Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Miscellaneous utility routines for the Node Manager component.
Mike Massa (mikemas) 26-Oct-1996
Revision History:
#define UNICODE 1
#include "service.h"
#include "nmp.h"
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <ntmsv1_0.h>
PVOID NmpClusterKey = NULL; DWORD NmpClusterKeyLength = 0;
DWORD NmpQueryString( IN HDMKEY Key, IN LPCWSTR ValueName, IN DWORD ValueType, IN LPWSTR *StringBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD StringBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD StringSize )
Routine Description:
Reads a REG_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ registry value. If the StringBuffer is not large enough to hold the data, it is reallocated.
Key - Open key for the value to be read.
ValueName - Unicode name of the value to be read.
ValueType - REG_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ.
StringBuffer - Buffer into which to place the value data.
StringBufferSize - Pointer to the size of the StringBuffer. This parameter is updated if StringBuffer is reallocated.
StringSize - The size of the data returned in StringBuffer, including the terminating null character.
Return Value:
The status of the registry query. Notes:
To avoid deadlock with DM, must not be called with NM lock held.
--*/ { DWORD status; DWORD valueType; WCHAR *temp; DWORD oldBufferSize = *StringBufferSize; BOOL noBuffer = FALSE;
if (*StringBufferSize == 0) { noBuffer = TRUE; }
*StringSize = *StringBufferSize;
status = DmQueryValue( Key, ValueName, &valueType, (LPBYTE) *StringBuffer, StringSize );
if (status == NO_ERROR) { if (!noBuffer ) { if (valueType == ValueType) { return(NO_ERROR); } else { return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } }
status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
if (status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { temp = MIDL_user_allocate(*StringSize);
if (temp == NULL) { *StringSize = 0; return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
if (!noBuffer) { MIDL_user_free(*StringBuffer); }
*StringBuffer = temp; *StringBufferSize = *StringSize;
status = DmQueryValue( Key, ValueName, &valueType, (LPBYTE) *StringBuffer, StringSize );
if (status == NO_ERROR) { if (valueType == ValueType) { return(NO_ERROR); } else { *StringSize = 0; return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } }
} // NmpQueryString
// Routines to support the common network configuration code.
VOID ClNetPrint( IN ULONG LogLevel, IN PCHAR FormatString, ... ) { CHAR buffer[256]; DWORD bytes; va_list argList;
va_start(argList, FormatString);
bytes = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, FormatString, 0, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &argList );
if (bytes != 0) { ClRtlLogPrint(LogLevel, "%1!hs!", buffer); }
} // ClNetPrint
VOID ClNetLogEvent( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD MessageId ) { CsLogEvent(LogLevel, MessageId);
} // ClNetLogEvent
VOID ClNetLogEvent1( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD MessageId, IN LPCWSTR Arg1 ) { CsLogEvent1(LogLevel, MessageId, Arg1);
} // ClNetLogEvent1
VOID ClNetLogEvent2( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD MessageId, IN LPCWSTR Arg1, IN LPCWSTR Arg2 ) { CsLogEvent2(LogLevel, MessageId, Arg1, Arg2);
} // ClNetLogEvent2
VOID ClNetLogEvent3( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD MessageId, IN LPCWSTR Arg1, IN LPCWSTR Arg2, IN LPCWSTR Arg3 ) { CsLogEvent3(LogLevel, MessageId, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3);
} // ClNetLogEvent3
BOOLEAN NmpLockedEnterApi( NM_STATE RequiredState ) { if (NmpState >= RequiredState) { NmpActiveThreadCount++; CL_ASSERT(NmpActiveThreadCount != 0); return(TRUE); }
} // NmpLockedEnterApi
BOOLEAN NmpEnterApi( NM_STATE RequiredState ) { BOOLEAN mayEnter;
mayEnter = NmpLockedEnterApi(RequiredState);
} // NmpEnterApi
VOID NmpLockedLeaveApi( VOID ) { CL_ASSERT(NmpActiveThreadCount > 0);
if ((NmpActiveThreadCount == 0) && (NmpState == NmStateOfflinePending)) { SetEvent(NmpShutdownEvent); }
} // NmpLockedLeaveApi
VOID NmpLeaveApi( VOID ) { NmpAcquireLock();
} // NmpLeaveApi
// Routines to provide a cluster shared key for signing and encrypting
// data.
