Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements Consistency Replica Set Algorithm
Ahmed Mohamed (ahmedm) 1-Jan-2001
Revision History:
--*/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntdef.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "crs.h"
#define xmalloc(size) VirtualAlloc(NULL, size,MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE)
#define xfree(buffer) VirtualFree(buffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE|MEM_DECOMMIT)
#define CrspEqual(r1,r2) ((r1)->hdr.seq == (r2)->hdr.seq && \
(r1)->hdr.epoch == (r2)->hdr.epoch && \ (r1)->hdr.state == (r2)->hdr.state)
DWORD CrsForcedQuorumSize = 0xffff;
void WINAPI CrsSetForcedQuorumSize(DWORD size) { CrsForcedQuorumSize = size; }
DWORD CrspFindLast(CrsInfo_t *p, DWORD logsz) { CrsRecord_t *rec, *last_rec; BOOL err; DWORD n, i;
n = SetFilePointer(p->fh, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); if (n == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { return GetLastError(); }
err = ReadFile(p->fh, p->buf, logsz, &n, NULL); if (!err) return GetLastError();
if (n != logsz) { CrsLog(("Crs%d: failed to load complete file, read %d expected %d\n", p->lid, n, logsz)); return ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; } ASSERT(p->max_records * CRS_RECORD_SZ == (int)n); if(p->max_records * CRS_RECORD_SZ != (int)n) { CrsLog(("Crs%d: unable to load log file %d bytes, got %d bytes\n", p->lid, n, logsz)); return ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; }
CrsLog(("Crs%d: loaded %d bytes, %d records\n", p->lid, n, p->max_records));
last_rec = NULL; rec = p->buf; for (i = 0; i < logsz; i += CRS_RECORD_SZ, rec++) { if (rec->hdr.tag != CRS_TAG) { CrsLog(("crs%d: Bad record %d, got %x expected %x\n", p->lid, i/CRS_RECORD_SZ, rec->hdr.tag, CRS_TAG)); return ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; }
if (!last_rec || rec->hdr.epoch > last_rec->hdr.epoch || (rec->hdr.epoch == last_rec->hdr.epoch && (rec->hdr.seq > last_rec->hdr.seq))) { last_rec = rec; } } ASSERT(last_rec);
// make sure only the last record is not committed or aborted
rec = p->buf; for (i = 0; i < logsz; i += CRS_RECORD_SZ, rec++) { if (!(rec->hdr.state & (CRS_COMMIT | CRS_ABORT))) { if (rec != last_rec) { CrsLog(("crs:%d Bad record %d state %x expected commit|abort\n", p->lid, i/CRS_RECORD_SZ, rec->hdr.state)); return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } }
p->last_record = (int) (last_rec - p->buf); p->seq = last_rec->hdr.seq; p->epoch = last_rec->hdr.epoch;
#define CrspFlush(p,offset) CrspWrite(p,offset, CRS_SECTOR_SZ)
static DWORD CrspWrite(CrsInfo_t *p, int offset, DWORD length) { DWORD n;
p->pending = FALSE;
n = (DWORD) offset; // write out last sector, assumes lock is held
ASSERT(offset < p->max_records); offset = offset / CRS_RECORDS_PER_SECTOR;
CrsLog(("Crs%d: flush %d bytes record %d -> %d,%d\n", p->lid, length, n, offset, offset*CRS_SECTOR_SZ));
n = SetFilePointer(p->fh, offset * CRS_SECTOR_SZ, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); if (n == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { return GetLastError(); }
n = 0; if (WriteFile(p->fh, (PVOID) &p->buf[offset*CRS_RECORDS_PER_SECTOR], length, &n, NULL)) { if (n != length) { CrsLog(("Write count mismatch, wrote %d, expected %d\n", n, length)); return ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
n = GetLastError(); CrsLog(("Crs%d: flush record %d failed err %d\n", p->lid, offset, n)); if (n == ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR) { // repeat the write one more time
p->pending = TRUE; }
return n; }
static DWORD CrspAppendRecord(CrsInfo_t *p, CrsRecord_t *rr, CrsRecord_t **rec) { CrsRecord_t *q; DWORD err;
// tag record
rr->hdr.tag = CRS_TAG;
// assumes lock is held
