Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Event Engine for the Event Processor component of the Cluster Service.
Rod Gamache (rodga) 28-Feb-1996
Revision History:
#include "epp.h"
// Event Processor State.
ULONG EventProcessorState = EventProcessorStateIniting;
// Global data
// Local data
EVENT_DISPATCH_TABLE EventDispatchTable[NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS] = {0}; EVENT_DISPATCH_TABLE SyncEventDispatchTable[NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS] = {0}; PCLRTL_BUFFER_POOL EventPool = NULL; DWORD EventHandlerCount = 0; DWORD SyncEventHandlerCount = 0; DWORD EventBufferOffset = EpQuadAlign(sizeof(CLRTL_WORK_ITEM));
// Functions
Routine Description:
Event Processor Initialize routine.
Return Value:
A Win32 status code.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] Initialization...\n");
// Create the event pool. The event structure must be quadword aligned.
EventPool = ClRtlCreateBufferPool( EventBufferOffset + sizeof(EP_EVENT), EP_MAX_CACHED_EVENTS, EP_MAX_ALLOCATED_EVENTS, NULL, NULL );
if (EventPool == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] Unable to allocate event buffer pool\n"); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// Prime the event pool cache to minimize the chance of an allocation
// failure.
ZeroMemory(&(eventArray[0]), sizeof(PVOID) * EP_MAX_CACHED_EVENTS);
for (i=0; i<EP_MAX_CACHED_EVENTS; i++) { eventArray[i] = ClRtlAllocateBuffer(EventPool);
if (eventArray[i] == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EP] Unable to prime event buffer cache, buf num %1!u!!!!\n", i ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CsInconsistencyHalt( status ); } }
for (i=0; i<EP_MAX_CACHED_EVENTS; i++) { if (eventArray[i] != NULL) { ClRtlFreeBuffer(eventArray[i]); } }
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return(status); }
} // EpInitialize
void EppLogEvent( IN CLUSTER_EVENT Event ) {
switch( Event ) {
case CLUSTER_EVENT_ONLINE: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] Cluster Service online event received\n"); break;
case CLUSTER_EVENT_SHUTDOWN: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] Cluster Service shutdown event received\n"); break;
case CLUSTER_EVENT_NODE_UP: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] Node up event received\n"); break;
case CLUSTER_EVENT_NODE_DOWN: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] Node down event received\n"); break;
case CLUSTER_EVENT_NODE_DOWN_EX: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] Nodes down event received\n"); break;
default: break;
} // switch( Event )
VOID EpEventHandler( IN PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM WorkItem, IN DWORD Ignored1, IN DWORD Ignored2, IN ULONG_PTR Ignored3 )
{ DWORD index; PEP_EVENT Event = (PEP_EVENT) (((char *) WorkItem) + EventBufferOffset);
if (Event->Id == CLUSTER_EVENT_SHUTDOWN) { //
// To shutdown, we just need to stop the service.
CsStopService(); } //
// Now deliver the event to all of the other components.
// Eventually, we might filter events based on the mask
// returned on the init call.
for ( index = 0; index < NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS; index++ ) { if ( EventDispatchTable[index].EventRoutine == NULL ) { continue; }
(EventDispatchTable[index].EventRoutine)( Event->Id, Event->Context ); }
// Handle any post processing that might be required.
if (Event->Flags & EP_CONTEXT_VALID) { if (Event->Flags & EP_DEREF_CONTEXT) { OmDereferenceObject(Event->Context); }
if (Event->Flags & EP_FREE_CONTEXT) { LocalFree(Event->Context); } }
return; }
DWORD WINAPI EpPostSyncEvent( IN CLUSTER_EVENT Event, IN DWORD Flags, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Synchronously posts an event to the rest of the cluster
Event - Supplies the type of event
Flags - Supplies any post processing that should be done to the context after all dispatch handlers have been called
Context - Supplies the context.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
If flags is NULL, then we assume Context points to a standard (OM known) object, and we'll reference and dereference that object appropriately.
