Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. ��#pragma autorecover
  2. #pragma classflags(64)
  3. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2")
  4. instance of __Namespace
  5. {
  6. Name="ms_409";
  7. };
  8. #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2\\ms_409")
  9. [Description("The PrivilegesStatus class reports information about privileges required to complete an operation. It may be returned when an operation failed, or when a partially populated instance has been returned.") : Amended ToSubclass,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  10. class Win32_PrivilegesStatus : __ExtendedStatus
  11. {
  12. [Description("Privilege(s) that are currently known to be required and are not held causing the operation to fail. Example: SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrivilegesNotHeld[];
  13. [Description("All privileges that may be required to perform the operation whether currently held or not. This may be a subset or all of the priviliges named in the schema privilege qualifiers and a superset of the PrivilegesNotHeld array property.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrivilegesRequired[];
  14. };
  15. [Description("The ManagedSystemElement class is the base class for the system element hierarchy. Membership Criteria: Any distinguishable component of a system is a candidate for inclusion in this class.<P>Examples: Software components, such as files; and devices, such as disk drives and controllers, and physical components such as chips and cards.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  16. class CIM_ManagedSystemElement
  17. {
  18. [Description("The Caption property is a short textual description (one-line string) of the object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Caption;
  19. [Description("The Description property provides a textual description of the object. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  20. [Description("A datetime value indicating when the object was installed. A lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime InstallDate;
  21. [Description("The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  22. [Description("A string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses can be defined. Operational statuses are \"OK\", \"Degraded\" and \"Pred Fail\". \"Pred Fail\" indicates that an Element may be functioning properly but predicting a failure in the near future. An example is a SMART-enabled hard drive. Non-operational statuses can also be specified. These are \"Error\", \"Starting\", \"Stopping\" and \"Service\". The latter, \"Service\", could apply during mirror-resilvering of a disk, reload of a user permissions list, or other administrative work. Not all such work is on-line, yet the Managed Element is neither \"OK\" nor in one of the other states.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Status;
  23. };
  24. [Description("The CIM_LogicalElement class is the base class for all the components of the system that represent abstract system components.<P>Example: Profiles, processes, or system capabilities in the form of logical devices.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  25. class CIM_LogicalElement : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
  26. {
  27. };
  28. [Description("An entity managed by BIOS and/or an OperatingSystem which is available for use by software and/or LogicalDevices. Examples of Resources in the x86 environment are IRQs, DMA channels and memory mapped I/O.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  29. class CIM_SystemResource : CIM_LogicalElement
  30. {
  31. };
  32. [Description("The Win32_ProgramGroupOrItem class represents a logical grouping of programs on the user's Start|Programs menu. It contains Program Groups and Program Group Items.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  33. class Win32_ProgramGroupOrItem : CIM_LogicalElement
  34. {
  35. };
  36. [Description("The Win32_LogicalProgramGroup class represents a program group in a Win32 system, such as Accessories or Startup.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  37. class Win32_LogicalProgramGroup : Win32_ProgramGroupOrItem
  38. {
  39. [Description("The GroupName property indicates the name of the Win32 program group.<P>Example: Accessories\\System Tools") : Amended ToSubclass]string GroupName;
  40. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the user name followed by the group name.<P>Example: All Users:Accessories\\System Tools") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  41. [Description("The UserName property indicates the users who can access the Win32 program group.<P>Example: All Users") : Amended ToSubclass]string UserName;
  42. };
  43. [Description("The Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItem class represents an element contained by a Win32_ProgramGroup, that is not itself another Win32_ProgramGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  44. class Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItem : Win32_ProgramGroupOrItem
  45. {
  46. [Description("The inherited Name serves as key of a LogicalProgramGroupItem instance within a computer system. Full path names should be provided. Example: f:\\WINNT\\Profiles\\a-kevhu.000\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Accessories\\WordPad.Lnk") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string Name;
  47. };
  48. [Description("Intel architecture IRQ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  49. class CIM_IRQ : CIM_SystemResource
  50. {
  51. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSCreationClassName;
  52. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSName;
  53. [Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CreationClassName;
  54. [Description("A part of the object's key value, IRQ Number.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]uint32 IRQNumber;
  55. [Description("Availability of the IRQ.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Availability;
  56. [Description("IRQ trigger type indicating whether edge (value=4) or level triggered (value=3) interrupts occur. Also, \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2) may be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TriggerType;
  57. [Description("IRQ trigger level indicating whether the interrupt is triggered by the hardware signal going high (value=4) or low (value=3). Also, \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2) may be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TriggerLevel;
  58. [Description("Boolean indicating whether the IRQ can be shared") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Shareable;
  59. };
  60. [Description("Intel architecture Memory Mapped I/O") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  61. class CIM_MemoryMappedIO : CIM_SystemResource
  62. {
  63. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSCreationClassName;
  64. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSName;
  65. [Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CreationClassName;
  66. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Starting address of memory mapped I/O - The HardwareResource Identifier property should be set to this value to construct the Mapped I/O Resource key.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 StartingAddress;
  67. [Description("Ending address of memory mapped I/O") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 EndingAddress;
  68. };
  69. [Description("Intel architecture DMA") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  70. class CIM_DMA : CIM_SystemResource
  71. {
  72. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSCreationClassName;
  73. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSName;
  74. [Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CreationClassName;
  75. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("A part of the object's key value, the DMA Channel number.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DMAChannel;
  76. [Description("Availability of the DMA.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Availability;
  77. [Description("Indication that the DMA Channel supports burst mode") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean BurstMode;
  78. [Description("An array indicating all the transfer widths (in bits) supported by this DMA Channel. If unknown, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TransferWidths[];
  79. [Description("An integer indicating the DMA Channel address size in bits. Permissible values are 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits. If unknown, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 AddressSize;
  80. [Description("The maximum number of bytes that can be transferred by this DMA Channel. If unknown, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxTransferSize;
  81. [Description("Indicates whether DMA may execute in 'count by byte' mode (value=4) or not (value=3). Also, \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2) may be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ByteMode;
  82. [Description("Indicates whether DMA may execute in 'count by word' mode (value=4) or not (value=3). Also, \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2) may be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 WordMode;
  83. [Description("DMA channel timing. For example, \"Type A\" (value =4) or \"Type F\" (6) could be specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ChannelTiming;
  84. [Description("Indicates whether C type (burst) timing is supported (value=5) or not (value=4). Also, \"Other\" (1), \"Unknown\" (2) and \"ISA Compatible\" (3) are defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TypeCTiming;
  85. };
  86. [Description("A LogicalElement that aggregates an enumerable set of Managed System Elements. The aggregation operates as an functional whole. Within any particular subclass of System, there is a well-defined list of Managed System Element classes whose instances must be aggregated.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  87. class CIM_System : CIM_LogicalElement
  88. {
  89. [Description("The inherited Name serves as key of a System instance in an enterprise environment.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string Name;
  90. [Description("The System object and its derivatives are Top Level Objects of CIM. They provide the scope for numerous components. Having unique System keys is required. A heuristic can be defined in individual System subclasses to attempt to always generate the same System Name Key. The NameFormat property identifies how the System name was generated, using the subclass' heuristic.") : Amended ToSubclass]string NameFormat;
  91. [Description("A string that provides information on how the primary system owner can be reached (e.g. phone number, email address, ...).") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrimaryOwnerContact;
  92. [Description("The name of the primary system owner.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrimaryOwnerName;
  93. [Description("An array (bag) of strings that specify the roles this System plays in the IT-environment.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Roles[];
  94. };
  95. [Description("A class derived from System that is a special collection of ManagedSystemElements. This collection provides compute capabilities and serves as aggregation point to associate one or more of the following elements: FileSystem, OperatingSystem, Processor and Memory (Volatile and/or NonVolatile Storage).") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  96. class CIM_ComputerSystem : CIM_System
  97. {
  98. [Description("The ComputerSystem object and its derivatives are Top Level Objects of CIM. They provide the scope for numerous components. Having unique System keys is required. A heuristic is defined to create the ComputerSystem Name to attempt to always generate the same Name, independent of discovery protocol. This prevents inventory and management problems where the same asset or entity is discovered multiple times, but can not be resolved to a single object. Use of the heuristic is optional, but recommended. \n\n The NameFormat property identifies how the ComputerSystem Name is generated, using a heuristic. The heuristic is outlined, in detail, in the CIM V2 Common Model specification. It assumes that the documented rules are traversed in order, to determine and assign a Name. The NameFormat Values list defines the precedence order for assigning the ComputerSystem Name. Several rules do map to the same Value. \n\n Note that the ComputerSystem Name calculated using the heuristic is the System's key value. Other names can be assigned and used for the ComputerSystem, that better suit the business, using Aliases.") : Amended ToSubclass]string NameFormat;
  99. };
  100. [Description("A class derived from ComputerSystem that represents a Desktop, Mobile, NetPC, Server or other type of a single node Computer System.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  101. class CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem : CIM_ComputerSystem
  102. {
  103. [Description("This object contains the data needed to find either the initial load device (its key) or the boot service to request the operating system to start up.") : Amended ToSubclass]string InitialLoadInfo[];
  104. [Description("The entry of the array, InitialLoadInfo, that holds the data corresponding to booting the currently loaded OperatingSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]string LastLoadInfo;
  105. [Description("Boolean indicating that the ComputerSystem, with its running OperatingSystem, support power management. This boolean does not indicate that power management features are currently enabled, only that the System is capable of power management.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PowerManagementSupported;
  106. [Description("Indicates the specific power-related capabilities of a ComputerSystem and its associated running OperatingSystem. The values, 0=\"Unknown\", 1=\"Not Supported\", and 2=\"Disabled\" are self-explanatory. The value, 3=\"Enabled\" indicates that the power management features are currently enabled but the exact feature set is unknown or the information is unavailable. \"Power Saving Modes Entered Automatically\" (4) describes that a system can change its power state based on usage or other criteria. \"Power State Settable\" (5) indicates that the SetPowerState method is supported. \"Power Cycling Supported\" (6) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 (\"Power Cycle\"). \"Timed Power On Supported\" (7) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 (\"Power Cycle\") and the Time parameter set to a specific date and time, or interval, for power-on.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PowerManagementCapabilities[];
  107. [Description("Indicates the current power state of the ComputerSystem and its associated OperatingSystem. Regarding the Power Save states, these are defined as follows: Value 4 (Power Save - Unknown) indicates that the System is known to be in a power save mode, but its exact status in this mode is unknown; 2 (Power Save - Low Power Mode) indicates that the System is in a power save state but still functioning, and may exhibit degraded performance; 3 (Power Save - Standby) describes that the System is not functioning but could be brought to full power 'quickly'; and value 7 (Power Save - Warning) indicates that the ComputerSystem is in a warning state, though also in a power save mode.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PowerState;
  108. [Description("If enabled (value = 4), the UnitaryComputerSystem can be reset via hardware (e.g. the power and reset buttons). If disabled (value = 3), hardware reset is not allowed. In addition to Enabled and Disabled, other Values for the property are also defined - \"Not Implemented\" (5), \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ResetCapability;
  109. [Description("SetPowerState defines the desired power state of a ComputerSystem and its running OperatingSystem, and when the system should be put into that state. The PowerState parameter is specified as one of the valid integer values defined for the property, PowerState. The Time parameter (for all state changes but 5, \"Power Cycle\") indicates when the power state should be set, either as a regular date-time value or as an interval value (where the interval begins when the method invocation is received). When the PowerState parameter is equal to 5, \"Power Cycle\", the Time parameter indicates when the system should power on again. Power off is immediate. SetPowerState should return 0 if successful, 1 if the specified State and Time request is not supported, and some other value if any other error occurred.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetPowerState([IN]uint16 PowerState,[IN]datetime Time);
  110. };
  111. [Description("A logical element that contains the information necessary to represent and manage the functionality provided by a Device and/or SoftwareFeature. A Service is a general-purpose object to configure and manage the implementation of functionality. It is not the functionality itself.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  112. class CIM_Service : CIM_LogicalElement
  113. {
  114. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property uniquely identifies the Service and provides an indication of the functionality that is managed. This functionality is described in more detail in the object's Description property. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  115. [Description("StartMode is a string value indicating whether the Service is automatically started by a System, Operating System, etc. or only started upon request.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartMode;
  116. [Description("ServiceStarted is a boolean indicating whether the Service has been started (TRUE), or stopped (FALSE).") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Started;
  117. [Description("The type name of the system that hosts this service") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemCreationClassName;
  118. [Description("The name of the system that hosts this service") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemName;
  119. [Description("The StartService method places the Service in the started state. It returns an integer value of 0 if the Service was successfully started, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StartService();
  120. [Description("The StopService method places the Service in the stopped state. It returns an integer value of 0 if the Service was successfully stopped, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StopService();
  121. };
  122. [Description("The Win32_ComputerSystem class represents a computer system operating in a Win32 environment.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  123. class Win32_ComputerSystem : CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem
  124. {
  125. [Description("The AutomaticResetBootOption property determines whether the automatic reset boot option is enabled.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the automatic reset boot option is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AutomaticResetBootOption;
  126. [Description("The AutomaticResetCapability property determines whether the automatic reset is enabled.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the automatic reset is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AutomaticResetCapability;
  127. [Description("The BootROMSupported property determines whether a boot ROM is supported.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, a boot ROM is supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean BootROMSupported;
  128. [Description("The BootupState property indicates the bootup state of the computer system.<P>Constraints: Must have a value.") : Amended ToSubclass]string BootupState;
  129. [Description("The CurrentTimeZone property indicates the number of minutes the unitary computer system is offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The number is either positive, negative, or zero.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint16 CurrentTimeZone;
  130. [Description("The Domain property indicates the domain name of the computer system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Domain;
  131. [Description("The InfraredSupported property determines whether an infrared (IR) port exists on the computer system.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, an IR port exists.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean InfraredSupported;
  132. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the computer manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  133. [Description("The Model property indicates the model name of the computer system.<P>Constraints: Must have a value") : Amended ToSubclass]string Model;
  134. [Description("The NetworkServerModeEnabled property determines whether Network Server Mode is enabled.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, Network Server Mode is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean NetworkServerModeEnabled;
  135. [Description("The SupportContactDescription property is an array that indicates the support contact information for the Win32 computer system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SupportContactDescription[];
  136. [Description("The SystemStartupOptions property is an array that indicates the options for starting up the Win32 computer system.<P>Constraints: Must have a value") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemStartupOptions[];
  137. [Description("The SystemStartupSetting property indicates the index into the default start profile. This value is 'calculated' so that it usually returns zero (0) because at write-time, the profile string is physically moved to the top of the list. (This is how Windows NT determines which value is the default.)") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 SystemStartupSetting;
  138. [Description("The SystemType property indicates the type of system running on the Win32 computer.<P>Constraints: Must have a value") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemType;
  139. [Description("The UserName property indicates the name of the currently-logged-on user.<P>Constraints: Must have a value<P>Example: John Smith") : Amended ToSubclass]string UserName;
  140. [Description("The DomainRole property indicates the role this computer plays within its assigned domain-workgroup. The domain-workgroup is a collection of computers on the same network. For example, the DomainRole property may show this computer is a \"Member Workstation\" (value of [1]).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DomainRole;
  141. [Description("Wake Up Type") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 WakeUpType;
  142. [Description("This structure contains free form strings defined by the OEM. Examples of this are: Part Numbers for Reference Documents for the system, contact information for the manufacturer, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass]string OEMStringArray[];
  143. [Description("Boot Option on Limit. Identifies the system action to be taken when the Reset Limit is reached.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 BootOptionOnLimit;
  144. [Description("Indicates the action to be taken following a watchdog reset.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 BootOptionOnWatchDog;
  145. [Description("The number of automatic system resets since the last intentional reset.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ResetCount;
  146. [Description("The number of consecutive times the system reset will be attempted.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ResetLimit;
  147. [Description("Identifies the number of milliseconds before the reboot is initiated. It is used after a system power cycle, system reset (local or remote), and automatic system reset.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 PauseAfterReset;
  148. [Description("Identifies the power-on password status for the system") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PowerOnPasswordStatus;
  149. [Description("Identifies the keyboard password status for the system") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 KeyboardPasswordStatus;
  150. [Description("Identifies the administrator status for the system") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 AdminPasswordStatus;
  151. [Description("Identifies the front panel reset status for the system") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 FrontPanelResetStatus;
  152. [Description("The BootupState property indicates the the enclosure's bootup state.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ChassisBootupState;
  153. [Description("The PowerSupplyState property indicates the the system's power supply state.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PowerSupplyState;
  154. [Description("The ThermalState property indicates the the enclosure's thermal state.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ThermalState;
  155. [Description("The DaylightInEffect property specifies if the daylight savings mode is on. The value of this property is FALSE if the standard time mode is on and NULL if there is no daylight savings setting for the time zone set on the system") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DaylightInEffect;
  156. [Description("The number of processors currently available on the system. This is the number of processors whose status is \"enabled\" - versus simply the number of processors for the ComputerSystem. The former can be determined by enumerating the number of Processor instances associated with the ComputerSystem object, using the CIM_ComputerSystemProcessor association.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfProcessors;
  157. };
  158. [Description("An abstraction or emulation of a hardware entity, that may or may not be Realized in physical hardware. Any characteristics of a LogicalDevice that are used to manage its operation or configuration are contained in, or associated with, the LogicalDevice object. Examples of the operational properties in a Printer would be paper sizes supported, or detected errors. Examples of the configuration properties of a SensorDevice would be threshold settings. Various configurations could exist for a LogicalDevice. These configurations could be contained in Setting objects and associated with the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  159. class CIM_LogicalDevice : CIM_LogicalElement
  160. {
  161. [Description("The availability and status of the Device. For example, the Availability property indicates that the Device is running and has full power (value=3), or is in a warning (4), test (5), degraded (10) or power save state (values 13-15 and 17). Regarding the Power Save states, these are defined as follows: Value 13 (\"Power Save - Unknown\") indicates that the Device is known to be in a power save mode, but its exact status in this mode is unknown; 14 (\"Power Save - Low Power Mode\") indicates that the Device is in a power save state but still functioning, and may exhibit degraded performance; 15 (\"Power Save - Standby\") describes that the Device is not functioning but could be brought to full power 'quickly'; and value 17 (\"Power Save - Warning\") indicates that the Device is in a warning state, though also in a power save mode.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Availability;
  162. [Description("Indicates the Win32 Configuration Manager error code.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ConfigManagerErrorCode;
  163. [Description("Indicates whether the device is using a user-defined configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ConfigManagerUserConfig;
  164. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceID;
  165. [Description("Indicates the specific power-related capabilities of a LogicalDevice. The array values, 0=\"Unknown\", 1=\"Not Supported\" and 2=\"Disabled\" are self-explanatory. The value, 3=\"Enabled\" indicates that the power management features are currently enabled but the exact feature set is unknown or the information is unavailable. \"Power Saving Modes Entered Automatically\" (4) describes that a Device can change its power state based on usage or other criteria. \"Power State Settable\" (5) indicates that the SetPowerState method is supported. \"Power Cycling Supported\" (6) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 (\"Power Cycle\"). \"Timed Power On Supported\" (7) indicates that the SetPowerState method can be invoked with the PowerState input variable set to 5 (\"Power Cycle\") and the Time parameter set to a specific date and time, or interval, for power-on.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PowerManagementCapabilities[];
  166. [Description("Indicates the Win32 Plug and Play Device ID of the logical device. Example: *PNP030b") : Amended ToSubclass]string PNPDeviceID;
  167. [Description("Indicates that the Device can be power managed - ie, can be put into suspend mode, etc. This boolean does not indicate that power management features are currently enabled, only that the LogicalDevice is capable of power management.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PowerManagementSupported;
  168. [Description("StatusInfo is a string indicating whether the LogicalDevice is in an enabled (value = 3), disabled (value = 4) or some other (1) or unknown (2) state. If this property does not apply to the LogicalDevice, the value, 5 (\"Not Applicable\"), should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 StatusInfo;
  169. [Description("SetPowerState defines the desired power state for a LogicalDevice and when a Device should be put into that state. The desired power state is specified by setting the PowerState parameter to one of the following integer values: 1=\"Full Power\", 2=\"Power Save - Low Power Mode\", 3=\"Power Save - Standby\", 4=\"Power Save - Other\", 5=\"Power Cycle\" or 6=\"Power Off\". The Time parameter (for all state changes, except 5, \"Power Cycle\") indicates when the power state should be set, either as a regular date-time value or as an interval value (where the interval begins when the method invocation is received). When the PowerState parameter is equal to 5, \"Power Cycle\", the Time parameter indicates when the Device should power on again. Power off is immediate. SetPowerState should return 0 if successful, 1 if the specified PowerState and Time request is not supported, and some other value if any other error occurred.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetPowerState([IN]uint16 PowerState,[IN]datetime Time);
  170. [Description("Requests a reset of the LogicalDevice. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Reset();
  171. [Description("LastErrorCode captures the last error code reported by the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 LastErrorCode;
  172. [Description("ErrorDescription is a free-form string supplying more information about the error recorded in LastErrorCode, and information on any corrective actions that may be taken.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ErrorDescription;
  173. [Description("ErrorCleared is a boolean property indicating that the error reported in LastErrorCode is now cleared.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ErrorCleared;
  174. };
  175. [Description("A MediaAccessDevice represents the ability to access one or more media and use this media to store and retrieve data.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  176. class CIM_MediaAccessDevice : CIM_LogicalDevice
  177. {
  178. [Description("Capabilities of the MediaAccessDevice. For example, the Device may support \"Random Access\", removeable media and \"Automatic Cleaning\". In this case, the values 3, 7 and 9 would be written to the array.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Capabilities[];
  179. [Description("An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the AccessDevice features indicated in the Capabilities array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Capabilities array that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CapabilityDescriptions[];
  180. [Description("A free form string indicating the algorithm or tool used by the device to support compression. If it is not possible or not desired to describe the compression scheme (perhaps because it is not known), recommend using the following words: \"Unknown\" to represent that it is not known whether the device supports compression capabilities or not, \"Compressed\" to represent that the device supports compression capabilities but either its compression scheme is not known or not disclosed, and \"Not Compressed\" to represent that the devices does not support compression capabilities.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CompressionMethod;
  181. [Description("ErrorMethodology is a free-form string describing the type of error detection and correction supported by this Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ErrorMethodology;
  182. [Description("Maximum size, in KBytes, of media supported by this Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MaxMediaSize;
  183. [Description("Default block size, in bytes, for this Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 DefaultBlockSize;
  184. [Description("Maximum block size, in bytes, for media accessed by this Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MaxBlockSize;
  185. [Description("Minimum block size, in bytes, for media accessed by this Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MinBlockSize;
  186. [Description("When the MediaAccessDevice supports multiple individual Media, this property defines the maximum number which can be supported or inserted.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfMediaSupported;
  187. [Description("Boolean indicating that the MediaAccessDevice needs cleaning. Whether manual or automatic cleaning is possible is indicated in the Capabilities array property. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean NeedsCleaning;
  188. };
  189. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a 4eDrive, a subtype of MediaAccessDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  190. class CIM_DisketteDrive : CIM_MediaAccessDevice
  191. {
  192. };
  193. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a floppy device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  194. class Win32_FloppyDrive : CIM_DisketteDrive
  195. {
  196. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  197. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the floppy device manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  198. };
  199. [Description("Capabilities and management of CoolingDevices.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  200. class CIM_CoolingDevice : CIM_LogicalDevice
  201. {
  202. [Description("ActiveCooling is a boolean indicating that the CoolingDevice provides active (as opposed to passive) cooling.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ActiveCooling;
  203. };
  204. [Description("Capabilities and management of a Refrigeration CoolingDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  205. class CIM_Refrigeration : CIM_CoolingDevice
  206. {
  207. };
  208. [Description("Capabilities and management of a HeatPipe CoolingDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  209. class CIM_HeatPipe : CIM_CoolingDevice
  210. {
  211. };
  212. [Description("Capabilities and management of a Fan CoolingDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  213. class CIM_Fan : CIM_CoolingDevice
  214. {
  215. [Description("Indication of whether the fan supports variable speeds.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean VariableSpeed;
  216. [Description("DesiredSpeed is the currently requested fan speed, defined in Revolutions per Minute, when a variable speed fan is supported (VariableSpeed boolean = TRUE). The current speed is determined via a sensor (CIM_Tachometer) that is associated with the Fan using the CIM_AssociatedSensor relationship.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 DesiredSpeed;
  217. [Description("Requests that the Fan speed be set to the value specified in the method s input parameter. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetSpeed([IN]uint64 DesiredSpeed);
  218. };
  219. [Description("A Sensor is a hardware device capable of measuring the characteristics of some physical property - for example, the temperature or voltage characteristics of a UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  220. class CIM_Sensor : CIM_LogicalDevice
  221. {
  222. };
  223. [Description("A NumericSensor reports a numeric value for the measured property.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  224. class CIM_NumericSensor : CIM_Sensor
  225. {
  226. [Description("The current value indicated by the Sensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 CurrentReading;
  227. [Description("NominalReading indicates the 'normal' or expected value for the NumericSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 NominalReading;
  228. [Description("NormalMax provides guidance for the user as to the normal maximum range for the NumericSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 NormalMax;
  229. [Description("NormalMin provides guidance for the user as to the normal minimum range for the NumericSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 NormalMin;
  230. [Description("MaxReadable indicates the largest value of the measured property that can be read by the NumericSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 MaxReadable;
  231. [Description("MinReadable indicates the smallest value of the measured property that can be read by the NumericSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 MinReadable;
  232. [Description("Resolution indicates the ability of the Sensor to resolve differences in the measured property. This value may vary depending on whether the Device is linear over its dynamic range.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Resolution;
  233. [Description("Indicates the tolerance of the Sensor for the measured property. Tolerance, along with Resolution and Accuracy, is used to calculate the actual value of the measured physical property. Tolerance may vary depending on whether the Device is linear over its dynamic range.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 Tolerance;
  234. [Description("Indicates the accuracy of the Sensor for the measured property. Its value is recorded as plus/minus hundredths of a percent. Accuracy, along with Resolution and Tolerance, is used to calculate the actual value of the measured physical property. Accuracy may vary depending on whether the Device is linear over its dynamic range.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 Accuracy;
  235. [Description("Indicates that the Sensor is linear over its dynamic range.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IsLinear;
  236. [Description("The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 LowerThresholdNonCritical;
  237. [Description("The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 UpperThresholdNonCritical;
  238. [Description("The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 LowerThresholdCritical;
  239. [Description("The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 UpperThresholdCritical;
  240. [Description("The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 LowerThresholdFatal;
  241. [Description("The Sensor's threshold values specify the ranges (min and max values) for determining whether the Sensor is operating under normal, NonCritical, Critical or Fatal conditions.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 UpperThresholdFatal;
  242. };
  243. [Description("Redefines Units qualifier for NumericSensor, specific to a TemperatureSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  244. class CIM_TemperatureSensor : CIM_NumericSensor
  245. {
  246. };
  247. [Description("Redefines Units qualifier for NumericSensor, specific to a CurrentSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  248. class CIM_CurrentSensor : CIM_NumericSensor
  249. {
  250. };
  251. [Description("Redefines Units qualifier for NumericSensor, specific to a VoltageSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  252. class CIM_VoltageSensor : CIM_NumericSensor
  253. {
  254. };
  255. [Description("The CIM_CDROMDrive class represents a CD-ROM drive on the system.<P><B>Note:</B> The name of the drive does not correspond to the logical drive letter assigned to device, which is the name of the logical storage device dependent on this drive.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  256. class CIM_CDROMDrive : CIM_MediaAccessDevice
  257. {
  258. };
  259. [Description("The CIM_DiskDrive class represents a physical disk drive as seen by the operating system. The features of the drive seen through this object correspond to the logical and management characteristics of the drive and, in some cases may not reflect the actual physical characteristics of the device. Any interface to a physical drive is a member of this class. Any object based on another logical device would not be a member of this class.<P>Example: IDE Fixed Disk.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  260. class CIM_DiskDrive : CIM_MediaAccessDevice
  261. {
  262. };
  263. [Description("The CIM_TapeDrive class represents a tape drive on the system. Tape drives are primarily distinguished by the fact that they can only be accessed sequentially.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  264. class CIM_TapeDrive : CIM_MediaAccessDevice
  265. {
  266. [Description("The EOTWarningZoneSize property indicates the zone size for the End Of Tape (EOT) warning.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EOTWarningZoneSize;
  267. [Description("The MaxPartitionCount property indicates the maximum part count for the tape drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxPartitionCount;
  268. };
  269. [Description("The Win32_TapeDrive class represents a tape drive on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  270. class Win32_TapeDrive : CIM_TapeDrive
  271. {
  272. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  273. [Description("The Compression property indicates the compression level for the tape drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Compression;
  274. [Description("MediaType is the type of media used or accessed by this device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string MediaType;
  275. };
  276. [Description("The Win32_DiskDrive class represents a physical disk drive as seen by a Win32 operating system. Any interface to a Win32 physical drive is a descendent (or member) of this class.<P>Example: IDE Fixed Disk") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  277. class Win32_DiskDrive : CIM_DiskDrive
  278. {
  279. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  280. [Description("The BytesPerSector property indicates the number of bytes per sector for the physical disk drive.<P>Example: 512") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BytesPerSector;
  281. [Description("The InterfaceType property indicates the interface type of physical disk drive.<P>Example: IDE or SCSI") : Amended ToSubclass]string InterfaceType;
  282. [Description("The Partitions property indicates the number of partitions on this physical disk drive.<P>Example: 2") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Partitions;
  283. [Description("The SectorsPerTrack property indicates the number of sectors per track for this physical disk drive.<P>Example: 63") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SectorsPerTrack;
  284. [Description("The TotalCylinders property indicates the total number of cylinders on the physical disk drive.<P>Example: 657") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 TotalCylinders;
  285. [Description("The TotalHeads property indicates the total number of heads on the disk drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TotalHeads;
  286. [Description("The TotalSectors property indicates the total number of sectors on the physical disk drive.<P>Example: 2649024") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 TotalSectors;
  287. [Description("The TotalTracks property indicates the total number of tracks on the physical disk drive.<P>Example: 42048") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 TotalTracks;
  288. [Description("The TrackPerCylinder property indicates the number of tracks per cylinder on the physical disk drive.<P>Example: 64") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TracksPerCylinder;
  289. [Description("The Index property indicates the index number of the disk drive.<P>Example: 1") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Index;
  290. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the disk drive manufacturer.<P>Example: Seagate") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  291. [Description("The MediaLoaded property determines whether the media for a removable disk drive is loaded.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the media is loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean MediaLoaded;
  292. [Description("The MediaType property is the type of media used or accessed by this Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string MediaType;
  293. [Description("The Model property indicates the manufacturer's model number of the disk drive.<P>Example: ST32171W") : Amended ToSubclass]string Model;
  294. [Description("The SCSIBus property indicates the SCSI bus number of the disk drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SCSIBus;
  295. [Description("The SCSILogicalUnit property indicates the SCSI logical unit number (LUN) of the disk drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SCSILogicalUnit;
  296. [Description("The SCSIPort property indicates the SCSI port number of the disk drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SCSIPort;
  297. [Description("The SCSITargetId property indicates the SCSI ID number of the disk drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SCSITargetId;
  298. [Description("The Size property indicates the size (in bytes) of the disk drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 Size;
  299. };
  300. [Description("The Win32_CDROMDrive class represents a CD-ROM drive on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  301. class Win32_CDROMDrive : CIM_CDROMDrive
  302. {
  303. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  304. [Description("The Drive property indicates the drive letter of the CD ROM drive.<P>Example: d:") : Amended ToSubclass]string Drive;
  305. [Description("The FileSystemFlags property indicates the file system flags of the Win32 CD ROM drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 FileSystemFlags;
  306. [Description("The Id property indicates the manufacturer's identifying name of the Win32 CD ROM drive.<P>Example: PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-12CS 1.01") : Amended ToSubclass]string Id;
  307. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the manufacturer of the Win32 CD ROM drive.<P>Example: PLEXTOR") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  308. [Description("The MaximumComponentLength property indicates the maximum component length of the Win32 CD ROM drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumComponentLength;
  309. [Description("The MediaType property is the type of media used or accessed by this Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string MediaType;
  310. [Description("The RevisionLevel property indicates the firmware revision level of the Win32 CD ROM drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]string RevisionLevel;
  311. [Description("The SCSITargetId property indicates the SCSI ID number of the Win32 CD ROM drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SCSITargetId;
  312. [Description("The VolumeName property indicates the volume name of the Win32 CD ROM drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]string VolumeName;
  313. [Description("The VolumeSerialNumber property indicates the volume serial number of the Win32 CD ROM drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]string VolumeSerialNumber;
  314. [Description("The TransferRate property returns the CD drive's transfer rate in kilobytes per second (KBytes/sec). A value of -1 indicates that the rate could not be determined (for example, if there is no CD in the drive).") : Amended ToSubclass]Real64 TransferRate;
  315. [Description("The DriveIntegrity property indicates whether files can be accurately read from the CD device.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DriveIntegrity;
  316. [Description("The MediaLoaded property indicates whether a CD ROM is loaded.\t<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the media is loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean MediaLoaded;
  317. [Description("The SCSIBus property indicates the SCSI bus number of the disk drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SCSIBus;
  318. [Description("The SCSILogicalUnit property indicates the SCSI logical unit number (LUN) of the disk drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SCSILogicalUnit;
  319. [Description("The SCSIPort property indicates the SCSI port number of the disk drive.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SCSIPort;
  320. [Description("The Size property indicates the size (in bytes) of the disk drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 Size;
  321. };
  322. [Description("Controller is a superclass for grouping the miscellaneous controlling-related Devices that exist. Examples of Controllers are SCSIControllers, USBControllers, SerialControllers, ...") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  323. class CIM_Controller : CIM_LogicalDevice
  324. {
  325. [Description("Maximum number of directly addressable entities supportable by this Controller. A value of zero should be used if the number is unknown.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxNumberControlled;
  326. [Description("The protocol used by the Controller to access 'controlled' Devices.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ProtocolSupported;
  327. };
  328. [Description("Capabilities and management of the VideoController.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  329. class CIM_VideoController : CIM_Controller
  330. {
  331. [Description("A free-form string describing the video processor.") : Amended ToSubclass]string VideoProcessor;
  332. [Description("An integer enumeration indicating the type of video memory.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 VideoMemoryType;
  333. [Description("Number of video pages supported given the current resolutions and available memory.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfVideoPages;
  334. [Description("Maximum amount of memory supported in bytes.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxMemorySupported;
  335. [Description("An array of integers indicating the graphics and 3D capabilities of the VideoController.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 AcceleratorCapabilities[];
  336. [Description("An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the video Accelerator features indicated in the Capabilities array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Capabilities array that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CapabilityDescriptions[];
  337. [Description("The number of bits used to display each pixel.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CurrentBitsPerPixel;
  338. [Description("Current number of horizontal pixels.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CurrentHorizontalResolution;
  339. [Description("Current number of vertical pixels.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CurrentVerticalResolution;
  340. [Description("Maximum refresh rate of the VideoController in Hertz.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxRefreshRate;
  341. [Description("Minimum refresh rate of the VideoController in Hertz.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MinRefreshRate;
  342. [Description("Current refresh rate in Hertz.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CurrentRefreshRate;
  343. [Description("Current scan mode. \"Interlaced\" (value=3) or \"Non Interlaced\" (4) can be defined using this property.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 CurrentScanMode;
  344. [Description("Number of colors supported at the current resolutions.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 CurrentNumberOfColors;
  345. [Description("If in character mode, number of rows for this VideoController. Otherwise, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CurrentNumberOfRows;
  346. [Description("If in character mode, number of columns for this VideoController. Otherwise, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CurrentNumberOfColumns;
  347. };
  348. [Description("Capabilities and management of a PCVideoController, a subtype of VideoController.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  349. class CIM_PCVideoController : CIM_VideoController
  350. {
  351. [Description("The video architecture. For example, VGA (value=5) or PC-98 (160) may be specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 VideoArchitecture;
  352. [Description("Current video mode.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 VideoMode;
  353. [Description("Current number of color planes. If this value is not applicable for the current video configuration, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 NumberOfColorPlanes;
  354. };
  355. [Description("The Win32_VideoController class represents the display information of a Win32 system. <P>Examples: Video adapter manufacturer, chipset version, display resolution, and number of colors") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  356. class Win32_VideoController : CIM_PCVideoController
  357. {
  358. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  359. [Description("The AdapterCompatibility property describes the general adapter type. <P>Example: GLINT.") : Amended ToSubclass]string AdapterCompatibility;
  360. [Description("The AdapterDACType property indicates the DAC component of the adapter. <P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string AdapterDACType;
  361. [Description("The AdapterRAM property indicates the memory size (in bytes) of the video adapter. <P>Example: 64000") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 AdapterRAM;
  362. [Description("The Monochrome property is a boolean indicating whether gray scale or color is used to display images.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Monochrome;
  363. [Description("The DitherType property indicates the dither type of the video controller.The property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver-defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256: Value Meaning :-1\t-\tNo dithering. 2\t-\tDithering with a coarse brush. 3\t-\tDithering with a fine brush. 4\t-\tLine art dithering, a special dithering \t\tmethod that produces well defined borders \t\tbetween black, white, and gray scalings. \t\tIt is not suitable for images that include \t\tcontinuous graduations in intensity and \t\thue such as scanned photographs. 5\t-\tDevice does grayscaling. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DitherType;
  364. [Description("The InfFilename property indicates the path to the video adapter's INF file. <P>Example: C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\DRIVERS") : Amended ToSubclass]string InfFilename;
  365. [Description("The InfSection property indicates the section of the INF file where the Win32 video information resides. <P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string InfSection;
  366. [Description("The InstalledDisplayDriver property indicates the name of the installed display device driver. <P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string InstalledDisplayDrivers;
  367. [Description("The DriverDate property indicates the date and time of the currently-installed video driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime DriverDate;
  368. [Description("The DriverVersion property indicates the driver version of the Win32 video driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DriverVersion;
  369. [Description("The ICMIntent ( Image Color Matching Intent ) property indicates the specific value of one of the three possible color matching methods, or intents that should be used by default. This property is primarily for non-ICM applications. ICM applications establish intents by using the ICM functions. This property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256Value Meaning :-1\t-\tColor matching should optimize for color saturation. This value \t\tis the most appropriate choice for business graphs when dithering \t\tis not desired. 2\t-\tColor matching should optimize for color contrast. This value \t\tis the most appropriate choice for scanned or photographic images \t\twhen dithering is desired. 3\t-\tColor matching should optimize to match the exact color requested. \t\tThis value is most appropriate for use with business logos or other \t\timages when an exact color match is desired. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ICMIntent;
  370. [Description("The ICMMethod ( Image Color Matching Method ) property specifies how ICM is handled. For a non-ICM application, this property determines if ICM is enabled or disabled. For ICM applications, the system examines this member to determine how to handle ICM support. This property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver-defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256 Value Meaning :-1\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is disabled. 2\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by Windows. 3\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by the device driver. 4\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by the destination device. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ICMMethod;
  371. [Description("The SpecificationVersion property indicates the version of the Win32 structure which is used to return the VideoController data.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SpecificationVersion;
  372. [Description("The ColorTableEntries property indicates the size of the system's color table, if the device has a color depth of no more than 8 bits per pixel, null otherwise. <P>Example: 256") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ColorTableEntries;
  373. [Description("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current number of device-specific pens. 0xffff means the device does not support pens. <P>Example: 3") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DeviceSpecificPens;
  374. [Description("The ReservedSystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number of reserved entries in a system's color table. The operating system may reserve entries to support standard colors for task bars and other desktop display items. If the system is not using a palette then ReservedSystemPaletteEntries is null.<P>Example: 24.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ReservedSystemPaletteEntries;
  375. [Description("The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number of entries in a system's color table. If the system is not using a palette then SystemPaletteEntries is null.<P>Example: 256") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SystemPaletteEntries;
  376. [Description("The VideoModeDescription property indicates, in a displayable string form, the current resolution, color and scan mode settings of the VideoController. <P>Example: 1024 X 768 with 256 colors.") : Amended ToSubclass]string VideoModeDescription;
  377. };
  378. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a PCMCIA controller.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  379. class CIM_PCMCIAController : cim_controller
  380. {
  381. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the USB controller manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  382. };
  383. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a PCMCIA controller.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  384. class Win32_PCMCIAController : CIM_PCMCIAController
  385. {
  386. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  387. };
  388. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a USB controller.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  389. class CIM_USBController : CIM_Controller
  390. {
  391. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the USB controller manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  392. };
  393. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a USB controller.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  394. class Win32_USBController : CIM_USBController
  395. {
  396. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  397. };
  398. [Description("Capabilities and managment of an Infrared device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  399. class Win32_InfraredDevice : CIM_Controller
  400. {
  401. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  402. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the infra red device manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  403. };
  404. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a 1394 controller device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  405. class Win32_1394Controller : CIM_Controller
  406. {
  407. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  408. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the infra red device manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  409. };
  410. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a floppy controller device. Instances are only provided on NT5 or later and Win95 or later.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  411. class Win32_FloppyController : CIM_Controller
  412. {
  413. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  414. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the floppy controller device manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  415. };
  416. [Description("NetworkAdapter is a superclass for grouping the numerous types of network adapters in use.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  417. class CIM_NetworkAdapter : CIM_LogicalDevice
  418. {
  419. [Description("PermanentAddress defines the network address hardcoded into an adapter. This 'hardcoded' address may be changed via firmware upgrade or software configuration. If so, this field should be updated when the change is made. PermanentAddress should be left blank if no 'hardcoded' address exists for the NetworkAdapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PermanentAddress;
  420. [Description("An array of strings indicating the network addresses for an adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]string NetworkAddresses[];
  421. [Description("An estimate of the current bandwidth in Bits per Second. For endpoints which vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this property should contain the nominal bandwidth.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 Speed;
  422. [Description("The maximum speed, in Bits per Second, for the NetworkAdapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MaxSpeed;
  423. [Description("A boolean indicating whether the NetworkAdapter is capable of automatically determining the speed of the attached/network media.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AutoSense;
  424. };
  425. [Description("UserDevices are LogicalDevices that allow a ComputerSystem's users to input, view or hear data. It is a superclass from which other classes, such as Keyboard or DesktopMonitor, descend.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  426. class CIM_UserDevice : CIM_LogicalDevice
  427. {
  428. [Description("An indication of whether the Device is locked, preventing user input or output.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IsLocked;
  429. };
  430. [Description("Display is a superclass for grouping the miscellaneous display devices that exist.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  431. class CIM_Display : CIM_UserDevice
  432. {
  433. };
  434. [Description("Capabilities and management of the DesktopMonitor (CRT) LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  435. class CIM_DesktopMonitor : CIM_Display
  436. {
  437. [Description("The type of DesktopMonitor or CRT. For example, multiscan color or monochrome monitors (values 2 or 3, respectively) can be indicated in this property.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DisplayType;
  438. [Description("Monitor's bandwidth in MHertz. If unknown, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Bandwidth;
  439. [Description("The logical height of the Display in screen coordinates.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ScreenHeight;
  440. [Description("The logical width of the Display in screen coordinates.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ScreenWidth;
  441. };
  442. [Description("The Win32_DesktopMonitor class represents a monitor attached to a Win32 System.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  443. class Win32_DesktopMonitor : CIM_DesktopMonitor
  444. {
  445. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  446. [Description("The MonitorManufacturer property indicates the manufacturer of the DesktopMonitor. <P>Example: NEC") : Amended ToSubclass]string MonitorManufacturer;
  447. [Description("The MonitorType property indicates the type of DesktopMonitor. <P>Example: NEC 5FGp") : Amended ToSubclass]string MonitorType;
  448. [Description("The PixelsPerXLogicalInch property indicates the number of pixels per logical inch along the X axis (horizontal direction) of the monitor.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PixelsPerXLogicalInch;
  449. [Description("The PixelsPerYLogicalInch property indicates the number of pixels per logical inch along the Y axis (vertical direction) of the monitor.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PixelsPerYLogicalInch;
