Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
#include <wbemcomn.h>
#include "hiecache.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <corex.h>
int g_nRecords = 0; int g_nCaches = 0;
CClassRecord::CClassRecord(LPCWSTR wszClassName, LPCWSTR wszHash) : m_wszClassName(NULL), m_pClassDef(NULL), m_pParent(NULL), m_bIsKeyed(false), m_bTreeComplete(false), m_bChildrenComplete(false), m_lLastChildInvalidationIndex(-1), m_pMoreRecentlyUsed(NULL), m_pLessRecentlyUsed(NULL), m_lRef(0), m_nStatus(0) { m_wszClassName = new WCHAR[wcslen(wszClassName)+1]; if (m_wszClassName == NULL) throw CX_MemoryException(); wcscpy(m_wszClassName, wszClassName);
wcscpy(m_wszHash, wszHash);
m_dwLastUsed = GetTickCount(); g_nRecords++; }
CClassRecord::~CClassRecord() { delete [] m_wszClassName; if(m_pClassDef) { if(m_pClassDef->Release() != 0) { g_nRecords++; g_nRecords--; } } g_nRecords--; }
HRESULT CClassRecord::EnsureChild(CClassRecord* pChild) { A51TRACE(("Make %S child of %S\n", pChild->m_wszClassName, m_wszClassName)); for(int i = 0; i < m_apChildren.GetSize(); i++) { if(m_apChildren[i] == pChild) return WBEM_S_FALSE; } if(m_apChildren.Add(pChild) < 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CClassRecord::RemoveChild(CClassRecord* pChild) { A51TRACE(("Make %S NOT child of %S\n", pChild->m_wszClassName, m_wszClassName)); for(int i = 0; i < m_apChildren.GetSize(); i++) { if(m_apChildren[i] == pChild) { m_apChildren.RemoveAt(i); return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } } return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; }
CHierarchyCache::CHierarchyCache(CForestCache* pForest) : m_pForest(pForest), m_lNextInvalidationIndex(0), m_lRef(0), m_hresError(S_OK) { g_nCaches++; }
CHierarchyCache::~CHierarchyCache() { TIterator it = m_map.begin(); while(it != m_map.end()) { CClassRecord* pRecord = it->second; m_pForest->RemoveRecord(pRecord); it = m_map.erase(it); pRecord->Release(); } g_nCaches--; }
void CHierarchyCache::SetError(HRESULT hresError) { m_hresError = hresError; }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::GetError() { return m_hresError; }
void CHierarchyCache::MakeKey(LPCWSTR wszClassName, LPWSTR wszKey) { // wbem_wcsupr(wszKey, wszClassName);
A51Hash(wszClassName, wszKey); }
INTERNAL CClassRecord* CHierarchyCache::FindClass(LPCWSTR wszClassName) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
LPWSTR wszKey = (WCHAR*)_alloca(MAX_HASH_LEN*2+2); MakeKey(wszClassName, wszKey);
return FindClassByKey(wszKey); }
INTERNAL CClassRecord* CHierarchyCache::FindClassByKey(LPCWSTR wszKey) { TIterator it = m_map.find(wszKey); if(it == m_map.end()) return NULL;
return it->second; }
INTERNAL CClassRecord* CHierarchyCache::EnsureClass(LPCWSTR wszClassName) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
LPWSTR wszKey = (WCHAR*)_alloca(MAX_HASH_LEN*2+2); MakeKey(wszClassName, wszKey);
TIterator it = m_map.find(wszKey); if(it == m_map.end()) { //
// Create a new record with the name
try { CClassRecord* pRecord = new CClassRecord(wszClassName, wszKey); if(pRecord == NULL) return NULL;
pRecord->AddRef(); m_map[pRecord->m_wszHash] = pRecord;
return pRecord; } catch (CX_MemoryException) { return NULL; } } else { return it->second; } }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::AssertClass(_IWmiObject* pClass, LPCWSTR wszClassName, bool bClone, __int64 nTime) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); HRESULT hres;
// If no record is given, find one
CClassRecord* pRecord = NULL;
if(wszClassName == NULL) { VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); CClearMe cm(&v);
hres = pClass->Get(L"__CLASS", 0, &v, NULL, NULL); if(FAILED(hres) || V_VT(&v) != VT_BSTR) return WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS;
pRecord = EnsureClass(V_BSTR(&v)); } else pRecord = EnsureClass(wszClassName);
if(pRecord == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
// Figure out the parent
A51TRACE(("%p: Asserting %S on %I64d with %I64d\n", this, pRecord->m_wszClassName, g_nCurrentTime, nTime));
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); hres = pClass->Get(L"__SUPERCLASS", 0, &v, NULL, NULL); CClearMe cm(&v);
