Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains all the routines for supporting cluster wide eventlogging.
Sunita Shrivastava (sunitas) 24-Apr-1996
Revision History:
--*/ #include "evtlogp.h"
#include "simpleq.h"
#include "nm.h" // to get NmLocalNodeIdString //
#include "dm.h"
//since the eventlog replication requires services.exe calling into the
//cluster service
LPWSTR g_pszServicesPath = NULL; DWORD g_dwServicesPid = 0;
// Local data
static WORD LastFailHour = -1; static WORD LastFailDay = -1;
static BITSET EvpUpNodeSet = 0;
static SIMPLEQUEUE IncomingQueue; static SIMPLEQUEUE OutgoingQueue; static CLRTL_WORK_ITEM EvtlogWriterWorkItem; static CLRTL_WORK_ITEM EvtBroadcasterWorkItem; static DWORD DefaultNodePropagate = PROPAGATION_ENABLED; static DWORD DefaultClusterPropagate = PROPAGATION_ENABLED;
#define AsyncEvtlogReplication CLUSTER_MAKE_VERSION(NT5_MAJOR_VERSION,1978)
#define OUTGOING_QUEUE_SIZE (16384)
#define OUTGOING_QUEUE_NAME L"System Event Replication Output Queue"
#define INCOMING_QUEUE_NAME L"System Event Replication Input Queue"
#define DROPPED_DATA_NOTIFY_INTERVAL (2*60) // in seconds (2mins)
#define CHECK_CLUSTER_REGISTRY_EVERY 10 // seconds
# define EvtlogPrint(__evtlogtrace__) \
do { if (EventlogTraceEverything) {ClRtlLogPrint __evtlogtrace__;} } while(0) #else
# define EvtLogPrint(x)
DWORD EventlogTraceEverything = 0;
RPC_BINDING_HANDLE EvtRpcBindings[ClusterMinNodeId + ClusterDefaultMaxNodes]; BOOLEAN EvInitialized = FALSE;
/////////////// Forward Declarations ////////////////
DWORD InitializeQueues( VOID ); VOID DestroyQueues( VOID); VOID ReadRegistryKeys( VOID); VOID PeriodicRegistryCheck( VOID); ///////////// End of forward Declarations ////////////
@func DWORD | EvInitialize| This initializes the cluster wide eventlog replicating services.
@rdesc Returns a result code. ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
@xref <f EvShutdown> ****/
DWORD EvInitialize() { DWORD i; WCHAR wServicesName[] = L"services.exe"; WCHAR wCallerModuleName[] = L"\\system32\\"; WCHAR wCallerPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; LPWSTR pszServicesPath; DWORD dwNumChar; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; //
// Initialize Per-node information
for (i=ClusterMinNodeId; i <= NmMaxNodeId; i++) { EvtRpcBindings[i] = NULL; }
//get the path name for %windir%\system32\services.exe
dwNumChar = GetWindowsDirectoryW(wCallerPath, MAX_PATH); if(dwNumChar == 0) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); goto FnExit; }
//need to allocate more memory
pszServicesPath = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (sizeof(WCHAR) * (lstrlenW(wCallerPath) + lstrlenW(wCallerModuleName) + lstrlenW(wServicesName) + 1))); if (!pszServicesPath) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); goto FnExit; } lstrcpyW(pszServicesPath, wCallerPath); lstrcatW(pszServicesPath, wCallerModuleName); lstrcatW(pszServicesPath, wServicesName); g_pszServicesPath = pszServicesPath;
EvInitialized = TRUE;
FnExit: return(dwStatus);
} // EvInitialize
@func DWORD | EvOnline| This finishes initializing the cluster wide eventlog replicating services.
@rdesc Returns a result code. ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
@comm This calls ElfrRegisterClusterSvc() and calls EvpPropPendingEvents() to propagate events logged since the start of the eventlog service.