  450. };
  451. [Description("Capabilities and management of the FlatPanel LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  452. class CIM_FlatPanel : CIM_Display
  453. {
  454. [Description("FlatPanel's horizontal resolution in Pixels.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HorizontalResolution;
  455. [Description("FlatPanel's vertical resolution in Pixels.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 VerticalResolution;
  456. [Description("A FlatPanel's scan mode indicating either single (value=2) or dual scan (3).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ScanMode;
  457. [Description("An integer enumeration describing the type of flat panel display.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DisplayType;
  458. [Description("A description of the display illumination type. For example, backlit (value=2) or reflective (4) can be specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 LightSource;
  459. [Description("Boolean indicating whether the FlatPanel supports color display.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsColor;
  460. };
  461. [Description("Capabilities and management of the Keyboard LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  462. class CIM_Keyboard : CIM_UserDevice
  463. {
  464. [Description("A free-form string indicating the layout of the Keyboard") : Amended ToSubclass]string Layout;
  465. [Description("An integer indicating whether a hardware-level password is enabled at the keyboard (value=4), preventing local input. Other values are: \"Disabled\" (3), \"Not Implemented\" (5), \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Password;
  466. };
  467. [Description("The CIM_PointingDevice class represents a device used to point to regions on the display. Membership Criteria: Any device used to manipulate a pointer or point to regions on a visual display is a member of this class. Example: A mouse, stylus, touch pad, or tablet.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  468. class CIM_PointingDevice : CIM_UserDevice
  469. {
  470. [Description("Integer indicating whether the PointingDevice is configured for right (value=2) or left handed operation (value=3). Also, the values, \"Unknown\" (0) and \"Not Applicable\" (1), can be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Handedness;
  471. [Description("The NumberOfButtons property indicates the number of buttons on the pointing device.<P>Example: 2") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 NumberOfButtons;
  472. [Description("The type of the pointing device.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PointingType;
  473. [Description("The Resolution property indicates the tracking resolution.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Resolution;
  474. };
  475. [Description("The Win32_PointingDevice class represents a device used to point to regions on the display of a Win32 system. Any device used to point to regions on the display on a Win32 system is a member of this class.<P>Example: A mouse, stylus, touch pad, or tablet") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  476. class Win32_PointingDevice : CIM_PointingDevice
  477. {
  478. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  479. [Description("The HardwareType property indicates the hardware type of Win32 pointing device.<P>Example: MICROSOFT PS2 MOUSE") : Amended ToSubclass]string HardwareType;
  480. [Description("The InfFileName property indicates the name of the INF file for the Win32 pointing device.<P>Example: ab.inf") : Amended ToSubclass]string InfFileName;
  481. [Description("The InfSection property indicates the section of the INF file that holds configuration information for the Win32 pointing device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string InfSection;
  482. [Description("The SampleRate property indicates the sample rate of the Win32 pointing device.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SampleRate;
  483. [Description("Interface type for the Pointing Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DeviceInterface;
  484. };
  485. [Description("The Win32_Keyboard class represents a keyboard installed on a Win32 system.<P>Example: A Microsoft Natural(R) keyboard") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  486. class Win32_Keyboard : CIM_Keyboard
  487. {
  488. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  489. };
  490. [Description("StorageExtent describes the capabilities and management of the various media that exist to store data and allow data retrieval.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  491. class CIM_StorageExtent : CIM_LogicalDevice
  492. {
  493. [Description("Access describes whether the media is readable (value=1), writeable (value=2), or both (value=3). \"Unknown\" (0) can also be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Access;
  494. [Description("Size in bytes of the blocks which form this StorageExtent") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 BlockSize;
  495. [Description("ErrorMethodology is a free-form string describing the type of error detection and correction supported by this StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ErrorMethodology;
  496. [Description("Total number of consecutive blocks, of size BlockSize, which form this StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 NumberOfBlocks;
  497. [Description("A free form string describing the media and/or its use.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Purpose;
  498. };
  499. [Description("PhysicalExtent defines the consecutive addressable block addresses on a single physical storage device, that are treated as a single StorageExtent. An alternate possibility, if automatic configuration is used, is to instantiate or extend the AggregatePExtent class.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  500. class CIM_PhysicalExtent : CIM_StorageExtent
  501. {
  502. [Description("Number of bytes of user data to skip before starting the check data interleave.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 UnitsBeforeCheckDataInterleave;
  503. [Description("Number of bytes to be reserved for check data.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 UnitsOfCheckData;
  504. [Description("Number of bytes to be reserved for user data.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 UnitsOfUserData;
  505. };
  506. [Description("AggregatePExtents provide summary information about the addressable logical blocks which are in the same StorageRedundancyGroup and reside on the same physical Media. This is an alternative grouping for PhysicalExtents, when only summary information is needed or when automatic configuration is used. Automatic configuration can result in thousands of PhysicalExtents being defined. There is no value in modeling the individual Extents. So, the AggregatePExtent object was defined.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  507. class CIM_AggregatePExtent : CIM_StorageExtent
  508. {
  509. [Description("Total number of blocks (including the check data blocks) contained in this AggregatePExtent. The block size (an inherited property) should be set to the same value as for the MediaAccessDevice associated with this Extent.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 NumberOfBlocks;
  510. };
  511. [Description("The CIM_LogicalDisk class represents a data source that resolves to a local actual storage device") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  512. class CIM_LogicalDisk : CIM_StorageExtent
  513. {
  514. };
  515. [Description("A generic association to establish dependency relationships between objects.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  516. class CIM_Dependency
  517. {
  518. [Description("Antecedent represents the independent object in this association.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref Antecedent;
  519. [Description("Dependent represents the object dependent on the Antecedent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref Dependent;
  520. };
  521. [Description("CIM_ServiceServiceDependency is an association between a Service and another Service, indicating that the latter is required to be present, required to have completed, or must be absent for the former Service to provide its functionality. For example, Boot Services may be dependent upon underlying BIOS Disk and initialization Services. In the case of the initialization Services, the Boot Service is simply dependent on the init Services completing. For the Disk Services, Boot Services may actually utilize the SAPs of this Service. This usage dependency is modeled via the CIM_ServiceSAPDependency association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  522. class CIM_ServiceServiceDependency : CIM_Dependency
  523. {
  524. [Description("The required Service.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Service Ref Antecedent;
  525. [Description("The Service that is dependent on an underlying Service.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Service Ref Dependent;
  526. [Description("The nature of the Service to Service dependency. This property describes that the associated Service must have completed (value=2), must be started (3) or must not be started (4) in order for the Service to function.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TypeOfDependency;
  527. };
  528. [Description("The DeviceConnection relationship indicates that two or more Device are connected together.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  529. class CIM_DeviceConnection : CIM_Dependency
  530. {
  531. [Description("A LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Antecedent;
  532. [Description("A second LogicalDevice connected to the Antecedent Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  533. [Description("When several bus and/or connection speeds are possible, the NegotiatedSpeed property defines the one in use between the Devices. Speed is specified in bits per second. If connection or bus speeds are not negotiated, or if this information is not available/important to Device management, the property should be set to 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 NegotiatedSpeed;
  534. [Description("When several bus and/or connection data widths are possible, the NegotiatedDataWidth property defines the one in use between the Devices. Data width is specified in bits. If data width is not negotiated, or if this information is not available/important to Device management, the property should be set to 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NegotiatedDataWidth;
  535. };
  536. [Description("Many Devices include Sensors or have Sensors installed nearby, in order to measure critical input and output properties. This association indicates that relationship.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  537. class CIM_AssociatedSensor : CIM_Dependency
  538. {
  539. [Description("The Sensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Sensor Ref Antecedent;
  540. [Description("The LogicalDevice for which information is measured by the Sensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  541. };
  542. [Description("The ControlledBy relationship indicates which Devices are commanded by or accessed through the Controller LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  543. class CIM_ControlledBy : CIM_DeviceConnection
  544. {
  545. [Description("The Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Controller Ref Antecedent;
  546. [Description("The controlled Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  547. [Description("The State property indicates whether the Controller is actively commanding or accessing the Device (value=1) or not (value=2). Also, the value, \"Unknown\" (0), can be defined. This information is necessary when a LogicalDevice can be commanded by, or accessed through, multiple Controllers.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 AccessState;
  548. [Description("Number of hard resets issued by the Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfHardResets;
  549. [Description("Number of soft resets issued by the Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfSoftResets;
  550. };
  551. [Description("BasedOn is an association describing how StorageExtents can be assembled from lower level Extents. For example, ProtectedSpaceExtents are parts of PhysicalExtents, while VolumeSets are assembled from one or more Physical or ProtectedSpaceExtents. As another example, CacheMemory can be defined independently and realized in a PhysicalElement or can be 'based on' Volatile or NonVolatileStorageExtents.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  552. class CIM_BasedOn : CIM_Dependency
  553. {
  554. [Description("The lower level StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StorageExtent Ref Antecedent;
  555. [Description("The higher level StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StorageExtent Ref Dependent;
  556. [Description("StartingAddress indicates where in lower level storage, the higher level Extent begins.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 StartingAddress;
  557. [Description("EndingAddress indicates where in lower level storage, the higher level Extent ends. This property is useful when mapping non-contiguous Extents into a higher level grouping.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 EndingAddress;
  558. };
  559. [Description("Where a StorageExtent must be accessed through a MediaAccessDevice, this relationship is described by the MediaPresent association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  560. class CIM_MediaPresent : CIM_Dependency
  561. {
  562. [Description("The MediaAccessDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_MediaAccessDevice Ref Antecedent;
  563. [Description("The StorageExtent accessed using the MediaAccessDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StorageExtent Ref Dependent;
  564. };
  565. [Description("Capabilities and management of the Partition StorageExtent. Partitions may be BasedOn other StorageExtents or directly realized from a physical Media.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  566. class CIM_DiskPartition : CIM_StorageExtent
  567. {
  568. };
  569. [Description("LogicalDisks can be BasedOn a DiskPartition. This relationship is made explicit in this association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  570. class CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnPartition : CIM_BasedOn
  571. {
  572. [Description("The DiskPartition.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DiskPartition Ref Antecedent;
  573. [Description("The LogicalDisk which is built on the Partition.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDisk Ref Dependent;
  574. };
  575. [Description("The Win32_LogicalDisk class represents a logical disk on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  576. class Win32_LogicalDisk : CIM_LogicalDisk
  577. {
  578. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  579. [Description("The Compressed property indicates whether the logical volume exists as a single compressed entity, such as a DoubleSpace volume. If file based compression is supported (such as on NTFS), this property will be FALSE.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Compressed;
  580. [Description("The DriveType property contains a numeric value corresponding to the type of disk drive this logical disk represents.<P>Example: A CD-ROM drive would return 5.Please refer to the Platform SDK documentation for additional values.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DriveType;
  581. [Description("The FileSystem property indicates the file system on the logical disk.<P>Example: NTFS") : Amended ToSubclass]string FileSystem;
  582. [Description("The MaximumComponentLength property indicates the maximum component length of the logical drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumComponentLength;
  583. [Description("The ProviderName property indicates the provider name of the logical disk.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProviderName;
  584. [Description("The SupportsFileBasedCompression property indicates whether the logical disk partition supports file based compression, such as is the case with NTFS. If this property is TRUE, the Compressed property will be FALSE, but not necessarily vice versa.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the logical disk supports file based compression.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsFileBasedCompression;
  585. [Description("The VolumeName property indicates the volume name on the logical disk.<P>Constraints: Maximum 32 characters") : Amended ToSubclass]string VolumeName;
  586. [Description("The VolumeSerialNumber property indicates the volume serial number of the logical disk.<P>Constraints: Maximum 11 characters") : Amended ToSubclass]string VolumeSerialNumber;
  587. [Description("The MediaType property indicates the type of media currently present in the logical drive. This value will be one of the the values of the MEDIA_TYPE enumeration defined in winioctl.h.<P><B>Note:</B> The value may not be exact for removable drives if currently there is no media in the drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MediaType;
  588. };
  589. [Description("The Win32_DiskPartition class represents an area of a physical disk on a Win32 system.<P>Example: Disk #0, Partition #1") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  590. class Win32_DiskPartition : CIM_DiskPartition
  591. {
  592. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  593. [Description("The BootPartition property determines whether the partition is bootable.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the partition is bootable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean BootPartition;
  594. [Description("The DiskIndex property indicates the disk index number of the partition.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DiskIndex;
  595. [Description("The HiddenSectors property indicates the number of hidden sectors in the partition.<P>Example: 63") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HiddenSectors;
  596. [Description("The Index property indicates the index number of the partition.<P>Example: 1") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Index;
  597. [Description("The RewritePartition property determines whether the partition is rewriteable.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the partition is rewriteable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean RewritePartition;
  598. [Description("The Size property indicates the total size (in bytes) of the partition.<P>Example: 1059045376") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 Size;
  599. [Description("The StartingOffset property indicates the starting offset (in bytes) of the partition.<P>Example: 32256") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 StartingOffset;
  600. [Description("The Type property indicates the type of the partition.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Type;
  601. };
  602. [Description("Capabilities and management of the DialUpModem LogicalDevice") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  603. class CIM_PotsModem : CIM_LogicalDevice
  604. {
  605. [Description("AnswerMode defines the current auto-answer/call-back setting for the Modem.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 AnswerMode;
  606. [Description("Describes the data compression characteristics of the Modem.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 CompressionInfo;
  607. [Description("CountriesSupported is an array (bag) that contains a set of strings defining the countries in which the Modem can operate.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CountriesSupported[];
  608. [Description("CountrySelected is a string value defining the country for which the Modem is currently programmed. When multiple countries are supported, this property defines which one is currently selected for use.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CountrySelected;
  609. [Description("CurrentPasswords is an array (bag) containing the currently defined passwords for the Modem. This array may be left blank for security reasons.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CurrentPasswords[];
  610. [Description("DialType is an integer indicating whether tone (value=1) or pulse dialing (value=2) is used. \"Unknown\" (0) can also be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DialType;
  611. [Description("Describes the error correction characteristics of the Modem.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ErrorControlInfo;
  612. [Description("InactivityTimeout defines the time limit (in seconds) for automatic disconnection of the phone line, if no data is exchanged. A value of 0 indicates that this feature is present but not enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 InactivityTimeout;
  613. [Description("Defines the maximum settable communication speed for accessing the phone system.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxBaudRateToPhone;
  614. [Description("Defines the maximum settable communication speed to the COM Port for an external modem. Enter 0 if not applicable.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxBaudRateToSerialPort;
  615. [Description("MaxNumberOfPasswords specifies the number of passwords definable in the Modem itself. If this feature is not supported, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MaxNumberOfPasswords;
  616. [Description("Describes the modulation scheme of the Modem.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ModulationScheme;
  617. [Description("Number of rings before the Modem answers an incoming call.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 RingsBeforeAnswer;
  618. [Description("Describes the volume level of the audible tones from the Modem. For example, high, medium or low volume can be reported (values 3, 4 or 5, respectively).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SpeakerVolumeInfo;
  619. [Description("Indication of whether the Modem supports call-back") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsCallback;
  620. [Description("Boolean indicating that synchronous, as well as asynchronous, communication is supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsSynchronousConnect;
  621. };
  622. [Description("Capabilities and management of the PowerSupply LogicalDevice") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  623. class CIM_PowerSupply : CIM_LogicalDevice
  624. {
  625. [Description("ActiveInputVoltage indicates which input voltage range is currently in use. Range 1, 2 or both can be specified using the values 3, 4 or 5, respectively.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ActiveInputVoltage;
  626. [Description("Boolean indicating that the PowerSupply is a switching (vs linear) supply.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IsSwitchingSupply;
  627. [Description("The frequency at the high end of this PowerSupply's Input Frequency Range 1. A value of zero implies DC. A value of -1 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range1InputFrequencyHigh;
  628. [Description("The frequency at the low end of this PowerSupply's Input Frequency Range 1. A value of zero implies DC. A value of -1 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range1InputFrequencyLow;
  629. [Description("The high voltage of Input Voltage Range 1 for this PowerSupply, in millivolts. A value of 0 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range1InputVoltageHigh;
  630. [Description("The low voltage of Input Voltage Range 1 for this PowerSupply, in millivolts. A value of 0 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range1InputVoltageLow;
  631. [Description("The frequency at the high end of this PowerSupply's Input Frequency Range 2. A value of zero implies DC. A value of -1 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range2InputFrequencyHigh;
  632. [Description("The frequency at the high end of this PowerSupply's Input Frequency Range 2. A value of zero implies DC. A value of -1 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range2InputFrequencyLow;
  633. [Description("The high voltage of Input Voltage Range 2 for this PowerSupply, in millivolts. A value of 0 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range2InputVoltageHigh;
  634. [Description("The low voltage of Input Voltage Range 2 for this PowerSupply, in millivolts. A value of 0 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range2InputVoltageLow;
  635. [Description("Represents the total output power of the PowerSupply in milliWatts. 0 denotes 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TotalOutputPower;
  636. [Description("TypeOfRangeSwitching describes the kind of input voltage range switching implemented in this PowerSupply. For example, autoswitching can be specified (value=4).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TypeOfRangeSwitching;
  637. };
  638. [Description("Capabilities and management of the Battery LogicalDevice. This class applies to both batteries in Laptop Systems and other internal/external batteries, such as used in, or as UPSs.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  639. class CIM_Battery : CIM_LogicalDevice
  640. {
  641. [Description("Description of the Battery's charge status. Values such as \"Fully Charged\" (value=3) or \"Partially Charged\" (11) can be specified. The value, 10, is not valid in the CIM Schema since in DMI it represents that no battery is installed. In this case, this object should not be instantiated.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 BatteryStatus;
  642. [Description("TimeOnBattery indicates the elapsed time in seconds since the ComputerSystem, UPS, ... last switched to battery power, or the time since the System or UPS was last restarted, whichever is less. Zero shall be returned if the Battery is 'on line'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TimeOnBattery;
  643. [Description("EstimatedRunTime is an estimate in minutes of the time to battery charge depletion under the present load conditions if the utility power is off, or lost and remains off, or a Laptop is disconnected from a power source.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EstimatedRunTime;
  644. [Description("An estimate of the percentage of full charge remaining.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 EstimatedChargeRemaining;
  645. [Description("An enumeration that describes the Battery's chemistry.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Chemistry;
  646. [Description("The design capacity of the battery in mWatt-hours. If this property is not supported, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DesignCapacity;
  647. [Description("The full charge capacity of the battery in mWatt-hours. Comparison of this value to the Battery DesignCapacity determines when the Battery requires replacement. A Battery's end of life is typically when the FullChargeCapacity falls below 80% of the DesignCapacity. If this property is not supported, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 FullChargeCapacity;
  648. [Description("The design voltage of the battery in mVolts. If this attribute is not supported, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 DesignVoltage;
  649. [Description("The Smart Battery Data Specification version number supported by this Battery. If the Battery does not support this function, the value should be left blank.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SmartBatteryVersion;
  650. [Description("The remaining time to charge the battery fully in minutes at the current charging rate and usage.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TimeToFullCharge;
  651. [Description("Indicates the Battery s expected lifetime in minutes, assuming that the Battery is fully charged. This property represents the total expected life of the Battery, not its current remaining life, which is indicated by the EstimatedRunTime property. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ExpectedLife;
  652. [Description("MaxRechargeTime indicates the maximum time, in minutes, to fully charge the Battery. This property represents the time to recharge a fully depleted Battery, not the current remaining charging time, which is indicated in the TimeToFullCharge property. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxRechargeTime;
  653. };
  654. [Description("The Win32_Battery class represents a battery connected to the system. This could be either a UPS, or a laptop battery. <P>Example: Uninterruptible Power Supply") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  655. class Win32_Battery : CIM_Battery
  656. {
  657. [Description("The ExpectedBatteryLife property indicates the time in minutes of the expected life of the fully charged battery.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ExpectedBatteryLife;
  658. [Description("The BatteryRechargeTime property indicates the time for recharging the battery.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 BatteryRechargeTime;
  659. };
  660. [Description("Capabilities and management of the Printer LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  661. class CIM_Printer : CIM_LogicalDevice
  662. {
  663. [Description("An array of integers indicating Printer capabilities. Information such as \"Duplex Printing\" (value=3) or \"Transparency Printing\" (7) is specified in this property.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Capabilities[];
  664. [Description("Printer's Horizontal Resolution in Pixels per Inch") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HorizontalResolution;
  665. [Description("An array indicating the print languages natively supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 LanguagesSupported[];
  666. [Description("An integer array indicating the types of paper supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PaperSizesSupported[];
  667. [Description("An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the Printer features indicated in the Capabilities array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Capabilities array that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CapabilityDescriptions[];
  668. [Description("Status information for a Printer, beyond that specified in the LogicalDevice Availability property. Values include \"Idle\" (3) and an indication that the Device is currently printing (4).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PrinterStatus;
  669. [Description("Printer error information.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DetectedErrorState;
  670. [Description("Printer's Vertical Resolution in Pixels per Inch") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 VerticalResolution;
  671. };
  672. [Description("Capabilities and management of the Processor LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  673. class CIM_Processor : CIM_LogicalDevice
  674. {
  675. [Description("Processor address width in bits") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 AddressWidth;
  676. [Description("The current speed (in MHz) of this Processor.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CurrentClockSpeed;
  677. [Description("Processor data width in bits") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DataWidth;
  678. [Description("The Processor family type. For example, values include \"Pentium MMX\" (14) and \"68040\" (96).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Family;
  679. [Description("A string describing the Processor Family type. Used when the Family property is set to 1 (\"Other\"). This string should be set to NULL when the Family property is any value other than 1.") : Amended ToSubclass]string OtherFamilyDescription;
  680. [Description("Loading of this Processor, averaged over the last minute, in Percent.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 LoadPercentage;
  681. [Description("The maximum speed (in MHz) of this Processor.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxClockSpeed;
  682. [Description("A free form string describing the role of the Processor - for example, 'Central Processor' or 'Math Processor'") : Amended ToSubclass]string Role;
  683. [Description("Method by which this processor can be upgraded, if upgrades are supported. This property is an integer enumeration.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 UpgradeMethod;
  684. [Description("Stepping is a free-form string indicating the revision level of the Processor within the Processor.Family.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Stepping;
  685. };
  686. [Description("The Win32_MotherboardDevice class represents a device that contains the central components of the Win32 system.<P>Example: A single piece of hardware containing a processor, bus, memory, and basic system interfaces") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  687. class Win32_MotherboardDevice : CIM_LogicalDevice
  688. {
  689. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  690. [Description("The PrimaryBusType property indicates the primary bus type of the Win32 motherboard.<P>Example: PCI") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrimaryBusType;
  691. [Description("The RevisionNumber property indicates the revision number of the Win32 motherboard.<P>Example: 00") : Amended ToSubclass]string RevisionNumber;
  692. [Description("The SecondaryBusType property indicates the secondary bus type of the Win32 motherboard.<P>Example: ISA") : Amended ToSubclass]string SecondaryBusType;
  693. };
  694. [Description("The Win32_Processor class represents a device that is capable of interpreting a sequence of machine instructions on a Win32 system.<P>Example: Intel 486/66") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  695. class Win32_Processor : CIM_Processor
  696. {
  697. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  698. [Description("The Version property indicates the version of the processor.<P>Example: Model 2, Stepping 12") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  699. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the organization responsible for producing the processor.<P>Example: GenuineSilicon") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  700. [Description("The L2CacheSize property indicates the size in kilobytes of the processor's L2 cache.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 L2CacheSize;
  701. [Description("The L2CacheSpeed property indicates the speed in MHz of the processor's L2 cache.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 L2CacheSpeed;
  702. [Description("The Architecture property indicates the instruction set architecture of the processor. Values are: 0=\"x86\", 1=\"MIPS\", 2=\"Alpha\", 3=\"PowerPC\"") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Architecture;
  703. [Description("The Level property specifies the system's architecture-dependent processor level.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Level;
  704. [Description("The Revision property specifies the system's architecture-dependent revision level.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Revision;
  705. [Description("CPU Status") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 CpuStatus;
  706. [Description("Current Voltage") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 CurrentVoltage;
  707. [Description("External Clock Frequency, in MHz.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ExtClock;
  708. [Description("Raw processor identification data.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProcessorId;
  709. [Description("Processor type indicates the processor's primary function") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ProcessorType;
  710. [Description("Socket Reference Designation") : Amended ToSubclass]string SocketDesignation;
  711. [Description("Voltage Capability") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 VoltageCaps[];
  712. [Description("The LoadPercentage property returns a value that expresses each processor's load capacity averaged over the last second. The term 'processor loading' refers to the total computing burden each processor carries at one time.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 LoadPercentage;
  713. };
  714. [Description("The Win32_Printer class represents a device connected to a Win32 system that is capable of reproducing a visual image on a medium.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  715. class Win32_Printer : CIM_Printer
  716. {
  717. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  718. [Description("The Attributes property indicates the attributes of the Win32 printing device.<P>Example: 64") : Amended ToSubclass,BitMap{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"} : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Attributes;
  719. [Description("The DriverName property indicates the driver name of the Win32 printing device.<P>Example: Windows NT Fax Driver") : Amended ToSubclass]string DriverName;
  720. [Description("The Location property indicates the location of the Win32 printing device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Location;
  721. [Description("The PrinterPaperNames property indicates the list of paper sizes supported by the printer using the printer specified names for the paper sizes.<P>Example: B5 (JIS)") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrinterPaperNames[];
  722. [Description("The PortName property indicates the port name of the Win32 printing device.<P>Example: Sportster 56000 Fax Internal") : Amended ToSubclass]string PortName;
  723. [Description("The PrintJobDataType property indicates the data type of the print job pending on the Win32 printing device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrintJobDataType;
  724. [Description("The SeparatorFile property indicates the file printed between print jobs.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SeparatorFile;
  725. [Description("The ServerName property indicates the name of the server hosting the Win32 printing device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ServerName;
  726. [Description("The ShareName property indicates the share name of the Win32 printing device.<P>Example: \\\\PRINTSERVER1\\PRINTER2") : Amended ToSubclass]string ShareName;
  727. [Description("The StartTime property specifies the earliest time at which the printer will print a job if the printer has been limited to print only at certain times.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime StartTime;
  728. [Description("The UntilTime property specifies the latest time at which the printer will print a job if the printer has been limited to print only at certain times.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime UntilTime;
  729. [Description("The DefaultPriority property specifies the default priority value assigned to each print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DefaultPriority;
  730. [Description("The AveragePagesPerMinute property specifies the average number of pages per minute that have been printed on the printer.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 AveragePagesPerMinute;
  731. [Description("The PrintProcessor property specifies the name of the print processor used by the printer.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrintProcessor;
  732. [Description("The SpoolEnabled property shows whether spooling is enabled for this printer. <P>Values:TRUE or FALSE.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SpoolEnabled;
  733. };
  734. [Description("The Win32_PrinterController class represents an association between a printer and the local device to which it is connected. Note that this class only returns instances for local printers.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  735. class Win32_PrinterController : CIM_Controlledby
  736. {
  737. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_Printer dependent reference represents the Win32_Printer") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Printer Ref Dependent;
  738. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The CIM_Controller antecedent reference represents the local device associated with this printer.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Controller Ref Antecedent;
  739. };
  740. [Description("Capabilities and management of an UninterruptiblePowerSupply. The properties of the UPS Device indicate when incoming power is trimmed or boosted, and the aggregated information of the batteries, generators, etc. that comprise the Device. These individual components (for example, multiple batteries) can also be independently modeled and associated with the UPS.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  741. class CIM_UninterruptiblePowerSupply : CIM_PowerSupply
  742. {
  743. [Description("If the voltage (in millivolts) drops below the value specified by Range1InputVoltageLow, the UPS will compensate by boosting the voltage using its power source(s). A value of 0 indicates that the voltage at which boosting occurs is 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range1InputVoltageLow;
  744. [Description("If the voltage (in millivolts) rises above the value specified by Range1InputVoltageHigh, the UPS will compensate by trimming the voltage. A value of 0 indicates that the voltage at which trimming occurs is 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range1InputVoltageHigh;
  745. [Description("If the voltage (in millivolts) drops below the value specified by Range2InputVoltageLow, the UPS will compensate by boosting the voltage using its power source(s). A value of 0 indicates that the voltage at which boosting occurs is 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range2InputVoltageLow;
  746. [Description("If the voltage (in millivolts) rises above the value specified by Range2InputVoltageHigh, the UPS will compensate by trimming the voltage. A value of 0 indicates that the voltage at which trimming occurs is 'unknown'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Range2InputVoltageHigh;
  747. [Description("The indication of the capacity remaining in the UPS' batteries, generator, ... A value of \"Normal\" (2) indicates that the remaining estimated minutes of run-time is greater than the UPS' defined 'low power' state (typically two minutes). A value of \"Low\" (3) indicates that the remaining estimated minutes of run-time is less than or equal to the UPS' defined 'low power' state. A value of \"Depleted\" (4) indicates that the UPS will be unable to sustain the present load when and if the utility power is lost (including the possibility that the utility power is currently absent).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 RemainingCapacityStatus;
  748. [Description("TimeOnBackup indicates the elapsed time in seconds since the UPS last switched to battery power, generator, ... Or, the time since the UPS was last restarted, whichever is less. Zero shall be returned if the UPS is 'on line'.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TimeOnBackup;
  749. [Description("EstimatedRunTime is an estimate in minutes of the time to battery, generator, ... depletion under the present load conditions if the utility power is off, or lost and remains off.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EstimatedRunTime;
  750. [Description("An estimate of the percentage of full charge remaining for a UPS (that uses battery technology).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 EstimatedChargeRemaining;
  751. };
  752. [Description("The Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply class represents a device that supplies electrical current to other parts of the system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  753. class Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply : CIM_UninterruptiblePowerSupply
  754. {
  755. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  756. [Description("The BatteryInstalled property determines whether there is a battery installed on the device.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, a battery is installed.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean BatteryInstalled;
  757. [Description("The CanTurnOffRemotely property determines whether the power supply can be turned off remotely.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the power supply can be turned off remotely.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean CanTurnOffRemotely;
  758. [Description("The CommandFile property indicates the command file of the power supply.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CommandFile;
  759. [Description("The LowBatterySignal property determines whether the power supply has a low battery signal.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the power supply has a low battery signal.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean LowBatterySignal;
  760. [Description("The MessageInterval property indicates the interval between error messages generated by this device.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MessageInterval;
  761. [Description("The PowerFailSignal property determines whether the power supply has a power failure signal.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the power supply has a power failure signal.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PowerFailSignal;
  762. [Description("The UPSPort property indicates the UPS port for the power supply.") : Amended ToSubclass]string UPSPort;
  763. };
  764. [Description("The Win32_POTSModem class represents a Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) modem on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  765. class Win32_POTSModem : CIM_PotsModem
  766. {
  767. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  768. [Description("The Attached property indicates the port to which the POTS modem is attached.<P>Example: COM1") : Amended ToSubclass]string AttachedTo;
  769. [Description("The CompressionOff property indicates that data compression is off.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CompressionOff;
  770. [Description("The ComprerssionOn property indicates that data compression is on.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CompressionOn;
  771. [Description("The Default property indicates that this POTS modem is the default modem on the Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 Default[];
  772. [Description("The DeviceLoader property indicates the name of the device loader for the modem.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceLoader;
  773. [Description("The DeviceType property indicates the type of device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceType;
  774. [Description("The DriverDate propety indicates the date of the modem driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime DriverDate;
  775. [Description("The ErrorControlForced property indicates that error control is forced.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ErrorControlForced;
  776. [Description("The ErrorControlOff property indicates that the error control is off.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ErrorControlOff;
  777. [Description("The ErrorControlOn property indicates that the error control is on.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ErrorControlOn;
  778. [Description("The FlowControlHard property indicates that hardware flow control is being used.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FlowControlHard;
  779. [Description("The FlowControlSoft property indicates that software flow control is being used.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FlowControlSoft;
  780. [Description("The FlowControlOff property indicates that flow control is off.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FlowControlOff;
  781. [Description("The Index property indicates the index number for this POTS modem.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Index;
  782. [Description("The Model property indicates the model of the POTS modem.<P>Example: Sportster 56K External") : Amended ToSubclass]string Model;
  783. [Description("The ModemInfPath property indicates the path to the modem INF file.<P>Example: C:\\WINNT\\INF") : Amended ToSubclass]string ModemInfPath;
  784. [Description("The ModemInfSection property indicates the name of the section in the modem INF file that contains information about the modem.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ModemInfSection;
  785. [Description("The Prefix property indicates the dialing prefix for outside line access.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Prefix;
  786. [Description("The Properties property is a string array that list all the properties (and their values) for the POTS Modem.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 Properties[];
  787. [Description("The ProviderName property indicates the name of the provider for this POTS modem.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProviderName;
  788. [Description("The Pulse property indicates that pulse mode is used for dialing.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Pulse;
  789. [Description("The Reset property indicates that the modem has been reset for the next call.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Reset;
  790. [Description("The SpeakerModeDial property indicates that the speaker is on only during the dial-up sequence.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SpeakerModeDial;
  791. [Description("The SpeakerModeOff property indicates that the speaker mode is off.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SpeakerModeOff;
  792. [Description("The SpeakerModeOn property indicates that the speaker mode is on.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SpeakerModeOn;
  793. [Description("The SpeakerModeSetup indicates settings for the speaker mode.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SpeakerModeSetup;
  794. [Description("The SpeakerVolumeHigh property indicates that the speaker volume is set at high volume.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SpeakerVolumeHigh;
  795. [Description("The SpeakerVolumeLow property indicates that the speaker volume is set at low volume.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SpeakerVolumeLow;
  796. [Description("The SpeakerVolumeMed property indicates that the speaker volume is set at medium volume.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SpeakerVolumeMed;
  797. [Description("The StringFormat property indicates the AT initialization string to be used when dialing a number.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StringFormat;
  798. [Description("The Tone property indicates that tone mode is used for dialing.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Tone;
  799. };
  800. [Description("Capabilities and management of the ParallelPort LogicalDevice") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  801. class CIM_ParallelController : CIM_Controller
  802. {
  803. [Description("An integer enumeration indicating the capabilities of the ParallelController") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Capabilities[];
  804. [Description("An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the ParallelController features indicated in the Capabilities array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Capabilities array that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CapabilityDescriptions[];
  805. [Description("Set to true if the ParallelPort supports DMA.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DMASupport;
  806. };
  807. [Description("Capabilities and management of the SCSIController LogicalDevice") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  808. class CIM_SCSIController : CIM_Controller
  809. {
  810. [Description("An integer enumeration indicating whether or not the SCSIController provides redundancy or protection against device failures.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ProtectionManagement;
  811. };
  812. [Description("Capabilities and management of the SerialPort LogicalDevice") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  813. class CIM_SerialController : CIM_Controller
  814. {
  815. [Description("The Capabilities property defines chip level compatibility for the SerialController. Therefore, this property describes the buffering and other capabilities of the SerialController, that may be inherent in the chip hardware. The property is an enumerated integer.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Capabilities[];
  816. [Description("An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the SerialController features indicated in the Capabilities array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Capabilities array that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CapabilityDescriptions[];
  817. };
  818. [Description("The Win32_SerialPort class represents a serial port on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  819. class Win32_SerialPort : CIM_SerialController
  820. {
  821. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  822. [Description("The Binary property determines whether the serial port is configured for binary data transfer. Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the serial port is configured for binary data transfer.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Binary;
  823. [Description("The MaximumInputBufferSize property indicates the maximum input buffer size for this serial port.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumInputBufferSize;
  824. [Description("The MaximumOutputBufferSize property indicates the maximum output buffer size for this serial port.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumOutputBufferSize;
  825. [Description("The ProviderType property indicates the provider type for this serial port.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProviderType;
  826. [Description("The SettableBaudRate property determines whether the baud rate is settable for this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the baud rate is settable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SettableBaudRate;
  827. [Description("The SettableDataBits property determines whether data bits are settable for this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, data bits are settable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SettableDataBits;
  828. [Description("The SettableFlowControl property determines whether flow control is settable for this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, flow control is settable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SettableFlowControl;
  829. [Description("The SettableParity property determines whether parity is settable for this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, parity is settable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SettableParity;
  830. [Description("The SettableParityCheck property determines whether parity check is settable for this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, parity check is settable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SettableParityCheck;
  831. [Description("The SettableRLSD property determines whether Received Line Signal Detect (RLSD) is settable for this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, RLSD is settable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SettableRLSD;
  832. [Description("The SettableStopBits property determines whether stop bits are settable for this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, stop bits are settable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SettableStopBits;
  833. [Description("The Supports16BitMode property determines whether 16-bit mode is supported on this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, 16-bit mode is supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Supports16BitMode;
  834. [Description("The SupportsDTRDSR property determines whether Data Terminal Ready (DTR) and Data Set Ready (DSR) signals are supported on this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, DTR and DSR signals are supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsDTRDSR;
  835. [Description("The SettableElapsedTimeouts property determines whether elapsed timeouts are supported on this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, elapsed timeouts are supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsElapsedTimeouts;
  836. [Description("The SupportsParityCheck property determines whether parity check is supported on this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, parity check is supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsParityCheck;
  837. [Description("The SupportsRLSD property determines whether Received Line Signal Detect (RLSD) is supported on this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, RLSD is supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsRLSD;
  838. [Description("The SupportsRTSCTS property determines whether Ready To Send (RTS) and Clear To Send (CTS) signals are supported on this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, RTS and CTS signals are supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsRTSCTS;
  839. [Description("The SupportsSpecialCharacters property determines whether special characters are supported on this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, special characters are supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsSpecialCharacters;
  840. [Description("The SupportsXOnXOff property determines whether XON/XOFF flow control is supported on this serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, XON/XOFF is supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsXOnXOff;
  841. [Description("The SupportsXOnXOffSet property specifies whether the communications provider supports configuration of the XON/XOFF flow control setting. <P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, configuration is supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsXOnXOffSet;
  842. [Description("The OSAutoDiscovered property distinguishes the instances of this class that were automatically discovered by the operating system by interrogating hardware from the instances of this class that were added by other means e.g. Control Panel Applet. A value of TRUE indicates that the instance was automatically discovered.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean OSAutoDiscovered;
  843. };
  844. [Description("The Win32_POTSModemToSerialPort class represents an association between a modem and the serial port the modem uses.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  845. class Win32_POTSModemToSerialPort : CIM_ControlledBy
  846. {
  847. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Antecedent reference represents the Win32_SerialPort the modem is using in the association.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SerialPort Ref Antecedent;
  848. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Dependent reference represents the Win32_POTSModem using the serial port in the association.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_POTSModem Ref Dependent;
  849. };
  850. [Description("The Win32_NetworkAdapter class represents a network adapter on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  851. class Win32_NetworkAdapter : CIM_NetworkAdapter
  852. {
  853. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  854. [Description("The ProductName property indicates the product name of the network adapter.<P>Example: Fast EtherLink XL") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProductName;
  855. [Description("The AdapterType property indicates the network adapter type.") : Amended ToSubclass]string AdapterType;
  856. [Description("The MACAddress property indicates the media access control address for the network adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]string MACAddress;
  857. [Description("The ServiceName property indicates the service name of the network adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ServiceName;
  858. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the network adapter manufacturer.<P>Example: 3Com") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  859. [Description("The Installed property determines whether the network adapter is installed in the system.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the network adapter is installed.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Installed;
  860. [Description("The Index property indicates the index number for the network adapter.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Index;
  861. [Description("The MaxNumberControlled property indicates the maximum number of directly addressable entities supportable by this controller. A value of zero should be used if the number is unknown.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxNumberControlled;
  862. [Description("The TimeOfLastReset property indicates the last time the network adapter was reset.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime TimeOfLastReset;
  863. };
  864. [Description("The Win32_SCSIController class represents a SCSI controller on a Win32 system.<P>Example: Adaptec AHA-2940UW") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  865. class Win32_SCSIController : CIM_SCSIController
  866. {
  867. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  868. [Description("The Index property indicates the index number of the SCSI controller.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Index;
  869. [Description("The DriverName property indicates the driver file name of the SCSI controller.<P>Example: Adaptec") : Amended ToSubclass]string DriverName;
  870. [Description("The HardwareVersion property indicates the hardware version number of the SCSI controller.<P>Example: 1.25") : Amended ToSubclass]string HardwareVersion;
  871. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the SCSI controller manufacturer.<P>Example: Adaptec") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  872. };
  873. [Description("The Win32_USBControllerDevice class represents an association between a USB Controller and the CIM_LogicalDevices connected to it.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  874. class Win32_USBControllerDevice : CIM_ControlledBy
  875. {
  876. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The CIM_LogicalDevice dependent reference represents the CIM_LogicalDevice connected to the USB Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  877. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The CIM_USBController antecedent reference represents the USB Controller associated with this device.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_USBController Ref Antecedent;
  878. };
  879. [Description("The Win32_1394ControllerDevice class represents an association between a 1394 Controller and the CIM_LogicalDevices connected to it.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  880. class Win32_1394ControllerDevice : CIM_ControlledBy
  881. {
  882. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The CIM_LogicalDevice dependent reference represents the CIM_LogicalDevice connected to the 1394 Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  883. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_1394Controller antecedent reference represents the 1394 Controller associated with this device.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_1394Controller Ref Antecedent;
  884. };
  885. [Description("Capabilities and managment of an IDE controller device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  886. class Win32_IDEController : CIM_Controller
  887. {
  888. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  889. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the IDE device manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  890. };
  891. [Description("The Win32_IDEControllerDevice class represents an association between an IDE Controller and the CIM_LogicalDevices connected to it.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  892. class Win32_IDEControllerDevice : CIM_ControlledBy
  893. {
  894. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The CIM_LogicalDevice dependent reference represents the CIM_LogicalDevice connected to the IDE Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  895. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_IDEController antecedent reference represents the IDE Controller associated with this device.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_IDEController Ref Antecedent;
  896. };
  897. [Description("The Win32_SCSIControllerDevice class represents an association between a SCSI Controller and the CIM_LogicalDevices connected to it. Instances are only provided on NT5 or later and Win95 or later.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  898. class Win32_SCSIControllerDevice : CIM_ControlledBy
  899. {
  900. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The CIM_LogicalDevice dependent reference represents the CIM_LogicalDevice connected to the SCSI Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  901. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_SCSIController antecedent reference represents the SCSI Controller associated with this device.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SCSIController Ref Antecedent;
  902. };
  903. [Description("The Win32_ParallelPort class represents a parallel port on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  904. class Win32_ParallelPort : CIM_ParallelController
  905. {
  906. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  907. [Description("This boolean property distinguishes the instances of this class that were automatically discovered by the operating system by interrogating hardware from the instances of this class that were added by other means e.g. Control Panel Applet. A value of TRUE indicates that the instance was automatically discovered.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean OSAutoDiscovered;
  908. };
  909. [Description("The CIM_LogicalFile class represents a named collection of data (this can be executable code) located in a FileSystem on a StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  910. class CIM_LogicalFile : CIM_LogicalElement
  911. {
