Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WQL Parse Node Definitions
raymcc 29-Sep-97 Created
#ifndef _WQLNODE_H_
#define _WQLNODE_H_
#define WQL_FLAG_ALIAS 0x1
#define WQL_FLAG_TABLE 0x2
#define WQL_FLAG_ALL 0x10
#define WQL_FLAG_COUNT 0x20
#define WQL_FLAG_CONST 0x40
#define WQL_FLAG_COLUMN 0x80
#define WQL_FLAG_ARRAY_REF 0x400
#define WQL_FLAG_UPPER 0x800
#define WQL_FLAG_LOWER 0x1000
#define WQL_FLAG_FIRSTROW 0x2000
#define WQL_FLAG_CONST_RANGE 0x4000
#define WQL_FLAG_SORT_ASC 0x8000
#define WQL_FLAG_SORT_DESC 0x10000
#define WQL_FLAG_AGGREGATE 0x20000
#define WQL_FLAG_NULL 0x40000
// SWQLNode
// Base node type for all parser output.
struct SWQLNode { DWORD m_dwNodeType; SWQLNode *m_pLeft; SWQLNode *m_pRight;
SWQLNode() { m_pLeft = 0; m_pRight = 0; m_dwNodeType = 0; } virtual ~SWQLNode() { delete m_pLeft; delete m_pRight; } virtual void DebugDump() = 0; };
// SWQLTypedConst
// Typed constant container (similar to OA VARIANT).
union UWQLTypedConst { LPWSTR m_pString; // VT_LPWSTR for WQL_TOK_QSTRING and WQL_TOK_PROMPT
LONG m_lValue; // VT_LONG
double m_dblValue; // VT_DOUBLE
struct SWQLTypedConst { DWORD m_dwType; // A VT_ type
UWQLTypedConst m_Value; // One of the union fields
bool m_bPrompt; // Only true if token was WQL_TOK_PROMPT
SWQLTypedConst(); SWQLTypedConst(SWQLTypedConst &Src) { m_dwType = VT_NULL; *this = Src; } SWQLTypedConst & operator = (SWQLTypedConst &Src); ~SWQLTypedConst() { Empty(); } void Empty(); void DebugDump(); };
struct SWQLConstList { CFlexArray m_aValues; // ptrs to SWQLTypedConst
SWQLConstList() {} SWQLConstList(SWQLConstList &Src) { *this = Src; } SWQLConstList & operator = (SWQLConstList & Src); ~SWQLConstList() { Empty(); } void Add(SWQLTypedConst *pTC) { m_aValues.Add(pTC); } void Empty(); };
struct SWQLQualifiedNameField { LPWSTR m_pName; // Name
BOOL m_bArrayRef; // TRUE if this is an array reference
DWORD m_dwArrayIndex; // If <m_bArrayRef == TRUE> this is the array index
SWQLQualifiedNameField() { m_pName = 0; m_bArrayRef = 0; m_dwArrayIndex = 0; } SWQLQualifiedNameField(SWQLQualifiedNameField &Src) { m_pName = 0; *this = Src; } SWQLQualifiedNameField & operator = (SWQLQualifiedNameField &Src); ~SWQLQualifiedNameField() { Empty(); } void Empty() { delete [] m_pName; } };
struct SWQLQualifiedName { CFlexArray m_aFields; // [0] = left most, last entry is column
SWQLQualifiedName() {} SWQLQualifiedName(SWQLQualifiedName &Src) { *this = Src; } SWQLQualifiedName & operator = (SWQLQualifiedName &Src); ~SWQLQualifiedName() { Empty(); }
int GetNumNames() { return m_aFields.Size(); } const LPWSTR GetName(int nIndex) { return (LPWSTR) ((SWQLQualifiedNameField*) m_aFields[nIndex])->m_pName; }
int Add(SWQLQualifiedNameField *pQN) { return m_aFields.Add(pQN); } void Empty(); };
#define WQL_TOK_BASE 100
// SWQLNode_Select
// This is the root of the parse tree or the root of a subselect.
// SWQLNode_Select
// / \ // SWQLNode_TableRefs SWQLNode_WhereClause
// / \ / \ // x x x x
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_Select (WQL_TOK_BASE + 1)
struct SWQLNode_Select : SWQLNode { // Left Node is of type SWQLNode_TableRefs
// Right Node is of type SWQLNode_WhereClause
int m_nStPos; int m_nEndPos;
SWQLNode_Select() : m_nStPos(-1), m_nEndPos(-1) { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_Select; } void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_TableRefs
// This contains everything prior to the WHERE clause: the target
// column list and the FROM clause.