@xref <f EvShutdown> ****/ DWORD EvOnline() { DWORD dwError=ERROR_SUCCESS; PPACKEDEVENTINFO pPackedEventInfo=NULL; DWORD dwEventInfoSize; DWORD dwSequence; CLUSTER_NODE_STATE state; DWORD i; PNM_NODE node;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvOnline\n");
dwError = InitializeQueues(); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwError; } //
// Register for node up/down events.
dwError = EpRegisterEventHandler( (CLUSTER_EVENT_NODE_UP | CLUSTER_EVENT_NODE_DOWN_EX), EvpClusterEventHandler );
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvInitialize : Failed to register for cluster events, status %1!u!\n", dwError); return(dwError); }
// Initialize Per-node information
for (i=ClusterMinNodeId; i <= NmMaxNodeId; i++) { if (i != NmLocalNodeId) { node = NmReferenceNodeById(i);
if (node != NULL) { DWORD version = NmGetNodeHighestVersion(node); state = NmGetNodeState(node);
if ( (state == ClusterNodeUp) || (state == ClusterNodePaused) ) { if (version >= AsyncEvtlogReplication) { BitsetAdd(EvpUpNodeSet, i);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] Node up: %1!u!, new UpNodeSet: %2!04x!\n", i, EvpUpNodeSet ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] Evtlog replication is not allowed for node %1!u! (version %2!x!)\n", i, version ); } }
OmDereferenceObject(node); } } }
//TODO :: SS - currently the eventlog propagation api
//has been added to clusapi. In future, if we need
//to define a general purpose interface for communication
//with other services on the same system, then we need
//to register and advertize that interface here.
//call the event logger to get routines that have been logged so far.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvOnline : calling ElfRegisterClusterSvc\n");
dwError = ElfRegisterClusterSvc(NULL, &dwEventInfoSize, &pPackedEventInfo);
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[EVT] EvOnline : ElfRegisterClusterSvc returned %1!u!\n", dwError); return(dwError); }
//post them to other nodes in the cluster
if (pPackedEventInfo && dwEventInfoSize) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvOnline: pPackedEventInfo->ulSize=%1!d! pPackedEventInfo->ulNulEventsForLogFile=%2!d!\r\n", pPackedEventInfo->ulSize, pPackedEventInfo->ulNumEventsForLogFile); EvpPropPendingEvents(dwEventInfoSize, pPackedEventInfo); MIDL_user_free ( pPackedEventInfo );
return (dwError);
@func DWORD | EvCreateRpcBindings| This creates an RPC binding for a specified node.
@rdesc Returns a result code. ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
@xref ****/ DWORD EvCreateRpcBindings( PNM_NODE Node ) { DWORD Status; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE BindingHandle; CL_NODE_ID NodeId = NmGetNodeId(Node);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] Creating RPC bindings for node %1!u!.\n", NodeId );
// Main binding
if (EvtRpcBindings[NodeId] != NULL) { //
// Reuse the old binding.
Status = ClMsgVerifyRpcBinding(EvtRpcBindings[NodeId]);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_ERROR, "[EVT] Failed to verify 1st RPC binding for node %1!u!, status %2!u!.\n", NodeId, Status ); return(Status); } } else { //
// Create a new binding
Status = ClMsgCreateRpcBinding( Node, &(EvtRpcBindings[NodeId]), 0 );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_ERROR, "[EVT] Failed to create 1st RPC binding for node %1!u!, status %2!u!.\n", NodeId, Status ); return(Status); } }
} // EvCreateRpcBindings
@func DWORD | EvShutdown| This deinitializes the cluster wide eventlog replication services.
@rdesc Returns a result code. ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
@comm The cluster register deregisters with the eventlog service.
@xref <f EvInitialize> ****/ DWORD EvShutdown(void) { DWORD dwError=ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (EvInitialized) { PPACKEDEVENTINFO pPackedEventInfo; DWORD dwEventInfoSize; DWORD i;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvShutdown\r\n");
//call the event logger to get routines that have been logged so far.