if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) { if(V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) pRecord->m_pParent = EnsureClass(V_BSTR(&v)); else pRecord->m_pParent = EnsureClass(L"");
if(pRecord->m_pParent) pRecord->m_pParent->EnsureChild(pRecord); } else { return hres; } //
// Check if the class is keyed
unsigned __int64 i64Flags = 0; hres = pClass->QueryObjectFlags(0, WMIOBJECT_GETOBJECT_LOFLAG_KEYED, &i64Flags); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(i64Flags) { pRecord->m_bIsKeyed = true; } else { pRecord->m_bIsKeyed = false; } //
// Expell whatever definition is there from the cache
// Figure out how much space this object will take
DWORD dwSize; hres = pClass->GetObjectMemory(NULL, 0, &dwSize); if(hres != WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) return WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; else return hres; }
// Good. Make room and add to cache
if(m_pForest->MakeRoom(dwSize)) { if(bClone) { IWbemClassObject* pObj = NULL; hres = pClass->Clone(&pObj); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(pObj) { pObj->QueryInterface(IID__IWmiObject, (void**)&pRecord->m_pClassDef); pObj->Release(); } } else { pRecord->m_pClassDef = pClass; pClass->AddRef(); }
if(nTime) { pRecord->m_bRead = true; pRecord->m_nClassDefCachedTime = nTime; } else { pRecord->m_bRead = false; pRecord->m_nClassDefCachedTime = g_nCurrentTime++; }
pRecord->m_dwClassDefSize = dwSize; //
// It is most recently used, of course
m_pForest->Add(pRecord); } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::InvalidateClass(LPCWSTR wszClassName) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Find the record if not given
CClassRecord* pRecord = NULL; pRecord = FindClass(wszClassName); if(pRecord == NULL) { //
// The record is not there --- there is nothing to invalidate. This
// is based on the assumption that if a class record is in the
// cache, then so are all its parents, which is true at the moment
// because in order to construct a class we need to retrieve its
// parents first.
return WBEM_S_FALSE; }
pRecord->AddRef(); CTemplateReleaseMe<CClassRecord> rm1(pRecord);
LONGLONG lThisInvalidationIndex = m_lNextInvalidationIndex++;
hres = InvalidateClassInternal(pRecord);
// Clear complete bits in all our parents, since this invalidation
// means that no current enumeration of children can be trusted. At the same
// time untie ourselves from the parent!
if(pRecord->m_pParent) { pRecord->m_pParent->m_bChildrenComplete = false; pRecord->m_pParent->m_bTreeComplete = false; pRecord->m_pParent->m_lLastChildInvalidationIndex = lThisInvalidationIndex; pRecord->m_pParent->RemoveChild(pRecord);
CClassRecord* pCurrent = pRecord->m_pParent->m_pParent; while(pCurrent) { pCurrent->m_bTreeComplete = false; pCurrent = pCurrent->m_pParent; } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::InvalidateClassInternal(CClassRecord* pRecord) { //
// Untie from the usage chain
A51TRACE(("%p: Invalidating %S on %I64d with %d children\n", this, pRecord->m_wszClassName, g_nCurrentTime, pRecord->m_apChildren.GetSize())); //
// Remove all its children from the cache
for(int i = 0; i < pRecord->m_apChildren.GetSize(); i++) { InvalidateClassInternal(pRecord->m_apChildren[i]); }
// Count ourselves out of the total memory
// Remove ourselves from the cache
m_map.erase(pRecord->m_wszHash); pRecord->Release();
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::DoneWithChildren(LPCWSTR wszClassName, bool bRecursive, LONGLONG lStartIndex, CClassRecord* pRecord) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Find the record if not given
if(pRecord == NULL) { pRecord = FindClass(wszClassName); if(pRecord == NULL) { // Big time invalidation must have occurred
return WBEM_S_FALSE; } }
return DoneWithChildrenByRecord(pRecord, bRecursive, lStartIndex); }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::DoneWithChildrenByHash(LPCWSTR wszHash, bool bRecursive, LONGLONG lStartIndex) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Find the record if not given
CClassRecord* pRecord = FindClassByKey(wszHash); if(pRecord == NULL) { // Big time invalidation must have occurred
return WBEM_S_FALSE; }
