Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Utility string class
a-raymcc 30-May-96 Created. a-dcrews 16-Mar-99 Added out-of-memory exception handling
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wstring.h>
#include <corex.h>
static wchar_t g_szNullString[1] = {0};
/*inline*/ void WString::DeleteString(wchar_t *pStr) { if (pStr != g_szNullString) delete [] pStr; }
WString::WString() { m_pString = g_szNullString; } WString::WString(wchar_t *pSrc, BOOL bAcquire) { if (bAcquire) { m_pString = pSrc; if (m_pString == 0) m_pString = g_szNullString; return; }
if (pSrc == 0) { m_pString = g_szNullString; return; }
m_pString = new wchar_t[wcslen(pSrc) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == m_pString ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wcscpy(m_pString, pSrc); }
WString::WString(DWORD dwResourceID, HMODULE hMod) { int iSize = 100; BOOL bNotDone = TRUE; TCHAR* pTemp = NULL;
// load the string from the string table. Since we dont know what size, try increasing the
// buffer till it works, or until the clearly obsurd case is hit
while (iSize < 10240) { pTemp = new TCHAR [iSize];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTemp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
int iRead = LoadString(hMod, dwResourceID, pTemp, iSize); if(iRead == 0) { // Bad string
m_pString = g_szNullString; delete [] pTemp; return; } if(iRead +1 < iSize) break; // all is well;
iSize += 100; // Try again
delete [] pTemp; pTemp = NULL; }
#ifdef UNICODE
//For unicode, this is the string we need!
m_pString = pTemp; #else
//Only have to convert if we are not using unicode, otherwise it is already in wide mode!
if(pTemp) { // got a narrow string, allocate a large string buffer and convert
long len = mbstowcs(NULL, pTemp, lstrlen(pTemp)+1) + 1; m_pString = new wchar_t[len];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == m_pString ) { delete [] pTemp; throw CX_MemoryException(); }
mbstowcs(m_pString, pTemp, lstrlen(pTemp)+1); delete [] pTemp; } else m_pString = g_szNullString; #endif
WString::WString(const wchar_t *pSrc) { if (pSrc == 0) { m_pString = g_szNullString; return; }
m_pString = new wchar_t[wcslen(pSrc) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == m_pString ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wcscpy(m_pString, pSrc); }
WString::WString(const char *pSrc) { m_pString = new wchar_t[strlen(pSrc) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == m_pString ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
mbstowcs(m_pString, pSrc, strlen(pSrc) + 1); // swprintf(m_pString, L"%S", pSrc);
LPSTR WString::GetLPSTR() const { long len = 2*(wcslen(m_pString) + 1); char *pTmp = new char[len];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wcstombs(pTmp, m_pString, len); // sprintf(pTmp, "%S", m_pString);
return pTmp; }
WString& WString::operator =(const WString &Src) { DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = new wchar_t[wcslen(Src.m_pString) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == m_pString ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wcscpy(m_pString, Src.m_pString); return *this; }
WString& WString::operator =(LPCWSTR pSrc) { DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = new wchar_t[wcslen(pSrc) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == m_pString ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wcscpy(m_pString, pSrc); return *this; }
WString& WString::operator +=(const wchar_t *pOther) { wchar_t *pTmp = new wchar_t[wcslen(m_pString) + wcslen(pOther) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wcscpy(pTmp, m_pString); wcscat(pTmp, pOther); DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = pTmp; return *this; }
WString& WString::operator +=(wchar_t NewChar) { wchar_t Copy[2]; Copy[0] = NewChar; Copy[1] = 0; wchar_t *pTmp = new wchar_t[wcslen(m_pString) + 2];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wcscpy(pTmp, m_pString); wcscat(pTmp, Copy); DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = pTmp; return *this; }
WString& WString::operator +=(const WString &Other) { wchar_t *pTmp = new wchar_t[wcslen(m_pString) + wcslen(Other.m_pString) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wcscpy(pTmp, m_pString); wcscat(pTmp, Other.m_pString); DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = pTmp; return *this; }
wchar_t WString::operator[](int nIndex) const { if (nIndex >= (int) wcslen(m_pString)) return 0; return m_pString[nIndex]; }
WString& WString::TruncAtRToken(wchar_t Token) { for (int i = (int) wcslen(m_pString); i >= 0; i--) { wchar_t wc = m_pString[i]; m_pString[i] = 0; if (wc == Token) break; } return *this; }
WString& WString::TruncAtLToken(wchar_t Token) { int nStrlen = wcslen(m_pString); for (int i = 0; i < nStrlen ; i++) { if (Token == m_pString[i]) { m_pString[i] = 0; break; } } return *this; }
WString& WString::StripToToken(wchar_t Token, BOOL bIncludeToken) { int nStrlen = wcslen(m_pString); wchar_t *pTmp = new wchar_t[nStrlen + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
*pTmp = 0;
BOOL bFound = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < nStrlen; i++) { if (m_pString[i] == Token) { bFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (!bFound) { delete [] pTmp; return *this; } if (bIncludeToken) i++; wcscpy(pTmp, &m_pString[i]); DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = pTmp; return *this; }