// Also contains the SELECT type, i.e., ALL vs. DISTINCT vs. COUNT.
// SWQLNode_TableRefs
// / \ // SWQLNode_ColumnList SWQLNode_FromClause
// In all cases, SWQLNode_ColumnList is present. Note that if the
// user did a "select *...", then the SWQLNode_ColumnList will only
// have a single column in it clearly marked as an asterisk. If
// a "select count(...) " was done, then m_nSelectType is set to
// WQL_FLAG_COUNT and the SWQLNode_ColumnList will have a single
// column in it, whether an * or a qualified name.
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_TableRefs (WQL_TOK_BASE + 2)
struct SWQLNode_TableRefs : SWQLNode { // Left Node is SWQLNode_ColumnList
// Right Node is SWQLNode_FromClause
int m_nSelectType; // WQL_FLAG_ALL means ALL was used.
// WQL_FLAG_COUNT means COUNT was used.
SWQLNode_TableRefs() { m_nSelectType = WQL_FLAG_ALL; m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_TableRefs; }
~SWQLNode_TableRefs() {} void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_ColumnList
// This contains the selected list of columns.
// SWQLNode_ColumnList
// / \ // NULL NULL
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_ColumnList (WQL_TOK_BASE + 3)
struct SWQLNode_ColumnList : SWQLNode { // Left Node is NULL
// Right Node is NULL
CFlexArray m_aColumnRefs ; // Pointers to SWQLColRef entries.
SWQLNode_ColumnList() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_ColumnList; } ~SWQLNode_ColumnList() { Empty(); } void Empty(); void DebugDump(); };
struct SWQLColRef { LPWSTR m_pColName; // The column name or "*" or NULL
LPWSTR m_pTableRef; // The table/alias name or NULL if there is none
DWORD m_dwArrayIndex; DWORD m_dwFlags; // WQL_FLAG_TABLE bit set if m_pTableRef
// is a table name
// WQL_FLAG_ALIAS bit set if m_pTableRef
// is a table alias
// WQL_FLAG_ASTERISK bit set if m_pColName is
// * (this is faster than to check than a
// string compare on <m_pColName> for "*".
// WQL_FLAG_NULL if the column name was "NULL"
// WQL_FLAG_FUNCTIONIZED is set if the column
// is wrapped in a function call.
// The function bits WQL_FLAG_UPPER or
// WQL_FLAG_LOWER will be set.
// WQL_FLAG_ARRAY_REF is set if the column
// is an array column, in which case
// m_dwArrayIndex is set to the array offset.
// WQL_FLAG_COMPLEX_NAME is set if the name
// is qualified in a deeply nested way,
// which requires examination of the <QName>
// object. In this case <m_pColName> is
// set to the last name, but m_pTableRef
// is left blank.
// WQL_FLAG_SORT_ASC to sort ascending (Order by only)
// WQL_FLAG_SORT_DESC to sort descending (Order by only)
SWQLQualifiedName *m_pQName; // The full qualified name
SWQLColRef() { m_pColName = NULL; m_pTableRef = 0; m_dwFlags = 0; m_dwArrayIndex = 0; m_pQName = 0; }
~SWQLColRef() { delete [] m_pColName; delete [] m_pTableRef; delete m_pQName; } void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_FromClause
// The subtree containing the tables selected from and any joins.
// SWQLNode_FromClause
// / \ // SWQLNode_TableRef NULL
// or SWQLNode_Join
// or SWQLNode_Sql89Join
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_FromClause (WQL_TOK_BASE + 4)
struct SWQLNode_FromClause : SWQLNode { // Left is SWQLNode_TableRef or SWQLNode_Join
// Right is NULL
SWQLNode_FromClause() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_FromClause; } ~SWQLNode_FromClause() {} void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_Sql89Join
// A subtree which expresses a SQL-89 join.
// SWQLNode_Sql89Join
// / \ // NULL NULL
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_Sql89Join (WQL_TOK_BASE + 5)
struct SWQLNode_Sql89Join : SWQLNode { CFlexArray m_aValues; // Array of pointers to SWQLNode_TableRef
// objects
SWQLNode_Sql89Join() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_Sql89Join; } ~SWQLNode_Sql89Join() {Empty();}; void DebugDump(); void Empty(); };
// SWQLNode_Join
// A subtree which expresses a join.
// SWQLNode_Join
// / \ // SWQLNode_JoinPair SWQLNode_OnClause or NULL.