ElfDeregisterClusterSvc(NULL); DestroyQueues();
// TODO [GorN 9/23/1999]
// When DestroyQueues starts doing what it is supposed to do,
// (i.e. flush/wait/destroy), enable the code below
#if 0
// Free per-node information
for (i=ClusterMinNodeId; i <= NmMaxNodeId; i++) { if (EvtRpcBindings[i] != NULL) { ClMsgDeleteRpcBinding(EvtRpcBindings[i]); EvtRpcBindings[i] = NULL; } } #endif
return (dwError);
@func DWORD | EvpClusterEventHandler| Handler for internal cluster events.
@rdesc Returns a result code. ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
@xref <f EvInitialize> ****/ DWORD EvpClusterEventHandler( IN CLUSTER_EVENT Event, IN PVOID Context ) { DWORD NodeId;
if (Event == CLUSTER_EVENT_NODE_UP) { PNM_NODE node = (PNM_NODE) Context; CL_NODE_ID nodeId = NmGetNodeId(node); DWORD version = NmGetNodeHighestVersion(node);
if ( version >= AsyncEvtlogReplication ) { BitsetAdd(EvpUpNodeSet, nodeId);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] Node up: %1!u!, new UpNodeSet: %2!04x!\n", nodeId, EvpUpNodeSet ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] Evtlog replication is not allowed for node %1!u! (version %2!x!)\n", nodeId, version ); } } else if (Event == CLUSTER_EVENT_NODE_DOWN_EX) { BITSET downedNodes = (BITSET)((ULONG_PTR)Context);
BitsetSubtract(EvpUpNodeSet, downedNodes);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] Nodes down: %1!04X!, new UpNodeSet: %2!04x!\n", downedNodes, EvpUpNodeSet ); }
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
@func DWORD | s_EvPropEvents| This is the server entry point for receiving eventlog information from other nodes of the cluster and logging them locally.
@parm IN handle_t | IDL_handle | The rpc binding handle. Unused. @parm IN DWORD | dwEventInfoSize | the size of the packed event info structure. @parm IN UCHAR | *pBuffer| A pointer to the packed eventinfo structure. @rdesc returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successful else returns the error code.
@comm This function calls ElfWriteClusterEvents() to log the event propagted from another node. @xref ****/ DWORD s_EvPropEvents( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD dwEventInfoSize, IN UCHAR *pBuffer ) { PUCHAR end = pBuffer + dwEventInfoSize;
if ( dwEventInfoSize >= sizeof(DWORD) && dwEventInfoSize == (*(PDWORD)pBuffer)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[EVT] Improperly formed packet received of size %1!u!.\n", dwEventInfoSize ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
EvtlogPrint((LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] s_EvPropEvents. dwEventInfoSize=%1!d!\r\n", dwEventInfoSize)); #endif
while (pBuffer < end) { BOOL success;
success = SimpleQueueTryAdd(&IncomingQueue, SQB_PAYLOADSIZE(pBuffer), SQB_PAYLOAD(pBuffer)); if ( !success ) { EvtlogPrint((LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] s_EvPropEvents. Put(IncomingQ,%1!d!) failed. empty=%2!d!\n", SQB_PAYLOADSIZE(pBuffer), IncomingQueue.Empty) ); }
pBuffer = SQB_NEXTBLOCK(pBuffer); } return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
@func DWORD | EvpPropPendingEvents| This is called to propagate all the pending events since the start of the system. And then to propagate any events generated during the life of the cluster. @parm IN DWORD | dwEventInfoSize | the size of the packed event info structure. @parm IN PPACKEDEVENTINFO | pPackedEventInfo| A pointer to the packed eventinfo structure. @rdesc returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successful else returns the error code.
