Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements the Node Manager network interface management routines.
Mike Massa (mikemas) 7-Nov-1996
Revision History:
#include "nmp.h"
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <iprtrmib.h>
#include <ntddndis.h>
#include <ndispnp.h>
// Data
LIST_ENTRY NmpInterfaceList = {NULL, NULL}; LIST_ENTRY NmpDeletedInterfaceList = {NULL, NULL}; DWORD NmpInterfaceCount = 0; WCHAR NmpUnknownString[] = L"<Unknown>"; WCHAR NmpNullString[] = L"";
// Initialization & cleanup routines
DWORD NmpInitializeInterfaces( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes network interface resources.
Return Value:
A Win32 status value.
{ DWORD status; OM_OBJECT_TYPE_INITIALIZE objectTypeInitializer;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[NM] Initializing network interfaces.\n");
// Create the network interface object type
ZeroMemory(&objectTypeInitializer, sizeof(OM_OBJECT_TYPE_INITIALIZE)); objectTypeInitializer.ObjectSize = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE); objectTypeInitializer.Signature = NM_INTERFACE_SIG; objectTypeInitializer.Name = L"Network Interface"; objectTypeInitializer.DeleteObjectMethod = &NmpDestroyInterfaceObject;
status = OmCreateType(ObjectTypeNetInterface, &objectTypeInitializer);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WCHAR errorString[12]; wsprintfW(&(errorString[0]), L"%u", status); CsLogEvent1(LOG_CRITICAL, CS_EVENT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, errorString); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Unable to create network interface object type, %1!u!\n", status ); }
} // NmpInitializeInterfaces
VOID NmpCleanupInterfaces( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Destroys all existing network interface resources.
Return Value:
{ PNM_INTERFACE netInterface; PLIST_ENTRY entry; DWORD status;
ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Interface cleanup starting...\n" );
// Now clean up all the interface objects.
while (!IsListEmpty(&NmpInterfaceList)) {
entry = RemoveHeadList(&NmpInterfaceList);
netInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, NM_INTERFACE, Linkage); CL_ASSERT(NM_OM_INSERTED(netInterface));
NmpDeleteInterfaceObject(netInterface, FALSE); }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[NM] Network interface cleanup complete\n");
} // NmpCleanupInterfaces
// Top-level routines called during network configuration
DWORD NmpCreateInterface( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE JoinSponsorBinding, IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo ) /*++
Must not be called with NM lock held.
--*/ { DWORD status;
CL_ASSERT(InterfaceInfo->NetIndex == NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex);
if (JoinSponsorBinding != NULL) { //
// We are joining a cluster. Ask the sponsor to do the dirty work.
status = NmRpcCreateInterface2( JoinSponsorBinding, NmpJoinSequence, NmLocalNodeIdString, InterfaceInfo ); } else if (NmpState == NmStateOnlinePending) { HLOCALXSACTION xaction;
// We are forming a cluster. Add the definition directly to the
// database. The corresponding object will be created later in
// the form process.
// Start a transaction - this must be done before acquiring the
// NM lock.
xaction = DmBeginLocalUpdate();
if (xaction == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to start a transaction, status %1!u!\n", status ); return(status); }
status = NmpCreateInterfaceDefinition(InterfaceInfo, xaction);
// Complete the transaction - this must be done after releasing
// the NM lock.
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmCommitLocalUpdate(xaction); } else { DmAbortLocalUpdate(xaction); } } else { //
// We are online. This is a PnP update.
status = NmpGlobalCreateInterface(InterfaceInfo);
NmpReleaseLock(); }
} // NmpCreateInterface
DWORD NmpSetInterfaceInfo( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE JoinSponsorBinding, IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo ) /*++
Must not be called with NM lock held.
--*/ { DWORD status;
if (JoinSponsorBinding != NULL) { //
// We are joining a cluster. Ask the sponsor to do the dirty work.
status = NmRpcSetInterfaceInfo2( JoinSponsorBinding, NmpJoinSequence, NmLocalNodeIdString, InterfaceInfo ); } else if (NmpState == NmStateOnlinePending) { //
// We are forming a cluster. Update the database directly.
// Start a transaction - this must be done before acquiring the
// NM lock.
xaction = DmBeginLocalUpdate();
if (xaction == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to start a transaction, status %1!u!\n", status ); return(status); }
status = NmpSetInterfaceDefinition(InterfaceInfo, xaction);
// Complete the transaction - this must be done after releasing
// the NM lock.
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmCommitLocalUpdate(xaction); } else { DmAbortLocalUpdate(xaction); } } else { //
// We are online. This is a PnP update.
status = NmpGlobalSetInterfaceInfo(InterfaceInfo);
NmpReleaseLock(); }
} // NmpSetInterfaceInfo
DWORD NmpDeleteInterface( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE JoinSponsorBinding, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, IN LPWSTR NetworkId, IN OUT PBOOLEAN NetworkDeleted ) /*++
Must not be called with NM lock held.
--*/ { DWORD status;
*NetworkDeleted = FALSE;
if (JoinSponsorBinding != NULL) { //
// We are joining a cluster. Ask the sponsor to perform the update.
status = NmRpcDeleteInterface( JoinSponsorBinding, NmpJoinSequence, NmLocalNodeIdString, InterfaceId, NetworkDeleted ); } else if (NmpState == NmStateOnlinePending) { //
// We are forming a cluster. Update the database directly.
// Start a transaction - this must be done before acquiring the
// NM lock.
xaction = DmBeginLocalUpdate();
if (xaction == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to start a transaction, status %1!u!\n", status ); return(status); }
// Delete the interface from the database.
status = DmLocalDeleteTree(xaction, DmNetInterfacesKey, InterfaceId);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 interfaceEnum = NULL;
// If this interface was the last one defined for the associated
// network, delete the network.
status = NmpEnumInterfaceDefinitions(&interfaceEnum);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BOOLEAN deleteNetwork = TRUE; PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo; DWORD i;
for (i=0; i<interfaceEnum->InterfaceCount; i++) { interfaceInfo = &(interfaceEnum->InterfaceList[i]);
if (wcscmp(interfaceInfo->NetworkId, NetworkId) == 0) { deleteNetwork = FALSE; break; } }
if (deleteNetwork) { status = DmLocalDeleteTree( xaction, DmNetworksKey, NetworkId );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *NetworkDeleted = TRUE; } }
ClNetFreeInterfaceEnum(interfaceEnum); } }
// Complete the transaction - this must be done after releasing
// the NM lock.
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmCommitLocalUpdate(xaction); } else { DmAbortLocalUpdate(xaction); } } else { //
// We are online. This is a PnP update.
status = NmpGlobalDeleteInterface( InterfaceId, NetworkDeleted );
NmpReleaseLock(); }
} // NmpDeleteInterface
// Remote procedures called by active member nodes
error_status_t s_NmRpcReportInterfaceConnectivity( IN PRPC_ASYNC_STATE AsyncState, IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, IN PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR ConnectivityVector ) { PNM_INTERFACE netInterface; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; RPC_STATUS tempStatus;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)){ netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceId );
if (netInterface != NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Received connectivity report from node %1!u! (interface %2!u!) for network %3!ws! (%4!ws!).\n", netInterface->Node->NodeId, netInterface->NetIndex, OmObjectId(netInterface->Network), OmObjectName(netInterface->Network) );
NmpProcessInterfaceConnectivityReport( netInterface, ConnectivityVector );
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Received connectivity report from unknown interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId ); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process connectivity report.\n" ); }
tempStatus = RpcAsyncCompleteCall(AsyncState, &status);
if(tempStatus != RPC_S_OK) ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] s_NmRpcReportInterfaceConnectivity(), Error Completing Async RPC call, status %1!u!\n", tempStatus );
} // s_NmRpcReportInterfaceConnectivity
error_status_t s_NmRpcGetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, OUT PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM * OnlineAddressEnum ) { PNM_INTERFACE netInterface; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Received request to get online address enum for interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId );
*OnlineAddressEnum = NULL;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)){ netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById(ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceId);
if (netInterface != NULL) { status = NmpBuildInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( netInterface, OnlineAddressEnum );
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] GetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum: interface %1!ws! doesn't exist.\n", InterfaceId ); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process GetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum request.\n" ); }
} // s_NmRpcGetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum
error_status_t s_NmRpcGetInterfacePingAddressEnum( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, IN PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM OnlineAddressEnum, OUT PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM * PingAddressEnum ) { PNM_INTERFACE netInterface; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Received request to get ping address enum for interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId );
*PingAddressEnum = NULL;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)){ netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById(ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceId);
if (netInterface != NULL) { status = NmpBuildInterfacePingAddressEnum( netInterface, OnlineAddressEnum, PingAddressEnum );
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] GetInterfacePingAddressEnum: interface %1!ws! doesn't exist.\n", InterfaceId ); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process GetInterfacePingAddressEnum request.\n" ); }
} // s_NmRpcGetInterfacePingAddressEnum
// Note: s_NmRpcDoInterfacePing returns void rather than CallStatus
// due to a MIDL compiler error in an early beta of W2K. Since
// the CallStatus is the final parameter, the format on the
// wire is the same; however, the call works in its current
// format, so there is no point in changing it now.
void s_NmRpcDoInterfacePing( IN PRPC_ASYNC_STATE AsyncState, IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, IN PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM PingAddressEnum, OUT BOOLEAN * PingSucceeded, OUT error_status_t * CallStatus ) { PNM_INTERFACE netInterface; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; RPC_STATUS tempStatus;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Received request to ping targets for interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId );
*PingSucceeded = FALSE;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)){ PNM_INTERFACE netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceId );
if (netInterface != NULL) { PNM_NETWORK network = netInterface->Network;
if ( (network->LocalInterface == netInterface) && NmpIsNetworkRegistered(network) ) { NmpReleaseLock();
status = NmpDoInterfacePing( netInterface, PingAddressEnum, PingSucceeded );
NmpAcquireLock(); } else { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] RpcDoInterfacePing: interface %1!ws! isn't local.\n", InterfaceId ); }
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] RpcDoInterfacePing: interface %1!ws! doesn't exist.\n", InterfaceId ); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process RpcDoInterfacePing request.\n" ); }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Finished pinging targets for interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId );
*CallStatus = status;
tempStatus = RpcAsyncCompleteCall(AsyncState, NULL);
if(tempStatus != RPC_S_OK) ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] s_NmRpcDoInterfacePing() Failed to complete Async RPC call, status %1!u!\n", tempStatus );
} // s_NmRpcDoInterfacePing
// Remote procedures called by joining nodes
error_status_t s_NmRpcCreateInterface( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD JoinSequence, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, OPTIONAL IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceInfo1 ) { DWORD status; NM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo2;
// Translate and call the V2.0 procedure.
CopyMemory(&interfaceInfo2, InterfaceInfo1, sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO));
// The NetIndex isn't used in this call.
interfaceInfo2.NetIndex = NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex;
// Use the unknown string for the adapter ID.
interfaceInfo2.AdapterId = NmpUnknownString;
status = s_NmRpcCreateInterface2( IDL_handle, JoinSequence, JoinerNodeId, &interfaceInfo2 );
} // s_NmRpcCreateInterface
error_status_t s_NmRpcCreateInterface2( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD JoinSequence, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, OPTIONAL IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo2 ) { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { PNM_NODE joinerNode = NULL;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Processing request to create new interface %1!ws! for joining node.\n", InterfaceInfo2->Id );
if (lstrcmpW(JoinerNodeId, NmpInvalidJoinerIdString) != 0) { joinerNode = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNode, JoinerNodeId );
if (joinerNode != NULL) { if ( (JoinSequence == NmpJoinSequence) && (NmpJoinerNodeId == joinerNode->NodeId) && (NmpSponsorNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) && !NmpJoinAbortPending ) { CL_ASSERT(joinerNode->State == ClusterNodeJoining); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinerUp == FALSE); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinTimer != 0);
// Suspend the join timer while we are working on
// behalf of the joiner. This precludes an abort
// from occuring as well.
NmpJoinTimer = 0; } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] CreateInterface call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the join was aborted.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBER; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] CreateInterface call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the node is not a member of the cluster.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } }
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CL_ASSERT(InterfaceInfo2->NetIndex == NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex); //
// Just to be safe
InterfaceInfo2->NetIndex = NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex;
status = NmpGlobalCreateInterface(InterfaceInfo2);
if (joinerNode != NULL) { //
// Verify that the join is still in progress
if ( (JoinSequence == NmpJoinSequence) && (NmpJoinerNodeId == joinerNode->NodeId) ) { CL_ASSERT(joinerNode->State == ClusterNodeJoining); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinerUp == FALSE); CL_ASSERT(NmpSponsorNodeId == NmLocalNodeId); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinTimer == 0); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinAbortPending == FALSE);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Restart the join timer.
} else { //
// Abort the join
NmpJoinAbort(status, joinerNode); } } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] CreateInterface call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the join was aborted.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } } }
if (joinerNode != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(joinerNode); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Not in valid state to process CreateInterface request.\n" ); }
} // s_NmRpcCreateInterface2
error_status_t s_NmRpcSetInterfaceInfo( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD JoinSequence, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, OPTIONAL IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceInfo1 ) { DWORD status; NM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo2;
// Translate and call the V2.0 procedure.
CopyMemory(&interfaceInfo2, InterfaceInfo1, sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO));
// The NetIndex is not used in this call.
interfaceInfo2.NetIndex = NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex;
// Use the unknown string for the adapter ID.
interfaceInfo2.AdapterId = NmpUnknownString;
status = s_NmRpcSetInterfaceInfo2( IDL_handle, JoinSequence, JoinerNodeId, &interfaceInfo2 );
} // s_NmRpcSetInterfaceInfo
error_status_t s_NmRpcSetInterfaceInfo2( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD JoinSequence, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, OPTIONAL IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo2 ) { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { PNM_NODE joinerNode = NULL;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Processing request to set info for interface %1!ws! for joining node.\n", InterfaceInfo2->Id );
if (lstrcmpW(JoinerNodeId, NmpInvalidJoinerIdString) != 0) { joinerNode = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNode, JoinerNodeId );
if (joinerNode != NULL) { if ( (JoinSequence == NmpJoinSequence) && (NmpJoinerNodeId == joinerNode->NodeId) && (NmpSponsorNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) && !NmpJoinAbortPending ) { CL_ASSERT(joinerNode->State == ClusterNodeJoining); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinerUp == FALSE); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinTimer != 0);
// Suspend the join timer while we are working on
// behalf of the joiner. This precludes an abort
// from occuring as well.
