// Copyright (C) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
// File: dfssetup.cxx
// Contents: Code to setup Dfs on a machine.
// Note that this code can be built as an exe or as a DLL. To
// switch between the two, simply edit the following fields in
// the sources file:
// UMTYPE=[console | windows]
// Delete the following two lines from sources to build an exe.
// DLLDEF=obj\*\dfssetup.def
// DLLENTRY=_DllMainCRTStartup
// DLLBASE=@$(BASEDIR)\PUBLIC\SDK\LIB\coffbase.txt,dfssetup
// Classes: None
// Functions:
// History: 12-28-95 Milans Created
extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <rpc.h> // For UuidCreate
#include <winldap.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <dfsstr.h>
#include <dfsmsrv.h>
#include <debug.h> // Needed for debug printing
#include <dfsm.hxx> // Needed for volume types
#include <lmerrext.h>
#include "registry.hxx" // Helper functions...
#include "setupsvc.hxx"
#include "config.hxx" // Config UI functions
// Until we get the schema right in the DS, we have to set our own SD on
// certain objects
#include <aclapi.h>
#include <permit.h>
#if DBG == 1
#define dprintf(x) DfsSetupInlineDebugOut x
# else
#define dprintf(x)
extern DWORD RemoveDfs(void);
BOOLEAN DfsCheckForOldDfsService();
BOOLEAN DfsIsDfsServiceRunning();
VOID Usage();
DWORD SetupDfsRoot( LPWSTR wszDfsRootShare);
DWORD SetupFTDfs( IN LPWSTR wszRootShare, IN LPWSTR wszFTDfsName);
DWORD InitializeVolumeObjectStorage();
DWORD CreateVolumeObject( IN LPWSTR wszObjectName, IN LPWSTR pwszEntryPath, IN LPWSTR pwszServer, IN LPWSTR pwszShare, IN LPWSTR pwszComment, OUT GUID *guidVolume);
DWORD CreateFTRootVolumeInfo( LPWSTR wszObjectName, LPWSTR wszFTDfsConfigDN, LPWSTR wszDomainName, LPWSTR wszDfsName, LPWSTR wszServerName, LPWSTR wszShareName, LPWSTR wszSharePath, LPWSTR wszDCName, BOOLEAN fNewFTDfs);
DWORD StoreLvolInfo( IN GUID *pVolumeID, IN PWSTR pwszStorageID, IN PWSTR pwszShareName, IN PWSTR pwszEntryPath, IN ULONG ulVolumeType);
DWORD GetDomainAndComputerName( OUT LPWSTR wszDomain OPTIONAL, OUT LPWSTR wszComputer OPTIONAL);
DWORD GetSharePath( IN LPWSTR wszShareName, OUT LPWSTR wszSharePath);
DWORD TeardownFtDfs( IN LPWSTR wszRootShare, IN LPWSTR wszFTDfsName);
// Function: main
// Synopsis: Entry point in case you want to build this as an exe.
// Configures all Dfs components on a machine.
// Arguments: [argc] --
// [argv] --
// Returns: Nothing
void _cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cbRootLen; BOOL fRootSetup = FALSE; BOOLEAN OldDfsService = FALSE; WCHAR wszDfsRootShare[ MAX_PATH ];
// Figure out the type of machine we are installing on - client or root
if (argc != 1 && argc != 3) { Usage(); return; }
if (argc == 3) {
fRootSetup = TRUE;
if ((dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) && fRootSetup) {
if (_stricmp( argv[1], "-root" ) != 0) {
cbRootLen = strlen(argv[2]);
mbstowcs( wszDfsRootShare, argv[2], cbRootLen + 1 );
dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"Setting up Dfs Root...\n"));
} else {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"Setting up Dfs Server...\n"));
// Configure the Dfs Driver
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = ConfigDfs();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = ConfigDfsService();
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "Win32 error configuring Dfs Service %d\n", dwErr));
} else {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"Successfully configured Dfs...\n") );
} else {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"Error %d configuring Dfs driver!\n", dwErr));
// If this is a root setup, configure the necessary information
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && fRootSetup) {
dwErr = SetupDfsRoot( wszDfsRootShare );
// Function: SetupDfsRoot
// Synopsis: Does necessary setup to make this Dfs a root of the Dfs.
// Arguments: [wszDfsRootShare] -- The share to use as the Dfs root.
// Returns: Win32 error from configuring the root storages etc.
DWORD SetupDfsRoot( LPWSTR wszDfsRootShare) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; GUID guid; WCHAR wszDfsRootPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR wszComputerName[ MAX_NETBIOS_NAME_LEN ]; PWCHAR wszDfsRootPrefix = NULL;
dwErr = GetDomainAndComputerName( NULL, wszComputerName );
// Figure out the share path for the Root Dfs share
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = GetSharePath( wszDfsRootShare, wszDfsRootPath );
// We have all the info we need now. Lets get to work....
// 1. Initialize the volume object section in the registry.
// 2. Initialize (ie, create if necessary) the storage used for the
// Dfs root.
// 3. Create the root volume object.
// 4. Configure the root volume as a local volume by updating the
// LocalVolumes section in the registry.
