Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WBEM Evaluation Tree
template<class TPropType> CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::CFullCompareNode( const CFullCompareNode<TPropType>& Other, BOOL bChildren) : CPropertyNode(Other, FALSE), // copy without children m_pRightMost(NULL) { if(bChildren) { // Need to copy the children. Iterate over our test point array // =============================================================
for(TConstTestPointIterator it = Other.m_aTestPoints.Begin(); it != Other.m_aTestPoints.End(); it++) { CTestPoint<TPropType> NewPoint; NewPoint.m_Test = it->m_Test;
// Make copies of the child branches // =================================
NewPoint.m_pLeftOf = CEvalNode::CloneNode(it->m_pLeftOf); NewPoint.m_pAt = CEvalNode::CloneNode(it->m_pAt);
// Add the test point to the array // ===============================
m_aTestPoints.Append(NewPoint); }
// Copy right-most // ===============
m_pRightMost = CEvalNode::CloneNode(Other.m_pRightMost); } }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::SetTest(VARIANT& v) { try { CTokenValue Value; if(!Value.SetVariant(v)) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; m_aTestPoints.Begin()->m_Test = Value; return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(CX_MemoryException) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } template<class TPropType> CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::~CFullCompareNode() { delete m_pRightMost; }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::InsertMatching( TTestPointIterator it, TTestPointIterator it2, TTestPointIterator& itLast, int nOp, CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CImplicationList& Implications, bool bDeleteArg2) { //===================================================================== // 'it' points to the node in 'this' that has the same value as the one // 'it2' points to in pArg2. 'itLast' points to the last unhandled node // in 'this' (looking left from 'it'). //=====================================================================
CEvalNode* pNew; HRESULT hres;
// Merge our at-values // ===================
hres = CEvalTree::Combine(it->m_pAt, it2->m_pAt, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, bDeleteArg2, &pNew); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(bDeleteArg2) it2->m_pAt = NULL;
it->m_pAt = pNew;
// Merge our left-ofs // ==================
hres = CEvalTree::Combine(it->m_pLeftOf, it2->m_pLeftOf, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, bDeleteArg2, &pNew); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(bDeleteArg2) it2->m_pLeftOf = NULL;
it->m_pLeftOf = pNew;
// // At this point, we need to merge the LeftOf of it2 with all the branches // in this that are between the current insertion point and the previous // insertion point. However, we do not need to do this if it2's LeftOf node // is a noop for this operation (e.g. TRUE for an AND) //
if(it != itLast && !CEvalNode::IsNoop(it2->m_pLeftOf, nOp)) { hres = CombineWithBranchesToLeft(it, itLast, it2->m_pLeftOf, nOp, pNamespace, Implications); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; }
// Move first unhandled iterator to the node beyond itLast // =======================================================
itLast = it; itLast++;
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::InsertLess( TTestPointIterator it, TTestPointIterator it2, TTestPointIterator& itLast, int nOp, CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CImplicationList& Implications, bool bDeleteArg2) { // // 'it' points to the node in 'this' that has a slightly larger value than // the one 'it2' points to in pArg2. 'itLast' points to the last unhandled // node in 'this' (looking left from 'it'). //
// Check if 'it' is point to the end of the list --- in that case it's // "left-of" is actually right-most // ===================================================================
CEvalNode* pItLeft = NULL; if(it == m_aTestPoints.End()) pItLeft = m_pRightMost; else pItLeft = it->m_pLeftOf;
// First of all, we need to insert the node at it2 into 'this' list, just // before 'it'. // ======================================================================
CTestPoint<TPropType> NewNode = *it2; // It's at branch is the combination of our left and arg2 at // =========================================================