NmpJoinTimer = 0; } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] SetInterfaceInfo call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the join was aborted.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBER; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] SetInterfaceInfo call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the node is not a member of the cluster.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } }
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { status = NmpGlobalSetInterfaceInfo(InterfaceInfo2);
if (joinerNode != NULL) { //
// Verify that the join is still in progress
if ( (JoinSequence == NmpJoinSequence) && (NmpJoinerNodeId == joinerNode->NodeId) ) { CL_ASSERT(joinerNode->State == ClusterNodeJoining); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinerUp == FALSE); CL_ASSERT(NmpSponsorNodeId == NmLocalNodeId); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinTimer == 0); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinAbortPending == FALSE);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Restart the join timer.
} else { //
// Abort the join
NmpJoinAbort(status, joinerNode); } } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] SetInterfaceInfo call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the join was aborted.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } } }
if (joinerNode != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(joinerNode); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Not in valid state to process SetInterfaceInfo request.\n" ); }
} // s_NmRpcSetInterfaceInfo2
error_status_t s_NmRpcDeleteInterface( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD JoinSequence, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, OUT BOOLEAN * NetworkDeleted ) { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { PNM_NODE joinerNode = NULL;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Processing request to delete interface %1!ws! for joining node.\n", InterfaceId );
if (lstrcmpW(JoinerNodeId, NmpInvalidJoinerIdString) != 0) { joinerNode = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNode, JoinerNodeId );
if (joinerNode != NULL) { if ( (JoinSequence == NmpJoinSequence) && (NmpJoinerNodeId == joinerNode->NodeId) && (NmpSponsorNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) && !NmpJoinAbortPending ) { CL_ASSERT(joinerNode->State == ClusterNodeJoining); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinerUp == FALSE); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinTimer != 0);
// Suspend the join timer while we are working on
// behalf of the joiner. This precludes an abort
// from occuring as well.
NmpJoinTimer = 0; } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] DeleteInterface call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the join was aborted.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBER; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] DeleteInterface call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the node is not a member of the cluster.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } }
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
status = NmpGlobalDeleteInterface( InterfaceId, NetworkDeleted );
if (joinerNode != NULL) { //
// Verify that the join is still in progress
if ( (JoinSequence == NmpJoinSequence) && (NmpJoinerNodeId == joinerNode->NodeId) ) { CL_ASSERT(joinerNode->State == ClusterNodeJoining); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinerUp == FALSE); CL_ASSERT(NmpSponsorNodeId == NmLocalNodeId); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinTimer == 0); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinAbortPending == FALSE);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Restart the join timer.
NmpJoinTimer = NM_JOIN_TIMEOUT; } else { //
// Abort the join
NmpJoinAbort(status, joinerNode); } } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] DeleteInterface call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the join was aborted.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } } }
if (joinerNode != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(joinerNode); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Not in valid state to process DeleteInterface request.\n" ); }
} // s_NmRpcDeleteInterface
error_status_t NmpEnumInterfaceDefinitionsForJoiner( IN DWORD JoinSequence, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, OPTIONAL OUT PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM * InterfaceEnum1, OUT PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 * InterfaceEnum2 ) { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_NODE joinerNode = NULL;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Supplying interface information to joining node.\n" );
if (lstrcmpW(JoinerNodeId, NmpInvalidJoinerIdString) != 0) { joinerNode = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNode, JoinerNodeId );
if (joinerNode != NULL) { if ( (JoinSequence == NmpJoinSequence) && (NmpJoinerNodeId == joinerNode->NodeId) && (NmpSponsorNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) && !NmpJoinAbortPending ) { CL_ASSERT(joinerNode->State == ClusterNodeJoining); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinerUp == FALSE); CL_ASSERT(NmpJoinTimer != 0);
// Suspend the join timer while we are working on
// behalf of the joiner. This precludes an abort
// from occuring as well.
NmpJoinTimer = 0; } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] EnumInterfaceDefinitions call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the join was aborted.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBER; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] EnumInterfaceDefinitions call for joining node %1!ws! failed because the node is not a member of the cluster.\n", JoinerNodeId ); } }
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (InterfaceEnum1 != NULL) { status = NmpEnumInterfaceObjects1(InterfaceEnum1); } else { CL_ASSERT(InterfaceEnum2 != NULL); status = NmpEnumInterfaceObjects(InterfaceEnum2); }
if (joinerNode != NULL) { if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Restart the join timer.
NmpJoinTimer = NM_JOIN_TIMEOUT; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NMJOIN] EnumInterfaceDefinitions failed, status %1!u!.\n", status );
// Abort the join
NmpJoinAbort(status, joinerNode); } } }
if (joinerNode != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(joinerNode); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Not in valid state to process EnumInterfaceDefinitions request.\n" ); }
} // NmpEnumInterfaceDefinitionsForJoiner
error_status_t s_NmRpcEnumInterfaceDefinitions( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD JoinSequence, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, OPTIONAL OUT PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM * InterfaceEnum1 ) { error_status_t status;
status = NmpEnumInterfaceDefinitionsForJoiner( JoinSequence, JoinerNodeId, InterfaceEnum1, NULL );
} // s_NmRpcEnumInterfaceDefinitions
error_status_t s_NmRpcEnumInterfaceDefinitions2( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD JoinSequence, OPTIONAL IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, OPTIONAL OUT PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 * InterfaceEnum2 ) { error_status_t status;
status = NmpEnumInterfaceDefinitionsForJoiner( JoinSequence, JoinerNodeId, NULL, InterfaceEnum2 );
} // s_NmRpcEnumInterfaceDefinitions2
error_status_t s_NmRpcReportJoinerInterfaceConnectivity( IN handle_t IDL_handle, IN DWORD JoinSequence, IN LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, IN PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR ConnectivityVector ) { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)){ PNM_NODE joinerNode = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNode, JoinerNodeId );
if (joinerNode != NULL) { //
// If the node is still joining, forward the report to the
// leader. Note that reports may race with the node transitioning
// to the up state, so accept reports from up nodes as well.
if ( ( (JoinSequence == NmpJoinSequence) && (NmpJoinerNodeId == joinerNode->NodeId) && (NmpSponsorNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) && !NmpJoinAbortPending ) || NM_NODE_UP(joinerNode) ) { PNM_INTERFACE netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceId );
if (netInterface != NULL) { PNM_NETWORK network = netInterface->Network; LPCWSTR networkId = OmObjectId(network);
if (NmpLeaderNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) { //
// This node is the leader. Process the report.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Processing connectivity report from joiner" "node %1!ws! for network %2!ws!.\n", JoinerNodeId, networkId );
NmpProcessInterfaceConnectivityReport( netInterface, ConnectivityVector ); } else {
// Forward the report to the leader.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Forwarding connectivity report from joiner " "node %1!ws! for network %2!ws! to leader.\n", JoinerNodeId, networkId );
binding = Session[NmpLeaderNodeId]; CL_ASSERT(binding != NULL);
status = NmpReportInterfaceConnectivity( binding, InterfaceId, ConnectivityVector, (LPWSTR) networkId );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to forward connectivity report " "from joiner node %1!ws! for network %2!ws!" "to leader, status %3!u!\n", JoinerNodeId, networkId, status ); }
OmDereferenceObject(network); }
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] Rejecting connectivity report from joining " "node %1!ws! because interface %2!ws! does not " "exist.\n", JoinerNodeId, InterfaceId ); status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; } } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] Ignoring connectivity report from joining " "node %1!ws! because the join was aborted.\n", JoinerNodeId ); }
OmDereferenceObject(joinerNode); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBER; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NMJOIN] Ignoring connectivity report from joining node " "%1!ws! because the joiner is not a member of the cluster.\n", JoinerNodeId ); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NMJOIN] Not in valid state to process connectivity report " "from joiner node %1!ws!.\n", JoinerNodeId ); }
} // s_NmRpcReportJoinerInterfaceConnectivity
// Routines used to make global configuration changes when the node
// is online.
DWORD NmpGlobalCreateInterface( IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo ) /*++
Called with the NmpLock held.
--*/ { DWORD status; DWORD interfacePropertiesSize; PVOID interfaceProperties;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Issuing global update to create interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceInfo->Id );
// Marshall the info structures into property lists.
status = NmpMarshallObjectInfo( NmpInterfaceProperties, InterfaceInfo, &interfaceProperties, &interfacePropertiesSize );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Issue a global update
status = GumSendUpdateEx( GumUpdateMembership, NmUpdateCreateInterface, 2, interfacePropertiesSize, interfaceProperties, sizeof(interfacePropertiesSize), &interfacePropertiesSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Global update to create interface %1!ws! failed, status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, status ); }
NmpAcquireLock(); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to marshall properties for new interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, status ); }
} // NmpGlobalCreateInterface
DWORD NmpGlobalSetInterfaceInfo( IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo ) /*++
Called with the NmpLock held.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD interfacePropertiesSize; PVOID interfaceProperties;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Issuing global update to set info for interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceInfo->Id );
// Marshall the info structures into property lists.
status = NmpMarshallObjectInfo( NmpInterfaceProperties, InterfaceInfo, &interfaceProperties, &interfacePropertiesSize );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NmpReleaseLock();
// Issue a global update
status = GumSendUpdateEx( GumUpdateMembership, NmUpdateSetInterfaceInfo, 2, interfacePropertiesSize, interfaceProperties, sizeof(interfacePropertiesSize), &interfacePropertiesSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Global update to set properties for interface %1!ws! failed, status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, status ); }
NmpAcquireLock(); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to marshall properties for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, status ); }
} // NmpGlobalSetInterfaceInfo
DWORD NmpGlobalDeleteInterface( IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, IN OUT PBOOLEAN NetworkDeleted ) /*++
Called with the NmpLock held.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Issuing global update to delete interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId );
// Find the interface object
netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById(ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceId);
if (netInterface != NULL) { NmpReleaseLock();
// Issue a global update
status = GumSendUpdateEx( GumUpdateMembership, NmUpdateDeleteInterface, 1, (lstrlenW(InterfaceId)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR), InterfaceId );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Check if the network was deleted too
if (netInterface->Network->Flags & NM_FLAG_DELETE_PENDING) { *NetworkDeleted = TRUE; } else { *NetworkDeleted = FALSE; } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Global update to delete interface %1!ws! failed, status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceId, status ); }
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Unable to find interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId ); status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; }
} // NmpGlobalDeleteInterface
// Routines called by other cluster service components
Routine Description:
Return Value:
Because the caller must have a reference on the object and the call is so simple, there is no reason to put the call through the EnterApi/LeaveApi dance.
state = Interface->State;
} // NmGetInterfaceState
DWORD NmGetInterfaceForNodeAndNetwork( IN LPCWSTR NodeName, IN LPCWSTR NetworkName, OUT LPWSTR * InterfaceName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the name of the interface which connects a specified node to a specified network.
NodeName - A pointer to the unicode name of the node.
NetworkName - A pointer to the unicode name of the network.
InterfaceName - On output, contains a pointer to the unicode name of the interface.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { PNM_NODE node = OmReferenceObjectByName(ObjectTypeNode, NodeName);
if (node != NULL) { PNM_NETWORK network = OmReferenceObjectByName( ObjectTypeNetwork, NetworkName );
if (network != NULL) { PLIST_ENTRY entry; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface;
for (entry = node->InterfaceList.Flink; entry != &(node->InterfaceList); entry = entry->Flink ) { netInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD( entry, NM_INTERFACE, NodeLinkage );
if (netInterface->Network == network) { LPCWSTR interfaceId = OmObjectName(netInterface); DWORD nameLength = NM_WCSLEN(interfaceId);
*InterfaceName = MIDL_user_allocate(nameLength);
if (*InterfaceName != NULL) { lstrcpyW(*InterfaceName, interfaceId); status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } }
OmDereferenceObject(network); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND; }
OmDereferenceObject(node); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_FOUND; }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); } else { status = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process GetInterfaceForNodeAndNetwork request.\n" ); }
} // NmGetInterfaceForNodeAndNetwork
// Handlers for global updates
DWORD NmpUpdateCreateInterface( IN BOOL IsSourceNode, IN PVOID InterfacePropertyList, IN LPDWORD InterfacePropertyListSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Global update handler for creating a new interface. The interface definition is read from the cluster database, and a corresponding object is instantiated. The cluster transport is also updated if necessary.
