Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
logging routines for the object log stream
this code was jumpstarted from the clusrtl logging code. Most notably, it is UTF-8 encoded which allows full Unicode without the cost of writing 16b. for each character.
remaining issues to solve: proper truncation of log file based on current starting session. We'd like to remember as many sessions as possible but since I've chosen UTF-8, I can't jump to the middle of the file and start looking around. One possibility strategy is using an alternate NTFS stream to record the starting offsets of sessions. If that stream didn't exist or we're on a FAT FS, then we'll continue with the current strategy.
Charlie Wickham (charlwi) 07-May-2001
User Mode
Revision History:
#include "omp.h"
// when this sequence is at the beginning of the file, it indicates that the
// file is UTF8 encoded
#define UTF8_BOM "\x0EF\x0BB\x0BF"
// Private Data
DWORD OmpLogFileLimit; DWORD OmpCurrentSessionStart; BOOL OmpLogToFile = FALSE; HANDLE OmpLogFileHandle = NULL; DWORD OmpProcessId; DWORD OmpCurrentSessionOffset;
// structure used to pass formatted buffers to work queue routine
typedef struct _OM_LOG_BUFFER_DESC { DWORD TimeBytes; DWORD MsgBytes; PCHAR TimeBuffer; PCHAR MsgBuffer; } OM_LOG_BUFFER_DESC, *POM_LOG_BUFFER_DESC;
// Specify maximum file size ( DWORD / 1MB )
#define MAX_FILE_SIZE ( 0xFFFFF000 / ( 1024 * 1024 ) )
DWORD OmpLogFileLimit = ( 1 * 1024 * 1024 ); // 1 MB default
DWORD OmpLogFileLoWater = 0;
// internal functions
DWORD OmpTruncateFile( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN DWORD FileSize, IN LPDWORD LastPosition )
Routine Description:
Truncate a file by copying the portion starting at LastPosition and ending at EOF to the front of the file and setting the file's EOF pointer to the end of the new chunk. We always keep the current session even that means growing larger than the file limit.
For now, we have no good way of finding all the sessions within the file, so if the file must be truncated, we whack it back to the beginning of the current session. If time permits, I'll add something more intelligent later on.
FileHandle - File handle.
FileSize - Current End of File.
LastPosition - On input, specifies the starting position in the file from which the copy begins. On output, it is set to the new EOF
Return Value:
New end of file.
{ //
// The following buffer size should never be more than 1/4 the size of the
// file.
#define BUFFER_SIZE ( 64 * 1024 )
DWORD bytesLeft; DWORD endPosition = sizeof( UTF8_BOM ) - 1; DWORD bufferSize; DWORD bytesRead; DWORD bytesWritten; DWORD fileSizeHigh = 0; DWORD readPosition; DWORD writePosition; PVOID dataBuffer;
// current session is already at beginning of file so bale now...
if ( OmpCurrentSessionOffset == sizeof( UTF8_BOM ) - 1) { return FileSize; }
// don't truncate the current session, i.e., always copy from the start of
// the current session
if ( *LastPosition > OmpCurrentSessionOffset ) { *LastPosition = OmpCurrentSessionOffset; }
if ( *LastPosition > FileSize ) { //
// something's confused; the spot we're supposed to copy from is at or
// past the current EOF. reset the entire file
goto error_exit; }
dataBuffer = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, BUFFER_SIZE ); if ( !dataBuffer ) { goto error_exit; }
// calc number of bytes to move
bytesLeft = FileSize - *LastPosition; endPosition = bytesLeft + sizeof( UTF8_BOM ) - 1;
// Point back to last position for reading.
