// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// MethodContext.cpp
// Purpose: Internal and External Method context classes
#include "precomp.h"
#include <assertbreak.h>
#include <stopwatch.h>
#include <smartptr.h>
MethodContext::MethodContext(IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *piContext, CWbemProviderGlue *pGlue): m_pStatusObject(NULL), m_pContext(NULL) { #ifdef PROVIDER_INSTRUMENTATION
pStopWatch = NULL; #endif
m_pGlue = pGlue;
if (piContext) { piContext->AddRef(); } m_pContext = piContext; }
MethodContext::~MethodContext() { PROVIDER_INSTRUMENTATION_START2(pStopWatch, StopWatch::WinMgmtTimer); if (m_pContext) { m_pContext->Release(); }
PROVIDER_INSTRUMENTATION_START2(pStopWatch, StopWatch::FrameworkTimer);
if (m_pStatusObject) { m_pStatusObject->Release(); } }
// might be NULL
IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *MethodContext::GetIWBEMContext() { IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pContext = NULL;
BeginWrite(); try { if (pContext = m_pContext) { m_pContext->AddRef(); } } catch ( ... ) { EndWrite(); throw; }
return pContext; }
LONG MethodContext::AddRef(void) { return CThreadBase::AddRef(); }
LONG MethodContext::Release(void) { return CThreadBase::Release(); }
CWbemProviderGlue *MethodContext::GetProviderGlue() { return m_pGlue; }
// returns false if the object has already been set
bool MethodContext::SetStatusObject(IWbemClassObject __RPC_FAR *pObj) { BeginWrite();
bool bRet; try { if (bRet = (m_pStatusObject == NULL)) { m_pStatusObject = pObj; pObj->AddRef(); } } catch ( ... ) { EndWrite(); throw; }
return bRet; }
IWbemClassObject __RPC_FAR *MethodContext::GetStatusObject() { IWbemClassObject __RPC_FAR *pOut = NULL;
try { if (pOut = m_pStatusObject) { pOut->AddRef(); } } catch ( ... ) { EndWrite(); throw; }
return pOut; }
// Not meaningful unless we are at a ExternalMethodContext object
void MethodContext::QueryPostProcess(void) { }
ExternalMethodContext::ExternalMethodContext(IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR *pResponseHandler, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pContext, CWbemProviderGlue *pGlue, void *pReserved ) : MethodContext(pContext, pGlue) {
pResponseHandler->AddRef(); m_pResponseHandler = pResponseHandler; m_pReserved = pReserved ; }
LONG ExternalMethodContext::AddRef(void) { m_pResponseHandler->AddRef(); return MethodContext::AddRef(); }
LONG ExternalMethodContext::Release(void) { m_pResponseHandler->Release(); return MethodContext::Release(); }
HRESULT ExternalMethodContext::Commit(CInstance *pInstance) { HRESULT hRes = WBEM_E_FAILED; IWbemClassObjectPtr p (pInstance->GetClassObjectInterface(), false); IWbemClassObject *p2 = (IWbemClassObject *)p; if (p != NULL) { PROVIDER_INSTRUMENTATION_START2(pStopWatch, StopWatch::WinMgmtTimer); hRes = m_pResponseHandler->Indicate(1, &p2); PROVIDER_INSTRUMENTATION_START2(pStopWatch, StopWatch::ProviderTimer); } return hRes; }
// Call this function to let cimom know that it will have to re-process
// the instances after it gets them back. Otherwise it assumes that
// the query has been fully processed by the provider. Most (all?) providers
// should call this function.
void ExternalMethodContext::QueryPostProcess(void) { PROVIDER_INSTRUMENTATION_START2(pStopWatch, StopWatch::WinMgmtTimer); m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(WBEM_STATUS_REQUIREMENTS, 0, NULL, NULL); PROVIDER_INSTRUMENTATION_START2(pStopWatch, StopWatch::FrameworkTimer); }
InternalMethodContext::InternalMethodContext( TRefPointerCollection<CInstance> *pList , IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pContext, CWbemProviderGlue *pGlue) : MethodContext(pContext, pGlue) { // A NULL List only means we really won't be doing anything when we
// are told to commit. Otherwise, we will store an instance pointer
// in the supplied list.
if ( NULL != pList ) { pList->AddRef(); }
m_pInstances = pList; }
InternalMethodContext::~InternalMethodContext( void ) { }
LONG InternalMethodContext::AddRef(void) { if ( NULL != m_pInstances ) { m_pInstances->AddRef(); }
return MethodContext::AddRef(); }
LONG InternalMethodContext::Release(void) { if ( NULL != m_pInstances ) { m_pInstances->Release(); }
return MethodContext::Release(); }
HRESULT InternalMethodContext::Commit(CInstance *pInstance) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; if ( NULL != m_pInstances ) { if (!m_pInstances->Add(pInstance)) { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
return hr; }
InternalMethodContextAsynch::InternalMethodContextAsynch(Provider *pThat, LPProviderInstanceCallback pCallback, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pContext, MethodContext *pUsersContext, void *pUserData ) : MethodContext(pContext, pUsersContext->GetProviderGlue()) { ASSERT_BREAK(pThat != NULL); ASSERT_BREAK(pCallback != NULL); m_pThat = pThat; m_pCallback = pCallback; m_pUserData = pUserData; m_pUsersContext = pUsersContext;
if ( NULL != m_pThat ) { m_pThat->AddRef(); }
if (NULL != m_pUsersContext) { m_pUsersContext->AddRef(); } }
InternalMethodContextAsynch::~InternalMethodContextAsynch() { }
HRESULT InternalMethodContextAsynch::Commit(CInstance *pInstance) { return (*m_pCallback)(m_pThat, pInstance, m_pUsersContext, m_pUserData); }
LONG InternalMethodContextAsynch::AddRef(void) { if ( NULL != m_pThat ) { m_pThat->AddRef(); }
if (NULL != m_pUsersContext) { m_pUsersContext->AddRef(); }
return MethodContext::AddRef(); }
LONG InternalMethodContextAsynch::Release(void) { if ( NULL != m_pThat ) { m_pThat->Release(); }
if (NULL != m_pUsersContext) { m_pUsersContext->Release(); }
return MethodContext::Release(); }