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_Join (WQL_TOK_BASE + 6)
struct SWQLNode_Join : SWQLNode { // Left ptr is SWQLNode_JoinPair
// Right ptr is ON clause. If NULL, there is no ON clause
// and the JOIN was a SQL-89 style join with the join condition
// present in the WHERE clause.
DWORD m_dwFlags; // Contains WQL_FLAG_FIRSTROW if used
SWQLNode_Join() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_Join; m_dwJoinType = m_dwFlags = 0; } ~SWQLNode_Join() {} void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_JoinPair
// SWQLNode_JoinPair
// / \ // <SWQLNode_Join or SWQLNode_TableRef>
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_JoinPair (WQL_TOK_BASE + 7)
struct SWQLNode_JoinPair : SWQLNode { // Left ptr is SWQLNode_Join or SWQLNode_TableRef
// Right ptr is SWQLNodeNode_Join or SWQL_NodeTableRef
SWQLNode_JoinPair() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_JoinPair; } ~SWQLNode_JoinPair() {}
void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_TableRef
// A node representing a table name and its alias, if any.
// SWQLNode_TableRef
// / \ // NULL NULL
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_TableRef (WQL_TOK_BASE + 8)
struct SWQLNode_TableRef : SWQLNode { LPWSTR m_pTableName; // The table
LPWSTR m_pAlias; // Table alias. NULL if not used.
SWQLNode_TableRef() { m_pTableName = 0; m_pAlias = 0; m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_TableRef; } ~SWQLNode_TableRef() { delete [] m_pTableName; delete [] m_pAlias; } void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_OnClause
// SWQLNode_OnClause
// / \ // <SWQLNode_RelExpr> NULL
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_OnClause (WQL_TOK_BASE + 9)
struct SWQLNode_OnClause : SWQLNode { // Left ptr is <SWQLNode_RelExpr> which contains the ON clause.
// Right ptr is always NULL.
SWQLNode_OnClause() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_OnClause; } ~SWQLNode_OnClause() {} void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_WhereClause
// SWQLNode_WhereClause
// / \ // SWQLNode_RelExpr SWQLNode_WhereOptions or NULL
// or
// NULL if no conditions
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_WhereClause (WQL_TOK_BASE + 10)
struct SWQLNode_WhereClause : SWQLNode { // Left ptr is SWQLNode_RelExpr.
// Right ptr is SQLNode_QueryOptions or NULL if none
SWQLNode_WhereClause() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_WhereClause; } ~SWQLNode_WhereClause() {}
void DebugDump(); };
// struct SWQLTypedExpr
// This represents a typed subexpression in a where clause:
// mycol < 2
// 33 <= tbl1.col2
// tbl3.col4 = tbl4.col5
// ...etc.
struct SWQLTypedExpr { LPWSTR m_pTableRef; // For qualified column names,
// NULL if not used
LPWSTR m_pColRef; // Column name
DWORD m_dwRelOperator; // The operator used: WQL_TOK_LE,
SWQLTypedConst *m_pConstValue; // A const value
SWQLTypedConst *m_pConstValue2; // The other const value used with BETWEEN
LPWSTR m_pJoinTableRef; // The joined table name or its alias,
// NULL if not used
LPWSTR m_pJoinColRef; // The joined column name
LPWSTR m_pIntrinsicFuncOnColRef; LPWSTR m_pIntrinsicFuncOnJoinColRef; LPWSTR m_pIntrinsicFuncOnConstValue; SWQLNode *m_pLeftFunction; // More detail for DATEPART, etc.
SWQLNode *m_pRightFunction; // More detail for DATEPART, etc.
DWORD m_dwLeftArrayIndex; DWORD m_dwRightArrayIndex;
SWQLQualifiedName *m_pQNRight; SWQLQualifiedName *m_pQNLeft;
DWORD m_dwLeftFlags; DWORD m_dwRightFlags; // Each of the above to Flags shows the expression layout on each side
// of the operator.
// WQL_FLAG_CONST = A typed constant was used
// WQL_FLAG_COLUMN = Column field was used
// WQL_FLAG_TABLE = Table/Alias was used
// WQL_FLAG_COMPLEX = Complex qualified name and/or array was used
// WQL_FLAG_FUNCTIONIZED = Function was applied over the const or col.
// For IN and NOT IN clauses.
// ==========================
SWQLNode *m_pSubSelect;
SWQLConstList *m_pConstList; // For IN clause with constant-list
(1) If a const is tested against a column, then <m_pConstValue> will be used to represent it, and the table+col referenced will be in <m_pTableRef> and <m_pColRef>.