readPosition = *LastPosition; writePosition = sizeof( UTF8_BOM ) - 1;
while ( bytesLeft ) { if ( bytesLeft >= BUFFER_SIZE ) { bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE; } else { bufferSize = bytesLeft; } bytesLeft -= bufferSize;
SetFilePointer( FileHandle, readPosition, &fileSizeHigh, FILE_BEGIN );
if ( ReadFile( FileHandle, dataBuffer, bufferSize, &bytesRead, NULL ) ) { SetFilePointer( FileHandle, writePosition, &fileSizeHigh, FILE_BEGIN ); WriteFile( FileHandle, dataBuffer, bytesRead, &bytesWritten, NULL ); } else { endPosition = sizeof( UTF8_BOM ) - 1; break; } readPosition += bytesRead; writePosition += bytesWritten; }
LocalFree( dataBuffer );
// for now, we only only one truncate by setting the current position to
// the beginning of file.
OmpCurrentSessionOffset = sizeof( UTF8_BOM ) - 1;
// Force end of file to get set.
SetFilePointer( FileHandle, endPosition, &fileSizeHigh, FILE_BEGIN );
SetEndOfFile( FileHandle );
*LastPosition = endPosition;
} // OmpTruncateFile
VOID OmpLoggerWorkThread( IN PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM WorkItem, IN DWORD Status, IN DWORD BytesTransferred, IN ULONG_PTR IoContext )
Routine Description:
work queue worker routine. actually does the write to the file.
standard ClRtl thread args; we only care about WorkItem
Return Value:
{ DWORD fileSize; DWORD fileSizeHigh; DWORD tsBytesWritten; DWORD msgBytesWritten;
fileSize = GetFileSize( OmpLogFileHandle, &fileSizeHigh ); ASSERT( fileSizeHigh == 0 ); // We're only using DWORDs!
if ( fileSize > OmpLogFileLimit ) { fileSize = OmpTruncateFile( OmpLogFileHandle, fileSize, &OmpLogFileLoWater ); }
SetFilePointer( OmpLogFileHandle, fileSize, &fileSizeHigh, FILE_BEGIN );
WriteFile(OmpLogFileHandle, bufDesc->TimeBuffer, bufDesc->TimeBytes, &tsBytesWritten, NULL);
WriteFile(OmpLogFileHandle, bufDesc->MsgBuffer, bufDesc->MsgBytes, &msgBytesWritten, NULL);
// if we haven't set the lo water mark, wait until the file size has
// crossed the halfway mark and set it to the beginning of the line we
// just wrote.
if ( OmpLogFileLoWater == 0 && (fileSize > (OmpLogFileLimit / 2)) ) { OmpLogFileLoWater = fileSize;
ASSERT( OmpLogFileLoWater >= OmpCurrentSessionOffset ); }
} // OmpLoggerWorkThread
VOID OmpLogPrint( LPWSTR FormatString, ... )
Routine Description:
Prints a message to the object config log file.
FormatString - The initial message string to print.
Any FormatMessage-compatible arguments to be inserted in the message before it is logged.
Return Value:
{ PWCHAR unicodeOutput = NULL; PCHAR timestampBuffer; DWORD timestampBytes; PCHAR utf8Buffer; DWORD utf8Bytes; PWCHAR unicodeBuffer; DWORD unicodeBytes; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
SYSTEMTIME Time; ULONG_PTR ArgArray[9]; va_list ArgList;
// init the variable arg list
va_start(ArgList, FormatString);
if ( !OmpLogToFile ) { va_end(ArgList); return; }
ArgArray[0] = OmpProcessId; ArgArray[1] = GetCurrentThreadId(); ArgArray[2] = Time.wYear; ArgArray[3] = Time.wMonth; ArgArray[4] = Time.wDay; ArgArray[5] = Time.wHour; ArgArray[6] = Time.wMinute; ArgArray[7] = Time.wSecond; ArgArray[8] = Time.wMilliseconds;
// we can get away with formatting it as ANSI since our data is all numbers
timestampBytes = FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, "%1!08lx!.%2!08lx!::%3!02d!/%4!02d!/%5!02d!-%6!02d!:%7!02d!:%8!02d!.%9!03d! ", 0, 0, (LPSTR)×tampBuffer, 50, (va_list*)&ArgArray);
if ( timestampBytes == 0 ) { va_end(ArgList); // WmiTrace("Prefix format failed, %d: %!ARSTR!", GetLastError(), FormatString);
return; }
// format the message in unicode
try { unicodeBytes = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, FormatString, 0, 0, (LPWSTR)&unicodeOutput, 512, &ArgList); } except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { unicodeBytes = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, L"LOGERROR(exception): Could not print message: %1!ws!", 0, 0, (LPWSTR)&unicodeOutput, 512, (va_list *) &FormatString ); } va_end(ArgList);
if (unicodeBytes != 0) { PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM workQItem;
// convert the output to UTF-8; first get the size to see if it will
// fit in our stack buffer.