// Initialize the Dfs Manager Volume Object Store
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = InitializeVolumeObjectStorage();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR, "Setting [%ws] as Dfs storage root...\n", wszDfsRootPath));
dwErr = DfsInitGlobals( wszComputerName, DFS_MANAGER_SERVER );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
wszDfsRootPrefix = new WCHAR[1 + wcslen(wszComputerName) + 1 + wcslen(wszDfsRootShare) + 1];
if (wszDfsRootPrefix == NULL) {
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
wszDfsRootPrefix[0] = UNICODE_PATH_SEP; wcscpy( &wszDfsRootPrefix[1], wszComputerName ); wcscat( wszDfsRootPrefix, UNICODE_PATH_SEP_STR ); wcscat( wszDfsRootPrefix, wszDfsRootShare );
dwErr = CreateVolumeObject( DOMAIN_ROOT_VOL, // Name of volume object
wszDfsRootPrefix, // EntryPath of volume
wszComputerName, // Server name
wszDfsRootShare, // Share name
L"Dfs Root Volume", // Comment
&guid); // Id of created volume
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = StoreLvolInfo( &guid, wszDfsRootPath, wszDfsRootShare, wszDfsRootPrefix, DFS_VOL_TYPE_DFS | DFS_VOL_TYPE_REFERRAL_SVC);
if (wszDfsRootPrefix != NULL) delete [] wszDfsRootPrefix;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DWORD dwErr; CRegKey cregVolumesDir( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &dwErr, VOLUMES_DIR );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
CRegSZ cregRootShare( cregVolumesDir, ROOT_SHARE_VALUE_NAME, wszDfsRootShare );
dwErr = cregRootShare.QueryErrorStatus();
return( dwErr );
// Function: SetupFTDfs
// Synopsis: Main exported function
// Arguments: [argc] --
// [argv] --
// Returns: Nothing
WCHAR wszDomainName[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR wszComputerName[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR wszRootSharePath[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR wszDfsConfigDN[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR wszSDDfsConfigDN[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR wszConfigurationDN[ MAX_PATH+1 ]; WCHAR wszServerShare[MAX_PATH+1];
LDAPModW ldapModClass, ldapModCN, ldapModPkt, ldapModPktGuid, ldapModServer; LDAP_BERVAL ldapPkt, ldapPktGuid; PLDAP_BERVAL rgModPktVals[2]; PLDAP_BERVAL rgModPktGuidVals[2]; LPWSTR rgModClassVals[2]; LPWSTR rgModCNVals[2]; LPWSTR rgModServerVals[5]; LPWSTR rgAttrs[5]; PLDAPModW rgldapMods[6]; BOOLEAN fNewFTDfs;
// We need some information before we start:
// 1. Our Domain name
// 2. Our Computer name
// 3. The share path of wszRootShare
// 4. The DN of the Configuration OU of our domain
dwErr = GetDomainAndComputerName( wszDomainName, wszComputerName );
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "Win32 Error %d getting Domain/Computer name\n", dwErr));
goto Cleanup;
dwErr = GetSharePath( wszRootShare, wszRootSharePath );
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "Win32 Error %d getting share path for %ws\n", dwErr, wszRootShare));
goto Cleanup; }
dwErr = DsGetDcName( NULL, // Computer to remote to
NULL, // Domain - use our own
NULL, // Domain Guid
NULL, // Site Guid
DS_PDC_REQUIRED, &pDCInfo); // Return info
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "DsGetDcName failed with Win32 Error %d\n", dwErr));
goto Cleanup; }
pldap = ldap_initW(&pDCInfo->DomainControllerAddress[2], LDAP_PORT);
if (pldap == NULL) {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR, "ldap_init failed\n"));
goto Cleanup;
dwErr = ldap_set_option(pldap, LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE, LDAP_OPT_ON); if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "ldap_set_option failed with ldap error %d\n", dwErr));
pldap = NULL;
goto Cleanup;
dwErr = ldap_bind_s(pldap, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_SSPI);
if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "ldap_bind_s failed with ldap error %d\n", dwErr));
pldap = NULL;
goto Cleanup;
rgAttrs[0] = L"defaultnamingContext"; rgAttrs[1] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_search_sW( pldap, L"", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", rgAttrs, 0, &pMsg);
if (dwErr == LDAP_SUCCESS) {
PLDAPMessage pEntry = NULL; PWCHAR *rgszNamingContexts = NULL; DWORD i, cNamingContexts; BOOLEAN fFoundCfg;
if ((pEntry = ldap_first_entry(pldap, pMsg)) != NULL && (rgszNamingContexts = ldap_get_valuesW(pldap, pEntry, rgAttrs[0])) != NULL && (cNamingContexts = ldap_count_valuesW(rgszNamingContexts)) > 0) {
wcscpy( wszConfigurationDN, *rgszNamingContexts ); fFoundCfg = TRUE;
if (!fFoundCfg) {
} else {
if (pEntry != NULL) ldap_msgfree( pEntry );
if (rgszNamingContexts != NULL) ldap_value_freeW( rgszNamingContexts );
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR, "Unable to find Configuration naming context\n"));
goto Cleanup;
// Great, we have all the parameters now, so configure the DS
// See if the DfsConfiguration object exists; if not, create it.
wsprintf( wszDfsConfigDN, L"CN=Dfs-Configuration,CN=System,%ws", wszConfigurationDN);
rgAttrs[0] = L"cn"; rgAttrs[1] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_search_sW( pldap, wszDfsConfigDN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", rgAttrs, 0, &pMsg);
if (dwErr == LDAP_SUCCESS) ldap_msgfree( pMsg );
if (dwErr == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
rgModClassVals[0] = L"dfsConfiguration"; rgModClassVals[1] = NULL;
ldapModClass.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; ldapModClass.mod_type = L"objectClass"; ldapModClass.mod_vals.modv_strvals = rgModClassVals;
rgModCNVals[0] = L"Dfs-Configuration"; rgModCNVals[1] = NULL;
ldapModCN.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; ldapModCN.mod_type = L"cn"; ldapModCN.mod_vals.modv_strvals = rgModCNVals;
rgldapMods[0] = &ldapModClass; rgldapMods[1] = &ldapModCN; rgldapMods[2] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_add_sW( pldap, wszDfsConfigDN, rgldapMods);
if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "1:ldap_add_s for %ws failed with LDAP error %d\n", wszDfsConfigDN, dwErr ));
goto Cleanup;
// Check to see if we are joining an FTDfs or creating a new one.