(2) If a join occurs, then <m_pConstValue> will be NULL.
(3) Intrinsic functions (primarily UPPER() and LOWER()) can be applied to the column references or the constant. The function names will be placed in the <m_pIntrinsic...> pointers when applied.
(4) If <m_dwRelOperator> is WQL_TOK_IN_CONST_LIST or WQL_TOK_NOT_IN_CONST_LIST then <m_aConstSet> is an array of pointers to SWQLTypedConst structs representing the set of constants that the referenced column must intersect with.
(5) If <m_dwRelOperator> is WQL_TOK_IN_SUBSELECT or WQL_TOK_NOT_IN_SUBSELECT then m_pSubSelect is a pointer to an embedded subselect tree in the form of a SWQLNode_Select struct, beginning the root of an entirely new select statement. */ SWQLTypedExpr(); ~SWQLTypedExpr() { Empty(); } void DebugDump(); void Empty(); };
// SWQLNode_RelExpr
// SWQLNode_RelExpr
// / \ // SWQLNode_RelExpr SWQLNode_RelExpr
// or NULL or NULL
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_RelExpr (WQL_TOK_BASE + 11)
struct SWQLNode_RelExpr : SWQLNode { DWORD m_dwExprType; // WQL_TOK_OR
SWQLTypedExpr *m_pTypedExpr;
(1) If the <m_dwExprType> is WQL_TOK_AND or WQL_TOK_OR, then each of the two subnodes are themselves SWQLNode_RelExpr nodes and <m_pTypedExpr> points to NULL.
(2) If <m_dwExprType> is WQL_TOK_NOT, then <m_pLeft> points to a SWQLNode_RelExpr containing the subclause to which to apply the NOT operation and <m_pRight> points to NULL.
(3) If <m_dwExprType> is WQL_TOK_TYPED_EXPR, then <m_pLeft> and <m_pRight> both point to NULL, and <m_pTypedExpr> contains a typed relational subexpression.
(4) Parentheses have been removed and are implied by the nesting. */
SWQLNode_RelExpr() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_RelExpr; m_pTypedExpr = 0; m_dwExprType = 0; } ~SWQLNode_RelExpr() { delete m_pTypedExpr; } void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_WhereOptions
// SWQLNode_WhereOptions
// / \ // SWQLNode_GroupBy SWQLNode_OrderBy
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_WhereOptions (WQL_TOK_BASE + 12)
struct SWQLNode_WhereOptions : SWQLNode { // left ptr is SWQLNode_GroupBy, or NULL if not used
// right ptr is SWQLNode_OrderBy, or NULL if not used
SWQLNode_WhereOptions() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_WhereOptions; } void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_GroupBy
// SWQLNode_GroupBy
// / \ // SWQLNode_ColumnList SWQLNode_Having
// or NULL
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_GroupBy (WQL_TOK_BASE + 13)
struct SWQLNode_GroupBy : SWQLNode { // left ptr is SWQLNode_ColumnList of columns to group by
// right ptr is Having clause, if any
SWQLNode_GroupBy() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_GroupBy; } void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_Having
// SWQLNode_Having
// / \ // SWQLNode_RelExpr NULL
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_Having (WQL_TOK_BASE + 14)
struct SWQLNode_Having : SWQLNode { // left ptr is SQLNode_RelExpr pointing to HAVING expressions
// right ptr is NULL
SWQLNode_Having() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_Having; } void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_OrderBy
// SWQLNode_OrderBy
// / \ // SWQLNode_ColumnList NULL
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_OrderBy (WQL_TOK_BASE + 15)
struct SWQLNode_OrderBy : SWQLNode { // left ptr is SWQLNode_ColumnList
// right ptr is NULL
SWQLNode_OrderBy() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_OrderBy; } void DebugDump(); };
// SWQLNode_Datepart
// Contains a datepart call.
#define TYPE_SWQLNode_Datepart (WQL_TOK_BASE + 16)
struct SWQLNode_Datepart : SWQLNode { int m_nDatepart; // One of WQL_TOK_YEAR, WQL_TOK_MONTH,
SWQLColRef *m_pColRef; // The column to which DATEPART applies
SWQLNode_Datepart() { m_dwNodeType = TYPE_SWQLNode_Datepart; m_nDatepart = 0; } ~SWQLNode_Datepart() { delete m_pColRef; }
void DebugDump(); };