utf8Bytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, // dwFlags
unicodeOutput, unicodeBytes, NULL, 0, NULL, // lpDefaultChar
NULL); // lpUsedDefaultChar
utf8Buffer = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, utf8Bytes ); if ( utf8Buffer == NULL ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
utf8Bytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, // dwFlags
unicodeOutput, unicodeBytes, utf8Buffer, utf8Bytes, NULL, // lpDefaultChar
NULL); // lpUsedDefaultChar
workQItem = (PCLRTL_WORK_ITEM)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof( CLRTL_WORK_ITEM ) + sizeof( OM_LOG_BUFFER_DESC ));
if ( workQItem != NULL ) { POM_LOG_BUFFER_DESC bufDesc = (POM_LOG_BUFFER_DESC)(workQItem + 1);
bufDesc->TimeBytes = timestampBytes; bufDesc->TimeBuffer = timestampBuffer; bufDesc->MsgBytes = utf8Bytes; bufDesc->MsgBuffer = utf8Buffer;
ClRtlInitializeWorkItem( workQItem, OmpLoggerWorkThread, bufDesc ); status = ClRtlPostItemWorkQueue( OmpLoggerWorkQueue, workQItem, 0, 0 );
} else { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; } // WmiTrace("%!level! %!ARSTR!", *(UCHAR*)&LogLevel, AnsiString.Buffer + timestampBytes);
} else { // WmiTrace("Format returned 0 bytes: %!ARSTR!", FormatString);
status = GetLastError(); }
error_exit: if ( unicodeOutput != NULL ) { LocalFree( unicodeOutput ); }
} // OmpLogPrint
// exported (within OM) functions
VOID OmpOpenObjectLog( VOID )
Routine Description:
Use the clusterlog environment variable to open another file that contains object mgr name to ID mapping info. If the routine fails, the failure is logged in the cluster log but no logging will be done to the object log file.
NOTE: access to the file is synchronized since this routine is assumed to be called only once by OmInit. Arguments:
Return Value:
{ WCHAR logFileBuffer[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR logFileName = NULL; LPWSTR objectLogExtension = L".obj"; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD defaultLogSize = 1; // in MB
DWORD envLength; WCHAR logFileSize[MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH]; DWORD logSize; LPWSTR lpszBakFileName = NULL; DWORD fileSizeHigh = 0; DWORD fileSizeLow; DWORD bytesWritten; PWCHAR dot;
// see if logging has been specified; get a buffer big enough that will
// hold the object log name
envLength = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"ClusterLog", logFileBuffer, sizeof(logFileBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( envLength > (( sizeof(logFileBuffer) + sizeof(objectLogExtension)) / sizeof(WCHAR)) ) { //
// allocate a larger buffer since our static one wasn't big enough
logFileName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, envLength * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if ( logFileName == NULL ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[OM] Unable to get memory for Object log filename buffer\n"); return; }
envLength = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"ClusterLog", logFileName, envLength); if ( envLength == 0 ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[OM] Unable to read ClusterLog environment variable\n");
goto error_exit; } } else if ( envLength != 0 ) { logFileName = logFileBuffer; }
if ( logFileName == NULL ) { //
// logging is turned off or we can't determine where to put the file.
