Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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194 lines
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  1. '*** Window Titles
  2. '***
  3. WT_AboutCA = About CluAdmin
  4. WT_AddUser = Add Users and Groups
  5. WT_ClusAdminMain = Cluster Administrator
  6. WT_ClusAdminFrame = Cluster Administrator
  7. WT_ClusPermission = Cluster Access Permissions
  8. WT_HelpDialog = Help Topics: Microsoft Cluster Administrator Help
  9. WT_HelpError = Windows Help
  10. WT_ModifyPossibleOwners = Modify Possible Owners
  11. WT_ModifyPreferredOwners = Modify Preferred Owners
  12. WT_NewGroup = New Group
  13. WT_NewResource = New Resource
  14. WT_OpenConnection = Open Connection to Cluster
  15. WT_PropertyPage = Properties
  16. WT_SetupDialog = Microsoft Cluster Server Setup
  17. '***
  18. '*** Menu Definitions
  19. '***
  20. '* File Menu General
  21. MF_NewConnect = File\Open Connection...
  22. MF_Close = File\Close
  23. MF_Exit = File\Exit
  24. '* File Menu Cluster
  25. MF_NewGroup = File\New\Group
  26. MF_NewResource = File\New\Resource
  27. MF_Properties = File\Properties
  28. '* File Menu Node
  29. MF_PauseNode = File\Pause Node
  30. MF_ResumeNode = File\Resume Node
  31. MF_EvictNode = File\Evict Node
  32. '* File Menu Group
  33. MF_Online = File\Bring Online
  34. MF_Offline = File\Take Offline
  35. MF_MoveGroup = File\Move Group
  36. MF_Delete = File\Delete
  37. MF_Rename = File\Rename
  38. '* File Menu Resource
  39. MF_Fail = File\Initiate Failure
  40. MF_MoveRes = File\Change Group
  41. '* Edit Menu General
  42. ME_SelectAll = Edit\Select All
  43. ME_Invert = Edit\Invert Selection
  44. '* View Menu General
  45. MV_Details = View\Details
  46. MV_LargeIcons = View\Large Icons
  47. MV_List = View\List
  48. MV_Refresh = View\Refresh
  49. MV_SmallIcons = View\Small Icons
  50. MV_Statusbar = View\Status Bar
  51. MV_Toolbar = View\Toolbar
  52. '* Window Menu General
  53. MW_NewWindow = Window\New Window
  54. MW_Cascade = Window\Cascade
  55. MW_CloseAll = Window\Close All
  56. MW_TileH = Window\Tile Horizontally
  57. MW_TileV = Window\Tile Vertically
  58. '* Help Menu New
  59. MH_HelpTopics = Help\Help Topics
  60. MH_AboutCA = Help\About Cluster Administrator...
  61. '***
  62. '*** Tree View
  63. '***
  64. TV_GROUPS = Groups
  65. TV_NETWORKS = Networks
  66. TV_NETWORK_INTERFACES = Network Interfaces
  67. TV_RESOURCES = Resources
  68. TV_RESTYPES = Resource Types
  69. '***
  70. '*** ListView
  71. '***
  72. LV_Description$ = Description
  73. LV_Group$ = Group
  74. LV_Name$ = Name
  75. LV_Owner$ = Owner
  76. LV_ResourceType$ = Resource Type
  77. LV_State$ = State
  78. '***
  79. '*** Cluster Properties Dialog
  80. '***
  81. CT_ClusGeneralTab = General
  82. CT_ClusQuorumTab = Quorum
  83. '***
  84. '*** Group Properties Dialog
  85. '***
  86. CT_GroupGeneralTab = General
  87. CT_GroupFailbackTab = Failback
  88. CT_GroupFailoverTab = Failover
  89. '***
  90. '*** Resource Properties Dialog
  91. '***
  92. CT_ResourceGeneralTab = General
  93. CT_ResourceDependenciesTab$ = Dependencies
  94. CT_ResourceAdvancedTab$ = Advanced
  95. CT_ResourceParametersTab$ = Parameters
  96. '***
  97. '*** Permissions Access Types
  98. '***
  99. AT_FullControl = Full Control
  100. AT_NoAccess = No Access
  101. '***
  102. '*** Standard Resource Types
  103. '***
  104. RT_FTDiskSet = Fault Tolerant Disk Set
  105. RT_FileShare = File Share
  106. RT_GenApp = Generic Application
  107. RT_GenServ = Generic Service
  108. RT_IIS = IIS Virtual Root
  109. RT_IPAddress = IP Address
  110. RT_NetName = Network Name
  111. RT_PhysDisk = Physical Disk
  112. RT_PrintS = Print Spooler
  113. RT_TimeS = Time Service
  114. '***
  115. '*** Standard Groups
  116. '***
  117. G_Cluster = Cluster Group
  118. G_Disk = Disk Group 1
  119. '***
  120. '*** Standard Resources
  121. '***
  122. R_ClusterIP = Cluster IP Address
  123. R_ClusterName = Cluster Name
  124. R_TimeService = Time Service
  125. '***
  126. '*** States
  127. '***
  128. State_Up = Up
  129. State_Down = Down
  130. State_Paused = Paused
  131. State_Online = Online
  132. State_Offline = Offline
  133. State_OnlinePending = Online Pending
  134. State_OfflinePending = Offline Pending