  912. [Description("The InUseCount property is an integer indicating the number of 'file opens' that are currently active against the file.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 InUseCount;
  913. [Description("The Archive property is a boolean value indicating that the File should be archived.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Archive;
  914. [Description("The CSCreationClassName property is a string indicating the class of the computer system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSCreationClassName;
  915. [Description("The CSName property is a string indicating the name of the computer system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSName;
  916. [Description("The Compressed property is a boolean value indicating that the File is compressed.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Compressed;
  917. [Description("The CreationClassName property is a string indicating the name of this class.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CreationClassName;
  918. [Description("The CreationDate property is a datetime value indicating th efile's creation date.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime CreationDate;
  919. [Description("The Encrypted property is a boolean value indicating that the File is encrypted.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Encrypted;
  920. [Description("The FSCreationClassName property is a string indicating the class of the file system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FSCreationClassName;
  921. [Description("The FSName property is string indicating the name of the file system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FSName;
  922. [Description("The LastAccessed property is a datetime value indicating the time the fle was last accessed.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime LastAccessed;
  923. [Description("The LastModified property is a datetime value indicating the time the file was last modified.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime LastModified;
  924. [Description("The Readable property is a boolean value indicating if the file can be read.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Readable;
  925. [Description("The FileSize property represents the size of the file (in bytes).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 FileSize;
  926. [Description("The Writeable property is a boolean value indicating if the file can be written.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Writeable;
  927. [Description("The Hidden property is a boolean value indicating if the file is hidden.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Hidden;
  928. [Description("The System property is a boolean value indicating if the file is a system file.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean System;
  929. [Description("The FileType property is a string descriptor representing the file type (indicated by the Extension property).") : Amended ToSubclass]string FileType;
  930. [Description("The EightDotThreeFileName property is a string representing the DOS-compatible file name for this file.<P>Example: c:\\progra~1") : Amended ToSubclass]string EightDotThreeFileName;
  931. [Description("The CompressionMethod property is a free form string indicating the algorithm or tool used to compress the LogicalFile. If it is not possible (or not desired) to describe the compression scheme (perhaps because it is not known), use the following words: \"Unknown\" to represent that it is not known whether the LogicalFile is compressed or not, \"Compressed\" to represent that the File is compressed but either its compression scheme is not known or not disclosed, and \"Not Compressed\" to represent that the LogicalFile is not compressed.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CompressionMethod;
  932. [Description("The EncryptionMethod property is a free form string indicating the algorithm or tool used to encrypt the LogicalFile. If it is not possible (or not desired) to describe the encryption scheme (perhaps for security reasons), use the following words: \"Unknown\" to represent that it is not known whether the LogicalFile is encrypted or not, \"Encrypted\" to represent that the File is encrypted but either its encryption scheme is not known or not disclosed, and \"Not Encrypted\" to represent that the LogicalFile is not encrypted.") : Amended ToSubclass]string EncryptionMethod;
  933. [Description("The Name property is a string representing the inherited name that serves as a key of a LogicalFile instance within a FileSystem. Full path names should be provided. Example: c:\\winnt\\system\\win.ini") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string Name;
  934. [Description("The Drive property is a string representing the drive letter (including colon) of the file. Example: c:") : Amended ToSubclass]string Drive;
  935. [Description("The Path property is a string representing the path of the file. This includes leading and trailing backslashes. Example: \\windows\\system\\") : Amended ToSubclass]string Path;
  936. [Description("The FileName property is a string representing the filename (without extension) of the file. Example: autoexec") : Amended ToSubclass]string FileName;
  937. [Description("The Extension property is a string representing the file's extension (without the dot). Example: txt, mof, mdb.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Extension;
  938. [Description("The TakeOwnerShip method obtains ownership of the logical file specified in the object path . If the logical file is actually a directory, then TakeOwnerShip will act recursively, taking ownership of all the files and sub-directories the directory contains. TakeOwnerShip returns an integer value of 0 on success, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TakeOwnerShip();
  939. [Description("The ChangeSecurityPermissions method changes the security permissions for the logical file specified in the object path. If the logical file is actually a directory, then ChangeSecurityPermissions will act recursively, changing the security permissions of all the files and sub-directories the directory contains. ChangeSecurityPermissions returns an integer value of 0 if the permissions were changed, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ChangeSecurityPermissions([In,Description("The SecurityDescriptor input parameter parameter specifies the security information") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SecurityDescriptor SecurityDescriptor,[In,Description("The Option input parameter specifies the actual security privilege to be modified. Change_Owner_Security_Information - Change the owner of the logical file. Change_Group_Security_Information - Change the group of the logical file. Change_Dacl_Security_Information - Change the Access Control List of the logical file. Change_Sacl_Security_Information - Change the System Access Control List of the logical file.") : Amended ToSubclass,BitMap{"0", "1", "2", "3"} : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Option);
  940. [Description("The Copy method copies the logical file or directory specified in the object path to the location specified by the input parameter. Copy returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully copied, and any other number to indicate an error. A copy is not supported if overwriting an existing logical file is required.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Copy([In,Description("The FileName input parameter is a string representing the fully qualified name of the copy of the file (or directory). Example: c:\\temp\\newdirectory") : Amended ToSubclass]string FileName);
  941. [Description("The Rename method renames the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. Rename returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully renamed, and any other number to indicate an error. A rename is not supported if the destination is on another drive or overwriting an existing logical file is required") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Rename([In,Description("The FileName input parameter is a string representing the new name for the logical file (or directory). The FileName input parameter must be a fully qualified path name. Example: c:\\temp\\newfile.txt.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FileName);
  942. [Description("The Delete method will delete the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. Delete returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully deleted, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Delete();
  943. [Description("The Compress method compresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. Compress returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully compressed, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Compress();
  944. [Description("The Unompress method uncompresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. Uncompress returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully decompressed, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Uncompress();
  945. [Description("The TakeOwnerShipEx method obtains ownership of the logical file specified in the object path. If the logical file is actually a directory, then this method will act recursively, taking ownership of all the files and sub-directories the directory contains. TakeOwnerShipEx returns an integer value of 0 on success, and any other number to indicate an error. TakeOwnerShipEx is an extended version of the TakeOwnerShip method.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TakeOwnerShipEx([Out,Description("The StopFileName output parameter is a string representing the name of the file/directory where TakeOwnerShipEx failed. StopFileName will be null if the method succeeds.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StopFileName,[In,Description("The StartFileName input parameter is a string that names the child file/directory to use as a starting point for TakeOwnerShipEx.The StartFileName property typically, is the StopFileName parameter specifying the file or directory at which anerror occurred from the previous method call. If this parameter is NULL, the operation is performed on the file ordirectory specified in the ExecMethod call.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartFileName,[In,Description("The Recursive input parameter is a boolean that indicates whether the change of ownership will be applied recursively to files and directories within the directory specified by the Cim_LogicalFile instance.Note for file instances the Recursive input parameter is ignored.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Recursive);
  946. [Description("The ChangeSecurityPermissionsEx method changes the security permissions for the logical file specified in the object path. If the logical file is actually a directory, then this method will act recursively, changing the security permissions of all the files and sub-directories the directory contains. ChangeSecurityPermissionsEx returns an integer value of 0 if the permissions were changed, and any other number to indicate an error. ChangeSecurityPermissionsEx is an extended version of the ChangeSecurityPermissions method.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ChangeSecurityPermissionsEx([in,Description("The SecurityDescriptor input parameter specifies the security information.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SecurityDescriptor SecurityDescriptor,[In,Description("The Option input parameter specifies the actual security privilege to be modified. Change_Owner_Security_Information - Change the owner of the logical file. Change_Group_Security_Information - Change the group of the logical file. Change_Dacl_Security_Information - Change the Access Control List of the logical file. Change_Sacl_Security_Information - Change the System Access Control List of the logical file.") : Amended ToSubclass,BitMap{"0", "1", "2", "3"} : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Option,[Out,Description("The StopFileName output parameter is a string representing the name of the file/directory where ChangeSecurityPermissionsEx failed. StopFileName will be null if the method succeeds.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StopFileName,[In,Description("The StartFileName input parameter is a string representing the child file/directory to use as a starting point for ChangeSecurityPermissionsEx.The StartFileName property typically, is the StopFileName parameter specifying the file or directory at which anerror occurred from the previous method call. If this parameter is NULL, the operation is performed on the file ordirectory specified in the ExecMethod call.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartFileName,[In,Description("The Recursive input parameter is a boo
  947. [Description("The CopyEx method copies the logical file or directory specified in the object path to the location specified by the FileName parameter. CopyEx returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully copied, and any other number to indicate an error. A copy is not supported if overwriting an existing logical file is required. CopyEx is an extended version of the Copy method.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CopyEx([In,Description("The FileName input parameter is a string representing the fully qualified name of the copy of the file (or directory). Example: c:\\temp\\newdirectory.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FileName,[Out,Description("The StopFileName output parameter is a string representing the name of the file/directory where CopyEx failed. This string parameter will be null if the method succeeds.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StopFileName,[In,Description("The StartFileName input parameter is a string that names the child file/directory to use as a starting point for CopyEx.The StartFileName property typically, is the StopFileName parameter specifying the file or directory at which anerror occurred from the previous method call. If this parameter is NULL, the operation is performed on the file ordirectory specified in the ExecMethod call.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartFileName,[In,Description("The Recursive input parameter is a boolean that indicates whether the copy will be applied recursively to files and directories within the directory specified by the Cim_LogicalFile instance.Note for file instances the Recursive input parameter is ignored.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Recursive);
  948. [Description("The DeleteEx method will delete the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. DeleteEx returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully deleted, and any other number to indicate an error. DeleteEx is an extended version of the Delete method.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DeleteEx([Out,Description("The StopFileName output parameter is a string representing the name of the file/directory where DeleteEx failed. This string parameter will be null if DeleteEx succeeds.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StopFileName,[In,Description("The StartFileName input parameter is a string that names the child file/directory to use as a starting point for DeleteEx.The StartFileName property typically, is the StopFileName parameter specifying the file or directory at which anerror occurred from the previous method call. If this parameter is NULL, the operation is performed on the file ordirectory specified in the ExecMethod call.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartFileName);
  949. [Description("The CompressEx method compresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. CompressEx returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully compressed, and any other number to indicate an error. CompressEx is an extended version of the Compress method.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CompressEx([Out,Description("The StopFileName output parameter is a string representing the name of the file/directory where CompressEx failed. StopFileName will be null if the method succeeds.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StopFileName,[In,Description("The StartFileName input parameter is a string that names the child file/directory to use as a starting point for CompressEx.The StartFileName property typically, is the StopFileName parameter specifying the file or directory at which anerror occurred from the previous method call. If this parameter is NULL, the operation is performed on the file ordirectory specified in the ExecMethod call.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartFileName,[In,Description("The Recursive input parameter is a boolean that indicates whether the compression will be applied recursively to files and directories within the directory specified by the Cim_LogicalFile instance.Note for file instances the Recursive input parameter is ignored.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Recursive);
  950. [Description("The UncompressEx method uncompresses the logical file (or directory) specified in the object path. UncompressEx returns an integer value of 0 if the file was successfully decompressed, and any other number to indicate an error. UncompressEx is an extended version of the Uncompress method.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 UncompressEx([Out,Description("The StopFileName output parameter is a string representing the name of the file/directory where UncompressEx failed. StopFileName will be null if the method succeeds.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StopFileName,[In,Description("The StartFileName input parameter is a string that names the child file/directory to use as a starting point for UncompressEx.The StartFileName property typically, is the StopFileName parameter specifying the file or directory at which anerror occurred from the previous method call. If this parameter is NULL, the operation is performed on the file ordirectory specified in the ExecMethod call.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartFileName,[In,Description("The Recursive input parameter is a boolean that indicates whether the decompression will be applied recursively to files and directories within the directory specified by the Cim_LogicalFile instance.Note for file instances the Recursive input parameter is ignored.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Recursive);
  951. };
  952. [Description("DataFile is a type of LogicalFile that is a named collection of data or executable code.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  953. class CIM_DataFile : CIM_LogicalFile
  954. {
  955. [Description("Version string from version resource if one is present.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  956. [Description("Manufacturer string from version resource if one is present.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  957. };
  958. [Description("The Win32_ShorcutFile class represents files that serve as shortcuts to other files, directories, commands, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  959. class Win32_ShortcutFile : CIM_DataFile
  960. {
  961. [Description("The Target property indicates the name of the object that this is a shortcut to.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Target;
  962. };
  963. [Description("The Win32_PrinterDriverDll class represents an association between a local printer and its driver file.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  964. class Win32_PrinterDriverDll : CIM_Dependency
  965. {
  966. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The CIM_DataFile antecedent reference represents its driver file.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DataFile Ref Antecedent;
  967. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_Printer dependent reference represents the Win32_Printer.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Printer Ref Dependent;
  968. };
  969. [Description("The Win32_CodeFile class represents the audio and visual codec installed on the system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  970. class Win32_CodecFile : CIM_DataFile
  971. {
  972. [Description("Codec group from registry.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Group;
  973. [Description("Description of Codec from registry.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  974. };
  975. [Description("The Win32_BaseService class represents executable objects that are installed in a registry database maintained by the Service Control Manager. The executable file associated with a service can be started at boot time by a boot program or by the system, or it can be started on demand by the Service Control Manager. Any service or process that is not owned by a specific user and that provides an interface to some functionality supported by the system is a descendent (or member) of this class.<P>Example: The dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) client service on a Windows NT system") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  976. class Win32_BaseService : CIM_Service
  977. {
  978. [Description("The AcceptPause property determines whether the service can be paused.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the service can be paused.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AcceptPause;
  979. [Description("The AcceptStop property determines whether the service can be stopped.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the service can be stopped.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AcceptStop;
  980. [Description("The DesktopInteract property determines whether the service can create or communicate with windows on the desktop.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the service can create or communicate with windows on the desktop.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DesktopInteract;
  981. [Description("The DisplayName property indicates the display name of the service.<P>Constraints: Accepts the same value as the Name property.<P>Example: Atdisk") : Amended ToSubclass]string DisplayName;
  982. [Description("The ErrorControl property indicates the level of error control for the service.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ErrorControl;
  983. [Description("The PathName property indicates the path for the executable file that implements the service.<P>Example: \\SystemRoot\\System32\\drivers\\afd.sys") : Amended ToSubclass]string PathName;
  984. [Description("The ServiceType property indicates the type of service.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ServiceType;
  985. [Description("The StartName property indicates the account name under which to run the service.<P>Example: DWDOM\\Admin") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartName;
  986. [Description("The StartMode property indicates the start mode of the Win32 base service.<P>Values: Disabled, Manual, Automatic, System, Boot or Unknown.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartMode;
  987. [Description("The State property indicates the state of the base service.<P>Values: Stopped, Start Pending, Stop Pending, Running, Continue Pending, Pause Pending, Paused, Unknown.") : Amended ToSubclass]string State;
  988. [Description("The TagId property indicates the tag identifier of the service.<P>Example: 1") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TagId;
  989. [Description("The StartService method attempts to place the service in the started state. It returns one of the following integer values:<DL COMPACT><DT>0<DD>The request was accepted.<DT>1<DD>The request is not supported.<DT>2<DD>The user did not have the necessary access.<DT>3<DD>The service cannot be stopped because other running services are dependent on it.<DT>4<DD>The requested control code is not valid, or it is unacceptable to the service.<DT>5<DD>The requested control code cannot be sent to the service because the state of the service (Win32_BaseService:State) is equal to 0, 1, or 2.<DT>6<DD>The service has not been started.<DT>7<DD>The service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion.<DL><P> ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StartService();
  990. [Description("The StopService method places the service in the stopped state. It returns an integer value of 0 if the service was successfully stopped, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StopService();
  991. [Description("The PauseService method attempts to place the service in the paused state. It returns an integer value of 0 if the PauseService request was accepted , 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PauseService();
  992. [Description("The ResumeService method attempts to place the service in the resumed state. It returns an integer value of 0 if the ResumeService request was accepted, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ResumeService();
  993. [Description("The InterrogateService requests that the service updates its state to the service manager. It returns an integer value of 0 if the InterrogateService request was accepted, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 InterrogateService();
  994. [Description("The UserControlService method attempts to send a user defined control code to a service. It returns an integer value of 0 if the UserControlService request was accepted, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 UserControlService([in]uint8 ControlCode);
  995. [Description("Specifies a Win32 error code defining any problems encountered in starting or stopping the service. To return an error code specific to the service, the service sets this property to ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR (1066) to indicate that the ServiceSpecificExitCode property contains additional information. The service sets this value to NO_ERROR when it is running and when it terminates normally. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ExitCode;
  996. [Description("Specifies a service-specific error code that is returned when an error occurs while the service is starting or stopping. This value is ignored unless the Win32ExitCode property is set to ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR, 1066. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ServiceSpecificExitCode;
  997. [Description("The Create method creates a new service. It returns an integer value of 0 if the service was successfully created, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.The Win32_LoadOrderGroup parameter represents a grouping of system services defining execution dependencies. The services must be initiated in the order specified by the Load Order Group as the services are dependent on each other. These dependent services require the presence of the antecedent services in order to function correctly.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Create([In,Description("String that names the service to install. The maximum string length is 256 characters. The service control manager database preserves the case of the characters, but service name comparisons are always case insensitive. Forward-slash (//) and back-slash (\\) are invalid service name characters.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name,[In,Description("The DisplayName property indicates the display name of the service.<P>Constraints: Accepts the same value as the Name property.<P>Example: Atdisk") : Amended ToSubclass]string DisplayName,[In,Description("The PathName property indicates the path for the executable file that implements the service.<P>Example: \\SystemRoot\\System32\\drivers\\afd.sys") : Amended ToSubclass]string PathName,[In,Description("The ServiceType property indicates the type of service.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 ServiceType,[In,Description("The ErrorControl property indicates the level of error control for the service.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 ErrorControl,[In,Description("The StartMode property indicates the start mode of the Win32 base service.Boot Specifies a device driver started by the operating system loader. This value is valid only for driver services.System Specifies a device driver started by the IoInitSystem function. This value is valid only for driver services.Automatic Specifies a service to be started automatically by the service control manager during system startup. Manual Specifies a serv
  998. [Description("The Change method modifies a service. It returns an integer value of 0 if the service was successfully modified, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.The Win32_LoadOrderGroup parameter represents a grouping of system services defining execution dependencies. The services must be initiated in the order specified by the Load Order Group as the services are dependent on each other. These dependent services require the presence of the antecedent services in order to function correctly.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Change([In,Description("The DisplayName property indicates the display name of the service.<P>Constraints: Accepts the same value as the Name property.<P>Example: Atdisk") : Amended ToSubclass]string DisplayName,[In,Description("The PathName property indicates the path for the executable file that implements the service.<P>Example: \\SystemRoot\\System32\\drivers\\afd.sys") : Amended ToSubclass]string PathName,[In,Description("The ServiceType property indicates the type of service. In addition, for a SERVICE_WIN32 service, the SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS flag might be set, indicating that the service process can interact with the desktop.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 ServiceType,[In,Description("The ErrorControl property indicates the level of error control for the service.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 ErrorControl,[In,Description("The StartMode property indicates the start mode of the Win32 base service.Boot Specifies a device driver started by the operating system loader. This value is valid only for driver services.System Specifies a device driver started by the IoInitSystem function. This value is valid only for driver services.Automatic Specifies a service to be started automatically by the service control manager during system startup. Manual Specifies a service to be started by the service control manager when a process calls the StartService function.Disabled Specifies a service that can no longer be started.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Star
  999. [Description("The ChangeStartMode method modifies a service. It returns an integer value of 0 if the service was successfully modified, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ChangeStartMode([In,Description("The StartMode property indicates the start mode of the Win32 base service.Boot Specifies a device driver started by the operating system loader. This value is valid only for driver services.System Specifies a device driver started by the IoInitSystem function. This value is valid only for driver services.Automatic Specifies a service to be started automatically by the service control manager during system startup. Manual Specifies a service to be started by the service control manager when a process calls the StartService function.Disabled Specifies a service that can no longer be started.") : Amended ToSubclass]string StartMode);
  1000. [Description("The Delete method deletes an existing service. It returns an integer value of 0 if the service was successfully deleted, 1 if the request is not supported and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Delete();
  1001. };
  1002. [Description("The Win32_SystemDriver class represents the system driver for a base service.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1003. class Win32_SystemDriver : Win32_BaseService
  1004. {
  1005. };
  1006. [Description("Directory is a type of File that logically groups DataFiles 'contained' in it, and provides path information for the grouped Files.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1007. class CIM_Directory : CIM_LogicalFile
  1008. {
  1009. };
  1010. [Description("The Win32_Directory class represents a directory entry on a Win32 system.<P>Example: C:\\TEMP") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1011. class Win32_Directory : CIM_Directory
  1012. {
  1013. };
  1014. [Description(" The CIM_SoftwareElement class is used to decompose a CIM_SoftwareFeature object into a set of individually manageable or deployable parts for a particular platform. A software element's platform is uniquely identified by its underlying hardware architecture and operating system (for example Sun Solaris on Sun Sparc or Windows NT on Intel). As such, to understand the details of how the functionality of a particular software feature is provided on a particular platform, the CIM_SoftwareElement objects referenced by CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement associations are organized in disjoint sets based on the TargetOperatingSystem property. A CIM_SoftwareElement object captures the management details of a part or component in one of four states characterized by the SoftwareElementState property. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1015. class CIM_SoftwareElement : CIM_LogicalElement
  1016. {
  1017. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The name used to identify this software element") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1018. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Version should be in the form <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or <Major>.<Minor><letter><revision>") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  1019. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description(" The SoftwareElementState is defined in this model to identify various states of a software elements life cycle. - A software element in the deployable state describes the details necessary to successful distribute it and the details (conditions and actions) required to create a software element in the installable state (i.e, the next state). - A software element in the installable state describes the details necessary to successfully install it and the details (conditions and actions required to create a software element in the executable state (i.e., the next state). - A software element in the executable state describes the details necessary to successfully start it and the details (conditions and actions required to create a software element in the running state (i.e., the next state). - A software element in the running state describes the details necessary to monitor and operate on a start element.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SoftwareElementState;
  1020. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description(" This is an identifier for this software element and is designed to be used in conjunction with other keys to create a unique representation of this SoftwareElement") : Amended ToSubclass]string SoftwareElementID;
  1021. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description(" The Target Operating System property allows the provider to specify the operating system environment. The value of this property does not ensure binary executable. Two other pieces of information are needed. First, the version of the OS needs to be specified. using the OS Version Check. The second piece of information is the architecture the OS runs on. This information is capture with the ArchitectureCheck class. The combination of these constructs allows the provider to clearly identify the level of OS required for a particular software element.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TargetOperatingSystem;
  1022. [Description(" The OtherTargetOS property records the manufacturer and operating system type for a software element when the TargetOperatingSystem property has a value of 1 (\"Other\"). Therefore, when the TargetOperating System property has a value of \"Other\", the OtherTargetOS property must have a non-null value. For all other values of TargetOperatingSystem, the OtherTargetOS property is to be NULL. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string OtherTargetOS;
  1023. [Description("Manufacturer of this software element") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  1024. [Description("The internal identifier for this compilation of this software element.") : Amended ToSubclass]string BuildNumber;
  1025. [Description("The assigned serial number of this software element.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SerialNumber;
  1026. [Description("The code set used by this software element. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string CodeSet;
  1027. [Description(" The value of this property is the manufacturer's identifier for this software element. Often this will be a stock keeping unit (SKU) or a part number.") : Amended ToSubclass]string IdentificationCode;
  1028. [Description("The value of this property identifies the language edition of this software element. The language codes defined in ISO 639 should be used. Where the software element represents multi-lingual or international version of a product, the string multilingual should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass]string LanguageEdition;
  1029. };
  1030. [Description("BIOSElement represents the low-level software that is loaded into non-volatile storage and used to bring up and configure a ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1031. class CIM_BIOSElement : CIM_SoftwareElement
  1032. {
  1033. [Description("If true, this is the primary BIOS of the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PrimaryBIOS;
  1034. };
  1035. [Description("The Win32_DriverVXD class represents a virtual device driver on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1036. class Win32_DriverVXD : CIM_SoftwareElement
  1037. {
  1038. [Description("The DeviceDescriptorBlock property indicates the device description block of the virtual device driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceDescriptorBlock;
  1039. [Description("The ServiceTableSize property indicates the service table size of the virtual device driver.<P>Example: 1024") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ServiceTableSize;
  1040. [Description("The Version property indicates the version of the VXD driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  1041. };
  1042. [Description("A Job is a LogicalElement representing a unit of work for a System, such as a print job. A Job is distinct from a Process in that a Job can be scheduled.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1043. class CIM_Job : CIM_LogicalElement
  1044. {
  1045. [Description("Length of time that the Job has been executing") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime ElapsedTime;
  1046. [Description("User to be notified upon Job completion or failure") : Amended ToSubclass]string Notify;
  1047. [Description("User that submitted the Job") : Amended ToSubclass]string Owner;
  1048. [Description("Priority indicates the urgency or importance of execution of a Job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Priority;
  1049. [Description("Time that the Job was begun") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime StartTime;
  1050. [Description("A free form string representing the Job's status.") : Amended ToSubclass]string JobStatus;
  1051. [Description("Time that the Job was submitted") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime TimeSubmitted;
  1052. [Description("Time after which the Job is invalid or should be stopped") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime UntilTime;
  1053. };
  1054. [Description("An OperatingSystem is software/firmware that makes a ComputerSystem's hardware usable, and implements and/or manages the resources, file systems, processes, user interfaces, services, ... available on the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1055. class CIM_OperatingSystem : CIM_LogicalElement
  1056. {
  1057. [Description("Boolean indicating whether the OperatingSystem is distributed across several ComputerSystem nodes. If so, these nodes should be grouped as a Cluster.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Distributed;
  1058. [Description("Number of kilobytes of physical memory currently unused and available") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 FreePhysicalMemory;
  1059. [Description("Number of kilobytes of virtual memory currently unused and available. For example, this may be calculated by adding the amount of free RAM to the amount of free paging space (ie, adding the properties, FreePhysicalMemory and FreeSpaceInPagingFiles).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 FreeVirtualMemory;
  1060. [Description("Maximum number of kilobytes of memory that can be allocated to a Process. For Operating Systems with no virtual memory, this value is typically equal to the total amount of physical Memory minus memory used by the BIOS and OS. For some Operating Systems, this value may be infinity - in which case, 0 should be entered. In other cases, this value could be a constant - for example, 2G or 4G.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MaxProcessMemorySize;
  1061. [Description("A integer indicating the type of OperatingSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 OSType;
  1062. [Description("A string describing the manufacturer and OperatingSystem type - used when the OperatingSystem property, OSType, is set to 1 (\"Other\"). The format of the string inserted in OtherTypeDescription should be similar in format to the Values strings defined for OSType. OtherTypeDescription should be set to NULL when OSType is any value other than 1.") : Amended ToSubclass]string OtherTypeDescription;
  1063. [Description("A string describing the Operating System's version number. The format of the version information is as follows: <Major Number>.<Minor Number>.<Revision> or <Major Number>.<Minor Number>.<Revision Letter>.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  1064. [Description("OperatingSystem's notion of the local date and time of day.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime LocalDateTime;
  1065. [Description("CurrentTimeZone indicates the number of minutes the OperatingSystem is offset from Greenwich Mean Time. Either the number is positive, negative or zero.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint16 CurrentTimeZone;
  1066. [Description("The total number of kilobytes that can be stored in the OperatingSystem's paging files. 0 indicates that there are no paging files.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 SizeStoredInPagingFiles;
  1067. [Description("The total number of kilobytes that can be mapped into the OperatingSystem's paging files without causing any other pages to be swapped out. 0 indicates that there are no paging files.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 FreeSpaceInPagingFiles;
  1068. [Description("Time when the OperatingSystem was last booted") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime LastBootUpTime;
  1069. [Description("Maximum number of process contexts the OperatingSystem can support. If there is no fixed maximum, the value should be 0. On systems that have a fixed maximum, this object can help diagnose failures that occur when the maximum is reached. If unknown, enter -1.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxNumberOfProcesses;
  1070. [Description("The inherited Name serves as key of an OperatingSystem instance within a ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string Name;
  1071. [Description("Number of user licenses for the OperatingSystem. If unlimited, enter 0. If unknown, enter -1.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfLicensedUsers;
  1072. [Description("Number of process contexts currently loaded or running on the OperatingSystem") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfProcesses;
  1073. [Description("Number of user sessions for which the OperatingSystem is currently storing state information") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfUsers;
  1074. [Description("Total swap space in kilobytes. This value may be NULL (unspecified) if swap space is not distinguished from page files. However, some Operating Systems distinguish these concepts. For example, in UNIX, whole processes can be 'swapped out' when the free page list falls and remains below a specified amount.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 TotalSwapSpaceSize;
  1075. [Description("Number of kilobytes of virtual memory. For example, this may be calculated by adding the amount of total RAM to the amount of paging space (ie, adding the amount of memory in/aggregated by the ComputerSystem to the property, SizeStoredInPagingFiles.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 TotalVirtualMemorySize;
  1076. [Description("The total amount of physical memory available to the operating system. This value does not necessarily indicate the true amount of physical memory, but what is reported to the operating system as available to it") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 TotalVisibleMemorySize;
  1077. [Description("Requests a reboot of the OperatingSystem. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Reboot();
  1078. [Description("Requests a shutdown of the OperatingSystem. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred. It is up to the implementation or subclass of OperatingSystem to establish dependencies between the Shutdown and Reboot methods, and for example, to provide more sophisticated capabilities such as scheduled shutdown/reboot, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Shutdown();
  1079. };
  1080. [Description("The Process class is derived from LogicalElement. It is intended to represent a program in execution, running under an OperatingSystem, hence it is weak to OperatingSystem. Processes are also known as tasks.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1081. class CIM_Process : CIM_LogicalElement
  1082. {
  1083. [Description("Time that the Process began executing") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime CreationDate;
  1084. [Description("A string used to identify the Process. A Process ID is a Process handle.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string Handle;
  1085. [Description("Time in kernel mode, in milliseconds. If this information is not available, a value of 0 should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 KernelModeTime;
  1086. [Description("Priority indicates the urgency or importance of execution of a Process. If a priority is not defined for a Process, a value of 0 should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Priority;
  1087. [Description("Indicates the current operating condition of the Process. Values include ready (2), running (3), and blocked (4), among others.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ExecutionState;
  1088. [Description("Time that the Process was stopped or terminated") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime TerminationDate;
  1089. [Description("Time in user mode, in milliseconds. If this information is not available, a value of 0 should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 UserModeTime;
  1090. [Description("The amount of memory in bytes that a Process needs to execute efficiently, for an OperatingSystem that uses page-based memory management. If an insufficient amount of memory is available (< working set size), thrashing will occur. If this information is not known, NULL or 0 should be entered. If this data is provided, it could be monitored to understand a Process' changing memory requirements as execution proceeds.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 WorkingSetSize;
  1091. };
  1092. [Description("A link between a Process and a DataFile indicating that the File participates in the execution of the Process.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1093. class CIM_ProcessExecutable : CIM_Dependency
  1094. {
  1095. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The DataFile participating in the execution of the Process.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DataFile Ref Antecedent;
  1096. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Process.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Process Ref Dependent;
  1097. [Description("GlobalCount represents the number of times the CIM_DataFile is loaded into process memory.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 GlobalProcessCount;
  1098. [Description("ProcessCount represents the number of times the CIM_DataFile is loaded into the indicated process' memory.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ProcessCount;
  1099. [Description("ModuleInstance represents the Win32 instance handle.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ModuleInstance;
  1100. };
  1101. [Description("The Win32_Account class represents data about a user or group that is known to the Win32 system. Any user or group data, whose name is recognized by a Windows NT domain, is a descendent (or member) of this class.<P>Example: mvotava") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1102. class Win32_Account : CIM_LogicalElement
  1103. {
  1104. [Description("The Domain property indicates the name of the Windows NT domain to which a group or user belongs.<P>Example: NA-SALES") : Amended ToSubclass]string Domain;
  1105. [Description("The SIDType property indicates the SID type of the Win32 group or user.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 SIDType;
  1106. };
  1107. [Description("The Win32_SystemAccount class represents data about the Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1108. class Win32_SystemAccount : Win32_Account
  1109. {
  1110. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Domain property indicates the name of the Windows NT domain to which the system account belongs.<P>Example: NA-SALES") : Amended ToSubclass]string Domain;
  1111. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the Win32 system account.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1112. };
  1113. [Description("The Win32_Group class represents data about a group that is known to the Win32 system.<P>Example: WORKGROUP") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1114. class Win32_Group : Win32_Account
  1115. {
  1116. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Domain property indicates the name of the Windows NT domain to which a group belongs.<P>Example: NA-SALES") : Amended ToSubclass]string Domain;
  1117. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the Win32 local group.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1118. };
  1119. [Description("The Win32_UserAccount class represents data about a user that is known to the Win32 system.<P>Example: mvotava") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1120. class Win32_UserAccount : Win32_Account
  1121. {
  1122. [Description("The AccountType property returns an identifier describing which kind of Win32 user account is in use.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 AccountType;
  1123. [Description("The Disabled property determines whether the Win32 user account is disabled.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the user account is disabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Disabled;
  1124. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Domain property indicates the name of the Windows NT domain to which a user belongs.<P>Example: NA-SALES") : Amended ToSubclass]string Domain;
  1125. [Description("The FullName property indicates the full name of the local user.<P>Example: Thomas Williams") : Amended ToSubclass]string FullName;
  1126. [Description("The Lockout property determines whether the user account is locked out of the Win32 system.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the user account is locked out.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Lockout;
  1127. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the network name of the local user.<P>Example: thomasw") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1128. [Description("The PasswordChangeable property determines whether the password on the Win32 user account can be changed.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the password can be changed.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PasswordChangeable;
  1129. [Description("The PasswordExpires property determines whether the password on the Win32 user account will expire.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the password will expire.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PasswordExpires;
  1130. [Description("The PasswordRequired property determines whether a password is required on the Win32 user account.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, a password is required.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PasswordRequired;
  1131. };
  1132. [Description("The Win32_NetworkConnection class represents a network connection in a Win32 environment.<P>Example: Any network connection") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1133. class Win32_NetworkConnection : CIM_LogicalElement
  1134. {
  1135. [Description("The Comment property indicates a textual comment about the network connection.<P>Example: A comment might look like this.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Comment;
  1136. [Description("The ConnectionType property indicates the connection type of the network connection.<P>Example: Permanent") : Amended ToSubclass]string ConnectionType;
  1137. [Description("The DisplayType property indicates the display type of the network connection.<P>Example: Generic") : Amended ToSubclass]string DisplayType;
  1138. [Description("The LocalName property indicates the local name of the network connection.<P>Example: c:\\public") : Amended ToSubclass]string LocalName;
  1139. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the current network connection.<P>Example: \\\\NTRELEASE\\NTLOGON") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1140. [Description("The Persistent property determines whether this connection will be reconnected automatically by the operating system on the next logon.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the network connection will be automatically connected.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Persistent;
  1141. [Description("The ProviderName property indicates the provider name of the network connection.<P>Example: Microsoft Windows Network") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProviderName;
  1142. [Description("The RemoteName property indicates the remote name of the network connection.<P>Example: \\\\NTRELEASE\\IPC$") : Amended ToSubclass]string RemoteName;
  1143. [Description("The RemotePath property indicates the remote path to the network connection.<P>Example: \\\\infosrv1\\public") : Amended ToSubclass]string RemotePath;
  1144. [Description("The ResourceType property indicates the resource type of the network connection.<P>Example: CDROM") : Amended ToSubclass]string ResourceType;
  1145. [Description("The UserName property indicates the user name of the network connection.<P>Example: SYSTEM") : Amended ToSubclass]string UserName;
  1146. };
  1147. [Description("The Win32_SystemMemoryResource class represents a system memory resource on a Win32 system.<P>Example: I/O address") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1148. class Win32_SystemMemoryResource : CIM_MemoryMappedIO
  1149. {
  1150. };
  1151. [Description("The Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress class represents a device memory address on a Win32 system.<P>Example: ScsiPort0 device memory address") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1152. class Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress : Win32_SystemMemoryResource
  1153. {
  1154. [Description("The MemoryType property indicates the memory type of the Win32 system memory resource.<P>Example: ReadWrite") : Amended ToSubclass]string MemoryType;
  1155. };
  1156. [Description("The Win32_PortResource class represents a port number on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1157. class Win32_PortResource : Win32_SystemMemoryResource
  1158. {
  1159. [Description("The Alias property indicates whether this instance of the class represents the base port address, or one of the aliased ranges.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, this instance represents the base port address.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Alias;
  1160. };
  1161. [Description("The Win32_DMAChannel class represents a direct memory access (DMA) channel on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1162. class Win32_DMAChannel : CIM_DMA
  1163. {
  1164. [Description("The Port property indicates the port number of the Win32 DMA channel.<P>Example: 12") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Port;
  1165. };
  1166. [Description("The Win32_Environment class represents an environment or system environment on a Win32 system.<P>Example: COMPUTERNAME") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1167. class Win32_Environment : CIM_SystemResource
  1168. {
  1169. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of a Win32 environment variable.<P>Example: Path") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1170. [Description("The SystemVariable property determines whether the variable is a system variable<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the variable is a system variable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SystemVariable;
  1171. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The UserName property indicates the user name of a Win32 environment.<P>Example: COMPUTERNAME") : Amended ToSubclass]string UserName;
  1172. [Description("The VariableValue property indicates the value of a Win32 environment variable.") : Amended ToSubclass]string VariableValue;
  1173. };
  1174. [Description("The Win32_IRQResource class represents an interrupt request line (IRQ) number on a Win32 system.<P>Example: IRQ 5") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1175. class Win32_IRQResource : CIM_IRQ
  1176. {
  1177. [Description("The Vector property indicates the vector of the Win32 IRQ resource.<P>Example:53") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Vector;
  1178. [Description("Indicates whether IRQ is a hardware or software IRQ.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Hardware;
  1179. };
  1180. [Description("The Win32_LoadOrderGroup class represents a grouping of system services defining execution dependencies. The services must be initiated in the order specified by the Load Order Group as the services are dependent on each other. These dependent services require the presence of the antecedent services in order to function correctly.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1181. class Win32_LoadOrderGroup : CIM_LogicalElement
  1182. {
  1183. [Description("The GroupOrder property indicates the group order.<P>Example: 2") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 GroupOrder;
  1184. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the load order group.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1185. [Description("The DriverEnabled property indicates whether this LoadOrderGroup can contain drivers.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DriverEnabled;
  1186. };
  1187. [Description("The Win32_NetworkClient class represents a network client computer on a network.<P>Membership Criteria: Any computer system on the network with a client relationship to the system is a descendent (or member) of this class.<P>Example: A computer running Windows NT workstation or Windows 95 that is part of a Windows NT domain") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1188. class Win32_NetworkClient : CIM_LogicalElement
  1189. {
  1190. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the manufacturer of the network client running on a Win32 system.<P>Example: Compaq") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  1191. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property identifies the name of the network client running on a Win32 system.<P>Example: Funazonki") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1192. };
  1193. [Description("The Win32_Share class represents a shared directory on a Win32 system.<P>Example: C:\\PUBLIC") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1194. class Win32_Share : CIM_LogicalElement
  1195. {
  1196. [Description("The AllowMaximum property determines whether to ignore the value of the MaximumAllowed property.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the MaximumAllowed value is ignored and the number of concurrent users is only limited by restrictions placed by the system itself.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AllowMaximum;
  1197. [Description("The MaximumAllowed property specifies the maximum number of users allowed to use this resource concurrently.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumAllowed;
  1198. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the Win32 share.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1199. [Description("The Path property indicates the local path of the Win32 share.<P>Example: C:\\Program Files") : Amended ToSubclass]string Path;
  1200. [Description("The Type property specifies the type of resource being shared.DiskTree - Disk drive.PrintQ - Print queue.Device - Communication device.IPC - Interprocess Communication (IPC).<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Type;
  1201. [Description("Create shares a server resource.Only members of the Administrators or Account Operators local group or those with Communication, Print, or Server operator group membership can successfully execute Create. The Print operator can add only Printer queues. The Communication operator can add only communication-device queues.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Create([In,Description("The Path property indicates the local path of the Win32 share.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Path,[In,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the Win32 share.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name,[In,Description("DiskTree - Disk Drive PrintQ - Print Queue Device - Communication device IPC - Interprocess Communication (IPC) Special - Administrative Share") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Type,[In,Description("The MaximumAllowed property specifies the maximum number of users allowed to use this resource concurrently.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumAllowed,[In,Description("") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description,[In,Description("") : Amended ToSubclass]string Password,[In,Description("User level security permissions") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SecurityDescriptor Access);
  1202. [Description("SetShareInfo sets share informationOnly members of the Administrators or Account Operators local group or those with Communication, Print, or Server operator group membership can successfully execute SetSharePermissions. The Print operator can set only Printer queues. The Communication operator can set only communication-device queues.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetShareInfo([In,Description("The MaximumAllowed property specifies the maximum number of users allowed to use this resource concurrently.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumAllowed,[In,Description("") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description,[In,Description("User level security permissions") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SecurityDescriptor Access);
  1203. [Description("Deletes a share name from a server's list of shared resources, disconnecting all connections to the shared resource.Only members of the Administrators or Account Operators local group or those with Communication, Print, or Server operator group membership can successfully execute the method. The Print operator can delete only Printer queues. The Communication operator can delete only communication-device queues.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Delete();
  1204. };
  1205. [Description("The Win32_PrinterShare class represents an association between a local printer and the name under which it is shared.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1206. class Win32_PrinterShare : CIM_Dependency
  1207. {
  1208. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_Printer antecedent reference represents the Win32_Printer.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Printer Ref Antecedent;
  1209. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_Share dependent reference represents the Win32_Share.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Share Ref Dependent;
  1210. };
  1211. [Description("The Win32_Registry class represents the Registry on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1212. class Win32_Registry : CIM_LogicalElement
  1213. {
  1214. [Description("The CurrentSize property indicates the current size of the Win32 Registry.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CurrentSize;
  1215. [Description("The ProposedSize property indicates the proposed size of the Win32 Registry.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ProposedSize;
  1216. [Description("The MaximumSize property indicates the maximum size of the Win32 Registry.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumSize;
  1217. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the Win32 Registry.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1218. };
  1219. [Description("The Win32_NetworkProtocol class represents a protocol on a Win32 system. <P>Example: TCP/IP") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1220. class Win32_NetworkProtocol : CIM_LogicalElement
  1221. {
  1222. [Description("The ConnectionlessService property determines whether the protocol supports connectionless service.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports connectionless service.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ConnectionlessService;
  1223. [Description("The GuaranteesDelivery property determines whether the protocol guarantees delivery of packets across the network.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol guarantees delivery.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean GuaranteesDelivery;
