Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Containes some classes which are used to cache NT performance data.
a-davj 15-DEC-95 Created.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include "perfcach.h"
#include <winperf.h>
#include <tchar.h>
// BOOL CIndicyList::SetUse
// Indicates that an object type has just been used. If the object
// is already on the list, then its last accessed time is updated. New
// object types are added to the list
// iObj Number. The acutally translates to the object number
// that perf monitor uses to identify objects.
// always TRUE unless it was a new entry and there isnt enough memory
// to add.
BOOL CIndicyList::SetUse( IN int iObj) { int iNumEntries, iCnt;
// Go Through list and determine if there is an entry
Entry * pCurr; iNumEntries = Entries.Size(); for(iCnt = 0; iCnt < iNumEntries; iCnt++) { pCurr = (Entry *)Entries.GetAt(iCnt); if(iObj == pCurr->iObject) // found it!
break; }
if(iCnt < iNumEntries) {
// Found the entry. Set its last used to to the
// present unless it is a permanent entry
if(pCurr->dwLastUsed != PERMANENT) pCurr->dwLastUsed = GetCurrentTime(); return TRUE; } else // Entry not found, add to list
return bAdd(iObj,GetCurrentTime()); }
// BOOL CIndicyList::bItemInList
// Checks if an item is in the list.
// iObj Number. The acutally translates to the object number
// that perf monitor uses to identify objects.
// TRUE if the item is in the list
BOOL CIndicyList::bItemInList( IN int iObj) { int iNumEntries, iCnt;
// Go Through list and determine if the entry is there
Entry * pCurr; iNumEntries = Entries.Size(); for(iCnt = 0; iCnt < iNumEntries; iCnt++) { pCurr = (Entry *)Entries.GetAt(iCnt); if(iObj == pCurr->iObject) // found it!
return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// BOOL CIndicyList::bAdd
// Adds an object type to the list
// iObj Number. The acutally translates to the object number
// that perf monitor uses to identify objects.
// dwTime Current system time
// Returns TRUE if OK.
BOOL CIndicyList::bAdd( IN int iObj, IN DWORD dwTime) { Entry * pNew = new Entry; if(pNew == NULL) return FALSE; pNew->iObject = iObj; pNew->dwLastUsed = dwTime; int iRet = Entries.Add(pNew); if(iRet != CFlexArray::no_error) { delete pNew; return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// void CIndicyList::PruneOld
// Looks at the entries in the list and removes any that have
// not been used in a long time.
void CIndicyList::PruneOld(void) { Entry * pCurr; int iNumEntries, iCnt; DWORD dwCurr = GetCurrentTime(); iNumEntries = Entries.Size(); for(iCnt = iNumEntries-1; iCnt >= 0; iCnt--) { pCurr = (Entry *)Entries.GetAt(iCnt); if(pCurr->dwLastUsed != PERMANENT) if((dwCurr - pCurr->dwLastUsed) > MAX_UNUSED_KEEP) { Entries.RemoveAt(iCnt); delete pCurr; } } // Entries.FreeExtra();
// LPCTSTR CIndicyList::pGetAll
// Returns a pointer to a string containing the numbers of all the objects
// on the list. For example, if the list had objects 2,4, and 8; then
// the string "2 4 8" would be retrieved. Null is returned if there
// isnt enough memory.
// see description
LPCTSTR CIndicyList::pGetAll(void) { int iNumEntries, iCnt; Entry * pCurr; // Go Through list and add each object number to the string
sAll.Empty(); iNumEntries = Entries.Size(); for(iCnt = 0; iCnt < iNumEntries; iCnt++) { TCHAR pTemp[20]; pCurr = (Entry *)Entries.GetAt(iCnt); sAll += _itot(pCurr->iObject,pTemp,10); if(iCnt < iNumEntries-1) sAll += TEXT(" "); } return sAll; }
// CIndicyList & CIndicyList::operator =
// Supports the assignment of one CIndicyList object to another
// from Value to copy
// reterence the "this" object
CIndicyList & CIndicyList::operator = ( CIndicyList & from) { int iNumEntries, iCnt; Entry * pCurr;
// Free existing list
FreeAll(); iNumEntries = from.Entries.Size(); for(iCnt = 0; iCnt < iNumEntries; iCnt++) { pCurr = (Entry *)from.Entries.GetAt(iCnt); bAdd(pCurr->iObject, pCurr->dwLastUsed); } return *this; }
// void CIndicyList::FreeAll
// Purpose: Clears out the list and frees memory.
void CIndicyList::FreeAll(void) { int iNumEntries, iCnt; // Go Through list and determine if there is an entry
Entry * pCurr;
// delete each object in the list.
iNumEntries = Entries.Size(); for(iCnt = 0; iCnt < iNumEntries; iCnt++) { pCurr = (Entry *)Entries.GetAt(iCnt); delete pCurr; } Entries.Empty(); }
// DWORD PerfBuff::Read
// Read the perf monitor data.
// hKey Registry key for perf mon data
// iObj Number. The acutally translates to the object number
// that perf monitor uses to identify objects.
// bInitial Set to TRUE for first call
// 0 All is well
DWORD PerfBuff::Read( IN HKEY hKey, IN int iObj, IN BOOL bInitial) { DWORD dwRet; LPCTSTR pRequest; // Make sure there is a data buffer
if(dwSize == 0) { pData = new char[INITIAL_ALLOCATION]; if(pData == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; dwSize = INITIAL_ALLOCATION; } hKeyLastRead = hKey; // record the key that was used
// Make sure that the desired object is in the list of
// objects to be retrieved. Also set pRequest to the string that will
// be passed to retrieve the perf counter block. An initial read is done
// in order to establish the list of permanent object types which are
// always to be retrived and that includes the standard "global" types
// such as memory, processor, disk, etc.
if(!bInitial) { if(!List.SetUse(iObj)) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; List.PruneOld(); pRequest = List.pGetAll(); if(pRequest == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else pRequest = TEXT("Global"); // Read the data. Note that the read may be retried if the data
// block needs to be expanded
do { DWORD dwTempSize, dwType; dwTempSize = dwSize; try { dwRet = RegQueryValueEx (hKey,pRequest,NULL,&dwType, (BYTE *)pData,&dwTempSize); } catch(...) { delete pData; return WBEM_E_FAILED; } if(dwRet == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { delete pData; dwSize += 5000; pData = new char[dwSize]; if(pData == NULL) { dwSize = 0; return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } } while (dwRet == ERROR_MORE_DATA); // Set the age of the data
if(dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PERF_DATA_BLOCK * pBlock = (PERF_DATA_BLOCK *)pData; PerfTime = *(LONGLONG UNALIGNED *)(&pBlock->PerfTime); PerfTime100nSec = *(LONGLONG UNALIGNED *)(&pBlock->PerfTime100nSec); PerfFreq = *(LONGLONG UNALIGNED *)(&pBlock->PerfFreq); dwBuffLastRead = GetCurrentTime(); } else dwBuffLastRead = 0;
// If this was an initial read of the default objects, add all the
// default objects to the list as permanent entries
if(bInitial && dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { int iIndex; PERF_DATA_BLOCK * pBlock = (PERF_DATA_BLOCK * )pData; PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE pObj; pObj = (PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE)((PBYTE)pBlock + pBlock->HeaderLength); for(iIndex = 0; iIndex < (int)pBlock->NumObjectTypes; iIndex++) { //todo, check for errors on add.
if(!List.bAdd((int)pObj->ObjectNameTitleIndex,PERMANENT)) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
pObj = (PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE)((PBYTE)pObj + pObj->TotalByteLength); } }
return dwRet; }
// LPSTR PerfBuff::Get
// Returns a pointer to the data and also indicates that the particular type
// was just used.
// iObj Number. The acutally translates to the object number
// that perf monitor uses to identify objects.
// see description.
LPSTR PerfBuff::Get( int iObj) { List.SetUse(iObj); return pData; }
// void PerfBuff::Free
// Frees up the memory
void PerfBuff::Free() { if(pData) delete pData; pData = NULL; dwSize = 0; hKeyLastRead = NULL; dwBuffLastRead = 0; List.FreeAll(); }
// PerfBuff::PerfBuff
// Constructor.
