Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. // � 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  2. #pragma autorecover
  3. #pragma classflags("forceupdate")
  4. Qualifier Description : ToSubClass Amended;
  5. Qualifier Values : ToSubClass Amended;
  6. Qualifier DisplayName : Amended;
  7. Qualifier BitValues:ToSubClass Amended ;
  8. Qualifier Aggregate : ToSubClass ;
  9. Qualifier Aggregation : ToSubClass ;
  10. Qualifier ArrayType : ToSubClass ;
  11. Qualifier Association : ToInstance ToSubClass DisableOverride ;
  12. Qualifier BitMap : ToSubClass ;
  13. Qualifier CIM_Key : ToSubClass ;
  14. Qualifier CIMTYPE : ToSubClass ;
  15. Qualifier Deprecated : ToSubClass ;
  16. Qualifier Enumeration : ToSubClass ;
  17. Qualifier EnumPrivileges : ToSubClass ;
  18. Qualifier ImplementationSource : ToSubClass ;
  19. Qualifier Key : ToInstance ToSubClass DisableOverride ;
  20. Qualifier Locale : ToInstance ;
  21. Qualifier MappingStrings : ToSubClass ;
  22. Qualifier Max : ToSubClass ;
  23. Qualifier MaxLen : ToSubClass ;
  24. Qualifier Min : ToSubClass ;
  25. Qualifier ModelCorrespondence : ToSubClass ;
  26. Qualifier Not_Null : ToSubClass ;
  27. Qualifier Override : Restricted ;
  28. Qualifier Privileges : ToSubClass ;
  29. Qualifier Propagated : ToSubClass ;
  30. Qualifier provider : ToInstance ;
  31. Qualifier Range : ToSubClass ;
  32. Qualifier Read : ToSubClass ;
  33. Qualifier Schema : ToInstance ;
  34. Qualifier Singleton : ToSubClass ToInstance ;
  35. Qualifier SUBTYPE : ToSubClass ;
  36. Qualifier Units : ToSubClass ;
  37. Qualifier UUID : ToInstance ;
  38. Qualifier Volatile : ToSubClass ;
  39. Qualifier Weak : ToSubClass ;
  40. Qualifier Write : ToSubClass ;
  41. Qualifier WritePrivileges : ToSubClass ;
  42. #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
  43. instance of __Win32Provider as $P
  44. {
  45. Name = "SECRCW32";
  46. ClsId = "{d63a5850-8f16-11cf-9f47-00aa00bf345c}";
  47. ImpersonationLevel = 1;
  48. PerUserInitialization = "FALSE";
  49. HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost";
  50. };
  51. instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration
  52. {
  53. Provider = $P;
  54. SupportsGet = "TRUE";
  55. SupportsPut = "TRUE";
  56. SupportsDelete = "TRUE";
  57. SupportsEnumeration = "TRUE";
  58. QuerySupportLevels = {"WQL:UnarySelect"};
  59. };
  60. instance of __MethodProviderRegistration
  61. {
  62. Provider = $P;
  63. };
  64. ////////////////// GENERIC READ-ONLY MODEL ///////////////////////////////////
  65. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32"),
  66. description("Represents an arbitrary SID -- CANNOT BE ENUMERATED"),
  67. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C581-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  68. class Win32_SID
  69. {
  70. [Description (
  71. "The SID in string format"
  72. ) , Read, Key]
  73. string SID;
  74. [Description (
  75. "The SID in binary format"
  76. ) , Read]
  77. uint8 BinaryRepresentation[];
  78. [Description (
  79. "The name of the account associated with the SID"
  80. ) , Read]
  81. string AccountName;
  82. [Description (
  83. "The domain of the account associated with the SID"
  84. ) , Read]
  85. string ReferencedDomainName;
  86. [Description("The SidLength property indicates the length of the "
  87. "SID in bytes"), Units("Bytes"),
  88. Read]
  89. uint32 SidLength;
  90. };
  91. //RuleBased("Select * From "
  92. // "Win32_Account As A "
  93. // "Join "
  94. // "Win32_SID As B "
  95. // "On A.SID = B.SID")
  96. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32"), Association,
  97. description("The SID of an account"),
  98. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C582-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  99. class Win32_AccountSID
  100. {
  101. [Description (
  102. "The account"
  103. ) , Read, Key]
  104. Win32_Account ref Element;
  105. [Description (
  106. "The SID of the account"
  107. ) , Read, Key]
