Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
part of app that runs as an NT service.
Charlie Wickham (charlwi) 03-Oct-1999
Revision History:
#define UNICODE 1
#define _UNICODE 1
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "clusrtl.h"
#include "cluspw.h"
/* External */
/* Static */
SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus = { SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, // dwServiceType
SERVICE_RUNNING, // dwCurrentState
0, // dwControlsAccepted
ERROR_SUCCESS, // dwWin32ExitCode
ERROR_SUCCESS, // dwServiceSpecificExitCode
1, // dwCheckPoint
30000 // dwWaitHint - 30 seconds
/* Forward */ /* End Forward */
VOID DbgPrint( PCHAR FormatString, ... )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ CHAR szOutBuffer[1024]; va_list argList;
va_start( argList, FormatString );
FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, FormatString, 0, 0, szOutBuffer, sizeof(szOutBuffer) / sizeof(szOutBuffer[0]), &argList);
va_end( argList );
OutputDebugStringA( szOutBuffer ); }
VOID WINAPI ControlHandler( DWORD fdwControl // requested control code
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ DbgPrint("Received service control %1!08X!\n", fdwControl); return; }
VOID WINAPI ServiceMain( DWORD argc, LPTSTR argv[] ) { PIPE_RESULT_MSG resultMsg; DWORD nodeNameSize = sizeof( NodeName ); BOOL success; DWORD bytesWritten; WCHAR cluspwFile[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD byteCount; DWORD status; SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE statusHandle;
// Initialize service to receive service requests by registering the
// control handler.
statusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( CLUSPW_SERVICE_NAME, ControlHandler ); if ( statusHandle == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("can't get service status handle - %1!u!\n", status); return; }
SetServiceStatus(statusHandle, &ServiceStatus);
// parse the args used to start the service
status = ParseArgs( argc, argv ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DbgPrint("ParseArgs failed - %1!d!\n", status); goto cleanup; }
// get the node name to stuff in each result msg
#if (_WIN32_WINNT > 0x04FF)
success = GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, NodeName, &nodeNameSize); #else
success = GetComputerName( NodeName, &nodeNameSize ); #endif
if ( !success ) { status = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("GetComputerName failed - %1!d!\n", status ); status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DbgPrint( "Opening pipe %1!ws!\n", ResultPipeName );
// open the named pipe on which to write msgs and final result
success = WaitNamedPipe( ResultPipeName, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER ); if ( success ) { PipeHandle = CreateFile(ResultPipeName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if ( PipeHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { status = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("CreateFile on result pipe failed - %1!d!\n", status ); } } else { status = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("WaitNamedPipe on result pipe failed - %1!d!\n", status ); goto cleanup; }
// update the password cache
wcscpy( resultMsg.NodeName, NodeName ); resultMsg.MsgType = MsgTypeFinalStatus; resultMsg.Status = ChangeCachedPassword(UserName, DomainName, NewPassword);
if ( resultMsg.Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CPW] Cluster service account password successfully updated.\n"); CL_LOGCLUSINFO( SERVICE_PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CPW] Cluster service account password update failed - %u.\n", status);
ClusterLogEvent0(LOG_CRITICAL, LOG_CURRENT_MODULE, __FILE__, __LINE__, SERVICE_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED, sizeof( resultMsg.Status ), (PVOID)&resultMsg.Status); }
DbgPrint("Final Result: %1!d!\n", resultMsg.Status );
success = WriteFile(PipeHandle, &resultMsg, sizeof( resultMsg ), &bytesWritten, NULL); if ( !success ) { DbgPrint("WriteFile failed in wmain - %1!d!\n", GetLastError() ); DbgPrint("final status: %1!d!\n", resultMsg.Status); }
CloseHandle( PipeHandle );
// let SCM know we're shutting down
cleanup: ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = status; SetServiceStatus(statusHandle, &ServiceStatus);
} // ServiceMain
VOID ServiceStartup( VOID )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY dispatchTable[] = { { CLUSPW_SERVICE_NAME, (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION)ServiceMain }, { NULL, NULL } }; DWORD status; DWORD logLevel = 0;
status = ClRtlInitialize( FALSE, &logLevel ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DbgPrint("Couldn't initialize cluster RTL - %d\n", status ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CPW] Initiating cluster service account password update\n"); }
// this part runs on the cluster nodes; validate that we're really
// running in the correct environment
#if 0
byteCount = GetModuleFileName( NULL, cluspwFile, sizeof( cluspwFile )); if ( wcsstr( cluspwFile, L"admin$" ) == NULL ) { DbgPrint("-z is not a valid option\n"); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } #endif
if ( !StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(dispatchTable)) { status = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed - %1!d!\n", status); }
} // ServiceMain
/* end service.c */