wsprintf( wszDfsConfigDN, L"CN=%ws,CN=Dfs-Configuration,CN=System,%ws", wszFTDfsName, wszConfigurationDN);
wsprintf( wszServerShare, L"\\\\%ws\\%ws", wszComputerName, wszRootShare);
rgAttrs[0] = L"remoteServerName"; rgAttrs[1] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_search_sW( pldap, wszDfsConfigDN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", rgAttrs, 0, &pMsg);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// We are joining an existing FT Dfs. Append our server\share to it
LDAPMessage *pmsgServers; PWCHAR *rgServers, *rgNewServers; DWORD cServers;
fNewFTDfs = FALSE;
pmsgServers = ldap_first_entry(pldap, pMsg);
if (pmsgServers != NULL) {
rgServers = ldap_get_valuesW( pldap, pmsgServers, L"remoteServerName");
if (rgServers != NULL) {
cServers = ldap_count_valuesW( rgServers );
rgNewServers = new LPWSTR [ cServers + 2 ];
if (rgNewServers != NULL) {
CopyMemory( rgNewServers, rgServers, cServers * sizeof(rgServers[0]) );
rgNewServers[cServers] = wszServerShare; rgNewServers[cServers+1] = NULL;
ldapModServer.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; ldapModServer.mod_type = L"remoteServerName"; ldapModServer.mod_vals.modv_strvals = rgNewServers;
rgldapMods[0] = &ldapModServer; rgldapMods[1] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_modify_sW(pldap, wszDfsConfigDN, rgldapMods); if (LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS == dwErr) dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
delete [] rgNewServers;
} else {
ldap_value_freeW( rgServers );
} else {
ldap_msgfree( pmsgServers );
} else {
} else if (dwErr == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
GUID idPkt; DWORD dwPktVersion = 1;
// We are creating a new FTDfs, create a container to hold the Dfs
// configuration for it.
fNewFTDfs = TRUE;
// Generate the class and CN attributes
rgModClassVals[0] = L"ftDfs"; rgModClassVals[1] = NULL;
ldapModClass.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; ldapModClass.mod_type = L"objectClass"; ldapModClass.mod_vals.modv_strvals = rgModClassVals;
rgModCNVals[0] = wszFTDfsName; rgModCNVals[1] = NULL;
ldapModCN.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; ldapModCN.mod_type = L"cn"; ldapModCN.mod_vals.modv_strvals = rgModCNVals;
// Generate the null PKT attribute
ldapPkt.bv_len = sizeof(DWORD); ldapPkt.bv_val = (PCHAR) &dwPktVersion;
rgModPktVals[0] = &ldapPkt; rgModPktVals[1] = NULL;
ldapModPkt.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; ldapModPkt.mod_type = L"pKT"; ldapModPkt.mod_vals.modv_bvals = rgModPktVals;
// Generate a PKT Guid attribute
UuidCreate( &idPkt );
ldapPktGuid.bv_len = sizeof(GUID); ldapPktGuid.bv_val = (PCHAR) &idPkt;
rgModPktGuidVals[0] = &ldapPktGuid; rgModPktGuidVals[1] = NULL;
ldapModPktGuid.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; ldapModPktGuid.mod_type = L"pKTGuid"; ldapModPktGuid.mod_vals.modv_bvals = rgModPktGuidVals;
// Generate a Remote-Server-Name attribute
rgModServerVals[0] = wszServerShare; rgModServerVals[1] = NULL;
ldapModServer.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; ldapModServer.mod_type = L"remoteServerName"; ldapModServer.mod_vals.modv_strvals = rgModServerVals;
// Assemble all the LDAPMod structures
rgldapMods[0] = &ldapModClass; rgldapMods[1] = &ldapModCN; rgldapMods[2] = &ldapModPkt; rgldapMods[3] = &ldapModPktGuid; rgldapMods[4] = &ldapModServer; rgldapMods[5] = NULL;
// Create the Dfs metadata object.
dwErr = ldap_add_sW( pldap, wszDfsConfigDN, rgldapMods );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "2:ldap_add_s worked for %ws with ldap error %d\n", wszDfsConfigDN, dwErr));
if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "2:ldap_add_s failed for %ws with ldap error %d\n", wszDfsConfigDN, dwErr));
goto Cleanup;
// Finally, create the root volume object
dwErr = CreateFTRootVolumeInfo( DOMAIN_ROOT_VOL, wszDfsConfigDN, wszDomainName, wszFTDfsName, wszComputerName, wszRootShare, wszRootSharePath, &pDCInfo->DomainControllerAddress[2], fNewFTDfs);
if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "CreateVolumeObject failed with error %d\n", dwErr));
} else {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "Successfully created FT-Dfs Configuration!\n"));
if (pDCInfo != NULL) NetApiBufferFree( pDCInfo );
if (pldap != NULL) ldap_unbind( pldap );
return( dwErr );
// Function: RemoveDfsRoot
// Synopsis: Removes the Dfs Root config info.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Win32 error from registry actions
DWORD RemoveDfsRoot() { DWORD dwErr; CRegKey cregVolumesDir( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &dwErr, VOLUMES_DIR ); CRegKey *pcregLV = NULL;
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Unable to open volumes dir
return(dwErr); }
pcregLV = new CRegKey( // Open local volumes section
if (pcregLV != NULL) {
dwErr = pcregLV->QueryErrorStatus();
} else {
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = pcregLV->Delete(); // Delete local volumes
delete pcregLV;
pcregLV = NULL;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Recreate an empty local volumes key
cregVolumesDir.Delete(); // Delete volumes dir
if (pcregLV != NULL) {
delete pcregLV;
return( dwErr );
// Function: DfsSetupDfs
// Synopsis: Entry point in case you want to build this as a DLL. This
// function is suitable for being called from a setup .inf
// file.
// Arguments: [cArgs] -- Count of args
// [lpszArgs] -- Array of args
// [lpszTextOut] -- On return, points to a global buffer
// containing the null string. This is required by the
// .inf file
// Returns: TRUE.
LPSTR szReturn = "";
extern "C" BOOL DfsSetupDfs( DWORD cArgs, LPSTR lpszArgs[], LPSTR *lpszTextOut) { int argc; LPSTR *argv;
argv = (LPSTR *) malloc( (cArgs+1) * sizeof(LPSTR) );
if (argv == NULL) { return( FALSE ); }
argv[0] = "DfsSetup"; for (argc = 1; argc <= (int) cArgs; argc++) { argv[ argc ] = lpszArgs[ argc-1 ]; }
main( argc, argv );
free( argv );
*lpszTextOut = szReturn;
return( TRUE );
// Function: DfsSetupDfsRoot
// Synopsis: Entry point for setting up just the root part of Dfs in
// case you want to build this as a DLL. This function is
// suitable for being called from a setup .inf file.