hres = CEvalTree::Combine(pItLeft, it2->m_pAt, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, false, bDeleteArg2, &NewNode.m_pAt); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(bDeleteArg2) it2->m_pAt = NULL;
// It's left-of branch is the combination of our left and arg2 left // ================================================================
// We can reuse it2->Left iff every node left of 'it' in 'this' has been // handled // =====================================================================
bool bDeleteIt2Left = (bDeleteArg2 && (it == itLast));
hres = CEvalTree::Combine(pItLeft, it2->m_pLeftOf, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, false, bDeleteIt2Left, &NewNode.m_pLeftOf); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(bDeleteIt2Left) it2->m_pLeftOf = NULL;
// IMPORTANT: Once we insert the new node, all the iterators into 'this' // will be invalidated --- that includes it and itLast. So, we need to do // out left-walk before we actually insert. // ===================================================
// // At this point, we need to merge the LeftOf of it2 with all the branches // in this that are between the current insertion point and the previous // insertion point. However, we do not need to do this if it2's LeftOf node // is a noop for this operation (e.g. TRUE for an AND) //
if(it != itLast && !CEvalNode::IsNoop(it2->m_pLeftOf, nOp)) { // // Note to self: bDeleteIt2Left could not have been true, so // it2->m_pLeftOf could not have been deleted. We are OK here //
hres = CombineWithBranchesToLeft(it, itLast, it2->m_pLeftOf, nOp, pNamespace, Implications); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; }
// Now we can actually insert // ==========================
TTestPointIterator itNew = m_aTestPoints.Insert(it, NewNode);
// Move first unhandled iterator to the node just right of insertion // =================================================================
itLast = itNew; itLast++;
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::CombineWithBranchesToLeft( TTestPointIterator itWalk, TTestPointIterator itLast, CEvalNode* pArg2, int nOp, CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CImplicationList& Implications) { HRESULT hres; CEvalNode* pNew = NULL;
// Walk left until we reach the first unhandled node // =================================================
do { if(itWalk == m_aTestPoints.Begin()) break;
// Merge at-value // ============== hres = CEvalTree::Combine(itWalk->m_pAt, pArg2, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, false, &pNew); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; itWalk->m_pAt = pNew; // Merge left-ofs // ============== hres = CEvalTree::Combine(itWalk->m_pLeftOf, pArg2, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, false, &pNew); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; itWalk->m_pLeftOf = pNew; } while(itWalk != itLast);
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::CombineBranchesWith( CBranchingNode* pRawArg2, int nOp, CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CImplicationList& Implications, bool bDeleteThis, bool bDeleteArg2, CEvalNode** ppRes) { HRESULT hres; CFullCompareNode<TPropType>* pArg2 = (CFullCompareNode<TPropType>*)pRawArg2; *ppRes = NULL;
// Check which one is larger // =========================
if(m_aTestPoints.GetSize() < pArg2->m_aTestPoints.GetSize()) { return pArg2->CombineBranchesWith(this, FlipEvalOp(nOp), pNamespace, Implications, bDeleteArg2, bDeleteThis, ppRes); }
if(!bDeleteThis) { // Damn. Clone. // ============
return ((CFullCompareNode<TPropType>*)Clone())->CombineBranchesWith( pRawArg2, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, // reuse clone! bDeleteArg2, ppRes); } CEvalNode* pNew = NULL;
TTestPointIterator itLast = m_aTestPoints.Begin(); // // itLast points to the left-most location in our list of test points that // we have not considered yet --- it is guaranteed that any further // insertions from the second list will occur after this point //
// // it2, on the other hand, iterates simply over the second list of test // points, inserting each one into the combined list one by one //
for(TTestPointIterator it2 = pArg2->m_aTestPoints.Begin(); it2 != pArg2->m_aTestPoints.End(); it2++) { // // First, we search for the location in our list of test points of the // insertion point for the value of it2. bMatch is set to true if the // same test point exists, and false if it does not and the returned // iterator points to the element to the right of the insertion point. //
