// Purpose: Contains the helper taskobject implementation
// Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <provexpt.h>
#include <provcoll.h>
#include <provtempl.h>
#include <provmt.h>
#include <typeinfo.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <objidl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <provcont.h>
#include <provevt.h>
#include <provthrd.h>
#include <provlog.h>
#include <cominit.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <instpath.h>
#include <genlex.h>
#include <sql_1.h>
#include <objpath.h>
#include <vpdefs.h>
#include <vpcfac.h>
#include <vpquals.h>
#include <vpserv.h>
#include <vptasks.h>
extern HRESULT SetSecurityLevelAndCloaking(IUnknown* pInterface, const wchar_t* prncpl); extern BOOL bAreWeLocal(WCHAR* pServerMachine);
HelperTaskObject::HelperTaskObject(CViewProvServ *a_Provider, const wchar_t *a_ObjectPath, ULONG a_Flag, IWbemObjectSink *a_NotificationHandler , IWbemContext *pCtx, IWbemServices* a_Serv, const wchar_t* prncpl, CWbemServerWrap* a_ServWrap) : WbemTaskObject (a_Provider, a_NotificationHandler, a_Flag, pCtx, a_Serv, a_ServWrap), m_ObjectPath(NULL), m_ParsedObjectPath(NULL), m_principal(NULL) { if (prncpl) { m_principal = UnicodeStringDuplicate(prncpl); }
m_ObjectPath = UnicodeStringDuplicate(a_ObjectPath); }
HelperTaskObject::~HelperTaskObject () { if (m_ObjectPath != NULL) { delete [] m_ObjectPath; }
if (NULL != m_ParsedObjectPath) { delete m_ParsedObjectPath; }
if (m_principal) { delete [] m_principal; } }
BOOL HelperTaskObject::Validate(CMap<CStringW, LPCWSTR, int, int>* parentMap) { CObjectPathParser objectPathParser; BOOL t_Status = ! objectPathParser.Parse ( m_ObjectPath , &m_ParsedObjectPath ) ;
if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = SetClass(m_ParsedObjectPath->m_pClass) ;
if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = ParseAndProcessClassQualifiers(m_ErrorObject, NULL, parentMap); } }
return t_Status; }
//Get the view object given the namespace and object path of the source and the namespace
BOOL HelperTaskObject::DoQuery(ParsedObjectPath* parsedObjectPath, IWbemClassObject** pInst, int indx) { if (pInst == NULL) { return FALSE; } else { *pInst = NULL; }
BOOL retVal = TRUE;
//Create the query string
SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION tmpRPN; tmpRPN.bsClassName = SysAllocString(m_ClassName);
//need enough tokens to handle association work-around serverpath or dotpath or relpath
SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN* tokArray = new SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[(parsedObjectPath->m_dwNumKeys) * 6];
DWORD dwToks = 0;
for (int i = 0; retVal && (i < parsedObjectPath->m_dwNumKeys); i++) { POSITION pos = m_PropertyMap.GetStartPosition();
while (retVal && pos) { CStringW key; CPropertyQualifierItem* propItem; m_PropertyMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, propItem);
if (!propItem->m_SrcPropertyNames[indx].IsEmpty()) { if (propItem->m_SrcPropertyNames[indx].CompareNoCase(parsedObjectPath->m_paKeys[i]->m_pName) == 0) { tokArray[dwToks].nTokenType = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EXPRESSION; tokArray[dwToks].nOperator = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL; tokArray[dwToks].pPropertyName = propItem->GetViewPropertyName().AllocSysString(); if (m_bAssoc && (propItem->GetCimType() == CIM_REFERENCE)) { retVal = TransposeReference(propItem, parsedObjectPath->m_paKeys[i]->m_vValue, &(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue), TRUE, &m_ServerWrap);
if (retVal) { //add the extra tokens if neccessary
//for the association work-around
wchar_t *t_pChar = tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal;
//must be \\server\namespace and not \\.\namespace or relpath
if ( (*t_pChar == L'\\') && (*(t_pChar+1) == L'\\') && (*(t_pChar+2) != L'.') ) { //add the dotted version
tokArray[dwToks + 1] = tokArray[dwToks++]; t_pChar = tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal + 2; while (*t_pChar != L'\\') { t_pChar++; }