// Arguments: [cArgs] -- Count of args
// [lpszArgs] -- Array of args
// [lpszTextOut] -- On return, points to a global buffer
// containing the null string. This is required by the
// .inf file
// Returns: TRUE.
BOOLEAN DfsSetupDfsRoot( DWORD cArgs, LPSTR szArgs[], LPSTR *szTextOut) {
if (cArgs == 1) {
DWORD dwErr; WCHAR wszDfsRootShare[MAX_PATH];
mbstowcs( wszDfsRootShare, szArgs[0], strlen(szArgs[0]) + 1);
dwErr = SetupDfsRoot( wszDfsRootShare );
*szTextOut = szReturn;
return( TRUE );
// Function: DfsSetupGetConfig
// Synopsis: Reads the current configuration from the registry.
// Arguments: [pcfg] -- The DFS_CONFIGURATION info to fill
// Returns: TRUE if successfully read the config info, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DfsSetupGetConfig( HWND hwnd, DFS_CONFIGURATION *pcfg) { DWORD dwErr; CRegKey cregVolumesDir( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &dwErr, VOLUMES_DIR ); ULONG cbBuffer; WCHAR wszErr[128];
ZeroMemory( pcfg, sizeof(DFS_CONFIGURATION) );
MessageBox( hwnd, L"Insufficient priviledge", DFS_COMPONENT_NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
return( FALSE );
} else if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwErr != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
swprintf(wszErr, L"Unexpected error %08lx accessing registry", dwErr);
MessageBox( hwnd, wszErr, DFS_COMPONENT_NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
return( FALSE );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pcfg->fHostsDfs = TRUE;
CRegSZ cregRootShare( cregVolumesDir, ROOT_SHARE_VALUE_NAME );
dwErr = cregRootShare.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbBuffer = sizeof(pcfg->szRootShare);
dwErr = cregRootShare.GetString( pcfg->szRootShare, &cbBuffer );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
CRegSZ cregFTDfs( cregVolumesDir, FTDFS_VALUE_NAME );
dwErrFTDfs = cregFTDfs.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErrFTDfs == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pcfg->fFTDfs = TRUE;
cbBuffer = sizeof(pcfg->szFTDfs);
dwErr = cregFTDfs.GetString(pcfg->szFTDfs, &cbBuffer);
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
swprintf(wszErr, L"Error %08lx accessing registry", dwErr);
MessageBox( hwnd, wszErr, DFS_COMPONENT_NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
return( FALSE );
return( TRUE );
// Function: DfsSetupConfigure
// Synopsis: Presents the dialog box for configuring the Dfs root.
// Arguments: [cArgs] -- Count of args
// [lpszArgs] -- Array of args
// [lpszTextOut] -- On return, points to a global buffer
// containing the name of the share selected by the
// user to serve as the root of the Dfs. If the user
// hits Cancel, or decides not to setup a Dfs root,
// this string is set to point to the NULL string.
// Returns: TRUE iff machine should be rebooted
LPSTR szCancel = "Cancel"; LPSTR szReboot = "Reboot";
BOOLEAN DfsSetupConfigure( DWORD cArgs, LPSTR szArgs[], LPSTR *szTextOut) { DWORD dwErr = 0; HWND hwnd; DFS_CONFIGURATION dfscfg, dfsNewCfg; CHAR *pchUnused;
*szTextOut = szCancel; // Default return result
ASSERT( cArgs == 1 );
hwnd = (HWND) LongToHandle( strtoul( szArgs[0], &pchUnused, 16 ) );
// Read the current configuration
HCURSOR hCursor=LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_WAIT);
if (!DfsSetupGetConfig( hwnd, &dfscfg )) {
return fRtn;
// Next, pop up a dialog to allow the user to change the configuration
dfsNewCfg = dfscfg;
// Prompt the user for what flavour of Dfs to create
if (ConfigureDfs( hwnd, &dfsNewCfg ) == TRUE) { // Prompt the user for a local machine share
if (ConfigDfsShare(hwnd, &dfsNewCfg) == TRUE) { // Set the Hourglass
if (hCursor) SetCursor(hCursor);
// User hit OK. Figure out what changed, if anything.
if (dfscfg.fHostsDfs == FALSE && dfsNewCfg.fHostsDfs == FALSE) {
// No change...
} else if (dfscfg.fHostsDfs == FALSE && dfsNewCfg.fHostsDfs == TRUE) {
// We want to host a new Dfs, so call SetupDfsRoot or
// SetupFTDfsRoot depending on what kind of Dfs Host the user
// wants to setup
if (dfsNewCfg.fFTDfs) { dwErr = SetupFTDfs( dfsNewCfg.szRootShare, dfsNewCfg.szFTDfs ); } else { dwErr = SetupDfsRoot( dfsNewCfg.szRootShare ); }
*szTextOut = szReboot; if (dwErr == 0) { CRegKey RebootKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REBOOT_KEY, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, REG_OPTION_VOLATILE); dwErr = RebootKey.QueryErrorStatus(); if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsStopHosting could not add reboot key\n")); } else { CRegDWORD rvReboot((const CRegKey &) RebootKey, REG_VALUE_REBOOT, 1); dwErr = rvReboot.QueryErrorStatus(); } }
} else if (dfscfg.fHostsDfs == TRUE && dfsNewCfg.fHostsDfs == FALSE) {
// We want to delete our Dfs root
if (MessageBox( hwnd, L"Are you sure you want to delete the Dfs\n" L"rooted at this machine?", DFS_COMPONENT_NAME, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
dwErr = RemoveDfsRoot();
*szTextOut = dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ? szReboot : szCancel;
if (dwErr == 0) { CRegKey RebootKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REBOOT_KEY, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, REG_OPTION_VOLATILE); dwErr = RebootKey.QueryErrorStatus(); if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsStopHosting could not add reboot key\n")); } else { CRegDWORD rvReboot((const CRegKey &) RebootKey, REG_VALUE_REBOOT, 1); dwErr = rvReboot.QueryErrorStatus(); } } }
} else if (dfscfg.fHostsDfs == TRUE && dfsNewCfg.fHostsDfs == TRUE) {
// User might have changed the root share, or simply changed
// status with respect to FTDfs
if ((_wcsicmp( dfscfg.szRootShare, dfsNewCfg.szRootShare )) != 0 || dfscfg.fFTDfs != dfsNewCfg.fFTDfs) {
dwErr = RemoveDfsRoot();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (dfsNewCfg.fFTDfs) {
dwErr = SetupFTDfs( dfsNewCfg.szRootShare, dfsNewCfg.szFTDfs);
} else {
dwErr = SetupDfsRoot( dfsNewCfg.szRootShare );
*szTextOut = szReboot;
if (dwErr == 0) { CRegKey RebootKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REBOOT_KEY, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, REG_OPTION_VOLATILE); dwErr = RebootKey.QueryErrorStatus(); if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsStopHosting could not add reboot key\n")); } else { CRegDWORD rvReboot((const CRegKey &) RebootKey, REG_VALUE_REBOOT, 1); dwErr = rvReboot.QueryErrorStatus(); } }
// Raid: 455295 Put in code to handle FTDfs name change
// Only request a reboot if everything has gone fine so far.