goto error_exit; }
// Try to get a limit on the log file size. This number is the number of
// MB.
envLength = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"ClusterLogSize", logFileSize, sizeof(logFileSize)/sizeof(WCHAR));
if ( envLength != 0 && envLength < MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &logFileString, logFileSize ); status = RtlUnicodeStringToInteger( &logFileString, 10, &logSize ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { OmpLogFileLimit = logSize; } } else { OmpLogFileLimit = defaultLogSize; }
if ( OmpLogFileLimit == 0 ) { goto error_exit; }
// make the file size no bigger than one-eighth the size of the normal log
// file but no less than 256KB
if ( OmpLogFileLimit > MAX_FILE_SIZE ) { OmpLogFileLimit = MAX_FILE_SIZE; } OmpLogFileLimit = ( OmpLogFileLimit * ( 1024 * 1024 )) / 8; if ( OmpLogFileLimit < ( 256 * 1024 )) { OmpLogFileLimit = 256 * 1024; }
// replace the filename with the object log name; deal with the use of
// forward slashes
dot = wcsrchr( logFileName, L'.' );
if ( dot != NULL ) { wcscpy( dot, objectLogExtension ); } else { wcscat( logFileName, objectLogExtension ); }
if ( OmpLogFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { status = GetLastError();
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[OM] Open of object log file failed. Error %1!u!\n", status); goto error_exit; } else {
// write UTF-8 header to beginning of file and get the offset of the
// EOF; we never want to reset the start of the file after this point.
WriteFile( OmpLogFileHandle, UTF8_BOM, sizeof( UTF8_BOM ) - 1, &bytesWritten, NULL );
OmpCurrentSessionOffset = SetFilePointer( OmpLogFileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_END ); if ( OmpCurrentSessionOffset == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[OM] Unable to get object log end of file position. error %1!u!.\n", GetLastError());
CloseHandle( OmpLogFileHandle ); goto error_exit; }
OmpLogToFile = TRUE; OmpProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId();
// determine the initial low water mark. We have 3 cases
// we need to handle:
// 1) log size is less than 1/2 limit
// 2) log size is within limit but more than 1/2 limit
// 3) log size is greater than limit
// case 1 requires nothing special; the low water mark will be updated
// on the next log write.
// for case 2, we need to find the beginning of a line near 1/2 the
// current limit. for case 3, the place to start looking is current
// log size - 1/2 limit. In this case, the log will be truncated
// before the first write occurs, so we need to take the last 1/2
// limit bytes and copy them down to the front.
// For now, set the low water mark to be the current offset. When it
// is time to wrap, we'll lose everything but the current session.
// the problem is that we're dealing with UTF8 and we can't just jump
// in the middle of the file and start looking around (we might hit
// the 2nd byte of a DBCS sequence). For now, we'll leave
// OmpLogFileLoWater set to zero. It will get updated when the 1/2 way
// threshold is crossed.
OmpLogFileLoWater = OmpCurrentSessionOffset; #if 0
fileSizeLow = GetFileSize( OmpLogFileHandle, &fileSizeHigh ); if ( fileSizeLow < ( OmpLogFileLimit / 2 )) { //
// case 1: leave low water at zero; it will be updated with next
// log write
; } else { #define LOGBUF_SIZE 1024
CHAR buffer[LOGBUF_SIZE]; LONG currentPosition; DWORD bytesRead;
if ( fileSizeLow < OmpLogFileLimit ) { //
// case 2; start looking at the 1/2 the current limit to find
// the starting position
currentPosition = OmpLogFileLimit / 2; } else { //
// case 3: start at current size minus 1/2 limit to find our
// starting position.
currentPosition = fileSizeLow - ( OmpLogFileLimit / 2 ); }
// backup from the initial file position, read in a block and look
// for the start of a session. When we find one, backup to the
// beginning of that line. Use that as the initial starting
// position when we finally truncate the file.