IsSourceNode - Set to TRUE if this node is the source of the update. Set to FALSE otherwise.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
This routine must not be called with the NM lock held.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; NM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo; BOOLEAN lockAcquired = FALSE; HLOCALXSACTION xaction = NULL; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface = NULL;
if (!NmpEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process CreateInterface update.\n" ); return(ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE); }
ZeroMemory(&interfaceInfo, sizeof(interfaceInfo));
// Unmarshall the property list.
status = NmpConvertPropertyListToInterfaceInfo( InterfacePropertyList, *InterfacePropertyListSize, &interfaceInfo );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Fake missing V2 fields
if (interfaceInfo.AdapterId == NULL) { interfaceInfo.AdapterId = NmpUnknownString; }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Received update to create interface %1!ws!.\n", interfaceInfo.Id );
// Start a transaction - this must be done before acquiring
// the NM lock.
xaction = DmBeginLocalUpdate();
if (xaction != NULL) {
NmpAcquireLock(); lockAcquired = TRUE;
status = NmpCreateInterfaceDefinition(&interfaceInfo, xaction);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CL_NODE_ID joinerNodeId;
joinerNodeId = NmpJoinerNodeId;
netInterface = NmpCreateInterfaceObject( &interfaceInfo, TRUE // Do retry on failure
if (netInterface != NULL) { //
// If a node happens to be joining right now, flag
// the fact that it is now out of synch with the
// cluster config.
if ( ( (joinerNodeId != ClusterInvalidNodeId) && (netInterface->Node->NodeId != joinerNodeId) ) || ( (NmpJoinerNodeId != ClusterInvalidNodeId) && (netInterface->Node->NodeId != NmpJoinerNodeId) ) ) { NmpJoinerOutOfSynch = TRUE; }
ClusterEvent( CLUSTER_EVENT_NETINTERFACE_ADDED, netInterface ); } else { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to create object for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceInfo.Id, status ); } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to write definition for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceInfo.Id, status ); } } else { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to begin a transaction, status %1!u!\n", status ); }
// Remove faked V2 fields
if (interfaceInfo.AdapterId == NmpUnknownString) { interfaceInfo.AdapterId = NULL; }
ClNetFreeInterfaceInfo(&interfaceInfo); } else { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to unmarshall properties for new interface, " "status %1!u!.\n", status ); }
if (lockAcquired) { NmpLockedLeaveApi(); NmpReleaseLock(); } else { NmpLeaveApi(); }
if (xaction != NULL) { //
// Complete the transaction - this must be done after releasing
// the NM lock.
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmCommitLocalUpdate(xaction); } else { DmAbortLocalUpdate(xaction); } }
if (netInterface != NULL) { //
// Remove the reference put on by
// NmpCreateInterfaceObject.
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); }
} // NmpUpdateCreateInterface
DWORD NmpUpdateSetInterfaceInfo( IN BOOL IsSourceNode, IN PVOID InterfacePropertyList, IN LPDWORD InterfacePropertyListSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Global update handler for setting the properties of an interface. This update is issued in response to interface property changes that are detected internally.
IsSourceNode - Set to TRUE if this node is the source of the update. Set to FALSE otherwise.
InterfacePropertyList - A pointer to a property list that encodes the new properties for the interface. All of the string properties must be present, except those noted in the code below.
InterfacePropertyListSize - A pointer to a variable containing the size, in bytes, of the property list described by the InterfacePropertyList parameter.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status; NM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo;
if (!NmpEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process SetInterfaceInfo update.\n" ); return(ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE); }
// Unmarshall the property list so we can extract the interface ID.
status = NmpConvertPropertyListToInterfaceInfo( InterfacePropertyList, *InterfacePropertyListSize, &interfaceInfo );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PNM_INTERFACE netInterface;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Received update to set properties for interface %1!ws!.\n", interfaceInfo.Id );
// Fake missing V2 fields
if (interfaceInfo.AdapterId == NULL) { interfaceInfo.AdapterId = NmpUnknownString; }
// Find the interface object
netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNetInterface, interfaceInfo.Id );
if (netInterface != NULL) { HLOCALXSACTION xaction;
// Begin a transaction - this must be done before acquiring the
// NM lock.
xaction = DmBeginLocalUpdate();
if (xaction != NULL) {
// Process the changes
status = NmpLocalSetInterfaceInfo( netInterface, &interfaceInfo, xaction );
// Complete the transaction - this must be done after
// releasing the NM lock.
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmCommitLocalUpdate(xaction); } else { DmAbortLocalUpdate(xaction); } } else { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to begin a transaction, status %1!u!\n", status ); }
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Unable to find interface %1!ws!.\n", interfaceInfo.Id ); }
// Remove faked V2 fields
if (interfaceInfo.AdapterId == NmpUnknownString) { interfaceInfo.AdapterId = NULL; }
ClNetFreeInterfaceInfo(&interfaceInfo); } else { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to unmarshall properties for interface update, " "status %1!u!.\n", status ); }
} // NmpUpdateSetInterfaceInfo
DWORD NmpUpdateSetInterfaceCommonProperties( IN BOOL IsSourceNode, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, IN UCHAR * PropertyList, IN LPDWORD PropertyListLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Global update handler for setting the common properties of a interface. This update is issued in response to a property change request made through the cluster API.
IsSourceNode - Set to TRUE if this node is the source of the update. Set to FALSE otherwise.
InterfaceId - A pointer to a unicode string containing the ID of the interface to update.
PropertyList - A pointer to a property list that encodes the new properties for the interface. The list might contain only a partial property set for the object.
PropertyListLength - A pointer to a variable containing the size, in bytes, of the property list described by the PropertyList parameter.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface;
if (!NmpEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process SetInterfaceCommonProperties " "update.\n" ); return(ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE); }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Received update to set common properties for " "interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId );
// Find the interface's object
netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceId );
if (netInterface != NULL) { HLOCALXSACTION xaction;
// Begin a transaction - this must be done before acquiring the
// NM lock.
xaction = DmBeginLocalUpdate();
if (xaction != NULL) { NM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo;
ZeroMemory(&interfaceInfo, sizeof(interfaceInfo));
// Validate the property list and convert it to an
// interface info struct. Properties that are not present
// in the property list will be copied from the interface
// object.
status = NmpInterfaceValidateCommonProperties( netInterface, PropertyList, *PropertyListLength, &interfaceInfo );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Fake missing V2 fields
if (interfaceInfo.AdapterId == NULL) { interfaceInfo.AdapterId = NmpUnknownString; }
// Apply the changes
status = NmpLocalSetInterfaceInfo( netInterface, &interfaceInfo, xaction );
// Remove faked V2 fields
if (interfaceInfo.AdapterId == NmpUnknownString) { interfaceInfo.AdapterId = NULL; }
ClNetFreeInterfaceInfo(&interfaceInfo); } else { NmpReleaseLock();
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Update to set common properties for interface " "%1!ws! failed because property list validation failed " "with status %1!u!.\n", InterfaceId, status ); }
// Complete the transaction - this must be done after releasing
// the NM lock.
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmCommitLocalUpdate(xaction); } else { DmAbortLocalUpdate(xaction); } } else { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to begin a transaction, status %1!u!\n", status ); }
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Unable to find interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId ); }
} // NmpUpdateSetInterfaceCommonProperties
DWORD NmpUpdateDeleteInterface( IN BOOL IsSourceNode, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId ) /*++
Routine Description:
Global update handler for deleting an interface. The corresponding object is deleted. The cluster transport is also updated if necessary.
IsSourceNode - Set to TRUE if this node is the source of the update. Set to FALSE otherwise.
InterfaceId - A pointer to a unicode string containing the ID of the interface to delete.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface; HLOCALXSACTION xaction;
if (!NmpEnterApi(NmStateOnline)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Not in valid state to process DeleteInterface update.\n" ); return(ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE); }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Received update request to delete interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId );
xaction = DmBeginLocalUpdate();
if (xaction != NULL) { //
// Find the interface object
netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceId );
if (netInterface != NULL) { BOOLEAN deleteNetwork = FALSE; PNM_NETWORK network; LPCWSTR networkId;
network = netInterface->Network; networkId = OmObjectId(network);
// Delete the interface definition from the database.
status = DmLocalDeleteTree( xaction, DmNetInterfacesKey, InterfaceId );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (network->InterfaceCount == 1) { //
// This is the last interface on the network.
// Delete the network too.
deleteNetwork = TRUE;
status = DmLocalDeleteTree( xaction, DmNetworksKey, networkId );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to delete definition for network " "%1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", networkId, status ); } } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to delete definition for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceId, status ); }
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NmpDeleteInterfaceObject(netInterface, TRUE);
if (deleteNetwork) { NmpDeleteNetworkObject(network, TRUE); } else if (NmpIsNetworkRegistered(network)) { //
// Schedule a connectivity report.
NmpScheduleNetworkConnectivityReport(network); }
// If a node happens to be joining right now, flag the
// fact that it is now out of synch with the cluster
// config.
if ( (NmpJoinerNodeId != ClusterInvalidNodeId) && (netInterface->Node->NodeId != NmpJoinerNodeId) ) { NmpJoinerOutOfSynch = TRUE; } }
OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } else { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Unable to find interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId ); }
// Complete the transaction
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmCommitLocalUpdate(xaction); } else { DmAbortLocalUpdate(xaction); } } else { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to begin a transaction, status %1!u!\n", status ); }
} // NmpUpdateDeleteInterface
// Update helper routines
DWORD NmpLocalSetInterfaceInfo( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface, IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo, IN HLOCALXSACTION Xaction ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
Called with the NmpLock held.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_NETWORK network = Interface->Network; LPCWSTR interfaceId = OmObjectId(Interface); HDMKEY interfaceKey = NULL; BOOLEAN updateClusnet = FALSE; BOOLEAN propertyChanged = FALSE; BOOLEAN nameChanged = FALSE; LPWSTR descString = NULL; LPWSTR adapterNameString = NULL; LPWSTR adapterIdString = NULL; LPWSTR addressString = NULL; LPWSTR endpointString = NULL; DWORD size; ULONG ifAddress;
// Open the interface's database key
interfaceKey = DmOpenKey(DmNetInterfacesKey, interfaceId, KEY_WRITE);
if (interfaceKey == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to open database key for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!\n", interfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Check if the description changed.
if (wcscmp(Interface->Description, InterfaceInfo->Description) != 0) { size = NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->Description);
// Update the database
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_DESC, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->Description, size );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Set of name value failed for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate new memory resources. The object will be updated when the
// transaction commits.
descString = MIDL_user_allocate(size);
if (descString == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory\n"); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(descString, InterfaceInfo->Description);
propertyChanged = TRUE; }
// Check if the adapter name changed.
if (wcscmp(Interface->AdapterName, InterfaceInfo->AdapterName) != 0) { size = NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->AdapterName);
// Update the database
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADAPTER_NAME, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->AdapterName, size );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Set of adapter name value failed for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate new memory resources. The object will be updated when the
// transaction commits.
adapterNameString = MIDL_user_allocate(size);
if (adapterNameString == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory\n"); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(adapterNameString, InterfaceInfo->AdapterName);
propertyChanged = TRUE; }
// Check if the adapter Id changed.
if (wcscmp(Interface->AdapterId, InterfaceInfo->AdapterId) != 0) { size = NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->AdapterId);
// Update the database
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADAPTER_ID, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->AdapterId, size );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Set of adapter Id value failed for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate new memory resources. The object will be updated when the
// transaction commits.
adapterIdString = MIDL_user_allocate(size);
if (adapterIdString == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory\n"); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(adapterIdString, InterfaceInfo->AdapterId);
propertyChanged = TRUE; }
// Check if the address changed.
if (wcscmp(Interface->Address, InterfaceInfo->Address) != 0) {
status = ClRtlTcpipStringToAddress( InterfaceInfo->Address, &ifAddress );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to convert interface address string %1!ws! to " "binary, status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceInfo->Address, status ); goto error_exit; }
size = NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->Address);
// Update the database
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADDRESS, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->Address, size );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Set of address value failed for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate new memory resources. The object will be updated when the
// transaction commits.
addressString = MIDL_user_allocate(size);
if (addressString == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory\n"); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(addressString, InterfaceInfo->Address);
updateClusnet = TRUE; propertyChanged = TRUE; }
// Check if the clusnet endpoint changed.
if (wcscmp( Interface->ClusnetEndpoint, InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint ) != 0 ) { size = NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint);
// Update the database
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ENDPOINT, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint, size );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Set of endpoint value failed for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate new memory resources. The object will be updated when the
// transaction commits.
endpointString = MIDL_user_allocate(size);
if (endpointString == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory\n"); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(endpointString, InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint);
updateClusnet = TRUE; propertyChanged = TRUE; }
// Check if the object name changed.
if (wcscmp(OmObjectName(Interface), InterfaceInfo->Name) != 0) { size = NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->Name);
// Update the database
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_NAME, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->Name, size );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Set of name value failed for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
nameChanged = TRUE; propertyChanged = TRUE; }
TESTPT(TpFailNmSetInterfaceInfoAbort) { status = 999999; goto error_exit; } #endif
// Commit the changes
if (nameChanged) { status = OmSetObjectName(Interface, InterfaceInfo->Name);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to change name for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!\n", interfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; } }
if (descString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(Interface->Description); Interface->Description = descString; }
if (adapterNameString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(Interface->AdapterName); Interface->AdapterName = adapterNameString; }
if (adapterIdString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(Interface->AdapterId); Interface->AdapterId = adapterIdString; }
if (addressString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(Interface->Address); Interface->Address = addressString; Interface->BinaryAddress = ifAddress; }
if (endpointString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(Interface->ClusnetEndpoint); Interface->ClusnetEndpoint = endpointString; }
// Update the cluster transport if this network is active and the local
// node is attached to it.
// This operation is not reversible. Failure is fatal for this node.
network = Interface->Network;
if (updateClusnet && NmpIsNetworkRegistered(network)) { PNM_NODE node = Interface->Node; LPCWSTR networkId = OmObjectId(network);
if (Interface == network->LocalInterface) { //
// This is the local node's interface to the network.
// We must deregister and then re-register the entire network.
status = NmpRegisterNetwork( network, TRUE // Do retry on failure
); } else { //
// This is another node's interface to the network.
// Deregister and then re-register the interface.
status = NmpRegisterInterface( Interface, TRUE // Do retry on failure
); }
TESTPT(TpFailNmSetInterfaceInfoHalt) { status = 999999; } #endif
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// This is fatal.
CsInconsistencyHalt(status); } }
if (propertyChanged) { ClusterEvent(CLUSTER_EVENT_NETINTERFACE_PROPERTY_CHANGE, Interface);
// If a node happens to be joining right now, flag the fact
// that it is now out of synch with the cluster config.
if ( (NmpJoinerNodeId != ClusterInvalidNodeId) && (Interface->Node->NodeId != NmpJoinerNodeId) ) { NmpJoinerOutOfSynch = TRUE; } }
if (descString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(descString); }
if (adapterNameString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(adapterNameString); }
if (adapterIdString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(adapterIdString); }
if (addressString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(addressString); }
if (endpointString != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(endpointString); }
if (interfaceKey != NULL) { DmCloseKey(interfaceKey); }
} // NmpLocalSetInterfaceInfo
// Database management routines
DWORD NmpCreateInterfaceDefinition( IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo, IN HLOCALXSACTION Xaction ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates a new network interface definition in the cluster database.
