Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
// RefreshCooker.cpp
#include "precomp.h"
#include <wbemint.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <autoptr.h>
#include "Refresher.h"
#include "CookerUtils.h"
// CRefresher
// ==========
// The refresher class implements both the IWbemRefresher and the
// IWMIRefreshableCooker interfaces. It contains an instance cache and
// an enumerator cache as well as maintaining an internal refresher to
// track the raw data.
CRefresher::CRefresher() : m_pRefresher( NULL ), m_pConfig( NULL ), m_lRef( 0 ), m_bOK( FALSE ), m_dwRefreshId(0) { WMISTATUS dwStatus = WBEM_NO_ERROR;
// Initialize the internal refresher
// =================================
dwStatus = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemRefresher, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemRefresher, (void**) &m_pRefresher );
// Get the refresher configuration interface
// =========================================
if ( SUCCEEDED( dwStatus ) ) { dwStatus = m_pRefresher->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemConfigureRefresher, (void**)&m_pConfig ); }
// If there was a problem, cleanup the interface pointers
// ======================================================
if ( FAILED( dwStatus ) ) { if ( NULL != m_pRefresher ) { m_pRefresher->Release(); m_pRefresher = NULL; }
if ( NULL != m_pConfig ) { m_pConfig->Release(); m_pConfig = NULL; } }
m_bOK = SUCCEEDED( dwStatus );
#ifdef _VERBOSE
{ char pBuff[128]; wsprintfA(pBuff,"------------ CRefresher %08x \n",this); OutputDebugStringA(pBuff); } #endif
CRefresher::~CRefresher() { // Cleanup the members
// ===================
if ( NULL != m_pRefresher ) { m_pRefresher->Release(); m_pRefresher = NULL; }
if ( NULL != m_pConfig ) { m_pConfig->Release(); m_pConfig = NULL; } }
// Private methods
WMISTATUS CRefresher::SearchCookingClassCache( WCHAR* wszCookingClass, CWMISimpleObjectCooker** ppObjectCooker ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// SearchCookingClassCache enumerates the cache looking for a class name
// that matches the wszCookingClass parameter
// Parameters:
// wszCookingClass - The name of the WMI cooking class
// ppObjectCooker - The instance of the object cooker
CWMISimpleObjectCooker* pObjectCooker = NULL;
// Enumerate through the cache looking for the record
// ==================================================
while ( S_OK == m_CookingClassCache.Next( &pObjectCooker ) ) { // Compare the names
// =================
if ( 0 == _wcsicmp( pObjectCooker->GetCookingClassName(), wszCookingClass ) ) { *ppObjectCooker = pObjectCooker; dwStatus = WBEM_NO_ERROR; break; } }
// We're done
// ==========
return dwStatus; }
WMISTATUS CRefresher::CreateObjectCooker( WCHAR* wszCookingClassName, IWbemObjectAccess* pCookingAccess, IWbemObjectAccess* pRawAccess, CWMISimpleObjectCooker** ppObjectCooker, IWbemServices * pNamespace) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CreateObjectCooker will create and initialize a new object cooker and add
// it to the cache
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - The namespace pointer where the objects are located
// pCookingAccess - The WMI cooking object in need of a cooker
// wszCookingClassName
// - The name of the cooking class
// ppObjectCooker - The parameter to pass back the new object cooker
CWMISimpleObjectCooker* pObjectCooker = NULL; WCHAR* wszRawClassName; long lID;
pObjectCooker = new CWMISimpleObjectCooker( wszCookingClassName, pCookingAccess, pRawAccess, pNamespace );
if ( NULL == pObjectCooker ) { dwStatus = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { dwStatus = pObjectCooker->GetLastHR(); }
// Add the object cooker to the cache
if ( SUCCEEDED( dwStatus ) ) { dwStatus = m_CookingClassCache.Add( pObjectCooker, wszCookingClassName, &lID ); } else { if (pObjectCooker){ delete pObjectCooker; pObjectCooker = NULL; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(dwStatus)) { *ppObjectCooker = pObjectCooker; }
return dwStatus; }
WMISTATUS CRefresher::AddRawInstance( IWbemServices* pService, IWbemContext * pCtx, IWbemObjectAccess* pCookingInst, IWbemObjectAccess** ppRawInst ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// AddRawInstance is called to add the corresponding raw instance of a
// cooked object to the internal refresher. We first extract the key value
// from the cooked object and create the raw instance path using the raw
// class name
// Parameters:
// pService - The namespace pointer where the objects are located
// pCookingInst - The WMI cooking instance
// ppRawInst - The WMI raw instance that was added to the internal
// refresher
IWbemClassObject* pObj = NULL; // The alternate representation of pCookingInst
_variant_t varRelPath; // The RELPATH value
WCHAR* wszRawClassName = NULL; // The name of the raw class