LPWSTR WString::UnbindPtr() { if (m_pString == g_szNullString) { m_pString = new wchar_t[1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == m_pString ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
*m_pString = 0; } wchar_t *pTmp = m_pString; m_pString = g_szNullString; return pTmp; }
WString& WString::StripWs(int nType) { if (nType & leading) { wchar_t *pTmp = new wchar_t[wcslen(m_pString) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
int i = 0; while (iswspace(m_pString[i]) && m_pString[i]) i++; wcscpy(pTmp, &m_pString[i]); DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = pTmp; } if (nType & trailing) { wchar_t *pCursor = m_pString + wcslen(m_pString) - 1; while (pCursor >= m_pString && iswspace(*pCursor)) *pCursor-- = 0; } return *this; }
wchar_t *WString::GetLToken(wchar_t Tok) const { wchar_t *pCursor = m_pString; while (*pCursor && *pCursor != Tok) pCursor++; if (*pCursor == Tok) return pCursor; return 0; }
WString WString::operator()(int nLeft, int nRight) const { wchar_t *pTmp = new wchar_t[wcslen(m_pString) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
wchar_t *pCursor = pTmp; for (int i = nLeft; i < (int) wcslen(m_pString) && i <= nRight; i++) *pCursor++ = m_pString[i]; *pCursor = 0;
return WString(pTmp, TRUE); }
BOOL WString::ExtractToken(const wchar_t * pDelimiters, WString &Extract) { if(pDelimiters == NULL) { Extract.Empty(); return FALSE; }
// Find which character in the list works. Use the first if none are
// present
int nLen = wcslen(m_pString); int nDimLen = wcslen(pDelimiters);
for (int i = 0; i < nLen; i++) for(int j = 0; j < nDimLen; j++) if (m_pString[i] == pDelimiters[j]) return ExtractToken(pDelimiters[j], Extract);
// If none were found, just use the first.
return ExtractToken(*pDelimiters, Extract);
} BOOL WString::ExtractToken(wchar_t Delimiter, WString &Extract) { int i, i2; BOOL bTokFound = FALSE; Extract.Empty(); int nLen = wcslen(m_pString); wchar_t *pTmp = new wchar_t[nLen + 1]; // Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) if (m_pString[i] == Delimiter) { bTokFound = TRUE; break; } else pTmp[i] = m_pString[i];
pTmp[i] = 0; Extract.BindPtr(pTmp); // Now make *this refer to any leftover stuff.
// ===========================================
pTmp = new wchar_t[nLen - wcslen(pTmp) + 1];
// Watch for allocation failures
if ( NULL == pTmp ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
*pTmp = 0;
for (i2 = 0, i++; i <= nLen; i++) pTmp[i2++] = m_pString[i];
DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = pTmp; // Return TRUE if the token was encountered, FALSE if not.
// =======================================================
return bTokFound; }
void WString::Empty() { DeleteString(m_pString); m_pString = g_szNullString; }
static int _WildcardAux(const wchar_t *pszWildstr, const wchar_t *pszTargetstr, int iGreedy) { enum { start, wild, strip } eState; wchar_t cInput, cInputw, cLaToken; if (!wcslen(pszTargetstr) || !wcslen(pszWildstr)) return 0; for (eState = start;;) switch (eState) { case start: cInputw = *pszWildstr++; // wildcard input
cInput = *pszTargetstr; // target input
if (!cInputw) // at end of wildcard string?
goto EndScan;
// Check for wildcard chars first
if (cInputw == L'?') { // Simply strips both inputs
if (!cInput) // If end of input, error
return 0; pszTargetstr++; continue; } if (cInputw == L'*') { eState = wild; break; }
// If here, an exact match is required.
if (cInput != cInputw) return 0; // Else remain in same state, since match succeeded
pszTargetstr++; break;
case wild: cLaToken = *pszWildstr++; // Establish the lookahead token
eState = strip; break;
case strip: cInput = *pszTargetstr;
if (cInput == cLaToken) { if (!cInput) // Match on a NULL
goto EndScan; ++pszTargetstr;
// If there is another occurrence of the lookahead
// token in the string, and we are in greedy mode,
// stay in this state
if (!iGreedy) eState = start;
if (!wcschr(pszTargetstr, cLaToken)) eState = start;
break; } if (cLaToken && !cInput) // End of input with a non-null la token
return 0;
++pszTargetstr; // Still stripping input
break; }
// Here if the wildcard input is exhausted. If the
// target string is also empty, we have a match,
// otherwise not.
EndScan: if (wcslen(pszTargetstr)) return 0;
return 1; }
// Run the test both with greedy and non-greedy matching, allowing the
// greatest possible chance of a match.
BOOL WString::WildcardTest(const wchar_t *pszWildstr) const { return (_WildcardAux(pszWildstr, m_pString, 0) | _WildcardAux(pszWildstr, m_pString, 1)); }
void WString::Unquote() { if (!m_pString) return; int nLen = wcslen(m_pString); if (nLen == 0) return;
// Remove trailing quote.
// ======================
if (m_pString[nLen - 1] == L'"') m_pString[nLen - 1] = 0;
// Remove leading quote.
// =====================
if (m_pString[0] == L'"') { for (int i = 0; i < nLen; i++) m_pString[i] = m_pString[i + 1]; } }
WString WString::EscapeQuotes() const { WString ws;
int nLen = Length(); for(int i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { if(m_pString[i] == '"' || m_pString[i] == '\\') { ws += L'\\'; }
ws += m_pString[i]; }
return ws; }