  108. Win32_SID ref Setting;
  109. };
  110. [abstract,
  111. description("Represents security settings for a managed element"),
  112. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C583-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  113. class Win32_SecuritySetting : CIM_Setting
  114. {
  115. [description("Inheritance-related flags. "
  117. read]
  118. uint32 ControlFlags;
  119. [description("Retrieves a structural representation of the object's "
  120. "security descriptor"),
  121. Privileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege","SeRestorePrivilege"}]
  122. uint32 GetSecurityDescriptor([OUT] Win32_SecurityDescriptor Descriptor);
  123. [description("Sets security descriptor to the specified structure"),
  124. Privileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege","SeRestorePrivilege"}]
  125. uint32 SetSecurityDescriptor([IN] Win32_SecurityDescriptor Descriptor);
  126. };
  127. [Abstract, description("Associates an object to its security settings"),
  128. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C584-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  129. class Win32_SecuritySettingOfObject : CIM_ElementSetting
  130. {
  131. [Override ("Element"): ToSubClass, Description (
  132. "The object with security settings"
  133. )]
  134. CIM_LogicalElement ref Element;
  135. [Override ("Setting"): ToSubClass, Description (
  136. "The security settings of the object"
  137. )]
  138. Win32_SecuritySetting ref Setting;
  139. };
  140. [abstract, Association,
  141. description("Association between the security settings of an object and "
  142. "its owner"), Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C585-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  143. class Win32_SecuritySettingOwner
  144. {
  145. [Description ("The security settings of an object"), key, read]
  146. Win32_SecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  147. [Description ("The Win32_SID of the object's owner"), key, read]
  148. Win32_SID ref Owner;
  149. };
  150. [abstract, Association,
  151. description("Association between the security of an object and its group"),
  152. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C586-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  153. class Win32_SecuritySettingGroup
  154. {
  155. [Description (
  156. "The security settings of an object"
  157. ) , key, read]
  158. Win32_SecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  159. [Description (
  160. "The Win32_SID of the object's group"
  161. ) , key, read]
  162. Win32_SID ref Group;
  163. };
  164. [abstract, Association,
  165. description("Specifies the rights granted and denied to a trustee "
  166. "for a given object. Modeled after EXPLICIT_ACCESS"),
  167. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C587-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  168. class Win32_SecuritySettingAccess
  169. {
  170. [Description (
  171. "The security settings of an object"
  172. ) , key, read]
  173. Win32_SecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  174. [Description (
  175. "The Win32_SID of the trustee for this access entry"
  176. ) , key, read]
  177. Win32_SID ref Trustee;
  178. [Description ("The type of access specified for the trustee"),
  179. Values {"Set", "Deny"}, read]
  180. uint32 Type;
  181. [Description (
  182. "Bit flags specifying how the access rights are inherited"
  183. ), read]
  184. uint32 Inheritance;
  185. [Description (
  186. "Bit flags specifying what permissions are affected"
  187. ),read]
  188. uint32 AccessMask;
  189. [Description (
  190. "The guid of the type of object the security settings are applied to"
  191. ),read]
  192. string GuidObjectType;
  193. [Description (
  194. "The guid of the type of object this object inherits from"
  195. ),read]
  196. string GuidInheritedObjectType;
  197. };
  198. [abstract, Association,
  199. description("Specifies the auditing for a given trustee on a given object."
  200. " Modeled after EXPLICIT_ACCESS"),
  201. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C588-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  202. class Win32_SecuritySettingAuditing
  203. {
  204. [Description (
  205. "The security settings of an object"
  206. ) , key,read]
  207. Win32_SecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  208. [Description (
  209. "The Win32_SID of the trustee for this audit entry"
  210. ) , key,read]
  211. Win32_SID ref Trustee;
  212. [Description ("The type of access specified for the trustee"),
  213. Values{"Audit success", "Audit failure"},read]
  214. uint32 Type;
  215. [Description (
  216. "Bit flags specifying how the audit policies are inherited"
  217. ),read]
  218. uint32 Inheritance;
  219. [Description (
  220. "Bit flags specifying what activities are audited"
  221. ),read]
  222. uint32 AuditedAccessMask;
  223. [Description (
  224. "The guid of the type of object the security settings are applied to"
  225. ),read]
  226. string GuidObjectType;
  227. [Description (
  228. "The guid of the type of object this object inherits from"
  229. ),read]
  230. string GuidInheritedObjectType;
  231. };
  232. ////////////////// WRITABLE SCHEMA ////////////////////////////////////////////
  233. [abstract,
  234. description("Specifies a trustee. Either a name or "
  235. "a SID (byte array) can be used"),
  236. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C589-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  237. class Win32_Trustee : Win32_MethodParameterClass
  238. {
  239. [Description (
  240. "The SID of the trustee"),
  241. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  242. uint8 SID[];
  243. [Description (
  244. "The SID of the trustee in string format (e.g., S-1-1-0)"),
  245. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  246. string SIDString;
  247. [Description (
  248. "The name portion of the account"),
  249. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  250. string Name;
  251. [Description (
  252. "The domain portion of the account"),
  253. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  254. string Domain;
  255. [Description (
  256. "The length of the SID in BYTES"),
  257. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  258. uint32 SidLength;
  259. };
  260. [abstract,
  261. description("Specifies an access control entry"),
  262. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C58A-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  263. class Win32_ACE : Win32_MethodParameterClass
  264. {
  265. [Description (
  266. "The trustee of this ACE entry"),
  267. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  268. Win32_Trustee Trustee;
  269. [Description (
  270. "The type of ACE entry this is"),
  271. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"},
  272. Values {"Access Allowed", "Access Denied", "Audit"}]
  273. uint32 AceType;
  274. [Description (
  275. "Bit flags specifying inheritance of the ACE"),
  276. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  277. uint32 AceFlags;
  278. [Description (
  279. "Bit flags representing rights granted/denied to the trustee"),
  280. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  281. uint32 AccessMask;
  282. [Description (
  283. "The guid associated with the type of object these rights apply to"),
  284. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  285. string GuidObjectType;
  286. [Description (
  287. "The guid associated with the parent of the object these rights apply to"),
  288. write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  289. string GuidInheritedObjectType;
  290. };
  291. [abstract,
  292. description("Structural representation of a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR"),
  293. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C58B-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  294. class Win32_SecurityDescriptor : Win32_MethodParameterClass
  295. {
  296. [Description (
  297. "The trustee representing the owner of the object"),
  298. read, write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  299. Win32_Trustee Owner;
  300. [Description (
  301. "The trustee representing the group of the object"),
  302. read, write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  303. Win32_Trustee Group;
  304. [Description (
  305. "An array of Win32_ACE entries that specify access to the object"),
  306. read, write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  307. Win32_ACE DACL[];
  308. [Description (
  309. "An array of Win32_ACE entries that specify which users/groups auditing information is gathered for"),
  310. read, write, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  311. Win32_ACE SACL[];
  312. [Description (
  313. "Bit flags that provide information about the descriptor's contents and format"),
  314. read, WritePrivileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege"} ]
  315. uint32 ControlFlags;
  316. };
  317. ///////////// SPECIALIZATION OF READ-ONLY MODEL FOR FILES /////////////////////
  318. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32") , Description("security settings for a logical file"),
  319. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C58C-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  320. class Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting : Win32_SecuritySetting
  321. {
  322. [read, key, Description("The full pathname of the file or directory")]
  323. string Path;
  324. [description("Indicates whether the caller has Owner permissions "
  325. "to the object. "),
  326. read]
  327. boolean OwnerPermissions;
  328. [implemented, description("Retrieves a structural representation of the object's "