// Get the fully specified instance path for the cooking object
// ============================================================
pCookingInst->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemClassObject, (void**)&pObj ); CAutoRelease arObj( pObj );
dwStatus = pObj->Get( L"__RELPATH", 0, &varRelPath, NULL, NULL );
if ( SUCCEEDED( dwStatus ) ) { // Verify the property type
// ========================
if ( varRelPath.vt != VT_BSTR ) { dwStatus = WBEM_E_TYPE_MISMATCH; }
if ( SUCCEEDED( dwStatus ) ) { IWbemClassObject* pRawInst = NULL; WCHAR* wszKeys = NULL; WCHAR* wszRawInst = NULL;
// Extract the key name
// ====================
wszKeys = wcsstr( varRelPath.bstrVal, L"=" ) + 1;
// Get the raw class name
// ======================
dwStatus = GetRawClassName( pCookingInst, &wszRawClassName );
if (SUCCEEDED(dwStatus)) { wmilib::auto_buffer<WCHAR> adRawClassName( wszRawClassName );
// Append the key to the raw class name
// ====================================
wszRawInst = new WCHAR[ wcslen( wszRawClassName ) + wcslen( wszKeys ) + 10 ]; if (!wszRawInst) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; wmilib::auto_buffer<WCHAR> adRawInst( wszRawInst );
swprintf( wszRawInst, L"%s=%s", wszRawClassName, wszKeys ); // Add a raw instance to the internal refresher
// ============================================
dwStatus = m_pConfig->AddObjectByPath( pService, wszRawInst, 0, pCtx, &pRawInst, NULL ); CAutoRelease arRawInst( pRawInst );
if (SUCCEEDED(dwStatus)) { // Return the IWbemObjectAccess interface of the raw instance
// ==========================================================
dwStatus = pRawInst->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemObjectAccess, (void**)ppRawInst ); } } } } return dwStatus; }
WMISTATUS CRefresher::AddRawEnum( IWbemServices* pNamespace, IWbemContext * pCtx, WCHAR * wszRawClassName, IWbemHiPerfEnum** ppRawEnum, long* plID ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// AddRawEnum is called to add the corresponding raw enumerator to the
// internal refrehser. In order to add the raw enumerator to the refresher,
// we must determine the raw class name, therefore, we must create a
// cooking class in order to get the AutoCook_RawClass qualifier.
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - The namespace pointer where the objects are located
// wszRawClassName - The name of the cooking class
// ppRawEnum - The raw WMI enumerator that was added to the
// internal refresher
// plID - The refresher ID of the raw enumerator
// Add the Raw enumerator to the internal refresher
// ================================================
if ( SUCCEEDED( dwStatus ) ) { dwStatus = m_pConfig->AddEnum( pNamespace, wszRawClassName, 0, pCtx, ppRawEnum, plID );
#ifdef _VERBOSE
{ char pBuff[256]; wsprintfA(pBuff,"wszRawClassName %S pEnum %08x hr %08x\n",wszRawClassName,*ppRawEnum,dwStatus); OutputDebugStringA(pBuff); } #endif
return dwStatus; }
// COM methods
STDMETHODIMP CRefresher::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Standard QueryInterface
// Parameters:
// riid - the ID of the requested interface
// ppv - a pointer to the interface pointer
{ if(riid == IID_IUnknown) *ppv = (LPVOID)(IUnknown*)(IWMIRefreshableCooker*)this; else if(riid == IID_IWMIRefreshableCooker) *ppv = (LPVOID)(IWMIRefreshableCooker*)this; else if(riid == IID_IWbemRefresher) *ppv = (LPVOID)(IWbemRefresher*)this;
else return E_NOINTERFACE;
((IUnknown*)*ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRefresher::AddRef() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Standard COM AddRef
{ return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRef); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CRefresher::Release() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Standard COM Release
{ long lRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRef); if(lRef == 0) delete this;
return lRef; }
STDMETHODIMP CRefresher::AddInstance( /*[in] */ IWbemServices* pNamespace, // The object's namespace
/*[in] */ IWbemContext * pCtx, // The Context
/*[in] */ IWbemObjectAccess* pCookingInstance, // Cooking class definition
/*[in] */ IWbemObjectAccess* pRefreshableRawInstance, // Raw instance
/*[out] */ IWbemObjectAccess** ppRefreshableInstance, // Cooking instance
/*[out] */ long* plId ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// AddInstance is called to add a WMI cooking instance to the refresher. The
// refreshable instance is a clone of the WMI instance that is passed in
// by pCookingInstance. Once the instance is cloned, the corresponding raw
// instance is added to the internal refresher, and then the cloned
// cooked instance and the refreshable raw instance are added to the object
// cooker. If a cooker does not already exist in the cooker cache, one
// is created.