@comm This function is called during initialization when a cluster is being formed. @xref ****/ DWORD EvpPropPendingEvents( IN DWORD dwEventInfoSize, IN PPACKEDEVENTINFO pPackedEventInfo) { BOOL success;
success = SimpleQueueTryAdd(&OutgoingQueue, dwEventInfoSize, pPackedEventInfo);
if ( !success ) { EvtlogPrint((LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvpPropPendingEvents: Put(OutgoingQ,%1!d!) failed. empty=%2!d!\n", dwEventInfoSize, OutgoingQueue.Empty)); }
@func DWORD | s_ApiEvPropEvents | This is called to propagate eventlogs from the local system to all other nodes of the cluster.
@parm handle_t | IDL_handle | Not used. @parm DWORD | dwEventInfoSize | The number of bytes in the following structure. @parm UCHAR * | pPackedEventInfo | Pointer to a byte structure containing the PACKEDEVENTINFO structure.
@rdesc Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successfully propagated events, else returns the error code.
@comm Currently this function is called for every eventlogged by the eventlog service. Only the processes running in the SYSTEM account can call this function. @xref ****/ error_status_t s_ApiEvPropEvents( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD dwEventInfoSize, IN UCHAR *pPackedEventInfo ) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bIsLocalSystemAccount;
#if 0
// Chittur Subbaraman (chitturs) - 11/7/1999
// Modify this function to use ClRtlIsCallerAccountLocalSystemAccount
// instead of GetUserName which
// (1) used to hang in security audit enabled systems if security
// audit log attempts to write to the event log at the time we
// made that API call since that API and the security audit log
// are mutually exclusive for some portions, and
// (2) wrongly checked for an unlocalizable output value "SYSTEM"
// from that API in order to grant access to the client.
// Impersonate the client.
if ( ( dwError = RpcImpersonateClient( IDL_handle ) ) != RPC_S_OK ) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_ERROR, "[EVT] s_ApiEvPropEvents: Error %1!d! trying to impersonate caller...\n", dwError ); goto FnExit; }
// Check that the caller's account is local system account
if ( ( dwError = ClRtlIsCallerAccountLocalSystemAccount( &bIsLocalSystemAccount ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) ) { RpcRevertToSelf(); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_ERROR, "[EVT] s_ApiEvPropEvents: Error %1!d! trying to check caller's account...\n", dwError); goto FnExit; }
if ( !bIsLocalSystemAccount ) { RpcRevertToSelf(); dwError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_ERROR, "[EVT] s_ApiEvPropEvents: Caller's account is not local system account, denying access...\n"); goto FnExit; }
RpcRevertToSelf(); #endif
// All security checks have passed. Drop the eventlog info into
// the queue.
if ( dwEventInfoSize && pPackedEventInfo ) { dwError = EvpPropPendingEvents( dwEventInfoSize, ( PPACKEDEVENTINFO ) pPackedEventInfo ); }
return( dwError ); }
VOID EvtlogWriter( IN PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM WorkItem, IN DWORD Status, IN DWORD BytesTransferred, IN ULONG_PTR IoContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This work item reads events from the incoming queue and writes them to EventLog service
Not used.
Return Value:
--*/ { PVOID begin, end; SYSTEMTIME localTime; DWORD eventsWritten = 0;
EvtlogPrint( (LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvtlogWriter Work Item fired.\n") ); #endif
do { DWORD dwError;
if ( !SimpleQueueReadOne(&IncomingQueue, &begin, &end) ) { break; } #ifdef CLUSTER_BETA
EvtlogPrint( (LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvtlogWriter got %1!d!.\n", (PUCHAR)end - (PUCHAR)begin ) ); #endif
dwError = ElfWriteClusterEvents( NULL, SQB_PAYLOADSIZE(begin), (PPACKEDEVENTINFO)SQB_PAYLOAD(begin) );
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { GetLocalTime( &localTime );
// LastFailHour is initialized to -1, which should not equal any wHour!