  135. '***
  136. '*** Path Names
  137. '***
  138. ExeDir = \cluster\
  139. '***
  140. '*** Setup Controls
  141. '***
  142. 'Buttons
  143. BN_Add = Add ->
  144. BN_AdminOnly = Install Cluster Administrator only
  145. BN_Agree = I Agree
  146. BN_Change = Change...
  147. BN_Down = Down
  148. BN_FormCluster = Form a new cluster
  149. BN_JoinCluster = Join an existing cluster
  150. BN_Remove = <- Remove
  151. BN_Up = Up
  152. BN_UseForAll = Use for all communications
  153. BN_UseForClient = Use only for client access
  154. BN_UseForInternal = Use only for internal cluster communications
  155. 'Check boxes
  156. CH_EnableAdapter = Enable for cluster use
  157. 'Command line setup options
  158. CL_AdminOnly = admin
  159. CL_AllComm = all
  160. CL_ClientComm = clients
  161. CL_FormCluster = form
  162. CL_InternalComm = internal
  163. CL_JoinCluster = join
  164. 'Edit Boxes
  165. EB_AdminPath = Directory Name:
  166. 'Static Text
  167. SU_AdapterScan = Setup needs to identify all network resources that are available on this computer. Setup will allow you to specify their usage. Please press Next to scan for all network adapters.
  168. SU_AdapterConfigured = Only a single adapter is configured for internal cluster use. If you have multiple adapters, you may reconfigure them to avoid a single point of failure.
  169. SU_AdminFolder = Cluster Administrator can be run on any Windows NT computer. Setup will install Cluster Administrator in the following folder:
  170. SU_CloseApps = Setup cannot install system files or update shared files if the files are in use. Before continuing, close any open applications.
  171. SU_ClusterNetworks = Networks Available for Internal Cluster Communication
  172. SU_CollectedInfo = Cluster Setup has collected all the necessary information to install the cluster. Click Finish to begin copying files and complete the installation. Click Cancel to quit Setup without installing the software.
  173. SU_ConfigureDisks = Please add the disks you want to share. Remove disks that are not on the shared SCSI bus for the cluster.
  174. SU_ConfirmCancel = Are you sure you want to cancel?
  175. SU_ConfirmSuccess = Microsoft Cluster Server has been successfully installed and started. You can manage your cluster with the Cluster Administrator, located in the Administrative Tools folder.
  176. SU_CreateDirectory = Want to create the Directory
  177. SU_EnterAccount = Enter the account and password that Microsoft Cluster Server should run in.
  178. SU_EnterAddress = Enter the IP address you want to use to administer the cluster. In Network, click the network over which clients will see the cluster.
  179. SU_EnterCluster = Enter the name of the cluster to join or form:
  180. SU_EnterDirectory = Directory Name:
  181. SU_EnterNetwork = Enter the administrative name associated with this network and specify the role it will play in the cluster.
  182. SU_HardwareConfig = Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) is only supported if it is installed on a hardware configuration that has been tested for compatibility with the MSCS Software.
  183. SU_NotServer = You are installing Microsoft Cluster Server on either Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation. Therefore, only the Cluster Administrator will be installed
  184. SU_PreparingCopy = Preparing to copy files
  185. SU_PressAgree = Press "I Agree" to accept these conditions
  186. SU_PrioritizeNetworks = Please prioritize the networks to be used for Internal Cluster Communication. The topmost network in the list has the highest priority.
  187. SU_SecurityPurposes = For security purposes, Microsoft Cluster Server must run in a domain account. This account will be given special security privileges on each cluster node.
  188. SU_SelectOperation = Select the operation to perform:
  189. SU_SelectQuorum = Select the shared disk on which to store permanent cluster files.
  190. SU_SetupFolder = Setup will place the cluster files in this folder:
  191. SU_SharedDisks = Shared cluster disks
  192. SU_UnsharedDisks = Available unshared disks
  193. SU_ValidConfig = A list of all validated hardware configurations can be found on
  194. SU_Welcome = Welcome to the Microsoft Cluster Server installation program.