if ((p->last_record & CRS_SECTOR_MASK) == CRS_SECTOR_MASK) { // flush current sector
err = CrspFlush(p, p->last_record); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) return err;
// advance last record
p->last_record++; if (p->last_record == p->max_records) p->last_record = 0;
CrsLog(("Crs%d: append record %d epoch %I64d seq %I64d state %x\n", p->lid, p->last_record, rr->hdr.epoch, rr->hdr.seq, rr->hdr.state));
// copy record
q = &p->buf[p->last_record]; memcpy((PVOID)q, (PVOID) rr, CRS_RECORD_SZ);
// flush it out now
err = CrspFlush(p, p->last_record); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (rec) *rec = q; } else { if (p->last_record == 0) p->last_record = p->max_records; p->last_record--; }
return err; }
// NextRecord:
// if seq is null, fill in last record and return SUCCESS
// if seq is not found, return NOT_FOUND
// if seq is last record, return EOF
// otherwise return next record after seq in lrec and SUCCESS
DWORD CrspNextLogRecord(CrsInfo_t *info, CrsRecord_t *seq, CrsRecord_t *lrec, BOOLEAN this_flag) { CrsRecord_t *last, *p; DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (lrec == NULL || info == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// read record
EnterCriticalSection(&info->lock); last = &info->buf[info->last_record]; if (seq == NULL) { CrsLog(("Crs%d: last record %d %I64d %I64d\n", info->lid, info->last_record, last->hdr.epoch, last->hdr.seq));
// read last record
memcpy(lrec, last, CRS_RECORD_SZ);
} else if (seq->hdr.epoch != last->hdr.epoch || seq->hdr.seq != last->hdr.seq) { int i;
CrsLog(("Crs%d: last record %d %I64d %I64d search %I64d %I64d\n", info->lid, info->last_record, last->hdr.epoch, last->hdr.seq, seq->hdr.epoch, seq->hdr.seq));
// assume we don't have it
p = seq; seq = NULL; // do a search instead of index, so that
// seq can be reset as epoch increments
for (i = 0; i < info->max_records; i++) { last = &info->buf[i]; if (p->hdr.epoch == last->hdr.epoch && p->hdr.seq == last->hdr.seq) {
seq = last; break; } } if (seq != NULL) { if (this_flag == FALSE) { // return record after this one
i++; if (i >= info->max_records) i = 0; seq = &info->buf[i]; } CrsLog(("Crs%d: search found %d %I64d, %I64d\n", info->lid, seq - info->buf, seq->hdr.epoch, seq->hdr.seq)); memcpy(lrec, seq, CRS_RECORD_SZ); } else { err = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } } else { CrsLog(("Crs%d: reached last record %d %I64d %I64d, %I64d %I64d\n", info->lid, info->last_record, last->hdr.epoch, last->hdr.seq, seq->hdr.epoch, seq->hdr.seq));
if (this_flag == TRUE) { // we are trying to read the last record
memcpy(lrec, last, CRS_RECORD_SZ); err = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { err = ERROR_HANDLE_EOF; } }
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS && lrec->hdr.epoch == 0) { // invalid rec, log is empty
return err; }
// Call into fs with <undo, replay, query, disable, enable, done>
// undo: pass replica in recovery due to a conflict
// replay: replica is missing change, if replay fails with abort, we
// do a full copy; otherwise we issue a skip record
// query: ask replica if record was completed or not
// done: signal end of recovery and pass in new wset, rset
// we silently handle <abort(skip) and epoch records>
// abort: add a skip record
// epoch records: just log it as is
DWORD CrspReplay(LPVOID rec) { CrsRecoveryBlk_t *rr; CrsInfo_t *info, *minfo; CrsRecord_t *p, *q; CrsRecord_t lrec, mlrec; DWORD err;
rr = (CrsRecoveryBlk_t *) rec; info = rr->info; minfo = rr->minfo;
CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d mid %d, lid %d leader_id %d\n", rr->nid, rr->mid, info->lid, info->leader_id));
do { p = NULL; // read last record
err = CrspNextLogRecord(info, NULL, &lrec, FALSE); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: unable to read last record %d\n", info->lid, err)); break; }
