Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include "precomp.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <arrtempl.h>
#include <comutl.h>
#include <wbemcli.h>
#include <buffer.h>
#include "msmqhdr.h"
#include "msmqsend.h"
#include "msmqcomn.h"
#define MAXPROPS 10
#define MAXHASHSIZE 64
struct MsmqOutgoingMessage : MQMSGPROPS { MSGPROPID m_aPropID[MAXPROPS]; MQPROPVARIANT m_aPropVar[MAXPROPS]; MsmqOutgoingMessage( DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwStatus, LPBYTE pData, ULONG cData, LPBYTE pHdr, ULONG cHdr, HANDLE hSecCtx, LPCWSTR wszAckFormatName ); };
CMsgMsmqSender ******************************************************************/
HRESULT CMsgMsmqSender::Open( LPCWSTR wszTarget, DWORD dwFlags, WMIMSG_SNDR_AUTH_INFOP pAuthInfo, LPCWSTR wszResponse, IWmiMessageTraceSink* pTraceSink, IWmiMessageSendReceive** ppSend ) { HRESULT hr; *ppSend = NULL;
CWbemPtr<CMsgMsmqSend> pSend;
pSend = new CMsgMsmqSend( m_pControl, wszTarget, dwFlags, wszResponse, pTraceSink );
if ( pSend == NULL ) { return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
if ( (dwFlags & WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_LAZY_INIT) == 0 ) { hr = pSend->EnsureSender();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } }
return pSend->QueryInterface(IID_IWmiMessageSendReceive, (void**)ppSend);
CMsgMsmqSend ******************************************************************/
#define CALLFUNC(FUNC) (*m_Api.m_fp ## FUNC )
CMsgMsmqSend::CMsgMsmqSend( CLifeControl* pCtl, LPCWSTR wszTarget, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR wszResponse, IWmiMessageTraceSink* pTraceSink ) : CUnkBase<IWmiMessageSendReceive,&IID_IWmiMessageSendReceive>(pCtl), m_bInit(FALSE), m_hQueue(NULL), m_dwFlags(dwFlags), m_wsResponse( wszResponse ), m_hSecCtx( NULL ), m_pTraceSink( pTraceSink ) { //
// save our computer name.
TCHAR achComputer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; ULONG ulSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1; GetComputerName( achComputer, &ulSize ); m_wsComputer = achComputer;
// if the target is NULL, then we use our computer name as the target.
if ( wszTarget != NULL && *wszTarget != '\0' ) { m_wsTarget = wszTarget; } else { m_wsTarget = m_wsComputer; } }
CMsgMsmqSend::~CMsgMsmqSend() { Clear(); }
HRESULT CMsgMsmqSend::HandleTrace( HRESULT hr, IUnknown* pCtx ) { if ( m_pTraceSink != NULL ) { return m_pTraceSink->Notify( hr, CLSID_WmiMessageMsmqSender, m_wsTarget, pCtx ); } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
void CMsgMsmqSend::Clear() { m_bInit = FALSE;
if ( m_hSecCtx != NULL ) { CALLFUNC(MQFreeSecurityContext)( m_hSecCtx ); m_hSecCtx = NULL; }
if ( m_hQueue != NULL ) { CALLFUNC(MQCloseQueue)( m_hQueue ); m_hQueue = NULL; } }
HRESULT CMsgMsmqSend::EnsureSender() { HRESULT hr;
CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
if ( m_bInit ) { return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
hr = m_Api.Initialize();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; // MSMQ probably isn't installed.
hr = EnsureMsmqService( m_Api );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
WString wsFormatName;
hr = NormalizeQueueName( m_Api, m_wsTarget, wsFormatName );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return MqResToWmiRes( hr, WMIMSG_E_INVALIDADDRESS ); }
hr = CALLFUNC(MQOpenQueue)( wsFormatName, MQ_SEND_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE, &m_hQueue );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return MqResToWmiRes( hr, WMIMSG_E_TARGETNOTFOUND ); }
// get security context for process account.
hr = CALLFUNC(MQGetSecurityContext)( NULL, 0, &m_hSecCtx );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return MqResToWmiRes( hr, WMIMSG_E_AUTHFAILURE ); } }
// this will be used to sign our hdr so that a local receiver ( such as
// an ack receiver can verify this machine sent it ).