If flags is non-NULL, then don't reference/dereference the Context object.
{ DWORD index;
// log event
// Reference to keep the context object around.
if (Context) { if ( Flags == 0) { OmReferenceObject( Context ); Flags = EP_DEREF_CONTEXT; }
Flags |= EP_CONTEXT_VALID; } //
// Now deliver the event to all of the other components.
// Eventually, we might filter events based on the mask
// returned on the init call.
for ( index = 0; index < NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS; index++ ) { if ( SyncEventDispatchTable[index].EventRoutine == NULL ) { continue; }
(SyncEventDispatchTable[index].EventRoutine)( Event, Context ); }
// Handle any post processing that might be required.
if (Flags & EP_CONTEXT_VALID) { if (Flags & EP_DEREF_CONTEXT) { OmDereferenceObject(Context); }
if (Flags & EP_FREE_CONTEXT) { LocalFree(Context); } }
return (ERROR_SUCCESS); }
Routine Description:
Asynchronously posts an event to the rest of the cluster
Event - Supplies the type of event
Flags - Supplies any post processing that should be done to the context after all dispatch handlers have been called
Context - Supplies the context.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
If flags is NULL, then we assume Context points to a standard (OM known) object, and we'll reference and dereference that object appropriately.
If flags is non-NULL, then don't reference/dereference the Context object.
{ PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM workItem; PEP_EVENT event; DWORD status;
// log event
// handle async handlers.
workItem = ClRtlAllocateBuffer(EventPool);
if (workItem != NULL) {
ClRtlInitializeWorkItem(workItem, EpEventHandler, NULL);
// Reference to keep the context object around.
if (Context) { if ( Flags == 0) { OmReferenceObject( Context ); Flags = EP_DEREF_CONTEXT; }
event = (PEP_EVENT) ( ((char *) workItem) + EventBufferOffset );
event->Id = Event; event->Flags = Flags; event->Context = Context;
status = ClRtlPostItemWorkQueue(CsCriticalWorkQueue, workItem, 0, 0);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EP] Failed to post item to critical work queue, status %1!u!\n", status );
return(status); }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] Failed to allocate an event buffer!!!\n");
VOID EpShutdown( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine shuts down the components of the Cluster Service.
{ if ( EventPool ) { ClRtlDestroyBufferPool(EventPool); }
// Now shutdown the event processor by just cleaning up.
DWORD EpRegisterEventHandler( IN CLUSTER_EVENT EventMask, IN PEVENT_ROUTINE EventRoutine ) /*++
Routine Description:
Registers an event handler for the specified type of event.
EventMask - Supplies the mask of events that should be delivered.
EventRoutine - Supplies the event routine that should be called.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise.
EventDispatchTable[EventHandlerCount].EventMask = EventMask; EventDispatchTable[EventHandlerCount].EventRoutine = EventRoutine;
++EventHandlerCount; return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
DWORD EpRegisterSyncEventHandler( IN CLUSTER_EVENT EventMask, IN PEVENT_ROUTINE EventRoutine ) /*++
Routine Description:
Registers an event handler for the specified type of event. The handler is called in the context of the dispatcher. Sync event handlers are to be used by components that require a barrier semanitcs in handling events e.g. gum, dlm , ...etc.
EventMask - Supplies the mask of events that should be delivered.
EventRoutine - Supplies the event routine that should be called.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise.
// XXX: Do we need locking here in case this is not called from init() ?
SyncEventDispatchTable[EventHandlerCount].EventMask = EventMask; SyncEventDispatchTable[EventHandlerCount].EventRoutine = EventRoutine;
++SyncEventHandlerCount; return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[EP] EpInitPhase1\n");
return(dwError); }
DWORD WINAPI EpGumUpdateHandler( IN DWORD Context, IN BOOL SourceNode, IN DWORD BufferLength, IN PVOID Buffer ) { DWORD Status;
switch (Context) {
default: Status = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; CsInconsistencyHalt(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); break; } return(Status);
@func WORD| EpClusterWidePostEvent| This generates an event notification on all the cluster nodes.