// find our last record in master replica
q = &lrec; p = &mlrec; err = CrspNextLogRecord(minfo, q, p, TRUE); // if found and consistent with master, no undo
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS && p->hdr.state == q->hdr.state) { CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: last record %I64d, %I64d consistent %x %x\n", info->lid, q->hdr.epoch, q->hdr.seq, p->hdr.state, q->hdr.state)); break; }
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: missing lrec %I64d, %I64d in disk %d, err %d\n", info->lid, q->hdr.epoch, q->hdr.seq, minfo->lid, err)); } else { CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: undo last record %I64d, %I64d %x needs %x\n", info->lid, q->hdr.epoch, q->hdr.seq, q->hdr.state, p->hdr.state)); ASSERT(p->hdr.state & (CRS_COMMIT|CRS_ABORT)); }
// last record is in conflict, we must undo it first
if (!(q->hdr.state & CRS_EPOCH)) { // if we found this record in master and a conflict is detected,
// we undo it. Otherwise, we need to do a full copy
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(p->hdr.state & (CRS_COMMIT|CRS_ABORT)); ASSERT(q->hdr.state & CRS_PREPARE); err = info->callback(info->callback_arg, rr->nid, q, CRS_ACTION_UNDO, rr->mid); } } else { // A missing epoch record doesn't mean we are old. A regroup
// could have happened but no new data records got added. We
// undo it, and continue;
if (err == STATUS_SUCCESS) { // update current record, sequence, epoch
info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.state = 0; info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.epoch = 0; info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.seq = 0; if (info->last_record == 0) { info->last_record = info->max_records; } info->last_record--; info->seq = info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.seq; info->epoch = info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.epoch; CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: new last record %d %I64d, %I64d\n", info->lid, info->last_record, info->epoch, info->seq)); } else { // can't undo it, do full copy and readjust our log
CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: Unable to undo record %I64d, %I64d\n", info->lid, q->hdr.epoch, q->hdr.seq)); p = NULL; } } while (err == STATUS_SUCCESS && info->state == CRS_STATE_RECOVERY);
while (p != NULL && info->state == CRS_STATE_RECOVERY) { // read master copy
err = CrspNextLogRecord(minfo, p, &mlrec, FALSE); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (err == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) { CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: last record %I64d, %I64d in disk %d\n", info->lid, q->hdr.epoch, q->hdr.seq, minfo->lid));
// the last record is where we are at
info->seq = info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.seq; info->epoch = info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.epoch;
// we reached the end, signal end of recovery
err = info->callback(info->callback_arg, rr->nid, p, CRS_ACTION_DONE, rr->mid);
goto exit; } break; }
p = &mlrec; if ((p->hdr.state & CRS_EPOCH) || (p->hdr.state & CRS_ABORT)) { CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: skip record %I64d, %I64d %x\n", info->lid, p->hdr.epoch, p->hdr.seq, p->hdr.state)); err = !STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (p->hdr.state & CRS_COMMIT) { err = info->callback(info->callback_arg, rr->nid, p, CRS_ACTION_REPLAY, rr->mid); if (err == STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED) { CrsLog(("CrsReplay: failed nid %d seq %I64d err %d\n", rr->nid, p->hdr.seq, err)); break; } } else { ASSERT(p->hdr.state & CRS_PREPARE); // what if the record is prepared but not yet committed or
// aborted; in transit record.
