Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
UDP stress test client. Fires datagrams at a specific UDP port on a machine.
Mike Massa (mikemas) Feb 24, 1992
Revision History:
Who When What -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------- mikemas 02-24-92 created
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <wsclus.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static char szTestPattern [] = "data" ; #define TESTPATTERN_LEN 4
#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE (65535-20-68)
// void _CRTAPI1
int _cdecl main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { SOCKET serve_me; u_long dstNode; u_short dstPort; struct sockaddr addr; int remotelen; SOCKADDR_CLUSTER remoteaddr; PSOCKADDR_CLUSTER clus_addr = (PSOCKADDR_CLUSTER) &addr; int count; int pktsize; char *buf; int i, j; int err; WORD versionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 0); DWORD bytesReturned = 0;
if(argc<5){ printf("usage: cdpcli node port pktsize pktcnt\n"); printf(" Pktcnt of -1 will loop forever\n"); exit(4); }
dstNode = (u_long) atoi(argv[1]); dstPort = (u_short) atoi(argv[2]); pktsize = atoi(argv[3]); count = atoi(argv[4]);
if (pktsize > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { printf("max packet size is 1460\n"); exit(1); }
err = WSAStartup( versionRequested, &WsaData );
if ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("udpcli: WSAStartup %d:", err); exit(1); }
if ((buf = malloc(pktsize)) == NULL) { printf("out of memory\n"); exit(1); }
i = 0 ; while (i < pktsize) { for (j=0; j < TESTPATTERN_LEN && i < pktsize; i++, j++) buf [i] = szTestPattern [j] ; }
if(serve_me == INVALID_SOCKET){ printf( "Died on socket(), status %u\n", WSAGetLastError() ); exit(4); }
memset(&addr,0,sizeof(addr)); clus_addr->sac_family = AF_CLUSTER; clus_addr->sac_port = 0; clus_addr->sac_node = 0; clus_addr->sac_zero = 0;
if(bind(serve_me, &addr, sizeof(addr))==SOCKET_ERROR){ printf("Died on bind(), status %u\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(serve_me); exit(9); }
err = WSAIoctl( serve_me, SIO_CLUS_IGNORE_NODE_STATE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &bytesReturned, NULL, NULL );
if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Died on WSHIoctl(), status %u\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(serve_me); exit(9); }
memset(&addr,0,sizeof(addr)); clus_addr->sac_family = AF_CLUSTER; clus_addr->sac_port = dstPort; clus_addr->sac_node = dstNode;
for(i=0; i < count || count == -1; i++) { if( sendto( serve_me, buf, pktsize, 0, &addr, sizeof(addr) ) ==SOCKET_ERROR ){ printf("sendto failed %d\n",WSAGetLastError()); exit(9); } }
closesocket(serve_me); }
int init_net() { WORD wVersionRequired; WSADATA versionInfo;
wVersionRequired = 1<<8 | 0; if(WSAStartup(wVersionRequired, &versionInfo)){ printf("died in WSAStartup() %d\n",WSAGetLastError()); exit(9); } return 0; }