DWORD NmpGetLogonId( OUT LUID * LogonId ) { HANDLE tokenHandle = NULL; TOKEN_STATISTICS tokenInfo; DWORD bytesReturned; BOOL success = FALSE; DWORD status;
if (LogonId == NULL) { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto error_exit; }
if (!OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &tokenHandle )) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to open process token, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
if (!GetTokenInformation( tokenHandle, TokenStatistics, &tokenInfo, sizeof(tokenInfo), &bytesReturned )) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to get token information, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
RtlCopyMemory(LogonId, &(tokenInfo.AuthenticationId), sizeof(LUID));
if (tokenHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(tokenHandle); }
} // NmpGetLogonId
DWORD NmpGenerateClusterKey( IN PVOID MixingBytes, IN DWORD MixingBytesSize, OUT PVOID * Key, OUT DWORD * KeyLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Generate the cluster key using the cluster instance id as mixing bytes. Allocate a buffer for the key and return it. Arguments:
Key - set to buffer containing key KeyLength - length of resulting key --*/ { LUID logonId;
BOOLEAN wasEnabled = FALSE; BOOLEAN trusted = FALSE;
STRING name;
HANDLE lsaHandle = NULL; DWORD ignore;
DWORD packageId = 0;
DWORD requestSize; PMSV1_0_DERIVECRED_REQUEST request = NULL; DWORD responseSize; PMSV1_0_DERIVECRED_RESPONSE response = NULL;
status = NmpGetLogonId(&logonId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to determine logon ID, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Try to turn on TCB privilege if running in console mode.
// ISSUE-2001/04/30-daviddio
// In normal operation, there is no need to enable the TCB privilege.
// In fact, enabling the TCB privilege should usually fail since the
// cluster service account is not given the TCB privilege during setup.
// The fix for bug 337751 allows the cluster service account to issue
// a MSV1_0_DERIVECRED_REQUEST even if it does not have a trusted
// connection to LSA. The reason this code is left in is for
// trouble-shooting. If the cluster service is run from the command
// line (e.g. not via the SCM), then the fix for bug 337751 will not
// apply, and a trusted connection to LSA will be required to generate
// the cluster key.
if (CsRunningAsService) { status = RtlAdjustPrivilege(SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE, TRUE, FALSE, &wasEnabled); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { #if CLUSTER_BETA
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Failed to turn on TCB privilege, status %1!u!.\n", LsaNtStatusToWinError(status) ); #endif // CLUSTER_BETA
trusted = FALSE; } else { #if CLUSTER_BETA
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[NM] Turned on TCB privilege, wasEnabled = %1!ws!.\n", (wasEnabled) ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE" ); #endif // CLUSTER_BETA
trusted = TRUE; } }
// Establish contact with LSA.
if (trusted) { RtlInitString(&name, "ClusSvcNM"); status = LsaRegisterLogonProcess(&name, &lsaHandle, &ignore); //
// Turn off TCB privilege
if (!wasEnabled) { subStatus = RtlAdjustPrivilege( SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE, FALSE, FALSE, &wasEnabled ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(subStatus)) { ClRtlLogPrint( LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to disable TCB privilege, " "status %1!u!.\n", subStatus ); } } } else { status = LsaConnectUntrusted(&lsaHandle); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = LsaNtStatusToWinError(status); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to obtain LSA logon handle in %1!ws! mode, " "status %2!u!.\n", (trusted) ? L"trusted" : L"untrusted", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Lookup the authentication package.
RtlInitString( &name, MSV1_0_PACKAGE_NAME );
status = LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage(lsaHandle, &name, &packageId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = LsaNtStatusToWinError(status); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to local authentication package with " "name %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", name.Buffer, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Build the derive credentials request with the provided
// mixing bytes.
requestSize = sizeof(MSV1_0_DERIVECRED_REQUEST) + MixingBytesSize; request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); if (request == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate LSA request of size %1!u! bytes.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
request->MessageType = MsV1_0DeriveCredential; RtlCopyMemory(&(request->LogonId), &logonId, sizeof(logonId)); request->DeriveCredType = MSV1_0_DERIVECRED_TYPE_SHA1; request->DeriveCredInfoLength = MixingBytesSize; RtlCopyMemory( &(request->DeriveCredSubmitBuffer[0]), MixingBytes, MixingBytesSize );
// Make the call through LSA to the authentication package.
status = LsaCallAuthenticationPackage( lsaHandle, packageId, request, requestSize, &response, &responseSize, &subStatus ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = LsaNtStatusToWinError(status); subStatus = LsaNtStatusToWinError(subStatus); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] DeriveCredential call to authentication " "package failed, status %1!u!, auth package " "status %2!u!.\n", status, subStatus ); goto error_exit; }
// Allocate a non-LSA buffer to store the key.
keyLength = response->DeriveCredInfoLength; key = MIDL_user_allocate(keyLength); if (key == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate buffer for cluster " "key of size %1!u!.\n", keyLength ); goto error_exit; }
// Store the derived credentials in the key buffer.