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - The namespace where the objects are located
// pCtx - IWbemContext implementation
// pCookingInstance - The instance to be cooked
// pRefreshableRawInstance
// - U N U S E D P A R A M
// ppRefreshableInstance
// - The refreshable cooking instance passed back to
// the client
// plId - The ID of the instance
{ HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
CWMISimpleObjectCooker* pObjectCooker = NULL; IWbemObjectAccess* pInternalRawInst = NULL; // The raw instance for the short term local refresher solution
// For now, we expect that the pRefreshableRawInstance parameter will be NULL
// since we are using an internal refresher to manage the raw instances
// ==========================================================================
if ( NULL == pNamespace || NULL == pCookingInstance || NULL != pRefreshableRawInstance ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
IWbemClassObject* pNewClassObj = NULL;
IWbemClassObject* pClassObj = pCookingInstance; pClassObj->AddRef(); CAutoRelease arClassObj( pClassObj ); hResult = pClassObj->Clone( &pNewClassObj );
CAutoRelease arNewClassObj( pNewClassObj );
if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) {
hResult = pNewClassObj->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemObjectAccess, (void**)ppRefreshableInstance );
// Add the instance to the object cooker
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){
// Get the raw instance (add it to the internal refresher)
hResult = AddRawInstance( pNamespace, pCtx, *ppRefreshableInstance, &pInternalRawInst ); CAutoRelease arInternalRawInst( pInternalRawInst );
//m_pRefresher->Refresh( 0L );
// Retrieve the class cooker
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ WCHAR* wszClassName = NULL;
// Get the cooked class' name
hResult = GetClassName( pCookingInstance, &wszClassName ); wmilib::auto_buffer<WCHAR> adaClassName( wszClassName );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ // Search for an existing cooking cache object
hResult = SearchCookingClassCache( wszClassName, &pObjectCooker );
// If it does not exist, create a new one
if ( FAILED ( hResult ) ) { hResult = CreateObjectCooker( wszClassName, pCookingInstance, pInternalRawInst, &pObjectCooker, pNamespace ); } } } }
// Add the cooking instance
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ hResult = pObjectCooker->SetCookedInstance( *ppRefreshableInstance, plId );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ){ // Add the raw instance to the cooker
hResult = pObjectCooker->BeginCooking( *plId, pInternalRawInst, m_dwRefreshId ); } } } return hResult; }
STDMETHODIMP CRefresher::AddEnum( /*[in] */ IWbemServices* pNamespace, /*[in] */ IWbemContext * pContext, /*[in, string] */ LPCWSTR wszCookingClass, /*[in] */ IWbemHiPerfEnum* pRefreshableEnum, /*[out] */ long* plId ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// AddEnum is called whenever a new cooked enumerator is added to the
// refresher. WMI passes an IWbemHiPerfEnum object to the provider which
// will be used for the cooked enumerator. The corresponding raw enumerator
// is obtained when the added to the internal refresher. Both of these
// enumerators as well as a cooking class template is added to the
// enumerator cache.