  1224. [Description("The GuaranteesSequencing property determines whether the protocol guarantees that packets will be received in the same sequence as originally sent.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the packets will be received in the correct sequence.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean GuaranteesSequencing;
  1225. [Description("The MaximumAddressSize property indicates the maximum address size of the network protocol.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumAddressSize;
  1226. [Description("The MaximumMessageSize property indicates the maximum message size of the network protocol.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumMessageSize;
  1227. [Description("The MessageOriented property determines whether the protocol is message oriented.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol is message oriented.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean MessageOriented;
  1228. [Description("The MinimumAddressSize property indicates the minimum address size of the network protocol.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MinimumAddressSize;
  1229. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the network protocol.<P>Example: TCP/IP") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1230. [Description("The PseudoStreamOriented property determines whether the protocol is pseudo stream oriented.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol is pseudo stream oriented.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PseudoStreamOriented;
  1231. [Description("The SupportsBroadcasting property determines whether the protocol supports broadcasting messages across the network.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports broadcasting.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsBroadcasting;
  1232. [Description("The SupportsConnectData property determines whether the protocol allows data to be connected across the network.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol allows data to be connected.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsConnectData;
  1233. [Description("The SupportsDisconnectData property determines whether the protocol allows data to be disconnected across the network.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol allows data to be disconnected.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsDisconnectData;
  1234. [Description("The SupportsEncryption property determines whether the protocol supports data encryption.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports data encryption.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsEncryption;
  1235. [Description("The SupportsExpeditedData property determines whether the protocol supports expedited data across the network.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports expedited data.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsExpeditedData;
  1236. [Description("The SupportsFragmentation property determines whether the protocol supports transmitting the data in fragments.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports transmitting the data in fragments.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsFragmentation;
  1237. [Description("The SupportsGracefulClosing property determines whether the protocol supports graceful closing of network connections.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports graceful closing of network connections.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsGracefulClosing;
  1238. [Description("The SupportsGuaranteedBandwidth property determines whether the protocol can establish and maintain a guaranteed bandwidth.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports a guaranteed bandwidth.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsGuaranteedBandwidth;
  1239. [Description("The SupportsMulticasting property determines whether the protocol supports multicasting.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports multicasting.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsMulticasting;
  1240. [Description("The SupportsQualityofService property indicates whether the protocol is capable of Quality of Service support via the underlying layered service provider or transport carrier. <P>Values:TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the protocol supports Quality of Service") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsQualityofService;
  1241. };
  1242. [Description("The Win32_Service class represents a service on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1243. class Win32_Service : Win32_BaseService
  1244. {
  1245. [Description("Specifies a value that the service increments periodically to report its progress during a lengthy start, stop, pause, or continue operation. For example, the service should increment this value as it completes each step of its initialization when it is starting up. The user interface program that invoked the operation on the service uses this value to track the progress of the service during a lengthy operation. This value is not valid and should be zero when the service does not have a start, stop, pause, or continue operation pending. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CheckPoint;
  1246. [Description("Specifies the estimated time required, in milliseconds, for a pending start, stop, pause, or continue operation. After the specified amount of time has elapsed, the service makes its next call to the SetServiceStatus function with either an incremented CheckPoint value or a change in CurrentState. If the amount of time specified by WaitHint passes, and CheckPoint has not been incremented, or CurrentState has not changed, the service control manager or service control program can assume that an error has occurred. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 WaitHint;
  1247. [Description("The ProcessId property identifies the process associated with the service.<P>Example: 324") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ProcessId;
  1248. };
  1250. class Win32_MethodParameterClass
  1251. {
  1252. };
  1253. [Description("The Win32_ProcessStartup class represents the startup configuration of a Win32 process. The class is defined as a Method Type definition, which means that it is used only for passing information to a method.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1254. class Win32_ProcessStartup : Win32_MethodParameterClass
  1255. {
  1256. [Description("The CreationFlags properties specifies additional values that control the priority class and the creation of the process. The following creation values can be specified in any combination, except as noted.</DL>CreationFlags:<BR><DL COMPACT><DT>Create_Default_Error_Mode<DD>The new process does not inherit the error mode of the calling process. Instead, Create gives the new process the current default error mode. An application sets the current default error mode by calling SetErrorMode.This flag is particularly useful for multi-threaded shell applications that run with hard errors disabled.The default behavior for Create is for the new process to inherit the error mode of the caller. Setting this flag changes that default behavior.<DT>Create_New_Console<DD>The new process has a new console, instead of inheriting the parent's console. This flag cannot be used with the detached_process flag.<DT>Create_New_Process_Group<DD>The new process is the root process of a new process group. The process group includes all processes that are descendants of this root process. The process identifier of the new process group is the same as the process identifier, which is returned in the lpProcessInformation parameter. Process groups are used by the GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent function to enable sending a CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK signal to a group of console processes.<DT>Create_Separate_WOW_VDM (Windows NT only)<DD>This flag is valid only when starting a 16-bit Windows-based application. If set, the new process is run in a private Virtual DOS Machine (VDM). By default, all 16-bit Windows-based applications are run as threads in a single, shared VDM. The advantage of running separately is that a crash only kills the single VDM; any other programs running in distinct VDMs continue to function normally. Also, 16-bit Windows-based applications that are run in separate VDMs have separate input queues. That means that if one application hangs momentarily, applications in separate VDMs continue to receive input. The disadvanta
  1257. [Description("The PriorityClass property controls the new process's priority class, which is used to determine the scheduling priorities of the process's threads. If the PriorityClass is left null, the priority class defaults to Normal unless the priority class of the creating process is Idle or Below_Normal. In this case, the child process receives the default priority class of the calling process. One of the following values can be specified<P>PriorityClass:<BR><DL COMPACT><DT>High<DD>Indicates a process that performs time-critical tasks that must be executed immediately for it to run correctly. The threads of a high-priority class process preempt the threads of normal-priority or idle-priority class processes. An example is Windows Task List, which must respond quickly when called by the user, regardless of the load on the operating system. Use extreme care when using the high-priority class, because a high-priority class CPU-bound application can use nearly all available cycles.<DT>Idle<DD>Indicates a process whose threads run only when the system is idle and are preempted by the threads of any process running in a higher priority class. An example is a screen saver. The idle priority class is inherited by child processes.<DT>Normal<DD>Indicates a normal process with no special scheduling needs. <DT>Realtime<DD>Indicates a process that has the highest possible priority. The threads of a real-time priority class process preempt the threads of all other processes, including operating system processes performing important tasks. For example, a real-time process that executes for more than a very brief interval can cause disk caches not to flush or cause the mouse to be unresponsive.<DT>Above_Normal<DD> Windows NT 5.0 and later: Indicates a process that has priority higher than Normal but lower than High. <DT>Below_Normal<DD> Windows NT 5.0 and later: Indicates a process that has priority higher than Idle but lower than Normal. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PriorityClass;
  1258. [Description("Windows NT only: WinstationDesktop specifies either the name of the desktop only or the name of both the desktop and window station for the process. A backslash in the string indicates that the string includes both desktop and window station names. If WinstationDesktop is NULL, the new process inherits the desktop and window station of its parent process. If WinStation is an empty string, the process does not inherit the desktop and window station of its parent process; instead, the system determines if a new desktop and window station need to be created.") : Amended ToSubclass]string WinstationDesktop;
  1259. [Description("For console processes, this is the title displayed in the title bar if a new console window is created. If NULL, the name of the executable file is used as the window title instead. This property must be NULL for GUI or console processes that do not create a new console window. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string Title;
  1260. [Description("Specifies the x offset, in pixels, of the upper left corner of awindow if a new window is created. The offsets are from the upper left corner of the screen. For GUI processes, the specified position is used the first time the new process calls CreateWindow to create an overlapped window if the x parameter of CreateWindow is CW_USEDEFAULT.Note, X and Y cannot be specified independently.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 X;
  1261. [Description("Specifies the y offset, in pixels, of the upper left corner of awindow if a new window is created. The offsets are from the upper left corner of the screen. For GUI processes, the specified position is used the first time the new process calls CreateWindow to create an overlapped window if the y parameter of CreateWindow is CW_USEDEFAULT.Note, X and Y cannot be specified independently.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Y;
  1262. [Description("Specifies the width , in pixels, of the window if a new window is created. For GUI processes, this is used only the first time the new process calls CreateWindow to create an overlapped window if the nWidth parameter of CreateWindow is CW_USEDEFAULT.Note, XSize and YSize cannot be specified independently.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XSize;
  1263. [Description("Specifies the height, in pixels, of the window if a new window is created. For GUI processes, this is used only the first time the new process calls CreateWindow to create an overlapped window if the nWidth parameter of CreateWindow is CW_USEDEFAULT.Note, XSize and YSize cannot be specified independently.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 YSize;
  1264. [Description("For console processes, if a new console window is created, XCountChars specifies the screen buffer width in character columns, These values are ignored in GUI processes.Note, XCountChars and YCountChars cannot be specified independently.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XCountChars;
  1265. [Description("For console processes, if a new console window is created, YCountChars specifies the screen buffer height in character rows. These values are ignored in GUI processes.Note, XCountChars and YCountChars cannot be specified independently.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 YCountChars;
  1266. [Description("Specifies the initial text and background colors if a new console window is created in a console application. These values are ignored in GUI applications.") : Amended ToSubclass,BitMap{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"} : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 FillAttribute;
  1267. [Description("ErrorMode controls how the operating system handles several types of serious errors. You can specify that the operating system will handle these errors or that the application will receive and handle them. On some non-x86 processors misaligned memory references cause an alignment fault exception. The 'No_Alignment_Fault_Except' flag lets you control whether the system automatically fixes such alignment faults, or makes them visible to an application. On a MIPS platform, an application must explicitly call SetErrorMode with the 'No_Alignment_Fault_Except' flag to have the operating system automatically fix alignment faults. The default setting is for the operating system to make alignment faults visible to an application. On an ALPHA platform, you control the alignment fault behavior by setting the EnableAlignmentFaultExceptions value in the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager'registry key as follows: Value Meaning 0 - Automatically fix alignment faults. This is the default. 1 - Make alignment faults visible to the application. You must set ErrorMode to 'No_Alignment_Fault_Except' to have the system automatically fix alignment faults. On an x86 platform, the system does not make alignment faults visible to an application. Therefore, specifying the 'No_Alignment_Fault_Except' flag on an x86 system is not an error, but Windows NT is free to silently ignore and not properly preserve the flag. This means that code sequences such as the following are not always valid on x86 systems. The default state for ErrorMode is to set all flags to 0. The following BitMap values are defined:- Fail_Critical_Errors:If this flag is set, the operating system does not display the critical-error-handler message box when such an error occurs. Instead, the operating system sends the error to the calling process.No_Alignment_Fault_Except:RISC only. If this flag is set,the operating system automatically fixes memory alignment faults and makes them invisible to the application. It do
  1268. };
  1269. [Description("The Win32_Process class represents a sequence of events on a Win32 system. Any sequence consisting of the interaction of one or more processors or interpreters, some executable code, and a set of inputs is a descendent (or member) of this class.<P>Example: A client application running on a Win32_ system") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1270. class Win32_Process : CIM_Process
  1271. {
  1272. [Description("The ExecutablePath property indicates the path to the process' executable file.<P>Example: C:\\WINDOWS\\EXPLORER.EXE") : Amended ToSubclass]string ExecutablePath;
  1273. [Description("The MaximumWorkingSetSize property indicates the maximum working set size of the process.<P>Example: 1413120") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumWorkingSetSize;
  1274. [Description("The MinimumWorkingSetSize property indicates the minimum working set size of the process.<P>Example: 204800") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MinimumWorkingSetSize;
  1275. [Description("The PageFaults property indicates the number of page faults generated by the process.<P>Example: 10") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PageFaults;
  1276. [Description("The PageFileUsage property indicates the amount of page file space (in bytes) currently being used by the process.<P> Example: 102435") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PageFileUsage;
  1277. [Description("The PeakPageFileUsage property indicates the maximum amount of page file space (in bytes) used during the life of the process.<P>Example: 102367") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PeakPageFileUsage;
  1278. [Description("The PeakWorkingSetSize property indicates the peak working set size (in bytes) of the process.<P>Example: 1413120") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PeakWorkingSetSize;
  1279. [Description("The ProcessId property is the identifier number of the process.<P>Example: 164") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ProcessId;
  1280. [Description("The QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage property indicates the quota amount of non-paged pool usage for the process.<P>Example: 15") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage;
  1281. [Description("The QuotaPagedPoolUsage property indicates the quota amount of paged pool usage for the process.<P>Example: 22") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 QuotaPagedPoolUsage;
  1282. [Description("The QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage property indicates the peak quota amount of non-paged pool usage for the process.<P>Example: 31") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage;
  1283. [Description("The QuotaPagedPoolUsage property indicates the peak quota amount of paged pool usage for the process.<P> Example: 31") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage;
  1284. [Description("The WindowsVersion property indicates the version of Windows in which the process is running.<P>Example: 4.0") : Amended ToSubclass]string WindowsVersion;
  1285. [Description("The Create method creates a new process. It returns an integer value of 0 if the process was successfully created, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Create([In]string CommandLine,[In]string CurrentDirectory,[In]Win32_ProcessStartup ProcessStartupInformation,[Out]uint32 ProcessId);
  1286. [Description("The Terminate method terminates a process. It returns an integer value of 0 if the process was successfully terminated, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Terminate([in]uint32 Reason);
  1287. [Description("The GetOwner method terminates a process. It returns an integer value of 0 if the process was successful, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 GetOwner([Out]string User,[Out]string Domain);
  1288. [Description("The GetOwnerSid method terminates a process. It returns an integer value of 0 if the process was successfully terminated, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 GetOwnerSid([Out]string Sid);
  1289. };
  1290. [Description("Threads represent the ability to execute units of a Process or task in parallel. A Process can have many Threads, each of which is weak to the Process.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1291. class CIM_Thread : CIM_LogicalElement
  1292. {
  1293. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSCreationClassName;
  1294. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSName;
  1295. [Description("The scoping OperatingSystem's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass]string OSCreationClassName;
  1296. [Description("The scoping OperatingSystem's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass]string OSName;
  1297. [Description("The scoping Process' CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProcessCreationClassName;
  1298. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The scoping Process' Handle.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProcessHandle;
  1299. [Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allow all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CreationClassName;
  1300. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("A string used to identify the Thread.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Handle;
  1301. [Description("Priority indicates the urgency or importance of execution of a Thread. A Thread may have a different priority than its owning Process. If this information is not available for a Thread, a value of 0 should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Priority;
  1302. [Description("Indicates the current operating condition of the Thread. Values include ready (2), running (3), and blocked (4), among others.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ExecutionState;
  1303. [Description("Time in user mode, in milliseconds. If this information is not available, a value of 0 should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 UserModeTime;
  1304. [Description("Time in kernel mode, in milliseconds. If this information is not available, a value of 0 should be used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 KernelModeTime;
  1305. };
  1307. class Win32_Thread : CIM_Thread
  1308. {
  1309. [Description("The scoping Process' Process Identifier.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProcessHandle;
  1310. [Description("A string used to identify the Threads' Thread Identifier.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Handle;
  1311. [Description("Elapsed Time.The total elapsed time (in seconds) this thread has been running.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 ElapsedTime;
  1312. [Description("Priority Base.The current base priority of this thread. The system may raise the thread's dynamic priority above the base priority if the thread is handling user input, or lower it towards the base priority if the thread becomes compute bound.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PriorityBase;
  1313. [Description("Priority.The current dynamic priority of this thread. The system may raise the thread's dynamic priority above the base priority if the thread is handling user input, or lower it towards the base priority if the thread becomes compute bound.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Priority;
  1314. [Description("Start Address.Starting virtual address for this thread.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StartAddress;
  1315. [Description("Execution State.Execution State is the current state of the thread. It is 0 for Initialized, 1 for Ready, 2 for Running, 3 for Standby, 4 for Terminated, 5 for Wait, 6 for Transition, 7 for Unknown. A Running thread is using a processor; a Standby thread is about to use one. A Ready thread wants to use a processor, but is waiting for a processor because none are free. A thread in Transition is waiting for a resource in order to execute, such as waiting for its execution stack to be paged in from disk. A Waiting thread has no use for the processor because it is waiting for a peripheral operation to complete or a resource to become free.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ThreadState;
  1316. [Description("Thread Wait Reason.Thread Wait Reason is only applicable when the thread is in the Wait state (see Thread State.) It is 0 or 7 when the thread is waiting for the Executive, 1 or 8 for a Free Page, 2 or 9 for a Page In, 3 or 10 for a Pool Allocation, 4 or 11 for an Execution Delay, 5 or 12 for a Suspended condition, 6 or 13 for a User Request, 14 for an Event Pair High, 15 for an Event Pair Low, 16 for an LPC Receive, 17 for an LPC Reply, 18 for Virtual Memory, 19 for a Page Out; 20 and higher are not assigned at the time of this writing. Event Pairs are used to communicate with protected subsystems (see Context Switches.)") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ThreadWaitReason;
  1317. };
  1318. [Description("The Win32_OperatingSystem class represents an operating system installed on a Win32 system. Any operating system that can be installed on a Win32 system is a descendent (or member) of this class.<P>Example: Microsoft Windows 95") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1319. class Win32_OperatingSystem : CIM_OperatingSystem
  1320. {
  1321. [Description("The BootDevice property indicates the name of the boot device for the Win32 operating system.<P> Example: \\Device\\Harddisk0\\partition1") : Amended ToSubclass]string BootDevice;
  1322. [Description("The BuildNumber property indicates the build number of the operating system.<P>Example: 1381") : Amended ToSubclass]string BuildNumber;
  1323. [Description("The BuildType property indicates the type of build used for the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string BuildType;
  1324. [Description("The CodeSet property indicates the code that is set for the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CodeSet;
  1325. [Description("The CountryCode property indicates the locale of the operating system.<P>Example: 00000409") : Amended ToSubclass]string CountryCode;
  1326. [Description("The CSDVersion property contains a null-terminated string, such as \"Service Pack 3\", that indicates the latest Service Pack installed on the system. If no Service Pack has been installed, the string is NULL. For Windows 95 this property contains a null-terminated string that provides arbitrary additional information about the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSDVersion;
  1327. [Description("The Debug property indicates whether the operating system is a checked(debug) build.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Debug;
  1328. [Description("The ForegroundApplicationBoost property indicates the amount of priority CPU time allocated to the foreground application. The ForegroundApplicationBoost property can be set to 0, 1, or 2 and is added to an application's priority when that application is brought to the foreground.By default the application boost for a foreground application is 2.On Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 professional edition, application boostis implemented using quantum stretching. On Windows Nt 3.51 and earlier,application boost is implemented using priority boosting.On Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 professional edition, the quantum length fora application boost of 0 is 6, the quantum length for an application boost of 1 is12 and the quantum length for an application boost of 2 is 18.On Windows NT 3.51 and earlier workstation, the priority boostfor an application boost of 0 is 0, the priority boost for an application boost of 1 is 1 and the priority boost for an application boost of 2 is 2. On Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, NT 3.51 and earlier, server editions, foregroundapplication boost is ingored.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 ForegroundApplicationBoost;
  1329. [Description("The Locale property indicates the system default locale of the operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Locale;
  1330. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the operating system manaufacturer.<P>Example: Microsoft") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  1331. [Description("The Organization property indicates the company name of the registered user of the operating system.<P>Example: Jane Doe") : Amended ToSubclass]string Organization;
  1332. [Description("The OSLanguage property indicates which language version of the os is installed.<P>Example: If a German version of NT is installed, this value would be 1031 (or 0x407)") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 OSLanguage;
  1333. [Description("The OSProductSuite property represents a bitmap of installed and licenced system product additions to the OS. ") : Amended ToSubclass,BitMap{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"} : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 OSProductSuite;
  1334. [Description("The Primary property determines whether this is the primary operating system.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, this is the primary operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Primary;
  1335. [Description("The QuantumLength and QuantumType properties concern the amount of processing time that the operating system scheduler assigns to an application. Processing time is allotted in units of clock ticks called quantums. Quantums are used to prevent CPU-bound threads from monopolizing the processor. When a thread has been running for one quantum, the kernel preempts it and moves it to the end of the ready queue for its priority. The QuantumLength property is an 8-bit number that specifies the number of clock ticks before an application is swapped out. The actual length of a thread's quantum currently varies across different Windows platforms. QuantumLength can be set to 0, 1, or 2. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 QuantumLength;
  1336. [Description("The QuantumLength and QuantumType properties concern the amount of processing time that the operating system scheduler assigns to an application. Processing time is allotted in units of clock ticks called quantums. Quantums are used to prevent CPU-bound threads from monopolizing the processor. When a thread has been running for one quantum, the kernel preempts it and moves it to the end of the ready queue for its priority. The QuantumType property is an 8-bit number that specifies either fixed or variable length quantums. Windows NT Workstation defaults to variable length quantums where the foreground application has a longer quantum than the background applications. Windows NT Server defaults to fixed length quantums. QuantumType can be set to 0, 1, or 2.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 QuantumType;
  1337. [Description("The RegisteredUser property indicates the name of the registered user of the operating system.<P>Example: Jane Doe") : Amended ToSubclass]string RegisteredUser;
  1338. [Description("The SerialNumber property indicates the Windows directory of the operating system.<P>Example:10497-OEM-0031416-71674") : Amended ToSubclass]string SerialNumber;
  1339. [Description("The ServicePackMajorVersion property identifies the major version number of the latest Service Pack installed on the system. If no Service Pack has been installed, the value is zero. Valid with NT5 and beyond, NULL otherwise.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ServicePackMajorVersion;
  1340. [Description("The ServicePackMinorVersion property identifies the minor version number of the latest Service Pack installed on the system. If no Service Pack has been installed, the value is zero. Valid with NT5 and beyond, NULL otherwise. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ServicePackMinorVersion;
  1341. [Description("The SystemDevice property indicates the physical disk partition that the operating systemis installed on.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemDevice;
  1342. [Description("The SystemDirectory property indicates the system directory of the operating system.<P>Example: C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemDirectory;
  1343. [Description("The Version property indicates the version number of the operating system manufacturer.<P>Example: 4.0") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  1344. [Description("The WindowsDirectory property indicates the Windows directory of the operating system.<P>Example: C:\\WINDOWS") : Amended ToSubclass]string WindowsDirectory;
  1345. [Description("The Description property provides a verbal description of the Windows operating system. Some user interfaces (those that allow editing of this description) limit its length to 48 characters.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  1346. [Description("The Reboot method allows the operating system to be rebooted.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Reboot();
  1347. [Description("The Shutdown method allows the operating system to be shutdown.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Shutdown();
  1348. [Description("The Win32Shutdown method allows for the full set of shutdown options supported by Win32 operating systems. Values for Flags include: 0=\"Logoff\", 1=\"Shutdown\", 2=\"Reboot\", 4=\"Force\", 8=\"Power Off\". See ExitWindowsEx in the Win32 API set for more details.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Win32Shutdown([in]sint32 Flags,[in]sint32 Reserved);
  1349. };
  1350. [Description("The Win32_QuickFixEngineering represents system hotfixes that have been applied to the current OS.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1351. class Win32_QuickFixEngineering : CIM_LogicalElement
  1352. {
  1353. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The HotFixID property specifies the unique identifier associated with a particular QFE.") : Amended ToSubclass]string HotFixID;
  1354. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The ServicePackInEffect property specifies what service pack was in effect when the hotfix was applied. If no service pack has been applied the property takes on the value: \"SP0\". If it can not be determined what service pack was in effect this property will be NULL.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ServicePackInEffect;
  1355. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CSName;
  1356. [Description("The FixComments property provides additional comments relating to the hot fix.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FixComments;
  1357. [Description("The InstalledBy property identifies the installer of the hotfix.If this value is unknown the property will be empty.") : Amended ToSubclass]string InstalledBy;
  1358. [Description("The InstalledOn property provides information on when the hotfix was installed. If this value is unknown the property will be empty.") : Amended ToSubclass]string InstalledOn;
  1359. };
  1360. [Description("The Win32_OperatingSystemQFE class represents an association between an operating system and hotfixes applied as represented in Win32_QuickFixEngineering.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1361. class Win32_OperatingSystemQFE : CIM_Dependency
  1362. {
  1363. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Antecedent reference represents the role of the Win32_OperatingSystem in this association.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_OperatingSystem Ref Antecedent;
  1364. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Dependent reference represents the role of the Win32_QuickFixEngineering in this association") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_QuickFixEngineering Ref Dependent;
  1365. };
  1366. [Description("The Win32_PrintJob class represents a print job generated by a Win32 application. Any unit of work generated by the Print command of an application running on a Win32 system is a descendent (or member) of this class.<P>Example: A print document created by an Office 97 application") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1367. class Win32_PrintJob : CIM_Job
  1368. {
  1369. [Description("The inherited Name serves as key of a Job instance in the context of an PrintJob.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string Name;
  1370. [Description("The DataType property indicates the data type of the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DataType;
  1371. [Description("The Document property indicates the name of the document to be printed.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Document;
  1372. [Description("The DriverName property indicates the name of the printer drive used for the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DriverName;
  1373. [Description("The HostPrintQueue property indicates the name of the host print queue.") : Amended ToSubclass]string HostPrintQueue;
  1374. [Description("The JobId property indicates the identifier number of the job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 JobId;
  1375. [Description("The PagesPrinted property indicates the number pages printed.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PagesPrinted;
  1376. [Description("The Parameters property indicates the printing parameters of the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Parameters;
  1377. [Description("The PrintProcessor property indicates the service used to process the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PrintProcessor;
  1378. [Description("The Size property indicates the size (in bytes) of the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Size;
  1379. [Description("The TotalPages property indicates the total page count submitted as the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TotalPages;
  1380. };
  1381. [Description("The Win32_ScheduledJob class represents a job scheduled using the NT schedule service. This class isonly instrumented on NT3.51 and upwards. Each job scheduled against the NT schedule service is stored persistentlyand is executed at the specified time and day of the week and/or month. If the machine is not active or if thescheduled service is not running at the specified job time the schedule service will run the specified job on thenext day at the specified time.Scheduled jobs are scheduled with respect to UTC time, i.e. with bias offset from GMT. This means that a job can bespecified using any time zone specification. The Win32_ScheduledJob class will return the local time with UTC offsetwhen enumerating object and convert to local time when creating new jobs. For example a job specified to run on a computer in Chicago at 10:30 pm Monday PST time will be scheduled to run locally at 12:30am Tuesday CET. It should be noted that a client must take into account whether daylight savings time is in operation on the local machine and if so substract a bias of 60 minutes from the UTC offset.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1382. class Win32_ScheduledJob : CIM_Job
  1383. {
  1384. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Unique identifier for the job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 JobId;
  1385. [Description("Command represents the executable name and command line arguments that the schedule service will use to invoke the job.Example. 'defrag /q /f'") : Amended ToSubclass]string Command;
  1386. [Description("StartTime represents the UTC time to run the job. This is of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.MMMMMM(+-)OOO, where YYYYMMDD must be replaced by ****** Example. ********123000.000000-420 which implies 12:30 pm PST with daylight savings time in effect") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime StartTime;
  1387. [Description("RunRepeatedly represents whether the scheduled job, once created, will continue to run repeatedlyafter the first invocation of the job. Specify TRUE to repeatedly run the job, FALSE to run the job once anda value null to indicate to run the job once") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean RunRepeatedly;
  1388. [Description("Allow the specified Job to interacted with desktop. A value or TRUE or null indicates that the job willbe allowed to interact with the interactive desktop, a value of FALSE indicates that the job will runin a separate desktop") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean InteractWithDesktop;
  1389. [Description("DaysOfWeek represents what days of the week the job will be run on. If a Job has value null for both DaysOfWeek and DaysOfMonth,then the Job will be run either today or tomorrow depending on the specified StartTime and the current local time i.e. if it is12:30am and the job was created at 12:31am then the job will be run the following day.The value is a bitmask representing the day of the week, Sunday is specified as bit 0 and Saturday as bit 6. Each day can beinclusively Or'd to form a 7 bit value indicating the days of the week to run the job.") : Amended ToSubclass,BitMap{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"} : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaysOfWeek;
  1390. [Description("DaysOfMonth represents what days of the month the job will be run on. If a Job has value null for both DaysOfWeek and DaysOfMonth,then the Job will be run either today or tomorrow depending on the specified StartTime and the current local time i.e. if it is12:30am and the job was created at 12:31am then the job will be run the following day.The value is a bitmask representing the day of the month, the first day of the month is specified as bit 0 and and the last day of the month is specified as bit 30. Each month can beinclusively Or'd to form a 31 bit value indicating the days of the week to run the job.If the current month does not contain all 31 days within a month, the job will not be run for that particular day of the month") : Amended ToSubclass,BitMap{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30"} : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaysOfMonth;
  1391. [Description("JobStatus represents whether a Job created to run Repeatedly has been invocated at least once and that the last attempt resultedin a failure condition. Note that the JobStatus value 'Success' does not indicate that the job has already been run.") : Amended ToSubclass]string JobStatus;
  1392. [Description("The method 'Create' creates a new scheduled job") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Create([In]string Command,[In]datetime StartTime,[In]boolean RunRepeatedly,[In]uint32 DaysOfWeek,[In]uint32 DaysOfMonth,[In,Description("Allow commmand to run in interactive desktop.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean InteractWithDesktop,[Out]uint32 JobId);
  1393. [Description("The method 'Delete' deletes an existing scheduled job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Delete();
  1394. };
  1395. [Description("The Win32_BIOS class represents the attributes for only the System BIOS installed on a computer running Windows.<P> For example, Acme ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A14.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1396. class Win32_BIOS : CIM_BIOSElement
  1397. {
  1398. [Description("The ReleaseDate property indicates the release date of the Win32 BIOS.<P>Example: 19521201000230.000000000 (that is, 2 minutes 30 seconds after midnight 1st December 1952)") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime ReleaseDate;
  1399. [Description("The Version property indicates the version of the Bios.<P>Example: 'BIOS Version 1.00.01.CN0T'") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  1400. [Description("BIOS Characteristics") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 BiosCharacteristics[];
  1401. [Description("The InstallableLanguages property indicates the number of installable BIOS languages.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 InstallableLanguages;
  1402. [Description("A list of installable languages") : Amended ToSubclass]string ListOfLanguages[];
  1403. [Description("The CurrentLanguage property shows the name of the current BIOS language.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CurrentLanguage;
  1404. [Description("True if SMBIOS is found on this computer.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SMBIOSPresent;
  1405. [Description("Major SMBIOS Version number. NULL if SMBIOS not found.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SMBIOSMajorVersion;
  1406. [Description("Minor SMBIOS Version number. NULL if SMBIOS not found.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SMBIOSMinorVersion;
  1407. };
  1409. class CIM_Setting
  1410. {
  1411. [Description("The identifier by which the Setting object is known.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SettingID;
  1412. [Description("A short textual description (one-line string) of the Setting object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Caption;
  1413. [Description("A textual description of the Setting object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  1414. };
  1415. [Description("The Win32_StartupCommand class represents commands that automatically run when a user logs onto the system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1416. class Win32_StartupCommand : CIM_Setting
  1417. {
  1418. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The User property indicates who the startup command belongs to.<P>For example: mydomain\\myname") : Amended ToSubclass]string User;
  1419. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the startup command.<P> For example: FindFast") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1420. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Location property indicates where on the system the startup command resides.<P> For example: Common Startup") : Amended ToSubclass]string Location;
  1421. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Command property indicates the command-line the startup command runs.<P> For example: c:\\winnt\\notepad.exe myfile.txt") : Amended ToSubclass]string Command;
  1422. };
  1423. [Description("The Win32_BootConfiguration class represents the boot configuration on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1424. class Win32_BootConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  1425. {
  1426. [Description("The BootDirectory property indicates the directory location of the system files required for booting the system.<P>Example: Typically, this is the root directory.") : Amended ToSubclass]string BootDirectory;
  1427. [Description("The ConfigurationPath property indicates the path to the configuration files.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ConfigurationPath;
  1428. [Description("The LastDrive property indicates the last drive letter to which a physical drive is assigned.<P>Example: Typically, the default setting is E.") : Amended ToSubclass]string LastDrive;
  1429. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the boot configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1430. [Description("The ScratchDirectory property indicates the scratch directory of the Win32 boot configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ScratchDirectory;
  1431. [Description("The TempDirectory property indicates the directory location where temporary files are stored.<P>Example: C:\\TEMP") : Amended ToSubclass]string TempDirectory;
  1432. };
  1433. [Description("The Win32_Desktop class represents the desktop layout of a Win32 system.<P>Example: The number and position of shortcuts on a Windows 95 or Windows NT workstation desktop") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1434. class Win32_Desktop : CIM_Setting
  1435. {
  1436. [Description("The BorderWidth property indicates the width of the desktop border.<P>Example: 1") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BorderWidth;
  1437. [Description("The CursorBlinkRate property indicates the time (in milliseconds) between cursor blinks.<P>Example: 530") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CursorBlinkRate;
  1438. [Description("The DragFullWindows property determines whether the full window is displayed while being dragged.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the full window is displayed while being dragged.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DragFullWindows;
  1439. [Description("The GridGranularity property indicates the density of the desktop grid.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 GridGranularity;
  1440. [Description("The IconSpacing property indicates the spacing (in pixels) between icons.<P>Example: 75") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 IconSpacing;
  1441. [Description("The IconTitleFaceName property indicates the name of the current desktop typeface (font).<P>Example: MS San Serif") : Amended ToSubclass]string IconTitleFaceName;
  1442. [Description("The IconTitleSize property indicates the title size of the icons.<P>Example: 9") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 IconTitleSize;
  1443. [Description("The IconTitleWrap property determines whether the icon title text wraps to the next line.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the title text wraps to the next line.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IconTitleWrap;
  1444. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the current profile.<P>Example: MainProf") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1445. [Description("The Pattern property indicates the desktop pattern.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Pattern;
  1446. [Description("The ScreenSaverActive property determines whether the screen saver is active.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the screen saver is active.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ScreenSaverActive;
  1447. [Description("The ScreenSaverExecutable property indicates name of the current screen saver executable file.<P>Example: LOGON.SCR") : Amended ToSubclass]string ScreenSaverExecutable;
  1448. [Description("The ScreenSaverSecure property determines whether the screen saver is password enabled.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the screen saver is password enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ScreenSaverSecure;
  1449. [Description("The ScreenSaverTimeout property indicates the amount of time before the screen saver takes effect.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ScreenSaverTimeout;
  1450. [Description("The Wallpaper property indicates the name of the wallpaper design.<P>Example: WINNT.BMP") : Amended ToSubclass]string Wallpaper;
  1451. [Description("The WallpaperTiled property determines whether the wallpaper is tiled or centered.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the wallpaper is tiled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean WallpaperTiled;
  1452. [Description("The WallpaperStretched property indicates whether the Stretch Wallpaper to Fit Screen option is set. This can only be true if the user has the Microsoft Plus package installed.<P>Values: TRUE and FALSE. If TRUE, the Stretch Wallpaper to Fit Screen option is set. If Plus is not installed, this value is set to FALSE.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean WallpaperStretched;
  1453. };
  1454. [Description("The Win32_DisplayConfiguration class represents the display information of a Win32 system<P>Examples: Video adapter manufacturer, chipset version, display resolution, and number of colors") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1455. class Win32_DisplayConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  1456. {
  1457. [Description("The BitsPerPel property indicates the number of bits required to represent the current state of a pixel.<P>Example: 8") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BitsPerPel;
  1458. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The DeviceName property indicates the name of the Win32 display device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceName;
  1459. [Description("The DisplayFlags property indicates the display flags of the Win32 display.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DisplayFlags;
  1460. [Description("The DisplayFrequency property indicates the display frequency of the Win32 display.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DisplayFrequency;
  1461. [Description("The DitherType property indicates the dither type of the display.The property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver-defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256: Value Meaning :-1\t-\tNo dithering. 2\t-\tDithering with a coarse brush. 3\t-\tDithering with a fine brush. 4\t-\tLine art dithering, a special dithering \t\tmethod that produces well defined borders \t\tbetween black, white, and gray scalings. \t\tIt is not suitable for images that include \t\tcontinuous graduations in intensity and \t\thue such as scanned photographs. 5\t-\tDevice does grayscaling. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DitherType;
  1462. [Description("The DriverVersion property indicates the driver version of the Win32 display.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DriverVersion;
  1463. [Description("The ICMIntent ( Image Color Matching Intent ) property indicates the specific value of one of the three possible color matching methods, or intents that should be used by default. This property is primarily for non-ICM applications. ICM applications establish intents by using the ICM functions. This property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256Value Meaning :-1\t-\tColor matching should optimize for color saturation. This value \t\tis the most appropriate choice for business graphs when dithering \t\tis not desired. 2\t-\tColor matching should optimize for color contrast. This value \t\tis the most appropriate choice for scanned or photographic images \t\twhen dithering is desired. 3\t-\tColor matching should optimize to match the exact color requested. \t\tThis value is most appropriate for use with business logos or other \t\timages when an exact color match is desired. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ICMIntent;
  1464. [Description("The ICMMethod ( Image Color Matching Method ) property specifies how ICM is handled. For a non-ICM application, this property determines if ICM is enabled or disabled. For ICM applications, the system examines this member to determine how to handle ICM support. This property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver-defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256 Value Meaning :-1\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is disabled. 2\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by Windows. 3\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by the device driver. 4\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by the destination device. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ICMMethod;
  1465. [Description("The SpecificationVersion property indicates the specification version of the Win32 display.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SpecificationVersion;
  1466. };
  1467. [Description("The Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration class represents the video adapter configuration information of a Win32 system.<P>Example: Jumper settings, Plug and Play information") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1468. class Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  1469. {
  1470. [Description("The BitsPerPixel property indicates the current number of bits per pixel.<P>Example: 8") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BitsPerPixel;
  1471. [Description("The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number color panes in the display.<P>Example: 2") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ColorPlanes;
  1472. [Description("The DeviceEntriesInAColorTable property indicates the current number of device entries in a color table.<P>Example: 256") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DeviceEntriesInAColorTable;
  1473. [Description("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current number of device-specific pens where 0xffff means the device does not support pens.<P>Example: 3") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DeviceSpecificPens;
  1474. [Description("The HorizontalResolution property indicates the current number of pixels in the horizontal direction (X axis) of the display.<P>Example: 1024") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HorizontalResolution;
  1475. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the current resolution and color setting.<P>Example: 1024 x 768 with 256 colors") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1476. [Description("The RefreshRate property indicates the refresh rate (in Hertz) of the video adapter. 0 or 1 indicate a default rate is being used. A -1indicates that an optimal rate is being used. <P>Example: 72") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 RefreshRate;
  1477. [Description("The ReservedSystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number of reserved entries in a system palette.<P>Example: 24") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ReservedSystemPaletteEntries;
  1478. [Description("The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number of entries in a system palette.<P>Example: 256") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SystemPaletteEntries;
  1479. [Description("The VerticalResolution property indicates the current number of pixels in the vertical direction (Y axis) of the display.<P>Example: 768") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 VerticalResolution;
  1480. [Description("The VideoMode property indicates the current pixel resolution and color setting of the display.<P>Example: 1024 X 768 with 256 colors.") : Amended ToSubclass]string VideoMode;
  1481. };
  1482. [Description("The Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration class represents the logical memory configuration on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1483. class Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  1484. {
  1485. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the logical memory configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1486. [Description("The AvailableVirtualMemory property indicates the available (unreserved or uncommitted) amount of memory (in bytes) that a calling process can use. This memory is located in the user mode portion of the virtual address space.<P>Example: 2052288") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 AvailableVirtualMemory;
  1487. [Description("The TotalPageFileSpace property indicates the total amount of memory (in bytes) that can be stored in the paging file. Note that this number does not represent the actual physical size of the paging file on disk (in bytes).<P>Example: 524160") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TotalPageFileSpace;
  1488. [Description("The TotalPhysicalMemory property indicates the total amount of physical memory (in bytes).<P>Example: 40464") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TotalPhysicalMemory;
  1489. [Description("The TotalVirtualMemory property indicates the total amount of memory (in bytes) available to a calling process. This memory is located in the user mode portion of the virtual address space.<P>Example: 2093056") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TotalVirtualMemory;
  1490. };
  1491. [Description("The Win32_NetworkLoginProfile class represents the network login information of a particular user on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1492. class Win32_NetworkLoginProfile : CIM_Setting
  1493. {
  1494. [Description("The AccountExpires property indicates the date and time the account of a particular user expires.<P>Example: 20521201000230.000000000") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime AccountExpires;
  1495. [Description("The BadPasswordCount property indicates the number of times the user enters a bad password when logging on to a Win32 system.<P>Example: 0") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BadPasswordCount;
  1496. [Description("The CodePage property indicates the code page of the Win32 network login profile.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CodePage;
  1497. [Description("The Comment property indicates a comment.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Comment;
  1498. [Description("The CountryCode property indicates the country of the user.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CountryCode;
  1499. [Description("The Flags property indicates the flags used in the NetWorkLoginProfile.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Flags;
  1500. [Description("The FullName property indicates the full name of the user belonging to the network login profile.") : Amended ToSubclass]string FullName;
  1501. [Description("The HomeDirectory property indicates the home directory of the user.<P>Example: \\HOMEDIR") : Amended ToSubclass]string HomeDirectory;
  1502. [Description("The HomeDirectoryDrive property indicates the drive of the user's home directory.<P>Example: C:") : Amended ToSubclass]string HomeDirectoryDrive;
  1503. [Description("The LastLogoff property indicates the date and time the user last logged off the system.<P>Example: 19521201000230.000000000") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime LastLogoff;
  1504. [Description("The LastLogon property indicates the date and time the user last logged on to the system.<P>Example: 19521201000230.000000000") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime LastLogon;
  1505. [Description("The LogonHours property is a string that specifies the times during which the user can log on.") : Amended ToSubclass]string LogonHours;
  1506. [Description("The LogonServer property indicates the name of the server onto which the user has logged.<P>Example: \\<servername> (\\* uses default server).") : Amended ToSubclass]string LogonServer;
  1507. [Description("The MaximumStorage property indicates the maximum storage space that can be allocated to this user.<P>Example: 10000000") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MaximumStorage;
  1508. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the user.<P>Example: Joe Bloggs") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1509. [Description("The NumberOfLogons property indicates the number of logons at any given time.<P>Example: 4") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumberOfLogons;
  1510. [Description("The Parameters property indicates the parameters used in the NetWorkLoginProfile.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Parameters;
  1511. [Description("The PasswordAge property indicates the length of time a password has been in effect.<P>Example: 00001201000230.000000000") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime PasswordAge;
  1512. [Description("The PasswordExpires property indicates date and time the password expires.<P>Example: 19521201000230.000000000") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime PasswordExpires;
  1513. [Description("The PrimaryGroupID property indicates the ID of the primary group in the NetworkLoginProfile.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PrimaryGroupId;
  1514. [Description("The privileges property indicates user privileges allowed for the NetworkLoginProfile.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Privileges;
  1515. [Description("The Profile property contains information about the user.<P>Example: Administrator") : Amended ToSubclass]string Profile;
  1516. [Description("The ScriptPath property indicates the path to the user's logon script.<P>Example: C:\\win\\profiles\\JoeBloggs") : Amended ToSubclass]string ScriptPath;
  1517. [Description("The UnitsPerWeek property indicates the units used each week in the NetworkLoginProfile.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 UnitsPerWeek;
  1518. [Description("The UserComment property indicates comments by users.") : Amended ToSubclass]string UserComment;
  1519. [Description("The UserId property indicates the name or logon alias of the user.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 UserId;
  1520. [Description("The UserType property indicates types of users.") : Amended ToSubclass]string UserType;
  1521. [Description("The Workstations property indicates the workstations used in the NetworkLoginProfile.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Workstations;
  1522. };
  1523. [Description("The Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration class represents the configuration information necessary to recover from an operating system failure, such as a boot failure or system crash.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1524. class Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  1525. {
  1526. [Description("The AutoReboot property determines whether the system will be rebooted automatically during a recovery operation.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the system will be automatically rebooted.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AutoReboot;
  1527. [Description("The DebugFilePath property indicates the full path to the debug file.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DebugFilePath;
  1528. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name used in the OSRecoveryConfiguration.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1529. [Description("The OverwriteExistingDebugFile property determines whether to overwrite an existing debug file. This property is valid only if the WriteDebugInfo property is set to TRUE.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the existing debug file will be overwritten.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean OverwriteExistingDebugFile;
  1530. [Description("The SendAdminAlert property determines whether an alert message will be sent to the system administrator in the event of an operating system failure.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the system will send an alert to the system administrator.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SendAdminAlert;