InterfaceInfo - A structure containing the interface's definition.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status; HDMKEY interfaceKey = NULL; DWORD valueLength; DWORD disposition;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Creating database entry for interface %1!ws!\n", InterfaceInfo->Id );
CL_ASSERT(InterfaceInfo->Id != NULL);
interfaceKey = DmLocalCreateKey( Xaction, DmNetInterfacesKey, InterfaceInfo->Id, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &disposition );
if (interfaceKey == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to create key for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, status ); return(status); }
// Write the network ID value for this interface.
valueLength = NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->NetworkId);
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_NETWORK, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->NetworkId, valueLength );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Write of interface network ID failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Write the node ID value for this interface.
valueLength = NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->NodeId);
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_NODE, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->NodeId, valueLength );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Write of interface node ID failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Write the rest of the parameters
status = NmpSetInterfaceDefinition(InterfaceInfo, Xaction);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to set database definition for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, status ); }
if (interfaceKey != NULL) { DmCloseKey(interfaceKey); }
} // NmpCreateInterfaceDefinition
DWORD NmpGetInterfaceDefinition( IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, OUT PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads information about a defined cluster network interface from the cluster database and fills in a structure describing it.
InterfaceId - A pointer to a unicode string containing the ID of the interface to query.
InterfaceInfo - A pointer to the structure to fill in with node information. The ID, NetworkId, and NodeId fields of the structure must already be filled in.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
{ DWORD status; HDMKEY interfaceKey = NULL; DWORD valueLength, valueSize;
CL_ASSERT(InterfaceId != NULL);
ZeroMemory(InterfaceInfo, sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO2));
interfaceKey = DmOpenKey(DmNetInterfacesKey, InterfaceId, KEY_READ);
if (interfaceKey == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to open key for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", InterfaceId, status ); return(status); }
// Copy the ID string
InterfaceInfo->Id = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceId));
if (InterfaceInfo->Id == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for interface %1!ws!.\n", InterfaceId ); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(InterfaceInfo->Id, InterfaceId);
// Read the Name for this interface.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_NAME, REG_SZ, &(InterfaceInfo->Name), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of network interface name failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the Description for this interface.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_DESC, REG_SZ, &(InterfaceInfo->Description), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of network interface description failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the Network ID for this interface.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_NETWORK, REG_SZ, &(InterfaceInfo->NetworkId), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of network id for interface %1!ws! failed, status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the Node ID for this interface.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_NODE, REG_SZ, &(InterfaceInfo->NodeId), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of node Id for interface %1!ws! failed, status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the adapter name value for this interface.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADAPTER_NAME, REG_SZ, &(InterfaceInfo->AdapterName), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of network interface adapter name failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the adapter Id value for this interface.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADAPTER_ID, REG_SZ, &(InterfaceInfo->AdapterId), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Query of network interface adapter Id failed, status %1!u!.\n", status );
InterfaceInfo->AdapterId = midl_user_allocate( NM_WCSLEN(NmpUnknownString) );
if (InterfaceInfo->AdapterId == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for adapter Id.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
lstrcpyW(InterfaceInfo->AdapterId, NmpUnknownString); }
// Read the address value for this interface.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADDRESS, REG_SZ, &(InterfaceInfo->Address), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Query of network interface address failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the ClusNet endpoint value for this interface.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ENDPOINT, REG_SZ, &(InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Query of ClusNet endpoint value for network interface failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
InterfaceInfo->State = ClusterNetInterfaceUnavailable; InterfaceInfo->NetIndex = NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex;
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetFreeInterfaceInfo(InterfaceInfo); }
if (interfaceKey != NULL) { DmCloseKey(interfaceKey); }
} // NmpGetInterfaceDefinition
DWORD NmpSetInterfaceDefinition( IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo, IN HLOCALXSACTION Xaction ) /*++
Routine Description:
Updates information for a network interface in the cluster database.
InterfaceInfo - A pointer to a structure containing the interface's definition.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status; HDMKEY interfaceKey = NULL; DWORD valueLength;
CL_ASSERT(InterfaceInfo->Id != NULL);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Setting database entry for interface %1!ws!\n", InterfaceInfo->Id );
interfaceKey = DmOpenKey( DmNetInterfacesKey, InterfaceInfo->Id, KEY_WRITE );
if (interfaceKey == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to open key for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, status ); return(status); }
// Write the name value for this interface.
valueLength = (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->Name) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_NAME, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->Name, valueLength );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Update of interface name failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Write the description value for this interface.
valueLength = (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->Description) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_DESC, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->Description, valueLength );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Update of interface description failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Write the adapter name value for this interface.
valueLength = (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->AdapterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADAPTER_NAME, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->AdapterName, valueLength );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Update of interface adapter name failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Write the adapter Id value for this interface.
valueLength = (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->AdapterId) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADAPTER_ID, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->AdapterId, valueLength );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Update of interface adapter Id failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Write the address value for this interface.
valueLength = (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->Address) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ADDRESS, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->Address, valueLength );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Update of interface address failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Write the ClusNet endpoint value for this interface.
valueLength = (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
status = DmLocalSetValue( Xaction, interfaceKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NETIFACE_ENDPOINT, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint, valueLength );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Update of interface endpoint name failed, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
if (interfaceKey != NULL) { DmCloseKey(interfaceKey); }
} // NmpSetInterfaceDefinition
DWORD NmpEnumInterfaceDefinitions( OUT PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 * InterfaceEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads interface information from the cluster database and fills in an enumeration structure.
InterfaceEnum - A pointer to the variable into which to place a pointer to the allocated interface enumeration.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
{ DWORD status; PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 interfaceEnum = NULL; PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo; WCHAR interfaceId[CS_NETINTERFACE_ID_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD i; DWORD valueLength; DWORD numInterfaces; DWORD ignored; FILETIME fileTime;
*InterfaceEnum = NULL;
// First count the number of interfaces.
status = DmQueryInfoKey( DmNetInterfacesKey, &numInterfaces, &ignored, // MaxSubKeyLen
&ignored, // Values
&ignored, // MaxValueNameLen
&ignored, // MaxValueLen
&ignored, // lpcbSecurityDescriptor
&fileTime );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to query NetworkInterfaces key information, status %1!u!\n", status ); return(status); }
if (numInterfaces == 0) { valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_ENUM2);
} else { valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_ENUM2) + (sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO2) * (numInterfaces-1)); }
valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_ENUM2) + (sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO2) * (numInterfaces-1));
interfaceEnum = MIDL_user_allocate(valueLength);
if (interfaceEnum == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory.\n"); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
ZeroMemory(interfaceEnum, valueLength);
for (i=0; i < numInterfaces; i++) { interfaceInfo = &(interfaceEnum->InterfaceList[i]);
valueLength = sizeof(interfaceId);
status = DmEnumKey( DmNetInterfacesKey, i, &(interfaceId[0]), &valueLength, NULL );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to enumerate interface key, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
status = NmpGetInterfaceDefinition(interfaceId, interfaceInfo);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; }
interfaceEnum->InterfaceCount++; }
*InterfaceEnum = interfaceEnum;
if (interfaceEnum != NULL) { ClNetFreeInterfaceEnum(interfaceEnum); }
} // NmpEnumInterfaceDefinitions
// Object management routines
DWORD NmpCreateInterfaceObjects( IN PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 InterfaceEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes an interface enumeration and creates interface objects.
InterfaceEnum - A pointer to an interface enumeration structure.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine completes successfully. A Win32 error code otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface; DWORD i;
for (i=0; i < InterfaceEnum->InterfaceCount; i++) { interfaceInfo = &(InterfaceEnum->InterfaceList[i]);
netInterface = NmpCreateInterfaceObject( interfaceInfo, FALSE // Don't retry on failure
if (netInterface == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to create interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", interfaceInfo->Id, status ); break; } else { OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); } }
} // NmpCreateInterfaceObjects
PNM_INTERFACE NmpCreateInterfaceObject( IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo, IN BOOLEAN RetryOnFailure ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates an interface object.
InterfacInfo - A pointer to a structure containing the definition for the interface to create.
RegisterWithClusterTransport - TRUE if this interface should be registered with the cluster transport. FALSE otherwise.
IssueEvent - TRUE if an INTERFACE_ADDED event should be issued when this object is created. FALSE otherwise.
Return Value:
A pointer to the new interface object on success. NULL on failure.
--*/ { DWORD status; PNM_NETWORK network = NULL; PNM_NODE node = NULL; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface = NULL; BOOL created = FALSE; PNM_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX matrixEntry;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Creating object for interface %1!ws! (%2!ws!).\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, InterfaceInfo->Name );
status = NmpPrepareToCreateInterface( InterfaceInfo, &network, &node );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(status); return(NULL); }
// Create the interface object.
netInterface = OmCreateObject( ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceInfo->Id, InterfaceInfo->Name, &created );
if (netInterface == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to create object for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", InterfaceInfo->Id, status ); goto error_exit; }
CL_ASSERT(created == TRUE);
// Initialize the interface object.
ZeroMemory(netInterface, sizeof(NM_INTERFACE));
netInterface->Network = network; netInterface->Node = node; netInterface->State = ClusterNetInterfaceUnavailable;
netInterface->Description = MIDL_user_allocate( NM_WCSLEN(InterfaceInfo->Description) );
if (netInterface->Description == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory.\n" ); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(netInterface->Description, InterfaceInfo->Description);
netInterface->AdapterName = MIDL_user_allocate( (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->AdapterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (netInterface->AdapterName == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory.\n" ); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(netInterface->AdapterName, InterfaceInfo->AdapterName);
netInterface->AdapterId = MIDL_user_allocate( (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->AdapterId) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (netInterface->AdapterId == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory.\n" ); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(netInterface->AdapterId, InterfaceInfo->AdapterId);
netInterface->Address = MIDL_user_allocate( (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->Address) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (netInterface->Address == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory.\n" ); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(netInterface->Address, InterfaceInfo->Address);
status = ClRtlTcpipStringToAddress( InterfaceInfo->Address, &(netInterface->BinaryAddress) );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to convert interface address string %1!ws! to binary, status %2!u!.\n", InterfaceInfo->Address, status ); goto error_exit; }
netInterface->ClusnetEndpoint = MIDL_user_allocate( (wcslen(InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (netInterface->ClusnetEndpoint == NULL) {
status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory.\n" ); goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(netInterface->ClusnetEndpoint, InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint);
// Assign an index into the network's connectivity vector.
if (InterfaceInfo->NetIndex == NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex) { //
// Need to pick an index for this interface. Search for a free
// entry in the network's connectivity vector.
DWORD i; PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR vector = network->ConnectivityVector;
for ( i=0; i<vector->EntryCount; i++) { if ( vector->Data[i] == (NM_STATE_ENTRY) ClusterNetInterfaceStateUnknown ) { break; } }
netInterface->NetIndex = i;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Assigned index %1!u! to interface %2!ws!.\n", netInterface->NetIndex, InterfaceInfo->Id );
} else { //
// Use the index that was already assigned by our peers.
netInterface->NetIndex = InterfaceInfo->NetIndex;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Using preassigned index %1!u! for interface %2!ws!.\n", netInterface->NetIndex, InterfaceInfo->Id ); }
if (netInterface->NetIndex >= network->ConnectivityVector->EntryCount) { //
// Grow the connectivity vector by the required number of entries.
PNM_STATE_ENTRY oldMatrixEntry, newMatrixEntry; DWORD i; PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR oldConnectivityVector = network->ConnectivityVector; PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR newConnectivityVector; PNM_STATE_WORK_VECTOR oldStateVector = network->StateWorkVector; PNM_STATE_WORK_VECTOR newStateVector; PNM_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX newMatrix; DWORD oldVectorSize = oldConnectivityVector->EntryCount; DWORD newVectorSize = netInterface->NetIndex + 1;
// Note that one vector entry is included
newConnectivityVector = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, ( sizeof(NM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR) + ( (newVectorSize - 1) * sizeof(NM_STATE_ENTRY) ) ));
if (newConnectivityVector == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; NmpReleaseLock(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for connectivity vector\n" ); goto error_exit; }
// Initialize the new vector
newConnectivityVector->EntryCount = newVectorSize;
CopyMemory( &(newConnectivityVector->Data[0]), &(oldConnectivityVector->Data[0]), oldVectorSize * sizeof(NM_STATE_ENTRY) );
FillMemory( &(newConnectivityVector->Data[oldVectorSize]), (newVectorSize - oldVectorSize) * sizeof(NM_STATE_ENTRY), (UCHAR) ClusterNetInterfaceStateUnknown );
// Grow the state work vector
newStateVector = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, newVectorSize * sizeof(NM_STATE_WORK_ENTRY) );
if (newStateVector == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; NmpReleaseLock(); LocalFree(newConnectivityVector); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for state work vector\n" ); goto error_exit; }
CopyMemory( &(newStateVector[0]), &(oldStateVector[0]), oldVectorSize * sizeof(NM_STATE_WORK_ENTRY) );
for (i=oldVectorSize; i<newVectorSize; i++) { newStateVector[i].State = (NM_STATE_ENTRY) ClusterNetInterfaceStateUnknown; }
// Grow the network connecivitity matrix
newMatrix = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, NM_SIZEOF_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX(newVectorSize) );
if (newMatrix == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; NmpReleaseLock(); LocalFree(newConnectivityVector); LocalFree(newStateVector); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for connectivity matrix\n" ); goto error_exit; }
// Initialize the new matrix
FillMemory( newMatrix, NM_SIZEOF_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX(newVectorSize), (UCHAR) ClusterNetInterfaceStateUnknown );
oldMatrixEntry = network->ConnectivityMatrix; newMatrixEntry = newMatrix;
for (i=0; i<oldVectorSize; i++) { CopyMemory( newMatrixEntry, oldMatrixEntry, oldVectorSize * sizeof(NM_STATE_ENTRY) );
// Move the pointers to the next vector
oldMatrixEntry = NM_NEXT_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX_ROW( oldMatrixEntry, oldVectorSize );
newMatrixEntry = NM_NEXT_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX_ROW( newMatrixEntry, newVectorSize ); }
// Swap the pointers
LocalFree(network->ConnectivityVector); network->ConnectivityVector = newConnectivityVector;
LocalFree(network->StateWorkVector); network->StateWorkVector = newStateVector;
LocalFree(network->ConnectivityMatrix); network->ConnectivityMatrix = newMatrix; }
// Initialize the connectivity data for this interface
NmpSetInterfaceConnectivityData( network, netInterface->NetIndex, ClusterNetInterfaceUnavailable );
// Link the interface object onto the various object lists
InsertTailList(&(node->InterfaceList), &(netInterface->NodeLinkage)); node->InterfaceCount++;
InsertTailList(&(network->InterfaceList), &(netInterface->NetworkLinkage)); network->InterfaceCount++;
InsertTailList(&NmpInterfaceList, &(netInterface->Linkage)); NmpInterfaceCount++;
OmInsertObject(netInterface); netInterface->Flags |= NM_FLAG_OM_INSERTED;
// Remember the interface for the local node.
if (node == NmLocalNode) { network->LocalInterface = netInterface; }
// Register with the cluster transport if needed.
if (NmpIsNetworkEnabledForUse(network)) { if (node == NmLocalNode) { //
// This is the local node. Register the network and all
// its interfaces with the cluster transport.
status = NmpRegisterNetwork(network, RetryOnFailure);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { NmpReleaseLock(); goto error_exit; } } else if (NmpIsNetworkRegistered(network)) { //
// Just register this interface.
status = NmpRegisterInterface(netInterface, RetryOnFailure);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { NmpReleaseLock(); goto error_exit; } } }
// Put an additional reference on the object for the caller.
if (netInterface != NULL) { NmpAcquireLock(); NmpDeleteInterfaceObject(netInterface, FALSE); NmpReleaseLock(); }
} // NmpCreateInterfaceObject
DWORD NmpGetInterfaceObjectInfo1( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface, IN OUT PNM_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceInfo1 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads information about a defined cluster network interface from the interface object and fills in a structure describing it.
Interface - A pointer to the interface object to query.
InterfaceInfo - A pointer to the structure to fill in with node information.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
Called with NmpLock held.
{ DWORD status; NM_INTERFACE_INFO2 interfaceInfo2;
// Call the V2.0 routine and translate.
ZeroMemory(&interfaceInfo2, sizeof(interfaceInfo2)); status = NmpGetInterfaceObjectInfo(Interface, &interfaceInfo2);
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CopyMemory(InterfaceInfo1, &interfaceInfo2, sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO)); }
// Free the unused V2 fields
} // NmpGetInterfaceObjectInfo1
DWORD NmpGetInterfaceObjectInfo( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface, IN OUT PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads information about a defined cluster network interface from the interface object and fills in a structure describing it.
Interface - A pointer to the interface object to query.
InterfaceInfo - A pointer to the structure to fill in with node information.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
Called with NmpLock held.
{ LPWSTR tmpString = NULL; LPWSTR interfaceId = (LPWSTR) OmObjectId(Interface); LPWSTR interfaceName = (LPWSTR) OmObjectName(Interface); LPWSTR nodeId = (LPWSTR) OmObjectId(Interface->Node); LPWSTR networkId = (LPWSTR) OmObjectId(Interface->Network);
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(interfaceId)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, interfaceId); InterfaceInfo->Id = tmpString;
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(interfaceName)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, interfaceName); InterfaceInfo->Name = tmpString;
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(Interface->Description)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, Interface->Description); InterfaceInfo->Description = tmpString;
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(nodeId)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, nodeId); InterfaceInfo->NodeId = tmpString;
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(networkId)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, networkId); InterfaceInfo->NetworkId = tmpString;
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(Interface->AdapterName)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, Interface->AdapterName); InterfaceInfo->AdapterName = tmpString;
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(Interface->AdapterId)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, Interface->AdapterId); InterfaceInfo->AdapterId = tmpString;
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(Interface->Address)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, Interface->Address); InterfaceInfo->Address = tmpString;
tmpString = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(Interface->ClusnetEndpoint)); if (tmpString == NULL) { goto error_exit; } wcscpy(tmpString, Interface->ClusnetEndpoint); InterfaceInfo->ClusnetEndpoint = tmpString;
InterfaceInfo->State = Interface->State; InterfaceInfo->NetIndex = Interface->NetIndex;
} // NmpGetInterfaceObjectInfo2
VOID NmpDeleteInterfaceObject( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface, IN BOOLEAN IssueEvent ) /*++
Called with NM global lock held.
--*/ { LPWSTR interfaceId = (LPWSTR) OmObjectId(Interface); PNM_NETWORK network = Interface->Network;
if (NM_DELETE_PENDING(Interface)) { CL_ASSERT(!NM_OM_INSERTED(Interface)); return; }
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] deleting object for interface %1!ws!\n", interfaceId );
Interface->Flags |= NM_FLAG_DELETE_PENDING;
if (NM_OM_INSERTED(Interface)) { //
// Remove the interface from the various object lists.
DWORD status = OmRemoveObject(Interface); CL_ASSERT(status == ERROR_SUCCESS);
RemoveEntryList(&(Interface->Linkage)); CL_ASSERT(NmpInterfaceCount > 0); NmpInterfaceCount--;
RemoveEntryList(&(Interface->NetworkLinkage)); CL_ASSERT(network->InterfaceCount > 0); network->InterfaceCount--;
RemoveEntryList(&(Interface->NodeLinkage)); CL_ASSERT(Interface->Node->InterfaceCount > 0); Interface->Node->InterfaceCount--;
Interface->Flags &= ~NM_FLAG_OM_INSERTED; }
// Place the object on the deleted list
#if DBG
{ PLIST_ENTRY entry;
for ( entry = NmpDeletedInterfaceList.Flink; entry != &NmpDeletedInterfaceList; entry = entry->Flink ) { if (entry == &(Interface->Linkage)) { break; } }
CL_ASSERT(entry != &(Interface->Linkage)); } #endif DBG
InsertTailList(&NmpDeletedInterfaceList, &(Interface->Linkage));
if (network != NULL) { if ( (Interface->Node != NULL) && NmpIsNetworkEnabledForUse(network) ) { DWORD status;
// Deregister the interface from the cluster transport
if ( (network->LocalInterface == Interface) && NmpIsNetworkRegistered(network) ) { //
// Deregister the network and all of its interfaces
NmpDeregisterNetwork(network); } else if (NmpIsInterfaceRegistered(Interface)) { //
// Just deregister this interface
NmpDeregisterInterface(Interface); } }
// Invalidate the connectivity data for the interface.
NmpSetInterfaceConnectivityData( network, Interface->NetIndex, ClusterNetInterfaceStateUnknown );
if (network->LocalInterface == Interface) { network->LocalInterface = NULL; network->Flags &= ~NM_NET_IF_WORK_FLAGS; }
// If this is not the last interface on the network,
// then update the network state.
if ((network->InterfaceCount != 0) && (NmpLeaderNodeId == NmLocalNodeId)) { NmpScheduleNetworkStateRecalc(network); } }
if (IssueEvent) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Issuing interface deleted event for interface %1!ws!.\n", interfaceId );
// Remove the initial reference so the object can be destroyed.
} // NmpDeleteInterfaceObject
BOOL NmpDestroyInterfaceObject( PNM_INTERFACE Interface ) { DWORD status;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] destroying object for interface %1!ws!\n", (LPWSTR) OmObjectId(Interface) );
// Remove the interface from the deleted list
#if DBG
{ PLIST_ENTRY entry;
for ( entry = NmpDeletedInterfaceList.Flink; entry != &NmpDeletedInterfaceList; entry = entry->Flink ) { if (entry == &(Interface->Linkage)) { break; } }
CL_ASSERT(entry == &(Interface->Linkage)); } #endif DBG
// Dereference the node and network objects
if (Interface->Node != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(Interface->Node); }
if (Interface->Network != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(Interface->Network); }
// Free storage used by the object fields.
NM_FREE_OBJECT_FIELD(Interface, Description); NM_FREE_OBJECT_FIELD(Interface, AdapterName); NM_FREE_OBJECT_FIELD(Interface, AdapterId); NM_FREE_OBJECT_FIELD(Interface, Address); NM_FREE_OBJECT_FIELD(Interface, ClusnetEndpoint);
} // NmpDestroyInterfaceObject
DWORD NmpEnumInterfaceObjects1( OUT PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM * InterfaceEnum1 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads interface information for all defined cluster networks and fills in an enumeration structure.
InterfaceEnum1 - A pointer to the variable into which to place a pointer to the allocated interface enumeration.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
Called with the NmpLock held.
{ DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM interfaceEnum1 = NULL; DWORD i; DWORD valueLength; PLIST_ENTRY entry; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface;
*InterfaceEnum1 = NULL;
if (NmpInterfaceCount == 0) { valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_ENUM); } else { valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_ENUM) + (sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO) * (NmpInterfaceCount - 1)); }
interfaceEnum1 = MIDL_user_allocate(valueLength);
if (interfaceEnum1 == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
ZeroMemory(interfaceEnum1, valueLength);
for (entry = NmpInterfaceList.Flink, i=0; entry != &NmpInterfaceList; entry = entry->Flink, i++ ) { netInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, NM_INTERFACE, Linkage);
status = NmpGetInterfaceObjectInfo1( netInterface, &(interfaceEnum1->InterfaceList[i]) );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetFreeInterfaceEnum1(interfaceEnum1); return(status); } }
interfaceEnum1->InterfaceCount = NmpInterfaceCount; *InterfaceEnum1 = interfaceEnum1;
} // NmpEnumInterfaceObjects1
DWORD NmpEnumInterfaceObjects( OUT PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 * InterfaceEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads interface information for all defined cluster networks and fills in an enumeration structure.
InterfaceEnum - A pointer to the variable into which to place a pointer to the allocated interface enumeration.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
Called with the NmpLock held.
{ DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 interfaceEnum = NULL; DWORD i; DWORD valueLength; PLIST_ENTRY entry; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface;
*InterfaceEnum = NULL;
if (NmpInterfaceCount == 0) { valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_ENUM2); } else { valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_ENUM2) + (sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO2) * (NmpInterfaceCount - 1)); }
interfaceEnum = MIDL_user_allocate(valueLength);
if (interfaceEnum == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
ZeroMemory(interfaceEnum, valueLength);
for (entry = NmpInterfaceList.Flink, i=0; entry != &NmpInterfaceList; entry = entry->Flink, i++ ) { netInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, NM_INTERFACE, Linkage);
status = NmpGetInterfaceObjectInfo( netInterface, &(interfaceEnum->InterfaceList[i]) );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetFreeInterfaceEnum((PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2) interfaceEnum); return(status); } }
interfaceEnum->InterfaceCount = NmpInterfaceCount; *InterfaceEnum = interfaceEnum;
} // NmpEnumInterfaceObjects
DWORD NmpEnumInterfaceObjectStates( OUT PNM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM * InterfaceStateEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads state information for all defined cluster network interfaces and fills in an enumeration structure.
InterfaceStateEnum - A pointer to the variable into which to place a pointer to the allocated interface enumeration.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
Called with the NmpLock held.
{ DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM interfaceStateEnum = NULL; PNM_INTERFACE_STATE_INFO interfaceStateInfo; DWORD i; DWORD valueLength; PLIST_ENTRY entry; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface; LPWSTR interfaceId;
*InterfaceStateEnum = NULL;
if (NmpInterfaceCount == 0) { valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM); } else { valueLength = sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM) + (sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_STATE_INFO) * (NmpInterfaceCount - 1)); }
interfaceStateEnum = MIDL_user_allocate(valueLength);
if (interfaceStateEnum == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
ZeroMemory(interfaceStateEnum, valueLength);
for (entry = NmpInterfaceList.Flink, i=0; entry != &NmpInterfaceList; entry = entry->Flink, i++ ) { netInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, NM_INTERFACE, Linkage); interfaceId = (LPWSTR) OmObjectId(netInterface); interfaceStateInfo = &(interfaceStateEnum->InterfaceList[i]);
interfaceStateInfo->State = netInterface->State;
interfaceStateInfo->Id = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(interfaceId));
if (interfaceStateInfo->Id == NULL) { NmpFreeInterfaceStateEnum(interfaceStateEnum); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
lstrcpyW(interfaceStateInfo->Id, interfaceId); }
interfaceStateEnum->InterfaceCount = NmpInterfaceCount; *InterfaceStateEnum = interfaceStateEnum;
} // NmpEnumInterfaceObjectStates
// State Management routines
VOID NmpSetInterfaceConnectivityData( PNM_NETWORK Network, DWORD InterfaceNetIndex, CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE State ) { PNM_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX matrixEntry;
Network->ConnectivityVector->Data[InterfaceNetIndex] = (NM_STATE_ENTRY) State;
Network->StateWorkVector[InterfaceNetIndex].State = (NM_STATE_ENTRY) State;
matrixEntry = NM_GET_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX_ENTRY( Network->ConnectivityMatrix, InterfaceNetIndex, InterfaceNetIndex, Network->ConnectivityVector->EntryCount );
*matrixEntry = (NM_STATE_ENTRY)State;
} // NmpSetInterfaceConnectivityData
VOID NmpReportLocalInterfaceStateEvent( IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, IN DWORD NewState ) { PNM_INTERFACE netInterface;
if (NmpLockedEnterApi(NmStateOnlinePending)){ netInterface = NmpGetInterfaceForNodeAndNetworkById( NodeId, NetworkId );
if (netInterface != NULL) { NmpProcessLocalInterfaceStateEvent(netInterface, NewState); }
NmpLockedLeaveApi(); }
} // NmReportLocalInterfaceStateEvent
VOID NmpProcessLocalInterfaceStateEvent( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface, IN CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE NewState ) /*+
Called with the NmpLock held.
--*/ { DWORD status; PNM_NETWORK network = Interface->Network; LPCWSTR interfaceId = OmObjectId(Interface); LPCWSTR networkId = OmObjectId(network); LPCWSTR networkName = OmObjectName(network); PNM_NODE node = Interface->Node; LPCWSTR nodeName = OmObjectName(node); PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR vector = network->ConnectivityVector; DWORD ifNetIndex = Interface->NetIndex;
// Filter out stale reports for dead nodes.
if ((node == NmLocalNode) || (node->State != ClusterNodeDown)) { CL_ASSERT( vector->Data[ifNetIndex] != (NM_STATE_ENTRY) ClusterNetInterfaceStateUnknown );
// Apply the change to the local connectivity vector.
vector->Data[ifNetIndex] = (NM_STATE_ENTRY) NewState;
// Log an event
switch (NewState) {
case ClusterNetInterfaceUp: //
// A local interface is now operational, or a remote interface
// is now reachable. Schedule an immediate connectivity report,
// since this event may avert failure of resources that depend
// on the interface.
if (node != NmLocalNode) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Communication was (re)established with " "interface %1!ws! (node: %2!ws!, network: %3!ws!)\n", interfaceId, nodeName, networkName );
CsLogEvent2( LOG_NOISE, NM_EVENT_NETINTERFACE_UP, nodeName, networkName ); }
if (NmpLeaderNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) { //
// This node is the leader. Call the handler routine
// directly.
NmpReportNetworkConnectivity(network); } else { //
// We need to report to the leader.
// Defer to a worker thread.
NmpScheduleNetworkConnectivityReport(network); }
case ClusterNetInterfaceUnreachable: //
// A remote interface is unreachable.
if (node != NmLocalNode) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Communication was lost with interface " "%1!ws! (node: %2!ws!, network: %3!ws!)\n", interfaceId, nodeName, networkName );
if (NmpLeaderNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) { //
// This node is the leader. Call the handler routine
// directly.
NmpReportNetworkConnectivity(network); } else { //
// Schedule a delayed connectivity report in order to
// aggregate multiple failures.
NmpStartNetworkConnectivityReportTimer(network); }
case ClusterNetInterfaceFailed: //
// A local interface has failed. Schedule an immediate
// connectivity report.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Local interface %1!ws! on network %2!ws! " "has failed\n", interfaceId, networkName ); CsLogEvent1( LOG_UNUSUAL, NM_EVENT_NETINTERFACE_FAILED, networkName );
if (NmpLeaderNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) { //
// This node is the leader. Call the handler routine
// directly.
NmpReportNetworkConnectivity(network); } else { //
// We need to report to the leader. Defer to a worker thread.
NmpScheduleNetworkConnectivityReport(network); }
default: break; } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Ignoring stale report from clusnet for interface %1!ws! (node: %2!ws!, network: %3!ws!).\n", interfaceId, nodeName, networkName ); }
} // NmpProcessLocalInterfaceStateEvent
DWORD NmpReportInterfaceConnectivity( IN RPC_BINDING_HANDLE RpcBinding, IN LPWSTR InterfaceId, IN PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR ConnectivityVector, IN LPWSTR NetworkId ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sends a network connectivity report to the leader node via RPC.
RpcBinding - The RPC binding handle to use in the call to the leader.
InterfaceId - A pointer to a string that identifies the interface to which the report applies.
ConnectivityVector - A pointer to the connectivity vector to be included in the report.
NetworkId - A pointer to a string that identifies the network with which the interface is associated.
Return Value:
A Win32 status code.
Called with NM lock held. Releases & reacquires NM lock during processing.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Reporting connectivity to leader for network %1!ws!.\n", NetworkId );
// Allocate a context block for this report
if (context == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate connectivity report context, " "status %1!u!.\n", status ); return(status); }
context->ConnectivityReportEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (context->ConnectivityReportEvent == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Unable to create event for connectivity report, " "status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
waitEntry = &(context->LeaderChangeWaitEntry);
waitEntry->LeaderChangeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (waitEntry->LeaderChangeEvent == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Unable to create event for connectivity report, " "status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Initialize the status block for the async RPC call
status = RpcAsyncInitializeHandle( &rpcAsyncState, sizeof(rpcAsyncState) );
if (status != RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to initialize RPC status block for connectivity " "report, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
rpcAsyncState.NotificationType = RpcNotificationTypeEvent; rpcAsyncState.u.hEvent = context->ConnectivityReportEvent; result = ResetEvent(context->ConnectivityReportEvent); CL_ASSERT(result != 0);
// Hook changes in the node leadership.
result = ResetEvent(waitEntry->LeaderChangeEvent); CL_ASSERT(result != 0); InsertTailList(&NmpLeaderChangeWaitList, &(waitEntry->Linkage));
// Send the report to the leader
status = NmRpcReportInterfaceConnectivity( &rpcAsyncState, RpcBinding, InterfaceId, ConnectivityVector );
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { //
// The call is pending.
HANDLE waitHandles[2]; DWORD rpcStatus;
// Wait for the call to complete or a leadership change.
waitHandles[0] = context->ConnectivityReportEvent; waitHandles[1] = waitEntry->LeaderChangeEvent;
status = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, waitHandles, FALSE, INFINITE );
if (status != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { //
// The leadership changed. Cancel the RPC call.
// We would also go through this path if the wait failed for
// some reason, but that really should not happen. Either way,
// we should cancel the call.
CL_ASSERT(status == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1));
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Leadership changed. Cancelling connectivity report for " "network %1!ws!.\n", NetworkId );
rpcStatus = RpcAsyncCancelCall(&rpcAsyncState, TRUE); CL_ASSERT(rpcStatus == RPC_S_OK);
// Wait for the call to complete.
status = WaitForSingleObject( context->ConnectivityReportEvent, INFINITE ); CL_ASSERT(status == WAIT_OBJECT_0); }
// At this point, the call should be complete. Get the completion
// status. Any RPC error will be returned in 'rpcStatus'. If there
// was no RPC error, then any application error will be returned
// in 'status'.
rpcStatus = RpcAsyncCompleteCall(&rpcAsyncState, &status);
if (rpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { //
// Either the call was cancelled or an RPC error
// occurred. The application status is irrelevant.
status = rpcStatus; }
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Connectivity report completed successfully " "for network %1!ws!.\n", NetworkId ); } else if (status == RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Connectivity report was cancelled for " "network %1!ws!.\n", NetworkId ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Connectivity report failed for network " "%1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status );
CL_ASSERT(status != RPC_S_ASYNC_CALL_PENDING); } } else { //
// A synchronous error was returned.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Connectivity report failed for network %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status ); }
// Free the context block
if (context != NULL) { if (context->ConnectivityReportEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(context->ConnectivityReportEvent); }
if (waitEntry->LeaderChangeEvent != NULL) { //
// Remove our leadership change notification hook.
if (waitEntry->Linkage.Flink != NULL) { RemoveEntryList(&(waitEntry->Linkage)); }
CloseHandle(waitEntry->LeaderChangeEvent); }
LocalFree(context); }
} // NmpReportInterfaceConnectivity
VOID NmpProcessInterfaceConnectivityReport( IN PNM_INTERFACE SourceInterface, IN PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR ConnectivityVector ) /*+
Called with NmpLock held.
--*/ { PNM_NETWORK network = SourceInterface->Network; PNM_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX matrix = network->ConnectivityMatrix; DWORD entryCount; PNM_NODE node = SourceInterface->Node; PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR vector = network->ConnectivityVector; DWORD ifNetIndex = SourceInterface->NetIndex;
// Filter out stale reports from dead nodes and for
// disabled/deleted networks.
if ( ((node == NmLocalNode) || (node->State != ClusterNodeDown)) && NmpIsNetworkEnabledForUse(network) && !NM_DELETE_PENDING(network) ) { //
// Update the network's connectivity matrix
if (network->ConnectivityVector->EntryCount <= vector->EntryCount) { entryCount = network->ConnectivityVector->EntryCount; } else { //
// An interface must have been added while this
// call was in flight. Ignore the missing data.
entryCount = ConnectivityVector->EntryCount; }
CopyMemory( NM_GET_CONNECTIVITY_MATRIX_ROW( matrix, ifNetIndex, entryCount ), &(ConnectivityVector->Data[0]), entryCount * sizeof(NM_STATE_ENTRY) );
// If this is the leader node, and no NT4 nodes are in the cluster,
// schedule a state recalculation.
if (NmpLeaderNodeId == NmLocalNodeId) { NmpStartNetworkStateRecalcTimer( network, NM_NET_STATE_RECALC_TIMEOUT ); } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Ignoring stale connectivity report from interface %1!ws!.\n", OmObjectId(SourceInterface) ); }
} // NmpProcessInterfaceConnectivityReport
VOID NmpFreeInterfaceStateEnum( PNM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM InterfaceStateEnum ) { PNM_INTERFACE_STATE_INFO interfaceStateInfo; DWORD i;
for (i=0; i<InterfaceStateEnum->InterfaceCount; i++) { interfaceStateInfo = &(InterfaceStateEnum->InterfaceList[i]);
if (interfaceStateInfo->Id != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(interfaceStateInfo->Id); } }
} // NmpFreeInterfaceStateEnum
BOOL NmpIsAddressInAddressEnum( ULONGLONG Address, PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM AddressEnum ) { DWORD i;
for (i=0; i<AddressEnum->AddressCount; i++) { if (AddressEnum->AddressList[i] == Address) { return(TRUE); } }
} // NmpIsAddressInAddressEnum
DWORD NmpBuildInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( PNM_INTERFACE Interface, PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM * OnlineAddressEnum ) /*++
Called with NmpLock held and Interface referenced.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM onlineAddressEnum = NULL; DWORD onlineAddressEnumSize; PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM adapterEnum = NULL; PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo = NULL; PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO adapterIfInfo = NULL; PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM onlineEnum = NULL; DWORD onlineEnumSize;
*OnlineAddressEnum = NULL;
// Get the local network configuration.
adapterEnum = ClRtlEnumNetAdapters();
if (adapterEnum == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to obtain local network configuration, status %1!u!.\n", status ); return(status); }
// Find the adapter for this interface
adapterInfo = ClRtlFindNetAdapterById( adapterEnum, Interface->AdapterId );
if (adapterInfo == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to find adapter for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate an address enum structure.
if (adapterInfo->InterfaceCount == 0) { onlineEnumSize = sizeof(NM_ADDRESS_ENUM); } else { onlineEnumSize = sizeof(NM_ADDRESS_ENUM) + ( (adapterInfo->InterfaceCount - 1) * sizeof(ULONGLONG) ); }
onlineEnum = midl_user_allocate(onlineEnumSize);
if (onlineEnum == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for ping list.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
onlineEnum->AddressSize = sizeof(ULONG); onlineEnum->AddressCount = 0;
for (adapterIfInfo = adapterInfo->InterfaceList; adapterIfInfo != NULL; adapterIfInfo = adapterIfInfo->Next ) { //
// Skip invalid addresses (
if (adapterIfInfo->InterfaceAddress != 0) { onlineEnum->AddressList[onlineEnum->AddressCount++] = (ULONGLONG) adapterIfInfo->InterfaceAddress;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Found address %1!ws! for interface %2!ws!.\n", adapterIfInfo->InterfaceAddressString, OmObjectId(Interface) ); } }
*OnlineAddressEnum = onlineEnum; status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (adapterEnum != NULL) { ClRtlFreeNetAdapterEnum(adapterEnum); }
} // NmpBuildInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum
DWORD NmpBuildInterfacePingAddressEnum( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface, IN PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM OnlineAddressEnum, OUT PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM * PingAddressEnum ) /*++
Called with NmpLock held and Interface referenced.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PNM_NETWORK network = Interface->Network; PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE ipForwardTable = NULL; PMIB_IPFORWARDROW ipRow, ipRowLimit; PMIB_TCPTABLE tcpTable = NULL; PMIB_TCPROW tcpRow, tcpRowLimit; ULONG netAddress, netMask; DWORD allocSize, tableSize; BOOL duplicate; DWORD i; PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM pingEnum = NULL; DWORD pingEnumSize;
*PingAddressEnum = NULL;
// Convert the network address & mask strings to binary
status = ClRtlTcpipStringToAddress(network->Address, &netAddress);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to convert network address string %1!ws! to binary, status %2!u!.\n", network->Address, status ); return(status); }
status = ClRtlTcpipStringToAddress(network->AddressMask, &netMask);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to convert network address mask string %1!ws! to binary, status %2!u!.\n", network->AddressMask, status ); return(status); }
// We don't need the lock for the rest of the function.
// Allocate a ping enum structure
pingEnumSize = sizeof(NM_ADDRESS_ENUM) + ((NM_MAX_IF_PING_ENUM_SIZE - 1) * sizeof(ULONGLONG));
pingEnum = midl_user_allocate(pingEnumSize);
if (pingEnum == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for ping list.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
pingEnum->AddressSize = sizeof(ULONG); pingEnum->AddressCount = 0;
// Fetch the IP Route Table
allocSize = sizeof(MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE) + (sizeof(MIB_IPFORWARDROW) * 20);
do { if (ipForwardTable != NULL) { LocalFree(ipForwardTable); }
ipForwardTable = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, allocSize);
if (ipForwardTable == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for IP route table.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
tableSize = allocSize;
status = GetIpForwardTable( ipForwardTable, &tableSize, FALSE );
allocSize = tableSize;
} while (status == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClNet] Failed to obtain IP route table, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Add the IP route entries to the ping list.
for ( ipRow = &(ipForwardTable->table[0]), ipRowLimit = ipRow + ipForwardTable->dwNumEntries; ipRow < ipRowLimit; ipRow++ ) { if ((ipRow->dwForwardNextHop & netMask) == netAddress) { //
// Make sure this address isn't in the online address enum.
duplicate = NmpIsAddressInAddressEnum( (ULONGLONG) ipRow->dwForwardNextHop, OnlineAddressEnum );
if (!duplicate) { //
// Make sure this address isn't already in the ping enum.
duplicate = NmpIsAddressInAddressEnum( (ULONGLONG) ipRow->dwForwardNextHop, pingEnum );
if (!duplicate) { pingEnum->AddressList[pingEnum->AddressCount++] = (ULONGLONG) ipRow->dwForwardNextHop;
if (pingEnum->AddressCount == NM_MAX_IF_PING_ENUM_SIZE) { LocalFree(ipForwardTable); *PingAddressEnum = pingEnum; NmpAcquireLock();
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); } } } } }
LocalFree(ipForwardTable); ipForwardTable = NULL;
// Fetch the TCP Connection Table
allocSize = sizeof(MIB_TCPTABLE) + (sizeof(MIB_TCPROW) * 20);
do { if (tcpTable != NULL) { LocalFree(tcpTable); }
tcpTable = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, allocSize);
if (tcpTable == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for TCP conn table.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
tableSize = allocSize;
status = GetTcpTable( tcpTable, &tableSize, FALSE );
allocSize = tableSize;
} while (status == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClNet] Failed to obtain TCP conn table, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Add the TCP remote addresses to the ping list.
for ( tcpRow = &(tcpTable->table[0]), tcpRowLimit = tcpRow + tcpTable->dwNumEntries; tcpRow < tcpRowLimit; tcpRow++ ) { if ((tcpRow->dwRemoteAddr & netMask) == netAddress) { //
// Make sure this address isn't in the online address enum.
duplicate = NmpIsAddressInAddressEnum( (ULONGLONG) tcpRow->dwRemoteAddr, OnlineAddressEnum );
if (!duplicate) { //
// Make sure this address isn't already in the ping enum.
duplicate = NmpIsAddressInAddressEnum( (ULONGLONG) tcpRow->dwRemoteAddr, pingEnum );
if (!duplicate) { pingEnum->AddressList[pingEnum->AddressCount++] = (ULONGLONG) tcpRow->dwRemoteAddr;
if (pingEnum->AddressCount == NM_MAX_IF_PING_ENUM_SIZE) { break; } } } } }
*PingAddressEnum = pingEnum; pingEnum = NULL;
if (pingEnum != NULL) { midl_user_free(pingEnum); }
if (ipForwardTable != NULL) { LocalFree(ipForwardTable); }
if (tcpTable != NULL) { LocalFree(tcpTable); }
} // NmpBuildInterfacePingAddressEnum
NmpGetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( PNM_INTERFACE Interface, PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM * OnlineAddressEnum ) /*++
Called with NmpLock held and Interface referenced. Releases and reacquires NmpLock.
--*/ { DWORD status; LPCWSTR interfaceId = OmObjectId(Interface); PNM_NODE node = Interface->Node; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE rpcBinding = node->IsolateRpcBinding;
if (node == NmLocalNode) { //
// Call the internal routine directly
status = NmpBuildInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( Interface, OnlineAddressEnum ); } else { OmReferenceObject(node);
CL_ASSERT(rpcBinding != NULL);
NmStartRpc(node->NodeId); status = NmRpcGetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( rpcBinding, (LPWSTR) interfaceId, OnlineAddressEnum ); NmEndRpc(node->NodeId); if(status != RPC_S_OK) { NmDumpRpcExtErrorInfo(status); }
OmDereferenceObject(node); }
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((*OnlineAddressEnum)->AddressSize != sizeof(ULONG)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Online enum address size is invalid for interface %1!ws!\n", interfaceId ); status = ERROR_INCORRECT_ADDRESS; midl_user_free(*OnlineAddressEnum); *OnlineAddressEnum = NULL; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Online enum for interface %1!ws! contains %2!u! addresses\n", interfaceId, (*OnlineAddressEnum)->AddressCount ); } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to get online address enum for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", interfaceId, status ); }
} // NmpGetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum
NmpGetInterfacePingAddressEnum( PNM_INTERFACE Interface, PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM OnlineAddressEnum, PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM * PingAddressEnum ) /*++
Called with NmpLock held and Interface referenced. Releases and reacquires NmpLock.
--*/ { DWORD status; LPCWSTR interfaceId = OmObjectId(Interface); PNM_NODE node = Interface->Node; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE rpcBinding = node->IsolateRpcBinding;
if (node == NmLocalNode) { //
// Call the internal routine directly
status = NmpBuildInterfacePingAddressEnum( Interface, OnlineAddressEnum, PingAddressEnum ); } else { OmReferenceObject(node);
CL_ASSERT(rpcBinding != NULL);
NmStartRpc(node->NodeId); status = NmRpcGetInterfacePingAddressEnum( rpcBinding, (LPWSTR) interfaceId, OnlineAddressEnum, PingAddressEnum ); NmEndRpc(node->NodeId); if(status != RPC_S_OK) { NmDumpRpcExtErrorInfo(status); }
OmDereferenceObject(node); }
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((*PingAddressEnum)->AddressSize != sizeof(ULONG)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Ping enum address size is invalid for interface %1!ws!\n", interfaceId ); status = ERROR_INCORRECT_ADDRESS; midl_user_free(*PingAddressEnum); *PingAddressEnum = NULL; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Ping enum for interface %1!ws! contains %2!u! addresses\n", interfaceId, (*PingAddressEnum)->AddressCount ); } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to get ping address enum for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", interfaceId, status ); }
} // NmpGetInterfacePingAddressEnum
DWORD NmpDoInterfacePing( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface, IN PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM PingAddressEnum, OUT BOOLEAN * PingSucceeded ) /*++
Called with Interface referenced.
--*/ { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPCWSTR interfaceId = OmObjectId(Interface); LPWSTR addressString; DWORD maxAddressStringLength; DWORD i;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Pinging targets for interface %1!ws!.\n", interfaceId );
*PingSucceeded = FALSE;
if (PingAddressEnum->AddressSize != sizeof(ULONG)) { return(ERROR_INCORRECT_ADDRESS); }
ClRtlQueryTcpipInformation( &maxAddressStringLength, NULL, NULL );
addressString = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (maxAddressStringLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (addressString == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for address string.\n" ); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
for (i=0; i<PingAddressEnum->AddressCount; i++) { status = ClRtlTcpipAddressToString( (ULONG) PingAddressEnum->AddressList[i], &addressString );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Pinging host %1!ws!\n", addressString ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to convert address %1!x! to string %2!u!.\n", (ULONG) PingAddressEnum->AddressList[i], status ); }
if ( ClRtlIsDuplicateTcpipAddress( (ULONG) PingAddressEnum->AddressList[i]) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Ping of host %1!ws! succeeded.\n", addressString ); *PingSucceeded = TRUE; break; } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Ping of host %1!ws! failed.\n", addressString ); } }
} // NmpDoInterfacePing
DWORD NmpTestInterfaceConnectivity( PNM_INTERFACE Interface1, PBOOLEAN Interface1HasConnectivity, PNM_INTERFACE Interface2, PBOOLEAN Interface2HasConnectivity ) /*++
Called with NmpLock held. This routine releases and reacquires the NmpLock. It must be called with references on the target interfaces.
--*/ { DWORD status, status1, status2; PNM_NETWORK network = Interface1->Network; PNM_INTERFACE localInterface = network->LocalInterface; LPCWSTR networkId = OmObjectId(network); LPCWSTR interface1Id = OmObjectId(Interface1); LPCWSTR interface2Id = OmObjectId(Interface2); ULONG interface1Address, interface2Address; PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM pingEnum1 = NULL, pingEnum2 = NULL; PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM onlineEnum1 = NULL, onlineEnum2 = NULL; PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM unionPingEnum = NULL, unionOnlineEnum = NULL; DWORD addressCount; RPC_ASYNC_STATE async1, async2; HANDLE event1 = NULL, event2 = NULL; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE rpcBinding1 = NULL, rpcBinding2 = NULL; DWORD i1, i2; BOOL duplicate;
// Reference the nodes associated with the target interfaces so they
// can't go away during this process.
OmReferenceObject(Interface1->Node); OmReferenceObject(Interface2->Node);
if (localInterface != NULL) { OmReferenceObject(localInterface); }
*Interface1HasConnectivity = *Interface2HasConnectivity = FALSE;
// Convert the interface address strings to binary form.
status = ClRtlTcpipStringToAddress( Interface1->Address, &interface1Address );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to convert interface address string %1!ws! to binary, status %2!u!.\n", Interface1->Address, status ); goto error_exit; }
status = ClRtlTcpipStringToAddress( Interface2->Address, &interface2Address );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to convert interface address string %1!ws! to binary, status %2!u!.\n", Interface2->Address, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Fetch the online address list from each of the interfaces.
// The NmpLock will be released when querying a remote interface.
status = NmpGetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( Interface1, &onlineEnum1 );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; }
status = NmpGetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( Interface2, &onlineEnum2 );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; }
// Bail out if either of the interfaces was deleted while the NmpLock
// was released.
if ((NM_DELETE_PENDING(Interface1) || NM_DELETE_PENDING(Interface2))) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Aborting interface connectivity test on network %1!ws! " "because an interface was deleted.\n", networkId ); status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; goto error_exit; }
// Take the union of the two online lists
addressCount = onlineEnum1->AddressCount + onlineEnum2->AddressCount;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Total online address count for network %1!ws! is %2!u!\n", networkId, addressCount );
if (addressCount == 0) { unionOnlineEnum = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(NM_ADDRESS_ENUM)); } else { unionOnlineEnum = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(NM_ADDRESS_ENUM) + ((addressCount - 1) * sizeof(ULONGLONG)) ); }
if (unionOnlineEnum == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for union ping list.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
unionOnlineEnum->AddressSize = sizeof(ULONG); unionOnlineEnum->AddressCount = 0;
if (onlineEnum1->AddressCount != 0) { CopyMemory( &(unionOnlineEnum->AddressList[0]), &(onlineEnum1->AddressList[0]), onlineEnum1->AddressCount * sizeof(ULONGLONG) ); unionOnlineEnum->AddressCount = onlineEnum1->AddressCount; }
if (onlineEnum2->AddressCount != 0) { CopyMemory( &(unionOnlineEnum->AddressList[unionOnlineEnum->AddressCount]), &(onlineEnum2->AddressList[0]), onlineEnum2->AddressCount * sizeof(ULONGLONG) ); unionOnlineEnum->AddressCount += onlineEnum2->AddressCount; }
midl_user_free(onlineEnum1); onlineEnum1 = NULL; midl_user_free(onlineEnum2); onlineEnum2 = NULL;
// Fetch the ping target list from each of the interfaces.
// The NmpLock will be released when querying a remote interface.
status = NmpGetInterfacePingAddressEnum( Interface1, unionOnlineEnum, &pingEnum1 );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; }
status = NmpGetInterfacePingAddressEnum( Interface2, unionOnlineEnum, &pingEnum2 );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; }
// Bail out if either of the interfaces was deleted while the NmpLock
// was released.
if ((NM_DELETE_PENDING(Interface1) || NM_DELETE_PENDING(Interface2))) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Aborting interface connectivity test on network %1!ws! " "because an interface was deleted.\n", networkId ); status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; goto error_exit; }
// Take the union of the two ping lists
addressCount = pingEnum1->AddressCount + pingEnum2->AddressCount;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Total ping address count for network %1!ws! is %2!u!\n", networkId, addressCount );
if (addressCount == 0) { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto error_lock_and_exit; }
unionPingEnum = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(NM_ADDRESS_ENUM) + ( (NM_MAX_UNION_PING_ENUM_SIZE - 1) * sizeof(ULONGLONG) ) );
if (unionPingEnum == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory for union ping list.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_lock_and_exit; }
unionPingEnum->AddressSize = sizeof(ULONG); unionPingEnum->AddressCount = 0;
i1 = 0; i2 = 0;
while (TRUE) { while (i1 < pingEnum1->AddressCount) { duplicate = NmpIsAddressInAddressEnum( pingEnum1->AddressList[i1], unionPingEnum );
if (!duplicate) { unionPingEnum->AddressList[unionPingEnum->AddressCount++] = pingEnum1->AddressList[i1++]; break; } else { i1++; } }
if (unionPingEnum->AddressCount == NM_MAX_UNION_PING_ENUM_SIZE) { break; }
while (i2 < pingEnum2->AddressCount) { duplicate = NmpIsAddressInAddressEnum( pingEnum2->AddressList[i2], unionPingEnum );
if (!duplicate) { unionPingEnum->AddressList[unionPingEnum->AddressCount++] = pingEnum2->AddressList[i2++]; break; } else { i2++; } }
if ( (unionPingEnum->AddressCount == NM_MAX_UNION_PING_ENUM_SIZE) || ( (i1 == pingEnum1->AddressCount) && (i2 == pingEnum2->AddressCount) ) ) { break; } }
midl_user_free(pingEnum1); pingEnum1 = NULL; midl_user_free(pingEnum2); pingEnum2 = NULL;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Union ping list for network %1!ws! contains %2!u! addresses\n", networkId, unionPingEnum->AddressCount );
// Ask each interface to ping the list of targets using async RPC calls
// Allocate resources for the async RPC calls
if (Interface1 != localInterface) { event1 = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (event1 == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate event for async rpc, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_lock_and_exit; }
status = RpcAsyncInitializeHandle(&async1, sizeof(async1));
if (status != RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to initialize RPC async state, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_lock_and_exit; }
async1.NotificationType = RpcNotificationTypeEvent; async1.u.hEvent = event1;
rpcBinding1 = Interface1->Node->IsolateRpcBinding; }
if (Interface2 != localInterface) { event2 = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (event2 == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate event for async rpc, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_lock_and_exit; }
status = RpcAsyncInitializeHandle(&async2, sizeof(async2));
if (status != RPC_S_OK) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to initialize RPC async state, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_lock_and_exit; }
async2.NotificationType = RpcNotificationTypeEvent; async2.u.hEvent = event2;
rpcBinding2 = Interface2->Node->IsolateRpcBinding; }
if (rpcBinding1 != NULL) { //
// Issue the RPC for interface1 first. Then deal with interface2
// We need the try-except until a bug is fixed in MIDL
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Issuing RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws!\n", interface1Id );
try { NmRpcDoInterfacePing( &async1, rpcBinding1, (LPWSTR) interface1Id, unionPingEnum, Interface1HasConnectivity, &status1 ); } except(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { status = GetExceptionCode(); }
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] DoPing RPC failed for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", interface1Id, status ); goto error_lock_and_exit; }
if (rpcBinding2 != NULL) { //
// Issue the RPC for interface2.
