Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Time helper
#include "precomp.h"
#include "CWbemTime.h"
#include <stdio.h>
static void i64ToFileTime( const __int64 *p64, FILETIME *pft ) { __int64 iTemp = *p64; pft->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)iTemp; iTemp = iTemp >> 32; pft->dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)iTemp; }
static int CompareSYSTEMTIME(const SYSTEMTIME *pst1, const SYSTEMTIME *pst2) { FILETIME ft1, ft2;
SystemTimeToFileTime(pst1, &ft1); SystemTimeToFileTime(pst2, &ft2);
return CompareFileTime(&ft1, &ft2); }
// This function is used to convert the relative values that come
// back from GetTimeZoneInformation into an actual date for the year
// in question. The system time structure that is passed in is updated
// to contain the absolute values.
static void DayInMonthToAbsolute(SYSTEMTIME *pst, const WORD wYear) { const static int _lpdays[] = { -1, 30, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 }; const static int _days[] = { -1, 30, 58, 89, 119, 150, 180, 211, 242, 272, 303, 333, 364 }; SHORT shYearDay; // If this is not 0, this is not a relative date
if (pst->wYear == 0) { // Was that year a leap year?
BOOL bLeap = ( (( wYear % 400) == 0) || ((( wYear % 4) == 0) && (( wYear % 100) != 0))); // Figure out the day of the year for the first day of the month in question
if (bLeap) shYearDay = 1 + _lpdays[pst->wMonth - 1]; else shYearDay = 1 + _days[pst->wMonth - 1]; // Now, figure out how many leap days there have been since 1/1/1601
WORD yc = wYear - 1601; WORD y4 = (yc) / 4; WORD y100 = (yc) / 100; WORD y400 = (yc) / 400; // This will tell us the day of the week for the first day of the month in question.
// The '1 +' reflects the fact that 1/1/1601 was a monday (figures). You might ask,
// 'why do we care what day of the week this is?' Well, I'll tell you. The way
// daylight savings time is defined is with things like 'the last sunday of the month
// of october.' Kinda helps to know what day that is.
SHORT monthdow = (1 + (yc * 365 + y4 + y400 - y100) + shYearDay) % 7; if ( monthdow < pst->wDayOfWeek ) shYearDay += (pst->wDayOfWeek - monthdow) + (pst->wDay - 1) * 7; else shYearDay += (pst->wDayOfWeek - monthdow) + pst->wDay * 7; /*
* May have to adjust the calculation above if week == 5 (meaning * the last instance of the day in the month). Check if yearday falls * beyond month and adjust accordingly. */ if ( (pst->wDay == 5) && (shYearDay > (bLeap ? _lpdays[pst->wMonth] : _days[pst->wMonth])) ) { shYearDay -= 7; }
// Now update the structure.
pst->wYear = wYear; pst->wDay = shYearDay - (bLeap ? _lpdays[pst->wMonth - 1] : _days[pst->wMonth - 1]); } }
CWbemTime CWbemTime::GetCurrentTime() { SYSTEMTIME st; ::GetSystemTime(&st);
CWbemTime CurrentTime; CurrentTime.SetSystemTime(st); return CurrentTime; }
BOOL CWbemTime::SetSystemTime(const SYSTEMTIME& st) { FILETIME ft; if(!SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft)) return FALSE;
__int64 i64Time = ft.dwHighDateTime; i64Time = (i64Time << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime; Set100nss(i64Time); return TRUE; }
BOOL CWbemTime::SetFileTime(const FILETIME& ft) { __int64 i64Time = ft.dwHighDateTime; i64Time = (i64Time << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime; Set100nss(i64Time); return TRUE; }
if (GetFILETIME(&t_ft)) { if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&t_ft, pst)) { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CWbemTime::GetFILETIME(FILETIME * pft) const { if ( pft == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
i64ToFileTime( &m_i64, pft ); return TRUE; }
CWbemInterval CWbemTime::RemainsUntil(const CWbemTime& Other) const { __int64 i64Diff = Other.m_i64 - m_i64; if(i64Diff < 0) i64Diff = 0;
return CWbemInterval((DWORD)(i64Diff/10000)); }
CWbemTime CWbemTime::operator+(const CWbemInterval& ToAdd) const { return CWbemTime(m_i64 + 10000*(__int64)ToAdd.GetMilliseconds()); }
BOOL CWbemTime::SetDMTF(LPCWSTR wszText) { if(wcslen(wszText) != 25) return FALSE;
// Parse it
