Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "genutils.h"
#include "arena.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "reg.h"
#include "arrtempl.h"
#define STARTUP_HEAP_HINT_REGVAL_W L"Startup Heap Preallocation Size"
static HANDLE g_hHeap = NULL;
static class DefaultInitializer { public: DefaultInitializer() { CWin32DefaultArena::WbemHeapInitialize( GetProcessHeap() ); } } g_hDefaultInitializer;
BOOL CWin32DefaultArena::WbemHeapInitialize( HANDLE hHeap ) { if ( g_hHeap != NULL ) { return FALSE; } g_hHeap = hHeap; return TRUE; }
void CWin32DefaultArena::WbemHeapFree() { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) { return; } if (g_hHeap != GetProcessHeap()) HeapDestroy(g_hHeap); g_hHeap = NULL; return; }
LPVOID CWin32DefaultArena::WbemMemAlloc(SIZE_T dwBytes) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return NULL;
return HeapAlloc( g_hHeap, 0, dwBytes); }
LPVOID CWin32DefaultArena::WbemMemReAlloc(LPVOID pOriginal, SIZE_T dwNewSize) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return NULL; return HeapReAlloc( g_hHeap, 0, pOriginal, dwNewSize); }
BOOL CWin32DefaultArena::WbemMemFree(LPVOID pBlock) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return FALSE; if (pBlock==0) return TRUE; return HeapFree( g_hHeap, 0, pBlock); }
SIZE_T CWin32DefaultArena::WbemMemSize(LPVOID pBlock) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return 0; return HeapSize( g_hHeap, 0, pBlock); }
BSTR CWin32DefaultArena::WbemSysAllocString(const wchar_t *wszString) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return NULL; BSTR pBuffer = SysAllocString(wszString);
return pBuffer; }
BSTR CWin32DefaultArena::WbemSysAllocStringByteLen(const char *szString, UINT len) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return NULL; BSTR pBuffer = SysAllocStringByteLen(szString, len);
return pBuffer; }
INT CWin32DefaultArena::WbemSysReAllocString(BSTR *bszString, const wchar_t *wszString) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return FALSE; INT nRet = SysReAllocString(bszString, wszString);
return nRet; }
BSTR CWin32DefaultArena::WbemSysAllocStringLen(const wchar_t *wszString, UINT len) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return NULL; BSTR pBuffer = SysAllocStringLen(wszString, len);
return pBuffer; }
int CWin32DefaultArena::WbemSysReAllocStringLen( BSTR *bszString, const wchar_t *wszString, UINT nLen) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return FALSE; INT nRet = SysReAllocStringLen(bszString, wszString, nLen); return nRet; }
BOOL CWin32DefaultArena::WbemOutOfMemory() { return FALSE; }
BOOL CWin32DefaultArena::ValidateMemSize(BOOL bLargeValidation) { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return FALSE; MEMORYSTATUS memBuffer; memset(&memBuffer, 0, sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS)); memBuffer.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS); DWORD dwMemReq = 0;
if (bLargeValidation) dwMemReq = 0x400000; //4MB
else dwMemReq = 0x200000; //2MB
if (memBuffer.dwAvailPageFile >= dwMemReq) { return TRUE; }
static CCritSec cs; try { cs.Enter(); } catch(...) { return FALSE; } //THIS ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE HeapAlloc, and not the WBEM Allocator!!!
LPVOID pBuff = HeapAlloc( g_hHeap, 0, dwMemReq); //THIS ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE HeapAlloc, and not the WBEM Allocator!!!
if (pBuff == NULL) { cs.Leave(); return FALSE; }
HeapFree( g_hHeap, 0, pBuff);
if (memBuffer.dwAvailPageFile >= dwMemReq) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
HANDLE CWin32DefaultArena::GetArenaHeap() { return g_hHeap; }
BOOL CWin32DefaultArena::WriteHeapHint() { if ( g_hHeap == NULL ) return FALSE;
// Don't bother if not on NT. We will use internal NT APIs
if(!IsNT()) return FALSE;
// Don't bother if running in a client --- only WinMgmt uses hints
if(!IsWinMgmt()) return FALSE;
// In WinMgmt. Walk the heap to calculate total size
PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY entry; entry.lpData = NULL;
DWORD dwTotalAllocations = 0; while(HeapWalk( g_hHeap, &entry)) { if(entry.wFlags & PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY) { //
// Allocated block. Add both it's size and its overhead to the total
// We want the overhead since it figures into the total required
// commitment.
dwTotalAllocations += entry.cbData + entry.cbOverhead; } }
// Write the total to the registry. Note that we write this data even if
// startup preallocations are disabled, since they may be enabled before
// WinMgmt starts up the next time
HKEY hKey; long lRes = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WBEM_REG_WINMGMT, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey); if(lRes) return FALSE; CRegCloseMe cm1(hKey);
lRes = RegSetValueExW(hKey, STARTUP_HEAP_HINT_REGVAL_W, 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE*)&dwTotalAllocations, sizeof(DWORD)); if(lRes) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }