Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Public data structures and procedure prototypes for the INIT subcomponent of the NT Cluster Service
John Vert (jvert) 7-Feb-1996
Revision History:
// Shutdown Types
typedef enum _SHUTDOWN_TYPE { CsShutdownTypeStop = 0, CsShutdownTypeShutdown, CsShutdownTypeMax } SHUTDOWN_TYPE;
extern SHUTDOWN_TYPE CsShutdownRequest;
// A few interfaces for reporting of errors.
VOID ClusterLogFatalError( IN ULONG LogModule, IN ULONG Line, IN LPSTR File, IN ULONG ErrCode );
VOID ClusterLogEvent0( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD LogModule, IN LPSTR FileName, IN DWORD LineNumber, IN DWORD MessageId, IN DWORD dwByteCount, IN PVOID lpBytes );
VOID ClusterLogEvent1( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD LogModule, IN LPSTR FileName, IN DWORD LineNumber, IN DWORD MessageId, IN DWORD dwByteCount, IN PVOID lpBytes, IN LPCWSTR Arg1 );
VOID ClusterLogEvent2( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD LogModule, IN LPSTR FileName, IN DWORD LineNumber, IN DWORD MessageId, IN DWORD dwByteCount, IN PVOID lpBytes, IN LPCWSTR Arg1, IN LPCWSTR Arg2 );
VOID ClusterLogEvent3( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD LogModule, IN LPSTR FileName, IN DWORD LineNumber, IN DWORD MessageId, IN DWORD dwByteCount, IN PVOID lpBytes, IN LPCWSTR Arg1, IN LPCWSTR Arg2, IN LPCWSTR Arg3 );
// Convenient memory allocation routines
PVOID CsAlloc( DWORD Size );
#define CsFree(_p_) LocalFree(_p_)
LPWSTR CsStrDup( LPCWSTR String );