OmpLogFileLoWater = 0; currentPosition -= LOGBUF_SIZE;
SetFilePointer(OmpLogFileHandle, currentPosition, &fileSizeHigh, FILE_BEGIN);
do {
if ( ReadFile(OmpLogFileHandle, buffer, LOGBUF_SIZE - 1, &bytesRead, NULL ) ) { PCHAR p = buffer; PCHAR newp;
buffer[ bytesRead ] = NULL; while ( *p != 'S' && bytesRead-- != 0 ) { newp = CharNextExA( CP_UTF8, p, 0 ); if ( newp == p ) { break; } p = newp; }
if ( p != newp ) { if ( strchr( p, "START" )) { //
// set pointer to beginning of line
p = currentLine; break; } } else { //
// not found in this block; read in the next one
} } } while ( TRUE );
if ( *p == '\n' ) { OmpLogFileLoWater = (DWORD)(currentPosition + ( p - buffer + 1 )); }
if ( OmpLogFileLoWater == 0 ) { //
// couldn't find any reasonable data. just set it to
// initial current position.
OmpLogFileLoWater = currentPosition + LOGBUF_SIZE; } } #endif
// finally, create the threadq that will handle the IO to the file
OmpLoggerWorkQueue = ClRtlCreateWorkQueue( 1, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL ); if ( OmpLoggerWorkQueue == NULL ) { CloseHandle( OmpLogFileHandle );
ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[OM] Unable to logger work queue. error %1!u!.\n", GetLastError()); }
error_exit: if ( logFileName != logFileBuffer && logFileName != NULL ) { LocalFree( logFileName ); }
} // OmpOpenObjectLog
VOID OmpLogStartRecord( VOID )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ OSVERSIONINFOEXW version; BOOL success; PWCHAR suiteAbbrev; SYSTEMTIME localTime;
GetLocalTime( &localTime );
version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(version); success = GetVersionExW((POSVERSIONINFOW)&version);
if ( success ) { //
// Log the System version number
if ( version.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER ) { suiteAbbrev = L"DTC"; } else if ( version.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ) { suiteAbbrev = L"ADS"; } else if ( version.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT ) { suiteAbbrev = L"EMB"; } else if ( version.wProductType & VER_NT_WORKSTATION ) { suiteAbbrev = L"WS"; } else if ( version.wProductType & VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER ) { suiteAbbrev = L"DC"; } else if ( version.wProductType & VER_NT_SERVER ) { suiteAbbrev = L"SRV"; // otherwise - some non-descript Server
} else { suiteAbbrev = L""; }
OmpLogPrint(L"START %1!02d!/%2!02d!/%3!02d!-%4!02d!:%5!02d!:%6!02d!.%7!03d! %8!u! %9!u! " L"%10!u! %11!u! %12!u! %13!u! \"%14!ws!\" " L"%15!u! %16!u! %17!04X! (%18!ws!) %19!u!\n", localTime.wYear, localTime.wMonth, localTime.wDay, localTime.wHour, localTime.wMinute, localTime.wSecond, localTime.wMilliseconds, CLUSTER_GET_MAJOR_VERSION( CsMyHighestVersion ), CLUSTER_GET_MINOR_VERSION( CsMyHighestVersion ), version.dwMajorVersion, // param 10
version.dwMinorVersion, version.dwBuildNumber, version.dwPlatformId, version.szCSDVersion, version.wServicePackMajor, // param 15
version.wServicePackMinor, version.wSuiteMask, suiteAbbrev, version.wProductType); }
} // OmpLogStartRecord
VOID OmpLogStopRecord( VOID )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ OmpLogPrint( L"STOP\n" );
} // OmpLogStopRecord
/* end omlog.c */