  1531. [Description("The WriteDebugInfo property determines whether debug information will be written to a file.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, debug info is written a file.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean WriteDebugInfo;
  1532. [Description("The WriteToSystemLog property determines whether system failure information will be written to a system log file.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, system failure information will be written to a system log file.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean WriteToSystemLog;
  1533. [Description("The KernelDumpOnly property specifies whether or not just the kernel debug information should be written to a file.<P>The possible values are TRUE or FALSE. For example, if KernelDumpOnly is set to TRUE, then only the kernel debugging information is written to a file. If KernelDumpOnly is set to FALSE, a complete dump of the entire memory is written to a file.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean KernelDumpOnly;
  1534. };
  1535. [Description("The Win32_PrinterConfiguration class defines a printer configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1536. class Win32_PrinterConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  1537. {
  1538. [Description("The BitsPerPel property indicates the number of bits per pixel for the Win32 printer.<P>Example: 16") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BitsPerPel;
  1539. [Description("The Collate property determines whether to collate the print job.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the printer collates the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Collate;
  1540. [Description("The Color property indicates the color in which print jobs are produced.<P>Example: 0x000") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Color;
  1541. [Description("The Copies property indicates the number copies to be printed.<P>Example: 2") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Copies;
  1542. [Description("The DeviceName property indicates the name of the print device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceName;
  1543. [Description("The DisplayFlags property indicates the display flags for the Win32 printer.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DisplayFlags;
  1544. [Description("The DisplayFrequency property indicates the display frequency for the Win32 printer.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DisplayFrequency;
  1545. [Description("The DitherType property indicates the dither type of the printer.The property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver-defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256: Value Meaning :-1\t-\tNo dithering. 2\t-\tDithering with a coarse brush. 3\t-\tDithering with a fine brush. 4\t-\tLine art dithering, a special dithering \t\tmethod that produces well defined borders \t\tbetween black, white, and gray scalings. \t\tIt is not suitable for images that include \t\tcontinuous graduations in intensity and \t\thue such as scanned photographs. 5\t-\tDevice does grayscaling. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DitherType;
  1546. [Description("The DriverVersion property indicates the version of the Win32 printer driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DriverVersion;
  1547. [Description("The Duplex property determines whether the print media is printed on both sides.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the print media is printed on both sides.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Duplex;
  1548. [Description("The FormName property indicates the name of the form used for the print job.<P>Example: Cheques") : Amended ToSubclass]string FormName;
  1549. [Description("The ICMIntent ( Image Color Matching Intent ) property indicates the specific value of one of the three possible color matching methods, or intents that should be used by default. This property is primarily for non-ICM applications. ICM applications establish intents by using the ICM functions. This property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256Value Meaning :-1\t-\tColor matching should optimize for color saturation. This value \t\tis the most appropriate choice for business graphs when dithering \t\tis not desired. 2\t-\tColor matching should optimize for color contrast. This value \t\tis the most appropriate choice for scanned or photographic images \t\twhen dithering is desired. 3\t-\tColor matching should optimize to match the exact color requested. \t\tThis value is most appropriate for use with business logos or other \t\timages when an exact color match is desired. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ICMIntent;
  1550. [Description("The ICMMethod ( Image Color Matching Method ) property specifies how ICM is handled. For a non-ICM application, this property determines if ICM is enabled or disabled. For ICM applications, the system examines this member to determine how to handle ICM support. This property can be one of the following predefined values, or a driver-defined value greater than or equal to the value of 256 Value Meaning :-1\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is disabled. 2\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by Windows. 3\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by the device driver. 4\t-\tSpecifies that ICM is handled by the destination device. Printer drivers will provide a user interface for setting this member. Most printer drivers support only the 2 or 1 value. Drivers for PostScript printers support all values. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ICMMethod;
  1551. [Description("The MediaType property indicates the media type.<P>Example: Paper") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MediaType;
  1552. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the current printer configuration.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1553. [Description("The Orientation property indicates the orientation of the print job.<P>Example: Landscape or Portrait") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Orientation;
  1554. [Description("The PaperLength property indicates the length of the paper.<P>Example: 11") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PaperLength;
  1555. [Description("The PaperSize property indicates the size of the paper.<P>Example: A4 or Letter") : Amended ToSubclass]string PaperSize;
  1556. [Description("The PaperWidth property indicates the width of the paper.<P>Example: 8.5") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PaperWidth;
  1557. [Description("The PrintQuality property indicates the quality of the print job.<P>Example: Draft") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PrintQuality;
  1558. [Description("The Scale property indicates the scale of the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Scale;
  1559. [Description("The SpecificationVersion property indicates the version of the specification.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SpecificationVersion;
  1560. [Description("The XResolution property indicates the resolution along the X axis (width) of the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XResolution;
  1561. [Description("The YResolution property indicates the resolution along the Y axis (height) of the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 YResolution;
  1562. [Description("The HorizontalResolution property indicates the resolution along the horizontal axis (width) of the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HorizontalResolution;
  1563. [Description("The VerticalResolution property indicates the resolution along the vertical axis (height) of the print job.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 VerticalResolution;
  1564. };
  1565. [Description("The Win32_ProgramGroup class represents a program group in a Win32 system, such as Accessories or Startup.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1566. class Win32_ProgramGroup : CIM_Setting
  1567. {
  1568. [Description("The GroupName property indicates the name of the Win32 program group.<P>Example: Accessories\\System Tools") : Amended ToSubclass]string GroupName;
  1569. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the user name followed by the group name.<P>Example: All Users:Accessories\\System Tools") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1570. [Description("The UserName property indicates the users who can access the Win32 program group.<P>Example: All Users") : Amended ToSubclass]string UserName;
  1571. };
  1572. [Description("The Win32_LogicalProgramGroupDirectory class represents an association between logical program groups and the directories they are stored as.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1573. class Win32_LogicalProgramGroupDirectory : CIM_Dependency
  1574. {
  1575. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The logical program group.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LogicalProgramGroup Ref Antecedent;
  1576. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The directory the logical program group is stored as.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Directory Ref Dependent;
  1577. };
  1578. [Description("The Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItemDataFile class represents an association between logical program group items and the datafiles they are stored as.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1579. class Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItemDataFile : CIM_Dependency
  1580. {
  1581. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The logical program group item.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItem Ref Antecedent;
  1582. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The datafile the logical program group item is stored as.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DataFile Ref Dependent;
  1583. };
  1584. [Description("The Win32_SerialPortConfiguration class represents a serial port configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1585. class Win32_SerialPortConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  1586. {
  1587. [Description("The AbortReadWriteOnError property determines whether to abort a read or write operation when an error occurs.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the operation is aborted.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AbortReadWriteOnError;
  1588. [Description("The BaudRate property indicates the baud rate for this serial port.<P>Example: 9600") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BaudRate;
  1589. [Description("The BinaryModeEnabled property determines whether binary mode is enabled for the serial port.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, binary mode is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean BinaryModeEnabled;
  1590. [Description("The BitsPerByte property indicates the number of bits per byte for the Win32 serial port.<P>Example: 8") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BitsPerByte;
  1591. [Description("The CTSOutflowControl property determines whether data outflow control is enabled when there is a Clear To Send (CTS) condition.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, CTS outflow control is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean CTSOutflowControl;
  1592. [Description("The DiscardNULLBytes property determines whether to discard NULL bytes (characters).<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, NULL bytes are discarded.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DiscardNULLBytes;
  1593. [Description("The DSROutflowControl property determines whether data outflow control is enabled when there is a Data Set Read (DSR) condition.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, DSR outflow control is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DSROutflowControl;
  1594. [Description("The DSRSensitivity property determines whether DSR sensitivity is enabled.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, DSR sensitivity is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DSRSensitivity;
  1595. [Description("The DTRFlowControlType property indicates the type of data terminal ready (DTR) flow control.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string DTRFlowControlType;
  1596. [Description("The EOFCharacter property indicates the end of file (EOF) character.<P>Example: ^Z") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EOFCharacter;
  1597. [Description("The ErrorReplaceCharacter property indicates the error replace character.<P>Example: ^C") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ErrorReplaceCharacter;
  1598. [Description("The ErrorReplacementEnabled property determines whether error replacement is enabled.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, error replacement is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ErrorReplacementEnabled;
  1599. [Description("The EventCharacter property indicates the event character.<P>Example: ^e") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EventCharacter;
  1600. [Description("The IsBusy property determines whether the serial port is busy.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the serial port is busy.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IsBusy;
  1601. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the Win32 serial port.<P>Example: COM1") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1602. [Description("The Parity property indicates the type of parity used.<P>Example: None, Even, or Odd") : Amended ToSubclass]string Parity;
  1603. [Description("The ParityCheckEnabled property determines whether parity checking is enabled.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, parity checking is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ParityCheckEnabled;
  1604. [Description("The RTSFlowControlType property indicates the type of ready to send (RTS) flow control.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string RTSFlowControlType;
  1605. [Description("The StopBits property indicates the number of stop bits for the Win32 serial port.<P>Example: 1") : Amended ToSubclass]string StopBits;
  1606. [Description("The XOffCharacter property indicates the XOff character for the Win32 serial port.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XOffCharacter;
  1607. [Description("The XOffXMitThreshold property indicates the XOff transmit threshold for the Win32 serial port.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XOffXMitThreshold;
  1608. [Description("The XOnCharacter property indicates the XOn character.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XOnCharacter;
  1609. [Description("The XOnXMitThreshold property indicates the XOn transmit threshold.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XOnXMitThreshold;
  1610. [Description("The XOnXOffInFlowControl property indicates the amount of data inflow.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XOnXOffInFlowControl;
  1611. [Description("The XOnXOffOutFlowControl property indicates the amount of data outflow.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 XOnXOffOutFlowControl;
  1612. };
  1613. [Description("The Win32_TimeZone class represents the time zone information for a Win32 system. For example, (GMT08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1614. class Win32_TimeZone : CIM_Setting
  1615. {
  1616. [Description("The bias property indicates the bias of the time zone.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 Bias;
  1617. [Description("The DaylightBias property indicates the bias during daylight saving time.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint32 DaylightBias;
  1618. [Description("The DaylightDay property indicates the day during daylight saving time.<P>Example: 31") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaylightDay;
  1619. [Description("The DaylightDayOfWeek property indicates the numeric day of the week during daylight saving time.<P>Example: 1") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 DaylightDayOfWeek;
  1620. [Description("The DaylightHour property indicates the hour of the day during daylight saving time.<P>Example: 11") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaylightHour;
  1621. [Description("The DaylightMillisecond property indicates a millionth of a second during daylight saving time.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaylightMillisecond;
  1622. [Description("The DaylightMinute property indicates a minute during daylight saving time.<P>Example: 59") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaylightMinute;
  1623. [Description("The DaylightMonth property indicates the month of the year during daylight saving time.<P>Example: 4") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaylightMonth;
  1624. [Description("The DaylightName property indicates the name during daylight saving time.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string DaylightName;
  1625. [Description("The DaylightSecond property indicates a second during daylight saving time.<P>Example: 59") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaylightSecond;
  1626. [Description("The DaylightYear property indicates the year during daylight saving time.<P>Example: 97") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DaylightYear;
  1627. [Description("The StandardBias property indicates the bias during standard time.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StandardBias;
  1628. [Description("The StandardDay property indicates the day during standard time.<P>Example: 31") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StandardDay;
  1629. [Description("The StandardDayOfWeek property indicates the day of the week during standard time.<P>Example: Monday") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 StandardDayOfWeek;
  1630. [Description("The StandardHour property indicates the hour of the day during standard time.<P>Example: 11") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StandardHour;
  1631. [Description("The StandardMillisecond property indicates a millionth of a second during standard time.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StandardMillisecond;
  1632. [Description("The StandardMinute property indicates a minute during standard time.<P>Example: 59") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StandardMinute;
  1633. [Description("The StandardMonth property indicates the month of the year during standard time.<P>Example: 12") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StandardMonth;
  1634. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The StandardName property indicates the name during standard time.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string StandardName;
  1635. [Description("The StandardSecond property indicates a second during standard time.<P>Example: 59") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StandardSecond;
  1636. [Description("The StandardYear property indicates the year during standard time.<P>Example: 97") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 StandardYear;
  1637. };
  1638. [Description("The Win32_VideoConfiguration class represents a configuration of a video subsystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1639. class Win32_VideoConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  1640. {
  1641. [Description("The ActualColorResolution property indicates the current color depth (bits per pixel) of the video display.<P>That is: 8 bit = 256 colors, 15 bit = 32,768 colors, <P>16 bit = 65,535 colors, and 24 bit = 16,777,216 colors.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ActualColorResolution;
  1642. [Description("The AdapterChipType property indicates the name of the adapter chip.<P>Example: s3") : Amended ToSubclass]string AdapterChipType;
  1643. [Description("The AdapterDACType property indicates the DAC type of the adapter.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string AdapterDACType;
  1644. [Description("The AdapterDescription property indicates the descriptive name of the video adapter.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string AdapterDescription;
  1645. [Description("The AdapterRAM property indicates the memory size (in bytes) of the video adapter.<P>Example: 64000") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 AdapterRAM;
  1646. [Description("The AdapterType property indicates the type of video adapter.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string AdapterType;
  1647. [Description("The BitsPerPixel property indicates the number of bits per pixel.<P>Example: 8") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BitsPerPixel;
  1648. [Description("The ColorPlanes property indicates the number of color planes.<P>Example: 4") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ColorPlanes;
  1649. [Description("The ColorTableEntries property indicates the number of color table entries.<P>Example: 256") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ColorTableEntries;
  1650. [Description("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the number of pens.<P>Example: 3") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DeviceSpecificPens;
  1651. [Description("The DriverDate property indicates the date and time of the currently-installed video driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime DriverDate;
  1652. [Description("The HorizontalResolution property indicates the horizontal resolution of the display.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HorizontalResolution;
  1653. [Description("The InfFilename property indicates the path to the INF file.<P>Example: C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\DRIVERS") : Amended ToSubclass]string InfFilename;
  1654. [Description("The InfSection property indicates the section of the INF file where the Win32 video configuration information resides.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string InfSection;
  1655. [Description("The InstalledDisplayDriver property indicates the name of the installed display driver.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string InstalledDisplayDrivers;
  1656. [Description("The MonitorManufacturer property indicates the manufacturer of the video adapter.<P>Example: NEC") : Amended ToSubclass]string MonitorManufacturer;
  1657. [Description("The MonitorType property indicates the type of monitor.<P>Example: NEC 5FGp") : Amended ToSubclass]string MonitorType;
  1658. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the video adapter.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  1659. [Description("The PixelsPerXLogicalInch property indicates the number of pixels per logical inch along the X axis (horizontal direction) of the display.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PixelsPerXLogicalInch;
  1660. [Description("The PixelsPerYLogicalInch property indicates the number of pixels per logical inch along the Y axis (vertical direction) of the display.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PixelsPerYLogicalInch;
  1661. [Description("The RefreshRate property indicates the refresh rate (in Hertz) of the video adapter.<P>Example: 72") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 RefreshRate;
  1662. [Description("The ScanMode property indicates the scan mode of the video adapter.<P>Character Set: Alphanumeric") : Amended ToSubclass]string ScanMode;
  1663. [Description("The ScreenHeight property indicates the height of the display screen.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ScreenHeight;
  1664. [Description("The ScreenWidth property indicates the width of the display screen.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ScreenWidth;
  1665. [Description("The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates the number of system palette entries.<P>Example: 256") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SystemPaletteEntries;
  1666. [Description("The VerticalResolution property indicates the vertical resolution of the display.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 VerticalResolution;
  1667. };
  1668. [Description("A generic association to establish 'part of' relationships between managed system elements. For example, the SystemComponent association defines parts of a system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1669. class CIM_Component
  1670. {
  1671. [Description("The parent element in the association") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref GroupComponent;
  1672. [Description("The child element in the association") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref PartComponent;
  1673. };
  1674. [Description("The Win32_LogicalDiskRootDirectory class represents an association between a logical disk and the root directory on that disk.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1675. class Win32_LogicalDiskRootDirectory : CIM_Component
  1676. {
  1677. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The logical disk containing a root directory.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LogicalDisk Ref GroupComponent;
  1678. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Root directory found on the logical disk.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Directory Ref PartComponent;
  1679. };
  1680. [Description("The Win32_Subdirectory class represents an association between a directory and its sub-directories.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1681. class Win32_SubDirectory : CIM_Component
  1682. {
  1683. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the Win32_Directory directory part of the association.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Directory Ref GroupComponent;
  1684. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the Win32_Directory sub-directories (contained within the directory) part of the association.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Directory Ref PartComponent;
  1685. };
  1686. [Description("The CIM_DirectoryContainsFile class represents an association between a directory and files contained within that directory.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1687. class CIM_DirectoryContainsFile : CIM_Component
  1688. {
  1689. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The directory.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Directory Ref GroupComponent;
  1690. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Files contained within the directory.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DataFile Ref PartComponent;
  1691. };
  1692. [Description("The Win32_ProgramGroupContents class represents an association between a program group and the items it contains. These can be either logical program groups or logical program group items.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1693. class Win32_ProgramGroupContents : CIM_Component
  1694. {
  1695. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the Win32_ProgramGroupOrItem program group part of the association") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ProgramGroupOrItem Ref PartComponent;
  1696. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the Win32_LogicalProgramGroup logical program groups (or logical program group items contained within the logical program group) in this association.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LogicalProgramGroup Ref GroupComponent;
  1697. };
  1698. [Description("A special association to establish 'part of' relationships between a system and managed system elements.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1699. class CIM_SystemComponent : CIM_Component
  1700. {
  1701. [Description("The parent system in the Association") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_System Ref GroupComponent;
  1702. [Description("The child element that is a component of a system") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref PartComponent;
  1703. };
  1704. [Description("LogicalDevices may be aggregated by a System. This relationship is made explicit by the SystemDevice association. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1705. class CIM_SystemDevice : CIM_SystemComponent
  1706. {
  1707. [Description("The parent system in the Association.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_System Ref GroupComponent;
  1708. [Description("The LogicalDevice that is a component of a System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref PartComponent;
  1709. };
  1710. [Description("A link between the ComputerSystem and the OperatingSystem(s) installed or loaded on it. An OperatingSystem is 'installed' on a ComputerSystem, when placed on one of its StorageExtents - for example, copied to a disk drive or downloaded to Memory. Using this definition, an OperatingSystem is 'installed' on a NetPC when downloaded via the network.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1711. class CIM_InstalledOS : CIM_SystemComponent
  1712. {
  1713. [Description("The ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1714. [Description("The OperatingSystem installed on the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_OperatingSystem Ref PartComponent;
  1715. [Description("Boolean indicating that the OperatingSystem is the default OS for the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PrimaryOS;
  1716. };
  1717. [Description("The Win32_SystemBIOS class represents an association between a computer system and a system BIOS.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1718. class Win32_SystemBIOS : CIM_SystemComponent
  1719. {
  1720. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemBIOS association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system BIOS.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1721. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_BIOS object of the Win32_SystemBIOS association.<P>Role: The associated BIOS provides the part component that implements the system BIOS.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_BIOS Ref PartComponent;
  1722. };
  1723. [Description("The Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceMembers class represents an association between a load order group and a base service.<P><B>Note:</B> Win32_SystemDriver objects are members of that load order group. However, not all services are members of groups, and not all groups have services within them. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1724. class Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceMembers : CIM_Component
  1725. {
  1726. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_LoadOrderGroup object of the Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceMembers association.<P>Role: The associated load order group provides the group component that implements the load order group service group member.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LoadOrderGroup Ref GroupComponent;
  1727. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_BaseService object of the Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceMembers association.<P>Role: The associated base service provides the part component that implements the load order group service member.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_BaseService Ref PartComponent;
  1728. };
  1729. [Description("The Win32_SystemOperatingSystem class represents an association between a computer system and an operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1730. class Win32_SystemOperatingSystem : CIM_InstalledOS
  1731. {
  1732. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemOperatingSystem association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1733. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_OperatingSystem object of the Win32_SystemOperatingSystem association.<P>Role: The associated operating system provides the part component that implements the system operating system.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_OperatingSystem Ref PartComponent;
  1734. };
  1735. [Description("The Win32_SystemSystemDriver class represents an association between a computer system and a system driver.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1736. class Win32_SystemSystemDriver : CIM_SystemComponent
  1737. {
  1738. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemSystemDriver association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1739. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_SystemDriver object of the Win32_SystemSystemDriver association.<P>Role: The associated operating system provides the part component that implements the system driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SystemDriver Ref PartComponent;
  1740. };
  1741. [Description("The Win32_SystemUsers class represents an association between a computer system and a user account.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1742. class Win32_SystemUsers : CIM_SystemComponent
  1743. {
  1744. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemUsers association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system user.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1745. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_UserAccount object of the Win32_SystemUsers association.<P>Role: The associated user account provides the part component that implements the system user.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_UserAccount Ref PartComponent;
  1746. };
  1747. [Description("The Win32_SystemProcesses class represents an association between a computer system and a process.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1748. class Win32_SystemProcesses : CIM_SystemComponent
  1749. {
  1750. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemProcesses association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the process.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1751. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_Process object of the Win32_SystemProcesses association.<P>Role: The associated process provides the part component that implements the system process.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Process Ref PartComponent;
  1752. };
  1753. [Description("The Win32_SystemDevices class represents an association between a computer system and a logical device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1754. class Win32_SystemDevices : CIM_SystemDevice
  1755. {
  1756. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemDevices association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system device.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1757. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the CIM_LogicalDevice object of the Win32_SystemDevices association.<P>Role: The associated logical device provides the part component that implements the system device.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref PartComponent;
  1758. };
  1759. [Description("Association indicating the processor(s) of a UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1760. class CIM_ComputerSystemProcessor : Win32_SystemDevices
  1761. {
  1762. [Description("The UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1763. [Description("The Processor which is part of the UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Processor Ref PartComponent;
  1764. };
  1765. [Description("Association indicating the processor(s) of a UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1766. class Win32_ComputerSystemProcessor : CIM_ComputerSystemProcessor
  1767. {
  1768. [Description("The Win32_ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1769. [Description("The Processor which is part of the Win32_ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Processor Ref PartComponent;
  1770. };
  1771. [Description("The Win32_SystemPartitions class represents an association between a computer system and a disk partition.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1772. class Win32_SystemPartitions : Win32_SystemDevices
  1773. {
  1774. [Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemPartitions association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system partition.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1775. [Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_DiskPartition object of the Win32_SystemPartitions association.<P>Role: The associated disk partition provides the part component that implements the system partition.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_DiskPartition Ref PartComponent;
  1776. };
  1777. [Description("The Win32_SystemServices class represents an association between a computer system and a service.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1778. class Win32_SystemServices : CIM_SystemComponent
  1779. {
  1780. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemServices association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system service.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1781. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_Service object of the Win32_SystemServices association.<P>Role: The associated service provides the part component that implements the system service.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Service Ref PartComponent;
  1782. };
  1783. [Description("The Win32_SystemNetworkConnections class represents an association between a computer system and a network connection.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1784. class Win32_SystemNetworkConnections : CIM_SystemComponent
  1785. {
  1786. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemNetworkConnections association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the network connection.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1787. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_NetworkConnection object of the Win32_SystemNetworkConnections association.<P>Role: The associated network connection provides the part component that implements the system network connection.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_NetworkConnection Ref PartComponent;
  1788. };
  1789. [Description("The Win32_SystemResources class represents an association between a computer system and a system resource.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1790. class Win32_SystemResources : CIM_SystemComponent
  1791. {
  1792. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemResources association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system resource.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1793. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the CIM_SystemResource object of the Win32_SystemResources association.<P>Role: The associated system resource provides the part component that implements the system resource.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SystemResource Ref PartComponent;
  1794. };
  1795. [Description("The Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition class represents an association between a disk drive and a partition residing thereon.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1796. class Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition : CIM_MediaPresent
  1797. {
  1798. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Antecedent reference represents the role of the disk drive.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_DiskDrive Ref Antecedent;
  1799. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Dependent reference represents the role of the disk drive on which the disk partition resides.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_DiskPartition Ref Dependent;
  1800. };
  1801. [Description("The Win32_DependentService class represents an association between two interdependent base services.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1802. class Win32_DependentService : CIM_ServiceServiceDependency
  1803. {
  1804. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Dependent reference represents the role of the service that is dependent upon the base service.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_BaseService Ref Dependent;
  1805. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Antecedent reference represents the role of the base service.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_BaseService Ref Antecedent;
  1806. };
  1807. [Description("The Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition class represents an association between a logical disk and a partition residing thereon.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1808. class Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition : CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnPartition
  1809. {
  1810. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Dependent reference represents the role of the logical disk on which the partition resides.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LogicalDisk Ref Dependent;
  1811. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Antecedent reference represents the role of the disk partition.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_DiskPartition Ref Antecedent;
  1812. };
  1813. [Description("The Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceDependencies class represents an association between services and the load order groups that must be started before the services can start.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1814. class Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceDependencies : CIM_Dependency
  1815. {
  1816. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Antecedent reference represents the role of the load order group.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LoadOrderGroup Ref Antecedent;
  1817. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Dependent reference represents the role of the base service that is dependent upon the load order group.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_BaseService Ref Dependent;
  1818. };
  1820. class CIM_ElementSetting
  1821. {
  1822. [Description("The Element reference represents the role of the ManagedSystemElement object of the ElementSettings association. Role: The associated managed system element provides the element that implements the element setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref Element;
  1823. [Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the Setting object of the ElementSettings association. Role: The associated setting provides the setting that implements the element setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Setting Ref Setting;
  1824. };
  1825. [Description("VideoControllerResolution describes the various video modes that a VideoController can support. Video modes are defined by the possible horizontal and vertical resolutions, refresh rate, scan mode and number of colors settings supported by a Controller. The actual resolutions, etc. that are in use, are the values specified in the VideoController object.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1826. class CIM_VideoControllerResolution : CIM_Setting
  1827. {
  1828. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The inherited SettingID serves as part of the key for a VideoControllerResolution instance.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SettingID;
  1829. [Description("Controller's horizontal resolution in Pixels.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HorizontalResolution;
  1830. [Description("Controller's vertical resolution in Pixels.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 VerticalResolution;
  1831. [Description("Refresh rate in Hertz. If a range of rates is supported, use the MinRefreshRate and MaxRefreshRate properties, and set RefreshRate (this property) to 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 RefreshRate;
  1832. [Description("Minimum refresh rate in Hertz, when a range of rates is supported at the specified resolutions.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MinRefreshRate;
  1833. [Description("Maximum refresh rate in Hertz, when a range of rates is supported at the specified resolutions.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxRefreshRate;
  1834. [Description("Integer indicating whether the Controller operates in interlaced (value=5) or non-interlaced (4) mode.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ScanMode;
  1835. [Description("Number of colors supported at the current resolutions.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 NumberOfColors;
  1836. };
  1837. [Description("VideoSetting associates the VideoControllerResolution Setting object with the Controller to which it applies.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1838. class CIM_VideoSetting : CIM_ElementSetting
  1839. {
  1840. [Description("The VideoController.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_VideoController Ref Element;
  1841. [Description("The VideoControllerResolution associated with the Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_VideoControllerResolution Ref Setting;
  1842. };
  1843. [Description("MonitorResolution describes the relationship between horizontal and vertical resolutions, refresh rate and scan mode for a DesktopMonitor. The actual resolutions, etc. that are in use, are the values specified in the VideoController object.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1844. class CIM_MonitorResolution : CIM_Setting
  1845. {
  1846. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The inherited SettingID serves as part of the key for a MonitorResolution instance.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SettingID;
  1847. [Description("Monitor's horizontal resolution in Pixels.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HorizontalResolution;
  1848. [Description("Monitor's vertical resolution in Pixels.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 VerticalResolution;
  1849. [Description("Monitor's refresh rate in Hertz. If a range of rates is supported, use the MinRefreshRate and MaxRefreshRate properties, and set RefreshRate (this property) to 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 RefreshRate;
  1850. [Description("Monitor's minimum refresh rate in Hertz, when a range of rates is supported at the specified resolutions.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MinRefreshRate;
  1851. [Description("Monitor's maximum refresh rate in Hertz, when a range of rates is supported at the specified resolutions.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxRefreshRate;
  1852. [Description("Integer indicating whether the monitor operates in interlaced (value=5) or non-interlaced (4) mode.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ScanMode;
  1853. };
  1854. [Description("MonitorSetting associates the MonitorResolution Setting object with the DesktopMonitor to which it applies.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1855. class CIM_MonitorSetting : CIM_ElementSetting
  1856. {
  1857. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The DesktopMonitor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DesktopMonitor Ref Element;
  1858. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The MonitorResolution associated with the DesktopMonitor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_MonitorResolution Ref Setting;
  1859. };
  1860. [Description("VideoSettings associates the VideoControllerResolution Setting object with the Controller to which it applies.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1861. class Win32_VideoSettings : CIM_VideoSetting
  1862. {
  1863. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The VideoController.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_VideoController Ref Element;
  1864. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The VideoControllerResolution associated with the Controller.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_VideoControllerResolution Ref Setting;
  1865. };
  1866. [Description("The Win32_DeviceSettings class represents an association between a logical device and a setting.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1867. class Win32_DeviceSettings : CIM_ElementSetting
  1868. {
  1869. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Element reference represents the role of the CIM_LogicalDevice object of the Win32_DeviceSettings association.<P>Role: The associated logical device provides the element that implements the device setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Element;
  1870. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the CIM_Setting object of the Win32_DeviceSettings association.<P>Role: The associated setting provides the setting that implements the device setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Setting Ref Setting;
  1871. };
  1872. [Description("The Win32_SerialPortSetting class represents an association between a serial port and its configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1873. class Win32_SerialPortSetting : Win32_DeviceSettings
  1874. {
  1875. [Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_SerialPort object of the Win32_SerialPortSetting association.<P>Role: The associated serial port provides the element that implements the serial port setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SerialPort Ref Element;
  1876. [Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the Win32_SerialPortConfiguration object of the Win32_SerialPortSetting association.<P>Role: The associated serial port configuration provides the setting that implements the serial port setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SerialPortConfiguration Ref Setting;
  1877. };
  1878. [Description("The Win32_UserDesktop class represents an association between element and setting objects.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1879. class Win32_UserDesktop : CIM_ElementSetting
  1880. {
  1881. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_UserAccount object of the Win32_UserDesktop association.<P>Role: The associated user account provides the element that implements the user desktop.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_UserAccount Ref Element;
  1882. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the Win32_Desktop object of the Win32_UserDesktop association.<P>Role: The associated desktop provides the setting that implements the user desktop.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Desktop Ref Setting;
  1883. };
  1884. [Description("The Win32_PrinterSetting class represents an association between a printer and its configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1885. class Win32_PrinterSetting : Win32_DeviceSettings
  1886. {
  1887. [Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_Printer object of the Win32_PrinterSetting association.<P>Role: The associated printer provides the element that implements the printer setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Printer Ref Element;
  1888. [Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the Win32_PrinterConfiguration object of the Win32_PrinterSetting association.<P>Role: The associated printer configuration provides the setting that implements the printer setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_PrinterConfiguration Ref Setting;
  1889. };
  1890. [Description("The Win32_SystemSetting class represents an association between a computer system and its configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1891. class Win32_SystemSetting : CIM_ElementSetting
  1892. {
  1893. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemSetting association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the element that implements the system setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref Element;
  1894. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the CIM_Setting object of the Win32_SystemSetting association.<P>Role: The associated setting provides the setting that implements the system setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Setting Ref Setting;
  1895. };
  1896. [Description("The Win32_SystemLogicalMemoryConfiguration class represents an association between a computer system and its logical memory configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1897. class Win32_SystemLogicalMemoryConfiguration : Win32_SystemSetting
  1898. {
  1899. [Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemLogicalMemoryConfiguration association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the element that implements the system logical memory configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref Element;
  1900. [Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration object of the Win32_SystemLogicalMemoryConfiguration association.<P>Role: The associated logical memory configuration provides the setting that implements the system logical memory configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration Ref Setting;
  1901. };
  1902. [Description("The Win32_SystemLoadOrderGroups class represents an association between a computer system and a load order group.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1903. class Win32_SystemLoadOrderGroups : CIM_SystemComponent
  1904. {
  1905. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemLoadOrderGroups association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system load order group.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  1906. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_LoadOrderGroup object of the Win32_SystemLoadOrderGroups association.<P>Role: The associated load order group provides the part component that implements the system load order group.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LoadOrderGroup Ref PartComponent;
  1907. };
  1908. [Description("The Win32_SystemTimeZone class represents an association between a computer system and a time zone.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1909. class Win32_SystemTimeZone : Win32_SystemSetting
  1910. {
  1911. [Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_ComputerSystem object of the Win32_SystemTimeZone association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the element that implements the system time zone.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref Element;
  1912. [Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the Win32_TimeZone object of the Win32_SystemTimeZone association.<P>Role: The associated time zone provides the setting that implements the system time zone.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_TimeZone Ref Setting;
  1913. };
  1914. [Description("The Win32_SystemProgramGroups class represents an association between a computer system and a program group.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1915. class Win32_SystemProgramGroups : Win32_SystemSetting
  1916. {
  1917. [Description("The Element reference represents the the computer system.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref Element;
  1918. [Description("The Setting reference represents a program group on the computer system.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_LogicalProgramGroup Ref Setting;
  1919. };
  1920. [Description("The Win32_SystemDesktop class represents an association between a computer system and its desktop configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1921. class Win32_SystemDesktop : Win32_SystemSetting
  1922. {
  1923. [Description("The Element reference represents the Win32_ComputerSystem computer system part of the association.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref Element;
  1924. [Description("The Setting reference represents a Win32_LogicalProgramGroup program group (on the computer system) part of the association.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Desktop Ref Setting;
  1925. };
  1926. [Description("The Win32_SystemBootConfiguration class represents an association between a computer system and its boot configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1927. class Win32_SystemBootConfiguration : Win32_SystemSetting
  1928. {
  1929. [Description("The Element reference represents the the computer system.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComputerSystem Ref Element;
  1930. [Description("The Setting reference represents the boot configuration of the computer system.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_BootConfiguration Ref Setting;
  1931. };
  1932. [Description("The Win32_GroupUser class represents an association between a user group and its members.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1933. class Win32_GroupUser : CIM_Component
  1934. {
  1935. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_Group object of the Win32_GroupUser association.<P>Role: The associated computer system provides the group component that implements the system BIOS.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Group Ref GroupComponent;
  1936. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_Account object of the Win32_GroupUser association.<P>Role: The associated account provides the part component that implements the group user.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Account Ref PartComponent;
  1937. };
  1938. [Description("The Win32_ProtocolBinding class represents an association among a service, network protocol, and network adapter on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1939. class Win32_ProtocolBinding
  1940. {
  1941. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Antecedent reference represents the role of the network protocol.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_NetworkProtocol Ref Antecedent;
  1942. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Device reference represents the role of the Win32_NetworkAdapter object of the Win32_ProtocolBinding association.<P>Role: The associated network adapter provides the device that implements the protocol binding.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_NetworkAdapter Ref Device;
  1943. [Description("The Dependent reference represents the role of the system driver.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SystemDriver Ref Dependent;
  1944. };
  1945. [Description("A LogicalDevice may use or require one or more Batteries. This relationship is described by the AssociatedBattery dependency. It is also possible to model the individual Batteries that comprise a UPS, using this association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1946. class CIM_AssociatedBattery : CIM_Dependency
  1947. {
  1948. [Description("The Battery.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Battery Ref Antecedent;
  1949. [Description("The LogicalDevice needing or associated with the Battery") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  1950. };
  1952. class Win32_AssociatedBattery : CIM_AssociatedBattery
  1953. {
  1954. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The battery") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Battery Ref Antecedent;
  1955. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The logical device associated with the battery.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  1956. };
  1957. [Description("The Win32_SoundDevice class represents a sound device on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1958. class Win32_SoundDevice : CIM_LogicalDevice
  1959. {
  1960. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  1961. [Description("The DMABufferSize property indicates the size of the DMA buffer <P>Example: 4") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DMABufferSize;
  1962. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the manufacturer of the Sound device.<P>Example: Creative Labs") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  1963. [Description("The MPU401Address property indicates the IO Address of the MPU401 feature of the sound device.<P>Example: 300") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MPU401Address;
  1964. [Description("The ProductName property indicates the product name of the sound device.<P>Example: Creative Labs SoundBlaster AWE32PNP") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProductName;
  1965. };
  1966. [Description("An association between LogicalDevices and SystemResources, indicating that the Resource is assigned to the Device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1967. class CIM_AllocatedResource : CIM_Dependency
  1968. {
  1969. [Description("The Resource.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SystemResource Ref Antecedent;
  1970. [Description("The LogicalDevice to which the Resource is assigned.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  1971. };
  1972. [Description("The Win32_AllocatedResource represents an association between logical devices and system resources, indicating that the resource is assigned to the device. This class is used to discover which resources (IRQs, DMA Channels, etc) are in use by a specific device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1973. class Win32_AllocatedResource : CIM_AllocatedResource
  1974. {
  1975. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Resource.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SystemResource Ref Antecedent;
  1976. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The LogicalDevice to which the Resource is assigned.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  1977. };
  1978. [Description("The Win32_Bus class represents a physical bus as seen by a Win32 operating system. Any instance of a Win32 bus is a descendent (or member) of this class.<P> Example: USB Bus.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1979. class Win32_Bus : CIM_LogicalDevice
  1980. {
  1981. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  1982. [Description("The BusNum property indicates the logical number of the physical bus.<P>Example: 1") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BusNum;
  1983. [Description("The BusType property indicates the type of the physical bus. This value will be one of the values in the INTERFACE_TYPE enumeration defined in bus.h<P>Example: PCIBus") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BusType;
  1984. };
  1985. [Description("The Win32_DeviceBus class represents an association between logical devices and a bus, indicating that the device is on the specified bus. This class is used to discover which devices are on which bus.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1986. class Win32_DeviceBus : CIM_Dependency
  1987. {
  1988. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The bus") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Bus Ref Antecedent;
  1989. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The LogicalDevice to which the Resource is assigned.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  1990. };
  1991. [Description("The Win32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDataFile class represents an association between logical devices and data files, indicating that the device uses the specified driver files. This class is used to discover which device drivers a device uses.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  1992. class Win32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDataFile : CIM_Dependency
  1993. {
  1994. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The device.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Antecedent;
  1995. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The device driver file assigned to the device.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DataFile Ref Dependent;
  1996. [Description("An enumerated integer to indicate the role this software plays in regards to its associated Device. Possible values are: 0=\"Unknown\", 1=\"Other\", 2=\"Driver\", 3=\"Configuration Software\", 4=\"Application Software\", 5=\"Instrumentation\" and 6=\"Firmware\".") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Purpose;
  1997. [Description("A free-form string to provide more information for the Purpose property, e.g. \"Application Software\".") : Amended ToSubclass]string PurposeDescription;
  1998. };
  1999. [Description("The Win32_ShareToDirectory class represents an association between a share and the directory that is being shared on a Win32 system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2000. class Win32_ShareToDirectory
  2001. {
  2002. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Share reference indicates the name of the share.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_Share Ref Share;
  2003. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The SharedElement reference indicates the name of the directory being shared.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Directory Ref SharedElement;
  2004. };
  2005. [Description("The Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class represents the configuration information of a network adapter. This class has been extended to include extra properties and methods to support the management of TCP/IP and IPX parameters associated with and independent of an adapter. \nThis class will be deprecated upon completion and ratification of the DTMF CIM network specification. This class will be supported in the next release of WBEM, however, it is not guaranteed to be supported in future versions. The schema for Win32 network adapters, protocols, bindings etc. will be updated to conform to the DMTF CIM network specification") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2006. class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  2007. {
  2008. [Description("The DefaultIPGateway property indicates the IP addresses of the default gateways.<P>Example: {,}") : Amended ToSubclass]string DefaultIPGateway[];
  2009. [Description("The DHCPEnabled property determines whether to allow a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server to automatically assign an IP address when establishing a network connection.<P>Values: TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, DHCP is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DHCPEnabled;
  2010. [Description("The DHCPLeaseExpires property indicates the date and time that the DHCP lease expires.<P>Example: 20521201000230.000000000 ") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime DHCPLeaseExpires;
  2011. [Description("The DHCPLeaseObtained property indicates the date and time that the DHCP lease was obtained.<P>Example: 19521201000230.000000000 ") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime DHCPLeaseObtained;
  2012. [Description("The DHCPServer property indicates the IP address of the DHCP server.<P>Example:") : Amended ToSubclass]string DHCPServer;
