Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
--*/ // MofDlg.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wmitest.h"
#include "MofDlg.h"
#include "WMITestDoc.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CMofDlg dialog
CMofDlg::CMofDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CMofDlg::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CMofDlg)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
void FixCRs(CString &strText) { CString strTemp = strText;
strText = ""; while (strTemp.GetLength()) { int iWhere = strTemp.Find('\n');
if (iWhere == -1) { strText += strTemp; strTemp = ""; } else { strText += strTemp.Left(iWhere); strText += "\r\n"; strTemp = strTemp.Mid(iWhere + 1); } } }
void CMofDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMofDlg)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
if (!pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { BSTR bstrText; HRESULT hr;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pObj->GetObjectText( 0, &bstrText))) { CString strText = bstrText;
SetDlgItemText(IDC_MOF, strText);
SysFreeString(bstrText); } else { CWMITestDoc::DisplayWMIErrorBox(hr);
OnCancel(); } } }
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CMofDlg message handlers