// MariusB and JonN 8/20/97
if (!dwErr) fRtn=TRUE; } }
return fRtn; }
// Function: Usage
// Synopsis: Prints out the usage message in case you want to build this
// as an .exe
// Arguments:
// Returns:
VOID Usage() {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"Usage: dfssetup -root <path name> -share <root share>\n")); dprintf((DEB_ERROR," <path name> is the name of an empty directory to use\n")); dprintf((DEB_ERROR," as the root storage for Dfs\n")); dprintf((DEB_ERROR," <root share> is the share name to access <path name>\n"));
// Function: InitializeVolumeObjectStorage
// Synopsis: Initializes the Dfs Manager Volume Object store.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: DWORD from registry operations.
DWORD InitializeVolumeObjectStorage() { DWORD dwErr; CRegKey *pcregVolumeObjectStore = NULL;
pcregVolumeObjectStore = new CRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VOLUMES_DIR );
if (pcregVolumeObjectStore != NULL) {
dwErr = pcregVolumeObjectStore->QueryErrorStatus();
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
dwErr = pcregVolumeObjectStore->Delete();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
delete pcregVolumeObjectStore;
pcregVolumeObjectStore = new CRegKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VOLUMES_DIR );
if (pcregVolumeObjectStore != NULL) {
dwErr = pcregVolumeObjectStore->QueryErrorStatus();
} else {
} else {
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"Successfully inited Dfs Manager Volume Storage...\n"));
if (pcregVolumeObjectStore != NULL) {
delete pcregVolumeObjectStore;
// Function: CreateVolumeObject
// Synopsis: Creates a volume object to bootstrap the Dfs namespace.
// Arguments: [pwszObjectName] -- The name of the volume object, relative
// [pwszEntryPath] -- EntryPath of the volume.
// [pwszServer] -- Name of server used to access this Dfs volume
// [pwszShare] -- Name of share used to access this Dfs volume
// [pwszComment] -- Comment to stamp on the volume object.
// [guidVolume] -- ID of newly create dfs volume
// Returns:
DWORD CreateVolumeObject( LPWSTR wszObjectName, LPWSTR pwszEntryPath, LPWSTR pwszServer, LPWSTR pwszShare, LPWSTR pwszComment, GUID *guidVolume) { DWORD dwErr; WCHAR wszFullObject[ MAX_PATH ];
// First, compute the full object name, storage ids, and machine name.
wcscpy( wszFullObject, VOLUMES_DIR ); wcscat( wszFullObject, wszObjectName );
// Next, get a guid for this volume
UuidCreate( guidVolume );
// Lastly, create this volume object
dwErr = DfsManagerCreateVolumeObject( wszFullObject, pwszEntryPath, pwszServer, pwszShare, pwszComment, guidVolume);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"Successfully inited Dfs Manager Volume [%ws]...\n", pwszEntryPath));
// Function: CreateFTRootVolumeInfo
// Synopsis: Creates a Dfs volume object - used to bootstrap a Dfs by
// creating a root volume object
// Arguments: [wszObjectName] -- Name of volume object
// [wszFTDfsConfigDN] -- The DN of the FTDfs config object in DS
// [wszDomainName] -- Name of FTDfs domain
// [wszDfsName] -- Name of Dfs
// [wszServerName] -- Name of root server
// [wszShareName] -- Name of root share
// [wszDCName] -- DC to use
// [fNewFTDfs] -- If true, this is a new FTDfs
// Returns:
DWORD CreateFTRootVolumeInfo( LPWSTR wszObjectName, LPWSTR wszFTDfsConfigDN, LPWSTR wszDomainName, LPWSTR wszDfsName, LPWSTR wszServerName, LPWSTR wszShareName, LPWSTR wszSharePath, LPWSTR wszDCName, BOOLEAN fNewFTDfs) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR wszFullObjectName[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR wszDfsPrefix[ MAX_PATH ]; GUID idVolume; static BOOLEAN fInited = FALSE;
wcscpy( wszDfsPrefix, UNICODE_PATH_SEP_STR ); wcscat( wszDfsPrefix, wszDomainName ); wcscat( wszDfsPrefix, UNICODE_PATH_SEP_STR ); wcscat( wszDfsPrefix, wszDfsName );
wcscpy( wszFullObjectName, LDAP_VOLUMES_DIR ); wcscat( wszFullObjectName, wszObjectName );
if (!fInited) {
// Create the volumes dir key that indicates that this machine is to
// be a root of an FTDfs
dwErr = cregVolumesDir.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
CRegSZ cregRootShare( cregVolumesDir, ROOT_SHARE_VALUE_NAME, wszShareName );
dwErr = cregRootShare.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
CRegSZ cregFTDfs( cregVolumesDir, FTDFS_VALUE_NAME, wszDfsName);
CRegSZ cregFTDfsConfigDN( cregVolumesDir, FTDFS_DN_VALUE_NAME, wszFTDfsConfigDN);
dwErr = cregFTDfs.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = cregFTDfsConfigDN.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) cregFTDfs.Delete();
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = DfsInitGlobals( wszDfsName, DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) fInited = TRUE;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (fNewFTDfs) {
// Generate a Guid for the new Volume
UuidCreate( &idVolume );
dwErr = DfsManagerCreateVolumeObject( wszFullObjectName, wszDfsPrefix, wszServerName, wszShareName, L"Root Volume", &idVolume);
} else {
dwErr = DfsManagerAddService( wszFullObjectName, wszServerName, wszShareName, &idVolume);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = StoreLvolInfo( &idVolume, wszSharePath, wszShareName, wszDfsPrefix, DFS_VOL_TYPE_DFS | DFS_VOL_TYPE_REFERRAL_SVC);
return( dwErr ); }
// Function: StoreLvolInfo
// Synopsis: Stores information about a local volume in the registry.