@parm IN EVENT | Event | The event to be posted.
@parm IN DWORD | dwFlags | The flags associated with this event. If zero, pContext points to one of the om objects.
@parm IN PVOID | pContext | A pointer to an object or a buffer.
@parm IN DWORD | cbContext | The size of pContext if it is a buffer.
@rdesc Returns ERROR_SUCCESS for success, else returns the error code.
@comm <f EpClusWidePostEvent> @xref ****/ DWORD WINAPI EpClusterWidePostEvent( IN CLUSTER_EVENT Event, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PVOID pContext, IN DWORD cbContext ) { DWORD Status; DWORD cbObjectId = 0; PVOID pContext1 = pContext; DWORD cbContext1 = cbContext; PVOID pContext2 = NULL; DWORD cbContext2 = 0;
// We have do the work of EpPostEvent here because GUM
// does not correctly pass a NULL pointer.
if (pContext) { if (dwFlags == 0) { //
// The context is a pointer to a cluster object.
// The caller is assumed to have a reference on the object
// so it won't go away while we are using it.
DWORD dwObjectType = OmObjectType(pContext); LPCWSTR lpszObjectId = OmObjectId(pContext);
cbContext1 = (lstrlen(lpszObjectId) + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR); pContext1 = (PVOID) lpszObjectId;
pContext2 = &dwObjectType; cbContext2 = sizeof(dwObjectType);
dwFlags |= EP_CONTEXT_VALID; }
Status = GumSendUpdateEx(GumUpdateFailoverManager, EmUpdateClusWidePostEvent, 4, sizeof(CLUSTER_EVENT), &Event, sizeof(DWORD), &dwFlags, cbContext1, pContext1, cbContext2, pContext2 );
return(Status); }
@func WORD| EpUpdateClusWidePostEvent| The update handler for EmUpdateClusWidePostEvent.
@parm IN BOOL | SourceNode | If this is the source of origin of the gum update.
@parm IN EVENT | pEvent | A pointer to the event to be posted.
@parm IN LPDWORD | pdwFlags | A pointer to the flags associated with this event.
@parm IN PVOID | pContext1 | A pointer to an object or a buffer.
@parm IN PVOID | pContext2 | A pointer to an object type if pContext1 is a pointer to an object. Else unused.
@rdesc Returns ERROR_SUCCESS for success, else returns the error code.
@comm <f EpClusWidePostEvent> @xref ****/ DWORD EpUpdateClusWidePostEvent( IN BOOL SourceNode, IN PCLUSTER_EVENT pEvent, IN LPDWORD pdwFlags, IN PVOID pContext1, IN PVOID pContext2 ) { DWORD Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (*pdwFlags & EP_CONTEXT_VALID) { if (*pdwFlags & EP_DEREF_CONTEXT) { //
// pContext1 is a pointer to an object ID.
// pContext2 is a pointer to an object type.
LPCWSTR lpszObjectId = (LPCWSTR) pContext1; DWORD dwObjectType = *((LPDWORD) pContext2); PVOID pObject = OmReferenceObjectById( dwObjectType, lpszObjectId );
if (!pObject) { //
// Return success if object is not found! The object was
// probably deleted.
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
Status = EpPostEvent(*pEvent, *pdwFlags, pObject); } else { //
// pContext1 is a buffer. If the FREE_BUFFER flag is on, turn
// it off since the memory is owned by GUM.
// pContext2 is ignored.
*pdwFlags = *pdwFlags & ~EP_FREE_CONTEXT;
Status = EpPostEvent(*pEvent, *pdwFlags, pContext1); } }