  2013. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Index property indicates the index number of the Win32 network adapter configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Index;
  2014. [Description("The IPAddress property indicates all of the IP addresses associated with the current adapter.<P>Example:") : Amended ToSubclass]string IPAddress[];
  2015. [Description("The IPSubnet property indicates all of the Subnet masks associated with the current adapter.<P>Example:") : Amended ToSubclass]string IPSubnet[];
  2016. [Description("The IPXAddress property indicates the IPX address of the network adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]string IPXAddress;
  2017. [Description("The MACAddress property indicates the media access control address of the network adapter.<P>Example: 00:80:C7:8F:6C:96") : Amended ToSubclass]string MACAddress;
  2018. [Description("The ServiceName property indicates the service name of the network adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ServiceName;
  2019. [Description("The IPEnabled property determines whether IP is bound and enabled for this adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IPEnabled;
  2020. [Description("The IPXEnabled property determines whether IPX is bound and enabled for this adapter.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IPXEnabled;
  2021. [Description("The DatabasePath property indicates a valid Windows NT file path. This parameter specifies the path to the standard internet database files (HOSTS, LMHOSTS, NETWORKS, PROTOCOLS). It is used by the Windows Sockets interface. Default: %SystemRoot%\\system32\\drivers\\etc.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DatabasePath;
  2022. [Description("The IPUseZeroBroadcast property indicates whether IP zero broadcast are used. If this parameter is set TRUE, then IP will use zeros- broadcasts ( instead of ones-broadcasts ( Most systems use ones-broadcasts, but some systems derived from BSD implementations use zeros-broadcasts. Systems that use different broadcasts will not interoperate well on the same network. Default: FALSE.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IPUseZeroBroadcast;
  2023. [Description("The ArpAlwaysSourceRoute property indicates whether transmission of ARP queries occurs. Setting this parameter to TRUE will force TCP/IP to transmit ARP queries with source routing enabled on Token Ring networks. By default, the stack transmits ARP queries without source routing first and retries with source routing enabled if no reply was received. Default: FALSE. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ArpAlwaysSourceRoute;
  2024. [Description("The ArpUseEtherSNAP property indicates whether Ethernet packets are using 802.3 SNAP encoding. Setting this parameter to 1 will force TCP/IP to transmit Ethernet packets using 802.3 SNAP encoding. By default, the stack transmits packets in DIX Ethernet format. It will always receive both formats. Default: FALSE. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ArpUseEtherSNAP;
  2025. [Description("The DefaultTOS property indicates the default Type Of Service (TOS) value set in the header of outgoing IP packets. See RFC 791 for a definition of the values. Default: 0,Valid Range: 0 - 255. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 DefaultTOS;
  2026. [Description("The DefaultTTL property indicates the default Time To Live (TTL) value set in the header of outgoing IP packets. The TTL determines the maximum amount of time an IP packet may live in the network without reaching its destination. It is effectively a limit on the number of routers an IP packet may pass through before being discarded. Default: 32, Valid Range: 1 - 255. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 DefaultTTL;
  2027. [Description("The DeadGWDetectEnabled property indicates whether dead gateway detection occurs. Setting this parameter to TRUE causes TCP to perform Dead Gateway Detection. With this feature enabled, TCP will ask IP to change to a backup gateway if it retransmits a segment several times without receiving a response. Default: TRUE. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DeadGWDetectEnabled;
  2028. [Description("The PMTUBHDetectEnabled property indicates whether detection of \"Black Hole\" routers occurs. Setting this parameter to TRUE causes TCP to try to detect \"Black Hole\" routers while doing Path MTU Discovery. A \"Black Hole\" router does not return ICMP Destination Unreachable messages when it needs to fragment an IP datagram with the Don't Fragment bit set. TCP depends on receiving these messages to perform Path MTU Discovery. With this feature enabled, TCP will try to send segments without the Don't Fragment bit set if several retransmissions of a segment go unacknowledged. If the segment is acknowledged as a result, the MSS will be decreased and the Don't Fragment bit will be set in future packets on the connection. Enabling black hole detection increases the maximum number of retransmissions performed for a given segment. Default: FALSE. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PMTUBHDetectEnabled;
  2029. [Description("The PMTUDiscoveryEnabled property indicates whether Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) discovery occurs. Setting this parameter to TRUE causes TCP to attempt to discover the MTU (or largest packet size) over the path to a remote host. By discovering the Path MTU and limiting TCP segments to this size, TCP can eliminate fragmentation at routers along the path that connect networks with different MTUs. Fragmentation adversely affects TCP throughput and network congestion. Setting this parameter to FALSE causes an MTU of 576 bytes to be used for all connections that are not to machines on the local subnet. Default: TRUE. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PMTUDiscoveryEnabled;
  2030. [Description("The ForwardBufferMemory property indicates how much memory IP allocates to store packet data in the router packet queue. When this buffer space is filled, the router begins discarding packets at random from its queue. Packet queue data buffers are 256 bytes in length, so the value of this parameter should be a multiple of 256. Multiple buffers are chained together for larger packets. The IP header for a packet is stored separately. This parameter is ignored and no buffers are allocated if the IP router is not enabled. Default: 74240 (enough for fifty 1480-byte packets, rounded to a multiple of 256), Valid Range: <network MTU> - <some reasonable value smaller than 0xFFFFFFFF>.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ForwardBufferMemory;
  2031. [Description("The IGMPLevel property determines to what extent the system supports IP multicasting and participates in the Internet Group Management Protocol. At level 0, the system provides no multicast support. At level 1, the system may only send IP multicast packets. At level 2, the system may send IP multicast packets and fully participate in IGMP to receive multicast packets. Default: 2, Valid Range: 0,1,2.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 IGMPLevel;
  2032. [Description("The KeepAliveInterval property determines the interval separating keep alive retransmissions until a response is received. Once a response is receive, the delay until the next keep alive transmission is again controlled by the value of KeepAliveTime. The connection will be aborted after the number of retransmissions specified by TcpMaxDataRetransmissions have gone unanswered. Default: 1000 (one second), Valid Range: 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 KeepAliveInterval;
  2033. [Description("The KeepAliveTime property determines how often TCP attempts to verify that an idle connection is still intact by sending a keep alive packet. If the remote system is still reachable and functioning, it will acknowledge the keep alive transmission. Keep alive packets are not sent by default. This feature may be enabled on a connection by an application. Default: 7,200,000 (two hours), Valid Range: 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 KeepAliveTime;
  2034. [Description("The MTU property overrides the default Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for a network interface. The MTU is the maximum packet size in bytes that the transport will transmit over the underlying network. The size includes the transport header. Note that an IP datagram may span multiple packets. Values larger than the default for the underlying network will result in the transport using the network default MTU. Values smaller than 68 will result in the tranport using an MTU of 68. Default: 0xFFFFFFFF, Valid Range: 68 - <the MTU of the underlying network>.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MTU;
  2035. [Description("The NumForwardPackets property determines the number of IP packet headers allocated for the router packet queue. When all headers are in use, the router will begin to discard packets at random from the queue. This value should be at least as large as the ForwardBufferMemory value divided by the maximum IP data size of the networks connected to the router. It should be no larger than the ForwardBufferMemory value divided by 256, since at least 256 bytes of forward buffer memory are used for each packet. The optimal number of forward packets for a given ForwardBufferMemory size depends on the type of traffic carried on the network and will be somewhere in between these two values. This parameter is ignored and no headers are allocated if the router is not enabled. Default: 50, Valid Range: 1 - <some reasonable value smaller than 0xFFFFFFFF>.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 NumForwardPackets;
  2036. [Description("The TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions property determines the number of times TCP will retransmit a connect request (SYN) before aborting the attempt. The retransmission timeout is doubled with each successive retransmission in a given connect attempt. The initial timeout value is three seconds. Default: 3, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions;
  2037. [Description("The TcpMaxDataRetransmissions property determines the number of times TCP will retransmit an individual data segment (non connect segment) before aborting the connection. The retransmission timeout is doubled with each successive retransmission on a connection. It is reset when responses resume. The base timeout value is dynamically determined by the measured round-trip time on the connection. Default: 5, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions;
  2038. [Description("The TcpNumConnections property indicates the maximum number of connections that TCP may have open simultaneously. The initial timeout value is three seconds. Default: 0xFFFFFE3, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFE.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 TcpNumConnections;
  2039. [Description("The TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer property determines whether TCP uses the RFC 1122 specification for urgent data or the mode used by BSD-derived systems. The two mechanisms interpret the urgent pointer in the TCP header and the length of the urgent data differently. They are not interoperable. Windows NT defaults to BSD mode. Default: FALSE, ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer;
  2040. [Description("The TcpWindowSize property determines determines the maximum TCP receive window size offered by the system. The receive window specifies the number of bytes a sender may transmit without receiving an acknowledgment. In general, larger receive windows will improve performance over high (delay * bandwidth ) networks. For highest efficiency, the receive window should be an even multiple of the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS). Default: The smaller of 0xFFFF OR (The larger of four times the maximum TCP data size on the network OR 8192 rounded up to an even multiple of the network TCP data size.) The default is 8760 for Ethernet. Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFF.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TcpWindowSize;
  2041. [Description("The IPPortSecurityEnabled property indicates whether IP port security is enabled globally across all IP bound adapters. This property is used in conjunction with the following properties: IPSecPermitIPProtocols, IPSecPermitTCPPorts, and IPSecPermitUDPPorts. A value of TRUE indicates that IP port security is enabled and that the security defined for individual adapters (via the xxxPermit properties and the EnableIPSec method) is in effect.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IPPortSecurityEnabled;
  2042. [Description("The IPFilterSecurityEnabled property indicates whether IP port security is enabled globally across all IP bound adapters. This property is used in conjunction with the following properties: PermitTCPPorts, PermitUDPPorts and PermitIPProtocols.A value of TRUE indicates that IP port security is enabled and that the security values associated with individual adapters are in effect. A value of FALSE indicates IP filter security is disabled across all adapters and allows all port and protocol traffic to flow unfiltered.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean IPFilterSecurityEnabled;
  2043. [Description("The IPSecPermitTCPPorts property lists the ports that will be granted access permission for TCP. The list of protocols is defined using the EnableIPSec method. The list will either be empty or contain numeric values. A numeric value of zero indicates access permission is granted for all ports An empty string indicates that no ports are granted access permission when IPFilterSecurityEnabled is TRUE.") : Amended ToSubclass]string IPSecPermitTCPPorts[];
  2044. [Description("The IPSecPermitUDPPorts property lists the ports that will be granted access permission for UDP. The list of protocols is defined using the EnableIPSec method. The list will either be empty or contain numeric values. A numeric value of zero indicates access permission is granted for all ports. An empty string indicates that no ports are granted access permission when IPFilterSecurityEnabled is TRUE.") : Amended ToSubclass]string IPSecPermitUDPPorts[];
  2045. [Description("The IPSecPermitIPProtocols property lists the protocols permitted to run over the IP. The list of protocols is defined using the EnableIPSec method. The list will either be empty or contain numeric values. A numeric value of zero indicates access permission is granted for all protocols. An empty string indicates that no protocols are permitted to run when IPFilterSecurityEnabled is TRUE.") : Amended ToSubclass]string IPSecPermitIPProtocols[];
  2046. [Description("The DNSHostName property indicates the host name used to identify the local computer for authentication by some utilities. Other TCP/IP-based utilities can use this value to learn the name of the local computer. Host names are stored on DNS servers in a tablethat maps names to IP addresses for use by DNS. The name can be any combination of the letters A through Z, the numerals 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-), plus the period (.) character used as a separator. By default, this value is the Microsoft networking computer name, but the network administrator can assign another host name without affecting the computer name.<P>Example: corpdns") : Amended ToSubclass]string DNSHostName;
  2047. [Description("The DNSDomain property indicates an organization name followed by a period and an extension that indicates the type of organization, such as The name can be any combination of the letters A through Z, the numerals 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-), plus the period (.) character used as a separator.<P>Example:") : Amended ToSubclass]string DNSDomain;
  2048. [Description("The DNSServerSearchOrder property indicates an ordered list of server IP addresses to be use in querying for DNS Servers<P>Example:") : Amended ToSubclass]string DNSServerSearchOrder[];
  2049. [Description("The DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder property specifies the DNS domain suffixes to be appended to the host names during name resolution. When attempting to resolve a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) from a host only name, the system will first append the local domain name. If this is not successful, the system will use the Domain Suffix list to create additional FQDNs in the order listed and query DNS servers for each.<P>Example:") : Amended ToSubclass]string DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder[];
  2050. [Description("The WINSEnableDNS property indicates whether the Domain Name System (DNS) is enabled for name resolution over WINS resolution. If the name cannot be resolved using DNS, the name request is forwarded to WINS for resolution.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean DNSEnabledForWINSResolution;
  2051. [Description("The WINSEnableLMHostsLookup property indicates whether local lookup files us used. Lookup files will contain mappings of IP addresses to host names. If they exist on the local system they will be found in %SystemRoot%\\system32\\drivers\\etc. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean WINSEnableLMHostsLookup;
  2052. [Description("The WINSPrimaryServer property indicates the IP address for the primary WINS server. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string WINSPrimaryServer;
  2053. [Description("The WINSSecondaryServer property indicates the IP address for the secondary WINS server. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string WINSSecondaryServer;
  2054. [Description("The WINSHostLookupFile property contains an path to a WINS lookup file on the local system. This file will contain mappings of IP addresses to host names. If the file specified in this property is found it will be copied to the %SystemRoot%\\system32\\drivers\\etc folder of the local system. Valid only WINSEnableLMHostsLookup property is TRUE.") : Amended ToSubclass]string WINSHostLookupFile;
  2055. [Description("The ScopeID property provides a way to isolate a group of computers that only communicate with each other. The Scope ID is a character string value that is appended to the NetBIOS name and is used for all NetBIOS over TCP/IP communications from that computer. Other computers that are configured with an identical Scope ID are able to communicate with this computer, while TCP/IP clients with a different Scope ID disregard packets from any other Scope ID. Valid only when EnableWINS is TRUE.") : Amended ToSubclass]string WINSScopeID;
  2056. [Description("The IPXVirtualNetworkNumber property represents an eight character hexidecimal digit which under NT uniquely identifies the computer on the internetwork. Windows NT uses the virtual network number which is also known as an internal network number for internal routing purposes.") : Amended ToSubclass]string IPXVirtualNetNumber;
  2057. [Description("The IPXNetNumber property represents an array of character digits which uniquely identifies a frame/adapter combination on the computer system. The NWLink IPX/SPX-compatible transport in Windows NT uses two distinctly different types of network numbers. This number is sometimes referred to as the external network number, and it must be unique for each network segment.The order in this string list will correspond item for item with the elements in the IPXFrameType property.") : Amended ToSubclass]string IPXNetworkNumber[];
  2058. [Description("The IPXFrameType property represents an interger array of frame type identifiers. The order in this array will correspond item for item with the elements in the IPXNetworkNumber. Values are: 0=\"Ethernet\", 1=\"Ethernet 802.3\", 2=\"Ethernet 802.2\", 3=\"Ethernet II\", 4=\"Ethernet SNAP\", 255=\"AUTO\".") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 IPXFrameType[];
  2059. [Description("The IPXMediaType property represents an IPX media type identifier. Values are: 1=\"Ethernet\", 2=\"Token ring\", 3=\"FDDI\", 8=\"ARCNET\". ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 IPXMediaType;
  2060. [Description("The EnableDHCP() method enables the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)for service on this TCP/IP bound adapter. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EnableDHCP();
  2061. [Description("The RenewDHCPLease() method allows for IP address renewal on a specific DHCP enabled adapter. The lease for the IP address assigned via a DHCP server has an expiration date which the client must renew if it intends to continue use of the assigned IP address. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 RenewDHCPLease();
  2062. [Description("The RenewDHCPLeaseAll() method allows for IP address renewal across all DHCP enabled adapters on a target system. The lease for the IP address assigned via a DHCP server has an expiration date which the client must renew if it intends to continue use of the assigned IP address. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 RenewDHCPLeaseAll();
  2063. [Description("The ReleaseDHCPLease() method releases the IP address bound to a specific DHCP enabled adapter. WARNING: If DHCP is enabled on this local system the option disables TCP/IP on this specific adapter. Unless you have an alternate path to the target system (i.e. another TCP/IP bound adapter) all TCP/IP communications will be lost. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ReleaseDHCPLease();
  2064. [Description("The ReleaseDHCPLeaseAll() method releases the IP addresses bound to all DHCP enabled adapters. WARNING: If DHCP is enabled on this local system the option will sever all DHCP TCP/IP communications for the target machine. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ReleaseDHCPLeaseAll();
  2065. [Description("The EnableStatic() method enables static TCP/IP addressing for the target adapter. As a result DHCP for this adapter is disabled. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EnableStatic([In]string IpAddress[],[In]string SubnetMask[]);
  2066. [Description("The SetGateways() method specifies the list of gateways to be used to route packets not destined for a subnet that this specific IP bound adapter is directly connected to, and for which a more specific route does not exist. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetGateways([In]string DefaultIPGateway[]);
  2067. [Description("The EnableDNS() method enables the Domain Name System (DNS) for service on this TCP/IP bound adapter. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EnableDNS([In]string DNSHostName,[In]string DNSDomain,[In]string DNSServerSearchOrder[],[In]string DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder[]);
  2068. [Description("The SetWINSServer() method provides for setting the primary and secondary Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) servers on this TCP/IP bound adapter. This method is applies independently of the adapter. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetWINSServer([In]string WINSPrimaryServer,[In]string WINSSecondaryServer);
  2069. [Description("The EnableWINS() method enables Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) settings specific to TCP/IP but independent of the adapter. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EnableWINS([In]boolean DNSEnabledForWINSResolution,[In]boolean WINSEnableLMHostsLookup,[In]string WINSHostLookupFile,[In]string WINSScopeID);
  2070. [Description("The EnableIPSec() method enables IP security on this specific TCP/IP enabled adapter. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EnableIPSec([In]string IPSecPermitTCPPorts[],[In]string IPSecPermitUDPPorts[],[In]string IPSecPermitIPProtocols[]);
  2071. [Description("The DisableIPSec() method disables IP security on this specific TCP/IP enabled adapter. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DisableIPSec();
  2072. [Description("The SetIPXVirtualNetworkNumber() method sets the IPX virtual network number on the target computer system. Windows NT uses an internal network number for internal routing. The internal network number is also known as a virtual network number and uniquely identifies the computer on the internetwork.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetIPXVirtualNetworkNumber([In]string IPXVirtualNetNumber);
  2073. [Description("The SetIPXFrameTypeNetworkPairs() method sets the IPX network number/frame pairs the specific adapter. Windows NT uses an IPX network number for routing purposes that is assigned to each configured frame type and adapter combination on your computer. This number is sometimes referred to as the \"external network number,\" and it must be unique for each network segment. If the frame type is set to AUTO, the network number should to zero.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetIPXFrameTypeNetworkPairs([In]string IPXNetworkNumber[],[In]uint32 IPXFrameType[]);
  2074. [Description("The SetDatabasePath() method sets the path to the standard internet database files (HOSTS, LMHOSTS, NETWORKS, PROTOCOLS). It is used by the Windows Sockets interface. Default: %SystemRoot%\\system32\\drivers\\etc.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetDatabasePath([In]string DatabasePath);
  2075. [Description("The IPUseZeroBroadcast() method sets whether IP zero broadcast are used. If this parameter is set TRUE, then IP will use zeros- broadcasts ( instead of ones-broadcasts ( Most systems use ones-broadcasts, but some systems derived from BSD implementations use zeros-broadcasts. Systems that use different broadcasts will not interoperate well on the same network. Default: FALSE.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetIPUseZeroBroadcast([In]boolean IPUseZeroBroadcast);
  2076. [Description("The ArpAlwaysSourceRoute() method sets whether transmission of ARP queries occurs. Setting this parameter to TRUE will force TCP/IP to transmit ARP queries with source routing enabled on Token Ring networks. By default, the stack transmits ARP queries without source routing first and retries with source routing enabled if no reply was received. Default: FALSE. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetArpAlwaysSourceRoute([In]boolean ArpAlwaysSourceRoute);
  2077. [Description("The ArpUseEtherSNAP() method sets whether Ethernet packets are using 802.3 SNAP encoding. Setting this parameter to 1 will force TCP/IP to transmit Ethernet packets using 802.3 SNAP encoding. By default, the stack transmits packets in DIX Ethernet format. It will always receive both formats. Default: FALSE. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetArpUseEtherSNAP([In]boolean ArpUseEtherSNAP);
  2078. [Description("The DefaultTOS() method sets whether the default Type Of Service (TOS) value is set in the header of outgoing IP packets. See RFC 791 for a definition of the values. Default: 0,Valid Range: 0 - 255. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetDefaultTOS([In]uint8 DefaultTOS);
  2079. [Description("The DefaultTTL() method sets whether the default Time To Live (TTL) value is set in the header of outgoing IP packets. The TTL determines the maximum amount of time an IP packet may live in the network without reaching its destination. It is effectively a limit on the number of routers an IP packet may pass through before being discarded. Default: 32, Valid Range: 1 - 255. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetDefaultTTL([In]uint8 DefaultTTL);
  2080. [Description("The SetDeadGWDetect() method sets whether dead gateway detection occurs. Setting this parameter to TRUE causes TCP to perform Dead Gateway Detection. With this feature enabled, TCP will ask IP to change to a backup gateway if it retransmits a segment several times without receiving a response. Default: TRUE. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetDeadGWDetect([In]boolean DeadGWDetectEnabled);
  2081. [Description("The SetPMTUBHDetect() method sets whether detection of \"Black Hole\" routers occurs. Setting this parameter to TRUE causes TCP to try to detect \"Black Hole\" routers while doing Path MTU Discovery. A \"Black Hole\" router does not return ICMP Destination Unreachable messages when it needs to fragment an IP datagram with the Don't Fragment bit set. TCP depends on receiving these messages to perform Path MTU Discovery. With this feature enabled, TCP will try to send segments without the Don't Fragment bit set if several retransmissions of a segment go unacknowledged. If the segment is acknowledged as a result, the MSS will be decreased and the Don't Fragment bit will be set in future packets on the connection. Enabling black hole detection increases the maximum number of retransmissions performed for a given segment. Default: FALSE. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetPMTUBHDetect([In]boolean PMTUBHDetectEnabled);
  2082. [Description("The SetPMTUDiscovery() method sets whether Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) discovery occurs. Setting this parameter to TRUE causes TCP to attempt to discover the MTU (or largest packet size) over the path to a remote host. By discovering the Path MTU and limiting TCP segments to this size, TCP can eliminate fragmentation at routers along the path that connect networks with different MTUs. Fragmentation adversely affects TCP throughput and network congestion. Setting this parameter to FALSE causes an MTU of 576 bytes to be used for all connections that are not to machines on the local subnet. Default: TRUE. The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetPMTUDiscovery([In]boolean PMTUDiscoveryEnabled);
  2083. [Description("The ForwardBufferMemory() method sets how much memory IP allocates to store packet data in the router packet queue. When this buffer space is filled, the router begins discarding packets at random from its queue. Packet queue data buffers are 256 bytes in length, so the value of this parameter should be a multiple of 256. Multiple buffers are chained together for larger packets. The IP header for a packet is stored separately. This parameter is ignored and no buffers are allocated if the IP router is not enabled. Default: 74240 (enough for fifty 1480-byte packets, rounded to a multiple of 256), Valid Range: <network MTU> - <some reasonable value smaller than 0xFFFFFFFF>.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetForwardBufferMemory([In]uint32 ForwardBufferMemory);
  2084. [Description("The IGMPLevel() method sets to what extent the system supports IP multicasting and participates in the Internet Group Management Protocol. At level 0, the system provides no multicast support. At level 1, the system may only send IP multicast packets. At level 2, the system may send IP multicast packets and fully participate in IGMP to receive multicast packets. Default: 2, Valid Range: 0,1,2.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetIGMPLevel([In]uint8 IGMPLevel);
  2085. [Description("The KeepAliveInterval() method sets the interval separating keep alive retransmissions until a response is received. Once a response is receive, the delay until the next keep alive transmission is again controlled by the value of KeepAliveTime. The connection will be aborted after the number of retransmissions specified by TcpMaxDataRetransmissions have gone unanswered. Default: 1000 (one second), Valid Range: 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetKeepAliveInterval([In]uint32 KeepAliveInterval);
  2086. [Description("The KeepAliveTime() method sets how often TCP attempts to verify that an idle connection is still intact by sending a keep alive packet. If the remote system is still reachable and functioning, it will acknowledge the keep alive transmission. Keep alive packets are not sent by default. This feature may be enabled on a connection by an application. Default: 7,200,000 (two hours), Valid Range: 1 - 0xFFFFFFFFThe method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetKeepAliveTime([In]uint32 KeepAliveTime);
  2087. [Description("The MTU() method sets the default Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for a network interface. The MTU is the maximum packet size in bytes that the transport will transmit over the underlying network. The size includes the transport header. Note that an IP datagram may span multiple packets. Values larger than the default for the underlying network will result in the transport using the network default MTU. Values smaller than 68 will result in the tranport using an MTU of 68. Default: 0xFFFFFFFF, Valid Range: 68 - <the MTU of the underlying network>.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetMTU([In]uint32 MTU);
  2088. [Description("The NumForwardPackets() method sets the number of IP packet headers allocated for the router packet queue. When all headers are in use, the router will begin to discard packets at random from the queue. This value should be at least as large as the ForwardBufferMemory value divided by the maximum IP data size of the networks connected to the router. It should be no larger than the ForwardBufferMemory value divided by 256, since at least 256 bytes of forward buffer memory are used for each packet. The optimal number of forward packets for a given ForwardBufferMemory size depends on the type of traffic carried on the network and will be somewhere in between these two values. This parameter is ignored and no headers are allocated if the router is not enabled. Default: 50, Valid Range: 1 - <some reasonable value smaller than 0xFFFFFFFF>.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetNumForwardPackets([In]uint32 NumForwardPackets);
  2089. [Description("The TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions() method sets the number of times TCP will retransmit a connect request (SYN) before aborting the attempt. The retransmission timeout is doubled with each successive retransmission in a given connect attempt. The initial timeout value is three seconds. Default: 3, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetTcpMaxConnectRetransmissions([In]uint32 TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions);
  2090. [Description("The TcpMaxDataRetransmissions() method sets the number of times TCP will retransmit an individual data segment (non connect segment) before aborting the connection. The retransmission timeout is doubled with each successive retransmission on a connection. It is reset when responses resume. The base timeout value is dynamically determined by the measured round-trip time on the connection. Default: 5, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetTcpMaxDataRetransmissions([In]uint32 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions);
  2091. [Description("The TcpNumConnections() method sets the maximum number of connections that TCP may have open simultaneously. The initial timeout value is three seconds. Default: 0xFFFFFE3, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFE.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetTcpNumConnections([In]uint32 TcpNumConnections);
  2092. [Description("The TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer() method sets whether TCP uses the RFC 1122 specification for urgent data or the mode used by BSD-derived systems. The two mechanisms interpret the urgent pointer in the TCP header and the length of the urgent data differently. They are not interoperable. Windows NT defaults to BSD mode. Default: FALSE, The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetTcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer([In]boolean TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer);
  2093. [Description("The TcpWindowSize() method sets the maximum TCP receive window size offered by the system. The receive window specifies the number of bytes a sender may transmit without receiving an acknowledgment. In general, larger receive windows will improve performance over high (delay * bandwidth ) networks. For highest efficiency, the receive window should be an even multiple of the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS). Default: The smaller of 0xFFFF OR (The larger of four times the maximum TCP data size on the network OR 8192 rounded up to an even multiple of the network TCP data size.) The default is 8760 for Ethernet. Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFF.The method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, and any other number to indicate an error.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetTcpWindowSize([In]uint16 TcpWindowSize);
  2094. [Description("Use the EnableIPFilterSec() method to enable IP security globally across all IP bound adapters. If the input parameter IPFilterSecurityEnabled is TRUE, security is enabled. With security enabled, the operational security characteristics for any single adapter can be controlled using the adapter specific EnableIPSec() method. If the input parameter IPFilterSecurityEnabled is FALSE, all port and protocol traffic are allowed to flow unfiltered.The EnableIPFilterSec() method returns an integer value of 0 on successful completion, a 1 when a reboot is required and any other value to indicate an error. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 EnableIPFilterSec([In]boolean IPFilterSecurityEnabled);
  2095. };
  2096. [Description("The Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting class represents an association between a network adapter and its configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2097. class Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting : Win32_DeviceSettings
  2098. {
  2099. [Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_NetworkAdapter object of the Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting association.<P>Role: The associated network adapter provides the element that implements the network adapter setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_NetworkAdapter Ref Element;
  2100. [Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration object of the Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting association.<P>Role: The associated network adapter configuration provides the setting that implements the network adapter setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Ref Setting;
  2101. };
  2102. [Description("Portable Battery") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2103. class Win32_PortableBattery : Win32_Battery
  2104. {
  2105. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2106. [Description("A string that identifies the location of the battery. Example: \"In the back, on the left-hand side\"") : Amended ToSubclass]string Location;
  2107. [Description("Manufacture Date") : Amended ToSubclass]string ManufactureDate;
  2108. [Description("Manufacturer") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  2109. [Description("The maximum error (as a percentage in therange 0 to 100) in the Watt-hour data reported by the battery, indicating an upper bound on how much additional energy the battery might have above the energy it reports having.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MaxBatteryError;
  2110. [Description("The multiplication factor of the Design Capacity value and assures that the mWatt hours value does not overflow for SBDS implementations.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 CapacityMultiplier;
  2111. };
  2112. [Description("CIM_StatisticalInformation is a root class for any arbitrary collection of statistical data and/or metrics applicable to one or more ManagedSystemElements.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2113. class CIM_StatisticalInformation
  2114. {
  2115. [Description("The Name property defines the label by which the statistic or metric is known. When subclassed, the property can be overridden to be a Key property. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2116. [Description("A textual description of the statistic or metric.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  2117. [Description("A short textual description (one-line string) for the statistic or metric.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Caption;
  2118. };
  2119. [Description("CIM_Statistics is an association that relates ManagedSystemElements to the StatisticalGroup(s) that apply to them.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2120. class CIM_Statistics
  2121. {
  2122. [Description("The statistic information/object.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StatisticalInformation Ref Stats;
  2123. [Description("The ManagedSystemElement for which statistical or metric data is defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref Element;
  2124. };
  2125. [Description("DeviceErrorCounts is a statistical class containing error-related counters for a LogicalDevice. The types of errors are as defined by CCITT (Rec X.733) and ISO (IEC 10164-4).") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2126. class CIM_DeviceErrorCounts : CIM_StatisticalInformation
  2127. {
  2128. [Description("The scoping System s CreationClassName. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemCreationClassName;
  2129. [Description("The scoping System s Name. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemName;
  2130. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The scoping Device s CreationClassName. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceCreationClassName;
  2131. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The scoping Device s ID. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceID;
  2132. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The inherited Name serves as part of the key for the DeviceErrorCounts instance. The object is scoped by the LogicalDevice to which the statistics apply. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2133. [Description("Count of the indeterminate errors. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 IndeterminateErrorCount;
  2134. [Description("Count of the critical errors. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 CriticalErrorCount;
  2135. [Description("Count of the major errors. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MajorErrorCount;
  2136. [Description("Count of the minor errors. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MinorErrorCount;
  2137. [Description("Count of the warnings. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 WarningCount;
  2138. [Description("Method to reset the error and warning counters. The method takes one parameter as input an integer indicating which counter to reset. For this input parameter, 0 indicates all, 1 indicates a reset of the indeterminate error counter, 2 the critical error counter, 3 the major error counter, 4 the minor error counter and 5 the warning counter. The method returns 0 if successful, 1 if not supported, and any other value if an error occurred. A method is specified so that the LogicalDevice s instrumentation, which tabulates the errors and warnings, can also reset its internal processing and counters.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ResetCounter([IN]uint16 SelectedCounter);
  2139. };
  2140. [Description("ErrorCountersForDevice relates the DeviceErrorCounts class to the LogicalDevice to which it applies. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2141. class CIM_ErrorCountersForDevice : CIM_Statistics
  2142. {
  2143. [Description("The statistical object in this case, the error counter class. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DeviceErrorCounts Ref Stats;
  2144. [Description("The Device to which the error counters apply. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Element;
  2145. };
  2146. [Description("CIM_RelatedStatistics is an association that defines hierarchies and/or dependencies of related CIM_StatisticalInformation classes.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2147. class CIM_RelatedStatistics
  2148. {
  2149. [Description("The statistic information/object.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StatisticalInformation Ref Stats;
  2150. [Description("The related statistics or metrics.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StatisticalInformation Ref RelatedStats;
  2151. };
  2152. [Description("Subclasses of CIM_PhysicalElement define any component of a System that has a distinct physical identity. Instances of this class can be defined in terms of labels that can be physically attached to the object. All Processes, Files, and LogicalDevices are considered not to be PhysicalElements. For example, it is not possible to attach a label to a modem. It is only possible to attach a label to the card that implements the modem. The same card could also implement a LAN adapter. These are tangible Managed System Elements (usually actual hardware items) that have a physical manifestation of some sort. A Managed System Element is not necessarily a discrete component. For example, it is possible for a single Card (which is a type of Physical Element) to host more than one Logical Device. The card would be represented by a single Physical Element associated with multiple Logical Devices.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2153. class CIM_PhysicalElement : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
  2154. {
  2155. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CreationClassName;
  2156. [Description("The name of the organization responsible for producing the PhysicalElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  2157. [Description("The name by which the PhysicalElement is generally known.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Model;
  2158. [Description("The stock keeping unit number for this PhysicalElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SKU;
  2159. [Description("A manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the PhysicalElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SerialNumber;
  2160. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("An arbitrary string that uniquely identifies the PhysicalElement and serves as the Element's key. The Tag property can contain information such as asset tag or serial number data. The key for PhysicalElement is placed very high in the object hierarchy in order to independently identify the hardware/entity, regardless of physical placement in or on Cabinets, Adapters, etc. For example, a hotswappable or removeable component may be taken from its containing (scoping) Package and be temporarily unused. The object still continues to exist - and may even be inserted into a different scoping container. Therefore, the key for PhysicalElement is an arbitrary string and is defined independently of any placement or location-oriented hierarchy.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Tag;
  2161. [Description("A string indicating the version of the PhysicalElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  2162. [Description("The part number assigned by the organization responsible for producing or manufacturing the PhysicalElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PartNumber;
  2163. [Description("OtherIdentifyingInfo captures additional data, beyond asset tag information, that could be used to identify a PhysicalElement. One example is bar code data associated with an Element that also has an asset tag. Note that if only bar code data is available and is unique/able to be used as an Element key, this property would be NULL and the bar code data used as the class key, in the Tag property.") : Amended ToSubclass]string OtherIdentifyingInfo;
  2164. [Description("Boolean indicating that the PhysicalElement is powered on (TRUE), or is currently off (FALSE).") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PoweredOn;
  2165. };
  2166. [Description("CIM_Realizes is the association that defines the mapping between a Logical Device and the physical component that implements the Device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2167. class CIM_Realizes : CIM_Dependency
  2168. {
  2169. [Description("The physical component that implements the Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref Antecedent;
  2170. [Description("The LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  2171. };
  2172. [Description("CIM_Product is a concrete class that is a collection of PhysicalElements, SoftwareFeatures and/or other Products, acquired as a unit. Acquisition implies an agreement between supplier and consumer which may have implications to Product licensing, support and warranty.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2173. class CIM_Product
  2174. {
  2175. [Description("A short textual description (one-line string) for the Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Caption;
  2176. [Description("A textual description of the Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  2177. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Product identification such as a serial number on software or a die number on a hardware chip.") : Amended ToSubclass]string IdentifyingNumber;
  2178. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Commonly used Product name.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2179. [Description("Product SKU (stock keeping unit) information.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SKUNumber;
  2180. [Description("The name of the Product's supplier. Corresponds to the Vendor property in the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Vendor;
  2181. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Product version information. Corresponds to the Version property in the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  2182. };
  2183. [Description("Capabilities and management of Memory-related LogicalDevices.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2184. class CIM_Memory : CIM_StorageExtent
  2185. {
  2186. [Description("ErrorMethodology for Memory is a string property that indicates whether parity or CRC algorithms, ECC or other mechanisms are used. Details on the algorithm can also be supplied.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ErrorMethodology;
  2187. [Description("The beginning address, referenced by an application or operating system and mapped by a memory controller, for this Memory object. The starting address is specified in KBytes.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 StartingAddress;
  2188. [Description("The ending address, referenced by an application or operating system and mapped by a memory controller, for this Memory object. The ending address is specified in KBytes.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 EndingAddress;
  2189. [Description("An integer enumeration describing the type of error that occurred most recently. For example, single (value=6) or double bit errors (7) can be specified using this property. The values, 12-14, are undefined in the CIM Schema since in DMI, they mix the semantics of the type of error and whether it was correctable or not. The latter is indicated in the property, CorrectableError.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ErrorInfo;
  2190. [Description("Free form string providing more information if the ErrorType property is set to 1, \"Other\". If not set to 1, this string has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]string OtherErrorDescription;
  2191. [Description("Boolean indicating that the most recent error was correctable. If the ErrorInfo property is equal to 3, \"OK\", then this property has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean CorrectableError;
  2192. [Description("The time that the last memory error occurred. The type of error is described by the ErrorInfo property. If the ErrorInfo property is equal to 3, \"OK\", then this property has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime ErrorTime;
  2193. [Description("An integer enumeration indicating the memory access operation that caused the last error. The type of error is described by the ErrorInfo property. If the ErrorInfo property is equal to 3, \"OK\", then this property has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ErrorAccess;
  2194. [Description("The size of the data transfer in bits that caused the last error. 0 indicates no error. If the ErrorInfo property is equal to 3, \"OK\", then this property should be set to 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ErrorTransferSize;
  2195. [Description("Data captured during the last erroneous memory access. The data occupies the first n octets of the array necessary to hold the number of bits specified by the ErrorTransferSize property. If ErrorTransferSize is 0, then this property has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 ErrorData[];
  2196. [Description("The ordering for data stored in the ErrorData property. \"Least Significant Byte First\" (value=1) or \"Most Significant Byte First\" (2) can be specified. If ErrorTransferSize is 0, then this property has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ErrorDataOrder;
  2197. [Description("Specifies the address of the last memory error. The type of error is described by the ErrorInfo property. If the ErrorInfo property is equal to 3, \"OK\", then this property has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 ErrorAddress;
  2198. [Description("Boolean indicating whether the address information in the property, ErrorAddress, is a system-level address (TRUE) or a physical address (FALSE). If the ErrorInfo property is equal to 3, \"OK\", then this property has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SystemLevelAddress;
  2199. [Description("Specifies the range, in bytes, to which the last error can be resolved. For example, if error addresses are resolved to bit 11 (ie, on a typical page basis), then errors can be resolved to 4K boundaries and this property is set to 4000. If the ErrorInfo property is equal to 3, \"OK\", then this property has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 ErrorResolution;
  2200. [Description("An array of octets holding additional error information. An example is ECC Syndrome or the return of the check bits if a CRC-based ErrorMethodology is used. In the latter case, if a single bit error is recognized and the CRC algorithm is known, it is possible to determine the exact bit that failed. This type of data (ECC Syndrome, Check Bit or Parity Bit data, or other vendor supplied information) is included in this field. If the ErrorInfo property is equal to 3, \"OK\", then AdditionalErrorData has no meaning.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint8 AdditionalErrorData[];
  2201. };
  2202. [Description("LogicalDevices may have Memory installed on them or otherwise associated with them - such as CacheMemory. This is made explicit in this association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2203. class CIM_AssociatedMemory : CIM_Dependency
  2204. {
  2205. [Description("Memory installed on or associated with a Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Memory Ref Antecedent;
  2206. [Description("The LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  2207. };
  2208. [Description("Associates the Processor and system Memory, or a Processor s Cache.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2209. class CIM_AssociatedProcessorMemory : CIM_AssociatedMemory
  2210. {
  2211. [Description("The Processor that accesses the Memory or uses the Cache.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Processor Ref Dependent;
  2212. [Description("Speed of the bus, in MHertz, between the Processor and Memory. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BusSpeed;
  2213. };
  2214. [Description("Capabilities and management of Cache Memory.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2215. class CIM_CacheMemory : CIM_Memory
  2216. {
  2217. [Description("Defines whether this is the Primary (value=3), Secondary (value=4) or Tertiary (value=5) Cache. Also, \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2) can be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Level;
  2218. [Description("Defines whether this is write-back (value=3) or write-through (value=4) Cache, or this information \"Varies with Address\" (5). Also, \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2) can be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 WritePolicy;
  2219. [Description("Defines whether this is for instruction caching (value=3), data caching (value=4) or both (value=5, \"Unified\"). Also, \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (2) can be defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 CacheType;
  2220. [Description("Size, in bytes, of a single cache bucket or line.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 LineSize;
  2221. [Description("An integer enumeration describing the algorithm to determine which cache lines or buckets should be re-used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ReplacementPolicy;
  2222. [Description("Policy that shall be employed by the Cache for handling read requests. For example, \"Read\", \"Read-Ahead\" or both can be specified using the values, 3, 4 or 5, respectively.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ReadPolicy;
  2223. [Description("Maximum amount of time, in seconds, dirty lines or buckets may remain in the Cache before they are flushed. A value of zero indicated that a cache flush is not controlled by a flushing timer.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 FlushTimer;
  2224. [Description("An integer enumeration defining the system cache associativity. For example, 6 indicates a fully associative cache.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Associativity;
  2225. };
  2226. [Description("An AlarmDevice is a type of Device that emits audible or visible indications related to a problem situation. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2227. class CIM_AlarmDevice : CIM_LogicalDevice
  2228. {
  2229. [Description("Boolean indicating that the Alarm is audible. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AudibleAlarm;
  2230. [Description("Boolean indicating that the Alarm is visible. ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean VisibleAlarm;
  2231. [Description("Urgency is an enumerated value that indicates the relative frequency at which the Alarm flashes and/or emits audible tones. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Urgency;
  2232. [Description("SetUrgency is a method for defining the desired urgency level for the Alarm. Its input parameter, RequestedUrgency, is specified using the Values list of AlarmDevice's Urgency property. SetUrgency returns 0 if the request is successfully implemented, 1 if the specified Urgency level is not supported, and some other value if any other error occurred.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 SetUrgency([IN]uint16 RequestedUrgency);
  2233. };
  2234. [Description("The Location class specifies the position and address of a PhysicalElement.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2235. class CIM_Location
  2236. {
  2237. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Name is a free-form string defining a label for the Location. It is a part of the key for the object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2238. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Position is a free-form string indicating the placement of a PhysicalElement. It can specify slot information on a HostingBoard, mounting site in a Cabinet, or latitude and longitude information, for example, from a GPS. It is part of the key of the Location object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PhysicalPosition;
  2239. [Description("Address is a free-form string indicating a street, building or other type of address for the PhysicalElement's Location.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Address;
  2240. };
  2241. [Description("PhysicalElementLocation associates a PhysicalElement with a Location object for inventory or replacement purposes.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2242. class CIM_PhysicalElementLocation
  2243. {
  2244. [Description("The PhysicalElement whose Location is specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref Element;
  2245. [Description("The PhysicalElement's Location.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Location Ref PhysicalLocation;
  2246. };
  2247. [Description("PhysicalCapacity is an abstract class describing a PhysicalElement's minimum/maximum requirements and ability to support different types of hardware. For example, minimum and maximum memory requirements can be modeled as a subclass of CIM_PhysicalCapacity.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2248. class CIM_PhysicalCapacity
  2249. {
  2250. [Description("The Name property defines the label by which the PhysicalCapacity object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2251. [Description("Caption is a short textual description (one-line string) of the PhysicalCapacity object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Caption;
  2252. [Description("The Description property provides a textual description of the PhysicalCapacity object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  2253. };
  2254. [Description("ElementCapacity associates a PhysicalCapacity object with one or more PhysicalElements. It serves to associate a description of min/max hardware requirements or capabilities (stored as a kind of PhysicalCapacity), with the PhysicalElements being described.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2255. class CIM_ElementCapacity
  2256. {
  2257. [Description("PhysicalCapacity describes the minimum and maximum requirements and ability to support different types of hardware for a PhysicalElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalCapacity Ref Capacity;
  2258. [Description("The PhysicalElement being described.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref Element;
  2259. };
  2260. [Description("MemoryCapacity describes the type of Memory that can be installed on a PhysicalElement and its minimum/maximum configurations. Information on what memory is currently 'installed', versus an Element's min/max requirements, is located in instances of the PhysicalMemory class.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2261. class CIM_MemoryCapacity : CIM_PhysicalCapacity
  2262. {
  2263. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The inherited Name serves as a part of the MemoryCapacity object key.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2264. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The type of memory. This is a part of the object key. Values correspond to the list of possible memory types in the PhysicalMemory class.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MemoryType;
  2265. [Description("Minimum amount of memory, in Kbytes, that is needed for the associated PhysicalElement to operate correctly. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MinimumMemoryCapacity;
  2266. [Description("Maximum amount of memory, in Kbytes, that can be supported by the associated PhysicalElement. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 MaximumMemoryCapacity;
  2267. };
  2268. [Description("The ReplacementSet class aggregates PhysicalElements that must be 'replaced' or 'FRUed' together. For example, when replacing a memory card, the component memory chips could be removed and replaced as well. Or, a set of memory chips may be specified to be replaced or upgraded together using this association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2269. class CIM_ReplacementSet
  2270. {
  2271. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Name is a free-form string defining a label for the ReplacementSet. It is the key for the object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2272. [Description("A free-form string specifying information related to the ReplacementSet. The purpose of the Set or information related to how the component Elements are replaced may be included in this property.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  2273. };
  2274. [Description("ParticipatesInSet indicates which PhysicalElements should be replaced together.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2275. class CIM_ParticipatesInSet
  2276. {
  2277. [Description("The ReplacementSet.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ReplacementSet Ref Set;
  2278. [Description("The PhysicalElement which should be replaced with other Elements, as a Set.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref Element;
  2279. };
  2280. [Description("The PhysicalPackage class represents PhysicalElements that contain or host other components. Examples are a Rack enclosure or an adapter Card.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2281. class CIM_PhysicalPackage : CIM_PhysicalElement
  2282. {
  2283. [Description("A PhysicalPackage is Removable if it is designed to be taken in and out of the physical container in which it is normally found, without impairing the function of the overall packaging. A Package can still be Removable if power must be 'off' in order to perform the removal. If power can be 'on' and the Package removed, then the Element is both Removable and HotSwappable. For example, an extra battery in a laptop is Removable, as is a disk drive Package inserted using SCA connectors. However, the latter is also HotSwappable. A laptop's display is not Removable, nor is a non-redundant power supply. Removing these components would impact the function of the overall packaging or is impossible due to the tight integration of the Package.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Removable;
  2284. [Description("A PhysicalPackage is Replaceable if it is possible to replace (FRU or upgrade) the Element with a physically different one. For example, some ComputerSystems allow the main Processor chip to be upgraded to one of a higher clock rating. In this case, the Processor is said to be Replaceable. Another example is a power supply Package mounted on sliding rails. All Removable packages are inherently Replaceable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Replaceable;
  2285. [Description("A PhysicalPackage is HotSwappable if it is possible to replace the Element with a physically different but equivalent one while the containing Package has power applied to it (ie, is 'on'). For example, a disk drive Package inserted using SCA connectors is both Removable and HotSwappable. All HotSwappable packages are inherently Removable and Replaceable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean HotSwappable;
