import "unknwn.idl"; import "wbemcli.idl";
// Following interface allows for management of refreshable objects and enums that // can be cooked.
[restricted,local,object,uuid(13ED7E55-8D63-41b0-9086-D0C5C17364C8)] interface IWMIRefreshableCooker : IUnknown { // Adds a new instance to the refreshable cooker. The Refreshable Instance // will be updated on calls to recalc. HRESULT AddInstance( [in] IWbemServices* pService, // The object's namespace [in] IWbemObjectAccess* pCookingClass, // Cooking class [in] IWbemObjectAccess* pCookingInstance, // An instance of the cooking class [out] IWbemObjectAccess** ppRefreshableInstance, // A clone of the instance used for refreshing [out] long* plId // The id of the refreshable cooking instance );
// Adds a new enumeration to the refreshable cooker. The Refreshable Enumerator // will be updated on calls to recalc. HRESULT AddEnum( [in] IWbemServices* pService, // The object's namespace [in,string] LPCWSTR szCookingClass, // The cooking class' name [in] IWbemHiPerfEnum* pRefreshableEnum, // The enumerator passed in from WMI [out] long* plId // THe id of the refreshable cooking enumerator );
// Removes the instance or enumerator specified by ulId from the // Refreshable Cooker. HRESULT Remove( [in] long lId );
// Refreshes all instances and enumerators in the refreshable cooker HRESULT Refresh();
// Following interface allows for refreshable objects of the same class to be // cooked as a group.
[restricted,local,object,uuid(A239BDF1-0AB1-45a0-8764-159115689589)] interface IWMISimpleObjectCooker : IUnknown { // Sets the class used by the cooker in order to fill out // instances when cooking. Once the class is set, it cannot // be reset HRESULT SetClass( [in] WCHAR* wszCookingClassName, [in] IWbemObjectAccess* pCookingClass, [in] IWbemObjectAccess* pRawClass );
// Retrieves a new cooked instance and an id which can be used // to identify it. The instance will not be updated unless // a sample instance is bound to it via BeginCooking() HRESULT SetCookedInstance( [in] IWbemObjectAccess* pCookedInstance, [out] long* plId );
// Provides an initial sample for cooking the instance specified // by ulId. Once the initial sample is set, it can be // cleared by calling BeginCooking again with another // instance HRESULT BeginCooking( [in] long lId, [in] IWbemObjectAccess* pSampleInstance, [in] unsigned long dwRefresherId );
// Tells the cooker to stop cooking the instance specified // by ulId. Cooking can be restarted by calling BeginCooking // again. HRESULT StopCooking( [in] long lId );
// Recalcs all instances using the appropriate cooking instances. HRESULT Recalc([in] unsigned long dwRefresherId);
// Removes an instance from the object cooker HRESULT Remove( [in] long lId );
// Clears all instances from the cooker. HRESULT Reset( void );
// Following interface allows for simple cooking of properties whose formulas // can be defined using 1 or 2 value samples.
[restricted,local,object,uuid(510ADF6E-D481-4a64-B74A-CC712E11AA34)] interface IWMISimpleCooker : IUnknown { // Simple method for cooking a two value, one base counter HRESULT CookRawValues( [in] DWORD dwCookingType, [in] DWORD dwNumSamples, [in, size_is(dwNumSamples)] __int64* anTimeStamp, [in, size_is(dwNumSamples)] __int64* anRawValue, [in, size_is(dwNumSamples)] __int64* anBase, [in] __int64 nTimeFrequency, [out] __int64* pnResult );
/* // This interface is a placeholder. We need to decide if the // methods below are really appropriate for what we are planning // to do.
[restricted,local,object,uuid(B1ADC67F-09E6-4adc-A45E-05BA3007CE30)] interface IWMIComplexCooker : public IUnknown {
// Sets a formula in the cooker. If the formula is known, a known // id is returned. If not, then the formula is parsed and a new // id generated HRESULT SetFormula( [in] LPCWSTR pwszCookingType, [out] DWORD* pdwId );
// General method for cooking a complex value - assumes that the formula follows // timestamp, time frequency, raw value and base value conventions HRESULT CookRawValues( [in] DWORD dwId, [in] ULONG nNumTimeStamps, [in,size_is(nNumTimeStamps)] unsigned __int64* pnTimestamps, [in] unsigned __int64 nTimeFrequency, [in,size_is(nNumTimeFrequency)] unsigned __int64* pnTimeFrequency, [in] ULONG nNumRawValues, [in,size_is(nNumRawValues)] unsigned __int64* pnRawValues, [in] ULONG nBaseValues, [in,size_is(nBaseValues)] unsigned __int64* pnBaseValues, [out] unsigned __int64 pnResult );
// General method for cooking a free form value by using an array of // supplied values. The cooker uses the values from the array, in order, // and applies them to the formula. HRESULT CookGeneralRawValues( [in] DWORD dwId, [in] ULONG nNumValues, [in,size_is(nNumTimeStamps)] unsigned __int64* pnRawValues [out] unsigned __int64 pnResult ); };
// Use arrays of these structures to describe each sample typedef struct _WMI_COOKING_SAMPLE { ULONG ulIndex; // Index in class array ULONG ulCount; // Num Instances in array [size_is(ulCount)] IWbemObjectAccess** apInstances; } WMI_COOKING_SAMPLE;
// This interface is a placeholder. We need to decide if the // methods below are really appropriate for what we are planning // to do. [restricted,local,object,uuid(979FF10D-D616-4448-BF08-3A79E01506B0)] interface IWMIComplexObjectCooker : public IUnknown { // Sets the class used by the cooker in order to fill out // instances when cooking.
HRESULT SetClass( [in] IWbemObjectAccess* pCookingClass, );
// Sets the initial instances. From this point forwards, additional // instances are supplied at Recalc time. HRESULT SetFirstSample( [in] ULONG ulCount, [in,size_is(ulCount)] WMI_COOKING_SAMPLE* apSampleData );
// Clears the cooking data and all samples - Initial sample is now required HRESULT Reset( void );
// Recalcs the specified instance using the supplied raw data. If this // is an initial sample, this sets the sample but doesn't atually recalc // anything. Fills out any properties that require cooking. Any others // must be filled out by the user themselves. This assumes a single instance // is used for cooking. HRESULT Recalc( [in,out] IWbemObjectAccess* pInstance, [in] ULONG ulCount, [in,size_is(ulCount)] WMI_COOKING_SAMPLE* apSampleData );