// Arguments: [pVolumeID] -- Id of dfs volume
// [pwszStorageId] -- Storage used by dfs volume
// [pwszShareName] -- LM Share used to access dfs volume
// [pwszEntryPath] -- EntryPath of dfs volume
// [ulVolumeType] -- Type of dfs volume. See DFS_VOL_TYPE_xxx
// Returns: DWORD from registry operations.
extern VOID GuidToString( IN GUID *pID, OUT PWSTR pwszID);
DWORD StoreLvolInfo( IN GUID *pVolumeID, IN PWSTR pwszStorageID, IN PWSTR pwszShareName, IN PWSTR pwszEntryPath, IN ULONG ulVolumeType) { DWORD dwErr; WCHAR wszLvolKey[_MAX_PATH]; UNICODE_STRING ustrNtStorageId; PWCHAR pwcGuid;
wcscpy(wszLvolKey, REG_KEY_LOCAL_VOLUMES); wcscat(wszLvolKey, UNICODE_PATH_SEP_STR); pwcGuid = wszLvolKey + wcslen(wszLvolKey); ASSERT( *pwcGuid == UNICODE_NULL );
GuidToString( pVolumeID, pwcGuid );
if (!RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U( pwszStorageID, &ustrNtStorageId, NULL, NULL)) {
} else {
ustrNtStorageId.Buffer[ustrNtStorageId.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL;
dwErr = rkeyLvol.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RtlFreeUnicodeString(&ustrNtStorageId); return(dwErr); }
CRegSZ rvEntryPath((const CRegKey &) rkeyLvol, REG_VALUE_ENTRY_PATH, pwszEntryPath);
CRegSZ rvShortEntryPath((const CRegKey &) rkeyLvol, REG_VALUE_SHORT_PATH, pwszEntryPath);
CRegDWORD rvEntryType((const CRegKey &) rkeyLvol, REG_VALUE_ENTRY_TYPE, ulVolumeType);
CRegSZ rvStorageId((const CRegKey &) rkeyLvol, REG_VALUE_STORAGE_ID, ustrNtStorageId.Buffer);
CRegSZ rvShareName((const CRegKey &) rkeyLvol, REG_VALUE_SHARE_NAME, pwszShareName);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwErr = rvEntryPath.QueryErrorStatus()) || ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwErr = rvShortEntryPath.QueryErrorStatus()) || ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwErr = rvEntryType.QueryErrorStatus()) || ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwErr = rvStorageId.QueryErrorStatus()) || ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwErr = rvShareName.QueryErrorStatus())) {
rkeyLvol.Delete(); } else {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"Successfully stored local volume info for [%ws]\n", pwszEntryPath)); }
// Function: CheckForOldDfsService
// Synopsis:
// Effects: -none-
// Arguments: -none-
// Returns: TRUE if the old (pre -ds build) dfs service is installed
// History: 10-09-96 JimMcN Created
// Notes:
BOOLEAN DfsCheckForOldDfsService( ) { DWORD dwErr = 0; DWORD DfsVersion;
// Open Service Controller
CService cSvc;
if (!(dwErr = cSvc.Init())) {
dwErr = cSvc._OpenService(L"Dfs", SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); cSvc._CloseService();
if (dwErr != 0) { return(FALSE); }
CRegKey cregDfsService( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &dwErr, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Dfs" );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CRegDWORD DfsNewService((const CRegKey &)cregDfsService, L"DfsVersion", &DfsVersion);
dwErr = DfsNewService.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr != 0) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"CheckForOldDfsService Failed Newserv\n")); return(TRUE); }
if (DfsVersion < DFS_VERSION_NUMBER) { return(TRUE); }
return(FALSE); } return FALSE ; }
// Function: GetDomainAndComputerName
// Synopsis: Retrieves the domain and computer name of the local machine
// Arguments: [wszDomain] -- On successful return, contains name of domain.
// If this parameter is NULL on entry, the domain name is
// not returned.
// [wszComputer] -- On successful return, contains name of
// computer. If this parameter is NULL on entry, the
// computer name is not returned.
// Returns: [ERROR_SUCCESS] -- Successfully returning names.
// Win32 Error from calling NetWkstaGetInfo
DWORD GetDomainAndComputerName( OUT LPWSTR wszDomain OPTIONAL, OUT LPWSTR wszComputer OPTIONAL) {
DWORD dwErr; PWKSTA_INFO_100 wkstaInfo = NULL;
dwErr = NetWkstaGetInfo( NULL, 100, (LPBYTE *) &wkstaInfo );
if (dwErr == NERR_Success) {
if (wszDomain) wcscpy(wszDomain, wkstaInfo->wki100_langroup);
if (wszComputer) wcscpy(wszComputer, wkstaInfo->wki100_computername);
NetApiBufferFree( wkstaInfo );
return( dwErr );
// Function: GetSharePath
// Synopsis: Returns the share path for a share on the local machine
// Arguments: [wszShare] -- Name of share
// [wszPath] -- On return, share path of wszShare
// Returns: [ERROR_SUCCESS] -- Successfully returning share path
// Win32 error from NetShareGetInfo
DWORD GetSharePath( IN LPWSTR wszShare, OUT LPWSTR wszPath) { DWORD dwErr; PSHARE_INFO_2 pshi2;
dwErr = NetShareGetInfo( NULL, // Server (local machine)
wszShare, // Share Name
2, // Level,
(LPBYTE *) &pshi2); // Buffer
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
wcscpy( wszPath, pshi2->shi2_path );
NetApiBufferFree( pshi2 ); }
return( dwErr );
// Function: DfsIsServiceRunning
// Synopsis: Check for active dfs servvice..