// LastFailDay is initialized to -1, which should not equal any wDay!
if ( (LastFailHour != localTime.wHour) || (LastFailDay != localTime.wDay) ) { LastFailHour = localTime.wHour; LastFailDay = localTime.wDay; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[EVT] ElfWriteClusterEvents failed: status = %1!u!\n", dwError); } } PeriodicRegistryCheck(); } while ( SimpleQueueReadComplete(&IncomingQueue, end) );
EvtlogPrint( (LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvtlogWriter: done.\n" ) ); #endif
if ( eventsWritten > 0 ) { EvtlogPrint( (LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvtlogWriter: wrote %u events to system event log.\n", eventsWritten ) ); } CheckForDroppedData(&IncomingQueue, FALSE); }
VOID EvtBroadcaster( IN PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM WorkItem, IN DWORD Status, IN DWORD BytesTransferred, IN ULONG_PTR IoContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This work item reads events from the outgoing queue and RPCs them to all active nodes
Not used.
Return Value:
--*/ { PVOID begin, end;
EvtlogPrint( (LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvtBroadcaster Work Item fired.\n") ); #endif
do { DWORD i;
if( !SimpleQueueReadAll(&OutgoingQueue, &begin, &end) ) { break; }
EvtlogPrint((LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvtBroadcaster got %1!d!.\n", (PUCHAR)end - (PUCHAR)begin ) ); #endif
for (i=ClusterMinNodeId; i <= NmMaxNodeId; i++) { if (BitsetIsMember(i, EvpUpNodeSet) && (i != NmLocalNodeId)) { DWORD dwError;
CL_ASSERT(EvtRpcBindings[i] != NULL);
NmStartRpc(i); dwError = EvPropEvents(EvtRpcBindings[i], (DWORD)((PUCHAR)end - (PUCHAR)begin), (PBYTE)begin); NmEndRpc(i);
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[EVT] EvpPropPendingEvents: EvPropEvents for node %1!u! " "failed. status %2!u!\n", i, dwError); NmDumpRpcExtErrorInfo(dwError); } } }
PeriodicRegistryCheck(); } while ( SimpleQueueReadComplete(&OutgoingQueue, end) );
EvtlogPrint( (LOG_NOISE, "[EVT] EvtBroadcaster: done.\n" ) ); #endif
CheckForDroppedData(&OutgoingQueue, FALSE); }
VOID OutgoingQueueDataAvailable( IN PSIMPLEQUEUE q ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called by the queue to notify that there are data in the queue available for processing
q - which queue has data
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD status = ClRtlPostItemWorkQueue( CsDelayedWorkQueue, &EvtBroadcasterWorkItem, 0, 0 ); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[EVT] OutgoingQueueDataAvailable, PostWorkItem failed, error %1!u! !\n", status); } }
VOID IncomingQueueDataAvailable( IN PSIMPLEQUEUE q ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called by the queue to notify that there are data in the queue available for processing
q - which queue has data
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD status = ClRtlPostItemWorkQueue( CsDelayedWorkQueue, &EvtlogWriterWorkItem, 0, 0 ); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[EVT] IncomingQueueDataAvailable, PostWorkItem failed, error %1!u! !\n", status); } }
VOID DroppedDataNotify( IN PWCHAR QueueName, IN DWORD DroppedDataCount, IN DWORD DroppedDataSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called by the queue to notify that some data were lost because the queue was full
QueueName - Queue Name DataCount - How many chunks of data were lost DataSize - Total size fo the lost data
Return Value:
--*/ { WCHAR count[32]; WCHAR size[32]; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[EVT] %1!ws!: dropped %2!d!, total dropped size %3!d!.\n", QueueName, DroppedDataCount, DroppedDataSize );