TTestPointIterator it; bool bMatch = m_aTestPoints.Find(it2->m_Test, &it); if(bMatch) { hres = InsertMatching(it, it2, itLast, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, bDeleteArg2); } else { hres = InsertLess(it, it2, itLast, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, bDeleteArg2); // invalidates 'it'! }
if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; } // // At this point, we need to merge the RightMost of arg2 with all the // branches in this that come after the last insertion point. // However, we do not need to do this if arg2's RightMost node // is a noop for this operation (e.g. TRUE for an AND) //
if(itLast != m_aTestPoints.End() && !CEvalNode::IsNoop(pArg2->m_pRightMost, nOp)) { hres = CombineWithBranchesToLeft(m_aTestPoints.End(), itLast, pArg2->m_pRightMost, nOp, pNamespace, Implications); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; }
hres = CEvalTree::Combine(m_pRightMost, pArg2->m_pRightMost, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, bDeleteArg2, &pNew); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
m_pRightMost = pNew;
if(bDeleteArg2) pArg2->m_pRightMost = NULL;
// Merge the nulls // ===============
CEvalTree::Combine(m_pNullBranch, pArg2->m_pNullBranch, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, bDeleteArg2, &pNew); m_pNullBranch = pNew;
// Reset them in deleted versions // ==============================
if(bDeleteArg2) pArg2->m_pNullBranch = NULL;
// Delete what needs deleting // ==========================
if(bDeleteArg2) delete pArg2;
*ppRes = this; return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::CombineInOrderWith(CEvalNode* pArg2, int nOp, CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CImplicationList& OrigImplications, bool bDeleteThis, bool bDeleteArg2, CEvalNode** ppRes) { HRESULT hres; *ppRes = Clone(); if(*ppRes == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; CFullCompareNode<TPropType>* pNew = (CFullCompareNode<TPropType>*)*ppRes;
try { CImplicationList Implications(OrigImplications); hres = pNew->AdjustCompile(pNamespace, Implications); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; CEvalNode* pNewBranch = NULL; for(TTestPointIterator it = pNew->m_aTestPoints.Begin(); it != pNew->m_aTestPoints.End(); it++) { // Combine our At-branch with pArg2 // ================================ hres = CEvalTree::Combine(it->m_pAt, pArg2, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, false, &pNewBranch); if(FAILED(hres)) { delete pNew; return hres; } it->m_pAt = pNewBranch; // Now do the same for our left-of branch // ====================================== hres = CEvalTree::Combine(it->m_pLeftOf, pArg2, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, false, &pNewBranch); if(FAILED(hres)) { delete pNew; return hres; } it->m_pLeftOf = pNewBranch; } hres = CEvalTree::Combine(pNew->m_pRightMost, pArg2, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, false, &pNewBranch); if(FAILED(hres)) { delete pNew; return hres; } pNew->m_pRightMost = pNewBranch; hres = CEvalTree::Combine(pNew->m_pNullBranch, pArg2, nOp, pNamespace, Implications, true, false, &pNewBranch); if(FAILED(hres)) { delete pNew; return hres; } pNew->m_pNullBranch = pNewBranch; if(bDeleteThis) delete this; if(bDeleteArg2) delete pArg2; return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(CX_MemoryException) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }
template<class TPropType> int CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::SubCompare(CEvalNode* pRawOther) { CFullCompareNode<TPropType>* pOther = (CFullCompareNode<TPropType>*)pRawOther;
// Compare handles // ===============
int nCompare; nCompare = m_lPropHandle - pOther->m_lPropHandle; if(nCompare) return nCompare;
// Compare array sizes // ===================
nCompare = m_aTestPoints.GetSize() - pOther->m_aTestPoints.GetSize(); if(nCompare) return nCompare;
// Compare all points // ==================
TTestPointIterator it; TTestPointIterator itOther; for(it = m_aTestPoints.Begin(), itOther = pOther->m_aTestPoints.Begin(); it != m_aTestPoints.End(); it++, itOther++) { if(it->m_Test < itOther->m_Test) return -1; else if(it->m_Test > itOther->m_Test) return 1; }
// Compare all branches // ====================