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Issuing RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws!\n", interface2Id );
try { NmRpcDoInterfacePing( &async2, rpcBinding2, (LPWSTR) interface2Id, unionPingEnum, Interface2HasConnectivity, &status2 ); } except(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { status = GetExceptionCode(); }
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] DoPing RPC failed for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", interface1Id, status ); goto error_lock_and_exit; }
// Wait for the RPC for interface2 to complete
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Waiting for RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws! to complete\n", interface2Id );
status = WaitForSingleObjectEx(event2, INFINITE, FALSE); CL_ASSERT(status == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
status = RpcAsyncCompleteCall( &async2, &status2 );
CL_ASSERT(status == RPC_S_OK);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Wait for RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws! completed.\n", interface2Id ); } else { //
// Call the local routine for interface2.
status2 = NmpDoInterfacePing( Interface2, unionPingEnum, Interface2HasConnectivity ); }
// Wait for the RPC for interface1 to complete
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Waiting for RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws! to complete\n", interface1Id );
status = WaitForSingleObjectEx(event1, INFINITE, FALSE); CL_ASSERT(status == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
status = RpcAsyncCompleteCall( &async1, &status1 );
CL_ASSERT(status == RPC_S_OK);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Wait for RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws! completed.\n", interface1Id ); } else { //
// Send the RPC to interface2 first. Then call the local
// routine for interface1
CL_ASSERT(rpcBinding2 != NULL);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Issuing RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws!\n", interface2Id );
try { NmRpcDoInterfacePing( &async2, rpcBinding2, (LPWSTR) interface2Id, unionPingEnum, Interface2HasConnectivity, &status2 ); } except(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { status = GetExceptionCode(); }
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] DoPing RPC failed for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", interface1Id, status ); goto error_lock_and_exit; }
status1 = NmpDoInterfacePing( Interface1, unionPingEnum, Interface1HasConnectivity );
// Wait for the RPC for interface2 to complete
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Waiting for RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws! to complete\n", interface2Id );
status = WaitForSingleObject(event2, INFINITE); CL_ASSERT(status == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
status = RpcAsyncCompleteCall( &async2, &status2 );
CL_ASSERT(status == RPC_S_OK);
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Wait for RpcDoInterfacePing for interface %1!ws! completed.\n", interface2Id ); }
if (status1 != RPC_S_OK) { status = status1; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] DoPing RPC failed for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", interface1Id, status ); goto error_lock_and_exit; }
if (status2 != RPC_S_OK) { status = status2; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] DoPing RPC failed for interface %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", interface2Id, status ); goto error_lock_and_exit;
if ( (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (NM_DELETE_PENDING(Interface1) || NM_DELETE_PENDING(Interface2)) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Aborting interface connectivity test on network %1!ws! " "because an interface was deleted.\n", networkId ); status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; }
OmDereferenceObject(Interface1->Node); OmDereferenceObject(Interface2->Node);
if (localInterface != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(localInterface); }
if (onlineEnum1 != NULL) { midl_user_free(onlineEnum1); }
if (onlineEnum2 != NULL) { midl_user_free(onlineEnum2); }
if (unionOnlineEnum != NULL) { LocalFree(unionOnlineEnum); }
if (pingEnum1 != NULL) { midl_user_free(pingEnum1); }
if (pingEnum2 != NULL) { midl_user_free(pingEnum2); }
if (unionPingEnum != NULL) { LocalFree(unionPingEnum); }
if (event1 != NULL) { CloseHandle(event1); }
if (event2 != NULL) { CloseHandle(event2); }
} // NmpTestInterfaceConnectivity
// Miscellaneous routines
DWORD NmpRegisterInterface( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface, IN BOOLEAN RetryOnFailure ) /*++
Called with the NmpLock held.
--*/ { DWORD status; LPWSTR interfaceId = (LPWSTR) OmObjectId(Interface); PNM_NETWORK network = Interface->Network; PVOID tdiAddress = NULL; ULONG tdiAddressLength = 0; NDIS_MEDIA_STATE mediaStatus;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Registering interface %1!ws! (%2!ws!) with cluster transport, " "addr %3!ws!, endpoint %4!ws!.\n", interfaceId, OmObjectName(Interface), Interface->Address, Interface->ClusnetEndpoint );
status = ClRtlBuildTcpipTdiAddress( Interface->Address, Interface->ClusnetEndpoint, &tdiAddress, &tdiAddressLength );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { status = ClusnetRegisterInterface( NmClusnetHandle, Interface->Node->NodeId, Interface->Network->ShortId, 0, Interface->AdapterId, wcslen(Interface->AdapterId) * sizeof(WCHAR), tdiAddress, tdiAddressLength, (PULONG) &mediaStatus );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Interface->Flags |= NM_FLAG_IF_REGISTERED; network->RegistrationRetryTimeout = 0;
// If this is a local interface, and if its media status
// indicates that it is connected, schedule a worker thread to
// deliver an interface up notification. Clusnet does not
// deliver interface up events for local interfaces.
if (network->LocalInterface == Interface) { if (mediaStatus == NdisMediaStateConnected) { network->Flags |= NM_FLAG_NET_REPORT_LOCAL_IF_UP; NmpScheduleNetworkConnectivityReport(network); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Local interface %1!ws! reported " "disconnected.\n", interfaceId, status ); network->Flags |= NM_FLAG_NET_REPORT_LOCAL_IF_FAILED; NmpScheduleNetworkConnectivityReport(network); } } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to register interface %1!ws! with cluster " "transport, status %2!u!.\n", interfaceId, status ); } } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to build TDI bind address for interface %1!ws!, " "status %2!u!.\n", interfaceId, status ); }
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WCHAR string[16];
wsprintfW(&(string[0]), L"%u", status);
CsLogEvent3( LOG_UNUSUAL, NM_EVENT_REGISTER_NETINTERFACE_FAILED, OmObjectName(Interface->Node), OmObjectName(Interface->Network), string );
// Retry if the error is transient
if ( RetryOnFailure && ( (status == ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME) || (status == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) || (status == ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES) ) ) { NmpStartNetworkRegistrationRetryTimer(network);
status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
} // NmpRegisterInterface
VOID NmpDeregisterInterface( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deregisters an interface from the cluster transport.
Interface - A pointer to the interface to deregister.
Return Value:
Called with the NmpLock held.
--*/ { DWORD status;
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Deregistering interface %1!ws! (%2!ws!) from cluster " "transport.\n", OmObjectId(Interface), OmObjectName(Interface) );
status = ClusnetDeregisterInterface( NmClusnetHandle, Interface->Node->NodeId, Interface->Network->ShortId );
Interface->Flags &= ~NM_FLAG_IF_REGISTERED;
} // NmpDeregisterNetwork
DWORD NmpPrepareToCreateInterface( IN PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo, OUT PNM_NETWORK * Network, OUT PNM_NODE * Node ) { DWORD status; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface = NULL; PNM_NODE node = NULL; PNM_NETWORK network = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY entry;
*Node = NULL; *Network = NULL;
// Verify that the associated node and network objects exist.
network = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNetwork, InterfaceInfo->NetworkId );
if (network == NULL) { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Network %1!ws! does not exist. Cannot create " "interface %2!ws!\n", InterfaceInfo->NetworkId, InterfaceInfo->Id ); goto error_exit; }
node = OmReferenceObjectById(ObjectTypeNode, InterfaceInfo->NodeId);
if (node == NULL) { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Node %1!ws! does not exist. Cannot create interface %2!ws!\n", InterfaceInfo->NodeId, InterfaceInfo->Id ); goto error_exit; }
// Verify that the interface doesn't already exist.
for ( entry = node->InterfaceList.Flink; entry != &(node->InterfaceList); entry = entry->Flink ) { netInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, NM_INTERFACE, NodeLinkage);
if (netInterface->Network == network) { status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_EXISTS; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] An interface already exists for node %1!ws! on network %2!ws!\n", InterfaceInfo->NodeId, InterfaceInfo->NetworkId ); NmpReleaseLock(); goto error_exit; } }
// Verify that the specified interface ID is unique.
netInterface = OmReferenceObjectById( ObjectTypeNetInterface, InterfaceInfo->Id );
if (netInterface != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(netInterface); status = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_EXISTS; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] An interface with ID %1!ws! already exists\n", InterfaceInfo->Id ); goto error_exit; }
*Node = node; *Network = network;
if (network != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(network); }
if (node != NULL) { OmDereferenceObject(node); }
} // NmpPrepareToCreateInterface
PNM_INTERFACE NmpGetInterfaceForNodeAndNetworkById( IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId )
Routine Description:
Give the node Id and network short Id, return a pointer to the intersecting interface object
NodeId - The ID of the node associated with this interface
NetworkId - The short Id of the network associated with this interface
Return Value:
A pointer to the interface object if successful.
NULL if unsuccessful. Extended error information is available from GetLastError().
Called with the NmpLock held.
--*/ { DWORD status; PNM_NODE node = NmpIdArray[NodeId];
if (node != NULL) { PLIST_ENTRY entry; PNM_INTERFACE netInterface;
// run down the list of interfaces associated with this node,
// looking for one whose network matches the specified short ID
for (entry = node->InterfaceList.Flink; entry != &(node->InterfaceList); entry = entry->Flink ) { netInterface = CONTAINING_RECORD( entry, NM_INTERFACE, NodeLinkage );
if (netInterface->Network->ShortId == NetworkId) { return(netInterface); } }
} // NmpGetInterfaceForNodeAndNetworkById
DWORD NmpConvertPropertyListToInterfaceInfo( IN PVOID InterfacePropertyList, IN DWORD InterfacePropertyListSize, PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo ) { DWORD status;
// Unmarshall the property list.
ZeroMemory(InterfaceInfo, sizeof(NM_INTERFACE_INFO2));
status = ClRtlVerifyPropertyTable( NmpInterfaceProperties, NULL, // Reserved
FALSE, // Don't allow unknowns
InterfacePropertyList, InterfacePropertyListSize, (LPBYTE) InterfaceInfo );
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { InterfaceInfo->NetIndex = NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex; }
} // NmpConvertPropertyListToInterfaceInfo
BOOLEAN NmpVerifyLocalInterfaceConnected( IN PNM_INTERFACE Interface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Queries local interface adapter for current media status using an NDIS ioctl. Arguments:
Interface - interface object for local adapter to query Return value:
TRUE if media status is connected or cannot be determined FALSE if media status is disconnected Notes:
Called and returns with NM lock acquired. --*/ { PWCHAR adapterDevNameBuffer = NULL; PWCHAR adapterDevNamep, prefix, brace; DWORD prefixSize, allocSize, adapterIdSize; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING adapterDevName; NIC_STATISTICS ndisStats; BOOLEAN mediaConnected = TRUE;
// verify parameters
if (Interface == NULL || Interface->AdapterId == NULL) { return TRUE; }
// the adapter device name is of the form
// \Device\{AdapterIdGUID}
// the AdapterId field in the NM_INTERFACE structure is
// currently not enclosed in braces, but we handle the
// case where it is.
// set up the adapter device name prefix
prefix = L"\\Device\\"; prefixSize = wcslen(prefix) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// allocate a buffer for the adapter device name.
adapterIdSize = wcslen(Interface->AdapterId) * sizeof(WCHAR); allocSize = prefixSize + adapterIdSize + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); brace = L"{"; if (*((PWCHAR)Interface->AdapterId) != *brace) { allocSize += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); } adapterDevNameBuffer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, allocSize); if (adapterDevNameBuffer == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate device name buffer for " "adapter %1!ws!. Assuming adapter is connected.\n", Interface->AdapterId ); return(TRUE); }
// build the adapter device name from the adapter ID
ZeroMemory(adapterDevNameBuffer, allocSize);
adapterDevNamep = adapterDevNameBuffer;
CopyMemory(adapterDevNamep, prefix, prefixSize);
adapterDevNamep += prefixSize / sizeof(WCHAR);
if (*((PWCHAR)Interface->AdapterId) != *brace) { *adapterDevNamep = *brace; adapterDevNamep++; }
CopyMemory(adapterDevNamep, Interface->AdapterId, adapterIdSize);
if (*((PWCHAR)Interface->AdapterId) != *brace) { brace = L"}"; adapterDevNamep += adapterIdSize / sizeof(WCHAR); *adapterDevNamep = *brace; }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&adapterDevName, (LPWSTR)adapterDevNameBuffer);
// query the adapter for NDIS statistics
ZeroMemory(&ndisStats, sizeof(ndisStats)); ndisStats.Size = sizeof(ndisStats);
if (!NdisQueryStatistics(&adapterDevName, &ndisStats)) {
status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] NDIS statistics query to adapter %1!ws! failed, " "error %2!u!. Assuming adapter is connected.\n", Interface->AdapterId, status ); } else {
if (ndisStats.MediaState == MEDIA_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { mediaConnected = FALSE; } }
LocalFree(adapterDevNameBuffer); return(mediaConnected);
} // NmpVerifyLocalInterfaceConnected