return DoneWithChildrenByRecord(pRecord, bRecursive, lStartIndex); }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::DoneWithChildrenByRecord(CClassRecord* pRecord, bool bRecursive, LONGLONG lStartIndex) { //
// Check if any child invalidations occurred in this node since we started
if(lStartIndex < pRecord->m_lLastChildInvalidationIndex) return WBEM_S_FALSE; else pRecord->m_bChildrenComplete = true; if(bRecursive) { //
// We have completed a recursive enumeration --- descend the
// hierarchy and mark as complete all the children that have not been
// modified since the start
bool bAllValid = true; for(int i = 0; i < pRecord->m_apChildren.GetSize(); i++) { CClassRecord* pChildRecord = pRecord->m_apChildren[i]; HRESULT hres = DoneWithChildren(pChildRecord->m_wszClassName, true, lStartIndex, pChildRecord); if(hres != S_OK) bAllValid = false; } if(bAllValid) { //
// There were no invalidations anywhere in the tree, which makes
// this record tree-complete
pRecord->m_bTreeComplete = true; return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else return S_FALSE; } else return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
RELEASE_ME _IWmiObject* CHierarchyCache::GetClassDef(LPCWSTR wszClassName, bool bClone, __int64* pnTime, bool* pbRead) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
CClassRecord* pRecord = FindClass(wszClassName); if(pRecord == NULL) return NULL;
if(pnTime) *pnTime = pRecord->m_nClassDefCachedTime;
if(pbRead) *pbRead = pRecord->m_bRead;
return GetClassDefFromRecord(pRecord, bClone); }
RELEASE_ME _IWmiObject* CHierarchyCache::GetClassDefByHash(LPCWSTR wszHash, bool bClone, __int64* pnTime, bool* pbRead) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
CClassRecord* pRecord = FindClassByKey(wszHash); if(pRecord == NULL) return NULL;
if(pbRead) *pbRead = pRecord->m_bRead;
if(pnTime) *pnTime = pRecord->m_nClassDefCachedTime;
return GetClassDefFromRecord(pRecord, bClone); }
// assumes: in m_cs
RELEASE_ME _IWmiObject* CHierarchyCache::GetClassDefFromRecord( CClassRecord* pRecord, bool bClone) { //
// Accessing m_pClassDef, so we have to lock the forest
CInCritSec ics(m_pForest->GetLock());
if(pRecord->m_pClassDef) { m_pForest->MakeMostRecentlyUsed(pRecord);
if(bClone) { IWbemClassObject* pObj = NULL; if(FAILED(pRecord->m_pClassDef->Clone(&pObj))) return NULL; else { _IWmiObject* pRes = NULL; pObj->QueryInterface(IID__IWmiObject, (void**)&pRes); pObj->Release(); return pRes; } } else { pRecord->m_pClassDef->AddRef(); return pRecord->m_pClassDef; } } else return NULL; }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::EnumChildren(LPCWSTR wszClassName, bool bRecursive, CWStringArray& awsChildren) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Get the record
CClassRecord* pRecord = FindClass(wszClassName); if(pRecord == NULL) return WBEM_S_FALSE;
// Check if it is complete for this type of enumeration
if(!pRecord->m_bChildrenComplete) return WBEM_S_FALSE;
if(bRecursive && !pRecord->m_bTreeComplete) return WBEM_S_FALSE;
return EnumChildrenInternal(pRecord, bRecursive, awsChildren); }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::EnumChildrenInternal(CClassRecord* pRecord, bool bRecursive, CWStringArray& awsChildren) { for(int i = 0; i < pRecord->m_apChildren.GetSize(); i++) { CClassRecord* pChildRecord = pRecord->m_apChildren[i]; if(awsChildren.Add(pChildRecord->m_wszClassName) < 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(bRecursive) { HRESULT hres = EnumChildrenInternal(pChildRecord, bRecursive, awsChildren); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; } }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::EnumChildKeysByKey(LPCWSTR wszClassKey, CWStringArray& awsChildKeys) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Get the record
CClassRecord* pRecord = FindClassByKey(wszClassKey); if(pRecord == NULL) return WBEM_S_FALSE;
// Check if it is complete for this type of enumeration
if(!pRecord->m_bChildrenComplete) return WBEM_S_FALSE;
for(int i = 0; i < pRecord->m_apChildren.GetSize(); i++) { CClassRecord* pChildRecord = pRecord->m_apChildren[i]; if(awsChildKeys.Add(pChildRecord->m_wszHash) < 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::GetKeyRoot(LPCWSTR wszClassName, TEMPFREE_ME LPWSTR* pwszKeyRoot) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