  329. "security descriptor.\n"
  330. "The method returns an integer value that can be "
  331. "interpretted as follows: \n"
  332. "0 - Successful completion.\n"
  333. "2 - The user does not have access to the requested information.\n"
  334. "8 - Unknown failure.\n"
  335. "9 - The user does not have adequate privileges.\n"
  336. "21 - The specified parameter is invalid.\n"
  337. "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, "
  338. "refer to Win32 error code documentation."),
  339. Values{ "Success",
  340. "Access denied",
  341. "Unknown failure",
  342. "Privilege missing",
  343. "Invalid parameter",
  344. "Other" },
  345. ValueMap{ "0", "2", "8", "9", "21", ".." },
  346. Privileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege","SeRestorePrivilege"}]
  347. uint32 GetSecurityDescriptor([out] Win32_SecurityDescriptor Descriptor);
  348. [implemented, description("Sets security descriptor to the specified structure. \n"
  349. "The method returns an integer value that can be "
  350. "interpretted as follows: \n"
  351. "0 - Successful completion.\n"
  352. "2 - The user does not have access to the requested information.\n"
  353. "8 - Unknown failure.\n"
  354. "9 - The user does not have adequate privileges.\n"
  355. "21 - The specified parameter is invalid.\n"
  356. "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, "
  357. "refer to Win32 error code documentation."),
  358. Values{ "Success",
  359. "Access denied",
  360. "Unknown failure",
  361. "Privilege missing",
  362. "Invalid parameter",
  363. "Other" },
  364. ValueMap{ "0", "2", "8", "9", "21", ".." },
  365. Privileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege","SeRestorePrivilege"}]
  366. uint32 SetSecurityDescriptor([in] Win32_SecurityDescriptor Descriptor);
  367. };
  368. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32"),
  369. Description("Security settings of a file or directory object"),
  370. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C58D-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  371. class Win32_SecuritySettingOfLogicalFile : Win32_SecuritySettingOfObject
  372. {
  373. [Override ("Element"): ToSubClass, Description("The file or directory"), key]
  374. CIM_LogicalFile ref Element;
  375. [Override ("Setting"): ToSubClass, Description("The security settings of the file or directory"), key]
  376. Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting ref Setting;
  377. };
  378. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32"), Description("Association between the "
  379. "security settings of a file/directory and its owner"),
  380. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C58E-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  381. class Win32_LogicalFileOwner : Win32_SecuritySettingOwner
  382. {
  383. [Override ("SecuritySetting"): ToSubClass, Description("The security settings of the file/directory object "
  385. Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  386. [Override ("Owner"): ToSubClass, Description("The owner of the file/directory object")]
  387. Win32_SID ref Owner;
  388. };
  389. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32"), Description("Association between the "
  390. "security settings of a file/directory and its group"),
  391. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C58F-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  392. class Win32_LogicalFileGroup : Win32_SecuritySettingGroup
  393. {
  394. [Override ("SecuritySetting"): ToSubClass, Description("The security settings of the file/directory object "
  396. Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  397. [Override ("Group"): ToSubClass, Description("The group of the file/directory object")]
  398. Win32_SID ref Group;
  399. };
  400. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32"), Description("Association between the "
  401. "security settings of a file/directory and one member of its DACL"),
  402. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C590-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  403. class Win32_LogicalFileAccess : Win32_SecuritySettingAccess
  404. {
  405. [Override ("SecuritySetting"): ToSubClass, Description("The security settings of the file/directory object "
  407. Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  408. [Override ("Trustee"): ToSubClass, Description("An entry on the object's DACL")]
  409. Win32_SID ref Trustee;
  410. };
  411. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32"),
  412. Locale (0x409) , UUID ( "{FCC86599-DB20-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}" ),
  413. Description ("Association between the "
  414. "security settings of a file/directory one member of its SACL.") ]
  415. class Win32_LogicalFileAuditing : Win32_SecuritySettingAuditing
  416. {
  417. [Override ("SecuritySetting"): ToSubClass, Description("The security settings of the file/directory object "
  419. Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  420. [Override ("Trustee"): ToSubClass, Description("An entry on the object's SACL")]
  421. Win32_SID ref Trustee;
  422. };
  423. ///////////// ASSOCIATION CLASSES FOR NT SHARES /////////////////////
  424. [Dynamic, Provider ("SECRCW32") , Description("security settings for a logical file"),
  425. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C591-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  426. class Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting : Win32_SecuritySetting
  427. {
  428. [key, Description("The name of the share"), read]
  429. string Name;
  430. [implemented, description("Retrieves a structural representation of the object's "
  431. "security descriptor.\n"
  432. "The method returns an integer value that can be "