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - The namespace where the objects are located
// wszCookingClass - The name of the enumerators' cooking class
// pRefreshableEnum
// - The enumerator to be used for the cooked classes
// plId - The ID of the enumerator
IWbemHiPerfEnum* pRawEnum = NULL; long lRawID = 0;
// Verify our 'in' parameters
// ==========================
if ( NULL == pNamespace || NULL == wszCookingClass || NULL == pRefreshableEnum ) { hResult = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ) { // Get the cooking object
// ======================
IWbemClassObject* pCookedObject = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pRawObject = NULL;
BSTR strCookedClassName = SysAllocString( wszCookingClass ); CAutoFree afCookedClassName( strCookedClassName );
hResult = pNamespace->GetObject( strCookedClassName, 0, NULL, &pCookedObject, NULL ); CAutoRelease arCookedObject( pCookedObject );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ) { WCHAR* wszRawClassName = NULL;
hResult = GetRawClassName( pCookedObject, &wszRawClassName ); wmilib::auto_buffer<WCHAR> adRawClassName( wszRawClassName );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult )) { BSTR strRawClassName = SysAllocString(wszRawClassName);
if (strRawClassName) { CAutoFree sfm(strRawClassName);
hResult = pNamespace->GetObject( strRawClassName, 0, NULL, &pRawObject, NULL ); CAutoRelease arRawObject( pRawObject ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ) { // Add the raw enumerator to our internal refresher
// ================================================
hResult = AddRawEnum( pNamespace, pContext, wszRawClassName, &pRawEnum, &lRawID ); CAutoRelease arRawEnum( pRawEnum );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ) { // Add the cooked enumerator to the enumerator cache
// =================================================
hResult = m_EnumCache.AddEnum( wszCookingClass, pCookedObject, // this is acquired by CWMISimpleObjectCooker and CEnumeratorManager
pRawObject, pRefreshableEnum, pRawEnum, lRawID, (DWORD*)plId ); // set the three bits
*plId |= WMI_COOKED_ENUM_MASK; } } } else { hResult = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } } }
return hResult; }
STDMETHODIMP CRefresher:: Remove( /*[in] */ long lId ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Remove is used to remove an object from the refresher. Depending on the
// object, the corresponding removal is performed.
// Parameters:
// lID - The ID of the object to be removed
{ HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
// Is it an instance ID?
// =====================
if ( lId == ( lId & ~WMI_COOKED_ENUM_MASK ) ) { CWMISimpleObjectCooker* pCooker = NULL;
hResult = m_CookingClassCache.BeginEnum();
while ( S_OK == m_CookingClassCache.Next( &pCooker ) ) { // TODO: ensure that the ID's are unique over all raw cookers!
// ===========================================================
pCooker->Remove( lId ); }
hResult = m_CookingClassCache.EndEnum(); } else { long RawId; hResult = m_EnumCache.RemoveEnum( (lId & ~WMI_COOKED_ENUM_MASK) , &RawId ); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)){ m_pConfig->Remove(RawId,0); }
return hResult; }
STDMETHODIMP CRefresher::Refresh() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Refresh is called when the refreshers' objects are to be updated. The
// instances are updated by explicitly enumerating through the instance
// cache. The enumerators' refresh is performed with the enumerator
// cache.
// Parameters: (none)
{ HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
CWMISimpleObjectCooker* pCooker = NULL;
// Refresh the internal refresher
// ==============================
hResult = m_pRefresher->Refresh( 0L );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ) { // INSTANCES: Update the instance values for every class
// =====================================================
hResult = m_CookingClassCache.BeginEnum();
while ( S_OK == m_CookingClassCache.Next( &pCooker ) ) { // And update all of the instances
// ===============================
pCooker->Recalc(m_dwRefreshId); }
hResult = m_CookingClassCache.EndEnum();
// ENUMERATORS: Merge and update the values for items in the enumerator
// ====================================================================
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) ) { hResult = m_EnumCache.Refresh(m_dwRefreshId); } }
return hResult; }
STDMETHODIMP CRefresher::Refresh( long lFlags ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This is the IWbemRefresher::Refresh implementation and is simply a call
// through.
hResult = Refresh();
return hResult; }