RtlCopyMemory(key, &(response->DeriveCredReturnBuffer[0]), keyLength);
// Zero the derived credential buffer to be extra paranoid.
RtlZeroMemory( &(response->DeriveCredReturnBuffer[0]), response->DeriveCredInfoLength );
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; *Key = key; *KeyLength = keyLength;
if (lsaHandle != NULL) { LsaDeregisterLogonProcess(lsaHandle); lsaHandle = NULL; }
if (request != NULL) { LocalFree(request); request = NULL; }
if (response != NULL) { LsaFreeReturnBuffer(response); response = NULL; }
} // NmpGenerateClusterKey
DWORD NmpGetClusterKey( OUT PVOID KeyBuffer, IN OUT DWORD * KeyBufferLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Copy the shared cluster key into the buffer provided. Arguments:
KeyBuffer - buffer to which key should be copied KeyBufferLength - IN: length of KeyBuffer OUT: required buffer size, if input buffer length is insufficient Return value:
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if KeyBuffer is too small. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if NmpClusterKey has not yet been generated. ERROR_SUCCESS on success. Notes:
Acquires and releases NM lock. Since NM lock is implemented as a critical section, calling thread is permitted to already hold NM lock. --*/ { DWORD status;
if (NmpClusterKey == NULL) { status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] The cluster key has not yet been derived.\n" ); } else{ if (KeyBuffer == NULL || NmpClusterKeyLength > *KeyBufferLength) { status = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { RtlCopyMemory(KeyBuffer, NmpClusterKey, NmpClusterKeyLength); status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
*KeyBufferLength = NmpClusterKeyLength; }
} // NmpGetClusterKey
DWORD NmpRegenerateClusterKey( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Forces regeneration of cluster key. Must be called during cluster initialization to generate cluster key the first time. Notes:
Acquires and releases NM lock. --*/ { DWORD status; BOOLEAN lockAcquired; PVOID oldKey = NULL; DWORD oldKeyLength = 0; PVOID key = NULL; DWORD keyLength = 0; PVOID mixingBytes; DWORD mixingBytesSize;
NmpAcquireLock(); lockAcquired = TRUE;
// Form the mixing bytes.
if (NmpClusterInstanceId == NULL) { status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Need cluster instance id in order to derive " "cluster key, status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
mixingBytesSize = NM_WCSLEN(NmpClusterInstanceId); mixingBytes = MIDL_user_allocate(mixingBytesSize); if (mixingBytes == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate buffer of size %1!u! " "for mixing bytes to derive cluster key.\n", mixingBytesSize ); goto error_exit; } RtlCopyMemory(mixingBytes, NmpClusterInstanceId, mixingBytesSize);
// Make a copy of the old key to detect changes.
if (NmpClusterKey != NULL) {
CL_ASSERT(NmpClusterKeyLength > 0);
oldKey = MIDL_user_allocate(NmpClusterKeyLength); if (oldKey == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate buffer for cluster " "key copy.\n" ); status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; } oldKeyLength = NmpClusterKeyLength; RtlCopyMemory(oldKey, NmpClusterKey, NmpClusterKeyLength); }
NmpReleaseLock(); lockAcquired = FALSE;
status = NmpGenerateClusterKey( mixingBytes, mixingBytesSize, &key, &keyLength ); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[NM] Failed to generate cluster key, " "status %1!u!.\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
NmpAcquireLock(); lockAcquired = TRUE;
// Make sure another thread didn't beat us in obtaining a key.
// We replace the cluster key with the generated key if it is
// not different from the old key (or somebody set it to NULL).
if (NmpClusterKey != NULL && (oldKey == NULL || NmpClusterKeyLength != oldKeyLength || RtlCompareMemory( NmpClusterKey, oldKey, oldKeyLength ) != oldKeyLength ) ) {
// Keep the current NmpClusterKey.
} else {
MIDL_user_free(NmpClusterKey); NmpClusterKey = key; NmpClusterKeyLength = keyLength; key = NULL; }
if (lockAcquired) { NmpLockedLeaveApi(); NmpReleaseLock(); } else { NmpLeaveApi(); }
if (key != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(key); key = NULL; }
if (mixingBytes != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(mixingBytes); mixingBytes = NULL; }
} // NmpRegenerateClusterKey
VOID NmpFreeClusterKey( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called during NmShutdown. --*/ { if (NmpClusterKey != NULL) { MIDL_user_free(NmpClusterKey); NmpClusterKey = NULL; NmpClusterKeyLength = 0; }
} // NmpFreeClusterKey