--t_pChar; *t_pChar = L'.'; --t_pChar; *t_pChar = L'\\'; --t_pChar; *t_pChar = L'\\'; BSTR t_strtmp = SysAllocString(t_pChar); VariantClear(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); VariantInit(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.vt = VT_BSTR; tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal = t_strtmp; dwToks++; tokArray[dwToks].nTokenType = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::TOKEN_OR;
//add the relpath version
tokArray[dwToks + 1] = tokArray[dwToks - 1]; dwToks++; t_pChar = tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal + 4; while (*t_pChar != L':') { t_pChar++; }
//exclude the ':'
t_pChar++; t_strtmp = SysAllocString(t_pChar); VariantClear(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); VariantInit(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.vt = VT_BSTR; tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal = t_strtmp; dwToks++; tokArray[dwToks].nTokenType = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::TOKEN_OR; } } } else { VariantInit(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue));
if (FAILED(VariantCopy(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue), &(parsedObjectPath->m_paKeys[i]->m_vValue)))) { throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } }
//after every key add an AND
//except if this is the first key since there is no where clause
if (i != 0) { tokArray[dwToks++].nTokenType = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::TOKEN_AND; } } } } }
BSTR queryStr = NULL;
if ( retVal && ((dwToks > 0) || (parsedObjectPath->m_dwNumKeys == 0)) ) { CStringW qStr = GetStringFromRPN(&tmpRPN, dwToks, tokArray); queryStr = qStr.AllocSysString(); }
retVal = FALSE;
if (queryStr != NULL) { //ExecQuery and test the results
IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnum = NULL; HRESULT t_hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; BSTR queryLBStr = SysAllocString(WBEM_QUERY_LANGUAGE_SQL1);
if (m_ServerWrap) { IWbemContext * t_pCtx = m_Ctx;
if (m_principal != NULL) { t_pCtx = NULL; //don't use context for remote calls
IWbemServices *ptmpServ = m_ServerWrap->GetServerOrProxy();
if (ptmpServ) { t_hr = ptmpServ->ExecQuery(queryLBStr, queryStr, 0, t_pCtx, &pEnum); }
if ( FAILED(t_hr) && (HRESULT_FACILITY(t_hr) != FACILITY_ITF) && m_ServerWrap->IsRemote()) { if ( SUCCEEDED(UpdateConnection(&m_ServerWrap, &ptmpServ)) ) { if (ptmpServ) { t_hr = ptmpServ->ExecQuery(queryLBStr, queryStr, 0, t_pCtx, &pEnum); } } }
if (ptmpServ) { m_ServerWrap->ReturnServerOrProxy(ptmpServ); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(t_hr)) { //set cloaking if remote
if ((m_principal == NULL) || ((m_principal != NULL) && (S_OK == SetSecurityLevelAndCloaking(pEnum, m_principal))) ) { if ( (m_principal != NULL) || ((m_principal == NULL) && SUCCEEDED(SetSecurityLevelAndCloaking(pEnum, COLE_DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL))) ) { ULONG uCount = 0; IWbemClassObject* pObjs[2]; pObjs[0] = NULL; pObjs[1] = NULL;
//must be exactly one result...
if ( SUCCEEDED(pEnum->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 2, pObjs, &uCount)) ) { //There should only be one result
if (uCount == 1) { if (pObjs[0] != NULL) { *pInst = pObjs[0]; retVal = TRUE; } else { if (pObjs[1] != NULL) { (pObjs[1])->Release(); } } } else { if (pObjs[1] != NULL) { pObjs[1]->Release();
if (pObjs[0] != NULL) { pObjs[0]->Release(); } } } } } }
pEnum->Release(); }
SysFreeString(queryLBStr); }
delete [] tokArray;
if (queryStr != NULL) { SysFreeString(queryStr); }
return retVal; }
//Get a view object given a source path
BOOL HelperTaskObject::GetViewObject(const wchar_t* path, IWbemClassObject** pInst, CWbemServerWrap **a_ns) { if ((pInst == NULL) || (path == NULL) || (a_ns == NULL) || (*a_ns == NULL)) { return FALSE; } else { *pInst = NULL; }
CObjectPathParser objectPathParser; wchar_t* tmpPath = UnicodeStringDuplicate(path); ParsedObjectPath* parsedObjectPath = NULL; BOOL retVal = !objectPathParser.Parse(tmpPath, &parsedObjectPath);
if (retVal && !parsedObjectPath->IsInstance()) { retVal = FALSE; }
if (retVal) { retVal = FALSE;
if (Validate(NULL)) { //try for all possible classes in namespaces that match
//and return as soon as the first view instance is found...