CClassRecord* pRecord = FindClass(wszClassName); if(pRecord == NULL) return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND;
return GetKeyRootByRecord(pRecord, pwszKeyRoot); }
// assumes: in cs
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::GetKeyRootByRecord(CClassRecord* pRecord, TEMPFREE_ME LPWSTR* pwszKeyRoot) { *pwszKeyRoot = NULL;
if(!pRecord->m_bIsKeyed) return WBEM_E_CANNOT_BE_ABSTRACT;
// Go up until an unkeyed record is found. Keep the previous in pPrev
CClassRecord* pPrev = pRecord; while(pRecord && pRecord->m_bIsKeyed) { pPrev = pRecord; pRecord = pRecord->m_pParent; }
if(pRecord) { //
// Found unkeyed parent --- pPrev is the root
LPCWSTR wszKeyRoot = pPrev->m_wszClassName; DWORD dwLen = (wcslen(wszKeyRoot)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR); *pwszKeyRoot = (WCHAR*)TempAlloc(dwLen); if (*pwszKeyRoot == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; wcscpy(*pwszKeyRoot, wszKeyRoot); return S_OK; } else { //
// No unkeyed parents --- since "" is known to be unkeyed, we had have
// hit a gap in the cache
return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; } }
HRESULT CHierarchyCache::GetKeyRootByKey(LPCWSTR wszKey, TEMPFREE_ME LPWSTR* pwszKeyRoot) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
CClassRecord* pRecord = FindClassByKey(wszKey); if(pRecord == NULL) return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND;
return GetKeyRootByRecord(pRecord, pwszKeyRoot); }
DELETE_ME LPWSTR CHierarchyCache::GetParent(LPCWSTR wszClassName) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
CClassRecord* pRecord = FindClass(wszClassName); if(pRecord == NULL) return NULL;
if(pRecord->m_pParent) { LPCWSTR wszParent = pRecord->m_pParent->m_wszClassName; LPWSTR wszCopy = new WCHAR[wcslen(wszParent)+1]; if (wszCopy == NULL) return NULL; wcscpy(wszCopy, wszParent); return wszCopy; } else return NULL; }
HRESULT CForestCache::Initialize() { //
// Read the size limits from the registry
HKEY hKey; long lRes = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WBEM\\CIMOM", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey); if(lRes) return lRes; CRegCloseMe cm(hKey);
DWORD dwLen = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwMaxSize; lRes = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"Max Class Cache Size", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwMaxSize, &dwLen);
// If not there, set to default and write the default into the registry
if(lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwMaxSize = 5000000; lRes = RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"Max Class Cache Size", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwMaxSize, sizeof(DWORD)); }
// Read the maximum useful age of an item
dwLen = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwMaxAge; lRes = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"Max Class Cache Item Age (ms)", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwMaxAge, &dwLen);
// If not there, set to default and write the default into the registry
if(lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwMaxAge = 10000; lRes = RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"Max Class Cache Item Age (ms)", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwMaxAge, sizeof(DWORD)); }
// Apply
SetMaxMemory(dwMaxSize, dwMaxAge);
// Create a timer queue for flushing
m_hTimerQueue = CreateTimerQueue(); m_hCompletionEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
bool CForestCache::MakeRoom(DWORD dwSize) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
if(dwSize > m_dwMaxMemory) return false; // no hope!
// Remove records until satisfied. Also, remove all records older than the
// maximum age
DWORD dwNow = GetTickCount();
while(m_pLeastRecentlyUsed && (m_dwTotalMemory + dwSize > m_dwMaxMemory || dwNow - m_pLeastRecentlyUsed->m_dwLastUsed > m_dwMaxAgeMs) ) { RemoveRecord(m_pLeastRecentlyUsed); }
return true; }
bool CForestCache::Flush() { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); while(m_pLeastRecentlyUsed) { RemoveRecord(m_pLeastRecentlyUsed); }
return true; }
