Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Event Log helpers
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wbemcomn.h>
#include "CWbemTime.h"
#include <evtlog.h>
#include <genutils.h>
CInsertionString::CInsertionString(long l) : m_bEmpty(FALSE) { WCHAR wsz[100]; swprintf(wsz, L"%d", l); m_ws = wsz; }
CInsertionString::CInsertionString(CHex h) : m_bEmpty(FALSE) { WCHAR wsz[100]; swprintf(wsz, L"0x%x", (long)h); m_ws = wsz; }
CEventLogRecord::CEventLogRecord(WORD wType, DWORD dwEventID, CInsertionString s1, CInsertionString s2, CInsertionString s3, CInsertionString s4, CInsertionString s5, CInsertionString s6, CInsertionString s7, CInsertionString s8, CInsertionString s9, CInsertionString s10) { m_wType = wType; m_dwEventID = dwEventID; m_CreationTime = CWbemTime::GetCurrentTime(); AddInsertionString(s10); AddInsertionString(s9); AddInsertionString(s8); AddInsertionString(s7); AddInsertionString(s6); AddInsertionString(s5); AddInsertionString(s4); AddInsertionString(s3); AddInsertionString(s2); AddInsertionString(s1); }
void CEventLogRecord::AddInsertionString(CInsertionString& s) { if(!s.IsEmpty() || m_awsStrings.Size() > 0) m_awsStrings.InsertAt(0, s.GetString()); }
LPCWSTR CEventLogRecord::GetStringAt(int nIndex) { if(nIndex >= m_awsStrings.Size()) return NULL; else return m_awsStrings[nIndex]; }
BOOL CEventLogRecord::operator==(const CEventLogRecord& Other) { if(m_wType != Other.m_wType) return FALSE; if(m_dwEventID != Other.m_dwEventID) return FALSE; if(m_awsStrings.Size() != Other.m_awsStrings.Size()) return FALSE;
for(int i = 0; i < m_awsStrings.Size(); i++) { if(wcscmp(m_awsStrings[i], Other.m_awsStrings[i])) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
CEventLog::CEventLog(LPCWSTR wszUNCServerName, LPCWSTR wszSourceName, DWORD dwTimeout) : m_wsServerName(wszUNCServerName), m_wsSourceName(wszSourceName), m_hSource(NULL), m_fLog(NULL), m_dwTimeout(dwTimeout) { m_pRecords = new LogRecords; m_bNT = IsNT(); }
CEventLog::~CEventLog() { delete m_pRecords; Close(); }
BOOL CEventLog::Close() { if(m_bNT) { if(m_hSource != NULL) { DeregisterEventSource(m_hSource); m_hSource = NULL; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CEventLog::Open() { if(m_bNT) { if(m_hSource == NULL) { m_hSource = RegisterEventSourceW(m_wsServerName, m_wsSourceName); } return (m_hSource != NULL); } else return TRUE; }
BOOL CEventLog::SearchForRecord(CEventLogRecord* pRecord) { for(int i = 0; i < m_pRecords->GetSize(); i++) { // Check if this record is still current
// =====================================
CWbemInterval Age = CWbemTime::GetCurrentTime() - (*m_pRecords)[i]->GetCreationTime(); if(Age.GetSeconds() > m_dwTimeout) { m_pRecords->RemoveAt(i); i--; continue; }
// Compare the data
// ================
if( *(*m_pRecords)[i] == *pRecord) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void CEventLog::AddRecord(CEventLogRecord* pRecord) { m_pRecords->Add(pRecord); }
BOOL CEventLog::Report(WORD wType, DWORD dwEventID, CInsertionString s1, CInsertionString s2, CInsertionString s3, CInsertionString s4, CInsertionString s5, CInsertionString s6, CInsertionString s7, CInsertionString s8, CInsertionString s9, CInsertionString s10) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Create a record
// ===============
CEventLogRecord* pRecord = new CEventLogRecord(wType, dwEventID, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10); if(!pRecord) return FALSE;
// Search for it
// =============
BOOL bDuplicate = SearchForRecord(pRecord); if(bDuplicate) { delete pRecord; return TRUE; }
WORD wNumStrings = pRecord->GetNumStrings();
// Log it
// ======
if(m_bNT) { if(m_hSource == NULL) return FALSE;
LPCWSTR* awszStrings = new LPCWSTR[wNumStrings]; if(!awszStrings) return FALSE; for(int i = 0; i < wNumStrings; i++) awszStrings[i] = pRecord->GetStringAt(i); BOOL bRes = ReportEventW(m_hSource, wType, 0, dwEventID, NULL, wNumStrings, 0, awszStrings, NULL);
delete [] awszStrings; return bRes; } else { Registry r(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_READ, WBEM_REG_WINMGMT); TCHAR* szInstDir; if(r.GetStr(__TEXT("Working Directory"), &szInstDir) != Registry::no_error) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_EVENTLOG, "Logging is unable to read the system " "registry!\n")); return FALSE; } CDeleteMe<TCHAR> dm1(szInstDir); TCHAR* szDllPath = new TCHAR[lstrlen(szInstDir) + 100]; if(!szDllPath) return FALSE; wsprintf(szDllPath, __TEXT("%s\\WinMgmtR.dll"), szInstDir); HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary(szDllPath); delete [] szDllPath; if(hDll == NULL) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_EVENTLOG, "Logging is unable to open the message " "DLL. Error code %d\n", GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
LPSTR* aszStrings = new LPSTR[wNumStrings]; if(!aszStrings) return FALSE; int i; for(i = 0; i < wNumStrings; i++) aszStrings[i] = WString(pRecord->GetStringAt(i)).GetLPSTR(); char* szMessage; DWORD dwRes = FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, hDll, dwEventID, 0, (char*)&szMessage, 0, (va_list*)aszStrings);
for(i = 0; i < wNumStrings; i++) delete [] aszStrings[i]; delete [] aszStrings;
if(dwRes == 0) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_EVENTLOG, "Logging is unable to format the message " "for event 0x%X. Error code: %d\n", dwEventID, GetLastError())); return FALSE; } switch(wType) { case EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE: case EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE: case EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE: ERRORTRACE((LOG_EVENTLOG, "%s\n", szMessage)); default: DEBUGTRACE((LOG_EVENTLOG, "%s\n", szMessage)); } LocalFree(szMessage);
return TRUE; } }