  2286. [Description("The height of the PhysicalPackage in inches.") : Amended ToSubclass]real32 Height;
  2287. [Description("The depth of the PhysicalPackage in inches.") : Amended ToSubclass]real32 Depth;
  2288. [Description("The width of the PhysicalPackage in inches.") : Amended ToSubclass]real32 Width;
  2289. [Description("The weight of the PhysicalPackage in pounds.") : Amended ToSubclass]real32 Weight;
  2290. [Description("The IsCompatible method verifies whether the referenced PhysicalElement may be contained by or inserted into the PhysicalPackage. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request is not supported and some other value if an error occurred.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 IsCompatible([IN]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref ElementToCheck);
  2291. };
  2292. [Description("The Container association represents the relationship between a contained and a containing PhysicalElement. A containing object must be a PhysicalPackage.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2293. class CIM_Container : CIM_Component
  2294. {
  2295. [Description("The PhysicalPackage that contains other PhysicalElements, including other Packages.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref GroupComponent;
  2296. [Description("The PhysicalElement which is contained in the Package.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref PartComponent;
  2297. [Description("A free-form string representing the positioning of the PhysicalElement within the PhysicalPackage. This string could supplement or be used in place of instantiating the CIM_Location object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string LocationWithinContainer;
  2298. };
  2299. [Description("PhysicalFrame is a superclass of Rack, Chassis and other frame enclosures, as they are defined in extension classes. Properties like visible or audible alarm, and data related to security breaches are in this superclass.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2300. class CIM_PhysicalFrame : CIM_PhysicalPackage
  2301. {
  2302. [Description("CableManagementStrategy is a free-form string that contains information on how the various cables are connected and bundled for the Frame. With many networking, storage-related and power cables, cable management can be a complex and challenging endeavor. This string property contains information to aid in assembly and service of the Frame.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CableManagementStrategy;
  2303. [Description("ServicePhilosophy is an enumerated, integer-valued array that indicates whether the Frame is serviced from the top (value=2), front (3), back (4) or side (5), whether it has sliding trays (6) or removable sides (7), and/or whether the Frame is moveable (8), for example, having rollers.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ServicePhilosophy[];
  2304. [Description("An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the entries in the ServicePhilosophy array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in ServicePhilosophy that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ServiceDescriptions[];
  2305. [Description("Boolean indicating whether the Frame is protected with a lock.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean LockPresent;
  2306. [Description("Boolean indicating whether the Frame is equipped with an audible alarm.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AudibleAlarm;
  2307. [Description("Boolean indicating that the equipment includes a visible alarm.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean VisibleAlarm;
  2308. [Description("SecurityBreach is an enumerated, integer-valued property indicating whether a physical breach of the Frame was attempted but unsuccessful (value=4) or attempted and successful (5). Also, the values, \"Unknown\", \"Other\" or \"No Breach\", can be specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SecurityBreach;
  2309. [Description("BreachDescription is a free-form string providing more information if the SecurityBreach property indicates that a breach or some other security-related event occurred.") : Amended ToSubclass]string BreachDescription;
  2310. };
  2311. [Description("A Rack is a PhysicalFrame that represents an enclosure in which Chassis are placed. Typically a Rack is nothing more than the enclosure, and all the functioning componentry is packaged in the Chassis, loaded in the Rack.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2312. class CIM_Rack : CIM_PhysicalFrame
  2313. {
  2314. [Description("The height of the PhysicalPackage in 'U's. A 'U' is a standard unit of measure for the height of a Rack or rack-mountable component. It is equal to 1.75 inches or 4.445 cm.") : Amended ToSubclass]real32 Height;
  2315. [Description("Enumeration indicating the type of Rack.Information such as \"Telco\" rack (value=2) or standard 19 inch rack (1) can be specified. The country for which the Rack is manufactured is defined in the the CountryDesignation property.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TypeOfRack;
  2316. [Description("Designation of the country for which the Rack is designed. Country code strings are as defined by ISO/IEC 3166. The rack type is specified in the TypeOfRack property.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CountryDesignation;
  2317. };
  2318. [Description("The Chassis class represents the PhysicalElements that enclose other Elements and provide definable functionality, such as a desktop, processing node, UPS, disk or tape storage, or a combination of these.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2319. class CIM_Chassis : CIM_PhysicalFrame
  2320. {
  2321. [Description("Integer indicating the number of power cords which must be connected to the Chassis, for all the componentry to operate.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 NumberOfPowerCords;
  2322. [Description("Current required by the Chassis at 120V. If power is provided by the Chassis (as in the case of a UPS), this property may indicate the amperage produced, as a negative number.") : Amended ToSubclass]sint16 CurrentRequiredOrProduced;
  2323. [Description("Amount of heat generated by the Chassis in BTU/hour.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 HeatGeneration;
  2324. [Description("An enumerated, integer-valued array indicating the type of Chassis.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ChassisTypes[];
  2325. [Description("An array of free-form strings providing more information on the ChassisTypes array entries. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in ChassisTypes that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]string TypeDescriptions[];
  2326. };
  2327. [Description("Racks, as simple enclosures, contain Chassis that provide the physical componentry realizing processing nodes, storage devices, UPSs, etc. The ChassisInRack association makes explicit the 'containing' relationship between the Rack and the Chassis.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2328. class CIM_ChassisInRack : CIM_Container
  2329. {
  2330. [Description("The Rack that contains the Chassis.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Rack Ref GroupComponent;
  2331. [Description("The Chassis which is mounted in the Rack.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Chassis Ref PartComponent;
  2332. [Description("An integer indicating the lowest or 'bottom' U in which the Chassis is mounted. A 'U' is a standard unit of measure for the height of a Rack or rack-mountable component. It is equal to 1.75 inches or 4.445 cm.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 BottomU;
  2333. };
  2334. [Description("A Chassis can contain other Packages, such as other Chassis and Cards. The PackageInChassis association makes explicit this relationship.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2335. class CIM_PackageInChassis : CIM_Container
  2336. {
  2337. [Description("The Chassis that contains other PhysicalPackages.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Chassis Ref GroupComponent;
  2338. [Description("The PhysicalPackage which is contained in the Chassis.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref PartComponent;
  2339. };
  2340. [Description("A laptop, a type of Chassis, may be docked in another type of Chassis, a Docking Station. This is the relationship represented by the Docked association. Because this is such a typical relationship, it is explicitly described.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2341. class CIM_Docked : CIM_Dependency
  2342. {
  2343. [Description("The Docking Station.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Chassis Ref Antecedent;
  2344. [Description("The Laptop that is 'Docked'.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Chassis Ref Dependent;
  2345. };
  2346. [Description("The Card class represents a type of physical container that can be plugged into another Card or HostingBoard, or is itself a HostingBoard/Motherboard in a Chassis. The CIM_Card class includes any package capable of carrying signals and providing a mounting point for PhysicalComponents, such as Chips, or other PhysicalPackages, such as other Cards.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2347. class CIM_Card : CIM_PhysicalPackage
  2348. {
  2349. [Description("Boolean indicating that this Card is a Motherboard or, more generically, a baseboard in a Chassis.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean HostingBoard;
  2350. [Description("SlotLayout is a free-form string that describes the slot positioning, typical usage, restrictions, individual slot spacings or any other pertinent information for the slots on a Card.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SlotLayout;
  2351. [Description("Boolean indicating that at least one daughterboard or auxiliary Card is required in order to function properly.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean RequiresDaughterBoard;
  2352. [Description("Boolean indicating that this Card is physically unique from other Cards of the same type and therefore requires a special Slot. For example, a double-wide Card requires two Slots. Another example is where a certain Card may be used for the same general function as other Cards but requires a special Slot (e.g., extra long), whereas the other Cards can be placed in any available Slot. If set to TRUE, then the corresponding property, RequirementsDescription, should specify the nature of the uniqueness or purpose of the Card.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SpecialRequirements;
  2353. [Description("A free-form string describing the way(s) in which this Card is physically unique from other Cards. This property only has meaning when the corresponding boolean property, SpecialRequirements, is set to TRUE.") : Amended ToSubclass]string RequirementsDescription;
  2354. };
  2355. [Description("Cards may be plugged into Motherboards/baseboards, are daughtercards of an adapter, or support special Card-like modules. These relationships are described by the CardOnCard association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2356. class CIM_CardOnCard : CIM_Container
  2357. {
  2358. [Description("The Card that hosts another Card.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Card Ref GroupComponent;
  2359. [Description("The Card that is plugged into or otherwise mounted on another Card.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Card Ref PartComponent;
  2360. [Description("A string describing and identifying how the Card is mounted on or plugged into the 'other' Card. Slot information could be included in this field and may be sufficient for certain management purposes. If so, this avoids creating instantiations of Connector/Slot objects just to model the relationship of Cards to HostingBoards or other adapters. On the other hand, if Slot and Connector information is available, this field could be used to provide more detailed mounting or slot insertion data.") : Amended ToSubclass]string MountOrSlotDescription;
  2361. };
  2362. [Description("The PhysicalComponent class represents any low-level or basic Component within a Package. Any PhysicalElement that is not a Link, Connector, or Package is a descendent (or member) of this class. For example, the UART chipset on an internal modem Card would be a subclass (if additional properties or associations are defined) or an instance of PhysicalComponent.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2363. class CIM_PhysicalComponent : CIM_PhysicalElement
  2364. {
  2365. [Description("A PhysicalComponent is Removable if it is designed to be taken in and out of the physical container in which it is normally found, without impairing the function of the overall packaging. A Component can still be Removable if power must be 'off' in order to perform the removal. If power can be 'on' and the Component removed, then the Element is both Removable and HotSwappable. For example, an upgradeable Processor chip is Removable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Removable;
  2366. [Description("A PhysicalComponent is Replaceable if it is possible to replace (FRU or upgrade) the Element with a physically different one. For example, some ComputerSystems allow the main Processor chip to be upgraded to one of a higher clock rating. In this case, the Processor is said to be Replaceable. All Removable Components are inherently Replaceable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Replaceable;
  2367. [Description("A PhysicalComponent is HotSwappable if it is possible to replace the Element with a physically different but equivalent one while the containing Package has power applied to it (ie, is 'on'). For example, a fan Component may be designed to be HotSwappable. All HotSwappable Components are inherently Removable and Replaceable.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean HotSwappable;
  2368. };
  2369. [Description("A Component is typically contained by a PhysicalPackage, such as a Chassis or Card. The PackagedComponent association makes this relationship explicit. In the first sentence, the word, 'typically', is used. This is because a Component may be removed from, or not yet inserted into, its containing Package (ie, the Removable boolean is TRUE). Therefore, a Component may not always be associated with a container.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2370. class CIM_PackagedComponent : CIM_Container
  2371. {
  2372. [Description("The PhysicalPackage that contains Component(s).") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref GroupComponent;
  2373. [Description("The PhysicalComponent which is contained in the Package.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalComponent Ref PartComponent;
  2374. };
  2375. [Description("The Chip class represents any type of integrated circuit hardware, including ASICs, processors, memory chips, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2376. class CIM_Chip : CIM_PhysicalComponent
  2377. {
  2378. [Description("The implementation form factor for the Chip.For example, values such as SIMM (7), TSOP (9) or PGA (10) can be specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 FormFactor;
  2379. };
  2380. [Description("PhysicalMemory is a subclass of CIM_Chip, representing low level memory devices - SIMMS, DIMMs, raw memory chips, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2381. class CIM_PhysicalMemory : CIM_Chip
  2382. {
  2383. [Description("The type of PhysicalMemory.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MemoryType;
  2384. [Description("Total width, in bits, of the PhysicalMemory, including check or error correction bits. If there are no error correction bits, the value in this property should match that specified for DataWidth.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TotalWidth;
  2385. [Description("Data width of the PhysicalMemory, in bits. A data width of 0 and a TotalWidth of 8 would indicate that the Memory is solely used to provide error correction bits.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DataWidth;
  2386. [Description("The speed of the PhysicalMemory, in nanoseconds.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Speed;
  2387. [Description("The total capacity of this PhysicalMemory, in bytes.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 Capacity;
  2388. [Description("A string identifying the physically labeled bank where the Memory is located - for example, 'Bank 0' or 'Bank A'.") : Amended ToSubclass]string BankLabel;
  2389. [Description("Specifies the position of the PhysicalMemory in a 'row'. For example, if it takes two 8-bit memory devices to form a 16-bit row, then a value of '2'means that this Memory is the second device. 0 is an invalid value for this property.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PositionInRow;
  2390. [Description("The position of this PhysicalMemory in an interleave. 0 indicates non-interleaved. 1 indicates the first position, 2 the second position and so on. For example, in a 2:1 interleave, a value of '1' would indicate that the Memory is in the 'even' position.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 InterleavePosition;
  2391. };
  2392. [Description("PhysicalMemory can be located on HostingBoards, adapter Cards, etc. This association explicitly defines this relationship of Memory to Cards.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2393. class CIM_MemoryOnCard : CIM_PackagedComponent
  2394. {
  2395. [Description("The Card that includes or 'contains' Memory.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Card Ref GroupComponent;
  2396. [Description("The PhysicalMemory which is located on the Card.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalMemory Ref PartComponent;
  2397. };
  2398. [Description("The PhysicalMedia class represents any type of documentation or storage medium, such as tapes, CDROMs, etc. This class is typically used to locate and manage Removable Media (versus Media sealed with the MediaAccessDevice, as a single Package, as is the case with hard disks). However, 'sealed' Media can also be modeled using this class, where the Media would then be associated with the PhysicalPackage using the PackagedComponent relationship.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2399. class CIM_PhysicalMedia : CIM_PhysicalComponent
  2400. {
  2401. [Description("The size of the Media, in bytes. This property is not applicable to \"Hard Copy\" (documentation) or cleaner Media.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 Capacity;
  2402. [Description("Specifies the type of the PhysicalMedia, as an enumerated integer. The MediaDescription property is used to provide more explicit definition of the Media type, whether it is pre-formatted, compatability features, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MediaType;
  2403. [Description("Additional detail related to the MediaType enumeration. For example, if value 3 (\"QIC Cartridge\") is specified, this property could indicate whether the tape is wide or 1/4 inch, whether it is pre-formatted, whether it is Travan compatible, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass]string MediaDescription;
  2404. [Description("Boolean specifying whether the Media is currently write protected by some kind of physical mechanism, such as a protect tab on a floppy diskette.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean WriteProtectOn;
  2405. [Description("Boolean indicating that the PhysicalMedia is used for cleaning purposes and not data storage.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean CleanerMedia;
  2406. };
  2407. [Description("MemoryWithMedia indicates that Memory is associated with a PhysicalMedia and its cartridge. The Memory provides media identification and also stores user-specific data. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2408. class CIM_MemoryWithMedia : CIM_Dependency
  2409. {
  2410. [Description("The Memory associated with PhysicalMedia. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalMemory Ref Antecedent;
  2411. [Description("The PhysicalMedia.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalMedia Ref Dependent;
  2412. };
  2413. [Description("PhysicalExtents are realized on a PhysicalMedia. This relationship is made explicit by the RealizesPExtent association. In addition, the StartingAddress of the PhysicalExtent on the PhysicalMedia is specified here.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2414. class CIM_RealizesPExtent : CIM_Realizes
  2415. {
  2416. [Description("The PhysicalMedia on which the Extent is realized.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalMedia Ref Antecedent;
  2417. [Description("The PhysicalExtent that is located on the Media.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalExtent Ref Dependent;
  2418. [Description("The starting address on the PhysicalMedia where the PhysicalExtent begins. Ending address of the PhysicalExtent is determined using the NumberOfBlocks and BlockSize properties of the PhysicalExtent object.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 StartingAddress;
  2419. };
  2420. [Description("DiskPartitions can be realized on a PhysicalMedia. This relationship is made explicit by the RealizesDiskPartition association. In addition, the StartingAddress of the DiskPartition on the PhysicalMedia is specified here.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2421. class CIM_RealizesDiskPartition : CIM_Realizes
  2422. {
  2423. [Description("The PhysicalMedia on which the Extent is realized.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalMedia Ref Antecedent;
  2424. [Description("The DiskPartition that is located on the Media.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DiskPartition Ref Dependent;
  2425. [Description("The starting address on the PhysicalMedia where the DiskPartition begins. Ending address of the Partition is determined using the NumberOfBlocks and BlockSize properties of the DiskPartition object.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint64 StartingAddress;
  2426. };
  2427. [Description("AggregatePExtents are realized on a PhysicalMedia. This relationship is made explicit by the RealizesAggregatePExtent association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2428. class CIM_RealizesAggregatePExtent : CIM_Realizes
  2429. {
  2430. [Description("The PhysicalMedia on which the Extent is realized.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalMedia Ref Antecedent;
  2431. [Description("The AggregatePExtent that is located on the Media.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_AggregatePExtent Ref Dependent;
  2432. };
  2433. [Description("The PhysicalLink class represents the cabling of PhysicalElements together. For example, serial or Ethernet cables, and infrared Links would be subclasses (if additional properties or associations are defined) or instances of PhysicalLink. In many cases, the numerous physical cables within a PhysicalPackage or Network will not be modeled. However, where these cables or Links are critical components, or are tagged assets of the company, these objects can be instantiated using this class or one of its descendent classes.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2434. class CIM_PhysicalLink : CIM_PhysicalElement
  2435. {
  2436. [Description("The maximum length of the PhysicalLink in feet.") : Amended ToSubclass]real64 MaxLength;
  2437. [Description("The current length of the PhysicalLink in feet. For some connections, especially wireless technologies, this property may not be applicable and should be left uninitialized.") : Amended ToSubclass]real64 Length;
  2438. [Description("Boolean indicating whether the PhysicalLink is an actual cable (TRUE) or a wireless connection (FALSE).") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Wired;
  2439. [Description("The MediaType property defines the particular type of Media through which transmission signals pass. Common network media include twisted-pair (value=11 or 12), coaxial (7, 8 or 9) and fiber-optic cable (10).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MediaType;
  2440. };
  2441. [Description("The ElementsLinked association indicates which PhysicalElements are cabled together by a PhysicalLink.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2442. class CIM_ElementsLinked : CIM_Dependency
  2443. {
  2444. [Description("The PhysicalLink.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalLink Ref Antecedent;
  2445. [Description("The PhysicalElement that is linked.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref Dependent;
  2446. };
  2447. [Description("The PhysicalConnector class represents any PhysicalElement that is used to connect to other Elements. Any object that can be used to connect and transmit signals or power between two or more PhysicalElements is a descendant (or member) of this class. For example, Slots and D-shell connectors are types of PhysicalConnectors.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2448. class CIM_PhysicalConnector : CIM_PhysicalElement
  2449. {
  2450. [Description("A free-form string describing the pin configuration and signal usage of a PhysicalConnector.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ConnectorPinout;
  2451. [Description("An array of integers defining the type of PhysicalConnector. An array is specified to allow the description of 'combinations' of Connector information. For example, one array entry could specify RS-232 (value=25), another DB-25 (value=23) and a third entry define the Connector as \"Male\" (value=2).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ConnectorType[];
  2452. };
  2453. [Description("The ConnectedTo association indicates that two or more PhysicalConnectors are connected together.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2454. class CIM_ConnectedTo : CIM_Dependency
  2455. {
  2456. [Description("The Antecedent represents a PhysicalConnector that serves as one end of the connection.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalConnector Ref Antecedent;
  2457. [Description("The Dependent represents another PhysicalConnector that serves as the other end of the connection.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalConnector Ref Dependent;
  2458. };
  2459. [Description("The Slot class represents Connectors into which circuit boards or adapter Cards can be inserted. Any 16-, 32-, or 64-bit expansion Slot on a Card or HostingBoard is a descendant (or member) of this class. PCI or PCMCIA Type III Slots are examples.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2460. class CIM_Slot : CIM_PhysicalConnector
  2461. {
  2462. [Description("Boolean indicating whether the Slot supports hot-plug of adapter Cards.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SupportsHotPlug;
  2463. [Description("Maximum height of an adapter Card that can be inserted into the Slot, in inches.") : Amended ToSubclass]real32 HeightAllowed;
  2464. [Description("Maximum length of an adapter Card that can be inserted into the Slot, in inches.") : Amended ToSubclass]real32 LengthAllowed;
  2465. [Description("Maximum bus width of adapter Cards that can be inserted into this Slot, in bits.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MaxDataWidth;
  2466. [Description("An array of enumerated integers indicating the Vcc voltage supported by this Slot.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 VccMixedVoltageSupport[];
  2467. [Description("An array of enumerated integers indicating the Vpp voltage supported by this Slot.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 VppMixedVoltageSupport[];
  2468. [Description("Maximum thermal dissipation of the Slot in milliwatts.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 ThermalRating;
  2469. [Description("Boolean indicating that this Slot is physically unique and may hold special types of hardware, e.g. a graphics processor slot. If set to TRUE, then the property, SpecialPurposeDescription (a string), should specify the nature of the uniqueness or purpose of the Slot.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SpecialPurpose;
  2470. [Description("A free-form string describing that this Slot is physically unique and may hold special types of hardware. This property only has meaning when the corresponding boolean property, SpecialPurpose, is set to TRUE.") : Amended ToSubclass]string PurposeDescription;
  2471. [Description("The Number property indicates the physical slot number, which can be used as an index into a system slot table, whether or not that slot is physically occupied.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Number;
  2472. };
  2473. [Description("Slots are special types of Connectors into which adapter Cards are typically inserted. The SlotInSlot relationship represents the ability of a special adapter to extend the existing Slot structure to enable otherwise incompatible Cards to be plugged into a Frame or HostingBoard. The adapter effectively creates a new Slot and can be thought of (conceptually) as a Slot in a Slot. This enables Cards that would otherwise be physically and/or electrically incompatible with the existing Slots to be supported, by interfacing to the Slot provided by the adapter. This has many practical uses. For example, networking boards are very expensive. As new hardware becomes available, Chassis and even Card configurations change. To protect the investment of their customers, networking vendors will manufacture special adapters that enable old Cards to fit into new Chassis or HostingBoards and/or new Cards to fit into old. This is done using a special adapter that fits over one or more existing Slots and presents a new Slot into which the Card can plug.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2474. class CIM_SlotInSlot : CIM_ConnectedTo
  2475. {
  2476. [Description("The Antecedent represents the existing Slot(s) of the HostingBoard, or Frame that are being adapted to accommodate a Card that would otherwise not be physically and/or electrically compatible with it.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Slot Ref Antecedent;
  2477. [Description("The new Slot provided by the adapter board.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Slot Ref Dependent;
  2478. };
  2479. [Description("AdjacentSlots describes the layout of Slots on a HostingBoard or adapter Card. Information like the distance between the Slots and whether they are 'shared' (if one is populated, then the other Slot can not be used), is conveyed as properties of the association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2480. class CIM_AdjacentSlots
  2481. {
  2482. [Description("One of the adjacent Slots.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Slot Ref SlotA;
  2483. [Description("The 'other' adjacent Slot.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Slot Ref SlotB;
  2484. [Description("The distance, in inches, between adjacent Slots.") : Amended ToSubclass]real32 DistanceBetweenSlots;
  2485. [Description("Slots can be located in close proximity on HostingBoards or other Cards, such that if one of these Slots is populated by an adapter Card, the other Slot must be left empty. This relationship is indicated by the SharedSlots boolean set to TRUE.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean SharedSlots;
  2486. };
  2487. [Description("Complex networking devices often are Chassis-based. These Chassis allow for enhancement and/or augmentation of their base functionality by accepting additional Chassis devices, similar to accepting functionality in the form of adding Cards. This association models this capability.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2488. class CIM_PackageInSlot : CIM_Dependency
  2489. {
  2490. [Description("The Slot into which the PhysicalPackage is inserted.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Slot Ref Antecedent;
  2491. [Description("The Package in the Slot.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref Dependent;
  2492. };
  2493. [Description("Slots are special types of Connectors into which adapter Cards are inserted. This relationship of a Card in a Slot is made explicit using the CardInSlot association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2494. class CIM_CardInSlot : CIM_PackageInSlot
  2495. {
  2496. [Description("The Slot into which the Card is inserted.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Slot Ref Antecedent;
  2497. [Description("The Card in the Slot.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Card Ref Dependent;
  2498. };
  2499. [Description("Cables and Links utilize PhysicalConnectors to actually 'connect' PhysicalElements. This association explicitly defines this relationship of Connectors for PhysicalLinks.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2500. class CIM_LinkHasConnector : CIM_Component
  2501. {
  2502. [Description("The PhysicalLink that has a Connector.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalLink Ref GroupComponent;
  2503. [Description("The PhysicalConnector.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalConnector Ref PartComponent;
  2504. };
  2505. [Description("PhysicalPackages contain Connectors as well as other PhysicalElements. The ConnectorOnPackage association makes explicit the containment relationship between Connectors and Packages.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2506. class CIM_ConnectorOnPackage : CIM_Container
  2507. {
  2508. [Description("The PhysicalPackage that has a Connector.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref GroupComponent;
  2509. [Description("The PhysicalConnector.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalConnector Ref PartComponent;
  2510. };
  2511. [Description("Similar to the way that LogicalDevices are 'Realized' by PhysicalElements, UnitaryComputerSystems are realized in one or more PhysicalPackages. The ComputerSystemPackage association explicity defines this relationship.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2512. class CIM_ComputerSystemPackage : CIM_Dependency
  2513. {
  2514. [Description("The PhysicalPackage(s) that realize a UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref Antecedent;
  2515. [Description("The UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem Ref Dependent;
  2516. };
  2517. [Description("Often, a CoolingDevice is installed in a Package such as a Chassis or a Rack, not for a specific Device, but to assist in the cooling of the Package in general. This relationship is described by the PackageCooling association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2518. class CIM_PackageCooling : CIM_Dependency
  2519. {
  2520. [Description("The CoolingDevice for the Package.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_CoolingDevice Ref Antecedent;
  2521. [Description("The PhysicalPackage whose environment is cooled.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref Dependent;
  2522. };
  2523. [Description("Often, a TemperatureSensor is installed in a Package such as a Chassis or a Rack, not to measure any particular Device, but the Package's environment in general. This relationship is described by the PackageTempSensor association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2524. class CIM_PackageTempSensor : CIM_Dependency
  2525. {
  2526. [Description("The TemperatureSensor for the Package.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_TemperatureSensor Ref Antecedent;
  2527. [Description("The PhysicalPackage whose environment is monitored.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref Dependent;
  2528. };
  2529. [Description("Often, an AlarmDevice is installed as part of a Package, not to indicate issues with any particular LogicalDevice or PhysicalComponent, but with the Package's environment in general, its security state or its overall health. This relationship is described by the PackageAlarm association. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2530. class CIM_PackageAlarm : CIM_Dependency
  2531. {
  2532. [Description("The AlarmDevice for the Package. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_AlarmDevice Ref Antecedent;
  2533. [Description("The PhysicalPackage whose health, security, environment, etc. is alarmed. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalPackage Ref Dependent;
  2534. };
  2535. [Description("The Win32_SystemSlot class represents generic physical connection points such as EISA, PCMCIA, and AGP.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2536. class Win32_SystemSlot : CIM_Slot
  2537. {
  2538. [Description("The reference designation of the Slot on the mother board.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SlotDesgination;
  2539. [Description("The ConnectorType property contains an array of integers defining the type of PhysicalConnector. An array is specified to allow the description of \"combinations\" of Connector information. For example, one array entry could specify RS-232 (value=25), another DB-25 (value=23) and a third entry define the Connector as \"Male\" (value=2).") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ConnectorType[];
  2540. [Description("Indicates whether the Slot is in use.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 CurrentUsage;
  2541. [Description("The PMESignal property indicates whether the PCI bus' Power Management Enabled signal is supported (TRUE), or not (FALSE), by this Slot. For non-PCI Slots, this property should be FALSE.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean PMESignal;
  2542. };
  2543. [Description("The Win32_PortConnector class represents physical connection ports, such as DB-25 pin male, Centronics, and PS/2.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2544. class Win32_PortConnector : CIM_PhysicalConnector
  2545. {
  2546. [Description("Indicates the reference designator of the Connector within the Package.") : Amended ToSubclass]string InternalReferenceDesignator;
  2547. [Description("Indicates the reference designator of the Connector external to the Package.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ExternalReferenceDesignator;
  2548. [Description("The ConnectorType property indicates the type of the connector.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ConnectorType[];
  2549. [Description("Describes the function of the port.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 PortType;
  2550. };
  2551. [Description("The Win32_PhysicalMemory class represents Memory Devices.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2552. class Win32_PhysicalMemory : CIM_PhysicalMemory
  2553. {
  2554. [Description("The DeviceLocator property indicates the string label of the socket or board that holds this Memory.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DeviceLocator;
  2555. [Description("The TypeDetail property indicates details about the memory type.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TypeDetail;
  2556. [Description("The InterleaveDataDepth property indicates the maximum number of consecutive rows of data that are accessed in a single interleaved transfer depth of the interleaved data.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 InterleaveDataDepth;
  2557. };
  2558. [Description("The Win32_SystemEnclosure class represents various aspects associated with a system's enclosure.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2559. class Win32_SystemEnclosure : CIM_Chassis
  2560. {
  2561. [Description("The AssetTag property indicates the enclosure's asset tag number.") : Amended ToSubclass]string AssetTag;
  2562. [Description("The SecurityStatus property indicates the the enclosure's security status regarding external/user interfaces.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SecurityStatus;
  2563. };
  2564. [Description("A system's motherboard. associated with a base board (also known as a motherboard).") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2565. class Win32_BaseBoard : CIM_Card
  2566. {
  2567. [Description("The Product property indicates the baseboard part number.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Product;
  2568. [Description("The ConfigOptions property contains information required to configure the base board's jumpers and switches. Examples of this are: \"JP2: 1-2 Cache Size is 256K, 2-3 Cache Size is 512K\", \"SW1-1: Close to Disable On Board Video\"") : Amended ToSubclass]string ConfigOptions[];
  2569. };
  2570. [Description("The UUID class represents a system's UUID information.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2571. class Win32_ComputerSystemProduct : CIM_Product
  2572. {
  2573. [Description("The UUID property indicates the computers systems's product UUID.") : Amended ToSubclass]String UUID;
  2574. };
  2575. [Description("The Win32_CacheMemory class represents details about the system's external cache. For example, the amount of cache, the type of error correction used, and if caching is enabled.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2576. class Win32_CacheMemory : CIM_CacheMemory
  2577. {
  2578. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2579. [Description("The Location property indicates the location of the cache.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Location;
  2580. [Description("The MaxCacheSize property indicates the maximum cache size.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MaxCacheSize;
  2581. [Description("The InstalledSize property indicates the installed cache size.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 InstalledSize;
  2582. [Description("The SupportedSRAM property indicates the supported SRAM type.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SupportedSRAM[];
  2583. [Description("The CurrentSRAM property indicates the current SRAM type.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 CurrentSRAM[];
  2584. [Description("The ErrorCorrectType property indicates which error correction type is in use.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ErrorCorrectType;
  2585. };
  2586. [Description("The Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray class represents details about the system's physical memory. This includes the number of installed memory devices, the total memory capacity available, and the memory type (for example, system memory or video memory).") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2587. class Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray : CIM_PhysicalPackage
  2588. {
  2589. [Description("The Location property indicates the location of the physical memory packaging.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Location;
  2590. [Description("The Use property indicates how the system memory is being used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Use;
  2591. [Description("The MemErrorCorrection property indicates the type of memory error correction being used.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MemoryErrorCorrection;
  2592. [Description("The MaxCapacity property indicates the physical memory array's maximum capacity.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxCapacity;
  2593. [Description("The MemoryDevices property indicates the number of memory devices in the array.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 MemoryDevices;
  2594. };
  2595. [Description("The Win32_MemoryArrayMappedAddr class represents details about the system's memory array and mapped addresses.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2596. class Win32_MemoryArray : CIM_Memory
  2597. {
  2598. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2599. [Description("Identifies the granularity, e.g. device vs. Partition, to which the error can be resolved. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ErrorGranularity;
  2600. };
  2601. [Description("The Win32_MemoryDevice class represents details about the system's 32-bit memory devices and their associated mapped addresses.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2602. class Win32_MemoryDevice : CIM_Memory
  2603. {
  2604. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2605. [Description("Identifies the granularity, e.g. device vs. Partition, to which the error can be resolved. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ErrorGranularity;
  2606. };
  2607. [Description("The Win32_MemoryDeviceLocation class represents the location of memory devices.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2608. class Win32_MemoryDeviceLocation : CIM_Realizes
  2609. {
  2610. [Description("The Win32_PhysicalMemory property indicates the physical memory array that realizes device(s).") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]Win32_PhysicalMemory Ref Antecedent;
  2611. [Description("The Win32_MemoryDevice property indicates the logical memory device realized by physical memory.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]Win32_MemoryDevice Ref Dependent;
  2612. };
  2613. [Description("The Win32_MemoryDeviceLocation class represents the location of memory devices.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2614. class Win32_MemoryArrayLocation : CIM_Realizes
  2615. {
  2616. [Description("The Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray property indicates the memory array that realizes device(s).") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray Ref Antecedent;
  2617. [Description("The Win32_MemoryDevice property indicates the memory device realized by array.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]Win32_MemoryArray Ref Dependent;
  2618. };
  2619. [Description("The Win32_PhysicalMemoryLocation class represents an association between a physical memory array and the physical memory it contains.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2620. class Win32_PhysicalMemoryLocation : CIM_PackagedComponent
  2621. {
  2622. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Physical Memory Array that contains the Physical Memory.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray Ref GroupComponent;
  2623. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Physical Memory which is contained in the Array.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_PhysicalMemory Ref PartComponent;
  2624. };
  2625. [Description("The Win32_MemoryDeviceArray class represents an association between a memory array and the memory devices it contains.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2626. class Win32_MemoryDeviceArray : CIM_Component
  2627. {
  2628. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PartComponent reference represents the Win32_MemoryDevice group part of the association") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_MemoryDevice Ref PartComponent;
  2629. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the Win32_MemoryArray which contains the memory device.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_MemoryArray Ref GroupComponent;
  2630. };
  2631. [Description("Associates the Processor and the Processor's Cache. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2632. class Win32_AssociatedProcessorMemory : CIM_AssociatedProcessorMemory
  2633. {
  2634. [Description("Cache Memory associated with the Processor.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]Win32_CacheMemory Ref Antecedent;
  2635. [Description("The Processor that depends on the cache.") : Amended ToSubclass,key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]Win32_Processor Ref Dependent;
  2636. };
  2637. [Description("The Win32_OnBoardDevices class represents common adapter devices which are actually present on the motherboard or system board.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2638. class Win32_OnBoardDevice : CIM_PhysicalComponent
  2639. {
  2640. [Description("Enumerated value for device type.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DeviceType;
  2641. [Description("Enable status for the device. True = enabled, False = disabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Enabled;
  2642. [Description("The Description string of the on board device.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
  2643. };
  2644. [Description("Voltage Probe is a sensor for monitering device voltage") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2645. class Win32_VoltageProbe : CIM_VoltageSensor
  2646. {
  2647. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2648. };
  2649. [Description("Current Probe is a sensor for monitering device current") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2650. class Win32_CurrentProbe : CIM_CurrentSensor
  2651. {
  2652. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2653. };
  2654. [Description("Temperature Probe is a sensor for monitering device temperature") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2655. class Win32_TemperatureProbe : CIM_TemperatureSensor
  2656. {
  2657. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2658. };
  2659. [Description("Fan cooling device") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2660. class Win32_Fan : CIM_Fan
  2661. {
  2662. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2663. };
  2664. [Description("Refrigeration type cooling device") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2665. class Win32_Refrigeration : CIM_Refrigeration
  2666. {
  2667. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2668. };
  2669. [Description("Heat Pipe cooling device") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2670. class Win32_HeatPipe : CIM_HeatPipe
  2671. {
  2672. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2673. };
  2674. [Description("The Win32_COMApplication class represents a COM application. A COM application, in this context,is a logical gouping of a set of COM classes") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2675. class Win32_COMApplication : CIM_LogicalElement
  2676. {
  2677. };
  2678. [Description("The Win32_COMClass class represents a Component Object Model(COM) component") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2679. class Win32_COMClass : CIM_LogicalElement
  2680. {
  2681. };
  2682. [Description("The Win32_COMApplicationClasses class represents the association between a Win32_COMApplication and the COMclasses logically grouped under it") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2683. class Win32_COMApplicationClasses : CIM_Component
  2684. {
  2685. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_COMApplication") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_COMApplication Ref GroupComponent;
  2686. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_COMClass represents the role of a component grouped under the Win32_COMApplication") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_COMClass Ref PartComponent;
  2687. };
  2688. [Description("The Win32_DCOMApplication class represents a DCOM application.It contains DCOM configuration optionsassociated with the AppID key in the registry.These options are valid on the components logicallygrouped under the given application class") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2689. class Win32_DCOMApplication : Win32_COMApplication
  2690. {
  2691. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The AppID property is a unique identifier of this DCOM Application, in the form of a GUID") : Amended ToSubclass]string AppID;
  2692. [Description("The Authentication property specifies the minimum client authentication level required by this COM server.If NULL, the default values are used. It is 1 for None, in which case no authentication is performed.2 for Connect, in which case authentication is performed only when the client establishes a relationship with the application.3 for Call, in which case authentication is performed only at the beginning of each call when the applicationreceives the request. 4 for Packet, in which case authentication is performed on all data received from the client.5 for PacketIntegrity, in which case all the data transferred between client and application is authenticated and verifiedthat none of it has been modified. 6 for PacketPrivacy, in which case authentication for all previous levels is doneand data is encrypted.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 AuthenticationLevel;
  2693. [Description("The RemoteServerName property specifies the remote server where the Application is activatedby default") : Amended ToSubclass]string RemoteServerName;
  2694. [Description("The RunAsUser property specifies whether the Application is to be run under a specific user accounton activation") : Amended ToSubclass]string RunAsUser;
  2695. [Description("The EnableAtStorageActivation property specifies whether to instantiate the application on the same machine as the persistent state it is using or from which it is initialized.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean EnableAtStorageActivation;
  2696. [Description("The UseSurrogate property specifies whether the Application can be activated as an out of processserver by use of a surrogate executable") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean UseSurrogate;
  2697. [Description("The CustomSurrogate property specfies the custom surrogate in which the in process Application is activated. If this value is NULL and the UseSurrogate key is specified, then the system provided surrogate process is started") : Amended ToSubclass]string CustomSurrogate;
  2698. [Description("The LocalService property specifies the name of the service that this Application is implemented as.") : Amended ToSubclass]string LocalService;
  2699. [Description("The ServiceParameters property specifes the parameter passed on the command line when the serviceis launched. This is valid only if the Application is written as a Win32 Service") : Amended ToSubclass]string ServiceParameters;
  2700. };
  2701. [Description("The Win32_ClassicCOMClass class represents a Component Object Model(COM) component") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2702. class Win32_ClassicCOMClass : Win32_COMClass
  2703. {
  2704. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The ComponentId property is an unique identifier of this COM class, in the form of a GUID") : Amended ToSubclass]string ComponentId;
  2705. [Description("The Name property specifies the human readable name for the COM class") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2706. [Description("The ProgId property is a programmatic identifier, associated with the COM class. The format of aProgID is <Vendor>.<Component>.<Version>. ProgId's are not guaranteed to be unique") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProgId;
  2707. [Description("The AppID property specifies Application identifier to group of configuration options for DCOMenabled COM class") : Amended ToSubclass]string AppID;
  2708. [Description("The ThreadingModel property specifies the Threading model used by in-process COM classes.It is Apartment forcomponents that may only be entered by one thread.Common data held by these kind of object servers must be protectedagainst thread collisions, since the object server supports multiple components each being entered simultaneously bydifferent threads. It is Free for free-threaded components that place no restrictions on which threads or how many threadscan enter the object. The object cannot contain thread-specific data and must protect its data from simultaneous access bymultiple threads.Free threaded components however, cannot be accessed by apartment threads directly and calls to them aremarshalled across from the client apartment. It is Both for components which can be used in either apartment-threaded orfree-threaded modes. These components can be entered by multiple threads, protect their data from thread collisions,and do not contain thread-specific data. If this property is NULL, then the threading model used is None in which casethe component is created on the main thread of the client & calls from other threads are marshalled to this thread. Pleaserefer to the Win32 SDK for information on the various threading models.") : Amended ToSubclass]string ThreadingModel;
  2709. [Description("The Version property specifies the version number of this COM class") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
  2710. [Description("The Insertable property specifies whether this COM class should appear in the Insert Class dialog box slist box when used by OLE container applications") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Insertable;
  2711. [Description("The Control property specifies if this COM class is an OLE Control") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean Control;
  2712. [Description("The TypeLibraryId property is an unique identifier for the Type-Library for this COM class, in theform of a GUID") : Amended ToSubclass]string TypeLibraryId;
  2713. [Description("The JavaClass property specifies if the COM class is a Java class") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean JavaClass;
  2714. [Description("The TreatAsClsid property specifies the unique identifier in the form of a GUID, of a COM class thatcan emulate this class") : Amended ToSubclass]string TreatAsClsid;
  2715. [Description("The InprocServer property specifies the full path to a 16-bit in-process server DLL for this COM class") : Amended ToSubclass]string InprocServer;
  2716. [Description("The InprocServer32 propety specifies the full path to a 32-bit in-process server DLL for this COM class") : Amended ToSubclass]string InprocServer32;
  2717. [Description("The LocalServer property specifies the full path to a 16-bit local server application") : Amended ToSubclass]string LocalServer;
  2718. [Description("The LocalServer32 property specifies the full path to a 32-bit local server application") : Amended ToSubclass]string LocalServer32;
  2719. [Description("The InprocHandler property specifies the full path to a 16-bit custom handler for the COM class") : Amended ToSubclass]string InprocHandler;
  2720. [Description("The InprocHandler32 property specifies the full path to a 32-bit custom handler for the COM class") : Amended ToSubclass]string InprocHandler32;
  2721. [Description("The AutoConvertToClsid propety specifies the unique identifier of the COM class in the form of a GUID,to which this COM class will automatically be converted") : Amended ToSubclass]string AutoConvertToClsid;
  2722. [Description("The AutoTreatAsClsid property specifies the unique identifier of the COM class in the form of a GUID,which will automatically emulate instances of this class") : Amended ToSubclass]string AutoTreatAsClsid;
  2723. [Description("The DefaultIcon property specifies the default icon information for iconic presentations of this classFormat is <full path to .exe, resource id of icon in the executable> ") : Amended ToSubclass]string DefaultIcon;
  2724. [Description("The VersionIndependentProgId property specifies the Version Independent programmatic identifier.Format is <Vendor>.<Component>") : Amended ToSubclass]string VersionIndependentProgId;
  2725. [Description("The ShortDisplayName property specifies the COM class application's short display name, used in menus, including pop-ups") : Amended ToSubclass]string ShortDisplayName;
  2726. [Description("The LongDisplayName property specifies the COM class application's name, used in the Results field of the OLE Paste Specialdialog box") : Amended ToSubclass]string LongDisplayName;
  2727. [Description("The ToolBoxBitmap32 property identifies the module name and resourdeID for a 16 x 16 bitmap to use for the face of a toolbar or toolbox button. Used when the COM class is an OLE or ActiveX control") : Amended ToSubclass]string ToolBoxBitmap32;
  2728. };
  2729. [Description("The Win32_ClassicCOMApplicationClasses class is an association between a Win32_DCOMApplicationand the Win32_ClassicCOMClass components grouped under it") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2730. class Win32_ClassicCOMApplicationClasses : Win32_COMApplicationClasses
  2731. {
  2732. [Description("The GroupComponent reference represents the role of the Win32_DCOMApplication") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_DCOMApplication Ref GroupComponent;
  2733. [Description("The PartComponent reference represents the role of a Win32_ClassicCOMClass component grouped under the Win32_COMApplication") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ClassicCOMClass Ref PartComponent;
  2734. };
  2735. [Description("The Win32_DCOMApplicationLaunchAllowedSetting class is an association between the Win32_DCOMApplicationand the user sid's that can launch it") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2736. class Win32_DCOMApplicationLaunchAllowedSetting : CIM_ElementSetting
  2737. {
  2738. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_DCOMApplication") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_DCOMApplication Ref Element;
  2739. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Setting reference represents the role of a user that can launch a component grouped under the associated Win32_DCOMApplication") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SID Ref Setting;
  2740. };
  2741. [Description("The Win32_DCOMApplicationAccessAllowedSetting class is an association between the Win32_DCOMApplicationand the user sid's that can access it") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2742. class Win32_DCOMApplicationAccessAllowedSetting : CIM_ElementSetting
  2743. {
  2744. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_DCOMApplication") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_DCOMApplication Ref Element;
  2745. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Setting reference represents the role of a user that can access a component grouped under the associated Win32_DCOMApplication") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SID Ref Setting;
  2746. };
  2747. [Description("The Win32_ComponentCategory class represents a component category") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2748. class Win32_ComponentCategory : CIM_LogicalElement
  2749. {
  2750. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The CategoryId property specifies the unique identifier associated with the category in the form of a GUID") : Amended ToSubclass]string CategoryId;
  2751. [Description("The Name property specifies the name of the component category") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2752. };
  2753. [Description("The Win32_ImplementedCategory class is an association between the Win32_ComponentCategory & the component implementing it") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2754. class Win32_ImplementedCategory
  2755. {
  2756. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Category reference represents the role of the Win32_ComponentCategory") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ComponentCategory Ref Category;
  2757. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Component reference represents the role of a Win32_ClassicCOMClass implementing the associatedcategory") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ClassicCOMClass Ref Component;
  2758. };
  2759. [Description("The Win32_ComClassEmulator class is an association between a Win32_ClassicCOMClass that can emulate anotherWin32_ClassicCOMClass") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2760. class Win32_ComClassEmulator
  2761. {
  2762. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The OldVersion reference represents the role of a component which can be emulated by another component") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ClassicCOMClass Ref OldVersion;
  2763. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The NewVersion reference represents the role of a component which can emulate the associated Win32_ClassicCOMClass") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ClassicCOMClass Ref NewVersion;
  2764. };
  2765. [Description("The Win32_ComClassAutoEmulator class represents the association between a Win32_ClassicCOMClass that can automaticallyemulate another Win32_ClassicCOMClass") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2766. class Win32_ComClassAutoEmulator
  2767. {
  2768. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The OldVersion reference represents the role of a component that can be automatically emulated by another component") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ClassicCOMClass Ref OldVersion;
  2769. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The NewVersion reference represents the role of a component that can automatically emulate the associated Win32_ClassicCOMClassThis information is obtained through the AutoTreatAs registry entry for the component to be emulated") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ClassicCOMClass Ref NewVersion;
  2770. };
  2771. [Description("The Win32_ClientApplicationSetting class represents the association between an executable andthe associated Win32_DCOMApplication class containing the DCOM configuration options for the executable") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2772. class Win32_ClientApplicationSetting
  2773. {
  2774. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Client reference represents the role of an executable having DCOM settings") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DataFile Ref Client;
  2775. [Description("The Application reference represents the role of a Win32_DCOMApplication class for the associated Executable") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_DCOMApplication Ref Application;
  2776. };
  2777. [Description("Win32_PnPEntity represents a PNP device. This class returns the non-hiddenentries shown in Device Manager.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2778. class Win32_PnPEntity : CIM_LogicalDevice
  2779. {
  2780. [Description("Device is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]string DeviceID;
  2781. [Description("The Manufacturer property indicates the name of the USB controller manufacturer.<P>Example: Acme") : Amended ToSubclass]string Manufacturer;
  2782. [Description("The Service property contains the name of the service that supports this PNPDevice. See also the Win32_SystemDriverPNPEntity class. <P>Example: atapi") : Amended ToSubclass]string Service;
  2783. [Description("The ClassGuid property contains the Guid that defines the category of device for this PNPDevice. <P>Example: {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}") : Amended ToSubclass]string ClassGuid;
  2784. };