bool CForestCache::Test() { if(m_pMostRecentlyUsed == NULL) { if(m_pLeastRecentlyUsed) DebugBreak(); return true; }
if(m_pMostRecentlyUsed->m_pMoreRecentlyUsed) DebugBreak();
CClassRecord* pOne = m_pMostRecentlyUsed; CClassRecord* pTwo = m_pMostRecentlyUsed->m_pLessRecentlyUsed;
while(pOne && pOne != pTwo) { if(pOne->m_pLessRecentlyUsed && pOne->m_pLessRecentlyUsed->m_pMoreRecentlyUsed != pOne) DebugBreak(); if(pOne->m_pClassDef == NULL) DebugBreak();
if(pOne->m_pLessRecentlyUsed == NULL && pOne != m_pLeastRecentlyUsed) DebugBreak(); pOne = pOne->m_pLessRecentlyUsed; if(pTwo) pTwo = pTwo->m_pLessRecentlyUsed; if(pTwo) pTwo = pTwo->m_pLessRecentlyUsed; } if(pOne) DebugBreak(); return true; } void CForestCache::MakeMostRecentlyUsed(CClassRecord* pRecord) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
pRecord->m_pMoreRecentlyUsed = NULL; pRecord->m_pLessRecentlyUsed = m_pMostRecentlyUsed; if(m_pMostRecentlyUsed) m_pMostRecentlyUsed->m_pMoreRecentlyUsed = pRecord;
m_pMostRecentlyUsed = pRecord; if(m_pLeastRecentlyUsed == NULL) m_pLeastRecentlyUsed = pRecord;
pRecord->m_dwLastUsed = GetTickCount(); pRecord->m_nStatus = 4; //Test();
// Schedule a timer to clean up, if not already there
if(m_hCurrentTimer == NULL) { CreateTimerQueueTimer(&m_hCurrentTimer, m_hTimerQueue, (WAITORTIMERCALLBACK)&staticTimerCallback, this, m_dwMaxAgeMs, m_dwMaxAgeMs, WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD); } }
void CForestCache::staticTimerCallback(void* pParam, BOOLEAN) { ((CForestCache*)pParam)->TimerCallback(); } void CForestCache::TimerCallback() { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Clean up what's stale
// See if we have any more reasons to live
if(m_pMostRecentlyUsed == NULL) { DeleteTimerQueueTimer(m_hTimerQueue, m_hCurrentTimer, m_hCompletionEvent); m_hCurrentTimer = NULL; } }
void CForestCache::Add(CClassRecord* pRecord) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
MakeMostRecentlyUsed(pRecord); m_dwTotalMemory += pRecord->m_dwClassDefSize; pRecord->m_nStatus = 3; }
void CForestCache::RemoveRecord(CClassRecord* pRecord) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
if(pRecord->m_pClassDef == NULL) return;
m_dwTotalMemory -= pRecord->m_dwClassDefSize;
pRecord->m_pClassDef->Release(); pRecord->m_pClassDef = NULL; pRecord->m_nStatus = 2; }
void CForestCache::Untie(CClassRecord* pRecord) { //Test();
CClassRecord* pPrev = pRecord->m_pLessRecentlyUsed; CClassRecord* pNext = pRecord->m_pMoreRecentlyUsed; if(pPrev) pPrev->m_pMoreRecentlyUsed = pNext; if(pNext) pNext->m_pLessRecentlyUsed = pPrev;
if(m_pLeastRecentlyUsed == pRecord) m_pLeastRecentlyUsed = m_pLeastRecentlyUsed->m_pMoreRecentlyUsed;
if(m_pMostRecentlyUsed == pRecord) m_pMostRecentlyUsed = m_pMostRecentlyUsed->m_pLessRecentlyUsed;
pRecord->m_pMoreRecentlyUsed = pRecord->m_pLessRecentlyUsed = NULL; //Test();
void CForestCache::SetMaxMemory(DWORD dwMaxMemory, DWORD dwMaxAgeMs) { m_dwMaxMemory = dwMaxMemory; m_dwMaxAgeMs = dwMaxAgeMs; //
// Make room for 0 bytes --- has the effect of clearing all the records
// above the limit
MakeRoom(0); }
CHierarchyCache* CForestCache::GetNamespaceCache(LPCWSTR wszNamespace) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// See if you can find one
TIterator it = m_map.find(wszNamespace); if(it != m_map.end()) { it->second->AddRef(); return it->second; } else { //
// Not there --- create one
CHierarchyCache* pCache = new CHierarchyCache(this); if(pCache == NULL) return NULL;
pCache->AddRef(); m_map[wszNamespace] = pCache; return pCache; } }
void CForestCache::ReleaseNamespaceCache(LPCWSTR wszNamespace, CHierarchyCache* pCache) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Find it in the map
TIterator it = m_map.find(wszNamespace); _ASSERT(it != m_map.end(), L"Releasing a non-existing namespace cache"); _ASSERT(it->second == pCache, L"Releasing a non-matching namespace cache");
if(pCache->Release() == 0) { //
// Last ref-count --- remove
delete it->second; m_map.erase(it); } }
CForestCache::~CForestCache() { TIterator it = m_map.begin(); while(it != m_map.end()) { delete it->second; it++; }
if(m_hCompletionEvent) CloseHandle(m_hCompletionEvent);
if(m_hTimerQueue) DeleteTimerQueueEx(m_hTimerQueue, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }