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_EOF) return 0;
if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_FORWARDSLASH) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; if(component()) return SyntaxError; else return component_list_rest(); } else return SyntaxError; }
// <component> ::= IDENT <def_starts_with_ident>;
// <component> ::= DOT <key_list>;
// <component> ::= <GUID_PATH>;
int CUmiPathParser::component() { CParsedComponent * pComp = new CParsedComponent(m_pOutput->GetRefCntCS()); // has ref count of 1
if(pComp == NULL) return NoMemory;
CReleaseMe rm(pComp); // Is addrefed if all is well.
int iRet; if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_DOT) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; iRet = key_list(pComp); if(iRet == 0) { if(SUCCEEDED(m_pOutput->AddComponent(pComp))) pComp->AddRef(); } return iRet; } // a guid path looks like an ident to the parser
if (m_nCurrentToken != UMIPATH_TOK_IDENT) { return SyntaxError; }
if(!_wcsnicmp( m_pLexer->GetTokenText(), L"<GUID>={", 8)) {
iRet = guid_path(pComp); } else { WCHAR * pTemp = new WCHAR[wcslen(m_pLexer->GetTokenText()) + 1]; if(pTemp == NULL) return NoMemory; wcscpy(pTemp, m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); iRet = def_starts_with_ident(pTemp, pComp); delete pTemp; } if(iRet == 0) if(SUCCEEDED(m_pOutput->AddComponent(pComp))) pComp->AddRef(); return iRet; }
// <def_starts_with_ident> ::= DOT <key_list>;
// <def_starts_with_ident> ::= TOK_EQUALS IDENT;
// <def_starts_with_ident> ::= <>;
int CUmiPathParser::def_starts_with_ident(LPWSTR pwsLeadingName, CParsedComponent * pComp) { int iRet = 0; if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_DOT) { pComp->m_sClassName = SysAllocString(pwsLeadingName); if(pComp->m_sClassName == NULL) return NoMemory; if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return key_list(pComp); } if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_EQ) { pComp->m_sClassName = SysAllocString(pwsLeadingName); if(pComp->m_sClassName == NULL) return NoMemory; if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; if(m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_IDENT) iRet = pComp->SetKey(NULL, 0, CIM_STRING, m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); else if(m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_SINGLETON_SYM) pComp->MakeSingleton(true); else return SyntaxError; if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return iRet; } else { pComp->m_sClassName = SysAllocString(pwsLeadingName); if(pComp->m_sClassName == NULL) return NoMemory; else return 0; } }
// <guid_path> ::= TOK_GUILD_CONST TOK_GUID;
int CUmiPathParser::guid_path(CParsedComponent * pComp) { LPWSTR pTemp = m_pLexer->GetTokenText(); if(!_wcsnicmp( m_pLexer->GetTokenText(), L"<GUID>={", 8)) { // got a guid. try doing a converstion just to check the syntax.
UUID Uuid; HRESULT hr = UuidFromString(pTemp+7, &Uuid); if(FAILED(hr)) return SyntaxError; } HRESULT hr = pComp->SetNS(m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); if(FAILED(hr)) return NoMemory; else return 0; }
// <key_list> ::= <key><key_list_rest>;
int CUmiPathParser::key_list(CParsedComponent * pComp) { int iRet = key(pComp); if(iRet) return iRet; else return key_list_rest(pComp); }
// <key_list_rest> ::= TOK_COMMA <key><key_list_rest>;
// <key_list_rest> ::= <>;
int CUmiPathParser::key_list_rest(CParsedComponent * pComp) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
if (m_nCurrentToken == UMIPATH_TOK_COMMA) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; int iRet = key(pComp); if(iRet) return iRet; else return key_list_rest(pComp); } return 0; }
int CUmiPathParser::key(CParsedComponent * pComp) { if(m_nCurrentToken != UMIPATH_TOK_IDENT) return SyntaxError;
LPWSTR pKeyName = new WCHAR[wcslen(m_pLexer->GetTokenText())+1]; if(pKeyName == NULL) return NoMemory;
CDeleteMe<WCHAR> dm(pKeyName); wcscpy(pKeyName,m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; if(m_nCurrentToken != UMIPATH_TOK_EQ) return SyntaxError;
if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
if(m_nCurrentToken != UMIPATH_TOK_IDENT) return SyntaxError;
return pComp->SetKey(pKeyName, 0, CIM_STRING, m_pLexer->GetTokenText());
HRESULT CDefPathParser::Set( /* [in] */ long lFlags, /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pszText) {
//todo, look at the flags. Note that this can get redirected wmi calls.
CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(pszText == NULL) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if(!IsEmpty()) Empty();
m_bSetViaUMIPath = true;
// special hack for Raja
if(lFlags & 0x8000) { int iLen = wcslen(pszText) + 1; m_pRawPath = new WCHAR[iLen]; if(m_pRawPath == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; wcscpy(m_pRawPath, pszText); return S_OK; }
// end of special hack for Raja
CUmiPathParser parser(0); int iRet = parser.Parse(pszText, *this); if(iRet == 0) { // the parser doesnt know scopes from class. So, make the last
// scope the class.
m_dwStatus = OK; return S_OK; } else { m_dwStatus = BAD_STRING; return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } }
HRESULT CDefPathParser::Get( /* [in] */ long lFlags, /* [out][in] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puBufSize, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR pszDest) {
CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(puBufSize == NULL) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// special hack for Raja
if(m_pRawPath) { DWORD dwSizeNeeded = wcslen(m_pRawPath) + 1; DWORD dwBuffSize = *puBufSize; *puBufSize = dwSizeNeeded; if(pszDest) { if(dwSizeNeeded > dwBuffSize) return WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; wcscpy(pszDest, m_pRawPath); } return S_OK; } // special hack for Raja
// determine how big the buffer needs to be.
// an example path is "umi://h27pjr/root/st";
DWORD dwSc = m_Components.Size(); int iSize = 1; // 1 for the null terminator
if(m_pServer) { iSize += 7; // counts for umi: and first three slashes and null
iSize += wcslen(m_pServer); } DWORD dwNumComp = GetNumComponents(); for(DWORD dwCnt = 0; dwCnt < dwNumComp; dwCnt++) { bool bNeedEqual = false; CParsedComponent * pObj; if(dwCnt < (dwSc)) pObj = (CParsedComponent *)m_Components[dwCnt]; else break; if(pObj->m_sClassName) { iSize += wcslen(pObj->m_sClassName); bNeedEqual = true; } DWORD dwNumKey = 0; pObj->GetCount(&dwNumKey); for(DWORD dwKey = 0; dwKey < dwNumKey; dwKey++) { CKeyRef * pKey = (CKeyRef *)pObj->m_Keys.GetAt(dwKey); if(pKey->m_pName && wcslen(pKey->m_pName)) { iSize += wcslen(pKey->m_pName); if(dwKey == 0) iSize++; // 1 is for the dot.
bNeedEqual = true; } if(pKey->m_dwSize) { LPWSTR pValue = pKey->GetValue(false); if(pValue) { iSize+= wcslen(pValue); delete pValue; } if(bNeedEqual) iSize++; } if(dwKey < dwNumKey-1) iSize++; // one for the comma!
} if(dwCnt < dwNumComp-1) iSize++; // one for the slash
// If caller is just looking for size, return now
if(pszDest == NULL) { *puBufSize = iSize; return S_OK; }
DWORD dwBuffSize = *puBufSize; *puBufSize = iSize;
if((DWORD)iSize > dwBuffSize) return WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
if(m_pServer) { wcscpy(pszDest, L"umi://"); if(m_pServer) wcscat(pszDest, m_pServer); wcscat(pszDest, L"/"); } else *pszDest = 0;
for(DWORD dwCnt = 0; dwCnt < dwNumComp; dwCnt++) { bool bNeedEqual = false; CParsedComponent * pObj; if(dwCnt < (dwSc)) pObj = (CParsedComponent *)m_Components[dwCnt]; else break;
if(pObj->m_sClassName) { wcscat(pszDest,pObj->m_sClassName); bNeedEqual = true; } DWORD dwNumKey = 0; pObj->GetCount(&dwNumKey); for(DWORD dwKey = 0; dwKey < dwNumKey; dwKey++) { CKeyRef * pKey = (CKeyRef *)pObj->m_Keys.GetAt(dwKey); if(pKey->m_pName && wcslen(pKey->m_pName)) { if(dwKey == 0) wcscat(pszDest,L"."); wcscat(pszDest,pKey->m_pName); // 1 is for the dot.
bNeedEqual = true; } if(pKey->m_dwSize) { if(bNeedEqual) wcscat(pszDest,L"="); LPWSTR pValue = pKey->GetValue(false); if(pValue) { wcscat(pszDest, pValue); delete pValue; } } if(dwKey < dwNumKey-1) wcscat(pszDest, L","); // one for the comma!
} if(dwCnt < dwNumComp-1) wcscat(pszDest, L"/"); // one for the slash
return S_OK; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::GetPathInfo( /* [in] */ ULONG uRequestedInfo, /* [out] */ ULONGLONG __RPC_FAR *puResponse) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(uRequestedInfo != 0 || puResponse == NULL) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; *puResponse = NULL; if(m_pRawPath) *puResponse |= UMIPATH_INFO_NATIVE_STRING; else if(m_pServer == NULL) *puResponse |= UMIPATH_INFO_RELATIVE_PATH; if(m_Components.Size() > 0) { int iSize = m_Components.Size(); CParsedComponent * pComp = (CParsedComponent *)m_Components.GetAt(iSize-1); if(!pComp->IsPossibleNamespace()) if(pComp->IsInstance()) { *puResponse |= UMIPATH_INFO_INSTANCE_PATH; if(pComp->m_bSingleton) *puResponse |= UMIPATH_INFO_SINGLETON_PATH; } else *puResponse |= UMIPATH_INFO_CLASS_PATH; } return S_OK; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::SetLocator( /* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR Name) { return SetServer(Name); // mutex is grabbed here
} HRESULT CDefPathParser::GetLocator( /* [out][in] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puNameBufLength, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR pName) { return GetServer(puNameBufLength, pName); // mutex is grabbed here
} HRESULT CDefPathParser::SetRootNamespace( /* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR Name) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(Name == NULL) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; if(m_Components.Size() > 0) RemoveNamespaceAt(0); return SetNamespaceAt(0, Name); } HRESULT CDefPathParser::GetRootNamespace( /* [out][in] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puNameBufLength, /* [string][out][in] */ LPWSTR pName) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return GetNamespaceAt(0, puNameBufLength, pName); } HRESULT CDefPathParser::GetComponentCount( /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puCount) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(puCount == 0) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
*puCount = m_Components.Size()-1; // dont count root namespace
return S_OK; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::SetComponent( /* [in] */ ULONG uIndex, /* [in] */ LPWSTR pszClass) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; DWORD dwNumComp = m_Components.Size()-1; // dont count root namespace
if(uIndex > dwNumComp) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; CParsedComponent * pNew = new CParsedComponent(m_pCS); if(pNew == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(pszClass) { pNew->m_sClassName = SysAllocString(pszClass); if(pNew->m_sClassName == NULL) { delete pNew; return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } int iRet = m_Components.InsertAt(uIndex + 1, pNew); if(iRet == CFlexArray::no_error) return S_OK; else { delete pNew; return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } HRESULT CDefPathParser::SetComponentFromText( /* [in] */ ULONG uIndex, /* [in] */ LPWSTR pszText) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return WBEM_E_NOT_AVAILABLE; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::GetComponent( /* [in] */ ULONG uIndex, /* [out][in] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puClassNameBufSize, /* [out][in] */ LPWSTR pszClass, /* [out] */ IUmiURLKeyList __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *pKeyList) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; uIndex++; // skip root ns
if(uIndex >= (DWORD)m_Components.Size()) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; CParsedComponent * pComp = (CParsedComponent *)m_Components.GetAt(uIndex); DWORD dwSize = 0; if(pComp->m_sClassName) dwSize = wcslen(pComp->m_sClassName)+1; DWORD dwBuffSize = *puClassNameBufSize; if(puClassNameBufSize) { *puClassNameBufSize = dwSize; if(dwBuffSize > 0 && pszClass) pszClass[0] = NULL; } if(pComp->m_sClassName && pszClass) { if(dwSize > dwBuffSize) return WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; else wcscpy(pszClass, pComp->m_sClassName); } if(pKeyList) { return pComp->QueryInterface(IID_IUmiURLKeyList, (void **)pKeyList); }
return S_OK; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::GetComponentAsText( /* [in] */ ULONG uIndex, /* [out][in] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puTextBufSize, /* [out][in] */ LPWSTR pszText) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return WBEM_E_NOT_AVAILABLE; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::RemoveComponent( /* [in] */ ULONG uIndex) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; uIndex++; // skip root ns
if(uIndex >= (DWORD)m_Components.Size()) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; CParsedComponent * pComp = (CParsedComponent *)m_Components.GetAt(uIndex); pComp->Release(); m_Components.RemoveAt(uIndex); return S_OK; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::RemoveAllComponents( void) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; for (DWORD dwIx = (DWORD)m_Components.Size()-1; dwIx > 0 ; dwIx--) { CParsedComponent * pCom = (CParsedComponent *)m_Components[dwIx]; pCom->Release(); m_Components.RemoveAt(dwIx); } return S_OK; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::SetLeafName( /* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR Name) { return SetClassName(Name); // mutex is grabbed here
} HRESULT CDefPathParser::GetLeafName( /* [out][in] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puBuffLength, /* [string][out][in] */ LPWSTR pszName) { return GetClassName(puBuffLength, pszName); // mutex is grabbed here
} HRESULT CDefPathParser::GetKeyList( /* [out] */ IUmiURLKeyList __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *pOut) { CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pCS->GetCS()); if(!cs.IsOK()) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; CParsedComponent * pClass = GetClass(); HRESULT hRes = WBEM_E_NOT_AVAILABLE; if(pOut == NULL || pClass == NULL) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; hRes = pClass->QueryInterface(IID_IUmiURLKeyList, (void **)pOut); return hRes; } HRESULT CDefPathParser::CreateLeafPart( /* [in] */ long lFlags, /* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR Name) { return CreateClassPart(lFlags, Name); // mutex is grabbed here
} HRESULT CDefPathParser::DeleteLeafPart( /* [in] */ long lFlags) { return DeleteClassPart(lFlags); // mutex is grabbed here
} HRESULT CUmiParsedComponent::GetKey( /* [in] */ ULONG uKeyIx, /* [in] */ ULONG uFlags, /* [out][in] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puKeyNameBufSize, /* [in] */ LPWSTR pszKeyName, /* [out][in] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *puValueBufSize, /* [in] */ LPWSTR pszValue) { //fix in blackcomb CSafeInCritSec cs(m_pOutput->GetRefCntCS()->GetCS());
if(puValueBufSize) *puValueBufSize *= 2; return m_pParent->GetKey(uKeyIx, WBEMPATH_TEXT,puKeyNameBufSize,pszKeyName,puValueBufSize, pszValue, NULL); }