// Arguments:
// Returns: [TRUE] -- if dfs service is active.
// FALSE otherwise.
BOOLEAN DfsIsDfsServiceRunning()
{ DWORD dwErr; CService cSvc;
if (!(dwErr = cSvc.Init())) { dwErr = cSvc._OpenService(L"Dfs", SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); cSvc._CloseService(); return(dwErr == 0);
} return(FALSE); }
// Function: DfsGetDfsName
// Synopsis: Returns the share for a local dfs
// Arguments: [DfsRootShare] -- Name of share
// Returns: [TRUE] -- Successfully returning share path
// FALSE otherwise.
{ DWORD dwErr; ULONG SaveLength = *Length; // CService cSvc;
*IsFtDfs = FALSE;
#if 0
if (!(dwErr = cSvc.Init())) {
dwErr = cSvc._OpenService(L"Dfs", SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); cSvc._CloseService();
if (dwErr != 0) { return(FALSE); }
} #endif
if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsGetDfsName Failed to open VOLUMES_DIR\n")); return(FALSE); }
CRegSZ RootShare((const CRegKey &)VolKey, ROOT_SHARE_VALUE_NAME);
dwErr = RootShare.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsGetDfsName Failed to get root share name\n")); return(FALSE); }
dwErr = RootShare.GetString(DfsRootShare, Length);
if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsGetDfsName Failed to get root share val\n")); return(FALSE); }
CRegSZ FtDfs((const CRegKey &)VolKey, FTDFS_VALUE_NAME);
dwErr = FtDfs.QueryErrorStatus();
dwErr = FtDfs.GetString(wc, &ul); *IsFtDfs = (dwErr == 0); if (*IsFtDfs) { memset(DfsRootShare, 0, SaveLength); memcpy(DfsRootShare, wc, ul); *Length=ul; } dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsGetDfsName is %s FTDFS\n", *IsFtDfs?"":"NOT")); return(TRUE); }
// Function: DfsNeedReboot
// Synopsis: Returns true if reboot is required for completing configuration.
// Arguments:
// Returns: [TRUE] -- Reboot Needed.
// FALSE otherwise.
BOOLEAN DfsNeedReboot() {
DWORD dwErr; DWORD RebootDW = 20; WCHAR buffer[20]; CRegKey RebootKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &dwErr, REBOOT_KEY, KEY_READ);
if (dwErr = RebootKey.QueryErrorStatus()) { return(FALSE); }
CRegSZ RebootVal((const CRegKey &)RebootKey, REG_VALUE_REBOOT);
dwErr = RebootVal.QueryErrorStatus(); DWORD GetString( LPWSTR pwszData, ULONG *pcbData);
dwErr = RebootVal.GetString(buffer, &RebootDW); dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsNeedReboot is %s Needed\n", dwErr == 0?"":"NOT"));
return(dwErr == 0);
// Function: DfsStopHostingDfs
// Synopsis: Remove this machine from a machine/ft dfs.
// Arguments:
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if no error
// setup error otherwise.
DWORD DfsStopHostingDfs() { DWORD dwErr = 0; BOOLEAN ftDfs = FALSE; ULONG ul = MAX_PATH;
WCHAR FtDfsName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR DfsRootShare[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszFullObjectName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszDomainName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszComputerName[MAX_PATH];
if (DfsGetDfsName(FtDfsName, &ul, &ftDfs)) { if (ftDfs) {
wcscpy( wszFullObjectName, LDAP_VOLUMES_DIR ); wcscat( wszFullObjectName, DOMAIN_ROOT_VOL );
dwErr = DfsInitGlobals( FtDfsName, DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS);
if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsStopHostingDfs init globals fail.\n")); return(dwErr); }
if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsGetDfsName Failed to open VOLUMES_DIR\n")); return(dwErr); }
CRegSZ RootShare((const CRegKey &)VolKey, ROOT_SHARE_VALUE_NAME);
dwErr = RootShare.QueryErrorStatus();
if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsGetDfsName Failed to get root share name\n")); return(dwErr); }
ul = MAX_PATH; dwErr = RootShare.GetString(DfsRootShare, &ul);
if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsGetDfsName Failed to get root share val\n")); return(dwErr); }
dwErr = GetDomainAndComputerName( wszDomainName, wszComputerName ); if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsGetDfsName Failed computer name\n")); return(dwErr); }
dwErr = DfsManagerRemoveService(wszFullObjectName, wszComputerName); if (dwErr && dwErr != NERR_DfsCantRemoveLastServerShare) { return(dwErr); } dwErr = TeardownFtDfs(DfsRootShare, FtDfsName); } if (dwErr) return(dwErr);
dwErr = RemoveDfsRoot();
if (dwErr == 0) { CRegKey RebootKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REBOOT_KEY, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, REG_OPTION_VOLATILE); dwErr = RebootKey.QueryErrorStatus(); if (dwErr) { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsStopHosting could not add reboot key\n")); } else { CRegDWORD rvReboot((const CRegKey &) RebootKey, REG_VALUE_REBOOT, 1); dwErr = rvReboot.QueryErrorStatus(); } } else { dprintf((DEB_ERROR,"DfsStopHosting Dfs Failed to remove dfs root\n")); }
// Function: TeardownFtDfs
// Synopsis: Removes FtDfs information from the ds.
// Arguments: wszRootShare the share hosting the dfs.
// wszFTDfsName the name of the FtDfs to remove from the ds.
