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#ifndef _FSAPOST_
#define _FSAPOST_
� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This class contains represents a post it - a unit of work that is exchanged between the FSA and the HSM engine.
Cat Brant [cbrant] 1-Apr-1997
Revision History:
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "job.h"
#include "fsa.h"
#include "fsaprv.h"
Class Name: CFsaScanItem
Class Description:
class CFsaPostIt : public CWsbObject, public IFsaPostIt, public CComCoClass<CFsaPostIt,&CLSID_CFsaPostIt> { public: CFsaPostIt() {} BEGIN_COM_MAP(CFsaPostIt) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IFsaPostIt) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWsbCollectable) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWsbPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWsbTestable) END_COM_MAP()
// CComObjectRoot
public: STDMETHOD(FinalConstruct)(void); void FinalRelease(void);
// IPersist
public: STDMETHOD(GetClassID)(LPCLSID pClsid);
// IPersistStream
public: STDMETHOD(GetSizeMax)(ULARGE_INTEGER* pSize); STDMETHOD(Load)(IStream* pStream); STDMETHOD(Save)(IStream* pStream, BOOL clearDirty);
// IWsbCollectable
public: STDMETHOD(CompareTo)(IUnknown* pUnknown, SHORT* pResult); WSB_FROM_CWSBOBJECT;
// IWsbTestable
STDMETHOD(Test)(USHORT *passed, USHORT* failed);
// IFsaPostItPriv
// IFsaPostIt
public: STDMETHOD(CompareToIPostIt)(IFsaPostIt* pPostIt, SHORT* pResult);
STDMETHOD(GetFileVersionId)(LONGLONG *pFileVersionId); STDMETHOD(GetFilterRecall)(IFsaFilterRecall** ppRecall); STDMETHOD(GetMode)(ULONG *pMode); STDMETHOD(GetPath)(OLECHAR ** pPath, ULONG bufferSize); STDMETHOD(GetPlaceholder)(FSA_PLACEHOLDER *pPlaceholder); STDMETHOD(GetRequestAction)(FSA_REQUEST_ACTION *pRequestAction); STDMETHOD(GetRequestOffset)(LONGLONG *pRequestOffset); STDMETHOD(GetRequestSize)(LONGLONG *pRequestSize); STDMETHOD(GetResult)(HRESULT *pHr); STDMETHOD(GetResultAction)(FSA_RESULT_ACTION *pResultAction); STDMETHOD(GetSession)(IHsmSession **pSession); STDMETHOD(GetStoragePoolId)(GUID *pStoragePoolId); STDMETHOD(GetUSN)(LONGLONG *pUsn); STDMETHOD(GetThreadId)(DWORD *threadId);
STDMETHOD(SetFileVersionId)(LONGLONG fileVersionId); STDMETHOD(SetFilterRecall)(IFsaFilterRecall* pRecall); STDMETHOD(SetMode)(ULONG mode); STDMETHOD(SetPath)(OLECHAR * path); STDMETHOD(SetPlaceholder)(FSA_PLACEHOLDER *pPlaceholder); STDMETHOD(SetRequestAction)(FSA_REQUEST_ACTION requestAction); STDMETHOD(SetRequestOffset)(LONGLONG requestOffset); STDMETHOD(SetRequestSize)(LONGLONG requestSize); STDMETHOD(SetResult)(HRESULT hr); STDMETHOD(SetResultAction)(FSA_RESULT_ACTION pResultAction); STDMETHOD(SetSession)(IHsmSession *pSession); STDMETHOD(SetStoragePoolId)(GUID storagePoolId); STDMETHOD(SetUSN)(LONGLONG usn); STDMETHOD(SetThreadId)(DWORD threadId);
protected: CComPtr<IFsaFilterRecall> m_pFilterRecall; // FSA filter recall that is tracking this recall
CComPtr<IHsmSession> m_pSession; // HSM session that generated the PostIt
GUID m_storagePoolId; // Storage pool to receive data (manage only)
ULONG m_mode; // File open mode (filter recall only)
FSA_REQUEST_ACTION m_requestAction; // Action for engine to take
FSA_RESULT_ACTION m_resultAction; // Action for FSA to take when engine is done
LONGLONG m_fileVersionId; // Version of the file (manage and recall)
LONGLONG m_requestOffset; // The starting offset of the section to be managed (manage and recall)
LONGLONG m_requestSize; // The length of the section to be managed (manage and recall)
FSA_PLACEHOLDER m_placeholder; // File placeholder information
CWsbStringPtr m_path; // Path of file name from root of resource, callee must free this memory
HRESULT m_hr; // Result of the FSA_REQUEST_ACTION
LONGLONG m_usn; // USN of the file
DWORD m_threadId; // id of thread causing recall
#endif // _FSAPOST_