for(it = m_aTestPoints.Begin(), itOther = pOther->m_aTestPoints.Begin(); it != m_aTestPoints.End(); it++, itOther++) { nCompare = CEvalTree::Compare(it->m_pLeftOf, itOther->m_pLeftOf); if(nCompare) return nCompare;
nCompare = CEvalTree::Compare(it->m_pAt, itOther->m_pAt); if(nCompare) return nCompare; }
return 0; } template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::OptimizeSelf() { TTestPointIterator it = m_aTestPoints.Begin(); while(it != m_aTestPoints.End()) { TTestPointIterator itPrev = it; it++;
CEvalNode** ppLeft = &itPrev->m_pLeftOf; CEvalNode** ppMiddle = &itPrev->m_pAt; CEvalNode** ppRight = it != m_aTestPoints.End() ? &it->m_pLeftOf : &m_pRightMost;
// // compare all three test point nodes. If all the same then we // can optimize the test point out. Also, two nodes are treated // the same if at least one of them is the invalid node. //
if ( !CEvalNode::IsInvalid( *ppLeft ) ) { if ( !CEvalNode::IsInvalid( *ppMiddle ) ) { if( CEvalTree::Compare( *ppLeft, *ppMiddle ) != 0 ) { continue; } } else { ppMiddle = ppLeft; } }
if ( !CEvalNode::IsInvalid( *ppMiddle ) ) { if ( !CEvalNode::IsInvalid( *ppRight ) ) { if( CEvalTree::Compare( *ppMiddle, *ppRight ) != 0 ) { continue; } } // // we're going to optimize the test point out, but first // make sure to set rightmost to point to the middle branch. // Make sure to unhook appropriate pointers before removing // the test node, since it owns the memory for them. // delete *ppRight; *ppRight = *ppMiddle; *ppMiddle = NULL; }
// // optimize the test point out. // it = m_aTestPoints.Remove( itPrev ); }
return S_OK; }
template<class TPropType> DWORD CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::ApplyPredicate(CLeafPredicate* pPred) { DWORD dwRes; for(TTestPointIterator it = m_aTestPoints.Begin(); it != m_aTestPoints.End(); it++) { if (it->m_pLeftOf) { dwRes = it->m_pLeftOf->ApplyPredicate(pPred); if(dwRes & WBEM_DISPOSITION_FLAG_DELETE) { delete it->m_pLeftOf; it->m_pLeftOf = NULL; } else if ( dwRes & WBEM_DISPOSITION_FLAG_INVALIDATE ) { delete it->m_pLeftOf; it->m_pLeftOf = CValueNode::GetStandardInvalid(); } }
if (it->m_pAt) { dwRes = it->m_pAt->ApplyPredicate(pPred); if(dwRes & WBEM_DISPOSITION_FLAG_DELETE) { delete it->m_pAt; it->m_pAt = NULL; } else if ( dwRes & WBEM_DISPOSITION_FLAG_INVALIDATE ) { delete it->m_pAt; it->m_pAt = CValueNode::GetStandardInvalid(); } } }
if (m_pRightMost) { dwRes = m_pRightMost->ApplyPredicate(pPred); if(dwRes & WBEM_DISPOSITION_FLAG_DELETE) { delete m_pRightMost; m_pRightMost = NULL; } else if ( dwRes & WBEM_DISPOSITION_FLAG_INVALIDATE ) { delete m_pRightMost; m_pRightMost = CValueNode::GetStandardInvalid(); } }
return CBranchingNode::ApplyPredicate(pPred); }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::Optimize(CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CEvalNode** ppNew) { CEvalNode* pNew = NULL; HRESULT hres;
// Optimize all branches // =====================
for(TTestPointIterator it = m_aTestPoints.Begin(); it != m_aTestPoints.End(); it++) { if (it->m_pLeftOf) { hres = it->m_pLeftOf->Optimize(pNamespace, &pNew); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(pNew != it->m_pLeftOf) { delete it->m_pLeftOf; it->m_pLeftOf = pNew; } }
if (it->m_pAt) { hres = it->m_pAt->Optimize(pNamespace, &pNew);
if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(pNew != it->m_pAt) { delete it->m_pAt; it->m_pAt = pNew; } } }
if (m_pRightMost) { hres = m_pRightMost->Optimize(pNamespace, &pNew); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(pNew != m_pRightMost) { delete m_pRightMost; m_pRightMost = pNew; } }
if (m_pNullBranch) { hres = m_pNullBranch->Optimize(pNamespace, &pNew); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(pNew != m_pNullBranch) { delete m_pNullBranch; m_pNullBranch = pNew; } }
// Optimize ourselves // ==================
hres = OptimizeSelf(); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; *ppNew = this;
// // Check if this node has become superflous //
if( m_aTestPoints.GetSize() == 0 ) { if ( !CEvalNode::IsInvalid( m_pRightMost ) ) { if ( !CEvalNode::IsInvalid( m_pNullBranch ) ) { if ( CEvalTree::Compare(m_pNullBranch, m_pRightMost) == 0 ) { // // both the null and rightmost are the same. Optimize // this node out and return the rightmost branch. // *ppNew = m_pRightMost;