  433. "interpretted as follows: \n"
  434. "0 - Successful completion.\n"
  435. "2 - The user does not have access to the requested information.\n"
  436. "8 - Unknown failure.\n"
  437. "9 - The user does not have adequate privileges.\n"
  438. "21 - The specified parameter is invalid.\n"
  439. "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, "
  440. "refer to Win32 error code documentation."),
  441. Values{ "Success",
  442. "Access denied",
  443. "Unknown failure",
  444. "Privilege missing",
  445. "Invalid parameter",
  446. "Other" },
  447. ValueMap{ "0", "2", "8", "9", "21", ".." },
  448. Privileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege","SeRestorePrivilege"}]
  449. uint32 GetSecurityDescriptor([out] Win32_SecurityDescriptor Descriptor);
  450. [implemented, description("Sets security descriptor to the specified structure.\n"
  451. "The method returns an integer value that can be "
  452. "interpretted as follows: \n"
  453. "0 - Successful completion.\n"
  454. "2 - The user does not have access to the requested information.\n"
  455. "8 - Unknown failure.\n"
  456. "9 - The user does not have adequate privileges.\n"
  457. "21 - The specified parameter is invalid.\n"
  458. "Other - For integer values other than those listed above, "
  459. "refer to Win32 error code documentation."),
  460. Values{ "Success",
  461. "Access denied",
  462. "Unknown failure",
  463. "Privilege missing",
  464. "Invalid parameter",
  465. "Other" },
  466. ValueMap{ "0", "2", "8", "9", "21", ".." },
  467. Privileges{"SeSecurityPrivilege","SeRestorePrivilege"}]
  468. uint32 SetSecurityDescriptor([in] Win32_SecurityDescriptor Descriptor);
  469. };
  470. //RuleBased("Select * From "
  471. // "Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting As A "
  472. // "Join "
  473. // "Win32_Share As B "
  474. // "On A.Name = B.Name")
  475. [Dynamic, Provider("SECRCW32"),
  476. Description("Security settings of a share object"),
  477. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C592-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  478. class Win32_SecuritySettingOfLogicalShare : Win32_SecuritySettingOfObject
  479. {
  480. [Override ("Element"): ToSubClass, Description("The share"), key,read]
  481. Win32_Share ref Element;
  482. [read,Override ("Setting"): ToSubClass, Description("The security settings of the share"), key]
  483. Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting ref Setting;
  484. };
  485. [Dynamic, Provider("SECRCW32"), Description("Association between the "
  486. "security settings of a share and one member of its DACL"),
  487. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C593-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
  488. class Win32_LogicalShareAccess : Win32_SecuritySettingAccess
  489. {
  490. [read,Override ("SecuritySetting"): ToSubClass, Description("The security settings of the share object")]
  491. Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  492. [read,Override ("Trustee"): ToSubClass, Description("An entry on the object's DACL")]
  493. Win32_SID ref Trustee;
  494. };
  495. [Dynamic, Provider("SECRCW32"),
  496. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C594-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}"),
  497. Description ("Association between the "
  498. "security settings of a share and one member of its SACL.")]
  499. class Win32_LogicalShareAuditing : Win32_SecuritySettingAuditing
  500. {
  501. [read,Override ("SecuritySetting"): ToSubClass, Description("The security settings of the share object")]
  502. Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting ref SecuritySetting;
  503. [read,Override ("Trustee"): ToSubClass, Description("An entry on the object's SACL")]
  504. Win32_SID ref Trustee;
  505. };
  506. [Association, Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"), Description(
  507. "The Win32_DCOMApplicationLaunchAllowedSetting class is an association between the Win32_DCOMApplication"
  508. "and the user sid's that can launch it" ),
  509. Locale(0x409), UUID("{0F73ED55-8ED9-11d2-B340-00105A1F8569}") ]
  510. class Win32_DCOMApplicationLaunchAllowedSetting
  511. {
  512. [read, Key, Override ("Element"): ToSubClass, Description(
  513. "The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_DCOMApplication" ),
  514. MappingStrings {" Microsoft CIM Win32|Win32_DCOMApplication|AppID"} ]
  515. Win32_DCOMApplication ref Element;
  516. [read, Key, Override ("Setting"): ToSubClass, Description(
  517. "The Setting reference represents the role of a user that can launch a component grouped under "
  518. "the associated Win32_DCOMApplication" ),
  519. MappingStrings {" Microsoft CIM Win32|Win32_SID|SID"} ]
  520. Win32_SID ref Setting;
  521. };
  522. [Association,Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"), Description(
  523. "The Win32_DCOMApplicationAccessAllowedSetting class is an association between the Win32_DCOMApplication"
  524. "and the user sid's that can access it" ),
  525. Locale(0x409), UUID("{0F73ED59-8ED9-11d2-B340-00105A1F8569}") ]
  526. class Win32_DCOMApplicationAccessAllowedSetting
  527. {
  528. [read, Key, Override ("Element"): ToSubClass, Description(
  529. "The Element reference represents the role of the Win32_DCOMApplication" ),
  530. MappingStrings {" Microsoft CIM Win32|Win32_DCOMApplication|AppID"} ]
  531. Win32_DCOMApplication ref Element;
  532. [read, Key, Override ("Setting"): ToSubClass, Description(
  533. "The Setting reference represents the role of a user that can access a component grouped under "
  534. "the associated Win32_DCOMApplication" ),
  535. MappingStrings {" Microsoft CIM Win32|Win32_SID|SID"} ]
  536. Win32_SID ref Setting;
  537. };