// stop now
CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: bad record seq %I64d state %x\n", rr->nid, p->hdr.seq, p->hdr.state)); break; } if (err != STATUS_SUCCESS) { // add record
err = CrspAppendRecord(info, p, NULL); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: failed append seq %I64d err %d\n", rr->nid, p->hdr.seq, err)); break; } if (p->hdr.state & CRS_EPOCH) { ; //ASSERT(info->epoch+1 == p->hdr.epoch);
} else { ASSERT(info->epoch == p->hdr.epoch); ASSERT(info->seq+1 == p->hdr.seq); } info->seq = p->hdr.seq; info->epoch = p->hdr.epoch; } else { // make sure we have added it
ASSERT(info->seq == p->hdr.seq); ASSERT(info->epoch == p->hdr.epoch); ASSERT(info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.seq == p->hdr.seq); ASSERT(info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.epoch == p->hdr.epoch);
// Propagate dubious bit
if (p->hdr.state & CRS_DUBIOUS) { info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.state |= CRS_DUBIOUS; } ASSERT(info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.state == p->hdr.state); } }
if (p == NULL || err != STATUS_SUCCESS) { CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d: Full copy from disk %d\n", info->lid, minfo->lid)); // we are out of date or need full recovery, do a full copy
err = info->callback(info->callback_arg, rr->nid, NULL, CRS_ACTION_COPY, rr->mid);
if (err == STATUS_SUCCESS) { DWORD len;
// we now copy our master log and flush it
ASSERT(minfo->max_records == info->max_records);
len = info->max_records * CRS_RECORD_SZ; memcpy(info->buf, minfo->buf, len); err = CrspWrite(info, 0, len); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // adjust our state
info->last_record = minfo->last_record; info->seq = info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.seq; info->epoch = info->buf[info->last_record].hdr.epoch;
// we reached the end, signal end of recovery
err = info->callback(info->callback_arg, rr->nid, p, CRS_ACTION_DONE, rr->mid); } } }
CrsLog(("CrsReplay%d mid %d status 0x%x\n", rr->nid, rr->mid, err));
return err; }
/////////////////////// Public Functions //////////////////////
DWORD WINAPI CrsOpen(crs_callback_t callback, PVOID callback_arg, USHORT lid, WCHAR *log_name, int max_logsectors, HANDLE *outhdl) {
// Open the log file
// If the file in newly create, set the proper size
// If the file size is not the same size, we need to either
// expand or truncate the file. (truncate needs copy)
// Scan file to locate last sector and record
// If last record hasn't been commited, issue a query.
// If query succeeded then, mark it as committed.
// Set epoch,seq
DWORD status; HANDLE maph; CrsInfo_t *p; int logsz;
if (outhdl == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*outhdl = NULL;
p = (CrsInfo_t *) malloc(sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } memset((PVOID) p, 0, sizeof(*p));
CrsLog(("Crs%d file '%S'\n", lid, log_name)); p->lid = lid; p->callback = callback; p->callback_arg = callback_arg; p->pending = FALSE;
// Create log file, and set size of newly created
p->fh = CreateFileW(log_name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, NULL); status = GetLastError(); if(p->fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ free((char *) p); return status; }
// acquire an exclusive lock on the whole file
if (!LockFile(p->fh, 0, 0, (DWORD)-1, (DWORD)-1)) { FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION ea[2] = {0}; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ios; NTSTATUS err;
// get status
status = GetLastError();
// change the ea to cause a notification to happen
ea[0].NextEntryOffset = 0; ea[0].Flags = 0; ea[0].EaNameLength = 1; ea[0].EaValueLength = 1; ea[0].EaName[0] = 'X'; err = NtSetEaFile(p->fh, &ios, (PVOID) ea, sizeof(ea)); CrsLog(("Crs%d Setting EA %x\n", lid, err)); goto error; }
if (status == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // todo: compare current file size to new size and adjust file
// size accordingly. For now, just use old size