// Returns: Nothing
DWORD TeardownFtDfs( IN LPWSTR wszRootShare, IN LPWSTR wszFTDfsName) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
DWORD i, j; WCHAR wszDomainName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszComputerName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszRootSharePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszConfigurationDN[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR wszDfsConfigDN[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR wszServerShare[MAX_PATH];
LDAPModW ldapModClass, ldapModCN, ldapModPkt, ldapModPktGuid, ldapModServer; LDAP_BERVAL ldapPkt, ldapPktGuid; PLDAP_BERVAL rgModPktVals[2]; PLDAP_BERVAL rgModPktGuidVals[2]; LPWSTR rgModClassVals[2]; LPWSTR rgModCNVals[2]; LPWSTR rgModServerVals[5]; LPWSTR rgAttrs[5]; PLDAPModW rgldapMods[6]; BOOLEAN fNewFTDfs;
// We need some information before we start:
// 1. Our Domain name
// 2. Our Computer name
// 3. The share path of wszRootShare
// 4. The DN of the Configuration OU of our domain
dwErr = GetDomainAndComputerName( wszDomainName, wszComputerName );
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "Win32 Error %d getting Domain/Computer name\n", dwErr));
goto Cleanup;
dwErr = GetSharePath( wszRootShare, wszRootSharePath );
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "Win32 Error %d getting share path for %ws\n", dwErr, wszRootShare));
goto Cleanup; }
dwErr = DsGetDcName( NULL, // Computer to remote to
NULL, // Domain - use our own
NULL, // Domain Guid
NULL, // Site Guid
DS_PDC_REQUIRED, &pDCInfo); // Return info
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "DsGetDcName failed with Win32 Error %d\n", dwErr));
goto Cleanup; }
pldap = ldap_initW(&pDCInfo->DomainControllerAddress[2], LDAP_PORT);
if (pldap == NULL) {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR, "ldap_init failed\n"));
goto Cleanup;
dwErr = ldap_set_option(pldap, LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE, LDAP_OPT_ON); if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "ldap_set_option failed with ldap error %d\n", dwErr));
pldap = NULL;
goto Cleanup;
dwErr = ldap_bind_s(pldap, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_SSPI);
if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "ldap_bind_s failed with ldap error %d\n", dwErr));
pldap = NULL;
goto Cleanup;
rgAttrs[0] = L"defaultnamingContext"; rgAttrs[1] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_search_sW( pldap, L"", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", rgAttrs, 0, &pMsg);
if (dwErr == LDAP_SUCCESS) {
PLDAPMessage pEntry = NULL; PWCHAR *rgszNamingContexts = NULL; DWORD i, cNamingContexts; BOOLEAN fFoundCfg;
if ((pEntry = ldap_first_entry(pldap, pMsg)) != NULL && (rgszNamingContexts = ldap_get_valuesW(pldap, pEntry, rgAttrs[0])) != NULL && (cNamingContexts = ldap_count_valuesW(rgszNamingContexts)) > 0) {
wcscpy( wszConfigurationDN, *rgszNamingContexts ); fFoundCfg = TRUE;
if (!fFoundCfg) {
} else {
if (rgszNamingContexts != NULL) ldap_value_freeW( rgszNamingContexts );
ldap_msgfree( pMsg ); }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dprintf((DEB_ERROR, "TD:Unable to find Configuration naming context\n"));
goto Cleanup;
// Great, we have all the parameters now, so configure the DS
// See if the DfsConfiguration object exists; if not, create it.
wsprintf( wszDfsConfigDN, L"CN=Dfs-Configuration,CN=System,%ws", wszConfigurationDN);
rgAttrs[0] = L"cn"; rgAttrs[1] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_search_sW( pldap, wszDfsConfigDN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", rgAttrs, 0, &pMsg);
if (dwErr == LDAP_SUCCESS) ldap_msgfree( pMsg );
if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "3: ldap_search_sW for %ws failed with LDAP error %d\n", wszDfsConfigDN, dwErr ));
goto Cleanup;
// Check to see if we are joining an FTDfs or creating a new one.
wsprintf( wszDfsConfigDN, L"CN=%ws,CN=Dfs-Configuration,CN=System,%ws", wszFTDfsName, wszConfigurationDN);
wsprintf( wszServerShare, L"\\\\%ws\\%ws", wszComputerName, wszRootShare);
rgAttrs[0] = L"remoteServerName"; rgAttrs[1] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_search_sW( pldap, wszDfsConfigDN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", rgAttrs, 0, &pMsg);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// We found a Dfs object to modify/delete
LDAPMessage *pmsgServers; PWCHAR *rgServers, *rgNewServers; DWORD cServers;
fNewFTDfs = FALSE;
pmsgServers = ldap_first_entry(pldap, pMsg);
if (pmsgServers != NULL) {
rgServers = ldap_get_valuesW( pldap, pmsgServers, L"remoteServerName");
if (rgServers != NULL) {
cServers = ldap_count_valuesW( rgServers );
rgNewServers = new LPWSTR [ cServers + 1 ];
if (rgNewServers != NULL) { for (i = j = 0; i < cServers; i += 1) { if (wcscmp(wszServerShare, rgServers[i]) == 0) { continue; } rgNewServers[j++] = rgServers[i]; } rgNewServers[j] = NULL; if (j) { ldapModServer.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; ldapModServer.mod_type = L"remoteServerName"; ldapModServer.mod_vals.modv_strvals = rgNewServers;
rgldapMods[0] = &ldapModServer; rgldapMods[1] = NULL;
dwErr = ldap_modify_sW(pldap, wszDfsConfigDN, rgldapMods); } else {
// Delete the Dfs metadata object.
dwErr = ldap_delete_sW( pldap, wszDfsConfigDN);
delete [] rgNewServers;
} else {
ldap_value_freeW( rgServers );
} else {
} else {
ldap_msgfree( pMsg ); } if (dwErr != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
dprintf(( DEB_ERROR, "4: ldap_modify_s/ldap_delete_s failed for %ws with ldap error %d\n", wszDfsConfigDN, dwErr));
goto Cleanup;
if (pDCInfo != NULL) NetApiBufferFree( pDCInfo );
if (pldap != NULL) ldap_unbind( pldap );
return( dwErr );