// // Untie m_pRightMost (so it is not deleted when we are) // m_pRightMost = NULL; } } else if ( m_pRightMost == NULL ) { // // the right branch is false and the null branch is invalid. // Optimize this node to false. // *ppNew = NULL; } } else if ( m_pNullBranch == NULL ) { // // the null branch is false and the rightmost is invalid. // Optimize this node to false. // *ppNew = NULL; } else if ( CEvalNode::IsInvalid( m_pNullBranch ) ) { // // both are invalid, but we can't invalidate the whole node // because we're not sure what we optimized out in the test // points, so just optimize this node to false. // *ppNew = NULL; } }
return S_OK; }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::SetNullTest(int nOperator) { if(nOperator == QL1_OPERATOR_EQUALS) { m_pRightMost = CValueNode::GetStandardFalse();
CEvalNode* pNode = CValueNode::GetStandardTrue(); if(pNode == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; SetNullBranch(pNode); } else if(nOperator == QL1_OPERATOR_NOTEQUALS) { m_pRightMost = CValueNode::GetStandardTrue(); if(m_pRightMost == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; SetNullBranch(CValueNode::GetStandardFalse()); } else return WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY;
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CFullCompareNode<TPropType>::SetOperator(int nOperator) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
#define GET_STD_TRUE CValueNode::GetStandardTrue() #define GET_STD_FALSE CValueNode::GetStandardFalse()
#define SET_TRUE(NODE) { \ NODE = GET_STD_TRUE; \ if(NODE == NULL) { \ hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; \ break; } }
CTestPoint<TPropType> NewNode; switch(nOperator) { case QL1_OPERATOR_EQUALS: SET_FALSE(NewNode.m_pLeftOf); SET_TRUE(NewNode.m_pAt); SET_FALSE(m_pRightMost); break;
case QL1_OPERATOR_NOTEQUALS: SET_TRUE(NewNode.m_pLeftOf); SET_FALSE(NewNode.m_pAt); SET_TRUE(m_pRightMost); break;
case QL1_OPERATOR_LESS: SET_TRUE(NewNode.m_pLeftOf); SET_FALSE(NewNode.m_pAt); SET_FALSE(m_pRightMost); break; case QL1_OPERATOR_GREATER: SET_FALSE(NewNode.m_pLeftOf); SET_FALSE(NewNode.m_pAt); SET_TRUE(m_pRightMost); break; case QL1_OPERATOR_LESSOREQUALS: SET_TRUE(NewNode.m_pLeftOf); SET_TRUE(NewNode.m_pAt); SET_FALSE(m_pRightMost); break;
case QL1_OPERATOR_GREATEROREQUALS: SET_FALSE(NewNode.m_pLeftOf); SET_TRUE(NewNode.m_pAt); SET_TRUE(m_pRightMost); break; default: hr = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { m_aTestPoints.Append(NewNode); } else { NewNode.Destruct(); }
return hr; }
//****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // SCALAR PROPERTY NODE //****************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************
template<class TPropType> HRESULT CScalarPropNode<TPropType>::Evaluate(CObjectInfo& ObjInfo, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { HRESULT hres; _IWmiObject* pObj; hres = GetContainerObject(ObjInfo, &pObj); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
// Get the property from the object // ================================
long lRead; TPropType Value; hres = pObj->ReadPropertyValue(m_lPropHandle, sizeof(TPropType), &lRead, (BYTE*)&Value); if( S_OK != hres ) { if(hres == WBEM_S_FALSE) { *ppNext = m_pNullBranch; return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { return hres; } } // Search for the value // ====================
TTestPointIterator it; bool bMatch = m_aTestPoints.Find(Value, &it); if(bMatch) *ppNext = it->m_pAt; else if(it == m_aTestPoints.End()) *ppNext = m_pRightMost; else *ppNext = it->m_pLeftOf; return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
template<class TPropType> void CScalarPropNode<TPropType>::Dump(FILE* f, int nOffset) { CBranchingNode::Dump(f, nOffset); PrintOffset(f, nOffset); fprintf(f, "LastPropName = (0x%x), size=%d\n", m_lPropHandle, sizeof(TPropType));
TConstTestPointIterator it; for(it = m_aTestPoints.Begin(); it != m_aTestPoints.End(); it++) { PrintOffset(f, nOffset); if (it != m_aTestPoints.Begin()) { TConstTestPointIterator itPrev(it); itPrev--; fprintf(f, "%d < ", (int)(itPrev->m_Test)); } fprintf(f, "X < %d\n", (int)(it->m_Test)); DumpNode(f, nOffset+1, it->m_pLeftOf);
PrintOffset(f, nOffset); fprintf(f, "X = %d\n", (int)(it->m_Test)); DumpNode(f, nOffset+1, it->m_pAt); } PrintOffset(f, nOffset); if (it != m_aTestPoints.Begin()) { TConstTestPointIterator itPrev(it); itPrev--; fprintf(f, "X > %d\n", (int)(itPrev->m_Test)); } else fprintf(f, "ANY\n"); DumpNode(f, nOffset+1, m_pRightMost);
PrintOffset(f, nOffset); fprintf(f, "NULL->\n"); DumpNode(f, nOffset+1, m_pNullBranch); }