logsz = GetFileSize(p->fh, NULL); CrsLog(("Crs%d: Filesz %d max_sec %d\n", lid, logsz, max_logsectors)); ASSERT(logsz == max_logsectors * CRS_SECTOR_SZ); } else { //extend the file pointer to max size
logsz = max_logsectors * CRS_SECTOR_SZ; SetFilePointer(p->fh, logsz, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile(p->fh); CrsLog(("Crs%d: Set Filesz %d max_sec %d\n", lid, logsz, max_logsectors)); }
// allocate file copy in memory
p->buf = xmalloc(logsz); if (p->buf == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error; } // set max record
p->max_records = logsz / CRS_RECORD_SZ;
if (status == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // load file and compute last epoch/seq
status = CrspFindLast(p, logsz); } else { status = !ERROR_SUCCESS; } // init the file, when we detect a read failure or first time
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CrsRecord_t *r; int i;
// initialize file
p->seq = 0; p->epoch = 0; p->last_record = 0;
r = p->buf; for (i = 0; i < logsz; i+= CRS_RECORD_SZ, r++) { r->hdr.epoch = p->epoch; r->hdr.seq = p->seq; r->hdr.tag = CRS_TAG; r->hdr.state = CRS_COMMIT | CRS_PREPARE | CRS_EPOCH; } status = CrspWrite(p, 0, logsz); }
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error; }
CrsLog(("Crs%d: %x Last record %d max %d epoch %I64d seq %I64d\n", p->lid, p->fh, p->last_record, p->max_records, p->epoch, p->seq));
// initialize rest of state
p->state = CRS_STATE_INIT; p->refcnt = 1; p->leader_id = 0; InitializeCriticalSection(&p->lock);
*outhdl = p;
error: CloseHandle(p->fh); if (p->buf) { xfree(p->buf); } free((PVOID) p); return status; }
DWORD WINAPI CrsStart(PVOID *hdls, ULONG alive_set, int cluster_sz, ULONG *write_set, ULONG *read_set, ULONG *evict_set)
{ DWORD status; CrsInfo_t **info = (CrsInfo_t **) hdls; int i, active_sz, mid; ULONG mask, active_set, fail_set; CrsInfo_t *p; CrsRecord_t *q, *mlrec;
if (write_set) *write_set = 0; if (read_set) *read_set = 0; if (evict_set) *evict_set = 0;
// no alive node
if (cluster_sz == 0 || alive_set == 0) { // nothing to do
// scan each hdl and make sure it is initialized and lock all hdls
mask = alive_set; for (i = 0; mask != 0; i++, mask = mask >> 1) { if (!(mask & 0x1)) { continue; }
p = info[i]; if (p == NULL) { continue; }
// check the state of the last record
p = info[i]; q = &p->buf[p->last_record]; CrsLog(("Crs%d last record %d epoch %I64d seq %I64d state %x\n", p->lid, p->last_record, q->hdr.epoch, q->hdr.seq, q->hdr.state)); }
mid = 0; mlrec = NULL; // select master replica
for (i = 0, mask = alive_set; mask != 0; i++, mask = mask >> 1) { if (!(mask & 0x1)) { continue; } p = info[i]; if (p == NULL) continue;
q = &p->buf[p->last_record]; if (!mlrec || mlrec->hdr.epoch < q->hdr.epoch || (mlrec->hdr.epoch == q->hdr.epoch && mlrec->hdr.seq < q->hdr.seq) || (mlrec->hdr.epoch == q->hdr.epoch && mlrec->hdr.seq == q->hdr.seq && mlrec->hdr.state != q->hdr.state && (q->hdr.state & CRS_COMMIT))) {
mid = i; mlrec = q; } }
ASSERT(mid != 0);
// if master last record is in doubt, query filesystem. If the filesystem
// is certain that the operation has occured, it returns STATUS_SUCCESS for
// All undetermined IO must be undone and redone in all non-master replicas
// to ensure all replicas reach consistency. This statement is true even
// for replicas that are currently absent from our set. We tag such records
// we both COMMIT and ABORT, so that the replay thread issues replay for
// new records and undo,replay for last records
p = info[mid]; p->leader_id = (USHORT) mid; ASSERT(mlrec != NULL); if (!(mlrec->hdr.state & (CRS_COMMIT | CRS_ABORT))) { ASSERT(mlrec->hdr.state & CRS_PREPARE); status = p->callback(p->callback_arg, p->lid, mlrec, CRS_ACTION_QUERY, p->lid);
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { mlrec->hdr.state |= CRS_COMMIT; } else if (status == STATUS_CANCELLED) { mlrec->hdr.state |= CRS_ABORT; } else if (status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND) { // assume it is committed, but mark it for undo during recovery
mlrec->hdr.state |= (CRS_COMMIT | CRS_DUBIOUS); }
// todo: if status == TRANSACTION_ABORTED, we need to bail out since
// must master is dead
// no need to flush, I think!