// ========
int nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond, nMicro, nOffset; WCHAR wchSep;
int nRes = swscanf(wszText, L"%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d.%6d%c%3d", &nYear, &nMonth, &nDay, &nHour, &nMinute, &nSecond, &nMicro, &wchSep, &nOffset); if(nRes != 9) return FALSE;
int nSign; if(wchSep == L'+') nSign = -1; else if(wchSep == L'-') nSign = 1; else if(wchSep == L':') nSign = 0; else return FALSE;
// Convert it to SYSTEMTIME
// ========================
SYSTEMTIME st; st.wYear = (WORD)nYear; st.wMonth = (WORD)nMonth; st.wDay = (WORD)nDay; st.wHour = (WORD)nHour; st.wMinute = (WORD)nMinute; st.wSecond = (WORD)nSecond; st.wMilliseconds = nMicro / 1000;
// NOTE: ignored timezone for now
// ==============================
if(!SetSystemTime(st)) return FALSE;
// Now adjust for the offset
// =========================
m_i64 += (__int64)nSign * (__int64)nOffset * 60 * 10000000;
return TRUE; }
LONG CWbemTime::GetLocalOffsetForDate(const SYSTEMTIME *pst) { TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzTime; DWORD dwRes = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzTime); LONG lRes = 0xffffffff;
switch (dwRes) { case TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN: { // Read tz, but no dst defined in this zone
lRes = tzTime.Bias * -1; break; } case TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: case TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: {
// Convert the relative dates to absolute dates
DayInMonthToAbsolute(&tzTime.DaylightDate, pst->wYear); DayInMonthToAbsolute(&tzTime.StandardDate, pst->wYear);
if ( CompareSYSTEMTIME(&tzTime.DaylightDate, &tzTime.StandardDate) < 0 ) { /*
* Northern hemisphere ordering */ if ( CompareSYSTEMTIME(pst, &tzTime.DaylightDate) < 0 || CompareSYSTEMTIME(pst, &tzTime.StandardDate) > 0) { lRes = tzTime.Bias * -1; } else { lRes = (tzTime.Bias + tzTime.DaylightBias) * -1; } } else { /*
* Southern hemisphere ordering */ if ( CompareSYSTEMTIME(pst, &tzTime.StandardDate) < 0 || CompareSYSTEMTIME(pst, &tzTime.DaylightDate) > 0) { lRes = (tzTime.Bias + tzTime.DaylightBias) * -1; } else { lRes = tzTime.Bias * -1; } }
} case TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID: default: { // Can't read the timezone info
break; } }
return lRes; } BOOL CWbemTime::GetDMTF( BOOL bLocal, DWORD dwBuffLen, LPWSTR pwszBuff ) {
SYSTEMTIME t_Systime; wchar_t chsign = L'-'; int offset = 0;
// Need to Localize the offset
if ( dwBuffLen < WBEMTIME_LENGTH + 1 ) { return FALSE; }
// If the date to be converted is within 12 hours of
// 1/1/1601, return the greenwich time
ULONGLONG t_ConversionZone = 12L * 60L * 60L ; t_ConversionZone = t_ConversionZone * 10000000L ; if ( !bLocal || ( m_i64 < t_ConversionZone ) ) { if(!GetSYSTEMTIME(&t_Systime)) { return NULL; } } else { if (GetSYSTEMTIME(&t_Systime)) { offset = GetLocalOffsetForDate(&t_Systime);
CWbemTime wt; if (offset >= 0) { chsign = '+'; wt = *this + CWbemTimeSpan(0, 0, offset, 0); } else { offset *= -1; wt = *this - CWbemTimeSpan(0, 0, offset, 0); } wt.GetSYSTEMTIME(&t_Systime); } else { return NULL; } }
LONGLONG tmpMicros = m_i64%10000000; LONG micros = (LONG)(tmpMicros / 10);
pwszBuff, L"%04.4d%02.2d%02.2d%02.2d%02.2d%02.2d.%06.6d%c%03.3ld", t_Systime.wYear, t_Systime.wMonth, t_Systime.wDay, t_Systime.wHour, t_Systime.wMinute, t_Systime.wSecond, micros, chsign, offset );
return TRUE ;
CWbemTime CWbemTime::operator+(const CWbemTimeSpan &uAdd) const { CWbemTime ret; ret.m_i64 = m_i64 + uAdd.m_Time;
return ret; }
CWbemTime CWbemTime::operator-(const CWbemTimeSpan &uSub) const { CWbemTime ret; ret.m_i64 = m_i64 - uSub.m_Time;
return ret; }
CWbemTimeSpan::CWbemTimeSpan(int iDays, int iHours, int iMinutes, int iSeconds, int iMSec, int iUSec, int iNSec) { m_Time = 0; //todo, check values!!!
m_Time += iSeconds; m_Time += iMinutes * 60; m_Time += iHours * 60 * 60; m_Time += iDays * 24 * 60 * 60; m_Time *= 10000000; m_Time += iNSec / 100; // Nanoseconds
m_Time += iUSec*10; // Microseconds
m_Time += iMSec*10000; // Milliseconds