PerfBuff::PerfBuff() { dwSize = 0; pData = NULL; hKeyLastRead = NULL; dwBuffLastRead = 0; }
// BOOL PerfBuff::bOK
// Returns TRUE, if and only if the same registry key was used to read
// the data, the data isnt too old, and the particular object type is
// in the data block.
// hKey Registry key for reading data
// dwMaxAge Maximum acceptable age
// iObj Number. The acutally translates to the object number
// that perf monitor uses to identify objects.
// see desription
BOOL PerfBuff::bOK( IN HKEY hKey, IN DWORD dwMaxAge, IN int iObj) { if(dwSize ==0) return FALSE; if(hKey != hKeyLastRead) return FALSE; if((GetCurrentTime() - dwBuffLastRead) > dwMaxAge) return FALSE; return List.bItemInList(iObj); }
// PerfBuff & PerfBuff::operator =
// Allows assignment.
// from Assignment source
// reference to "this" object.
PerfBuff & PerfBuff::operator = ( IN PerfBuff & from) { // if the objects have different buffer sizes, free up the destinations
// buffer and reallocate on of the same size as the source.
if(from.dwSize != dwSize) { Free(); pData = new char[from.dwSize]; if(pData == NULL) {
// failure in assignment isnt too serious since the buffer
// will just return null when asked for the data.
dwSize = 0; dwBuffLastRead = 0; return *this; } dwSize = from.dwSize; }
// Copy the list of objects and times etc.
memcpy(pData,from.pData,dwSize); List = from.List; hKeyLastRead = from.hKeyLastRead; dwBuffLastRead = from.dwBuffLastRead; PerfTime = from.PerfTime; PerfTime100nSec = from.PerfTime100nSec; PerfFreq = from.PerfFreq; return *this; }
// void PerfCache::FreeOldBuffers
// Called by the house keeping thread to free up any buffers tool old to
// be of any use.
void PerfCache::FreeOldBuffers(void) { if(Old.dwSize != 0 && (GetCurrentTime() - Old.dwBuffLastRead) > MAX_OLD_AGE) Old.Free(); if(New.dwSize != 0 && (GetCurrentTime() - New.dwBuffLastRead) > MAX_OLD_AGE) New.Free(); }
// DWORD PerfCache::dwGetNew
// Sets a pointer to the most recently read data and will actually do a read
// if the data in the new buffer isnt fresh enough. The PLINESTRUCT data is
// also set.
// pName Machine name
// iObj Number. The acutally translates to the object number
// that perf monitor uses to identify objects.
// pData Set to the object name
// pls Set to info used to do calculations.
// 0 all is well
// otherwise error from dwGetHandle, or Read.
DWORD PerfCache::dwGetNew( IN LPCTSTR pName, IN int iObj, OUT IN LPSTR * pData, OUT IN PLINESTRUCT pls) { DWORD dwRet;
// Get the handle
dwRet = dwGetHandle(pName); if(hHandle == NULL || dwRet != 0) return dwRet;
// If the new data is acceptable, then use it
if(New.bOK(hHandle,MAX_NEW_AGE, iObj)) { // OutputDebugString(TEXT("\r\nCurrent New is OK"));
} else { // If the new data has the correct type, AND either the old data
// is junk, or the new data has aged enough to be old, copy the
// new into the old.
if(New.bOK(hHandle,MAX_OLD_AGE, iObj) && (!Old.bOK(hHandle,MAX_OLD_AGE, iObj) || (GetCurrentTime() - New.dwBuffLastRead >= MIN_TIME_DIFF))) { // OutputDebugString("\r\nMoving New into Old in dwGetNew");
Old = New; if(Old.dwSize == 0) // could happen in low memory
return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } // Read the latest data.
dwRet = New.Read(hHandle, iObj, FALSE); // OutputDebugString(TEXT("\r\nRead in New"));
if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwRet; } *pData = New.Get(iObj); pls->lnNewTime = New.PerfTime; pls->lnNewTime100Ns = New.PerfTime100nSec; pls->lnPerfFreq = New.PerfFreq; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //***************************************************************************
// DWORD PerfCache::dwGetPair
// Sets a pointer to the most recently read data and to the old data so that
// time averaging can be done. This routine will ensure that the time
// difference between the old and new is sufficient. The dwGetNew
// routine should always be called first. The PLINESTRUCT data is
// also set.
// pName Object Name
// iObj Number. The acutally translates to the object number
// that perf monitor uses to identify objects.
// pOldData Older data sample
// pNewData Newer data sample
// pls line struct data with things like frequency, age etc.
// 0 if OK, otherwise retuns an error code.
DWORD PerfCache::dwGetPair( IN LPCTSTR pName, IN int iObj, OUT IN LPSTR * pOldData, OUT IN LPSTR * pNewData, OUT IN PLINESTRUCT pls) { DWORD dwRet; BOOL bOldOK;
// Check to see if the old buffer is OK.
bOldOK = Old.bOK(hHandle,MAX_OLD_AGE, iObj);
// If both buffers are ok, then we are done
if(bOldOK) { *pOldData = Old.Get(iObj); pls->lnOldTime = Old.PerfTime; pls->lnOldTime100Ns = Old.PerfTime100nSec; // OutputDebugString(TEXT("\r\nOld is OK"));
// Since the new buffer has already been read, use it as the old buffer
Old = New; if(Old.dwSize == 0) // could happen in low memory
return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // OutputDebugString(TEXT("\r\nCopying New into Old in dwGetPair"));
// Possibly delay long enough so that there is a decent interval
DWORD dwAge = GetCurrentTime() - Old.dwBuffLastRead; if(dwAge < MIN_TIME_DIFF) { DWORD dwSleep = MIN_TIME_DIFF - dwAge; TCHAR temp[100]; wsprintf(temp,TEXT("\r\nsleeping %u ms"),dwSleep); // OutputDebugString(temp);
Sleep(dwSleep); }
// Read in the new buffer
dwRet = New.Read(hHandle, iObj, FALSE); // OutputDebugString(TEXT("\r\ndoing raw read of new after delay"));
if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwRet; *pNewData = New.Get(iObj); *pOldData = Old.Get(iObj); pls->lnOldTime = Old.PerfTime; pls->lnOldTime100Ns = Old.PerfTime100nSec;
pls->lnNewTime = New.PerfTime; pls->lnNewTime100Ns = New.PerfTime100nSec; pls->lnPerfFreq = New.PerfFreq; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// PerfCache::PerfCache
// Constructor.
PerfCache::PerfCache() { // Read in the standard counters. This builds a list containing
// those standards as well as providing immediate data for any
// request to come in the near future.
hHandle = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA; /// New.Read(hHandle, 0, TRUE);
// PerfCache::~PerfCache
// Destructor.
PerfCache::~PerfCache() { // If the handle is to a remote machine, close it.
if(hHandle != NULL && hHandle != HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA) RegCloseKey(hHandle); }
// DWORD PerfCache::dwGetHandle
// Makes sure that hHandle is set correctly.
// pMachine Machine name.
// 0 all is well
// otherwise error from RegConnectRegistry
DWORD PerfCache::dwGetHandle( LPCTSTR pMachine) { DWORD dwRet;
// if the machines are the same, the just use the existing handle
if(pMachine == NULL) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; // bad mapping string
if(!lstrcmpi(sMachine,pMachine) && hHandle != NULL) return 0; // already got it!
// handle is needed for machine other that the local. Start
// by freeing the existing handle if it too is non local
if(hHandle != NULL && hHandle != HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA) RegCloseKey(hHandle);
// save the machine name so that we dont reopen this
sMachine = pMachine; if(lstrcmpi(pMachine,TEXT("local"))) {
LPTSTR pTemp = NULL; int iLen = sMachine.Length() +1;
dwRet = RegConnectRegistry(sMachine,HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, &hHandle);
if(dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // could not remote connect
hHandle = NULL; sMachine.Empty(); } } else { // local machine, use standard handle.
sMachine = TEXT("Local"); hHandle = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA; dwRet = 0; } return dwRet; }