  2785. [Description("Win32_PnPDevice represents an association between how a Device is known to Config Manager (as a PnPEntity) and the Device's function. The latter is represented by a subclass of CIM_LogicalDevice that describes the functionality - for example, Win32_Keyboard or Win32_DiskDrive. The Win32_PnPDevice association describes that the two referenced objects represent the same underlying System Device - and changes to resource allocation on the PnPEntity side will impact the associated Device.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2786. class Win32_PnPDevice
  2787. {
  2788. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PnP object.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_PnPEntity Ref SystemElement;
  2789. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The LogicalDevice to which the PnP object corresponds.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref SameElement;
  2790. };
  2791. [Description("The Win32_PageFile class represents the file used for handling virtual memory file swapping on a Win32 system. Information contained within specifies the runtime state of the page file. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2792. class Win32_PageFile : CIM_DataFile
  2793. {
  2794. [Description("The Name property indicates the name of the page file.<P>Example: C:\\PAGEFILE.SYS") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2795. [Description("The FreeSpace property indicates the amount of free space available in the page file.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 FreeSpace;
  2796. [Description("The InitialSize property indicates the initial size of the page file.<P>Example: 139MB") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 InitialSize;
  2797. [Description("The MaximumSize property indicates the maximum size of the page file.<P>Example: 178MB") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumSize;
  2798. [Description("The PeakInUse property indicates the high water mark of use for the page file.<P>Example: 139") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 PeakInUse;
  2799. };
  2800. [Description("The Win32_PageFileConfiguration class represents the configuration information of a page file. Information contained within this class specifies the pagefile parameters used when the file is created on system startup. As the properties in this class are modifable and defered until startup care should be taken to distinquish these settings from the runtime state of a page file as expressed through the associated class Win32_PageFile.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2801. class Win32_PageFileConfiguration : CIM_Setting
  2802. {
  2803. [key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property indicates the name of the page file.<P>Example: C:\\PAGEFILE.SYS") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
  2804. [Description("The InitialSize property indicates the initial size of the page file.<P>Example: 139") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 InitialSize;
  2805. [Description("The MaximumSize property indicates the maximum size of the page file.<P>Example: 178") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaximumSize;
  2806. };
  2807. [Description("The Win32_PageFileSetting class represents an association between a page file and its configuration.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2808. class Win32_PageFileSetting : Win32_DeviceSettings
  2809. {
  2810. [Description("The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_PageFile object of the Win32_PageFileConfiguration association.<P>Role: The associated page file provides the element that implements the page file setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_PageFile Ref Element;
  2811. [Description("The Setting reference represents the role of the Win32_PageFileConfiguration object of the Win32_PageFileSetting association.<P>Role: The associated page file configuration provides the setting that implements the page file setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_PageFileConfiguration Ref Setting;
  2812. };
  2813. [Description("The Win32_SystemDriverPNPEntity represents the relationship between a PNPEntity, and the Win32_SystemDriver that supports that PNPEntity.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2814. class Win32_SystemDriverPNPEntity : CIM_Dependency
  2815. {
  2816. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Win32_SystemDriver that supports the PNPEntity") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SystemDriver Ref Dependent;
  2817. [Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The PNPEntity that the driver controls.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_PNPEntity Ref Antecedent;
  2818. };
  2819. [Description("The ActsAsSpare association indicates which elements can spare or replace the other aggregated elements. The fact that a spare can operate in \"hot standby\" mode is specified on an element by element basis.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2820. class CIM_ActsAsSpare
  2821. {
  2822. [Description("The SpareGroup") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SpareGroup Ref Group;
  2823. [Description("HotStandby is a boolean indicating that the spare is operating as a hot standby.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN HotStandby;
  2824. [Description("A ManagedSystemElement acting as a spare and participating in the SpareGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref Spare;
  2825. };
  2826. [Description("CIM_CompatibleProduct is an association between Products that can indicate a wide variety of information. For example, it can indicate that the two referenced Products interoperate, that they can be installed together, that one can be the physical container for the other, etc. The string property, CompatibilityDescription, defines how the Products interoperate or are compatible, any limitations regarding interoperability or installation, ...") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2827. class CIM_CompatibleProduct
  2828. {
  2829. [Description("CompatibilityDescription is a free-form string defining how the two referenced Products interoperate or are compatible, any limitations to compatibility, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING CompatibilityDescription;
  2830. [Description("The compatible Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref CompatibleProduct;
  2831. [Description("The Product for which compatible offerings are defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref Product;
  2832. };
  2833. [Description("The CollectionOfSensors association indicates the BinarySensors that make up the MultiStateSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2834. class CIM_CollectionOfSensors : CIM_Component
  2835. {
  2836. [Description("The MultiStateSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_MultiStateSensor Ref GroupComponent;
  2837. [Description("A BinarySensor that is part of the MultiStateSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_BinarySensor Ref PartComponent;
  2838. };
  2839. [Description("A link between the FileSystem and the LogicalFile(s) addressed through this FileSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2840. class CIM_FileStorage : CIM_Component
  2841. {
  2842. [Description("The FileSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_FileSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  2843. [Description("The LogicalFile stored in the context of the FileSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalFile Ref PartComponent;
  2844. };
  2845. [Description("Indicates the SoftwareFeatures that make up the OperatingSystem. The SoftwareFeatures can be part of different Products.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2846. class CIM_OperatingSystemSoftwareFeature : CIM_Component
  2847. {
  2848. [Description("The OperatingSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_OperatingSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  2849. [Description("The SoftwareFeatures that make up the OperatingSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SoftwareFeature Ref PartComponent;
  2850. };
  2851. [Description("A link between the OperatingSystem and Process(es) running in the context of this OperatingSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2852. class CIM_OSProcess : CIM_Component
  2853. {
  2854. [Description("The OperatingSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_OperatingSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  2855. [Description("The Process running in the context of the OperatingSystem") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Process Ref PartComponent;
  2856. };
  2857. [Description("A link between a Process and the Thread(s) running in the context of this Process.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2858. class CIM_ProcessThread : CIM_Component
  2859. {
  2860. [Description("The Process.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Process Ref GroupComponent;
  2861. [Description("The Thread running in the context of the Process.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Thread Ref PartComponent;
  2862. };
  2863. [Description("A RedundancyGroup aggregates Managed System Elements and indicates that these elements, taken together, provide redundancy. All elements aggregated in a RedundancyGroup should be instantiations of the same object class.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2864. class CIM_RedundancyComponent : CIM_Component
  2865. {
  2866. [Description("The RedundancyComponent association indicates that 'this set of fans' or 'these physical extents' participate in a single RedundancyGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_RedundancyGroup Ref GroupComponent;
  2867. };
  2868. [Description("Describes the AggregatePExtent in a StorageRedundancyGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2869. class CIM_AggregateRedundancyComponent : CIM_RedundancyComponent
  2870. {
  2871. [Description("The StorageRedundancyGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StorageRedundancyGroup Ref GroupComponent;
  2872. [Description("The AggregatePExtent participating in the RedundancyGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_AggregatePExtent Ref PartComponent;
  2873. };
  2874. [Description("Describes the PhysicalExtents participating in a StorageRedundancyGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2875. class CIM_PExtentRedundancyComponent : CIM_RedundancyComponent
  2876. {
  2877. [Description("The StorageRedundancyGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StorageRedundancyGroup Ref GroupComponent;
  2878. [Description("The PhysicalExtent participating in the RedundancyGroup.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalExtent Ref PartComponent;
  2879. };
  2880. [Description("An association between a ComputerSystem and the SystemResources available on it.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2881. class CIM_ComputerSystemResource : CIM_SystemComponent
  2882. {
  2883. [Description("The ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  2884. [Description("A SystemResource of the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SystemResource Ref PartComponent;
  2885. };
  2886. [Description("An association between a ComputerSystem and the DMA channels available on it.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2887. class CIM_ComputerSystemDMA : CIM_ComputerSystemResource
  2888. {
  2889. [Description("A DMA channel of the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DMA Ref PartComponent;
  2890. };
  2891. [Description("An association between a ComputerSystem and the IRQs available on it.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2892. class CIM_ComputerSystemIRQ : CIM_ComputerSystemResource
  2893. {
  2894. [Description("An IRQ of the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_IRQ Ref PartComponent;
  2895. };
  2896. [Description("An association between a ComputerSystem and the Memory Mapped I/O ports available on it.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2897. class CIM_ComputerSystemMappedIO : CIM_ComputerSystemResource
  2898. {
  2899. [Description("A memory mapped I/O port of the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_MemoryMappedIO Ref PartComponent;
  2900. };
  2901. [Description("A link between the ComputerSystem and the FileSystem(s) hosted on this ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2902. class CIM_HostedFileSystem : CIM_SystemComponent
  2903. {
  2904. [Description("The ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ComputerSystem Ref GroupComponent;
  2905. [Description("The FileSystem owned by the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_FileSystem Ref PartComponent;
  2906. };
  2907. [Description("The Configuration object allows the grouping of sets of parameters (defined in Setting objects) and dependencies for one or more ManagedSystemElements. The Configuration object represents a certain behavior, or a desired functional state for the ManagedSystemElements. The desired functional state is typically driven by external requirements such as time or location. For example, to connect to a Mail System from 'home', a dependency on a modem exists, but a dependency on a network adapter exists at 'work'. Settings for the pertinent LogicalDevices (in this example, POTSModem and NetworkAdapter) can be defined and aggregated by the Configuration. Therefore, two 'Connect to Mail' Configurations may be defined grouping the relevant dependencies and Setting objects.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2908. class CIM_Configuration
  2909. {
  2910. [Description("A short textual description (one-line string) of the Configuration object.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING Caption;
  2911. [Description("A textual description of the Configuration object.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING Description;
  2912. [Description("The label by which the Configuration object is known.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING Name;
  2913. };
  2914. [Description("LogicalDevices may have one or more AlarmDevices associated with them, in order to indicate problem situations. This relationship is indicated by the AssociatedAlarm dependency. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2915. class CIM_AssociatedAlarm : CIM_Dependency
  2916. {
  2917. [Description("The AlarmDevice. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_AlarmDevice Ref Antecedent;
  2918. [Description("The LogicalDevice that is alarmed. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  2919. };
  2920. [Description("Many Devices, such as processors or power supplies, require their own cooling devices. This association indicates where fans or other CoolingDevices are specific to a Device, versus providing enclosure or cabinet cooling.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2921. class CIM_AssociatedCooling : CIM_Dependency
  2922. {
  2923. [Description("The CoolingDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_CoolingDevice Ref Antecedent;
  2924. [Description("The LogicalDevice being cooled.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  2925. };
  2926. [Description("A PowerSupply may have an associated CurrentSensor, monitoring its input frequency. This is described by this association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2927. class CIM_AssociatedSupplyCurrentSensor : CIM_AssociatedSensor
  2928. {
  2929. [Description("The CurrentSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_CurrentSensor Ref Antecedent;
  2930. [Description("The PowerSupply associated with the CurrentSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PowerSupply Ref Dependent;
  2931. [Description("Indicates the PowerSupply's input frequency range measured by the associated sensor. Range 1, 2 or both can be specified using the values 2, 3 or 4, respectively.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 MonitoringRange;
  2932. };
  2933. [Description("A PowerSupply may have an associated VoltageSensor, monitoring its input voltage. This is described by this association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2934. class CIM_AssociatedSupplyVoltageSensor : CIM_AssociatedSensor
  2935. {
  2936. [Description("The VoltageSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_VoltageSensor Ref Antecedent;
  2937. [Description("The PowerSupply associated with the VoltageSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PowerSupply Ref Dependent;
  2938. [Description("Indicates the PowerSupply's input voltage range measured by the associated sensor. Range 1, 2 or both can be specified using the values 2, 3 or 4, respectively.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 MonitoringRange;
  2939. };
  2940. [Description("LogicalDisks can be BasedOn a VolumeSet. This relationship is made explicit in this association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2941. class CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnVolumeSet : CIM_BasedOn
  2942. {
  2943. [Description("The VolumeSet.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_VolumeSet Ref Antecedent;
  2944. [Description("The LogicalDisk which is built on the VolumeSet.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDisk Ref Dependent;
  2945. };
  2946. [Description("ProtectedSpaceExtents are BasedOn a PhysicalExtent. This relationship is made explicit in this association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2947. class CIM_PSExtentBasedOnPExtent : CIM_BasedOn
  2948. {
  2949. [Description("The PhysicalExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalExtent Ref Antecedent;
  2950. [Description("The ProtectedSpaceExtent which is built on the PhysicalExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ProtectedSpaceExtent Ref Dependent;
  2951. };
  2952. [Description("A link between BIOSElement and NonVolatileStorage where the BIOS is loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2953. class CIM_BIOSLoadedInNV : CIM_Dependency
  2954. {
  2955. [Description("The non-volatile storage.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_NonVolatileStorage Ref Antecedent;
  2956. [Description("The BIOS stored in the NonVolatile Extent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_BIOSElement Ref Dependent;
  2957. [Description("The ending address where the BIOS is located in non-volatile storage.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 EndingAddress;
  2958. [Description("The starting address where the BIOS is located in non-volatile storage.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 StartingAddress;
  2959. };
  2960. [Description("A link between the OperatingSystem and the FileSystem(s) from which this OperatingSystem is loaded. The association is many-to-many since a Distributed OS could depend on several FileSystems in order to correctly and completely load.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2961. class CIM_BootOSFromFS : CIM_Dependency
  2962. {
  2963. [Description("The FileSystem from which the OperatingSystem is loaded.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_FileSystem Ref Antecedent;
  2964. [Description("The OperatingSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_OperatingSystem Ref Dependent;
  2965. };
  2966. [Description("Specifies the LogicalDevice that is associated with, and accessed using the referenced DeviceFile.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2967. class CIM_DeviceAccessedByFile : CIM_Dependency
  2968. {
  2969. [Description("The DeviceFile.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_DeviceFile Ref Antecedent;
  2970. [Description("The Device that is accessed using the DeviceFile.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  2971. };
  2972. [Description("SCSIInterface is a ControlledBy relationship indicating which Devices are accessed through a SCSIController and the characteristics of this access.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2973. class CIM_SCSIInterface : CIM_ControlledBy
  2974. {
  2975. [Description("The SCSIController.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SCSIController Ref Antecedent;
  2976. [Description("Number of SCSI Retries related to the controlled Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT32 SCSIRetries;
  2977. [Description("Number of SCSI Timeouts related to the controlled Device.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT32 SCSITimeouts;
  2978. };
  2979. [Description("SerialInterface is a ControlledBy relationship indicating which Devices are accessed through the SerialController and the characteristics of this access.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2980. class CIM_SerialInterface : CIM_ControlledBy
  2981. {
  2982. [Description("The SerialController.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SerialController Ref Antecedent;
  2983. [Description("An integer enumeration indicating the flow control (Xon-Xoff and/or RTS/CTS) for transmitted data.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 FlowControlInfo;
  2984. [Description("Number of stop bits to be transmitted.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 NumberOfStopBits;
  2985. [Description("Information on the parity setting for transmitted data. No parity (value=1), even (2) or odd (3) can be specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 ParityInfo;
  2986. };
  2987. [Description("An association between a Service and how it is implemented. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A Service may be provided by more than one LogicalDevice, operating in conjunction. And, any Device may provide more than one Service. When multiple Devices are associated with a single Service, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the Service. If different implementations of a Service exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the Service object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2988. class CIM_DeviceServiceImplementation : CIM_Dependency
  2989. {
  2990. [Description("The LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Antecedent;
  2991. [Description("The Service implemented using the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Service Ref Dependent;
  2992. };
  2993. [Description("The DeviceSoftware relationship identifies any software that is associated with a Device - such as drivers, configuration or application software, or firmware.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  2994. class CIM_DeviceSoftware : CIM_Dependency
  2995. {
  2996. [Description("The SoftwareElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SoftwareElement Ref Antecedent;
  2997. [Description("The LogicalDevice that requires or uses the software.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Dependent;
  2998. [Description("An enumerated integer to indicate the role this software plays in regards to its associated Device. For example, this software could be instrumentation (value=5) or firmware (6).") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 Purpose;
  2999. [Description("A free-form string to provide more information for the Purpose property, e.g. \"Application Software\".") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING PurposeDescription;
  3000. };
  3001. [Description("CIM_HostedAccessPoint is an association between a ServiceAccessPoint and the System on which it is provided. The cardinality of this association is 1-to-many and is weak with respect to the System. Each System may host many ServiceAccessPoints. Heuristic: If the implementation of the ServiceAccessPoint is modeled, it must be implemented by a Device or SoftwareFeature that is part of the System hosting the ServiceAccessPoint.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3002. class CIM_HostedAccessPoint : CIM_Dependency
  3003. {
  3004. [Description("The hosting System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_System Ref Antecedent;
  3005. [Description("The SAP(s) that are hosted on this System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref Dependent;
  3006. };
  3007. [Description("HostedBootSAP defines the hosting UnitaryComputerSystem for a BootSAP. Since this relationship is subclassed from HostedAccessPoint, it inherits the scoping/naming scheme defined for AccessPoint - where an AccessPoint is weak to its hosting System. In this case, a BootSAP must be weak to its hosting UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3008. class CIM_HostedBootSAP : CIM_HostedAccessPoint
  3009. {
  3010. [Description("The UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem Ref Antecedent;
  3011. [Description("The BootSAP hosted on the UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_BootSAP Ref Dependent;
  3012. };
  3013. [Description("An association between a JobDestination and a System on which it resides. The cardinality of this association is 1-to-many. A System may host many Job queues. JobDestinations are weak with respect to their hosting System. Heuristic: A JobDestination is hosted on the System where the LogicalDevices, SoftwareFeatures or Services that implement/provide the JobDestination are located.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3014. class CIM_HostedJobDestination : CIM_Dependency
  3015. {
  3016. [Description("The hosting System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_System Ref Antecedent;
  3017. [Description("The JobDestination hosted on the System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_JobDestination Ref Dependent;
  3018. };
  3019. [Description("CIM_HostedService is an association between a Service and the System on which the functionality resides. The cardinality of this association is 1-to-many. A System may host many Services. Services are weak with respect to their hosting System. Heuristic: A Service is hosted on the System where the LogicalDevices or SoftwareFeatures that implement the Service are located. The model does not represent Services hosted across multiple systems. This is modeled as an ApplicationSystem that acts as an aggregation point for Services, that are each located on a single host.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3020. class CIM_HostedService : CIM_Dependency
  3021. {
  3022. [Description("The hosting System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_System Ref Antecedent;
  3023. [Description("The Service hosted on the System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Service Ref Dependent;
  3024. };
  3025. [Description("HostedBootService defines the hosting System for a BootService. Since this relationship is subclassed from HostedService, it inherits the scoping/naming scheme defined for Service - where a Service is weak to its hosting System.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3026. class CIM_HostedBootService : CIM_HostedService
  3027. {
  3028. [Description("The BootService hosted on the System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_BootService Ref Dependent;
  3029. };
  3030. [Description("An association describing where a Job is submitted for processing, ie to which JobDestination.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3031. class CIM_JobDestinationJobs : CIM_Dependency
  3032. {
  3033. [Description("The JobDestination, possibly a queue.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_JobDestination Ref Antecedent;
  3034. [Description("The Job that is in the Job queue/Destination.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Job Ref Dependent;
  3035. };
  3036. [Description("An association between a FileSystem and the StorageExtent where it is located.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3037. class CIM_ResidesOnExtent : CIM_Dependency
  3038. {
  3039. [Description("The StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StorageExtent Ref Antecedent;
  3040. [Description("The FileSystem that is located on the StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_FileSystem Ref Dependent;
  3041. };
  3042. [Description("RunningOS indicates the currently executing OperatingSystem. At most one OperatingSystem can execute at any time on a ComputerSystem. 'At most one' is specified, since the ComputerSystem may not be currently booted, or its OperatingSystem may be unknown.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3043. class CIM_RunningOS : CIM_Dependency
  3044. {
  3045. [Description("The OperatingSystem currently running on the ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_OperatingSystem Ref Antecedent;
  3046. [Description("The ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ComputerSystem Ref Dependent;
  3047. };
  3048. [Description("This relationship associates a Dependency with one or more Configuration objects. For example, a ComputerSystem's dependencies could change based on the site/network to which the System is attached.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3049. class CIM_DependencyContext
  3050. {
  3051. [Description("The Configuration object that aggregates the Dependency.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Configuration Ref Context;
  3052. [Description("An aggregated Dependency.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Dependency Ref Dependency;
  3053. };
  3054. [Description("The CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile association identifies the directorythat contains the file being specified by referencing the CIM_DirectorySpecification class. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3055. class CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile
  3056. {
  3057. };
  3058. [Description("This association relates a Configuration object to one or more ManagedSystemElements. The Configuration object represents a certain behavior, or a desired functional state for the associated ManagedSystemElements.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3059. class CIM_ElementConfiguration
  3060. {
  3061. [Description("The Configuration object that groups the Settings and dependencies associated with the ManagedSystemElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Configuration Ref Configuration;
  3062. [Description("The ManagedSystemElement.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref Element;
  3063. };
  3064. [Description("The FromDirectoryAction association identifies the source directory for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption is that the source directory was created by a previous action. This association cannot exist with a FromDirectorySpecification association since a file action can only involve a single source directory. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3065. class CIM_FromDirectoryAction
  3066. {
  3067. };
  3068. [Description("The FromDirectorySpecification association identifies the source directory for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption is that the source directory already existed. This association cannot exist with a FromDirectoryAction association since a file action can only involve single source directory.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3069. class CIM_FromDirectorySpecification
  3070. {
  3071. };
  3072. [Description("The CIM_FRU class is a vendor-defined collection of Products and/or PhysicalElements that is associated with a Product for the purpose of supporting, maintaining or upgrading that Product at the customer's location. FRU is an acronym for 'field replaceable unit'. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3073. class CIM_FRU
  3074. {
  3075. [Description("A short textual description (one-line string) for the FRU.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING Caption;
  3076. [Description("A textual description of the FRU.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING Description;
  3077. [Description("FRU ordering information.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING FRUNumber;
  3078. [Description("FRU identification such as a serial number on software or a die number on a hardware chip.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING IdentifyingNumber;
  3079. [Description("FRU name.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING Name;
  3080. [Description("The FRU's revision level.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING RevisionLevel;
  3081. [Description("The name of the FRU's supplier.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING Vendor;
  3082. };
  3083. [Description("Indicates that a FRU may be composed of other Product(s).") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3084. class CIM_FRUIncludesProduct
  3085. {
  3086. [Description("The Product which is a part of the FRU.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref Component;
  3087. [Description("The FRU.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_FRU Ref FRU;
  3088. };
  3089. [Description("Indicates the PhysicalElements that make up a FRU.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3090. class CIM_FRUPhysicalElements
  3091. {
  3092. [Description("The PhysicalElement which is a part of the FRU.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref Component;
  3093. [Description("The FRU.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_FRU Ref FRU;
  3094. };
  3095. [Description("A file or dataset store local to a ComputerSystem or remotely mounted from a file server.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3096. class CIM_FileSystem : CIM_LogicalElement
  3097. {
  3098. [Description("AvailableSpace indicates the total amount of free space for the FileSystem, in bytes. If unknown, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 AvailableSpace;
  3099. [Description("FileSystems can read/write data in blocks which are defined independently of the underlying StorageExtents. This property captures the FileSystem's block size for data storage and retrieval.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 BlockSize;
  3100. [Description("Indicates that the case of file names are preserved.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN CasePreserved;
  3101. [Description("Indicates that case sensitive file names are supported.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN CaseSensitive;
  3102. [Description("Array defining the code sets supported by the FileSystem. For example, the values, \"ASCII\" (2) or \"ISO2022\" (4), may be specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 CodeSet[];
  3103. [Description("A free form string indicating the algorithm or tool used to compress the FileSystem. If it is not possible or not desired to describe the compression scheme (perhaps because it is not known), recommend using the following words: \"Unknown\" to represent that it is not known whether the FileSystem is compressed or not, \"Compressed\" to represent that the FileSystem is compressed but either its compression scheme is not known or not disclosed, and \"Not Compressed\" to represent that the FileSystem is not compressed.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING CompressionMethod;
  3104. [Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING CreationClassName;
  3105. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING CSCreationClassName;
  3106. [Description("The scoping ComputerSystem's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING CSName;
  3107. [Description("A free form string indicating the algorithm or tool used to encrypt the FileSystem. If it is not possible or not desired to describe the encryption scheme (perhaps for security reasons), recommend using the following words: \"Unknown\" to represent that it is not known whether the FileSystem is encrypted or not, \"Encrypted\" to represent that the FileSystem is encrypted but either its encryption scheme is not known or not disclosed, and \"Not Encrypted\" to represent that the FileSystem is not encrypted.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING EncryptionMethod;
  3108. [Description("The FileSystemSize property stores the total size of the FileSystem in bytes. If unknown, enter 0.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 FileSystemSize;
  3109. [Description("Integer indicating the maximum length of a file name within the FileSystem. 0 indicates that there is no limit on file name length.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT32 MaxFileNameLength;
  3110. [Description("Indicates that the FileSystem is designated as read only.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN ReadOnly;
  3111. [Description("Path name or other information defining the root of the FileSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING Root;
  3112. };
  3113. [Description("A class derived from FileSystem that represents the file store on a ComputerSystem's locally controlled media.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3114. class CIM_LocalFileSystem : CIM_FileSystem
  3115. {
  3116. };
  3117. [Description("JobDestination is a LogicalElement representing where a Job is submitted for processing. It can refer to a queue that contains zero or more Jobs, such as a print queue containing print Jobs. JobDestinations are hosted on Systems, similar to the way that Services are hosted on Systems.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3118. class CIM_JobDestination : CIM_LogicalElement
  3119. {
  3120. [Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING CreationClassName;
  3121. [Description("The scoping System's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING SystemCreationClassName;
  3122. [Description("The scoping System's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING SystemName;
  3123. };
  3124. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a ManagementController. An I2C microcontroller is a type of ManagementController.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3125. class CIM_ManagementController : CIM_Controller
  3126. {
  3127. };
  3128. [Description("Capabilities and management of a PCIController.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3129. class CIM_PCIController : CIM_Controller
  3130. {
  3131. };
  3132. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a DisketteDrive, a subtype of MediaAccessDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3133. class CIM_DisketteDrive : CIM_MediaAccessDevice
  3134. {
  3135. };
  3136. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a MagnetoOpticalDrive, a subtype of MediaAccessDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3137. class CIM_MagnetoOpticalDrive : CIM_MediaAccessDevice
  3138. {
  3139. };
  3140. [Description("Capabilities and managment of a WORMDrive, a subtype of MediaAccessDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3141. class CIM_WORMDrive : CIM_MediaAccessDevice
  3142. {
  3143. };
  3144. [Description("Capabilities and management of the Scanner LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3145. class CIM_Scanner : CIM_LogicalDevice
  3146. {
  3147. };
  3148. [Description("A BinarySensor provides a boolean output.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3149. class CIM_BinarySensor : CIM_Sensor
  3150. {
  3151. [Description("The current value indicated by the Sensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN CurrentReading;
  3152. [Description("ExpectedReading indicates the 'normal' value for the Sensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN ExpectedReading;
  3153. [Description("InterpretationOfFalse is a string indicating what a 'False' value from the BinarySensor means. This information could be displayed to a user.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING InterpretationOfFalse;
  3154. [Description("InterpretationOfTrue is a string indicating what a 'True' value from the BinarySensor means. This information could be displayed to a user.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING InterpretationOfTrue;
  3155. };
  3156. [Description("A DiscreteSensor has a set of legal string values, that it can report. These values are enumerated in the Sensor's PossibleValues property. A DiscreteSensor will always have a 'current reading' that corresponds to one of the enumerated values.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3157. class CIM_DiscreteSensor : CIM_Sensor
  3158. {
  3159. [Description("AcceptableValues details which of the PossibleValues strings are considered 'acceptable' (ie, 'not an error').") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING AcceptableValues[];
  3160. [Description("The current value indicated by the Sensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING CurrentReading;
  3161. [Description("PossibleValues enumerates the string outputs that can be output by the DiscreteSensor.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING PossibleValues[];
  3162. };
  3163. [Description("A Multi-StateSensor is a multi-member set of BinarySensors, each BinarySensor reporting a boolean result.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3164. class CIM_MultiStateSensor : CIM_Sensor
  3165. {
  3166. };
  3167. [Description("Redefines Units qualifier for NumericSensor, specific to a Tachometer.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3168. class CIM_Tachometer : CIM_NumericSensor
  3169. {
  3170. };
  3171. [Description("AggregatePSExtent defines the number of addressable logical blocks on a single storage device, excluding any logical blocks mapped as check data. These logical blocks are contained within a single VolumeSet (if VolumeSets are defined). This is an alternative grouping for ProtectedSpaceExtents, when only summary information is needed or when automatic configuration is used. Automatic configuration can result in thousands of ProtectedSpaceExtents being defined. There is no value in modeling the individual Extents. So, the AggregatePSExtent object was defined.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3172. class CIM_AggregatePSExtent : CIM_StorageExtent
  3173. {
  3174. };
  3175. [Description("ProtectedSpaceExtents define addressable logical block addresses, treated as a single StorageExtent, located on a single PhysicalExtent. ProtectedSpaceExtents exclude any logical blocks mapped as check data and contain user data stripe depth mapping information. An alternate possibility, if automatic configuration is used, is to instantiate or extend the AggregatePSExtent class.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3176. class CIM_ProtectedSpaceExtent : CIM_StorageExtent
  3177. {
  3178. [Description("Number of bytes which form the stripe size for this ProtectedSpaceExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 UserDataStripeDepth;
  3179. };
  3180. [Description("VolumeSets represent a contiguous range of logical blocks presented to the operating environment for reading and writing user data. VolumeSets shall not overlap one another. They are BasedOn one or more PhysicalExtents, ProtectedSpaceExtents, or Aggregate Extents (all of the same type). These BasedOn associations should be instantiated or subclassed as needed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3181. class CIM_VolumeSet : CIM_StorageExtent
  3182. {
  3183. [Description("Number of ProtectedSpaceExtents to stripe as a collective set. This property shall be zero except when the VolumeSet is BasedOn ProtectedSpaceExtents.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 PSExtentInterleaveDepth;
  3184. [Description("Number of ProtectedSpaceExtents which form a user data stripe. This property shall be zero except when the VolumeSet is BasedOn ProtectedSpaceExtents.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 PSExtentStripeLength;
  3185. };
  3186. [Description("DeviceFile is a special type of LogicalFile that represents a Device. This convention is useful for some operating systems that manage devices using a byte stream I/O model. The LogicalDevice that is associated with this file is specified using the DeviceAccessedByFile relationship.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3187. class CIM_DeviceFile : CIM_LogicalFile
  3188. {
  3189. };
  3190. [Description("A class derived from LogicalElement that is a special collection of ManagedSystemElements. This collection indicates that the aggregated components together provide redundancy. All elements aggregated in a RedundancyGroup should be instantiations of the same object class.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3191. class CIM_RedundancyGroup : CIM_LogicalElement
  3192. {
  3193. [Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING CreationClassName;
  3194. [Description("RedundancyStatus provides information on the state of the RedundancyGroup. \"Fully Redundant\" (value=2) means that all of the configured redundancy is still available; \"Degraded Redundancy\" (3) means that some failures have been experienced but some reduced amount of redundancy is still available; \"Redundancy Lost\" (4) means that a sufficient number of failures have been experienced such that no redundancy is available and the next failure experienced will cause overall failure. Also, the values, \"Other\" (1) and \"Unknown\" (0), are defined.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 RedundancyStatus;
  3195. };
  3196. [Description("A class derived from RedundancyGroup indicating that the aggregated elements have more capacity or capability than is needed. An example of this type of redundancy is the installation of N+1 power supplies or fans in a system.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3197. class CIM_ExtraCapacityGroup : CIM_RedundancyGroup
  3198. {
  3199. [Description("MinNumberNeeded indicates the smallest number of elements that must be operational in order to have redundancy. For example, in an N+1 redundancy relationship, the MinNumberNeeded property should be set equal to N.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT32 MinNumberNeeded;
  3200. };
  3201. [Description("A class derived from RedundancyGroup indicating that one or more of the aggregated elements act as spares for the others. An example is the use of redundant NICs in a ComputerSystem - where one NIC is primary and the other is spare.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3202. class CIM_SpareGroup : CIM_RedundancyGroup
  3203. {
  3204. };
  3205. [Description("A class derived from RedundancyGroup containing mass storage-related redundancy information. StorageRedundancyGroups are used to protect user data. They are made up of one or more PhysicalExtents, or one or more AggregatePExtents. StorageRedundancyGroups may overlap. However, the underlying Extents within the overlap should not contain any check data.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3206. class CIM_StorageRedundancyGroup : CIM_RedundancyGroup
  3207. {
  3208. [Description("The TypeOfAlgorithm specifies the algorithm used for data redundancy and reconstruction. For example, \"P+Q\" (value=5) or \"P+S\" (7) may be specified. The value, 0, is not valid in the CIM Schema since in DMI it represents that no redundancy exists. In this case, the object should not be instantiated.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 TypeOfAlgorithm;
  3209. };
  3210. [Description("VideoBIOSElement represents the low-level software that is loaded into non-volatile storage and used to bring up, configure and access a ComputerSystem's VideoController and Display.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3211. class CIM_VideoBIOSElement : CIM_SoftwareElement
  3212. {
  3213. [Description("If true, indicates that the Video BIOS is shadowed.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN IsShadowed;
  3214. };
  3215. [Description(" The CIM_ApplicationSystem class is used to represent an application or a software system that supports a particular business function and that can be managed as an independent units. Such a system can be decomposed into its functional components using the CIM_SoftwareFeature class. The software features for a particular application or software system are located using the CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature association. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3216. class CIM_ApplicationSystem : CIM_System
  3217. {
  3218. };
  3219. [Description("CIM_ProductFRU is an association between Product and FRU that provides information regarding what Product components have been or are being replaced. The association is one to many, conveying that a Product can have many FRUs, and that a particular instance of a FRU is only applied to one (instance of a) Product.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3220. class CIM_ProductFRU
  3221. {
  3222. [Description("The FRU.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_FRU Ref FRU;
  3223. [Description("The Product to which the FRU is applied.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref Product;
  3224. };
  3225. [Description("The CIM_ProductParentChild association defines a parent child hierarchy among Products. For example, a Product may come bundled with other Products. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3226. class CIM_ProductParentChild
  3227. {
  3228. [Description("The child Product in the association.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref Child;
  3229. [Description("The parent Product in the association.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref Parent;
  3230. };
  3231. [Description("Indicates the PhysicalElements that make up a Product.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3232. class CIM_ProductPhysicalElements
  3233. {
  3234. [Description("The PhysicalElement which is a part of the Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_PhysicalElement Ref Component;
  3235. [Description("The Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref Product;
  3236. };
  3237. [Description("CIM_ProductProductDependency is an association between two Products, indicating that one must be installed, or must be absent, for the other to function. This is conceptually equivalent to the ServiceServiceDependency association.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3238. class CIM_ProductProductDependency
  3239. {
  3240. [Description("The Product that is dependent on another Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref DependentProduct;
  3241. [Description("The required Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref RequiredProduct;
  3242. [Description("The nature of the Product dependency. This property describes that the associated Product must be installed (value=2) or must be absent (value=3) in order for the Product to function.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 TypeOfDependency;
  3243. };
  3244. [Description("CIM_ProductSupport is an association between Product and SupportAccess that conveys how support is obtained for the Product. This is a many-to-many relationship, implying that various types of Support are available for a Product, and that the same Support object can provide assistance for multiple Products.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3245. class CIM_ProductSupport
  3246. {
  3247. [Description("The Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Product Ref Product;
  3248. [Description("Support for the Product.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SupportAccess Ref Support;
  3249. };
  3250. [Description("This relationship associates a Setting with one or more Configuration objects. For example, a NetworkAdapter's Settings could change based on the site/network to which its hosting ComputerSystem is attached.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3251. class CIM_SettingContext
  3252. {
  3253. [Description("The Configuration object that aggregates the Setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Configuration Ref Context;
  3254. [Description("An aggregated Setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Setting Ref Setting;
  3255. };
  3256. [Description("Since software elements in a runnable state cannot transition into another state, the value of the Phase property is restricted to In-State for SoftwareElement objects in a runable state. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3257. class CIM_SoftwareElementChecks
  3258. {
  3259. [Description(" The Phase property indicates whether the referenced check is an in-state check or a next-state check.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 Phase;
  3260. };
  3261. [Description("The StorageDefect aggregation collects the StorageErrors for a StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3262. class CIM_StorageDefect
  3263. {
  3264. [Description("Error references the Error object, defining the starting and ending addresses that are 'mapped out' of the StorageExtent.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StorageError Ref Error;
  3265. [Description("The Extent reference defines the StorageExtent on which the errors occurred.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_StorageExtent Ref Extent;
  3266. };
  3267. [Description("StorageError defines blocks of media or memory space that are mapped 'out of use' due to errors. The Key of the class is the StartingAddress of the bytes in error.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3268. class CIM_StorageError
  3269. {
  3270. [Description("The scoping StorageExtent's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING DeviceCreationClassName;
  3271. [Description("The scoping StorageExtent's DeviceID.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING DeviceID;
  3272. [Description("The ending address of the bytes in error.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 EndingAddress;
  3273. [Description("The starting address of the bytes in error.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]UINT64 StartingAddress;
  3274. [Description("The scoping System's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING SystemCreationClassName;
  3275. [Description("The scoping System's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING SystemName;
  3276. };
  3277. [Description("The CIM_SupportAccess association defines how to obtain assistance for a Product.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3278. class CIM_SupportAccess
  3279. {
  3280. [Description("CommunicationInfo provides the details of the CommunicationMode. For example, if the CommunicationMode is 'Phone', CommunicationInfo specifies the phone number to be called.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING CommunicationInfo;
  3281. [Description("CommunicationMode defines the form of communication in order to obtain support. For example, phone communication (value=2), fax (3) or email (8) can be specified.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 CommunicationMode;
  3282. [Description("A textual description of the type of Support provided.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING Description;
  3283. [Description("Locale defines the geographic region and/or language dialect to which this Support resource pertains.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING Locale;
  3284. [Description("SupportAccessID is an arbitrary, free form string defined by the Product Vendor or by the organization that deploys the Product. This property, since it is a key, should be unique throughout the enterprise.") : Amended ToSubclass,Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride]STRING SupportAccessId;
  3285. };
  3286. [Description("The ToDirectoryAction association identifies the target directory for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption is that the target directory was created by a previous action. This association cannot exist with a ToDirectorySpecification association since a file action can only involve a single target directory. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3287. class CIM_ToDirectoryAction
  3288. {
  3289. };
  3290. [Description("The ToDirectorySpecification association identifies the target directory for the file action. When this association is used, the assumption is that the target directory already existed. This association cannot exist with a ToDirectoryAction association since a file action can only involve a single target directory.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3291. class CIM_ToDirectorySpecification
  3292. {
  3293. };
  3294. [Description("An association between a NetworkFileSystem and a remote Directory. The Directory must be exported by a LocalFileSystem in order to be mount-able.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3295. class CIM_Mount : CIM_Dependency
  3296. {
  3297. [Description("The Directory mounted.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Directory Ref Antecedent;
  3298. [Description("The NetworkFileSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_NFS Ref Dependent;
  3299. };
  3300. [Description("An association between a LocalFileSystem and its Directories indicating that the specified Directories are available for NFS mount.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3301. class CIM_Export
  3302. {
  3303. [Description("The Directory exported for NFS mount.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Directory Ref Directory;
  3304. [Description("The LocalFileSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LocalFileSystem Ref LocalFS;
  3305. [Description("Name under which the Directory is exported.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING ExportedDirectoryName;
  3306. };
  3307. [Description("A class derived from FileSystem that represents access of the FileSystem via a network-related service. For example, the file store for an NFS FileSystem is NOT on a ComputerSystem's locally controlled media.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3308. class CIM_RemoteFileSystem : CIM_FileSystem
  3309. {
  3310. };
  3311. [Description("A class derived from RemoteFileSystem representing that the FileSystem is mounted from another ComputerSystem. The properties of the NFS object deal with the operational aspects of the mount.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3312. class CIM_NFS : CIM_RemoteFileSystem
  3313. {
  3314. [Description("If set to true: Control attribute caching is enabled.If set to false: Control attribute caching is disabled.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN AttributeCaching;
  3315. [Description("Maximum number of seconds that cached attributes are held after directory update.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 AttributeCachingForDirectoriesMax;
  3316. [Description("Minimum number of seconds that cached attributes are held after directory update.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 AttributeCachingForDirectoriesMin;
  3317. [Description("Maximum number of seconds that cached attributes are held after file modification.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 AttributeCachingForRegularFilesMax;
  3318. [Description("Minimum number of seconds that cached attributes are held after file modification.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 AttributeCachingForRegularFilesMin;
  3319. [Description("If set to true: Retries are performed in the foreground.If set to false: If the first mount attempt fails, retries are performed in the background.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN ForegroundMount;
  3320. [Description("If set to true: Once the FileSystem is mounted, NFS requests are retried until the hosting System responds.If set to false: Once the FileSystem is mounted, an error is returned if the hosting System does not respond.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN HardMount;
  3321. [Description("If set to true: Interrupts are permitted for hard mounts.If set to false: Interrupts are ignored for hard mounts.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN Interrupt;
  3322. [Description("Maximum number of mount failure retries allowed.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 MountFailureRetries;
  3323. [Description("Read buffer size in bytes.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 ReadBufferSize;
  3324. [Description("Maximum number of NFS retransmissions allowed.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 RetransmissionAttempts;
  3325. [Description("NFS timeout in tenths of a second.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT32 RetransmissionTimeout;
  3326. [Description("The remote ComputerSystem's (ie, the NFS File 'Server's) UDP port number.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT32 ServerCommunicationPort;
  3327. [Description("Write buffer size in bytes.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 WriteBufferSize;
  3328. };
  3329. [Description("BootService represents the functionality provided by a Device, software or via a Network to load an Operating System on a UnitaryComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3330. class CIM_BootService : CIM_Service
  3331. {
  3332. };
  3333. [Description("Instances of the Win32_WMISetting class represent operational parameters for the WMI service.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
  3334. class Win32_WMISetting : CIM_Setting
  3335. {
  3336. [Description("The InstallationDirectory is the directory in which the WMI software has been installed - this is normally \\system32\\wbem.") : Amended ToSubclass]string InstallationDirectory;
  3337. [Description("The BuildVersion is the version number used in the compilation of the winmgmt.dll.") : Amended ToSubclass]string BuildVersion;
  3338. [Description("Any mof files contained in the MofSDelfInstallDirectory that contain the autorecover pragma will be compiled into the WMI repository any time the repository is initialized or recovered.") : Amended ToSubclass]string MofSelfInstallDirectory;
  3339. [Description("The AutoRecoverMofs are mof files that are present in the MofSelfInstallDirectory that have the autorecover pragma in them.") : Amended ToSubclass]string AutorecoverMofs[];
  3340. [Description("AutoStartWin9X indictaes the cricumstances under which the WMI will start on Win9X systems") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 AutoStartWin9X;
  3341. [Description("EnableAnonWin9xConnections on win9x systems which are running with share level security allows remote access without any checking.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean EnableAnonWin9xConnections;
  3342. [Description("The MaxLogFileSize provides the maximum size of each of the log files produced by the WMI service") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxLogFileSize;
  3343. [Description("The LoggingLevel enables various levels of logging") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 LoggingLevel;
  3344. [Description("The LoggingDirectory is the directory that contains the WMI system log files") : Amended ToSubclass]string LoggingDirectory;
  3345. [Description("The DatabaseDirectory is the directory that contains the WMI repository") : Amended ToSubclass]string DatabaseDirectory;
  3346. [Description("The DatabaseInitialSize is the size of the WMI repository when it is first created") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DatabaseInitialSize;
  3347. [Description("The DatabaseMaxSize is the maximum size of the WMI repository.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DatabaseMaxSize;
  3348. [Description("The DatabaseGrowSize is the amount of space added to repository when the current size is exceeded.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 DatabaseGrowBySize;
  3349. [Description("The BackupInterval is the amount of time that will elapse between backups of the WMI database.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 BackupInterval;
  3350. [Description("The BackupLastTime is the date and time that the last backup was performed.") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime BackupLastTime;
  3351. [Description("The ASPScriptEnabled is the ...") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean ASPScriptEnabled;
  3352. [Description("The ASPScriptDefaultNamespace is the namespace that calls to the script API will use if none is specified by the caller") : Amended ToSubclass]string ASPScriptDefaultNamespace;
  3353. [Description("The EnableEvents value determines whether the event subsystem should be enabled or not") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean EnableEvents;
  3354. [Description("The HighThresholdOnClientObjects value provides the number of instances after which WMI will start rejecting instances from providers. The value is expressed as number of objects per second and represents the maximum rate at which WMI will deliver instances to clients.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HighThresholdOnClientObjects;
  3355. [Description("The LowThresholdOnClientObjects value provides the number of instances after which WMI will start slowing down instances from providers. The value is expressed as number of objects per second.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 LowThresholdOnClientObjects;
  3356. [Description("The MaxWaitOnClientObjects is the slow down factor used when the HighThreshold value is reached.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxWaitOnClientObjects;
  3357. [Description("The HighThresholdOnEvents value provides the number of instances after which WMI will start rejecting instances from providers. The value is expressed as number of objects per second and represents the maximum rate at which WMI will deliver event instances to clients.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 HighThresholdOnEvents;
  3358. [Description("The LowThresholdOnEvents value provides the number of instances after which WMI will start slowing down event instances from providers. The value is expressed as number of objects per second.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 LowThresholdOnEvents;
  3359. [Description("The MaxWaitOnEvents is the slow down factor used when the HighThreshold value is reached.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 MaxWaitOnEvents;
  3360. [Description("If true, WINMGMT will start with a pre-allocated heap of the size specified in LastStartupHeapPreallocation.") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean EnableStartupHeapPreallocation;
  3361. [Description("Size to pre-allocate the heap during the next startup") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 LastStartupHeapPreallocation;
  3362. };