// CrspFlush(p, p->last_record);
// todo: what if the flush fails here, I am assuming that
// an append will equally fail.
ASSERT(mlrec->hdr.state & (CRS_COMMIT | CRS_ABORT));
// compute sync and recovery masks
fail_set = 0; active_set = 0; active_sz = 0; for (i = 0, mask = alive_set; mask != 0; i++, mask = mask >> 1) { if (!(mask & 0x1)) { continue; }
p = info[i]; if (p == NULL) { continue; }
// set leader id
p->leader_id = (USHORT) mid; q = &p->buf[p->last_record]; if (CrspEqual(mlrec, q)) { ASSERT(q->hdr.state & (CRS_COMMIT | CRS_ABORT)); p->state = CRS_STATE_READ; active_set |= (1 << i); active_sz++; } else if (p->state != CRS_STATE_RECOVERY) { CrsRecoveryBlk_t rrbuf; CrsRecoveryBlk_t *rr = &rrbuf;
// recover replica
rr->nid = i; rr->mid = mid; rr->info = p; rr->minfo = info[mid];
// set recovery state
status = CrspReplay((LPVOID) rr);
// if we fail, evict this replica
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fail_set |= (1 << i); } else { // repeat this replica again
i--; mask = mask << 1; } } }
// assume success
// set read sets
if (read_set) *read_set = active_set;
if (!CRS_QUORUM(active_sz, cluster_sz)) { CrsLog(("No quorum active %d cluster %d\n", active_sz, cluster_sz)); mid = 0; status = ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT; } else { int pass_cnt = 0; ULONG pass_set = 0;
// Enable writes on all active replicas
for (i = 0, mask = active_set; mask != 0; i++, mask = mask >> 1) { CrsRecord_t rec; if (!(mask & 0x1)) { continue; } p = info[i]; if (p == NULL) continue;
p->state = CRS_STATE_WRITE;
// we now generate a new epoch and flush it to the disk
p->epoch++; if (p->epoch == 0) p->epoch = 1; // reset seq to zero
p->seq = 0;
// write new epoch now, if not a majority replicas succeeded in writing
// the new <epoch, seq> we fail
rec.hdr.epoch = p->epoch; rec.hdr.seq = p->seq; rec.hdr.state = CRS_PREPARE | CRS_COMMIT | CRS_EPOCH; memset(rec.data, 0, sizeof(rec.data)); if (CrspAppendRecord(p, &rec, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pass_cnt++; pass_set |= (1 << i); } else { fail_set |= (1 << i); } }
// Recheck to make sure all replicas have advanced epoch
if (!CRS_QUORUM(pass_cnt, cluster_sz)) { CrsLog(("No quorum due to error pass %d cluster %d\n", pass_cnt, cluster_sz)); mid = 0; pass_set = 0; pass_cnt = 0; status = ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT; }
if (pass_cnt != active_sz) { // some replicas have died
for (i = 0, mask = pass_set; mask != 0; i++, mask = mask >> 1) { if ((alive_set & (1 << i)) && (!mask & (1 << i))) { p = info[i]; ASSERT(p != NULL); p->state = CRS_STATE_READ; } } } // set write set
if (write_set) *write_set = pass_set; }
if (evict_set) *evict_set = fail_set;
// unlock all hdls and set new master if any
for (i = 0, mask = alive_set; mask != 0; i++, mask = mask >> 1) { if (!(mask & 0x1)) { continue; } p = info[i]; if (p == NULL) continue;
p->leader_id = (USHORT) mid; LeaveCriticalSection(&p->lock); }
return status; }
void WINAPI CrsClose(PVOID hd) { DWORD err; CrsInfo_t *info = (CrsInfo_t *) hd;
// If we any recovery threads running, make sure we terminate them first
// before close and free all of this stuff
if (info == NULL) { CrsLog(("CrsClose: try to close a null handle!\n")); return; }
// Flush everything out and close the file