wsprintfW(count+0, L"%u", DroppedDataCount); wsprintfW(size+0, L"%u", DroppedDataSize);
ClusterLogEvent3(LOG_UNUSUAL, LOG_CURRENT_MODULE, __FILE__, __LINE__, EVTLOG_DATA_DROPPED, 0, NULL, QueueName, count, size); }
LARGE_INTEGER RegistryCheckInterval; LARGE_INTEGER NextRegistryCheckAt;
DWORD InitializeQueues( VOID) { DWORD status, OutgoingQueueStatus; status = SimpleQueueInitialize( &OutgoingQueue, OUTGOING_QUEUE_SIZE, OUTGOING_QUEUE_NAME,
OutgoingQueueDataAvailable, DroppedDataNotify, DROPPED_DATA_NOTIFY_INTERVAL // seconds //
); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[EVT] Failed to create '%1!ws!', error %2!u!.\n", OUTGOING_QUEUE_NAME, status ); } OutgoingQueueStatus = status; status = SimpleQueueInitialize( &IncomingQueue, INCOMING_QUEUE_SIZE, INCOMING_QUEUE_NAME,
IncomingQueueDataAvailable, DroppedDataNotify, DROPPED_DATA_NOTIFY_INTERVAL // seconds //
); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[EVT] Failed to create '%1!ws!', error %2!u!.\n", INCOMING_QUEUE_NAME, status ); }
ClRtlInitializeWorkItem( &EvtBroadcasterWorkItem, EvtBroadcaster, (PVOID) &OutgoingQueue ); ClRtlInitializeWorkItem( &EvtlogWriterWorkItem, EvtlogWriter, (PVOID) &IncomingQueue ); RegistryCheckInterval.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(10 * 1000 * 1000, CHECK_CLUSTER_REGISTRY_EVERY); NextRegistryCheckAt.QuadPart = 0;
ReadRegistryKeys(); return OutgoingQueueStatus; }
VOID DestroyQueues( VOID) { CheckForDroppedData(&IncomingQueue, TRUE); CheckForDroppedData(&OutgoingQueue, TRUE);
// [GN] TODO
// Add proper destruction of queues
VOID ReadRegistryKeys( VOID) /*
* */ { HDMKEY nodeKey; DWORD NodePropagate; DWORD ClusterPropagate; static DWORD OldPropagateState = 0xCAFEBABE; DWORD status;
nodeKey = DmOpenKey( DmNodesKey, NmLocalNodeIdString, KEY_READ );
if (nodeKey != NULL) { status = DmQueryDword( nodeKey, CLUSREG_NAME_CLUS_EVTLOG_PROPAGATION, &NodePropagate, &DefaultNodePropagate );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "[EVT] Unable to query propagation mode for local node, status %1!u!.\n", status ); }
DmCloseKey(nodeKey); } else { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "[EVT] Unable to open database key to local node, status %1!u!. Assuming default settings.\n", GetLastError()); NodePropagate = DefaultNodePropagate; }
status = DmQueryDword( DmClusterParametersKey, CLUSREG_NAME_CLUS_EVTLOG_PROPAGATION, &ClusterPropagate, &DefaultClusterPropagate );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "[EVT] Unable to query global propagation mode, status %1!u!.\n", status ); }
NodePropagate &= ClusterPropagate;
if (NodePropagate != OldPropagateState) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "[EVT] Set propagation state to %1!04x!\n", NodePropagate ); if (NodePropagate & OUTGOING_PROPAGATION_ENABLED) { if (OutgoingQueue.Begin) { OutgoingQueue.Enabled = 1; } } else { OutgoingQueue.Enabled = 0; } #if 0
if (NodePropagate & INCOMING_PROPAGATION_ENABLED) { if (IncomingQueue.Begin) { IncomingQueue.Enabled = 1; } } else { IncomingQueue.Enabled = 0; } #endif
if(NodePropagate & TRACE_EVERYTHING_ENABLED) { EventlogTraceEverything = 1; } else { EventlogTraceEverything = 0; } OldPropagateState = NodePropagate; } }
VOID PeriodicRegistryCheck( VOID) { LARGE_INTEGER currentTime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (LPFILETIME)¤tTime); if( currentTime.QuadPart > NextRegistryCheckAt.QuadPart ) { ReadRegistryKeys(); NextRegistryCheckAt.QuadPart = currentTime.QuadPart + RegistryCheckInterval.QuadPart; } }