hr = CSignMessage::Create( L"WMIMSG", &m_pSign );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
m_bInit = TRUE;
return hr; } MsmqOutgoingMessage::MsmqOutgoingMessage( DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwStatus, LPBYTE pData, ULONG cData, LPBYTE pHdr, ULONG cHdr, HANDLE hSecCtx, LPCWSTR wszAckFormatName ) { cProp = 0; aPropID = m_aPropID; aPropVar = m_aPropVar; aStatus= NULL;
m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_BODY; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1; m_aPropVar[cProp].caub.cElems = cData; m_aPropVar[cProp].caub.pElems = pData; cProp++;
m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_EXTENSION; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1; m_aPropVar[cProp].caub.cElems = cHdr; m_aPropVar[cProp].caub.pElems = pHdr; cProp++;
m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_APPSPECIFIC; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_UI4; m_aPropVar[cProp].ulVal = dwStatus; cProp++;
if ( wszAckFormatName != NULL && *wszAckFormatName != '\0') { m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_ACKNOWLEDGE; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_UI1; m_aPropVar[cProp].bVal = MQMSG_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_NACK_RECEIVE; cProp++;
m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_ADMIN_QUEUE; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_LPWSTR; m_aPropVar[cProp].pwszVal = LPWSTR(wszAckFormatName); cProp++; }
if ( (dwFlags & WMIMSG_MASK_QOS) != WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_EXPRESS ) { m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_DELIVERY; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_UI1; m_aPropVar[cProp].bVal = MQMSG_DELIVERY_RECOVERABLE; cProp++; } if ( dwFlags & WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_AUTHENTICATE ) { m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_AUTH_LEVEL; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_UI4; m_aPropVar[cProp].ulVal = MQMSG_AUTH_LEVEL_ALWAYS; cProp++; #ifndef _WIN64
m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_SECURITY_CONTEXT; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_UI4; m_aPropVar[cProp].ulVal = ULONG(hSecCtx); cProp++; #endif
if ( dwFlags & WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_ENCRYPT ) { m_aPropID[cProp] = PROPID_M_PRIV_LEVEL; m_aPropVar[cProp].vt = VT_UI4; m_aPropVar[cProp].ulVal = MQMSG_PRIV_LEVEL_BODY; cProp++; } }
HRESULT CMsgMsmqSend::SendReceive( PBYTE pData, ULONG cData, PBYTE pAuxData, ULONG cAuxData, DWORD dwFlagStatus, IUnknown* pCtx ) { ENTER_API_CALL
hr = Send( pData, cData, pAuxData, cAuxData, dwFlagStatus, pCtx );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { HandleTrace( hr, pCtx ); return hr; }
return HandleTrace( hr, pCtx );
HRESULT CMsgMsmqSend::Send( PBYTE pData, ULONG cData, PBYTE pAuxData, ULONG cAuxData, DWORD dwFlagStatus, IUnknown* pCtx ) { HRESULT hr;
hr = EnsureSender();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } DWORD dwStatus = 0;
if ( m_dwFlags & WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_PRIV_SIGN ) { //
// create a 'private' hash on the data. this will be used by local
// receivers to verify that it sent the message and that it has not
// been tampered with.
hr = m_pSign->Sign( pData, cData, achHash, cHash );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } } else { cHash = 0; }
// now we can create our msmq msg header. this header will be prepended
// to the users header in auxdata. We do not create our own header if
// this is an ack sender because AuxData already contains an msmq msg hdr.
// For nacks, msmq will return data as sent, so we want to remain
// consistent with this for our 'application' level acks.
BYTE achHdr[512];
CBuffer HdrStrm( achHdr, 512, FALSE );
CMsgMsmqHdr MsmqHdr( m_wsTarget, m_wsComputer, achHash, cHash, cAuxData );
if ( (m_dwFlags & WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_ACK) == 0 ) { hr = MsmqHdr.Persist( HdrStrm ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } } else { //
// the flagstatus param contains the status.
dwStatus = dwFlagStatus; }
hr = HdrStrm.Write( pAuxData, cAuxData, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
if ( m_dwFlags & WMIMSG_FLAG_SNDR_PRIV_SIGN ) { //
// hash the entire header and store it at the end of the header.
hr = m_pSign->Sign( HdrStrm.GetRawData(), HdrStrm.GetIndex(), achHash, cHash );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } } else { cHash = 0; }
hr = HdrStrm.Write( &cHash, sizeof(DWORD), NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
hr = HdrStrm.Write( achHash, cHash, NULL );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } //
// Obtain the correct ITransaction ptr. If the user did not specify
// a txn and we are sending using xact qos, then we need to use the
// single message txn.
CWbemPtr<ITransaction> pTxn;
if ( pCtx != NULL ) { pCtx->QueryInterface( IID_ITransaction, (void**)&pTxn ); }
DWORD dwQos = m_dwFlags & WMIMSG_MASK_QOS;
if ( pTxn == NULL && dwQos == WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_XACT ) { pTxn = MQ_SINGLE_MESSAGE; }
HANDLE hSecCtx = m_hSecCtx;
// Check to see if we're impersonating. If so, then we need to
// obtain the MSMQ security context and use it when sending the
// message.
HANDLE hToken; if ( OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken ) ) { CloseHandle( &hToken ); //
// we are forgiving when encountering errors with authentication
// on the send side. This is because the receiving end might not
// even care about authentication ( and msmq doesn't have mutual
// auth ). If the target cares about auth, then we'll be sure to
// find out via a nack msg.
hr = CALLFUNC(MQGetSecurityContext)( NULL, 0, &hSecCtx );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return MqResToWmiRes( hr, WMIMSG_E_AUTHFAILURE ); } } } MsmqOutgoingMessage Msg( m_dwFlags, dwStatus, pData, cData, HdrStrm.GetRawData(), HdrStrm.GetIndex(), hSecCtx, m_wsResponse ); hr = CALLFUNC(MQSendMessage)( m_hQueue, &Msg, pTxn );
if( hSecCtx != m_hSecCtx && hSecCtx != NULL ) { CALLFUNC(MQFreeSecurityContext)( hSecCtx ); }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { //
// this is so the next call will reset us.
return MqResToWmiRes( hr ); }
return hr; }