EnterCriticalSection(&info->lock); // flush
CrspFlush(info, info->last_record); LeaveCriticalSection(&info->lock);
err = CloseHandle(info->fh);
CrsLog(("Crs%d: %x Closed %d\n", info->fh, info->lid, err));
xfree(info->buf); free((char *) info); }
void WINAPI CrsFlush(PVOID hd) { CrsInfo_t *info = (CrsInfo_t *) hd;
// if we have a commit or abort that isn't flushed yet, flush it now
EnterCriticalSection(&info->lock); if (info->pending == TRUE) { CrspFlush(info, info->last_record); } LeaveCriticalSection(&info->lock); }
PVOID WINAPI CrsPrepareRecord(PVOID hd, PVOID lrec, crs_id_t id) { CrsRecord_t *p = (CrsRecord_t *)lrec; CrsInfo_t *info = (CrsInfo_t *) hd; DWORD err;
// move to correct slot in this sector. If we need a new sector,
// read it from the file. Make sure we flush any pending commits on
// current sector before we over write our in memory sector buffer.
// prepare record, if seq none 0 then we are skipping the next sequence
if (info->state == CRS_STATE_WRITE || (info->state == CRS_STATE_RECOVERY && id != NULL && id[0] != 0)) {
if (id != NULL && id[0] != 0) { CrsHdr_t *tmp = (CrsHdr_t *) id; assert(id[0] == info->seq+1); p->hdr.seq = tmp->seq; p->hdr.epoch = tmp->epoch; } else { p->hdr.seq = info->seq+1; p->hdr.epoch = info->epoch; } p->hdr.state = CRS_PREPARE; err = CrspAppendRecord(info, p, &p); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // we return with the lock held, gets release on commitorabort
CrsLog(("Crs%d prepare %x seq %I64d\n",info->lid, p, p->hdr.seq)); return p; } CrsLog(("Crs%d: Append failed seq %I64%d\n", info->lid, p->hdr.seq)); } else { CrsLog(("Crs%d: Prepare bad state %d id %x\n", info->lid, info->state, id)); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&info->lock); return NULL; }
int WINAPI CrsCommitOrAbort(PVOID hd, PVOID lrec, int commit) { CrsRecord_t *p = (CrsRecord_t *)lrec; CrsInfo_t *info = (CrsInfo_t *) hd;
if (p == NULL || info == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// update state of record
if (p->hdr.seq != info->seq+1) { CrsLog(("Crs: sequence mis-match on commit|abort %I64d %I64d\n", p->hdr.seq, info->seq)); assert(0); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
assert(!(p->hdr.state & (CRS_COMMIT | CRS_ABORT)));
// todo: this is wrong, what if one replica succeeds
// and others abort. Now, the others will reuse the
// same seq for a different update and when the
// succeeded replica rejoins it can't tell that the
// sequence got reused.
if (commit == TRUE) { p->hdr.state |= CRS_COMMIT; // advance the sequence
info->seq++; CrsLog(("Crs%d: commit last %d leader %d seq %I64d\n", info->lid, info->last_record, info->leader_id, p->hdr.seq)); } else { p->hdr.state |= CRS_ABORT; // we need to re-adjust our last record
if (info->last_record == 0) { info->last_record = info->max_records; } info->last_record--; CrsLog(("Crs%d: abort last %d leader %d seq %I64d\n", info->lid, info->last_record, info->leader_id, p->hdr.seq)); }
info->pending = TRUE; LeaveCriticalSection(&info->lock);
int WINAPI CrsCanWrite(PVOID hd) { CrsInfo_t *info = (CrsInfo_t *) hd; int err;
// do we have a quorm or not
EnterCriticalSection(&info->lock); err = (info->state == CRS_STATE_WRITE); LeaveCriticalSection(&info->lock); return err; }