for (DWORD i = 0; (i < m_NSpaceArray.GetSize()) && (*pInst == NULL); i++) { CWbemServerWrap** t_pSrvs = m_NSpaceArray[i]->GetServerPtrs(); CStringW* t_pathArray = m_NSpaceArray[i]->GetNamespacePaths();
for (DWORD j = 0; (j < m_NSpaceArray[i]->GetCount()) && (*pInst == NULL); j++) { if (t_pSrvs[j] == NULL) { continue; }
BOOL t_bCont = FALSE;
//check that the servers match
if ((parsedObjectPath->m_pServer == NULL) || (_wcsicmp(parsedObjectPath->m_pServer, L".") == 0)) { if ((*a_ns)->IsRemote() && t_pSrvs[j]->IsRemote() && (_wcsicmp((*a_ns)->GetPrincipal(), t_pSrvs[j]->GetPrincipal()) == 0)) { t_bCont = TRUE; } else if (!(*a_ns)->IsRemote() && !t_pSrvs[j]->IsRemote()) { t_bCont = TRUE; } } else { BOOL t_Local = bAreWeLocal(parsedObjectPath->m_pServer); if (t_Local && !t_pSrvs[j]->IsRemote()) { t_bCont = TRUE; } else { if (t_pSrvs[j]->IsRemote()) { if (_wcsicmp(t_pSrvs[j]->GetPrincipal(), parsedObjectPath->m_pServer) == 0) { t_bCont = TRUE; } else { DWORD t_len1 = wcslen(parsedObjectPath->m_pServer); DWORD t_len2 = wcslen(t_pSrvs[j]->GetPrincipal());
if ((t_len2 > 0) && (t_len1 > 0) && (t_len1 < t_len2)) { //machine.domain
if ((_wcsnicmp(t_pSrvs[j]->GetPrincipal(), parsedObjectPath->m_pServer, t_len1) == 0) && (((const wchar_t*)t_pSrvs[j]->GetPrincipal())[t_len1] == L'.')) { t_bCont = TRUE; } else { //could be the principal is domain\machine
wchar_t *slash = wcschr(t_pSrvs[j]->GetPrincipal(), L'\\');
if ((slash != NULL) && (_wcsicmp(parsedObjectPath->m_pServer, (slash+1)) == 0)) { t_bCont = TRUE; } } } } } } } //check the namespace paths now
if (t_bCont) { wchar_t *t_ns1 = parsedObjectPath->GetNamespacePart(); BOOL t_bDel = TRUE; if (t_ns1 == NULL) { t_ns1 = (*a_ns)->GetPath(); t_bDel = FALSE; }
wchar_t *t_ns2 = t_pSrvs[j]->GetPath();
if (!t_ns1 || !t_ns2) { t_bCont = FALSE; } else { //normalise...NOTE: no error checking since connection worked or parser worked
if (*t_ns1 == L'\\') { //skip the next slash
t_ns1 += 2; while (*t_ns1 != L'\\') { t_ns1++; }
t_ns1++; }
if (*t_ns2 == L'\\') { //skip the next slash
t_ns2 += 2; while (*t_ns2 != L'\\') { t_ns2++; }
t_ns2++; }
if (_wcsicmp(t_ns1, t_ns2) != 0) { t_bCont = FALSE; } }
if (t_bDel && (t_ns1 != NULL)) { delete [] t_ns1; }
if (t_bCont) { //check that the class matches
if (_wcsicmp(parsedObjectPath->m_pClass, m_SourceArray[i]->GetClassName()) == 0) { retVal = DoQuery(parsedObjectPath, pInst, j); break; } else { //uh-oh try classes derived from the source, i.e. do the query...
//select * from meta_class where __this isa "m_SourceArray[i]->GetClassName()"
// and __class = "parsedObjectPath->m_pClass"
if (queryLBStr == NULL) { throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); }
BSTR queryBStr = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, 61 + wcslen(m_SourceArray[i]->GetClassName()) + wcslen(parsedObjectPath->m_pClass));
if (queryBStr == NULL) { throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); }
wcscpy(queryBStr, META_CLASS_QUERY_START); wcscat(queryBStr, m_SourceArray[i]->GetClassName()); wcscat(queryBStr, META_CLASS_QUERY_MID); wcscat(queryBStr, parsedObjectPath->m_pClass); wcscat(queryBStr, END_QUOTE); IWbemContext * t_pCtx = m_Ctx;
if (t_pSrvs[j]->IsRemote()) { t_pCtx = NULL; //don't use context for remote calls
IWbemServices *ptmpServ = t_pSrvs[j]->GetServerOrProxy();
if (ptmpServ) { IEnumWbemClassObject *t_pEnum = NULL; HRESULT t_hr = ptmpServ->ExecQuery(queryLBStr, queryBStr, 0, t_pCtx, &t_pEnum);
if ( FAILED(t_hr) && (HRESULT_FACILITY(t_hr) != FACILITY_ITF) && t_pSrvs[j]->IsRemote()) { if ( SUCCEEDED(UpdateConnection(&(t_pSrvs[j]), &ptmpServ)) ) { if (ptmpServ) { t_hr = ptmpServ->ExecQuery(queryLBStr, queryBStr, 0, t_pCtx, &t_pEnum); } } }
if (ptmpServ) { t_pSrvs[j]->ReturnServerOrProxy(ptmpServ); }
if (SUCCEEDED(t_hr)) { if (t_pSrvs[j]->IsRemote()) { t_hr = SetSecurityLevelAndCloaking(t_pEnum, t_pSrvs[j]->GetPrincipal()); } if (SUCCEEDED(t_hr)) { //now use the enumerator and see if there is a result...
IWbemClassObject* t_pClsObj = NULL; ULONG t_count = 0;
//test each class in the derivation chain...
if ( S_OK == t_pEnum->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &t_pClsObj, &t_count) ) { if (t_pClsObj) { retVal = DoQuery(parsedObjectPath, pInst, j); t_pClsObj->Release(); } } }
t_pEnum->Release(); } } } } } } } } }
delete [] tmpPath;
if (parsedObjectPath != NULL) { delete parsedObjectPath; }
return retVal; }